[VGC 2015] Manectric


waiting for a moment
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Mega Manectric faces competition from Raikou and Thundurus, both of which do not take up a Mega slot. Ground-types, such as Landorus-T, have also strained the viability of Mega Manectric. Mega Manectric also has a very shallow movepool and a very predictable moveset. However, despite having a shallow movepool, Mega Manectric has surprisingly good coverage options. Mega Manectric retains one of the highest Speed stats in the metagame, tied with only Mega Lopunny, which allows it to outspeed all of the unboosted metagame. Having Intimidate and Volt Switch allows Mega Manectric to act as a pivot and Intimidate shuffler.

name: Special Attacker
move 1: Volt Switch / Thunderbolt
move 2: Hidden Power Ice
move 3: Overheat / Thunderbolt / Flamethrower
move 4: Protect
item: Manectite
ability: Lightningrod
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 12 HP / 244 SpA / 252 Spe


Volt Switch allows Mega Manectric to Intimidate shuffle and reset its stat reductions from Overheat. Thunderbolt, a stronger alternative, can be handy as it doesn't switch Mega Manectric out; it is also an option over Overheat, should Mega Manectric not need the Fire-type coverage. Hidden Power Ice allows Mega Manectric to hit Ground-types, mainly Garchomp and Landorus-T. Overheat is the preferred Fire-type coverage move because it has more power than Flamethrower and has nice synergy with Mega Manectric's role as a hit-and-run Pokemon. However, Flamethrower allows Mega Manectric to stay in and attack. Protect is mandatory because it allows Manectric to gain the Speed boost from its Mega Evolution.

Set Details

Maximum Speed EVs with a Timid nature are used to take advantage of Mega Manectric's good Speed tier. 244 Special Attack EVs are used because a fast, frail attacker like Mega Manectric prefers having max Speed. 12 HP EVs allow Mega Manectric to always survive a spread reduced Earthquake from a -1 maximum Attack Choice Scarf Adamant Landorus-T and retaliate with an OHKO via Hidden Power Ice. A Timid nature is preferred because Mega Manectric prefers higher Speed, however a Modest nature could be used to increase Mega Manectric's damage output. Lightningrod is the preferred ability because it allows Mega Manectric to switch into opposing Electric-type attacks and gain a Special Attack boost.

Usage Tips

Mega Manectric performs as a hit-and-run Pokemon. Hit your opponent with a strong attack and Volt Switch out when there is a Pokemon that threatens Mega Manectric. This works really well with Intimidate, as it allows Mega Manectric to Intimidate shuffle and cripple the opponent's physical attackers. There are times when delaying its Mega Evolution is better because Lightningrod can redirect potential Electric-type attacks aimed at Mega Manectric's partners. Mega Manectric doesn't have the bulk that most Intimidate users have, so it cannot switch into many attacks.

Team Options

Mega Manectric has nice synergy with Water-types such as Gyarados. Gyarados checks Rotom-H and Ground-types while also forming a nice Intimidate core with Mega Manectric. Mega Manectric can switch into Electric-type attacks aimed at Gyarados and gain a free boost due to Lightningrod. Mega Manectric can also check bulky Water-types that Gyarados has trouble beating. Milotic can check the same Pokemon that Gyarados checks while also discouraging Landorus-T from being sent out due to Milotic's Competitive ability. Talonflame can help break through Venusaur, Amoonguss, and common Assault Vest users such as Conkeldurr and Ludicolo and benefits from Mega Manectric's ability to remove most bulky Water-types. Landorus-T, despite being a Ground-type itself, synergizes really well with Mega Manectric, as it can switch into Ground-type attacks aimed at Mega Manectric while being able to force out Pokemon that Mega Manectric has trouble hitting for massive damage, such as Rotom-H and Heatran. Mega Manectric, in turn, checks bulky Water-types that Landorus-T has trouble hitting and Ferrothorn with its Fire-type coverage move.

Other Options

Mega Manectric has a very shallow movepool, so there aren't many options. Snarl can be used to weaken the opponent's special attackers, while Thunder is a much stronger STAB move that works well in rain teams.

Checks and Counters

**Speed Control**: Even after lowering the opposing Pokemon's Attack stats with Intimidate, Mega Manectric's bulk still isn't very good. If Mega Manectric's Speed is reduced in some way—for example, with Icy Wind or Tailwind boosting the Speed of the opposing team—then the opponent can easily take advantage of Mega Manectric's low bulk and OHKO it.

**Typing Advantage**: Common Pokemon, such as Rotom-H and Venusaur, can completely wall Mega Manectric. Those two can easily force Mega Manectric out with their respective STAB moves. Dragon- and Ground-types are a huge problem for Mega Manectric, as it has trouble breaking through Dragon- and Ground-types which aren't 4x weak to Ice-type attacks. Faster Ground-types, such as the common Choice Scarf Landorus-T, can force Mega Manectric out with Earthquake, while Dragon-types such as Hydreigon can laugh off a Hidden Power Ice and destroy Mega Manectric with a Draco Meteor.
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this marks the 3rd time I've fallen asleep in the middle of a check


The VGC 2015 metagame has not been kind to Manectric. Once, one of the only good, fast Electric-types in the metagame, Manectric now faces competition from Raikou and Thundurus, both of which do not take up a M(capitalize m)ega slot. New Ground-types, such as Landorus-T, has have also strained the viability of Manectric. Manectric also has a very shallow movepool and a very predictable moveset. However, d(lowercase d)espite having a shallow movepool, Manectric has surprisingly good coverage options. Mega Manectric (refer to it as Mega here because Manectric does not Speed tie w/ Mega Lopunny), however, still retains one of the highest Speed in the metagame, tied with only Mega Lopunny, which allows it to outspeed all of the unboosted metagame. Having Intimidate and Volt Switch allows Manectric to act as a pivot and Intimidate shuffle.

name: Mega Special Attacker
move 1: Volt Switch / Thunderbolt
move 2: Hidden Power Ice
move 3: Overheat / Thunderbolt / Flamethrower
move 4: Protect
item: Manectite
ability: Lightningrod
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 12 HP / 244 SpA / 252 Spe


Volt Switch is a STAB move and allows Manectric to Intimidate shuffle and reset its stats stat reductions from Overheat. Thunderbolt,(add comma) is a stronger STAB move and alternative, can be handy,(add comma) since it doesn't switch Manectric out; it is also an option over Overheat,(add comma) should Manectric not need the Fire-type coverage. Hidden Power Ice allows Manectric to hit Ground-types, mainly Garchomp and Landorus-T, harder. Overheat is the preferred Fire-type coverage move because it has more power than Flamethrower and has nice synergy with Manectric's role as a hit-and-run Pokemon,.(comma -> period) H(capitalize h)owever, Flamethrower allows is an option should Manectric to stay in not want to switch out every time it uses a Fire-type attack. Protect is mandatory because it allows Manectric to gain the S(capitalize s)peed boost from its Mega Evolution.

Set Details

244 Special Attack EVs are used because since a fast, frail attacker like Manectric prefers having max Speed. Maximum Speed EVs with a Timid nature are used because investing in bulk is unnecessary isn't needed at all and Manectric prefers to outspeed Pokemon and hit it hard. 12 HP EVs allow Manectric to always survive a an spread-reduced (is this necessary? it seems implied) Earthquake from a -1 maximum Attack Choice Scarf Adamant Landorus-T and retaliate with an OHKO back with a via Hidden Power Ice. A Timid nature is preferred since Manectric prefers the higher S(capitalize s)peed,;(comma -> semicolon) however, a Modest nature could be used should you want to increase Manectric's damage output. Lightningrod is the preferred ability because it allows Manectric to switch into opposing Electric-type attacks and gain a Special Attack boost.

Usage Tips

Manectric performs as a hit-and-run Pokemon. Hit your opponent with a strong attack and Volt Switch out when there is a Pokemon that threatens Manectric. This works really well with Intimidate,(add comma) as it allows Manectric to Intimidate shuffle and cripple the opponent's physical attackers. There are times when delaying its Mega Evolution is better since Lightningrod can redirect potential Electric-type attacks aimed at Manectric's partners. Despite having Intimidate, Manectric doesn't have the bulk that most Intimidate users have, so it cannot switch into many attacks unlike them.

Team Options

Manectric has nice synergy with Water-types.(remove period) such as Gyarados is a great Water-type for Manectric's partner. Gyarados checks Rotom-H and Ground-types while also forming a nice Intimidate core with Manectric. Manectric can switch into Electric-type attacks aimed at Gyarados and gain a free boost due to Lightningrod. Manectric can also check bulky Water-types that Gyarados has trouble beating. Milotic can also check the same Pokemon that Gyarados checks while also discouraging Landorus-T from being sent out due to Milotic's Competitive ability. Talonflame can help break through Venusaur, Amoonguss, and common Assault Vest users such as Conkeldurr and Ludicolo. Talonflame and benefits from is greatly benefited by Manectric's ability to remove most bulky-Water-types, besides Rotom-W. Landorus-T, despite being a Ground-type itself, synergizes really well with Manectric, as it can switch into Ground-type attacks aimed at Manectric while being able to force out Pokemon that Manectric have has trouble hitting for massive damage,(add comma) such as Rotom-H and Heatran. Manectric, in turn, checks bulky Water-types that Landorus has trouble hitting and Ferrothorn with its Fire-type coverage move.

Other Options

Manectric has a very shallow movepool,(add comma) so there aren't many options. Snarl can be used to weaken the opponent's special attackers, while Thunder is a much stronger STAB move that works well in r(lowercase r)ain teams.

Checks and Counters

**Speed Control**: Despite having Even after lowering opponents' Attack with Intimidate, Manectric's bulk still isn't very good the best. If Manectric's S(capitalize s)peed is reduced in some way—for example, taken away, either with Icy Wind or Tailwind boosting the Speed of the opposing opponent's Pokemon,(comma -> em dash)then the opponent can easily take advantage of Manectric's low bulk and OHKO it.

**Typing Advantage**: Common Pokemon, such as Rotom-H and Venusaur, can completely wall Mega Manectric (you keep referring to it as both Mega Manectric and Manectric. try sticking to one of the two). Those two can easily force Manectric out with their respective STAB moves. Dragon- and Ground-types are a huge problem for Mega Manectric,(add comma) as it has trouble breaking through those Dragon- and Ground-types which aren't 4x weak to Ice-type attacks. Faster Ground-types, like such as the common Choice Scarf Landorus-T,(add comma) can force Mega Manectric out with Earthquake, while Dragon-types like such as Hydreigon can laugh off a Hidden Power Ice and destroy Mega Manectric with a Draco Meteor.
GP 1/2 :)
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this marks the 3rd time I've fallen asleep in the middle of a check


The VGC 2015 metagame has not been kind to Manectric. Once, one of the only good, fast Electric-types in the metagame, Manectric now faces competition from Raikou and Thundurus, both of which do not take up a M(capitalize m)ega slot. New Ground-types, such as Landorus-T, has have also strained the viability of Manectric. Manectric also has a very shallow movepool and a very predictable moveset. However, d(lowercase d)espite having a shallow movepool, Manectric has surprisingly good coverage options. Mega Manectric (refer to it as Mega here because Manectric does not Speed tie w/ Mega Lopunny), however, still retains one of the highest Speed in the metagame, tied with only Mega Lopunny, which allows it to outspeed all of the unboosted metagame. Having Intimidate and Volt Switch allows Manectric to act as a pivot and Intimidate shuffle.

name: Mega Special Attacker
move 1: Volt Switch / Thunderbolt
move 2: Hidden Power Ice
move 3: Overheat / Thunderbolt / Flamethrower
move 4: Protect
item: Manectite
ability: Lightningrod
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 12 HP / 244 SpA / 252 Spe


Volt Switch is a STAB move and allows Manectric to Intimidate shuffle and reset its stats stat reductions from Overheat. Thunderbolt,(add comma) is a stronger STAB move and alternative, can be handy,(add comma) since it doesn't switch Manectric out; it is also an option over Overheat,(add comma) should Manectric not need the Fire-type coverage. Hidden Power Ice allows Manectric to hit Ground-types, mainly Garchomp and Landorus-T, harder. Overheat is the preferred Fire-type coverage move because it has more power than Flamethrower and has nice synergy with Manectric's role as a hit-and-run Pokemon,.(comma -> period) H(capitalize h)owever, Flamethrower allows is an option should Manectric to stay in not want to switch out every time it uses a Fire-type attack. Protect is mandatory because it allows Manectric to gain the S(capitalize s)peed boost from its Mega Evolution.

Set Details

244 Special Attack EVs are used because since a fast, frail attacker like Manectric prefers having max Speed. Maximum Speed EVs with a Timid nature are used because investing in bulk is unnecessary isn't needed at all and Manectric prefers to outspeed Pokemon and hit it hard. 12 HP EVs allow Manectric to always survive a an spread-reduced (is this necessary? it seems implied) Earthquake from a -1 maximum Attack Choice Scarf Adamant Landorus-T and retaliate with an OHKO back with a via Hidden Power Ice. A Timid nature is preferred since Manectric prefers the higher S(capitalize s)peed,;(comma -> semicolon) however, a Modest nature could be used should you want to increase Manectric's damage output. Lightningrod is the preferred ability because it allows Manectric to switch into opposing Electric-type attacks and gain a Special Attack boost.

Usage Tips

Manectric performs as a hit-and-run Pokemon. Hit your opponent with a strong attack and Volt Switch out when there is a Pokemon that threatens Manectric. This works really well with Intimidate,(add comma) as it allows Manectric to Intimidate shuffle and cripple the opponent's physical attackers. There are times when delaying its Mega Evolution is better since Lightningrod can redirect potential Electric-type attacks aimed at Manectric's partners. Despite having Intimidate, Manectric doesn't have the bulk that most Intimidate users have, so it cannot switch into many attacks unlike them.

Team Options

Manectric has nice synergy with Water-types.(remove period) such as Gyarados is a great Water-type for Manectric's partner. Gyarados checks Rotom-H and Ground-types while also forming a nice Intimidate core with Manectric. Manectric can switch into Electric-type attacks aimed at Gyarados and gain a free boost due to Lightningrod. Manectric can also check bulky Water-types that Gyarados has trouble beating. Milotic can also check the same Pokemon that Gyarados checks while also discouraging Landorus-T from being sent out due to Milotic's Competitive ability. Talonflame can help break through Venusaur, Amoonguss, and common Assault Vest users such as Conkeldurr and Ludicolo. Talonflame and benefits from is greatly benefited by Manectric's ability to remove most bulky-Water-types, besides Rotom-W. Landorus-T, despite being a Ground-type itself, synergizes really well with Manectric, as it can switch into Ground-type attacks aimed at Manectric while being able to force out Pokemon that Manectric have has trouble hitting for massive damage,(add comma) such as Rotom-H and Heatran. Manectric, in turn, checks bulky Water-types that Landorus has trouble hitting and Ferrothorn with its Fire-type coverage move.

Other Options

Manectric has a very shallow movepool,(add comma) so there aren't many options. Snarl can be used to weaken the opponent's special attackers, while Thunder is a much stronger STAB move that works well in r(lowercase r)ain teams.

Checks and Counters

**Speed Control**: Despite having Even after lowering opponents' Attack with Intimidate, Manectric's bulk still isn't very good the best. If Manectric's S(capitalize s)peed is reduced in some way—for example, taken away, either with Icy Wind or Tailwind boosting the Speed of the opposing opponent's Pokemon,(comma -> em dash)then the opponent can easily take advantage of Manectric's low bulk and OHKO it.

**Typing Advantage**: Common Pokemon, such as Rotom-H and Venusaur, can completely wall Mega Manectric (you keep referring to it as both Mega Manectric and Manectric. try sticking to one of the two). Those two can easily force Manectric out with their respective STAB moves. Dragon- and Ground-types are a huge problem for Mega Manectric,(add comma) as it has trouble breaking through those Dragon- and Ground-types which aren't 4x weak to Ice-type attacks. Faster Ground-types, like such as the common Choice Scarf Landorus-T,(add comma) can force Mega Manectric out with Earthquake, while Dragon-types like such as Hydreigon can laugh off a Hidden Power Ice and destroy Mega Manectric with a Draco Meteor.
GP 1/2 :)
Implemented, thanks for check :)
On the part where you took off "spread-reduced," I decided to keep that in there since IMO if it were taken off, it would imply that it'll survive any EQ. Putting spread-reduced would clarify it more, IMO. Unless there is another reason for replacing "spread reduced" that is. Thanks again :)



Manectric faces competition from Raikou and Thundurus, both of which do not take up a Mega slot. Ground-types, such as Landorus-T, have also strained the viability of Manectric. Manectric also has a very shallow movepool and a very predictable moveset. However, despite having a shallow movepool, Manectric has surprisingly good coverage options. Mega Manectric retains one of the highest Speed stats in the metagame, tied with only Mega Lopunny, which allows it to outspeed all of the unboosted metagame. Having Intimidate and Volt Switch allows Manectric to act as a pivot and Intimidate shuffler.

name: Mega Special Attacker
move 1: Volt Switch / Thunderbolt
move 2: Hidden Power Ice
move 3: Overheat / Thunderbolt / Flamethrower
move 4: Protect
item: Manectite
ability: Lightningrod
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 12 HP / 244 SpA / 252 Spe


Volt Switch allows Manectric to Intimidate shuffle and reset its stat reductions from Overheat. Thunderbolt, a stronger alternative, can be handy, since as it doesn't switch Manectric out; it is also an option over Overheat, should Manectric not need the Fire-type coverage. Hidden Power Ice allows Manectric to hit Ground-types, mainly Garchomp and Landorus-T, harder. Overheat is the preferred Fire-type coverage move because it has more power than Flamethrower and has nice synergy with Manectric's role as a hit-and-run Pokemon. However, Flamethrower allows Manectric to stay in and attack. Protect is mandatory because it allows Manectric to gain the Speed boost from its Mega Evolution.

Set Details

put this sentence after the one about the Speed EVs 244 Special Attack EVs are used because a fast, frail attacker like Manectric prefers having max Speed. Maximum Speed EVs with a Timid nature are used to take advantage of Mega Manectric's good Speed tier. because investing in bulk is unnecessary and Manectric prefers to outspeed Pokemon and hit hard. 12 HP EVs allow Manectric to always survive a spread-reduced Earthquake from a -1 maximum Attack Choice Scarf Adamant Landorus-T and retaliate with an OHKO via Hidden Power Ice. A Timid nature is preferred since because Manectric prefers higher Speed, (comma) however, (RC) a Modest nature could be used to increase Manectric's damage output. Lightningrod is the preferred ability because it allows Manectric to switch into opposing Electric-type attacks and gain a Special Attack boost.

Usage Tips

Manectric performs as a hit-and-run Pokemon. Hit your opponent with a strong attack and Volt Switch out when there is a Pokemon that threatens Manectric. This works really well with Intimidate, as it allows Manectric to Intimidate shuffle and cripple the opponent's physical attackers. There are times when delaying its Mega Evolution is better since because Lightningrod can redirect potential Electric-type attacks aimed at Manectric's partners. Manectric doesn't have the bulk that most Intimidate users have, so it cannot switch into many attacks.

Team Options

Manectric has nice synergy with Water-types such as Gyarados. Gyarados checks Rotom-H and Ground-types while also forming a nice Intimidate core with Manectric. Manectric can switch into Electric-type attacks aimed at Gyarados and gain a free boost due to Lightningrod. Manectric can also check bulky Water-types that Gyarados has trouble beating. Milotic can check the same Pokemon that Gyarados checks while also discouraging Landorus-T from being sent out due to Milotic's Competitive ability. Talonflame can help break through Venusaur, Amoonguss, and common Assault Vest users such as Conkeldurr and Ludicolo and benefits from Manectric's ability to remove most bulky Water-types. Landorus-T, despite being a Ground-type itself, synergizes really well with Manectric, as it can switch into Ground-type attacks aimed at Manectric while being able to force out Pokemon that Manectric has trouble hitting for massive damage, such as Rotom-H and Heatran. Manectric, in turn, checks bulky Water-types that Landorus-T has trouble hitting and Ferrothorn with its Fire-type coverage move.

Other Options

Manectric has a very shallow movepool, so there aren't many options. Snarl can be used to weaken the opponent's special attackers, while Thunder is a much stronger STAB move that works well in rain teams.

Checks and Counters

**Speed Control**: Even after lowering opponents' the opposing Pokemon's Attack stats with Intimidate, Manectric's bulk still isn't very good. If Manectric's Speed is reduced in some way—for example, with Icy Wind or Tailwind boosting the Speed of the opposing team—then the opponent can easily take advantage of Manectric's low bulk and OHKO it.

**Typing Advantage**: Common Pokemon, such as Rotom-H and Venusaur, can completely wall Manectric. Those two can easily force Manectric out with their respective STAB moves. Dragon- and Ground-types are a huge problem for Manectric, as it has trouble breaking through Dragon- and Ground-types which aren't 4x weak to Ice-type attacks. Faster Ground-types, such as the common Choice Scarf Landorus-T, can force Manectric out with Earthquake, while Dragon-types such as Hydreigon can laugh off a Hidden Power Ice and destroy Manectric with a Draco Meteor.


Just make sure every 'Manectric' is 'Mega Manectric' instead
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Manectric faces competition from Raikou and Thundurus, both of which do not take up a Mega slot. Ground-types, such as Landorus-T, have also strained the viability of Manectric. Manectric also has a very shallow movepool and a very predictable moveset. However, despite having a shallow movepool, Manectric has surprisingly good coverage options. Mega Manectric retains one of the highest Speed stats in the metagame, tied with only Mega Lopunny, which allows it to outspeed all of the unboosted metagame. Having Intimidate and Volt Switch allows Manectric to act as a pivot and Intimidate shuffler.

name: Mega Special Attacker
move 1: Volt Switch / Thunderbolt
move 2: Hidden Power Ice
move 3: Overheat / Thunderbolt / Flamethrower
move 4: Protect
item: Manectite
ability: Lightningrod
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 12 HP / 244 SpA / 252 Spe


Volt Switch allows Manectric to Intimidate shuffle and reset its stat reductions from Overheat. Thunderbolt, a stronger alternative, can be handy, since as it doesn't switch Manectric out; it is also an option over Overheat, should Manectric not need the Fire-type coverage. Hidden Power Ice allows Manectric to hit Ground-types, mainly Garchomp and Landorus-T, harder. Overheat is the preferred Fire-type coverage move because it has more power than Flamethrower and has nice synergy with Manectric's role as a hit-and-run Pokemon. However, Flamethrower allows Manectric to stay in and attack. Protect is mandatory because it allows Manectric to gain the Speed boost from its Mega Evolution.

Set Details

put this sentence after the one about the Speed EVs 244 Special Attack EVs are used because a fast, frail attacker like Manectric prefers having max Speed. Maximum Speed EVs with a Timid nature are used to take advantage of Mega Manectric's good Speed tier. because investing in bulk is unnecessary and Manectric prefers to outspeed Pokemon and hit hard. 12 HP EVs allow Manectric to always survive a spread-reduced Earthquake from a -1 maximum Attack Choice Scarf Adamant Landorus-T and retaliate with an OHKO via Hidden Power Ice. A Timid nature is preferred since because Manectric prefers higher Speed, (comma) however, (RC) a Modest nature could be used to increase Manectric's damage output. Lightningrod is the preferred ability because it allows Manectric to switch into opposing Electric-type attacks and gain a Special Attack boost.

Usage Tips

Manectric performs as a hit-and-run Pokemon. Hit your opponent with a strong attack and Volt Switch out when there is a Pokemon that threatens Manectric. This works really well with Intimidate, as it allows Manectric to Intimidate shuffle and cripple the opponent's physical attackers. There are times when delaying its Mega Evolution is better since because Lightningrod can redirect potential Electric-type attacks aimed at Manectric's partners. Manectric doesn't have the bulk that most Intimidate users have, so it cannot switch into many attacks.

Team Options

Manectric has nice synergy with Water-types such as Gyarados. Gyarados checks Rotom-H and Ground-types while also forming a nice Intimidate core with Manectric. Manectric can switch into Electric-type attacks aimed at Gyarados and gain a free boost due to Lightningrod. Manectric can also check bulky Water-types that Gyarados has trouble beating. Milotic can check the same Pokemon that Gyarados checks while also discouraging Landorus-T from being sent out due to Milotic's Competitive ability. Talonflame can help break through Venusaur, Amoonguss, and common Assault Vest users such as Conkeldurr and Ludicolo and benefits from Manectric's ability to remove most bulky Water-types. Landorus-T, despite being a Ground-type itself, synergizes really well with Manectric, as it can switch into Ground-type attacks aimed at Manectric while being able to force out Pokemon that Manectric has trouble hitting for massive damage, such as Rotom-H and Heatran. Manectric, in turn, checks bulky Water-types that Landorus-T has trouble hitting and Ferrothorn with its Fire-type coverage move.

Other Options

Manectric has a very shallow movepool, so there aren't many options. Snarl can be used to weaken the opponent's special attackers, while Thunder is a much stronger STAB move that works well in rain teams.

Checks and Counters

**Speed Control**: Even after lowering opponents' the opposing Pokemon's Attack stats with Intimidate, Manectric's bulk still isn't very good. If Manectric's Speed is reduced in some way—for example, with Icy Wind or Tailwind boosting the Speed of the opposing team—then the opponent can easily take advantage of Manectric's low bulk and OHKO it.

**Typing Advantage**: Common Pokemon, such as Rotom-H and Venusaur, can completely wall Manectric. Those two can easily force Manectric out with their respective STAB moves. Dragon- and Ground-types are a huge problem for Manectric, as it has trouble breaking through Dragon- and Ground-types which aren't 4x weak to Ice-type attacks. Faster Ground-types, such as the common Choice Scarf Landorus-T, can force Manectric out with Earthquake, while Dragon-types such as Hydreigon can laugh off a Hidden Power Ice and destroy Manectric with a Draco Meteor.


Just make sure every 'Manectric' is 'Mega Manectric' instead
Implemented, I've got one question though. On " Protect is mandatory because it allows Manectric to gain the Speed boost from its Mega Evolution." should this Manectric be just "Manectric" since it's not Mega Manectric who gains the Mega Evolution?