need help building a team

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current pokemon my team has
milotic dragon pulse-icebeam-scald-recover with leftovers
mienshao highjumpkick-u-turn-knock off-stone edge with choice scarf
azumarill super power-icepunch-aqua jet-waterfall
i would really apriciate it if som 1 could reccomend me 3 more pokemon for my team
Hello pal,

You may want to search further down the forum directory for the "Rate My Team" section. While there, take a look at the stickied threads (these are the ones with the little pins in the title). These threads will provide instructions for how to format your posts.

Additionally, take a look at the various threads around here, and read some entries in the main site's Pokedex to get a feel for competitive pokemon. There are many ways to get involved in the community, and I've found it overwhelmingly welcoming over the years, so don't be intimidated at all.
The RMT section is really only for completed, proven teams; not building ones.

You could always try getting a Mentor and having them help you.
current pokemon my team has
milotic dragon pulse-icebeam-scald-recover with leftovers
mienshao highjumpkick-u-turn-knock off-stone edge with choice scarf
azumarill super power-icepunch-aqua jet-waterfall
i would really apriciate it if som 1 could reccomend me 3 more pokemon for my team
So before this is taken down, let me just say that if you are looking for someone to help you integrate into UU all you have to do is send me a pm.
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