OU Toxicroak


¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ dank meme crew
Taken over from PISTOLERO with some changes
Original: http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/toxicroak-qc-2-3-written.3520284/


Toxicroak's unique typing makes it a good choice for teams that need a solid answer to defensive Water- and Fairy-types, and a loose check to other threats such as Terrakion. Being a Poison-type allows Toxicroak to beat most Fairy-types and Keldeo, while being a Fighting-type prevents Tyranitar from Pursuit trapping Toxicroak. Dry Skin allows Toxicroak to counter most Water-types and it has access to Swords Dance to set up on them. Although Toxicroak has a Speed tier that leaves it outsped by many offensive threats such as Mega Diancie and Landorus, it can still beat some of them with Sucker Punch. While Toxicroak has many helpful resistances to types such as Fighting and Dark, it also is weak to common attacking types such as Flying, Psychic, and Ground.

name: Offensive
move 1: Gunk Shot
move 2: Drain Punch
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Swords Dance / Ice Punch
ability: Dry Skin
item: Life Orb / Black Sludge
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly / Adamant


Gunk Shot is Toxicroak's most powerful STAB move, which also has a 30% chance to poison the foe. A Life Orb boosted-Gunk Shot is very powerful, 2HKOing defensive Mega Venusaur. It also rips all variants of Clefable to shreds and can OHKO Gardevoir, as well as deal significant damage to everything that doesn't resist it. Drain Punch hits Steel-types super effectively, gives Toxicroak a means of gaining its health back alongside Dry Skin, and OHKOes Bisharp, allowing Toxicroak to easily check Bisharp thanks to Toxicroak's resistance to Sucker Punch. Sucker Punch gives Toxicroak priority to use against offensive Pokemon that outspeed it. In the last moveslot, Swords Dance is generally the best option, as it allows Toxicroak to set up on the Pokemon it walls and/or threatens out. If you don't feel like setting up, Ice Punch lets Toxicroak hit Landorus-T and Gliscor. However, Landorus-T is not too hard to wear down, especially with Gunk Shot's poison chance, so Swords Dance is generally the better option.

Set Details

Life Orb is the best item choice because it gives Toxicroak a significant power boost and Toxicroak can heal off the recoil damage with Drain Punch. However, Black Sludge is viable if you desire extra recovery. An Adamant nature can be used for more power, but Jolly is superior, as Toxicroak is then guaranteed to outspeed Mega Heracross, regular Gardevoir, Gyarados, and Mamoswine, while Speed tying with regular Heracross. Finally, a Jolly nature lets Toxicroak take on sand offense reasonably well, as it outspeeds Adamant Excadrill outside of sand and Toxicroak is easily able to Drain Punch Tyranitar away. The EVs maximize Attack and Speed, making Toxicroak hit as hard as possible while also taking advantage of its decent Speed.

Usage Tips

Toxicroak should switch in on opposing Water-type moves from the likes of Keldeo, Kingdra, and Omastar, restoring its HP and often forcing the foe out due to the fact that a lot of Swift Swim users and Keldeo are Choice-locked. Toxicroak should also be used as a check and pivot into Water-type Pokemon, as it is able to take attacks such as Stone Edge from Kabutops or Ice Beam from Omastar and OHKO them back, with any free turns obtained being used to hit the switch-in or set up a Swords Dance. The ability to switch in on bulky Water-types such as Alomomola and Suicune should also be taken advantage of, as neither Scald nor Toxic do anything to Toxicroak, while Toxicroak can set up a Swords Dance against them, easily taking weak Ice Beams or other potential coverage moves and completely walling Calm Mind Suicune.

Team Options

Politoed and other Pokemon that work well on rain teams such as Kingdra and Kabutops make great partners. Toxicroak benefits from rain to continuously restore its HP and to destroy opposing rain teams, whose Choice-locked Swift Swim users are ruined because they can't spam their Water-type moves anymore, and whose Ferrothorn is hit for super effective damage with Drain Punch. Rain teams also deal with Sand Rush Excadrill, with Toxicroak being able to Drain Punch Tyranitar and survive any attack besides Earthquake from +1 Mega Tyranitar. Toxicroak can also work on sand itself to deal with opposing rain teams, bulky Water-types, and Keldeo. Toxicroak can also take a couple of hits from Terrakion, as Toxicroak resists its STAB moves and easily OHKOes Terrakion back. Any Pokemon walled or checked by bulky Water-types appreciates Toxicroak's ability to come in on said Water-types. Toxicroak is a solid check to all variants of Azumarill and can switch in on all of Azumarill's moves bar Play Rough. Teams with weaknesses to Water-types such as Keldeo and Azumarill really appreciate Toxicroak's ability to take them on. Offensive teams that have trouble with Bisharp and Clefable appreciate Toxicroak being able to Drain Punch the former and Gunk Shot the latter for easy OHKOs. Electric-types such as Raikou and Mega Manectric have great defensive synergy with Toxicroak. Both Pokemon can check Flying-type attackers, while Toxicroak can defeat Clefable, which walls Raikou and Mega Manectric. Checks to Ground-types, such as Ferrothorn and Landorus-T, are very nice, as this covers Toxicroak's Ground weakness. Landorus can also take Secret Sword from Keldeo easily, allowing Toxicroak to pivot into Keldeo.

Other Options

Substitute can protect Toxicroak from status ailments and opposing revenge killers. Taunt can also prevent status ailments while stopping opposing Leech Seed, Defog, entry hazards, and recovery moves. Bulk Up is an interesting option that allows Toxicroak to take a more defensive approach to boosting, but it works best alongside Substitute, which limits Toxicroak's coverage significantly. Specially based sets with Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast, Nasty Plot, Vacuum Wave, Dark Pulse, and Hidden Power can catch usual checks to Toxicroak off-guard. Belch, Focus Blast or Vacuum Wave, Nasty Plot, and Substitute with a Salac Berry can work quite nicely, as Belch continues to function even if Toxicroak switches out. Knock Off can be useful to deal significant damage to defensive Psychic-types at +2, but it means giving up valuable priority in Sucker Punch. A Choice Scarf set is usable to get surprise KOs on usual checks such as Mega Diancie. Finally, Thunder Punch can be used to hit Water-types super effectively and OHKO Gyarados.

Checks & Counters:

**Flying-type Priority**: Talonflame and Mega Pinsir easily OHKO Toxicroak with Brave Bird and Quick Attack, respectively. Both of them outspeed Toxicroak as well, so they will thwart Toxicroak's Sucker Punch.

**Physically Bulky Pokemon**: Landorus-T can easily switch in on all of Toxicroak's moves bar Ice Punch, with Choice Scarf variants outspeeding and easily OHKOing Toxicroak with Earthquake. Gliscor completely walls Toxicroak without Ice Punch, does not care about Gunk Shot's chance to poison, and can OHKO Toxicroak with Earthquake. Finally, Hippowdon can wall Toxicroak and OHKO it with Earthquake. Skarmory walls Toxicroak and OHKOes it with Brave Bird or Counter while phazing away any attempts to set up with Swords Dance by using Whirlwind. Doublade also can take anything Toxicroak throws at it. Mega Charizard X can burn Toxicroak with Will-O-Wisp or OHKO it with Flare Blitz, and Gyarados can deal heavy damage with Earthquake or Bounce.

**Faster Threats**: Landorus, Garchomp, Mega Diancie, and other faster threats can all take a Sucker Punch and OHKO Toxicroak.

**Bulky Psychic-types**: Mew can burn Toxicroak and continually avoid Sucker Punch with Soft-Boiled, can Knock Off Toxicroak's Life Orb, and resists Drain Punch. Slowbro and Mega Slowbro can also deal heavy damage with Psyshock or cripple Toxicroak with Thunder Wave.

**Mega Sableye**: Mega Sableye can take a +2 Gunk Shot and burn Toxicroak, rendering it useless.
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Change the set name to Offensive just because the time frame to which underrated referred to is long gone by now.

Not all faster threats can necessarily take Toxicoak's Sucker Punch. Staraptor cannot take a Sucker Punch at +2, and it is relatively uncommon. Replace it with Mega Diancie, who can tank a +2 Sucker Punch and OHKO back with Earth Power.

Mega Gardevoir also cannot take a +2 Sucker Punch, be sure to mention this if you are going to mention it specifically in C&C.
Change the set name to Offensive just because the time frame to which underrated referred to is long gone by now.

Not all faster threats can necessarily take Toxicoak's Sucker Punch. Staraptor cannot take a Sucker Punch at +2, and it is relatively uncommon. Replace it with Mega Diancie, who can tank a +2 Sucker Punch and OHKO back with Earth Power.

Mega Gardevoir also cannot take a +2 Sucker Punch, be sure to mention this if you are going to mention it specifically in C&C.

Ok fixed
I Don't get why gardevoir and charizard are there, i mean they are not checking and are not safe while coming in against toxicroak especially with gunk shot on the opposite side, plus gardevoir is pretty fail which allows toxicroak to kill it after a sword dance or what, so i don't think those 2 deserves a mention here.
You should swap "Ground Types" with "Bulky attackers" and add Zard X/Gyarados according to Tokyo Tom.
Then i would have mentionned Sableye Mega as main counter, toxic is unable to hit it and sableye can just will o wisp.

After these changes im fine with 3/3 :)
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Seconding Leftiez's request of removing the mentions of Gardevoir and ZardY. They can check Toxicroak in various situations but the fact that Gardevoir is outsped before its Mega Evolution (and takes a lot from +2 Sucker Punch) and Charizard-Y has to play 50/50s w/ rocks up makes them shaky checks at best.

Let me elaborate on the other thing, though - you could consolidate the "Bulky Steel-types" section (because Skarm and Doublade are realistically the only two noteworthy "bulky steels" that will be walling Toxicroak) and the "Ground-types" section into something like "Physically-bulky Pokemon", and maybe add mentions of ZardX (Wisp variants, or just offensive variants that outspeed and OHKO) and Gyarados there as well.

"Landorus-Therian can easily switch in on anything that isn't Ice Punch, with Scarf variants outspeeding and easily OHKOing any variant with Earthquake. Gliscor completely walls any Toxicroak without Ice Punch, does not care about Gunk Shots chance to poison, and can also KO with Earthquake. Finally, Hippowdon can wall Toxicroak and OHKO it with Earthquake."

I'm not GP, but perhaps change this a bit to avoid repetition? Something like "Landorus-T and Gliscor can switch into any move besides Ice Punch and proceed to OHKO Toxicroak with Earthquake." Scarf Landorus outspeeding and Gliscor not caring about Poison is fluff imo, but it's up to you.
add/correct remove comments

Toxicroak's unique typing makes it a good choice for teams that need a solid answer to defensive Water- and Fairy-types, and while it also can act as a loose check to other threats such as Terrakion. As a Fighting-type, Toxicroak's unique typing gives it an advantage, [ac] as it can beat most Fairy-types, and it is one of the few Keldeo counters not Pursuit trapped by Tyranitar. Toxicroak's Dry Skin ability makes it a good answer to most Water-types, and it has access to Swords Dance to set up on them. Although Toxicroak has a Speed tier that leaves it outsped by many offensive threats, it can still beat some of them with Sucker Punch. While Toxicroak's typing gives it many helpful resists, it also is weak to common attacking types such as Flying, Psychic, [ac] and Ground.

name: Offensive
move 1: Gunk Shot
move 2: Drain Punch
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Swords Dance / Ice Punch
ability: Dry Skin
item: Life Orb / Black Sludge
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly / Adamant


Gunk Shot is Toxicroak's most powerful STAB move, which also has a 30% chance to poison. [add space] Life Orb Gunk Shot is very powerful, 2HKOing defensive Mega Venusaur as an example. It also rips all variants of Clefable to shreds, [rc] and can catch unevolved Gardevoir, as well as dealing significant damage to everything that doesn't resist it. Drain Punch hits Steel-types super effectively, gives Toxicroak a means of gaining its health back alongside Dry Skin, and promptly OHKOes Bisharp, allowing Toxicroak to easily check it thanks to its [change it to Toxicroak if that's which one you're referring to] resistance to Sucker Punch. Sucker Punch gives Toxicroak priority and a weapon to use against offensive teams that outspeed it. In the last moveslot, Swords Dance is generally better, [ac] as it allows Toxicroak to set up on the things it walls and/or [no spaces] threatens out. If you don't [apostrophe fix] feel like setting up, Ice Punch lets Toxicroak beat up on Landorus-T and Gliscor. However, Landorus-T is not too hard to wear down, especially with Gunk Shot's poison chance, so Swords Dance is generally the better option.

Set Details

Life Orb is the better item, [ac] as it gives Toxicroak a significant power boost, and Toxicroak can always heal with Drain Punch. However, Black Sludge is viable if you appreciate the extra recovery more. An Adamant nature can be used for more power, but Jolly is superior, [ac] as Toxicroak is then guaranteed to outspeed Mega Heracross, [rc] and, [ac] at worst, [ac] Speed tie with it before it Mega Evolves pre-evo, [rc] and outspeed regular pre-evo Gardevoir and break its face. [lol, aggressive] It also outspeeds Mamoswine and Gyarados. Finally, Jolly lets Toxicroak take on sand offense reasonably well, [ac] as it outspeeds Adamant Excadrill (outside of sand, [ac] of course), and Toxicroak is easily able to Drain Punch Tyranitar away. The EVs maximize Attack and Speed, making Toxicroak hit as hard as possible while also taking advantage of its decent Speed.

Usage Tips

Toxicroak should use its Dry Skin ability to come in on opposing Water-type moves from the likes of Keldeo, Kingdra, [ac] and Omastar, restoring its HP and often forcing the foe opponent out, [rc] due to a lot of Swift Swimmers Swim users and Keldeo being Choice-locked. Toxicroak should also be used as a check and pivot into Water-type Pokemon, as it is able to take things such as Stone Edge from Kabutops or Ice Beam from Omastar and OHKO them back, with any free turns obtained being used to hit the switch-in or set up Swords Dance. Using the immunity to Scald to come in on bulky Water-types such as Alomomola and Suicune works very nicely as well, as neither Scald nor Toxic do anything to Toxicroak, whilst Toxicroak can set up Swords Dance all over them, easily taking weak Ice Beams or other potential coverage moves, [rc] and completely walling Calm Mind Suicune.

Team Options

Politoed and other Pokemon that go well on rain teams work nicely. Toxicroak benefits from the rain itself to continually restore its HP, [rc] and eats opposing rain teams, whose Choice-locked Swift Swimmers Swim users are ruined because as they can't [apostrophe] spam their Water-type moves anymore, and is also able to Drain Punch Ferrothorn for super [add space] effective damage. Rain teams also deal with Sand Excadrill, with Toxicroak being able to Drain Punch Tyranitar and live whilst also living anything that isn't [apostrophe] Earthquake from +1 Mega Tyranitar. Toxicroak can also work on sand itself to deal with opposing rain teams, bulky Water-types, [ac] and take on Keldeo. You can also take a couple of hits from Terrakion, [ac] as Toxicroak resists you resist its dual STAB, and easily OHKO it back. Anything walled or checked by bulky Water-types appreciate Toxicroak's [apostrophe] ability to come in on them. Coming in on Azumarill's [apostrophe] moves apart from Play Rough works very nicely and you can't get sniped by Aqua Jet, and Toxicroak is also a perfect check to Belly Drum variants, [ac] as it is completely immune to Aqua Jet. Teams with weaknesses to things such as Keldeo, [rc] and Azumarill, [rc] etc really appreciate Toxicroak's [apostrophe] ability to take them on. Offensive teams that have trouble with Bisharp and Clefable appreciate Toxicroak being able to Drain Punch the former and Gunk Shot the latter for easy OHKOs. A Flying-type spam check such as Raikou or Manectric is appreciated, and they both like Toxicroak's [apostrophe] ability to deal with Clefable, which walls them both. Checks to Ground-types, such as Ferrothorn and Landorus-T, are very nice. Landorus can also take Secret Sword from Keldeo quite nicely, allowing Toxicroak to pivot into Keldeo nicely. [repetition]

Other Options

Substitute can protect Toxicroak from status and give it a shield against potential revenge killers. Taunt can also prevent status, [rc] whilst also stopping opposing Leech Seed, Defog, entry hazards, [ac] and or recovery. Bulk Up is an interesting option that allows Toxicroak to take a more defensive approach to boosting, but works best alongside Substitute, which in turn limits Toxicroak's coverage significantly. Specially based sets with Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast, Nasty Plot, Vacuum Wave, Dark Pulse, and Hidden Power can catch usual checks to Toxicroak off guard. Belch, Focus Blast / Vacuum Wave, Nasty Plot, [ac] and Substitute with a Salac Berry can work quite nicely, [ac] as Belch continues to function even if Toxicroak switches out. Knock Off can be useful to deal significant damage to defensive Psychic-types at +2, but it means giving up valuable priority in Sucker Punch. A Choice Scarf set is usable to get surprise KOs on usual checks such as Mega Diancie. Finally, Thunder Punch can be used to hit Water-types super effectively and OHKO Gyarados.

Checks & Counters:

**Flying-type Priority**: Talonflame and Mega Pinsir easily KO Toxicroak with Brave Bird and Quick Attack respectively, while both outprioritize Sucker Punch.

**Physically Bulky Pokemon**: Landorus-Therian can easily switch in on anything that isn't Ice Punch, with Choice Scarf variants outspeeding and easily OHKOing any variant with Earthquake. Gliscor completely walls any Toxicroak without Ice Punch, does not care about Gunk Shot's [add apostrophe] chance to poison, and can also KO with Earthquake. Finally, Hippowdon can wall Toxicroak and OHKO it with Earthquake. Skarmory walls Toxicroak and OHKOes it with Brave Bird or Counter, [rc] whilst Whirlwinding away any attempts to set up with Swords Dance. Doublade also can take anything Toxicroak throws at it. Mega Charizard X can burn Toxicroak with Will-O-Wisp or OHKO with Flare Blitz, and Gyarados can deal heavy damage if it carries Earthquake or Bounce.

**Faster Threats**: Landorus, Garchomp, Mega Diancie, [ac] and others faster threats can all take a Sucker Punch and OHKO Toxicroak.

**Bulky Psychic-types**: Mew can burn Toxicroak whilst avoiding Sucker Punch with Soft-Boiled, can Knock Off Toxicroak's item, and resists Drain Punch. Slowbro and Mega Slowbro can also deal heavy damage with Psyshock or cripple Toxicroak with Thunder Wave.

**Mega Sableye**: Mega Sableye can take even a +2 Gunk Shot and burn Toxicroak, rendering it useless.
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I will AM check this.



Toxicroak's unique typing makes it a good choice for teams that need a solid answer to defensive Water- and Fairy-types, and it also can act as and a loose check to other threats such as Terrakion. As a Fighting-type, Toxicroak's unique typing gives it an advantage, as it can beat most Fairy-types, and it is one of the few Keldeo counters not Pursuit trapped by Tyranitar. (This is poorly worded; try something like "Being Poison-type allows Toxicroak to beat most Fairy-types and Keldeo, while being Fighting-type prevents Tyranitar from Pursuit trapping Toxicroak.) Toxicroak's Dry Skin ability makes it a good answer to most Water-types, (Redundant; try "Dry Skin allows Toxicroak to counter most Water-types") and it has access to Swords Dance to set up on them. Although Toxicroak has a Speed tier that leaves it outsped by many offensive threats (name a few), it can still beat some of them (which ones?) with Sucker Punch. While Toxicroak's typing gives it many helpful resists has many helpful resistances (to which types?), it also is weak to common attacking types such as Flying, Psychic, and Ground. (Do not end the overview on a negative note)

name: Offensive
move 1: Gunk Shot
move 2: Drain Punch
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Swords Dance / Ice Punch
ability: Dry Skin
item: Life Orb / Black Sludge
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly / Adamant


Gunk Shot is Toxicroak's most powerful STAB move, which also has a 30% chance to poison. Life Orb Gunk Shot is very powerful, 2HKOing defensive Mega Venusaur as an example. It also rips all variants of Clefable to shreds and can catch OHKO unevolved Gardevoir (both regular and Mega Gardy have the same Defense stats), as well as dealing significant damage to everything that doesn't resist it. Drain Punch hits Steel-types super effectively, gives Toxicroak a means of gaining its health back alongside Dry Skin, and promptly OHKOes Bisharp, allowing Toxicroak to easily check it Bisharp thanks to Toxicroak's resistance to Sucker Punch. Sucker Punch gives Toxicroak priority and a weapon to use against offensive teams Pokemon that outspeed it. In the last moveslot, Swords Dance is generally better the best option, as it allows Toxicroak to set up on the things Pokemon it walls and/or threatens out. If you don't feel like setting up, Ice Punch lets Toxicroak beat up on hit Landorus-T and Gliscor. However, Landorus-T is not too hard to wear down, especially with Gunk Shot's poison chance, so Swords Dance is generally the better option.

Set Details

Life Orb is the better best item choice, (RC) as because it gives Toxicroak a significant power boost, (RC) and Toxicroak can always heal off the recoil damage with Drain Punch. However, Black Sludge is viable if you appreciate the desire extra recovery more. An Adamant nature can be used for more power, but Jolly is superior, as Toxicroak is then guaranteed to outspeed Mega Heracross, (AC) regular Gardevoir, Gyarados, and Mamoswine, and at worst speed tie with it before it Mega Evolves and outspeed regular Gardevoir and break its face while Speed tying with regular Heracross. It also outspeeds Mamoswine and Gyarados. Finally, a Jolly nature lets Toxicroak take on sand offense reasonably well, as it outspeeds Adamant Excadrill (outside of sand, of course), and Toxicroak is easily able to Drain Punch Tyranitar away. The EVs maximize Attack and Speed, making Toxicroak hit as hard as possible while also taking advantage of its decent Speed.

Usage Tips

Toxicroak should use its Dry Skin ability to come switch in on opposing Water-type moves from the likes of Keldeo, Kingdra, and Omastar, restoring its HP and often forcing the foe out due to a lot of Swift Swim users and Keldeo being Choice-locked. Toxicroak should also be used as a check and pivot into Water-type Pokemon, as it is able to take things attacks such as Stone Edge from Kabutops or Ice Beam from Omastar and OHKO them back, with any free turns obtained being used to hit the switch-in or set up a Swords Dance. Using the immunity to Scald to come The ability to switch in on bulky Water-types such as Alomomola and Suicune works very nicely as well should also be taken advantage of, as neither Scald nor Toxic do anything to Toxicroak, whilst while Toxicroak can set up a Swords Dance all over against them, easily taking weak Ice Beams or other potential coverage moves and completely walling Calm Mind Suicune.

Team Options

Politoed and other Pokemon that go work well on rain teams (name a few) work nicely make great partners. Toxicroak benefits from the rain itself to continually continuously restore its HP and eats to destroy opposing rain teams, whose Choice-locked Swift Swim users are ruined because they can't spam their Water-type moves anymore, and is also able to Drain Punch Ferrothorn for super effective damage. (Poorly worded; try "and whose Ferrothorn is hit for super effective Damage with Drain Punch") Rain teams also deal with Sand Rush Excadrill, with Toxicroak being able to Drain Punch Tyranitar and live survive anything that isn't any attack besided Earthquake from +1 Mega Tyranitar. Toxicroak can also work on sand itself to deal with opposing rain teams, bulky Water-types, and take on Keldeo. You Toxicroak can also take a couple of hits from Terrakion, as Toxicroak resists its dual STAB moves, (RC) and easily OHKOes it Terrakion back. Anything Pokemon walled or checked by bulky Water-types appreciate appreciates Toxicroak's ability to come in on them said Water-types. Coming in on Azumarill's moves apart from Play Rough works very nicely and Toxicroak is also a perfect check to Belly Drum variants as it is completely immune to Aqua Jet. (Poorly worded; try "Toxicroak is a solid check to all variants of Azumarill and can switch in on all of Azumarill's moves bar Play Rough.") Teams with weaknesses to things Water-types such as Keldeo and Azumarill etc really appreciate Toxicroak's ability to take them on. Offensive teams that have trouble with Bisharp and Clefable appreciate Toxicroak being able to Drain Punch the former and Gunk Shot the latter for easy OHKOs. A Flying-type spam check such as Raikou or Manectric is appreciated, helps immensely and they both Pokemon like Toxicroak's ability to deal with Clefable, which walls them both. (Not digging the wording; try "Electric-types such as Raikou and Mega Manectric have great defensive synergy with Toxicroak. Both Pokemon can check Flying-type attackers, while Toxicroak can defeat Clefable, which walls Raikou and Mega Manectric.") Checks to Ground-types, such as Ferrothorn and Landorus-T, are very nice (be more descriptive- why are they nice?). Landorus can also take Secret Sword from Keldeo quite nicely easily, allowing Toxicroak to pivot into Keldeo.

Other Options

Substitute can protect Toxicroak from status ailments and give it a shield against potential opposing revenge killers. Taunt can also prevent status ailments while whilst also stopping opposing Leech Seed, Defog, entry hazards, and recovery moves. Bulk Up is an interesting option that allows Toxicroak to take a more defensive approach to boosting, but it works best alongside Substitute, which in turn limits Toxicroak's coverage significantly. Specially based sets with Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast, Nasty Plot, Vacuum Wave, Dark Pulse, and Hidden Power can catch usual checks to Toxicroak off guard. Belch, Focus Blast / or Vacuum Wave, Nasty Plot, and Substitute with a Salac Berry can work quite nicely, as Belch continues to function even if Toxicroak switches out. Knock Off can be useful to deal significant damage to defensive Psychic-types at +2, but it means giving up valuable priority in Sucker Punch. A Choice Scarf set is usable to get surprise KOs on usual checks such as Mega Diancie. Finally, Thunder Punch can be used to hit Water-types super effectively and OHKO Gyarados.

Checks & Counters:

**Flying-type Priority**: Talonflame and Mega Pinsir easily OHKO Toxicroak with Brave Bird and Quick Attack, (AC) respectively,. (period; RC) while both outprioritize Both of them outspeed Toxicroak as well, so they will thwart Toxicroak's Sucker Punch.

**Physically Bulky Pokemon**: Landorus-T can easily switch in on anything that isn't all of Toxicroak's moves bar Ice Punch, with Choice Scarf variants outspeeding and easily OHKOing any variant Toxicroak with Earthquake. (There's only one variant of Toxicroak) Gliscor completely walls any Toxicroak without Ice Punch, does not care about Gunk Shot's chance to poison, and can also KO OHKO Toxicroak with Earthquake. Finally, Hippowdon can wall Toxicroak and OHKO it with Earthquake. Skarmory walls Toxicroak and OHKOes it with Brave Bird or Counter whilst while Whirlwinding phazing away any attempts to set up with Swords Dance by using Whirlwind. Doublade also can take anything Toxicroak throws at it. Mega Charizard X can burn Toxicroak with Will-O-Wisp or OHKO it with Flare Blitz, and Gyarados can deal heavy damage if it carries Earthquake or Bounce.

**Faster Threats**: Landorus, Garchomp, Mega Diancie, and other faster threats can all take a Sucker Punch and OHKO Toxicroak.

**Bulky Psychic-types**: Mew can burn Toxicroak whilst while avoiding Sucker Punch with Soft-Boiled, can Knock Off Toxicroak's item Life Orb, and resists Drain Punch. Slowbro and Mega Slowbro can also deal heavy damage with Psyshock or cripple Toxicroak with Thunder Wave.

**Mega Sableye**: Mega Sableye can take even a +2 Gunk Shot and burn Toxicroak, rendering it useless.
There's certainly a lot of edits here Snobalt --personally I wouldn't say all of them are necessary, but they're definitely not wrong either, and many do improve on wordings. Consider the prose changes to have approval, but I'm not ready to totally call this finished. blinkie, as for any prose changes here that you feel infringe on your writing, you don't have to implement them. You can re-tag me or anybody once you've implemented what you like to finish this up.



Toxicroak's unique typing makes it a good choice for teams that need a solid answer to defensive Water- and Fairy-types, and a loose check to other threats such as Terrakion. Being a Poison-type allows Toxicroak to beat most Fairy-types and Keldeo, while being a Fighting-type prevents Tyranitar from Pursuit trapping Toxicroak. Dry Skin allows Toxicroak to counter most Water-types and it has access to Swords Dance to set up on them. Although Toxicroak has a Speed tier that leaves it outsped by many offensive threats such as Mega Diancie and Landorus, it can still beat some of them with Sucker Punch. While Toxicroak has many helpful resistances to types such as Fighting and Dark, it also is weak to common attacking types such as Flying, Psychic, and Ground.

This is probably one of the most concise and informative overviews I've read tho, solid
name: Offensive
move 1: Gunk Shot
move 2: Drain Punch
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Swords Dance / Ice Punch
ability: Dry Skin
item: Life Orb / Black Sludge
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly / Adamant


Gunk Shot is Toxicroak's most powerful STAB move, which also has a 30% chance to poison the foe. A Life Orb-boosted Gunk Shot is very powerful, 2HKOing defensive Mega Venusaur. It also rips all variants of Clefable to shreds and can OHKO Gardevoir, as well as dealing significant damage to everything that doesn't resist it. Drain Punch hits Steel-types super effectively, gives Toxicroak a means of gaining its health back alongside Dry Skin, and OHKOes Bisharp, allowing Toxicroak to easily check Bisharp thanks to Toxicroak's resistance to Sucker Punch. Sucker Punch gives Toxicroak priority to use against offensive Pokemon that outspeed it. In the last moveslot, Swords Dance is generally the best option, as it allows Toxicroak to set up on the Pokemon it walls and/or threatens out. If you don't feel like setting up, Ice Punch lets Toxicroak hit Landorus-T and Gliscor. However, Landorus-T is not too hard to wear down, especially with Gunk Shot's poison chance, so Swords Dance is generally the better option.

Set Details

Life Orb is the best item choice because it gives Toxicroak a significant power boost and Toxicroak can heal off the recoil damage with Drain Punch. However, Black Sludge is viable if you desire extra recovery. An Adamant nature can be used for more power, but Jolly is superior, as Toxicroak is then guaranteed to outspeed Mega Heracross, regular Gardevoir, Gyarados, and Mamoswine, while Speed tying with regular Heracross. Finally, a Jolly nature lets Toxicroak take on sand offense reasonably well, as it outspeeds Adamant Excadrill outside of sand and Toxicroak is easily able to Drain Punch Tyranitar away. The EVs maximize Attack and Speed, making Toxicroak hit as hard as possible while also taking advantage of its decent Speed.

Usage Tips

Toxicroak should switch in on opposing Water-type moves from the likes of Keldeo, Kingdra, and Omastar, restoring its HP and often forcing the foe out due to the fact that a lot of Swift Swim users and Keldeo being are Choice-locked. Toxicroak should also be used as a check and pivot into Water-type Pokemon, as it is able to take attacks such as Stone Edge from Kabutops or Ice Beam from Omastar and OHKO them back, with any free turns obtained being used to hit the switch-in or set up a Swords Dance. The ability to switch in on bulky Water-types such as Alomomola and Suicune should also be taken advantage of, as neither Scald nor Toxic do anything to Toxicroak, while Toxicroak can set up a Swords Dance against them, easily taking weak Ice Beams or other potential coverage moves and completely walling Calm Mind Suicune.

Team Options

Politoed and other Pokemon that work well on rain teams such as Kingdra and Kabutops make great partners. Toxicroak benefits from rain to continuously restore its HP and to destroy opposing rain teams, whose Choice-locked Swift Swim users are ruined because they can't spam their Water-type moves anymore, and whose Ferrothorn is hit for super effective damage with Drain Punch. Rain teams also deal with Sand Rush Excadrill, with Toxicroak being able to Drain Punch Tyranitar and survive any attack besides Earthquake from +1 Mega Tyranitar. Toxicroak can also work on sand itself to deal with opposing rain teams, bulky Water-types, and Keldeo. Toxicroak can also take a couple of hits from Terrakion, as Toxicroak resists its dual STAB moves and easily OHKOes Terrakion back. Any Pokemon walled or checked by bulky Water-types appreciates Toxicroak's ability to come in on said Water-types. Toxicroak is a solid check to all variants of Azumarill and can switch in on all of Azumarill's moves bar Play Rough. Teams with weaknesses to Water-types such as Keldeo and Azumarill really appreciate Toxicroak's ability to take them on. Offensive teams that have trouble with Bisharp and Clefable appreciate Toxicroak being able to Drain Punch the former and Gunk Shot the latter for easy OHKOs. Electric-types such as Raikou and Mega Manectric have great defensive synergy with Toxicroak. Both Pokemon can check Flying-type attackers, while Toxicroak can defeat Clefable, which walls Raikou and Mega Manectric. Checks to Ground-types, such as Ferrothorn and Landorus-T, are very nice, as they this covers The wording here is a bit curious, but it seems as though 'they' is easily referred to Ground-types, rather than the two examples, as the examples are commaed away. The change makes it more 'Getting a check to Ground-types covers the Ground weakness' Toxicroak's Ground weakness. Landorus can also Either Landorus-T or remove the 'also'. Or, change the previous Landorus-T into Landorus take Secret Sword from Keldeo easily, allowing Toxicroak to pivot into Keldeo.

Other Options

Substitute can protect Toxicroak from status ailments and opposing revenge killers. Taunt can also prevent status ailments while also stopping opposing Leech Seed, Defog, entry hazards, and recovery moves. Bulk Up is an interesting option that allows Toxicroak to take a more defensive approach to boosting, but it works best alongside Substitute, which limits Toxicroak's coverage significantly. Specially based sets with Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast, Nasty Plot, Vacuum Wave, Dark Pulse, and Hidden Power can catch usual checks to Toxicroak off-guard. Belch, Focus Blast or Vacuum Wave, Nasty Plot, and Substitute with a Salac Berry can work quite nicely, as Belch continues to function even if Toxicroak switches out. Knock Off can be useful to deal significant damage to defensive Psychic-types at +2, but it means giving up valuable priority in Sucker Punch. A Choice Scarf set is usable to get surprise KOs on usual checks such as Mega Diancie. Finally, Thunder Punch can be used to hit Water-types super effectively and OHKO Gyarados.

Checks & Counters:

**Flying-type Priority**: Talonflame and Mega Pinsir easily OHKO Toxicroak with Brave Bird and Quick Attack, respectively. Both of them outspeed Toxicroak as well, so they will thwart Toxicroak's Sucker Punch.

**Physically Bulky Pokemon**: Landorus-T can easily switch in on all of Toxicroak's moves bar Ice Punch, with Choice Scarf variants outspeeding and easily OHKOing Toxicroak with Earthquake. Gliscor completely walls Toxicroak without Ice Punch, does not care about Gunk Shot's chance to poison, and can also OHKO Toxicroak with Earthquake. Finally, Hippowdon can wall Toxicroak and OHKO it with Earthquake. Skarmory walls Toxicroak and OHKOes it with Brave Bird or Counter while phazing away any attempts to set up with Swords Dance by using Whirlwind. Doublade also can take anything Toxicroak throws at it. Mega Charizard X can burn Toxicroak with Will-O-Wisp or OHKO it with Flare Blitz, and Gyarados can deal heavy damage if it carries with Earthquake or Bounce.

**Faster Threats**: Landorus, Garchomp, Mega Diancie, and other faster threats can all take a Sucker Punch and OHKO Toxicroak.

**Bulky Psychic-types**: Mew can burn Toxicroak while avoiding and continually avoid Sucker Punch with Soft-Boiled, can Knock Off Toxicroak's Life Orb, and resists Drain Punch. Slowbro and Mega Slowbro can also deal heavy damage with Psyshock or cripple Toxicroak with Thunder Wave.

**Mega Sableye**: Mega Sableye can take a +2 Gunk Shot and burn Toxicroak, rendering it useless.


Great check Snobalt ! Like I said, nothing you put in was really wrong, and now that I have a chance to go through this analysis rather than through your check with all the changes, I see you really didn't miss much of anything either :)
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