Project OU Player of the Week #30: Tele

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StarmeiTheGod said:
Thoughts for what the next suspect might be?
You mean after Lando-I gets banned? A retest of Mega Metagross would be nice in my opinion.

StarmeiTheGod said:
How many pizzas can you cook per minute?
lol 1 i guess

StarmeiTheGod said:
You addressed matchup a bit here but to what degree, if at all, do you think matchup has been exaggerated or has become a go-to excuse for a losing player?
I mean there are 3 components that decide the outcome of a battle: Match-up, Luck (crits, high rolls, 5050s etc) and in-battle decisions: I feel like these 3 things should have almost equal importance. Now, I think that match-up is prevailing a bit over luck and in-game decisions, that's all.

What is the worst / most bs set you've lost to on the ladder? What playstyle do you think is most effective on the ladder, disregarding time constraints?
uhm. I remember losing to Taunt-Superfang Crobat once. That really made me want to throw my pc out of the window. I also lost to nasty plot Togekiss many times, which sucks.
Stall or Balanced are definetely the best playstyles especially in high ladder

wasn't slowbro your favourite pokemon?
Yea and it's still one of my favourites pokemons both for his design and his competitive utility.

Livio said:
Do u think u can do well in any tour as u often do in ladder?
I think I already did that. Of course everyone only remembers my OLT performance, because I beat M Dragon, aim and Bloo, but I've also done well in some minor/less hyped tours.

Livio said:
Who is the player who inspired you or what has most influenced your playstyle?
I'm being honest when I say that nobody influenced/inspired me; I did everything by myself, I never felt like asking someone to help me with a team, or to give me tips on what to do on a certain situation. I was more focused on becoming an inspiration to others, rather than looking up to them.

You said that you think team matchup is a real issue. How would you propose fixing/alleviating this?
I think banning Lando-I is the first step

Leremyju said:
What are your thoughts on PDC
He's very good, I think his recent Smogon Tour performance speaks for him.

Leremyju said:
Are u gonna upload more on YouTube

Leremyju said:
How often do you have sex in between your tour games

Leremyju said:
Do you think it is hard to deal with tons of threats that it can be hard to play balance without resorting to more of a semi stall play style
Yea it's pretty hard, and yea, most of the times I resort to more of a semistall playstyle rather than some real balance. Things might change with a couple of bans though.

Leremyju said:
can you write war stories
uhm seems a lot of work. isnt starting a yt quite the same though?

should manaphy get suspected?
is our clan the best? GO CAPITALISTS!
like I said in the interview, I think Tail Glow is suspect worth.

Dread Arceus said:
if you could ban mega altaria would you?
Asbolutely not. I think it's good for the metagame. Especially because you can count CharY's counters on one hand.

Dread Arceus said:
will you miss the italian admin?
Ofc I will. Ive been conversating with him a lot of times and about a lot of different matters. I wish him the best.

Dread Arceus said:
what kind of music do you listen to?
i like Rock and Roll

What's the key to becoming a laddering god like yourself?
Like I said I really hate losing. Every time I lose (which happens a lot on the ladder, no matter how good you are and how solid your team is) i want to understand what went wrong, if I made any mistake, if I played too passive or if I lost just because my team is inferior (aka bad match-up). I'm also very determined in the sense that i don't give up very easily, and last but not least, I've enormous faith in my teambuilding process (probably even more faith than I should actually have), which means that whenever I lose, I try to justify the loss with some unlucky events or some bad plays rather than with the team matchup, because if I admit myself that I lost for team match-up, it would mean that my team wasn't as good as I thought and thus my team building process wasn't flawless. But this doesn't happen very often because I consider the team building process the most important and challenging part of the game and thus I dedicate a lot of time to it.

Favorite OM?
Your thoughts on the recent drama?
Unfortunate. Especially the bloo thing really disappointed me. I mean I perceived that something dirty was going on almost immediately (see the investigations on style, the nasty plot mew, the logs with hugo and bloo telling style's opponents what to do turn by turn etc), but you usually dont expect it coming from the Head TD. I have a lot of faith in the new head td anyway. I already answered on Haunter, it just saddens me that he had to leave like that, especially after many years of contribution.

Regarding the preparation for tournament matches, how do you deal with the way your opponent play? Have you ever built specifically for the opponent your were going to face? Confidence is important, but it doesn't matter how solid a team is if you end up getting cted during important games.
Tell me your thoughts about that
Like I said, I have total faith in my teambuilding process. You bring a good point though, as sometimes switching teams between tournament matches is very important. Although that, most of the times I don't really care because I prefer losing with a team that I completely trust rather than losing with a team that Ive built for a specific occasion (or, even worse, with a team given to me by a friend). This way I don't have any regrets.

metmaver said:
Does Manaphy deserve a suspect for his ability to break defensive builds? Or do you think that it being almost a deadslot against offense might prevent it from getting his suspect thread?
Like I said in the interview, I think Tail Glow deserves a suspect test.

metmaver said:
What do you think about M-Sableye? Is it a too matchup reliant mon or do you feel like it always pull its own weight during a match?
From my experience, I think it's a bit matchup reliant as every good competitive team should be prepared for it, with stuff like Clefable, Mega Diancie, Charizard Y/X or SD Talonflame which all heavily limit M-Sableye effectiveness.

metmaver said:
Will you tryhard to learn DPP and BW in order to attempt a serious run for the next Smogon Tour?
Nop I'll just bank on luck as its way more satisfying :P

metmaver said:
Are you studying IRL? If yes, what?
Im studying Statistic

metmaver said:
Keep going, and gl for youtube, you da best fren ^^
ty :3
To what extent can skill be taught and to what extent do you just need this knack for things?

Which of the following moves represents you the best: Scald, Knock Off, Stealth Rock, Recover/Roost/Softboiled/Synthesis/Slack Off, Thunder Wave?
do you watch football and if so which club do you support
yh I do. I support Juventus

OU should get rid of manaphy, mega altaria, mega metagross, landorus, mega landorus, zards and shadow tag and let slowbro reign supreme y/y?
mega lando?_? idk I think that only Lando-I and Mega Metagross stand out as ban worthy (and Tail Glow).

MrAldo said:
Why most people dont understand that manaphy is broken?
Like I said in the interview, I think most people associated manaphy's bw ban with permanent rain + Hydration rather than with Tail Glow, which is what makes it a dominant force in oras

MrAldo said:
What do you feel is the proper way of determining whenever is broken or not, or if it is too good for the tier? From which points you would make the approach?
I think its explained well here

MrAldo said:
Was late XY the perfect rendition of an OU metagame? Varying greninja of course
yh late xy wasn't bad, especially compared to the actual metagame.

Who do you think will win the championships league final?

SparksBlade said:
1) you said to me in chat that you wanted something humble for your first vid title, yet you chose what you did when you uploaded next day. why did you go for it :/
I don't quite understand what you mean here ;_;

SparksBlade said:
2) why won't you learn old gens, and do you think you'll later learn some lower tiers?
I won't because if you don't "live" a generation from his start, then it's hard to reach top players' level of said generation. I'm not sure if I'll ever try to learn lower tiers, I think there's still a lot to discover for me in the OU metagame.

SparksBlade said:
3) you gotta admit you lose your temper sometimes real quick >.> what you got to say about this?
Yes I do lose my temper sometimes especially on ladder, but I've been working on it. Anyway I never take the game as seriously as someone might think.

SparksBlade said:
4) why don't you name your teams?
Sometimes I name them, sometimes I don't. Thing is I have very few teams that I actually consider to be good, so it's not hard to remember their numbers

SparksBlade said:
5) you said you'd be happy with lando-i and manaphy/tail glow ban, but do you think anything is worth retesting to bring down?
Mega Metagross. I wouldn't even retest it, I'd just quickban it.

SparksBlade said:
6) do find low ladder frustrating or amusing?

BoxedOccaBerrys said:
Am I beautiful?
oo yes

BoxedOccaBerrys said:
Is there any specific Pokemon or Mega that you would rather have banned over Landorus?
Mega Metagross.

BoxedOccaBerrys said:
Would you ever try HO in ORAS?
I already did. I should practice it more probably.

BoxedOccaBerrys said:
Why do yOU like tornadus-t so much?
It's a great pivot and an excellent defensive momentum grabber. I don't think I need to add more.

What are ur thoughts on the haunter thing?
Like i said, it just saddens me that he had to leave this way after years of contribution. Also since I met him on PS one year ago, I've had many conversations with him and in some way he had become a point of reference for me within this site.

what is ur youtube

im out of the loop
here :3

ciao tele!

sono un fan dei tuoi team, sono davvero solidi. ho visto il tuo primo video su youtube, continua cosí!
solo una domanda, come mai hp ice > icy wind su tornadus?
Grazie :)
I prefer HPice just because of the better accuracy and the little bit more of power. And anyway Tornadus-T already outspeeds almost the whole metagame thanks to his 121 base speed, so I don't really see the benefit.

Thoughts on user fran17 ?

Would you ever join a call without johns?

What you think bout people from "Vicensa"?
meglio i padovani

Do you feel you're "ai passi del poro limon"? ;)
not really t.t

To what extent can skill be taught and to what extent do you just need this knack for things?

Which of the following moves represents you the best: Scald, Knock Off, Stealth Rock, Recover/Roost/Softboiled/Synthesis/Slack Off, Thunder Wave?
I dont think you can teach skill. Of course watching tournament/ladder/youtube games of the best players can be helpfull at times, but nothing helps you more than hundreds of battles on your own. You don't buy experience. It's something you gotta do on your own. Knack is more needed for teambuilding.
Scald because you often have to be patient in this game and in real life as well. Similarly, you have to patiently wait until Scald burns one of your opponent's key pokemons.
Gardevoir vs Diancie which is cuter?
Thoughts on double fairy teams?
Most hilarious loss you've been in?
If you could pick 1 player to be your evil overlord whom would it be and why?

On a scale of 1 to 10 how awesome are my questions?
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