The Under Games - Tournament (Finals) Won by YABO!!!

Lord Wallace

Hentai Connoiseur
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
ngl I have the shittiest post-slaughterhouse team of 6 ;__; I'll probably have to back out if I get paired with someone that got a lord squad
wait also question that u might have answered already but whatever
Quarrel (close)
Quarrel is a battle where the winner takes a pokemon from their opponent!

Betrayal (close)
Members of the same district or alliance face off against each other. The winner takes 2 pokemon from each player he/she faces!

^in these two instances do the winner choose what pokemon? also can we run from these or is that only the slaughterhouse?​
wait also question that u might have answered already but whatever
Quarrel (close)
Quarrel is a battle where the winner takes a pokemon from their opponent!

Betrayal (close)
Members of the same district or alliance face off against each other. The winner takes 2 pokemon from each player he/she faces!

^in these two instances do the winner choose what pokemon? also can we run from these or is that only the slaughterhouse?​
You can only run from a SlaughterHouse. The rates for SH drop in round 2. Betrayal rates and Quarrel rates go up. The pokemon you recieve will be randomly chosen by me.

Darkerones cteam my man
Ok, I VMed GULLY to see what times he was availabe on Tuesday to which he replied in private message saying that he still needed to make a team. So I've tried to be active on PS! as much as possible and messaged him 24 hours ago saying that I'd be in the UU room on PS!, but never saw him and still haven't got a reply.

So activity I guess.
Chapter 1 continued...

"Finally at the capitol! We are ganna crush them huh NV? Hahaha!" Slate gives me a rather uncomfortable slap on the back while he laughs in the most masculine way I can think of.
I reassure him, "Yeah whoo hoo..." Honestly I couldn't say who would win. There are a lot of intimidating opponents. Most districts volunteered themselves in order to receive the life long dream of happiness. I guess living isn't worth it unless you live in luxury. Well at least that's what Slate says. He volunteered the second the spokesman picked up the piece of paper. I'm not like that. I was... happy with my life.
"Don't worry NV I'll keep ya safe. Just stay close and don't stab me in the back! Hahaha!"
Slate is a rather large fella. Stabbing him in the back would be the end my Under Games career. I would definitely want to live but I have already accepted that Slate will kill me too easy if only us two. He wants the victory far too much. Well at least I can help him. Make my life meaningful for a while.

Several days of training pass and I became rather handy with a spear. At home I used slingshots to kill rats and that's about it. Most of the time I spent was on survival skills like gathering food and stuff like that. Maybe I can collect berries for Slate or something. The games are starting tomorrow. May the odds be in Slates favor.

The day of the games has come. I am lead into a large capitol building and directed by soldiers into the basement. Slate says he'll see me at the top as we go into separate rooms. In this room I am loaded into a circular vessel made of glass. The soldiers stare at me with their visors. Emotionless. Suddenly the vessel starts acceding upwards through a metallic shaft. I crouch down inside the vessel so I don't fall over. I look up and VOOOOOOOM! I'm blind but only for a second. The sun is bright and brutal. Its a desert. Nothing but sand and some palm trees in the distance. I look around at the other contestants in a large circle around what is called the Cornucopia. Its a weapons horde. Weapons and bags are also scattered around it and... wait what the hell? There is a bow right in front of a district seven opponent. Well good thing I'm far off from him.

The countdown is starting. I see Slate to my left and wave. He does not seem to notice me. He keeps starring at the Cornucopia in sprinting stance. I look to my right and to my surprise I am being stared at. Some kid form district fifteen is giving me this wicked smile. I smile back. One of those Monalisa smiles. He doesnt like it. He starts giving me hand gestures I don't quite understand. The countdown reaches 5. The district fifteen man points at me. Oh he wants to kill me! I look at Slate. He is still starring at the weapons horde. It comes to me. Slate cannot protect me from this. It's going to be a bloodbath. The horn sounds.
"I'm dead."
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The Lost Age
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Staff Alumnus
Chapter 1 continued...

"Finally at the capitol! We are ganna crush them huh NV? Hahaha!" Slate gives me a rather uncomfortable slap on the back while he laughs in the most masculine way I can think of.
I reassure him, "Yeah whoo hoo..." Honestly I couldn't say who would win. There are a lot of intimidating opponents. Most districts volunteered themselves in order to receive the life long dream of happiness. I guess living isn't worth it unless you live in luxury. Well at least that's what Slate says. He volunteered the second the spokesman picked up the piece of paper. I'm not like that. I was... happy with my life.
"Don't worry NV I'll keep ya safe. Just stay close and don't stab me in the back! Hahaha!"
Slate is a rather large fella. Stabbing him in the back would be the end my Under Games career. I would definitely want to live but I have already accepted that Slate will kill me too easy if only us two. He wants the victory far too much. Well at least I can help him. Make my life meaningful for a while.

Several days of training pass and I became rather handy with a spear. At home I used slingshots to kill rats and that's about it. Most of the time I spent was on survival skills like gathering food and stuff like that. Maybe I can collect berries for Slate or something. The games are starting tomorrow. May the odds be in Slates favor.

The day of the games has come. I am lead into a large capitol building and directed by soldiers into the basement. Slate says he'll see me at the top as we go into seperate rooms. In this room I am loaded into a circular vessel...

Ill finish this tomorrow I really need sleep
Absolutely love this like intertwining storyline :)
Chapter 1 continued...

"Finally at the capitol! We are ganna crush them huh NV? Hahaha!" Slate gives me a rather uncomfortable slap on the back while he laughs in the most masculine way I can think of.
I reassure him, "Yeah whoo hoo..." Honestly I couldn't say who would win. There are a lot of intimidating opponents. Most districts volunteered themselves in order to receive the life long dream of happiness. I guess living isn't worth it unless you live in luxury. Well at least that's what Slate says. He volunteered the second the spokesman picked up the piece of paper. I'm not like that. I was... happy with my life.
"Don't worry NV I'll keep ya safe. Just stay close and don't stab me in the back! Hahaha!"
Slate is a rather large fella. Stabbing him in the back would be the end my Under Games career. I would definitely want to live but I have already accepted that Slate will kill me too easy if only us two. He wants the victory far too much. Well at least I can help him. Make my life meaningful for a while.

Several days of training pass and I became rather handy with a spear. At home I used slingshots to kill rats and that's about it. Most of the time I spent was on survival skills like gathering food and stuff like that. Maybe I can collect berries for Slate or something. The games are starting tomorrow. May the odds be in Slates favor.

The day of the games has come. I am lead into a large capitol building and directed by soldiers into the basement. Slate says he'll see me at the top as we go into seperate rooms. In this room I am loaded into a circular vessel...

Ill finish this tomorrow I really need sleep
This is great, keep it going! :)
Round 2
The Desert Scramble: Round 2 will consist of the following matches
Quarrel is a battle where the winner takes a pokemon from their opponent!

SlaughterHouse is a fight to the death! The first player to get 2 wins against their opponent steals all their pokemon. No pokemon are taken until all the battles are completed. You can run from a slaughterhouse but you will lose a pokemon!

Members of the same district face off against each other. The winner takes 2 pokemon from each player he/she faces!

Please read the above if you have not already. If you have a SlaughterHouse match and wish to run away, please message me privately so there is no issues with stalling to see who runs first. If your opponent asks, then you are to set a time and tell him you are running only right before you click accept or you send a battle request. If you accidently click accept or send a request when you meant to run away instead, you must play that match and continue the BO3 SlaughterHouse
D1: Christo The Gr8 and RowDog
D2: Hogg and LilOuOn
D3: SparksBlade
D5: Slate.
D6: Shrug
D7: MrGorbachev and Euphonos
D8: Stall Hater
D10: Cnorth26 and Master Sunny-EX
D11: BasedLord Kirito and teal6
D12: bsu
D13: YABO and daedalus1103
D14: Arifeen
D15: Marvel Mystic
D16: xShiba

Subs will be: SparksBlade who was randomly chosen!

Winners of Round 1 have received their prizes:
Christo The Gr8:
Marvel Mystic:
Stall Hater:

Without further a due, here are the Round 2 matches! Deadline is Friday June 18th!

bsu Quarrels with MrGorbachev
(bsu if wins) vs Euphonos

Arifeen Quarrels with BasedLord Kirito
(Arifeen if wins) vs teal6

LilOuOn Quarrels with Slate.
Hogg vs (Slate. if wins)

SparksBlade Quarrels with Marvel Mystic

xShiba Quarrels with Christo The Gr8
(xShiba if wins) vs RowDog

Stall Hater Quarrels with YABO
(Stall Hater) vs daedalus1103

Master Sunny-EX Quarrels with Shrug
Cnorth26 vs (Shrug if wins)

Chapter 1 is finished! Have updated all pokemon on first page. If any questions feel free to ask.
It is the winners responsibility to post replays of the battles. Good Luck!

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King Turt
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
Just to clarify, do we HAVE to use everything we have or are we allowed to leave out something if it doesn't fit on the team or in the matchup. Looking forward to this round!


إسمي جف
is a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis the 8th Grand Slam Winner
Contacted. Also what do the 80%, 10%, 10% mean above the type of battle and how do you betray someone (I'm not going to though!)


King Turt
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
Contacted. Also what do the 80%, 10%, 10% mean above the type of battle and how do you betray someone (I'm not going to though!)
its the likelihood that you get that type of encounter in the round. From what I've gathered, DaSpoofy randomly assigns each pairing a battle type based on those percentages.


PO poopyhead
Call me counterteam captain LilOu. Won vs. Slate in a stressing as crap game. GG, though, friend.

Would like to thank some users for helping me hell of a lot to build the greatest team ever:
  • Pokemonistan, you da real mvp, thanks for teambuiling with me for more than an hour <3
  • Hogg DISTRICT 2 IS UNBEATABLE, thanks for last minute teambuilding and cheering in battle :]
  • dodmen for helping with some stuff too beforehand :]
  • PS NU room guys: lol thanks for suggesting shit things like pelipper to counter krook and to defog or like chople cacturne to counter mega toise lmfao you guys rock

Idek why I try so hard, I'm a no lifer
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Call me counterteam captain LilOu. Won vs. Slate in a stressing as crap game. GG, though, friend.

Would like to thank some users for helping me hell of a lot to build the greatest team ever:
- Pokemonistan, you da real mvp, thanks for teambuiling with me more than an hour <3
- Hogg DISTRICT 2 IS UNBEATABLE, thanks for last minute teambuilding and cheering in battle :]
- dodmen for helping with some stuff too beforehand :]
- PS NU room guys: lol thanks for suggesting shit things like pelipper to counter krook and to defog or like chople cacturne to counter mega toise lmfao you guys rock

Idek why I try so hard, I'm a no lifer
this is a fun tour hosted by a member of our community, and you played this and built this like it was Grand Slam. well at least you have determination, man :]
can't really complain about anything, he just thought and tried and played harder than me. gg :]
Call me counterteam captain LilOu. Won vs. Slate in a stressing as crap game. GG, though, friend.

Would like to thank some users for helping me hell of a lot to build the greatest team ever:
  • Pokemonistan, you da real mvp, thanks for teambuiling with me for more than an hour <3
  • Hogg DISTRICT 2 IS UNBEATABLE, thanks for last minute teambuilding and cheering in battle :]
  • dodmen for helping with some stuff too beforehand :]
  • PS NU room guys: lol thanks for suggesting shit things like pelipper to counter krook and to defog or like chople cacturne to counter mega toise lmfao you guys rock

Idek why I try so hard, I'm a no lifer
Uh I'm pretty sure quarrels are a bo3 as well, DaSpoofy said to my last opponent quarrels were best of 3.
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