UU Player of the Week #12: bugzinator

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Approved by Sam and Hikari

Can you tell us a bit about yourself? Hey, nothing too special to say here really! I'm a regular 12 year old school girl (not really) from Scotland and my hobbies include football (European), listening to music (into to a bit of pop, synthpop, britpop, alt-rock, indie-rock and whatever else sounds good really), messing around/having a laugh with friends and playing pokemon of course.

Most Known For: Being some 3k random from PO, starting oras uu in spl for the firebot falcons and being a lifetime 0-2 vs king uu in tournament matches.

Favorite Pokemon: Big fan of roserade, looks good design wise and is a fun offensive grass type to use competitively.

Most used UU Pokemon: I'd say mega aero, fast strong pokemon which checks a lot of difficult offensive threats like beedrill and pidgeot and can run offensive hone claws and attacking sets making it really easy to fit on teams. Other than aero would probably be whimsicott, nice pivot on offensive teams to help grab momentum and check dragons and fighting types etc.

Where did you get your name from? Basically just something I came up with on the spot when I first joined PO because I was eager to start playing some matches; made a team which had scizor, venomoth and heracross and then decided I'd try to make my name something cool with bug in it, couldn't really think of anything good and after a while got bored and settled for this. :)

How and when did you get into competitive battling? Got into competitive battling sometime during the summer of 2012. Was going on a vacation with family and we had like two days of travelling to get through, to stop myself from getting bored I started playing my sisters old game boy advance which had pokemon emerald on it. Basically by the time we got home I had defeated the e4 and was searching online how to catch the legendaries or something, somehow came to a video of some guy playing pokemon online and decided to download and try for myself. Took a while for me to get the hang of competitive battling but after a few months I was hooked on tryna get past 1400 on the bw ou ladder and have never looked back since.

Opinions on ORAS compared to XY? Haven't played much Ubers or OU this gen, but as far as I can see those tiers have became a lot worse and even more match up orientated thanks to the addition of a few new megas etc. Can't say the same is true for UU however, we did gain some new threats like pidgeot, beedrill and sheer force gatr, but think the tier was helped a lot by getting rid of things like mega zam and zygarde and if anything ORAS UU is more fun and diverse to play than XY UU ever was.

What is your favorite playstyle and why? At the moment would probably be bulky or balanced offense with a solid defensive back bone. Did used to play more ho with hazard stacking back in bw, but I think the new defog mechanics made that kind of style a lot more risky and these days I've been staying pretty safe with a lot of my builds.

Do you think any mon is suspect worthy atm? If yes, which mon and why. Can't say I've been playing a ton of UU recently, but back in spl I really started to wonder if reuniclus should be suspected. Reun is a mon which can pretty much destroy some play styles single handedly and has bulk + magic guard to let it set up freely on a lot of the tier. Many of the pokemon like chandy, hera & krook which people do use to stop cm reun can never switch in directly to psyshocks or focus blasts either and hate getting worn down by hazards just to force reun out, no question it can be really annoying to keep in check through out the match. May go into this more if I ever feel like making some suspect posts on UU, but haven't been playing a ton recently so I'll leave it at that.

How was the transition from PO UU to Smogon UU for you? Actually found it pretty difficult at first, but think that was more down to transitioning from XY to ORAS rather than PO to smogon. Hadn't touched any ORAS UU before spl and wasn't really expecting to get picked up in auction so I didn't spent much time trying to learn any before spl began. Luckily when I did get bought it was for the same team as Pearl (who really should have been starting UU) and he was able to help me out and teach me that using mega aero = wins. :]

Favorite moment of SPL? Probably winning my week 6 match vs JabbaTheGriffin, going into it we were down 5-6 and my match was the last of the series. I spent quite a lot of time during that week building and preparing so I was actually feeling pretty confident going into it, luckily my prep paid off and I was able to win the match with a comfortable team advantage and clinch the tie for us, just felt really good afterwords knowing that I managed to come through when the whole team was relying on me. Least favourite moments have gotta be getting harassed by High Impulse to listen to Taylor Swift and wolf roleplay with him everyday. :(

What is some advice you can give to new players who want to get noticed? I think first of all lurk on the forums and make sure you don't get noticed for the wrong reasons, easy for new players to get singled out on here for poor posting which could ruin their chances of being picked for big tournaments in the future. Other than that would suggest joining as many tournaments as possible, might not be winning too many matches at first but there's plenty of resources on these forums which you can use to help improve and eventually make a name for yourself as a solid player. Also think it's important to not act salty or complain too much about hax during battles, people aren't likely to pick you up for tournaments if you've left a bad impression in the past and you never know who you're playing against on the ladder.

How do you go about preparing for tournament matches? Sometimes I ask friends or team mates about my opponent and gather replays to try and find out what may work vs them and build accordingly, other times I'm too lazy to do anything and will leave it to the last minute to slap something together or bother finchinator for a team, has quite mixed results.

Who are some of your favorite people in the community? Any of my PO m8s out there: zoro, metal, c.danza, meh, draciel, rage channel., arcanines, uk and whoever else I talk to. As far as guys from smogon go: pearl, tesung, kratosmana, pretty much anyone from falcons, uk, nupl, uupl, oupl and the UU community, fuckin luv you all. Also got a lot of respect for people like mcm and aim who I don't really talk to but are contributing quite a bit to the site and seem like pretty cool laid back guys.

Finally can you provide for us a team that you think reflects you as a player with a brief explanation of how it works?


Bronzong @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 84 Atk / 56 Def / 116 SDef
IVs: 0 Spd
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Gyro Ball
- Earthquake
- Toxic
- Stealth Rock

Druddigon (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Dragon Tail
- Earthquake
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Qwilfish (F) @ Black Sludge
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 244 Def / 12 Spd
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Waterfall
- Pain Split
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes

Raikou @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
IVs: 30 HP / 2 Atk / 30 Def
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Calm Mind
- Roar

Heracross (F) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Close Combat
- Megahorn
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

Mismagius (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 240 HP / 52 Def / 216 Spd
IVs: 0 Atk
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Shadow Ball
- Will-O-Wisp
- Taunt
- Pain Split

This is a team I made a while back for BW UU, has won some matches for things like uupl and po e4 and has always been pretty fun to use with some cool sets thrown in too. Pretty simple concept of keeping hazards up with qwilfish + mismagius and wearing down the opponents team with phazing from druddigon and raikou etc. Overall a pretty bulky team that has most threats covered, while still being able to break through stall without out too much difficulty!


Thanks for reading. If you have any questions for bugzy leave them down below. Cya next week!
After the incredible success of famed pokemon master Afro Smash, do you think other UK players come under more scrutiny, and, more importantly, do you think there's any brits out there that can fill his shoes?
Finchinator how does it feel to be in two potws between your alt and your main account?
lol pls, bugzy's grown too good at uu to be my alt

anyway some questions b/c why not:
do you like chandy bw uu more than or less than non-chandy bw uu? (ik you didnt play w/ hail much, so i'll keep this out)
dogs or birds?
what is the best type of spam in your opinion (in bw uu and oras uu)? (i.e: fight spam, fire spam, bird spam, etc. - sort of mini-archetypes of offensive teams that center around 2-3 of a certain attacking type clearing the way for the other of that type and cleaning opposing teams)
2014 arcanines for life yn
if you could do it all over back from the start dating back to #Tournaments on PO, would you pick ou or nu or even ru over UU, or would you still be a UUer?
what's your opinion on oras in general? do you feel it is lackluster in comparison to bw and if so, why - if not, why not? (imo it is, but i'm #1 bw (BAN ME PLEASE) lol)
sik @ nu yn

What's your favorite kind of trolling?

Being as young as you are (as well as female), do you ever feel uncomfortable around this community (especially with recent incidents such as the ones involving Style and Goddess Briyella)?

Why is IRC so terrible?

Who's your trap queen?
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After the incredible success of famed pokemon master Afro Smash, do you think other UK players come under more scrutiny, and, more importantly, do you think there's any brits out there that can fill his shoes?

Yeah there's a lot more scrutiny on the british players at the moment, think most people were disappointed to see such a promising talent like afro smash become such a washed up nobody so soon, strongly believe someone like piexplode could be the perfect man to replace him

Finchinator how does it feel to be in two potws between your alt and your main account?

Good to see my other alt finally getting some recognition, always considered this one far superior and often feel bad about how much of a loser my finchinator alt is :/

lol pls, bugzy's grown too good at uu to be my alt

anyway some questions b/c why not:
do you like chandy bw uu more than or less than non-chandy bw uu? (ik you didnt play w/ hail much, so i'll keep this out)
dogs or birds?
what is the best type of spam in your opinion (in bw uu and oras uu)? (i.e: fight spam, fire spam, bird spam, etc. - sort of mini-archetypes of offensive teams that center around 2-3 of a certain attacking type clearing the way for the other of that type and cleaning opposing teams)
2014 arcanines for life yn
if you could do it all over back from the start dating back to #Tournaments on PO, would you pick ou or nu or even ru over UU, or would you still be a UUer?
what's your opinion on oras in general? do you feel it is lackluster in comparison to bw and if so, why - if not, why not? (imo it is, but i'm #1 bw (BAN ME PLEASE) lol)
sik @ nu yn


enjoy both metas and love abusing chandy in bw uu but probably best without it
fighting in bw uu and dragon in oras uu
uu 4 life
fuck oras, not a fan of knock off or defog and think they added an unnecessary amount of op new megas
almost as good as anti

What's your favorite kind of trolling?

Being as young as you are (as well as female), do you ever feel uncomfortable around this community (especially with recent incidents such as the ones involving Style and Goddess Briyella)?

Why is IRC so terrible?

Who's your trap queen?

Anything that involves finchinator

Yeah I think smogon can be a daunting place for young girls, can't say that I haven't been subjected to some levels of harassment during my time here. One thing I love about po is that we have the #Girls Only channel where young girls can go to hang out in a pleasant environment and feel totally safe, I've also been a member of the Project Feminism group on po since 2009 which has helped us steer clear of any gender based inequalities. I think smogon would do well do adopt projects like these and believe it would help create a much more comfortable environment for users like myself. :)

it's awkward, feels like something that should have went out of date 10 years ago and there's like a million commands which nobody understands

i think you know who ;)
fakegirl ' - '

if you could ban or unban anything in smog uu to make it more fun/playable/balanced, what would it be and why

if you could ban or unban anything in po uu to make it more fun/playable/balanced, what would it be and why

favorite tier/gen if UU didn't exist

take a new picture of your cat! (preferably with you inside :3)

a sample of your favorite ORAS UU team?

what are your thoughts on this quote:
(23:45:21) DracoNinja: i hate it when people beat around the bush
(23:45:31) bugzinator: thats what dildos r for
(23:45:34) bugzinator: beating around the bush
(23:45:35) bugzinator: LOL

can we talk more again
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