UU Cofagrigus


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QC: dodmen / King UU / IronBullet93
GP: SM979 / The Dutch Plumberjack



Cofagrigus is the only fully evolved Pokemon to have Mummy, which allows Cofagrigus to render the abilities of Pokemon that rely on contact moves useless, making it serve as a good switch-in to Guts Heracross and Mega Aerodactyl, among others. Cofagrigus's amazing Defense stat allows it to take a lot of physical hits and serve as a decent tank. It also has good Special Defense and Special Attack stats, while its low Speed stat makes it a good Pokemon under Trick Room, which it can reliably set itself. Furthermore, it has a diverse support movepool ranging from Toxic Spikes to Will-O-Wisp. Lastly, Cofagrigus also has access to two good boosting moves in Calm Mind and Nasty Plot.

Despite its numerous positives, Cofagrigus is far from perfect, as its defensive typing only grants it two resistances and two immunities. Cofagrigus is also very reliant on Trick Room to be utilized effectively. Additionally, Cofagrigus lacks a reliable recovery move, making it fairly easy to wear down coupled with its mediocre HP stat.

Trick Room
name: Trick Room
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Nasty Plot
move 4: Hidden Power Fighting / Will-O-Wisp
ability: Mummy
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe
nature: Quiet


Trick Room allows slower Pokemon to move first, making it an excellent move in conjunction with Cofagrigus's low Speed. Shadow Ball is a consistent STAB move that also has a chance to lower the foe's Special Defense. Nasty Plot boosts Cofagrigus's Special Attack by two stages, making it a good sweeper under Trick Room. Hidden Power Fighting allows Cofagrigus to hit Dark-, and Normal-types for super effective damage. Will-O-Wisp is also an option, as it allows Cofagrigus to cripple physical attackers.

Set Details

Leftovers are the chosen item because it gives Cofagrigus a form of passive recovery. The given EVs allow Cofagrigus to have as much offensive power as possible while retaining some bulk. A Quiet nature and 0 Speed IVs are chosen to ensure Cofagrigus is as quick as possible under Trick Room.

Usage Tips

Cofagrigus should attempt to set Trick Room up as early as possible should it be attempting to support its teammates. However, should Cofagrigus be attempting to sweep, it should set up a Nasty Plot before using Trick Room, as that allows Cofagrigus to have four turns under Trick Room with a boost. Don't be afraid to sack Cofagrigus early on for the sake of letting your Trick Room sweepers have extra turns under Trick Room. However, should Cofagrigus be needed later on to set Trick Room, don't hesitate to preserve it.

Team Options

Trick Room sweepers, such as Choice Band Escavalier and Swords Dance Rhyperior, make for good teammates, as they take advantage of Trick Room. Cofagrigus thrives on Trick Room, making additional Trick Room setters, such as Reuniclus and Cresselia, good partners. Cofagrigus has issues getting past Dark-types, therefore, Pokemon that can deal with Dark-types, such as Aromatisse and Pangoro, make for good teammates. Cofagrigus can sweep more easily with entry hazard support, making entry hazard setters such as Forretress and Bronzong good teammates.

Other Options

Cofagrigus has a high Defense stat, making a defensive set with Will-O-Wisp and Haze an option, although its mediocre defensive typing means Cofagrigus can't utilize this effectively. Cofagrigus can use a Choice Specs set with Trick to cripple walls but is generally better off just using a Trick Room set. Cofagrigus can also utilize a Trick Room set made to specifically support its teammates with Memento and Toxic Spikes, but this set tends to be very passive on Trick Room teams which generally rely on offensive momentum. Cofagrigus also has access to Calm Mind, but it is unable to utilize it well, as it lacks a form of reliable recovery.

Checks & Counters

**Dark-types**: Dark-types such as Mega Absol and Hydreigon hit Cofagrigus for super effective damage with their STAB attacks and only have to worry about Hidden Power Fighting, which doesn't OHKO the majority of them, and Will-O-Wisp, which can cripple the physical attackers but doesn't really bother the special attackers.

**Calm Mind Sweepers**: Calm Mind sweepers, namely Calm Mind Suicune and Calm Mind Florges, can easily set up on Cofagrigus with little consequence, as Cofagrigus can't do much back to them.

**Knock Off**: Knock Off is super effective against Cofagrigus and also cripples it badly, as losing Leftovers makes Cofagrigus much easier to take down.

**Wallbreakers**: Wallbreakers such as Choice Band Darmanitan and Choice Specs Kyurem can easily KO Cofagrigus with their powerful attacks, whereas Cofagrigus is unable to KO them in return.

**Taunt Users**: Taunt users can easily shut Cofagrigus down, as Cofagrigus depends on support moves to be utilized effectively; Mega Aerodactyl, Crobat and Azelf are just a few examples of Taunt users.

**Status**: Cofagrigus is crippled by all forms of status, except paralysis, as they can either wear Cofagrigus down or just render it unable to do anything for a few turns.
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Going to leave this question for QC. Should Defensive get its own set or just be mentioned in OO?
Don't worry about putting a defensive set, defensive Cofagrigus is way too passive and doesn't quite provide enough support or check enough things to warrant its own set. The main two other things that should be mentioned in Other Options are 1) a Trick Room set more dedicated to supporting than sweeping (invest in defenses rather than SpAtk, moves like TSpikes and Memento), and 2) the defensive set you were talking about (list moves such as Tspikes, Haze, Pain Split).

In the intro: its ability is worth a mention here as it lets it do cool stuff like cripple Guts Heracross, severely weaken Mega Aerodactyl, etc.

In the main set: slash HP Fighting over Will-o-Wisp, since this set is more dedicated to sweeping, it would be pointless to set up only to be walled by Hydreigon under Trick Room.

Usage Tips: instead of the first bullet point, you should summarize the following. Cofagrigus should use Trick Room first early in the game, or generally when it's aiming to set up its teammates. However, if it's going for a sweep itself, it should use Nasty Plot first, followed by Trick Room. In this case, it will get more turns under Trick Room at +2/+4, which is a lot more beneficial than Trick Rooming first, then burning through your TR turns to Nasty Plot.

Team Options: instead of just Knock Off absorbers, checks to Dark-types would be more accurate. The ones you have listed are good.

Taunt in Checks and Counters. Taunt users such as Crobat and Mega Aero completely shut it down regardless of what set it's running. Also, status in Checks and Counters since Toxic or a Scald burn really hinder it from sweeping since it's got no recovery.
Don't worry about putting a defensive set, defensive Cofagrigus is way too passive and doesn't quite provide enough support or check enough things to warrant its own set. The main two other things that should be mentioned in Other Options are 1) a Trick Room set more dedicated to supporting than sweeping (invest in defenses rather than SpAtk, moves like TSpikes and Memento), and 2) the defensive set you were talking about (list moves such as Tspikes, Haze, Pain Split).

In the intro: its ability is worth a mention here as it lets it do cool stuff like cripple Guts Heracross, severely weaken Mega Aerodactyl, etc.

In the main set: slash HP Fighting over Will-o-Wisp, since this set is more dedicated to sweeping, it would be pointless to set up only to be walled by Hydreigon under Trick Room.

Usage Tips: instead of the first bullet point, you should summarize the following. Cofagrigus should use Trick Room first early in the game, or generally when it's aiming to set up its teammates. However, if it's going for a sweep itself, it should use Nasty Plot first, followed by Trick Room. In this case, it will get more turns under Trick Room at +2/+4, which is a lot more beneficial than Trick Rooming first, then burning through your TR turns to Nasty Plot.

Team Options: instead of just Knock Off absorbers, checks to Dark-types would be more accurate. The ones you have listed are good.

Taunt in Checks and Counters. Taunt users such as Crobat and Mega Aero completely shut it down regardless of what set it's running. Also, status in Checks and Counters since Toxic or a Scald burn really hinder it from sweeping since it's got no recovery.

OK I believe I've implemented all of these.
mentioned in Other Options are 1) a Trick Room set more dedicated to supporting than sweeping (invest in defenses rather than SpAtk, moves like TSpikes and Memento),
Mention this in OO and change the current set name to Offensive Trick Room. QC 1/3 after that.
this looks really good so far, 2/3. Also, in the beginning, it doesn't necessarily "cripple" stuff like fera/hera/aero. Reword it to make it sounds less "ultimately" bad.
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Cofagrigus is the only fully evolved Pokemon to gain have Mummy, this ability which allows it Cofagrigus to render the abilities of Pokemon that make contact useless;, (semicolon → comma) making it serve as a good switch-in for Guts Heracross and Mega Aerodactyl among others. Its Cofagrigus's amazing Defense stat also allows it to take a lot of physical hits and serve as a decent tank. It also has good Special Defense and Special Attack stats. Its,while its low Speed stat makes it a good Pokemon under Trick Room, of which it has access to. Furthermore, it has a diverse support movepool ranging from Toxic Spikes to Will-O-Wisp. Lastly, it Cofagrigus also has access to two good boosting moves in Calm Mind and Nasty Plot. (Cofagrigus has to have at least one flaw, correct?)

Trick Room
name: Trick Room
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Nasty Plot
move 4: Hidden Power Fighting / Will-O-Wisp
ability: Mummy
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe
nature: Quiet
ivs: 0 Spe


Trick Room allows slower Pokemon to move first, making it an excellent move in conjunction with Cofagrigus's low Speed. Shadow Ball is a consistent STAB move which also has a chance to lower the foe's Special Defense. Nasty Plot boosts Cofagrigus's Special Attack by two stages, making it a good sweeper under Trick Room. Hidden Power Fighting allows Cofagrigus to hit Dark-, (RC) and Normal-types for super effective damage. Will-O-Wisp is also an option, (AC) as it allows Cofagrigus to cripple physical attackers.

Set Details

Leftovers are the chosen item as because they give Cofagrigus a form of passive recovery. The given EVs allow Cofagrigus to have as much offensive power as possible while retaining some bulk. A Quiet nature and 0 Speed IVs are chosen to ensure Cofagrigus is as quick as possible under Trick Room.

Usage Tips

Cofagrigus should attempt to set Trick Room up as early as possible should it be attempting to support its teammates. However, should Cofagrigus be attempting to sweep, it should setup a Nasty Plot before using Trick Room, (AC) as that allows Cofagrigus to have 4 four turns under Trick Room with a boost. Don't be afraid to sack Cofagrigus early on for the sake of letting your Trick Room sweepers have extra turns under Trick Room. Although, should Cofagrigus be needed later on to set Trick Room, don't hesitate to preserve it.

Team Options

Trick Room sweepers, such as Choice Band Escavalier and Swords Dance Rhyperior, make for good teammates, (AC) as they take advantage of the Trick Room set by Cofagrigus. Cofagrigus thrives on Trick Room, making Trick Room setters, such as Reuniclus and Cresselia, good partners. Cofagrigus has issues getting past Dark-types, therefore, Pokemon that can deal with Dark-types, such as Aromatisse and Pangoro, make for good teammates. Cofagrigus can sweep easier with entry hazard support, making entry hazard setters, (RC) such as Forretress and Bronzong for example, good teammates.

Other Options

Cofagrigus has a high Defense stat, making a defensive set with Will-O-Wisp and Haze an option, although its mediocre defensive typing means Cofagrigus can't utilize this effectively. Cofagrigus can use a Choice Specs set with Trick to cripple walls but is generally better off just using a Trick Room set. Cofagrigus can also utilize a Trick Room set made to specifically support its teammates with Memento and Toxic Spikes, but tends to be very passive on Trick Room teams. Cofagrigus can also use a Calm Mind set but is unable to utilize it well, (AC) as it lacks a form of reliable recovery.

Checks & Counters

**Dark-types**: Dark-types, (RC) such as Mega Absol and Hydreigon, (RC) hit Cofagrigus for super effective damage with their STAB attacks and only have to worry about Hidden Power Fighting, which doesn't OHKO the majority of them, and Will-O-Wisp, which can cripple the physical attackers but doesn't really bother the special attackers.

**Calm Mind Sweepers**: Calm Mind sweepers, namely Calm Mind Suicune and Calm Mind Florges, can easily set up on Cofagrigus with little consequence, (AC) as Cofagrigus can't do much back to them.

**Knock Off**: Knock Off cripples Cofagrigus badly, (AC) as losing Leftovers makes Cofagrigus much easier to wear down. (Is it worth mentioning that Cofagrigus is weak to Knock Off? If so, change it to this: Knock Off is super effective against Cofagrigus, and also cripples it badly, as losing Leftovers makes Cofagrigus much easier to take down.)

**Wallbreakers**: Wallbreakers, (RC) such as Choice Band Darmanitan and Choice Specs Kyurem, (RC) can easily KO Cofagrigus with their powerful attacks, whereas Cofagrigus is unable to KO them in return.

**Taunt users Users**: Taunt users can easily shut Cofagrigus down, (AC) as Cofagrigus depends on support moves to be utilized effectively; Mega Aerodactyl, Crobat and Azelf are just a few examples of Taunt users.

**Status**: Cofagrigus is crippled by all forms of status, except paralysis, as they can either wear Cofagrigus down or just render it unable to do anything for a few turns.
GP 1/2
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Cofagrigus is the only fully evolved Pokemon to gain have Mummy, this ability which allows it Cofagrigus to render the abilities of Pokemon that make contact useless;, (semicolon → comma) making it serve as a good switch-in for Guts Heracross and Mega Aerodactyl among others. Its Cofagrigus's amazing Defense stat also allows it to take a lot of physical hits and serve as a decent tank. It also has good Special Defense and Special Attack stats. Its,while its low Speed stat makes it a good Pokemon under Trick Room, of which it has access to. Furthermore, it has a diverse support movepool ranging from Toxic Spikes to Will-O-Wisp. Lastly, it Cofagrigus also has access to two good boosting moves in Calm Mind and Nasty Plot. (Cofagrigus has to have at least one flaw, correct?)

Trick Room
name: Trick Room
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Nasty Plot
move 4: Hidden Power Fighting / Will-O-Wisp
ability: Mummy
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe
nature: Quiet
ivs: 0 Spe


Trick Room allows slower Pokemon to move first, making it an excellent move in conjunction with Cofagrigus's low Speed. Shadow Ball is a consistent STAB move which also has a chance to lower the foe's Special Defense. Nasty Plot boosts Cofagrigus's Special Attack by two stages, making it a good sweeper under Trick Room. Hidden Power Fighting allows Cofagrigus to hit Dark-, (RC) and Normal-types for super effective damage. Will-O-Wisp is also an option, (AC) as it allows Cofagrigus to cripple physical attackers.

Set Details

Leftovers are the chosen item as because they give Cofagrigus a form of passive recovery. The given EVs allow Cofagrigus to have as much offensive power as possible while retaining some bulk. A Quiet nature and 0 Speed IVs are chosen to ensure Cofagrigus is as quick as possible under Trick Room.

Usage Tips

Cofagrigus should attempt to set Trick Room up as early as possible should it be attempting to support its teammates. However, should Cofagrigus be attempting to sweep, it should setup a Nasty Plot before using Trick Room, (AC) as that allows Cofagrigus to have 4 four turns under Trick Room with a boost. Don't be afraid to sack Cofagrigus early on for the sake of letting your Trick Room sweepers have extra turns under Trick Room. Although, should Cofagrigus be needed later on to set Trick Room, don't hesitate to preserve it.

Team Options

Trick Room sweepers, such as Choice Band Escavalier and Swords Dance Rhyperior, make for good teammates, (AC) as they take advantage of the Trick Room set by Cofagrigus. Cofagrigus thrives on Trick Room, making Trick Room setters, such as Reuniclus and Cresselia, good partners. Cofagrigus has issues getting past Dark-types, therefore, Pokemon that can deal with Dark-types, such as Aromatisse and Pangoro, make for good teammates. Cofagrigus can sweep easier with entry hazard support, making entry hazard setters, (RC) such as Forretress and Bronzong for example, good teammates.

Other Options

Cofagrigus has a high Defense stat, making a defensive set with Will-O-Wisp and Haze an option, although its mediocre defensive typing means Cofagrigus can't utilize this effectively. Cofagrigus can use a Choice Specs set with Trick to cripple walls but is generally better off just using a Trick Room set. Cofagrigus can also utilize a Trick Room set made to specifically support its teammates with Memento and Toxic Spikes, but tends to be very passive on Trick Room teams. Cofagrigus can also use a Calm Mind set but is unable to utilize it well, (AC) as it lacks a form of reliable recovery.

Checks & Counters

**Dark-types**: Dark-types, (RC) such as Mega Absol and Hydreigon, (RC) hit Cofagrigus for super effective damage with their STAB attacks and only have to worry about Hidden Power Fighting, which doesn't OHKO the majority of them, and Will-O-Wisp, which can cripple the physical attackers but doesn't really bother the special attackers.

**Calm Mind Sweepers**: Calm Mind sweepers, namely Calm Mind Suicune and Calm Mind Florges, can easily set up on Cofagrigus with little consequence, (AC) as Cofagrigus can't do much back to them.

**Knock Off**: Knock Off cripples Cofagrigus badly, (AC) as losing Leftovers makes Cofagrigus much easier to wear down. (Is it worth mentioning that Cofagrigus is weak to Knock Off? If so, change it to this: Knock Off is super effective against Cofagrigus, and also cripples it badly, as losing Leftovers makes Cofagrigus much easier to take down.)

**Wallbreakers**: Wallbreakers, (RC) such as Choice Band Darmanitan and Choice Specs Kyurem, (RC) can easily KO Cofagrigus with their powerful attacks, whereas Cofagrigus is unable to KO them in return.

**Taunt users Users**: Taunt users can easily shut Cofagrigus down, (AC) as Cofagrigus depends on support moves to be utilized effectively; Mega Aerodactyl, Crobat and Azelf are just a few examples of Taunt users.

**Status**: Cofagrigus is crippled by all forms of status, except paralysis, as they can either wear Cofagrigus down or just render it unable to do anything for a few turns.
GP 1/2

I've implemented all of these but I've taken the liberty of adding in another paragraph to the overview to talk about Cofagrigus's negatives, I hope you can look over that as well. thanks for the check.
Despite its numerous positives, Cofagrigus is far from perfect, as its defensive typing only grants it two resistances and immunities. Cofagrigus is also very reliant on Trick Room to be utilized effectively. Not to mention Cofagrigus lacks a reliable recovery move, making it fairly easy to wear down coupled with its mediocre HP stat.

this is the new one just paste it in
Despite its numerous positives, Cofagrigus is far from perfect, as its defensive typing only grants it two resistances and immunities. Cofagrigus is also very reliant on Trick Room to be utilized effectively. Not to mention Cofagrigus lacks a reliable recovery move, making it fairly easy to wear down coupled with its mediocre HP stat.

this is the new one just paste it in

OK thanks a bunch.
add (Capitalize)
(comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)


Cofagrigus is the only fully evolved Pokemon to have Mummy, which allows Cofagrigus to render the abilities of Pokemon that make contact rely on contact moves useless, making it serve as a good switch-in for to Guts Heracross and Mega Aerodactyl, (AC) among others. Cofagrigus's amazing Defense stat allows it to take a lot of physical hits and serve as a decent tank. It also has good Special Defense and Special Attack stats, while its low Speed stat makes it a good Pokemon under Trick Room, of which it has access to can reliably set itself. (less awkward) Furthermore, it has a diverse support movepool ranging from Toxic Spikes to Will-O-Wisp. Lastly, Cofagrigus also has access to two good boosting moves in Calm Mind and Nasty Plot.

Despite its numerous positives, Cofagrigus is far from perfect, as its defensive typing only grants it two resistances and two immunities. Cofagrigus is also very reliant on Trick Room to be utilized effectively. Not to mention Additionally, (can't open a sentence with this, I also could have just put a comma in front of it but then the sentence would become a run-on. Fwiw it's also a tad too colloquial) Cofagrigus lacks a reliable recovery move, making it fairly easy to wear down coupled with its mediocre HP stat.

Trick Room
name: Trick Room
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Nasty Plot
move 4: Hidden Power Fighting / Will-O-Wisp
ability: Mummy
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe
nature: Quiet


Trick Room allows slower Pokemon to move first, making it an excellent move in conjunction with Cofagrigus's low Speed. Shadow Ball is a consistent STAB move which that also has a chance to lower the foe's Special Defense. Nasty Plot boosts Cofagrigus's Special Attack by two stages, making it a good sweeper under Trick Room. Hidden Power Fighting allows Cofagrigus to hit Dark-, and Normal-types for super effective damage. Will-O-Wisp is also an option, as it allows Cofagrigus to cripple physical attackers.

Set Details

Leftovers are the chosen item because they give it gives (items with names in plural count as singular; think of it as a collective, like 'foliage'. Horrible example but it's the best I can come up with right now) Cofagrigus a form of passive recovery. The given EVs allow Cofagrigus to have as much offensive power as possible while retaining some bulk. A Quiet nature and 0 Speed IVs are chosen to ensure Cofagrigus is as quick as possible under Trick Room.

Usage Tips

Cofagrigus should attempt to set Trick Room up as early as possible should it be attempting to support its teammates. However, should Cofagrigus be attempting to sweep, it should setup set up a Nasty Plot before using Trick Room, as that allows Cofagrigus to have four turns under Trick Room with a boost. Don't be afraid to sack Cofagrigus early on for the sake of letting your Trick Room sweepers have extra turns under Trick Room. Although However, should Cofagrigus be needed later on to set Trick Room, don't hesitate to preserve it.

Team Options

Trick Room sweepers, such as Choice Band Escavalier and Swords Dance Rhyperior, make for good teammates, as they take advantage of Trick Room. Cofagrigus thrives on Trick Room, making additional Trick Room setters, such as Reuniclus and Cresselia, good partners. Cofagrigus has issues getting past Dark-types; (SC) therefore, Pokemon that can deal with Dark-types, such as Aromatisse and Pangoro, make for good teammates. Cofagrigus can sweep easier more easily with entry hazard support, making entry hazard setters such as Forretress and Bronzong good teammates.

Other Options

Cofagrigus has a high Defense stat, making a defensive set with Will-O-Wisp and Haze an option, although its mediocre defensive typing means Cofagrigus can't utilize this effectively. Cofagrigus can use a Choice Specs set with Trick to cripple walls but is generally better off just using a Trick Room set. Cofagrigus can also utilize a Trick Room set made to specifically support its teammates with Memento and Toxic Spikes, but this set tends to be very passive on Trick Room teams, (AC) which generally rely on offensive momentum. (or whatever, but you need to explain why this is a bad thing) Cofagrigus can also use a has access to (bit awkward with next part) Calm Mind, (AC) set but it is unable to utilize it well, as it lacks a form of reliable recovery.

Checks & Counters

**Dark-types**: Dark-types such as Mega Absol and Hydreigon hit Cofagrigus for super effective damage with their STAB attacks and only have to worry about Hidden Power Fighting, which doesn't OHKO the majority of them, and Will-O-Wisp, which can cripple the physical attackers but doesn't really bother the special attackers.

**Calm Mind Sweepers**: Calm Mind sweepers, namely Calm Mind Suicune and Calm Mind Florges, can easily set up on Cofagrigus with little consequence, as Cofagrigus can't do much back to them.

**Knock Off**: Knock Off is super effective against Cofagrigus (RC) and also cripples it badly, as losing Leftovers makes Cofagrigus much easier to take down.

**Wallbreakers**: Wallbreakers such as Choice Band Darmanitan and Choice Specs Kyurem can easily KO Cofagrigus with their powerful attacks, whereas Cofagrigus is unable to KO them in return.

**Taunt Users**: Taunt users can easily shut Cofagrigus down, as Cofagrigus depends on support moves to be utilized effectively; Mega Aerodactyl, Crobat and Azelf are just a few examples of Taunt users.

**Status**: Cofagrigus is crippled by all forms of status, except paralysis, as they can either wear Cofagrigus down or just render it unable to do anything for a few turns.

GP 2/2
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