UU Quagsire


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QC: IronBullet93 / dodmen / dingbat
GP: GatoDelFuego + Lucina09 / P Squared



Quagsire is the only viable Pokemon in the UnderUsed tier to gain access to Unaware. This gives it a niche despite it having less bulk than the other bulky Water-types in the tier. Quagsire is also the most viable Pokemon in the tier with both a solid recovery move and Water / Ground typing. Quagsire also has access to good support options, such as Haze and Encore. Although Quagsire is best used as a physical wall in the UnderUsed tier, it is still easily taken out by powerful attackers because of its decent at best bulk.

Physically Defensive
name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Scald
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Recover
move 4: Toxic
ability: Unaware
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Relaxed


Scald is a consistent STAB attack that has a 30% chance to burn the foe and has no drawbacks, but it doesn't hit hard due to Quagsire's mediocre Special Attack stat. Earthquake mitigates this, however, as it has a whopping 100 Base Power coupled with a STAB boost. Recover gives Quagsire a form of reliable recovery. Toxic allows Quagsire to put a timer on the longevity of Pokemon without a method of curing it.

Set Details

Unaware is the chosen ability, as it ignores opposing stat boosts, allowing Quagsire to check most setup sweepers. Leftovers gives Quagsire a form of passive recovery. The given EVs and nature maximize Quagsire's physical bulk while ensuring neither Scald nor Earthquake faces a damage loss.

Usage Tips

Quagsire should be sent in against setup sweepers that threaten your team and deal with them by either burning with Scald, poisoning with Toxic, or attacking with a powerful Earthquake. Quagsire should also be used to check the various Fire-types in the tier, such as Darmanitan and Arcanine. Quagsire is best used on defensive teams as a check for setup sweepers.

Team Options

Special walls, such as Blissey and Florges, make for good teammates, as they deal with the various special attackers that threaten Quagsire. Quagsire is easily worn down by status, making clerics, such as Umbreon and Granbull, good partners. Pokemon that resist Grass-type moves, such as Crobat and Mega Aggron, make for good teammates, as Grass-type moves are the only moves that can hit Quagsire for super effective damage.

Other Options

Haze can be used to remove opposing stat changes to ensure Quagsire's teammates are able to deal with the threat should Quagsire be KOed. Curse allows Quagsire to function as a bulky setup sweeper, although Quagsire lacks the Attack to utilize it effectively. Yawn can be used to put a foe to sleep, although it doesn't find room on the set. Encore allows Quagsire to lock a foe into a favorable move; however, because of Quagsire's low Speed, it can't be utilized effectively. Lastly, Ice Beam can be used over Scald to hit Salamence and Grass-types, such as Rotom-C and Roserade, for super effective damage, but Salamence is already crippled by Scald burns and Toxic, while Grass-types don't take too much damage from Ice Beam, and in Roserade's case, it takes more from Earthquake.

Checks & Counters

**Grass-types**: Grass-types, such as Shaymin and Rotom-C, can switch into any of Quagsire's moves, as they aren't OHKOed by Ice Beam, and easily OHKO Quagsire with a powerful STAB attack.

**Wallbreakers**: Wallbreakers, such as Choice Specs Kyurem and Choice Band Heracross, don't take much damage from Quagsire's attacks and can either OHKO or 2HKO with a powerful STAB attack, respectively.

**Status**: Quagsire's defensive capabilities are crippled if it is badly poisoned or burned. Should Quagsire be inflicted with either status, it is forced to constantly use Recover, hindering its ability to take hits.

**Haxorus**: Haxorus can set up on Quagsire, as it doesn't have to worry about Unaware ignoring the boosts due to Mold Breaker.

**Powerful Special Attackers**: Due to Quagsire's low Special Defense, powerful special attackers such as Mega Pidgeot and Hydreigon can easily 2HKO and OHKO Quagsire, respectively, and aren't OHKOed by anything Quagsire can hit them with.
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I would say that Haze on Quagsire is overall meh, but I will let QC officially decide that. However, I do believe, if QC wants it to stay, that it doesn't deserve a slash as Toxic is a very good move on Quagsire, wearing down all the setup mons that it walls (basically make a mention in Moves with no slash on the set). Also the description for Ice Beam in moves, I would just say it would be to hit Mence as most Grass-types can not only bulk it, but force Quagsire out anyways whilst Roserade actually takes more from an EQ (and from my experience, Quag tends to Recover or Toxic on switches but w/e lol).

0 SpA Quagsire Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Shaymin: 90-108 (26.3 - 31.6%) -- 40% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock

0 SpA Quagsire Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Roserade: 90-106 (34.7 - 40.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock

0 SpA Quagsire Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 240+ SpD Roserade: 66-78 (20.3 - 24%) -- possible 5HKO after Stealth Rock and Black Sludge recovery

0 Atk Quagsire Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Roserade: 133-157 (51.3 - 60.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

0 Atk Quagsire Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Roserade: 135-159 (41.6 - 49%) -- 14.8% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Black Sludge recovery

0 SpA Quagsire Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Amoonguss: 110-130 (25.4 - 30%) -- 93.1% chance to 4HKO after Stealth Rock and Black Sludge recovery

0 SpA Quagsire Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Salamence: 224-264 (67.6 - 79.7%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

That is all I got for now, lol. :P
uh you mentioned Encore in Overview but nowhere else in the analysis. imo it's oo at least. Also stockpile allows it to take hits even better, so i guess that can be added to oo as well(unsure about this one tho)
I would say that Haze on Quagsire is overall meh, but I will let QC officially decide that. However, I do believe, if QC wants it to stay, that it doesn't deserve a slash as Toxic is a very good move on Quagsire, wearing down all the setup mons that it walls (basically make a mention in Moves with no slash on the set). Also the description for Ice Beam in moves, I would just say it would be to hit Mence as most Grass-types can not only bulk it, but force Quagsire out anyways whilst Roserade actually takes more from an EQ (and from my experience, Quag tends to Recover or Toxic on switches but w/e lol).

0 SpA Quagsire Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Shaymin: 90-108 (26.3 - 31.6%) -- 40% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock

0 SpA Quagsire Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Roserade: 90-106 (34.7 - 40.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock

0 SpA Quagsire Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 240+ SpD Roserade: 66-78 (20.3 - 24%) -- possible 5HKO after Stealth Rock and Black Sludge recovery

0 Atk Quagsire Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Roserade: 133-157 (51.3 - 60.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

0 Atk Quagsire Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Roserade: 135-159 (41.6 - 49%) -- 14.8% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Black Sludge recovery

0 SpA Quagsire Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Amoonguss: 110-130 (25.4 - 30%) -- 93.1% chance to 4HKO after Stealth Rock and Black Sludge recovery

0 SpA Quagsire Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Salamence: 224-264 (67.6 - 79.7%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

That is all I got for now, lol. :P

Yeah I've run some calcs and all it's really good for is Salamence, Rotom-C and Shaymin. Even then Shaymin is only 4HKOed. So I'm changing the description. Regarding Haze I'll be waiting on QC.

uh you mentioned Encore in Overview but nowhere else in the analysis. imo it's oo at least. Also stockpile allows it to take hits even better, so i guess that can be added to oo as well(unsure about this one tho)

I'm not going to mention Stockpile since the best thing Quagsire does while staying in is Curse so yeah. I forgot about Encore tbh, mentioned it in OO.
  • Honestly I don't think either Ice Beam or Haze deserve to be slashed. Earthquake is an absolute must for being able to cause at least respectable damage (Scald is really weak) and to hurt things like Alakazam and Mega Ampharos. Scald / Earthquake / Toxic / Stealth Rock should be the primary moveset, no slashes. Ice Beam can be mentioned in Moves as an option over Scald but say that Mence can be burned and does not like Toxic anyway and will be outstalled with Unaware while most Grass-types take laughable damage from Ice Beam and will still be crippled by Toxic. Mention Haze under Other Options and that's it. It's a really niche option, Unaware prevents boosts from mattering against Quagsire anyway so it only really has use against Baton Pass chains.
  • Also remove the mention of Bold nature.
  • Quagsire has poor Special Defense so powerful special attackers should be listed under C&C.
  • Haxorus under C&C as it has Mold Breaker.
  • Honestly I don't think either Ice Beam or Haze deserve to be slashed. Earthquake is an absolute must for being able to cause at least respectable damage (Scald is really weak) and to hurt things like Alakazam and Mega Ampharos. Scald / Earthquake / Toxic / Stealth Rock should be the primary moveset, no slashes. Ice Beam can be mentioned in Moves as an option over Scald but say that Mence can be burned and does not like Toxic anyway and will be outstalled with Unaware while most Grass-types take laughable damage from Ice Beam and will still be crippled by Toxic. Mention Haze under Other Options and that's it. It's a really niche option, Unaware prevents boosts from mattering against Quagsire anyway so it only really has use against Baton Pass chains.
  • Also remove the mention of Bold nature.
  • Quagsire has poor Special Defense so powerful special attackers should be listed under C&C.
  • Haxorus under C&C as it has Mold Breaker.

I believe all this has been implemented.
Add / Correction




Quagsire is the only viable Pokemon in the UnderUsed UU tier to gain access to Unaware. This gives it a niche despite having less bulk than the other bulky Water-types in the tier. Quagsire is also the most viable Pokemon in the tier with both a solid recovery move and Water / Ground typing. Quagsire also has access to good support options, such as Haze and Encore.

name: Quagmire
move 1: Scald
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Recover
move 4: Toxic
ability: Unaware
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Relaxed


Scald is a consistent STAB attack that has a 30% chance to burn chance the foe and has and no drawbacks, but doesn't hit hard due to Quagsire's mediocre Special Attack stat. Earthquake mitigates this,; (colon , --> Semi-Colon ;) however, as it has a whopping 100 Base Power coupled with a STAB boost. Recover gives Quagsire a form of reliable recovery. Toxic allows Quagsire to put a timer on the longevity of Pokemon without a method of curing it. Lastly, Ice Beam can be used over Scald to hit Salamence and Grass-types such as Roserade for super effective damage, but Salamence is already crippled by Scald burns and Toxic, (AC) while Grass-types don't take too much damage from Ice Beam, and in Roserade's case, it takes more from Earthquake. (This seems more fitting to the Other Options section. Otherwise, I'd add Ice Beam into the set as well.)

Set Details

Unaware is the chosen ability, (AC) as it ignores opposing stat boosts, allowing Quagsire to check most setup sweepers. Leftovers is the held item, as it gives Quagsire a form of passive recovery. The given defensive EVs and Relaxed (Just subjective, you don't have to add it.) nature maximize Quagsire's physical bulk, (AC) while ensuring neither Scald or Earthquake face a damage loss.

Usage Tips

Quagsire should be sent in against setup sweepers that threaten your team and deal with them by either burning with Scald, poisoning with Toxic, or by attacking with a powerful Earthquake. Quagsire should also be used to check the various Fire-types in the tier, such as Darmanitan and Arcanine.

Team Options

Special walls, such as Blissey and Florges, make for good teammates, as they deal with the various special attackers that threaten Quagsire. Quagsire is easily worn down by status, making clerics, such as Umbreon and Granbull, good partners.

Other Options

Haze can be used to remove opposing stat changes to ensure Quagsire's teammates are able to deal with the threat should Quagsire be KOed. Curse allows Quagsire to function as a bulky setup sweeper, although Quagsire lacks the Attack to utilize it effectively. Yawn can be used to put a foe to sleep, although it doesn't find room on the set. Lastly, Encore allows Quagsire to lock an opponent enemy into a favourable favorable move, ; (colon , --> Semi-Colon ;) however, due to because of Quagsire's low Speed, it can't be utilized effectively.

Checks & Counters

**Grass-types**: Grass-types, such as Shaymin and Rotom-C, can easily OHKO Quagsire with a powerful STAB attack, and can switch into any of Quagsire's moves, (AC) as they aren't OHKOed by Ice Beam.

**Wallbreakers**: Wallbreakers, such as Choice Specs Kyurem and Choice Band Heracross, don't take much damage from Quagsire's attacks and can either OHKO or 2HKO with a powerful STAB attack respectively.

**Status**: Quagsire's defensive capabilities are crippled if it is badly poisoned or burned. Should Quagsire be inflicted with either status, it is forced to constantly use Recover, hindering its ability to take hits.

**Haxorus**: Haxorus can setup on Quagsire, as it doesn't have to worry about Unaware ignoring the boosts due to Mold Breaker.

**Powerful Special Attackers**: Due to Because of Quagsire's low Special Defense, powerful special attackers, such as Mega Pidgeot and Hydreigon, can easily 2HKO and OHKO Quagsire respectively and aren't OHKOed by anything Quagsire can hit them with.
Please don't implement anything yet. Tagging GatoDelFuego for a check.
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Quagsire is the only viable Pokemon in the UnderUsed UU nnnnnnn don't change this one lucina !_! tier to gain access to Unaware. This gives it a niche despite having less bulk than the other bulky Water-types in the tier. Quagsire is also the most viable Pokemon in the tier with both a solid recovery move and Water / Ground typing. Quagsire also has access to good support options, such as Haze and Encore.

Quagmire (real set name)
name: Quagmire (real set name)
move 1: Scald
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Recover
move 4: Toxic
ability: Unaware
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Relaxed


Scald is a consistent STAB attack that has a 30% chance to burn chance the foe and has and no drawbacks, but doesn't hit hard due to Quagsire's mediocre Special Attack stat. Earthquake mitigates this,; (colon , --> Semi-Colon ;) however, as it has a whopping 100 Base Power coupled with a STAB boost. I don't really get this sentence after or before the change. I think I would keep the comma, and remove the 'however'? Recover gives Quagsire a form of reliable recovery. Toxic allows Quagsire to put a timer on the longevity of Pokemon without a method of curing it. Lastly, Ice Beam can be used over Scald to hit Salamence and Grass-types such as Roserade for super effective damage, but Salamence is already crippled by Scald burns and Toxic, (AC) while Grass-types don't take too much damage from Ice Beam, and in Roserade's case, it takes more from Earthquake. (This seems more fitting to the Other Options section. Otherwise, I'd add Ice Beam into the set as well.) Yes, either put Ice Beam slashed or put the sentence in OO

Set Details

Unaware is the chosen ability, (AC) as it ignores opposing stat boosts, allowing Quagsire to check most setup sweepers. Leftovers is the held item, as it gives Quagsire a form of passive recovery. The given defensive EVs and a Relaxed (Just subjective, you don't have to add it.) nature if adding Relaxed add 'a' before it maximize Quagsire's physical bulk, (AC) while ensuring neither Scald or Earthquake face a damage loss.

Usage Tips

Quagsire should be sent in against setup sweepers that threaten your team and deal with them by either burning with Scald, poisoning with Toxic, or by attacking with a powerful Earthquake. Quagsire should also be used to check the various Fire-types in the tier, such as Darmanitan and Arcanine.

Team Options

Special walls, such as Blissey and Florges, make for good teammates, as they deal with the various special attackers that threaten Quagsire. Quagsire is easily worn down by status, making clerics, such as Umbreon and Granbull, good partners.

Other Options

Haze can be used to remove opposing stat changes to ensure Quagsire's teammates are able to deal with the threat should Quagsire be KOed. Curse allows Quagsire to function as a bulky setup sweeper, although Quagsire lacks the Attack to utilize it effectively. Yawn can be used to put a foe to sleep, although it doesn't find room on the set. Lastly, Encore allows Quagsire to lock an opponent enemy into a favourable favorable move, ; (colon , --> Semi-Colon ;) however, due to because of Quagsire's low Speed, it can't be utilized effectively. btw that's a comma lucina; the change to the SC is good tho

Checks & Counters

**Grass-types**: Grass-types, such as Shaymin and Rotom-C, can easily OHKO Quagsire with a powerful STAB attack, and can switch into any of Quagsire's moves, (AC) as they aren't OHKOed by Ice Beam.

**Wallbreakers**: Wallbreakers, such as Choice Specs Kyurem and Choice Band Heracross, don't take much damage from Quagsire's attacks and can either OHKO or 2HKO with a powerful STAB attack respectively. I'd like a comma before respectively if it's added

**Status**: Quagsire's defensive capabilities are crippled if it is badly poisoned or burned. Should Quagsire be inflicted with either status, it is forced to constantly use Recover, hindering its ability to take hits.

**Haxorus**: Haxorus can setup on Quagsire, as it doesn't have to worry about Unaware ignoring the boosts due to Mold Breaker.

**Powerful Special Attackers**: Due to Because of not entirely needed Quagsire's low Special Defense, powerful special attackers, such as Mega Pidgeot and Hydreigon, can easily 2HKO and OHKO Quagsire respectively and aren't OHKOed by anything Quagsire can hit them with.


Issue with this check Lucina09 is that Kreme has almost no errors in their writing!_!
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Quagsire is the only viable Pokemon in the UnderUsed UU nnnnnnn don't change this one lucina !_! tier to gain access to Unaware. This gives it a niche despite having less bulk than the other bulky Water-types in the tier. Quagsire is also the most viable Pokemon in the tier with both a solid recovery move and Water / Ground typing. Quagsire also has access to good support options, such as Haze and Encore.

Quagmire (real set name)
name: Quagmire (real set name)
move 1: Scald
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Recover
move 4: Toxic
ability: Unaware
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Relaxed


Scald is a consistent STAB attack that has a 30% chance to burn chance the foe and has and no drawbacks, but doesn't hit hard due to Quagsire's mediocre Special Attack stat. Earthquake mitigates this,; (colon , --> Semi-Colon ;) however, as it has a whopping 100 Base Power coupled with a STAB boost. I don't really get this sentence after or before the change. I think I would keep the comma, and remove the 'however'? Recover gives Quagsire a form of reliable recovery. Toxic allows Quagsire to put a timer on the longevity of Pokemon without a method of curing it. Lastly, Ice Beam can be used over Scald to hit Salamence and Grass-types such as Roserade for super effective damage, but Salamence is already crippled by Scald burns and Toxic, (AC) while Grass-types don't take too much damage from Ice Beam, and in Roserade's case, it takes more from Earthquake. (This seems more fitting to the Other Options section. Otherwise, I'd add Ice Beam into the set as well.) Yes, either put Ice Beam slashed or put the sentence in OO

Set Details

Unaware is the chosen ability, (AC) as it ignores opposing stat boosts, allowing Quagsire to check most setup sweepers. Leftovers is the held item, as it gives Quagsire a form of passive recovery. The given defensive EVs and a Relaxed (Just subjective, you don't have to add it.) nature if adding Relaxed add 'a' before it maximize Quagsire's physical bulk, (AC) while ensuring neither Scald or Earthquake face a damage loss.

Usage Tips

Quagsire should be sent in against setup sweepers that threaten your team and deal with them by either burning with Scald, poisoning with Toxic, or by attacking with a powerful Earthquake. Quagsire should also be used to check the various Fire-types in the tier, such as Darmanitan and Arcanine.

Team Options

Special walls, such as Blissey and Florges, make for good teammates, as they deal with the various special attackers that threaten Quagsire. Quagsire is easily worn down by status, making clerics, such as Umbreon and Granbull, good partners.

Other Options

Haze can be used to remove opposing stat changes to ensure Quagsire's teammates are able to deal with the threat should Quagsire be KOed. Curse allows Quagsire to function as a bulky setup sweeper, although Quagsire lacks the Attack to utilize it effectively. Yawn can be used to put a foe to sleep, although it doesn't find room on the set. Lastly, Encore allows Quagsire to lock an opponent enemy into a favourable favorable move, ; (colon , --> Semi-Colon ;) however, due to because of Quagsire's low Speed, it can't be utilized effectively. btw that's a comma lucina; the change to the SC is good tho

Checks & Counters

**Grass-types**: Grass-types, such as Shaymin and Rotom-C, can easily OHKO Quagsire with a powerful STAB attack, and can switch into any of Quagsire's moves, (AC) as they aren't OHKOed by Ice Beam.

**Wallbreakers**: Wallbreakers, such as Choice Specs Kyurem and Choice Band Heracross, don't take much damage from Quagsire's attacks and can either OHKO or 2HKO with a powerful STAB attack respectively. I'd like a comma before respectively if it's added

**Status**: Quagsire's defensive capabilities are crippled if it is badly poisoned or burned. Should Quagsire be inflicted with either status, it is forced to constantly use Recover, hindering its ability to take hits.

**Haxorus**: Haxorus can setup on Quagsire, as it doesn't have to worry about Unaware ignoring the boosts due to Mold Breaker.

**Powerful Special Attackers**: Due to Because of not entirely needed Quagsire's low Special Defense, powerful special attackers, such as Mega Pidgeot and Hydreigon, can easily 2HKO and OHKO Quagsire respectively and aren't OHKOed by anything Quagsire can hit them with.


Issue with this check Lucina09 is that Kreme has almost no errors in their writing!_!

This is implemented although this is my first time implementing a stamped amcheck so tell me if something's messed up.

GP 2/2

Quagsire is the only viable Pokemon in the UnderUsed tier to gain access to Unaware. This gives it a niche despite it having less bulk than the other bulky Water-types in the tier. Quagsire is also the most viable Pokemon in the tier with both a solid recovery move and Water / Ground typing. Quagsire also has access to good support options, such as Haze and Encore.

Physically Defensive
name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Scald
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Recover
move 4: Toxic
ability: Unaware
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Relaxed


Scald is a consistent STAB attack that has a 30% chance to burn the foe and has no drawbacks, but it doesn't hit hard due to Quagsire's mediocre Special Attack stat. Earthquake mitigates this, (you can put "however," back here if you like) as it has a whopping 100 Base Power coupled with a STAB boost. Recover gives Quagsire a form of reliable recovery. Toxic allows Quagsire to put a timer on the longevity of Pokemon without a method of curing it.

Set Details

Unaware is the chosen ability, as it ignores opposing stat boosts, allowing Quagsire to check most setup sweepers. Leftovers is the held item, as it gives Quagsire a form of passive recovery. The given EVs and nature maximize Quagsire's physical bulk, (remove comma) while ensuring neither Scald nor (either or, neither nor) Earthquake faces ("neither x nor y" is actually singular) a damage loss.

Usage Tips

Quagsire should be sent in against setup sweepers that threaten your team and deal with them by either burning with Scald, poisoning with Toxic, or by attacking with a powerful Earthquake. Quagsire should also be used to check the various Fire-types in the tier, such as Darmanitan and Arcanine.

Team Options

Special walls, such as Blissey and Florges, make for good teammates, as they deal with the various special attackers that threaten Quagsire. Quagsire is easily worn down by status, making clerics, such as Umbreon and Granbull, good partners.

Other Options

Haze can be used to remove opposing stat changes to ensure Quagsire's teammates are able to deal with the threat should Quagsire be KOed. Curse allows Quagsire to function as a bulky setup sweeper, although Quagsire lacks the Attack to utilize it effectively. Yawn can be used to put a foe to sleep, although it doesn't find room on the set. Encore allows Quagsire to lock a foe into a favorable move; however, because of Quagsire's low Speed, it can't be utilized effectively. Lastly, Ice Beam can be used over Scald to hit Salamence and Grass-types, such as Rotom-C and Roserade, for super effective damage, but Salamence is already crippled by Scald burns and Toxic, while Grass-types don't take too much damage from Ice Beam, and in Roserade's case, it takes more from Earthquake.

Checks & Counters

**Grass-types**: Grass-types, such as Shaymin and Rotom-C, can easily OHKO Quagsire with a powerful STAB attack, and can switch into any of Quagsire's moves(comma) as they aren't OHKOed by Ice Beam, and easily OHKO Quagsire with a powerful STAB attack. (optional reordering but I do think the order makes more sense this way u__u comma is not optional though)

**Wallbreakers**: Wallbreakers, such as Choice Specs Kyurem and Choice Band Heracross, don't take much damage from Quagsire's attacks and can either OHKO or 2HKO with a powerful STAB attack, respectively.

**Status**: Quagsire's defensive capabilities are crippled if it is badly poisoned or burned. Should Quagsire be inflicted with either status, it is forced to constantly use Recover, hindering its ability to take hits.

**Haxorus**: Haxorus can set(space)up on Quagsire, as it doesn't have to worry about Unaware ignoring the boosts due to Mold Breaker.

**Powerful Special Attackers**: Due to Quagsire's low Special Defense, powerful special attackers, (remove comma) such as Mega Pidgeot and Hydreigon, (remove comma) can easily 2HKO and OHKO Quagsire(comma) respectively(comma) and aren't OHKOed by anything Quagsire can hit them with.
I'm sorry to be that guy, but I think this analysis is lacking in detail. I'm not QC, so take my opinions as you see fit.

There's not much here that I can't find out simply by looking at Bulbapedia.
What niche does Unaware provide Quagsire?
What are some of Quagsire's shortcomings?
What role does it serve?
What team archetype does it fit best on?
What Pokemon give Quagsire trouble?

What are you trying to hit with Scald and EQ? Name targets of each move.

Set Details
We know that Leftovers provides passive recovery; how is that good for Quaggy?

Usage Tips
What are the appropriate situations where you'd specifically use Scald, Taunt, or EQ?
What is the general role Quagsire serves?
What should you eliminate before sending Quagsire in?

Team Options
What are some mons that appreciate Quagsire's ability to wall things?
What Pokemon have good synergy, offensive or defensive, with Quagsire?
I'm sorry to be that guy, but I think this analysis is lacking in detail. I'm not QC, so take my opinions as you see fit.

There's not much here that I can't find out simply by looking at Bulbapedia.
What niche does Unaware provide Quagsire?
What are some of Quagsire's shortcomings?
What role does it serve?
What team archetype does it fit best on?
What Pokemon give Quagsire trouble?

What are you trying to hit with Scald and EQ? Name targets of each move.

Set Details
We know that Leftovers provides passive recovery; how is that good for Quaggy?

Usage Tips
What are the appropriate situations where you'd specifically use Scald, Taunt, or EQ?
What is the general role Quagsire serves?
What should you eliminate before sending Quagsire in?

Team Options
What are some mons that appreciate Quagsire's ability to wall things?
What Pokemon have good synergy, offensive or defensive, with Quagsire?

I expanded it a bit. Regarding your questions though, most of my Overview sentences had a mention of UU in there, so I find it hard to believe you could find most of it on Bulbapedia (I checked just to make sure). Unaware's niche is stated in Set Details. I mentioned another shortcoming but honestly the main one is that it faces a lot of competition which I already mentioned beforehand. Pokemon that give Quagsire trouble are already mentioned in C&C anyways so mentioning them here seems unnecessary but I did mention a bit as it directly relates to one of Quagsire's shortcomings. I don't believe I have to elaborate on what each STAB attack specifically hits since it's pretty obvious, you wouldn't use Scald vs Lucario but EQ it instead for example. Considering Quagsire is a wall Leftovers having passive recovery pretty much tells you all it needs to tbh. I don't believe I need to elaborate on specific scenarios regarding when to use each move (btw Taunt isn't even there, it's Toxic lol) considering if I did, it would most likely be a specific scenario and poses the question of "Which one do I use now?" when a different scenario pops up. I mentioned the role in the Overview after editting so I don't see the point of mentioning it again in Usage Tips. Quagsire is a defensive Pokemon so you don't really have to eliminate anything before sending it in, it's not a sweeper / cleaner. Quagsire mainly just needs special walls and cleric support and those Pokemon already pretty much appreciate Quagsire's physical walling capabilities as is. I mentioned defensive synergy teammates though, although offensive synergy is non-existent considering Quagsire's role lol.

Tagging P Squared to see if the changes were grammatically fine.
minor things
Quagsire is the only viable Pokemon in the UnderUsed tier to gain access to Unaware. This gives it a niche despite it having less bulk than the other bulky Water-types in the tier.
Scald is a consistent STAB attack that has a 30% chance to burn the foe and has no drawbacks, but it doesn't hit hard due to Quagsire's mediocre Special Attack stat.
**Grass-types**: Grass-types, such as Shaymin and Rotom-C, can switch into any of Quagsire's moves(comma) as they aren't OHKOed by Ice Beam, and easily OHKO Quagsire with a powerful STAB attack.
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minor things
Quagsire is the only viable Pokemon in the UnderUsed tier to gain access to Unaware. This gives it a niche despite it having less bulk than the other bulky Water-types in the tier.
Scald is a consistent STAB attack that has a 30% chance to burn the foe and has no drawbacks, but it doesn't hit hard due to Quagsire's mediocre Special Attack stat.
**Grass-types**: Grass-types, such as Shaymin and Rotom-C, can switch into any of Quagsire's moves(comma) as they aren't OHKOed by Ice Beam, and easily OHKO Quagsire with a powerful STAB attack.

Thanks a bunch. This is ready for upload now.