Metagame np: Stage 1 - Building Steam With a Grain of Salt (Throh and Sneasel BANNED, read post #143)

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fast thoughts post bans so...ok after this I think the tier should more fine and enjoyable than before, Kecleon and Tauros in my opinion were the only ones that could've keep the tier in a meh position, for the reasons that got posted already in this topic and in the voting results one, but now that they are gone there shouldn't be broken or unhealty pokemon in PU anymore. Only thing I wanted to appoint and highlight is the fact that before every team ran Poliwrath to counter a lot of threats in PU like Sneasel, Pawniard, Carracosta and strong physical attackers in general, it will probably be the same since Poli is a bless for the tier and just helps against everything relatively dangerous so I'd suggest to not suspect it in the case it gets considered for it. Of course we still have to play it out so don't take these words as pure truth since I don't perfectly know how the tier will evolve at this stage.
I have a few mons in mind that I would like suspected but I'll withhold for now until the meta settles a bit. Definitely not as clear cut as bull and kek though that was literally the most overwhelming vote we've ever had. Anyway I don't think "x mon checks a ton of dangerous threats" should be a reason to not suspect it, if the other things start becoming broken simply because x leaves then we simply ban them as well.

Anyway my first thoughts: Ursaring is a mon I'm really looking forward to use. Quick Feet Ursa is now our fastest Normal-type that isn't weak and has the coverage to beat whatever tries to switch in. I also look forward to not being forced to use Missy on nearly every team just to check Tauros, so I expect stuff like CM Blimp, Dusknoir and Haunter to become more common (they sound like pretty good mons too)
K so im a big fan of Crocanaw and the reason i get so much crap for using it is because well Poliwrath is a thing... The most common EV spreads i see are around that is that 196HP range and either no defenses or full defense on Poliwrath.. With that being said a little interesting calc

+2 252+ Atk Sheer Force Croconaw Body Slam vs. 196 HP / 0 Def Poliwrath: 200-236 (54 - 63.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Open to any criticism and or thoughts :]
K so im a big fan of Crocanaw and the reason i get so much crap for using it is because well Poliwrath is a thing... The most common EV spreads i see are around that is that 196HP range and either no defenses or full defense on Poliwrath.. With that being said a little interesting calc

+2 252+ Atk Sheer Force Croconaw Body Slam vs. 196 HP / 0 Def Poliwrath: 200-236 (54 - 63.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Open to any criticism and or thoughts :]

Calculate the other side of the equation first before posting a calc like this. Poliwrath that run 192 HP EVs are offensive variants (Special Rain Choice Specs, Life Orb, SubPunch). The special variants can 2HKO you right back with Focus Blast and Poliwrath is faster as well. You also need a turn to SD while the special variants do not need to set up to 2HKO Croconaw. This is assuming max HP on Eviolite Croconaw as well. So this requires Croconaw to already have set up a SD beforehand, and Body Slam Poliwrath on the switch in in order to win (outside of hoping for hax), which no competent player would do simply because you have already set up. The meta is still pretty offensively oriented so it won't be easy for Croconaw to set up without taking a lot of damage either.
K so im a big fan of Crocanaw and the reason i get so much crap for using it is because well Poliwrath is a thing... The most common EV spreads i see are around that is that 196HP range and either no defenses or full defense on Poliwrath.. With that being said a little interesting calc

+2 252+ Atk Sheer Force Croconaw Body Slam vs. 196 HP / 0 Def Poliwrath: 200-236 (54 - 63.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Open to any criticism and or thoughts :]
"Croconaw can't learn Body Slam because it's incompatible with its ability or another move."

Body Slam and Sheer Force are incompatible.
Speaking of SD sweepers, here's one which is also walled by Poliwrath but is a bit better overall:


It went ashore after evolving. (Armaldo) @ Lum Berry / Leftovers
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Aqua Jet / X-Scissor

This is what I believe to be the optimal SD Armaldo set. Stone Edge is pretty mandatory STAB, while Earthquake gives decent overall coverage, especially against things like Probopass and Golem, and also gives you a way of getting past weakened Poliwrath (especially with Jolly, as you outspeed most variants that way) Aqua Jet is really weak priority and almost useless at +0, but it really helps against stuff like Ninetales and weakened mons. Lum Berry is a pretty uncommon item in PU, but it's actually quite useful on this set. LO Armaldo gets worn down way too fast to do much of anything from what I've seen, and Lum Berry makes Armaldo a really cool check to Jumpluff (provided you don't miss), as they nearly always try to put you to sleep right away. It's also helpful against stuff like defensive Poliwrath's Scalds, Missy's Will-O-Wisp, and various other status moves. Finally, I think that Swift Swim is the better ability on all Armaldo sets (note that this one is designed to be used out of rain) because it lets Armaldo become a lot more threatening if it is up against a rain team or if rain is still up from either yours or the opponent's Rain Dance Poliwrath.
Hey PU it's been more than a week after the bans. I'd like to bring up the possibility of a Sneasel suspect test.

If you've played PU, you would know how much of a threat Sneasel is. It shreds apart teams without a counter because its speed, power and STABs are just godly. Of course, anything shreds apart teams without a counter, but Sneasel is different in a few ways:

1) It is difficult to check. Sneasel is one of the fastest unboosted mons in PU, so the only things that really revenge kill it on offense are Zebstrika (Ninjask gets sniped by Ice Shard) and Scarfers. The worse thing is that nothing that "checks" Sneasel can switch in at all. Zebstrika takes a huge beating from every move while Scarfers can never switch in because of Knock Off's spammability removing their scarf if they do so. This pretty much means that without a solid counter (I'll get to that soon) you're forced to maneuver your way around Sneasel's moves until you switch in a mon that can beat it or sac something with SR and revenge it so that it can't keep coming in.

2) Sneasel restricts teambuilding. Sneasel only has 3 counters in PU: Poliwrath, Throh, and bulky Carracosta. As mentioned earlier, unless you want half your team dead by the time Sneasel dies, these are pretty much compulsory on every team. If you've tried building a good number of teams in PU, it's likely that you've encountered problems such as:

- I want to build around a Water-type, but Poliwrath and Carracosta share weaknesses... Hence I'm forced to use Throh or to be extra careful to not add any more weaknesses or it'll be difficult to play
- I want my glue to be a Sneasel counter that hits hard and fast, but Throh and Carracosta (and some Poliwrath) are slow... Hence I'm forced to use Rain Dance Poliwrath

If that wasn't clear enough, here it is worded differently: I don't want to have a Throh every time I build a team with a different Water-type. I don't want to use RD Wrath every time I need my team to be fast. I've even had times where I needed a glue mon to make myself slightly less weak to other threats, but was forced to use a Sneasel counter just for that purpose because being slightly weaker to those threats was better than being 6-0ed by Sneasel.

Sneasel suspect would be way less straightforward than anything we've had. Ask anyone who plays PU, myself included, and they'd tell you Sneasel is not broken, at least in the traditional sense, because its counters hard wall it and are everywhere right now. However, I believe teambuilding to be not fun when Sneasel is here and Sneasel has a negative impact on our tier.

If we could, a suspect test would be good to look at Sneasel's effect on the meta (if possible we could ban Sneasel from a suspect ladder to see how it affects teambuilding). Likewise if anyone is willing I can build non-Sneasel teams and battle to check it out. :)

Also Anty wanted me to link this post from the OU suspect thread which y'all might want to read. It's relevant. :)
Adding on to what scorp said about the bit at the bottom of his post.,.
As many of you may know stathakis is a well respected OU tour player, and he brings up some very good and relevant points about mega metagross which apply to sneasel. I personally like his banning philosophy:
My philosophy on tiering is and has always been that if two metagames exist, each with a different banning regime (i.e. one metagame has no ban while the other has a ban), then the best course of action is to adopt the regime used by the better metagame. I believe this should be the course of action irrespective of whether a pokemon is broken.

Basically if a pokemon is makes a metagame worse then what it would be without it then it should be banned. Sneasel fits into this perfectly, as firstly it is incredibly teambuilding restrictive. I find myself almost always using a dedicated counter (throh/poliwrath/defensive costa) as without one sneasel absolutely shreads offensive teams by 2HKOing most offensive pokes and crippling anything that tries to switch in with knock off. Its counters are by no means bad, in fact they are all top tier pokes, however having to run them is boring, repetitive and dumb. Recently i was building a team around a core involving life orb simipour + leafeon and several pokes in i had nothing to take multiple hits from sneasel/checks that are super easy to wear down (scarfers get warn down by rocks + ice shard/bulky pokes get warn down easily through the game), so this team was shreaded by sneasel. Since i had a simipour i felt like i had to use throh considering wrath + simipour dont have the best synergy.

This just shows that a metagame without sneasel would be better than one with sneasel. Please dont say that sneasel isnt broken as poliwrath counters it/easy to counter, as that is only the case because the metagame is designed to beat it, yet it is still an a+ threat
This isn't true, both Torkoal and Relicanth are 100% counters to Sneasel
252 Atk Life Orb Sneasel Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Relicanth: 133-157 (39 - 46%) -- 20.3% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock

Physically defensive Torkoal is a decent switch-in, but it gets worn down very quickly, and more importantly it only fits on defensive teams, pretty much all of which should have Poliwrath anyway, so its existence doesn't do much to make Sneasel less unhealthy for the metagame.

This brings me to an important point on Sneasel's impact on the metagame: all of its counters are slow. Offensive teams in this metagame absolutely rely on fast mons to check everything (which is another reason Sneasel is unhealthy- basically nothing is faster than it, so on most teams you absolutely need a switch-in to it; it's also why Pokemon like Jumpluff, Zebstrika, Floatzel, and Rapidash are becoming so popular), so having to run a slow Pokemon that is usually incapable of revenge killing much of anything is a hinderance, as it makes you just that much weaker to faster threats which are already hard to prepare for. This is also worsened by the fact that almost all SR setters are slow too, which means that it's just that much harder to prepare for everything fast. This may sound like just theorymon, but if you build a team without having to accomodate for a Sneasel switch-in, it's honestly pretty noticeable how much easier it is to check everything else.

This alone wouldn't be a huge deal, but this combined with what Anty and scorpdestroyer have already said makes Sneasel at the very least suspect worthy to me.

The Council is trying to determine what the slate will be for our next suspect test. However, we are first going to look at an issue that has been brought up repeatedly to the Council: Chatter. As this isn't a metagame trend reliant issue, but rather an issue of competitiveness, the PU Council will conduct a vote to determine whether Chatter will be quickbanned or not. Once the vote is over, we will also have our new suspect slate. The Council will have 48 hours to send me their votes, so in the interim, feel free to state your support for either ban or no ban for Chatter. Also, don't hesitate to nominate other Pokemon for the suspect slate.
I really do not like that so much OM's are suspecting Chatter now. Yes, Chatter is annoying. Yes, it's uncompetitive. But is it banworthy? In my opinion, hell no. Chatot, the only user, is actually a pretty mediocre Pokemon as every faster Pokemon can wreck it and every priority not called Sucker Punch (dodged by Substitute) does a ton. Sure, nothing can switch into Chatter without having a chance to get confusion haxed (lol at Dustox), but Chatot sure ain't 6-0'ing teams nor is it realistically haxing itself through more than one or two Pokemon at best. No one likes Chatter and I doubt anyone would be sad to see it go, but just because we can ban it does not mean we should ban it, as it is not broken at all. It just takes some of the skill away. PU has also adapted to it ages ago with Soundproof users (most notably Mr. Mime), Probopass, Icicle Spear Piloswine, etc. If your team cannot beat Chatot then I think the problem lies in your team and not in Chatter.
I really do not like that so much OM's are suspecting Chatter now. Yes, Chatter is annoying. Yes, it's uncompetitive. But is it banworthy? In my opinion, hell no.
I tried not to but I had to correct this...

Chatter is banned in STABmons where things like Gale Wings Talonflame could abuse it. It's banned in Tier Shift where Chatot gets +15 to all stats. It's soon to be banned in Balanced Hackmons where Mega Rayquaza can abuse it with STAB 180 SAtk. Please recognize why those OMs banned it before lumping them into your argument against it in PU.

Anyway, it bypasses subs. It has no type immunity, only Soundproof. It gives you a chance to beat Chatot's normal hard counters based on luck. It's uncompetitive to the letter, like Swagger or Evasion were. And your argument that the person who loses to Chatter is at fault is entirely untrue and unfair. Did you say the same thing to people who lost to Swagger? Even if Chatot isn't very viable in PU, the fact that a relatively unviable Pokemon can beat you by relying on a 50/50 only shows how uncompetitive the move is.
Eevee General

I know why those OMs banned it and I still disagree with most of them. Most Chatot counters are special attackers and thus take little from confusion. Losing turns is very annoying and makes it easy for Chatot to set up, but like I said, realistically Chatot never beats more than one or two Pokemon and all teams have ways of revenge killing it with ease. I sure have never seen a good player get Chatter haxed to the point that they lost purely because of confusions. I do believe that if your team is weak to Chatot something went wrong in your teambuilding process because it really is one of the easiest things to defeat in the tier, and almost all teams have something for it without even thinking about it. Of course it's not the players fault if they get haxed by Chatter, but it sure is their fault if they lost their Chatot answer. Looking at the teams I have on this pc, they all have one or two Pokemon that can switch in at least once and multiple that can revenge kill it, and I never prepare for Chatot. Swagplay teams are an a whole other level because they can use six Swagger abusers instead of just one, making it much easier to hax your way to victory. I also did acknowledge that Chatter is uncompetitive, I'm just trying to say that it's not banworthy.
Chatter should definitely not be banned, I don't understand the premises of this argument besides being annoyed at the hax occasionally. If you dont pack a counter/check in soundproof or Probopass that is your own fault in the teambuilding process. The only Pokemon that can use chatter is pretty underwhelming aside from Chatter and Boomburst and with sub 50 defenses. I agree with GrimoireGod 100%, def not considered suspect worthy.

I find it akin to banning Thunderwave...completely ridiculous, its not like Prankster swagger+ Twave where it always goes first, and only 1 (underwelming otherwise) mon is limited to it.

Edit: I forgot to mention anything above 91 speed can revenge it with ease if it isnt behind a sub. Or hell, even golem with rock blast can ko it, which is what I use on my team, or encore kadabra on sub.
Chatter should definitely not be banned, I don't understand the premises of this argument besides being annoyed at the hax occasionally. If you dont pack a counter/check in soundproof or Probopass that is your own fault in the teambuilding process. The only Pokemon that can use chatter is pretty underwhelming aside from Chatter and Boomburst and with sub 50 defenses. I agree with GrimoireGod 100%, def not considered suspect worthy.

I find it akin to banning Thunderwave...completely ridiculous, its not like Prankster swagger+ Twave where it always goes first, and only 1 (underwelming otherwise) mon is limited to it.

Edit: I forgot to mention anything above 91 speed can revenge it with ease if it isnt behind a sub. Or hell, even golem with rock blast can ko it, which is what I use on my team, or encore kadabra on sub.
I don't have time to pick apart your entire argument right now, but are you seriously suggesting that if you don't run one of literally two decent Pokemon on every single team, it's your fault for losing to Chatter hax? That seems a bit absurd to require of people, plus Probopass is easily trapped and loses to HP Ground Chatot, leaving Mr. Mime as the only 100% way to not risk losing to random hax (Electrode and Bastiodon are bad and irrelevant).
While it is true that a large part of why we've expressed interest in dealing with Chatter has to do with its uncompetitive nature, the point is that regardless of where Chatot itself stands in the metagame, Chatter for it brings an entirely negative aspect in the metagame to the point where it is indeed broken.

That said, GrimoireGod, I strongly disagree with your statement about how we're taking skill away. One important asset about Chatter Chatot is that you can talk about what counters it all you'd like, but that doesn't change the fact that its counters are the only reliable responses to it. This pretty much means that if you do not have something that completely nullifies Chatot's ability to function in the battle (hi Soundproof users), then all of your opponent has to do is come in on something it outspeeds, make the correct moves and if luck is sufficient for the opposing player, they win. This is a problem in itself because it does not take into account of prediction, nor the opponent's level of competitiveness whatsoever. That completely removes skill from the equation.

As for Chatot being the only abuser, really all that means is that it's the only one that's needed to look at. If we were to take things from a broader perspective, if you gave Chatter to any other Flying-type in the tier (and arguably any viable Pokemon for that matter), they would be broken because of said move and for the exact same reasons.

Probopass is hardly considered a reliable counter because Hidden Power Ground is the most common coverage move on Chatot these days anyways, but ok.

It's not comparable to banning Prankster Thunder Wave. The difference is that people don't use Prankster Thunder Wave for the hax involved. It sees usage among its users because it's a great check to offense without making games luck-based. This isn't the case with Chatter. Outside of what's immune to Chatter, if it gets lucky enough, Chatot can use basically anything it wants to as setup fodder. It isn't even that bad against offense as once it's behind a sub, even faster threats only have a 50% chance of being able to revenge Chatot.

I'm also not sure how the burden is on the council to make better choices in teambuilding. Just like everyone else here, we're well aware of the current state of the metagame and we're totally all for adapting to threats in the metagame, but it would seriously suck to restrict ourselves to only running dedicated counters to Chatot or risk losing to it because of Chatter.
Magnemite all you really need are soft checks such as Rock Blast Golem, Lickylicky, Piloswine/ anything with priroty or above 91 speed. Please read my post in full before jumping to conclusions. You can also choose to run Bastiodon/mr mime/probopass or w/e if your team struggles with flying/normal coverage or you particularly hate chatot. When team-building you may be annoyed by Chatot, but do not use chatot's strategy as an excuse for losses instead building a better team, as tempting as it is.
Usually if you are so weak to flying/normal coverage you will die to Dodrio or other strong flying types (Offensive Articuno, etc) anyway, so they can go hand in hand, I find Chatot adjusts team-building minimally.

Also Dell I have yet to see a hidden power ground Chatot as it gives away one of its precious moves such as Sub, Nasty Plot, or Boomburst, making it much less effective. I feel this is being more of a Theorymonning project of what it could do, than the minimal threat it actually is on the ladder. Honestly, who runs hp ground Chatot ;p.

I have faced chatot on the ladder 5 or 6 times, it really wasn't too hard to deal with. I don't have a probopass, Mr. mime or any counter to it. I have a soft check in Pawniard/Golem/kadabra which fufill various other roles well.
Usually it comes down to playing them with sucker punch/outspeeding/ encoring the sub, general skills that you should be able to predict.

Nothing against you guys, I'm was just disturbed that Chatter was actually mentioned for a suspect test, which I find completely unreasonable in the PU metagame. (Banning in other metas make sense, but that is a different topic)
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While it is true that a large part of why we've expressed interest in dealing with Chatter has to do with its uncompetitive nature, the point is that regardless of where Chatot itself stands in the metagame, Chatter for it brings an entirely negative aspect in the metagame to the point where it is indeed broken.

Is Chatot really broken though? As far as I know Chatot is far from broken, it's just annoying. Hell, it's B+ on the viability thread last time I checked, doesn't seem broken to me.

That said, GrimoireGod, I strongly disagree with your statement about how we're taking skill away. One important asset about Chatter Chatot is that you can talk about what counters it all you'd like, but that doesn't change the fact that its counters are the only reliable responses to it. This pretty much means that if you do not have something that completely nullifies Chatot's ability to function in the battle (hi Soundproof users), then all of your opponent has to do is come in on something it outspeeds, make the correct moves and if luck is sufficient for the opposing player, they win. This is a problem in itself because it does not take into account of prediction, nor the opponent's level of competitiveness whatsoever. That completely removes skill from the equation.

Well of course the counters are the only reliable response for it, that's the case for every Pokemon. Of course Chatot is a unique case because Chatter removes skill from the equation, there is no denying that. But the chance of someone actually sweeping a good team with a Chatot by pure luck is really small. Yes, it can happen, but like I said most teams have at least one or two checks to it anyway and the chance of both failing to stop Chatot is miniscule, and I have literally never seen it happen.

As for Chatot being the only abuser, really all that means is that it's the only one that's needed to look at. If we were to take things from a broader perspective, if you gave Chatter to any other Flying-type in the tier (and arguably any viable Pokemon for that matter), they would be broken because of said move and for the exact same reasons.

Once again, Chatot is not considered broken, just irritating.

Probopass is hardly considered a reliable counter because Hidden Power Ground is the most common coverage move on Chatot these days anyways, but ok.

Hidden Power Ground Chatot's are usually Choice Specs / Choice Scarf variants, and those cannot hax their way to victory like the SubNP / SubEncore sets can.

I'm also not sure how the burden is on the council to make better choices in teambuilding. Just like everyone else here, we're well aware of the current state of the metagame and we're totally all for adapting to threats in the metagame, but it would seriously suck to restrict ourselves to only running dedicated counters to Chatot or risk losing to it because of Chatter.

I did not mean to say that the council cannot teambuild, the point I was trying to say that most if not all teams automatically have one or two checks to Chatot. No one needs to use dedicated counters to Chatot because 90% of the time its checks can often handle it well enough, not to mention that literally no 'good battler' uses Chatot in serious battles (high ladder / tournament matches) as they do not want to rely on luck to win. It's also not as if Chatot's checks are only used to check Chatot, they are all very viable Pokemon and Chatot really not limiting teambuilding at all.
Yeah and about the "if we gave chatter to other flying types would they be broken?" argument.
The other birds wont get it anyway in this meta, so this point doesn't matter. It matters in STABmon's where it is applicable, but in this current meta Chatot is the only thing that can use it.
Smash pass isn't banned, so if Poliwrath had shell smash and it was OP as hell, that doesn't mean smash pass should be banned.
When I look at Chatot and/or play against it, its not that difficult a Mon to stop even if you don't have a counter. Its bulk is so mediocre and horrible even resisted attacks by your common walls can break its substitute. It doesn't take more than that to stop it from getting free sub's.

My main problem with it is chatter itself; its just not competitive in the way that you can use it to get free setup oppurtuinities, and depending on the chatot set, means the person facing chatot can't use any support moves or fear getting encored, and if said user hits himself a couple times in confusion and the opponent manages to get a couple nasty plots up, not much can eat up the hit as far as a pure resist is concerned, the only one that has a chance is probopass + soundproof users as per usual.

I've never really had a problem personally with chatot, by keeping offensive pressure on my opponent I rarely ever see it get any free turns, and if it does, its because chatter confusion hax. Overall, if we do ban something I would lean more so towards a ban to chatter not chatot especially since the specs set with boomburst and heat wave is hella fun and hardly broken in the slightest. This would have been a different case scenario if chatot was a better Mon but fortunately it isn't.

Counter Arguments:
-if Chatter is broken, ban chatot itself-> this isn't the case because quite clearly the biggest contributory factor to chatot being "broken/centralising" is chatter itself. If you take away chatter, chatot itself is distinctly average and lackluster. This was a similar case in gen 5 nu where the council decided to ban the combination of shell smash and baton pass (which only gorebyss at the time could do[maybe huntail idr]). People argued at the time that maybe gorebyss should be banned but in reality it was only really smashpass that made it overly concerning and "broken". Therefore imo if a move is a large contributory factor to making a Mon broken that move in particular should be banned and not the Mon itself.

- Chatot has counters, therefore it isn't broken:
This is probably the one I disagree with most. Chatot doesn't have a counter unless you refer to a soundproof Pokémon. If we are taking as that a reason why it isn't broken, look at serperior in the previous NU meta. It did jack shit vs the likes of sap sipper bouffe and miltank however, the very fact you HAD to run one of these mons in order to be " safe" from the savage, means that it centralises the meta to 3 mons. This has been used in the past to ban mons and still is, because if your forced to use one of 3 counters, it severely limits the meta and normally is tagged with "overcentralizing" which is what contrary seperior was dubbed with while it was NU.

-if you get lucky, chatot is seldom a problem: tbh this is also one of those annoying arguments as if you are unlucky chatot does what? 6-0 your team? Hardly fair, especially in a high intensity match one has oppurtuinity can win someone/lose someone a game through no play of their own. It consistently makes every turn a 50/50 in the regard where you don't even know if you can hit it. constantly making every turn a luck-based factor is a another reason why the bird should go.

- Chatot can be revenge killed easily by faster pokemon: this isn't the case, 91 base speed isn't great but its ENOUGH, to the point where it can come in against almost every wall in the tier that can't do much back, hit it with a chatter, force it to switch or confuse hax, get its own substitute up where nothing can really touch it directly (unless you want to do such via sound moves, but that really isn't something you want to do)
What chatot does that no other Mon can in this tier is its ability to get free damage on the opposing team, chatter damage + confusion hax damage wears down the bulk core of any team lacking the soundproofer and can support its teammates through the "hax" and confusion it brings to the table. At the moment there is almost 0 oppurtuinity cost to running it much like gen 5 swagpard where you can slap it on any team and no matter what it will be able to do some work.

I will support any ban to Chatter, however, banning the Mon itself I will consider to be over the top. As I said, if the main reason aon is broken is because of one move, that move should be banned, and not the Mon itself(see gen 5 smashpass argument)
The whole point of me mentioning this here is for the community to know what is going on and to influence the vote. I myself am neutral on this, leaning towards ban though that can easily be changed with good logic.

The reason for Chatter being banned isn't because it's broken or the effect it has on teambuilding. If it were, we would be having a normal suspect test and would study the different strategies to dealing with Chatot and how efficient they are. The reason it is being quicksuspected (for lack of a better term) is to determine if it is uncompetitive or not. That also doesn't mean that it should be automatically banned if it is deemed uncompetitive. Uncompetitive basically means (for the sake of this debate): a Pokemon, move, item, or ability that removes strategic element, skill, or relevant choice from either player by emphasizing reliance on luck based outcomes (quoted from this thread).

Some members are more on the fence about than others, which is why you guys should be focusing on convincing them to take one side or the other. Just don't devolve into any arguments about "brokenness" or such, as they aren't the basis for this at all.

EDIT: BTW, this is for Chatter, NOT CHATOT!!!!!! Seriously, don't get them confused.
I really dont understand some of these arguments. It is clearly uncompetitive when you realise what chatter hits harder than boomburst:
  • Bug/Grass's - only leavanny is relevant and it outspeeds you anyway
  • Ghost types - these all (virtually) get hit as hard by heat wave
Please dont say 'im using chatter as heat wave can miss' or 'i need that 2.5 more damage on ghosts', as you are not; you are using chatter just to make yourself in an advantageous situation using hax. You cannot compare this to a 25% chance of prankster twave, which is competitively used to stop sweeps, and it is entirely different than confuse ray as most of the time the users would rather be spreading status (eg gourgeist) or hitting hard (eg golduck).
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