Tournament NU3PL - Player Signups

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Username: Relaxed Dedenne
Timezone: EST
Tiers Played: ORAS NU, XY NU, LC, Ubers, OU, RU, Tier Shift
Available: Very
Alts: FatAmericanPeople/Uptownfunk Dealer
Username: Meh
Time zone: GMT +5
Tiers played: Can play all, but more comfortable with BW2
Availability: All Day. I have no life :D
Username: The Arctic Wind (or Aurtich, or The Antartic Wind, or Arcticfoxkeh, or Zeroarctic, or...)
Time Zone: GMT-4
Tiers played: ORAS and XY, and I can try my hand in BW
Availability: Every day from 4-6 (except Wednesday and Friday) and most weekends. I really don't like school >:U
doing tryouts this evening (April 3rd CDT) on Pokemom Showdown .com

message me with your signup post when you see me on Showdown tomorrow, and I will either fite you or find somebody else for you to fight while I watch until one side is out of Pokemon. find me in the Never Used Room.
Username: Arca10
Time zone: Eastern Standard
Tiers played: ORAS NU
Availability: Weeknights before midnight, weekends almost any time with enough notice
Username: w2gMk
Time zone: GMT -7
Tiers played: ORAS NU
Availability: Any time

Gotta get dem 200 sign ups
Last edited:
Username: majaspic22
Time zone: gmt +2
Tiers played: BW2 NU, ORAS NU
Availability: i'll be one week missing from next saturday for 7 days
Forum Username: PoliLoco
Showdown Username: SingleThunder, ThunderTesting, and ForTheSubs are what I'll usually be on.
GMT -4
Tiers Played: ORAS NU
Availability: Uh, please contact me for our matches as soon as possible. Using GMT -4, I'm available from 5:30 to 10:30 (11:00 ONLY if need be; I need my sleep lol). Monday through Friday. Saturdays and Sundays must be discussed and worked out weekly.
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