Suicune Spitback Giveaway [COMPLETE]

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Expert Evan

every battle has a smell!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
After 4 weeks of trying to get the perfect modest suicune and finally getting one today which I will only offer for other legit flawless pentagon legends for VGC purposes, I have the following spitbacks which I managed to keep via powersaves/restore method and as a bonus, they all have the move tutors of tailwind & icy wind along with the rare TM move for snarl as well. So I will be giving away the following via GTS as follows in this order unless specifically requested here:


B1 - 1,1 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure - Floyd)
B1 - 1,2 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure -, Esmeya)
B1 - 1,3 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure -
B1 - 1,4 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure -
B1 - 1,5 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure -
B1 - 1,6 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure -
B1 - 2,1 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure -


B1 - 2,2 - Suicune - Quirky - Pressure -
B1 - 2,3 - Suicune - Hardy - Pressure -
B1 - 2,4 - Suicune - Gentle - Pressure - Rotom)
B1 - 2,5 - Suicune - Rash - Pressure -
B1 - 2,6 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure -

So here are the rules:

1. deposit any eevee for a suicune (or specify any other uncommon or rare pokemon depositing)
2. if suicune does not exist in your pokedex, then go to What Pokemon and type in "suicune"
3. Put the following in your message "dogEE"
4. If you have a specific preference of the above mentioned, post here and any 2nd or 3rd choices of the other one is already taken. Otherwise I will start from the top of the list and work all the way down.
5. Once claimed, you can do whatever you want with them as they should all have OT = goatEE and ID = 30210

I will take preference to those posting here first, then those I see on GTS.

Giveaway starts now while supplies last.
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Hello, there EE. Might I request this one here?

B1 - 1,2 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure -
Nickname Request: Fajin

I will deposit and Eevee in a moment, but I need to run to the kitchen again.

Deposited a Loudred, level 30 - Female with the message dogEE

Edit: Many thanks for the Suicune and the nickname!
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B1 - 2,5 - Suicune - Rash - Pressure -

Can I have the shiny suicune I love suicune so much:). I deposited an eevee. Thanks.

edit: fun fact suicune is actually my favorite pokemon. LOL.

edit edit: received thank you so much:)
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Deposited lv1 female eevee
Would like the B1-2,1 modest suicune please
Thank you for the giveaway! Your spit backs are better than my trophy catches!
Hi and thanks for this awesome giveaway!

I have deposited a lvl 1 male Eevee, IGN: DoubleD.

Could I request one of the following Suicune?
- B1 - 2,1
- B1 - 1,4
- B1 - 1,6

EDIT: Received Thanks..!
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Can I have "B1 - 2,1 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure -"?

Deposited a Bagon on GTS.
Level: 1
Message: doGEE
My IGN is FireBlast.

Thanks for trade.
Could I take this one from you?
B1 - 2,1 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure -

I deposited a lvl 19 Deino on the gts :)

Thanks! :)
Deposited lv1 female eevee
Would like the B1-2,1 modest suicune please
Thank you for the giveaway! Your spit backs are better than my trophy catches!
sent B1-2,1
interested in B1 2,2
deposited female eevee lvl 17
ign: May
msg: DogEE
please and thank you
snagged? could not find
Deposited a lvl 1 male manky for your b1 2,4 suicine, message dogEE
snagged? could not find
Hi and thanks for this awesome giveaway!

I have deposited a lvl 1 male Eevee, IGN: DoubleD.

Could I request one of the following Suicune?
- B1 - 2,1
- B1 - 1,4
- B1 - 1,6
sent B1 - 1,4
Can I have "B1 - 2,1 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure -"?

Deposited a Bagon on GTS.
Level: 1
Message: doGEE
My IGN is FireBlast.

Thanks for trade.
already taken from above, please provide top 3 preferences
I'll probably be too late but Can I get b1 1.4 or b1 1-6?

I've deposited a lvl 20 male eevee. Ign Jason.
sent b1 1,6
Could I take this one from you?
B1 - 2,1 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure -

I deposited a lvl 19 Deino on the gts :)

Thanks! :)
already taken from above, please provide top 3 preferences
this is my order of preference :)
B1 - 1,5 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure -
B1 - 1,3 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure -
B1 - 1,1 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure -

Thank you :)
I've deposited a lv 16 male Eevee, and I'd like B1 - 1,3 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure - if it's possible.
IGN: Stefano, Message: dogEE.
Thank you!
Hey thank you for the giveaway! may I have
B1 - 1,6 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure -
I just deposited a level 19 male eevee ign Jesus

"B1 - 1,3 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure -"

Is this one taken? If not, then could I get this one please?

edit: ign - Shunz
2 edit: somebody snipe me on GTS, adding in another Eevee -.-, deposited Lv1 Eevee!
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Could I please get the B1 - 1,1 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure -
Deposited a level 8 female Eevee and IGN is May.

Thanks for the giveaway.
Since I'm in a location that lacks Wi-Fi, I shall conclude this evening and give priority to those that posted first, so please make sure your deposit is still there by at least 6:30pm new York time.
As a quick update, I was able to get wifi in a nearby Starbucks, so 4 of the last 5 have been distributed as follows:
interested in B1 2,2
deposited female eevee lvl 17
ign: May
msg: DogEE
please and thank you
Deposited a lvl 1 male manky for your b1 2,4 suicine, message dogEE
I've deposited a lv 16 male Eevee, and I'd like B1 - 1,3 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure - if it's possible.
IGN: Stefano, Message: dogEE.
Thank you!
Could I please get the B1 - 1,1 - Suicune - Modest - Pressure -
Deposited a level 8 female Eevee and IGN is May.

Thanks for the giveaway.
If any of you are still interest in the last one at 2,3; my advise is to edit your post with that line so when I get on wifi again later and do a Ctrl-F on 2,3 and is findable on GTS, then that should conclude this giveaway.
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