Pokémon Movepool Oddities & Explanations

I was browsing the list of Gen 1 Pokémon that could learn Overheat the other day.

Charizard: Sure.
Ninetales: Makes sense.
Arcanine: Would be better with Flare Blitz, but still, appropriate.
Rapidash, Flareon, Moltres, (even you, Mew): But of course.

Then suddenly:


But I realized it does make sense. Primeape and Mankey are well-renowned for kicking off at the slightest stimulus (or even for nothing) a lot of the time, so they probably over-exert themselves and tire out many times when their raging has finally finished. It's probably the reason why they stop rampaging in the first place. In other words, they've overheated themselves.


Well done GameFreak, well done.
While talking about some team options I realized this.

Excadrill can't learn Stone Edge.

How does this even make sense? Almost all Ground types and most Steel types learn Stone Edge, and it definitely isn't a move alien to Excadrill's flavour. So, what is the reasoning behind this? Can't be balancing, Rock Slide is a much more annoying move in Doubles enviroments.
I just noticed that Qwilfish can learn Thunder Wave.

How in the world does a puffer fish/balloon fish generate electricity?
I just noticed that Qwilfish can learn Thunder Wave.

How in the world does a puffer fish/balloon fish generate electricity?

Well, when you rub a balloon against your hair, it generates static charge...

But on a more serious note, I'd say when Qwilfish uses Thunder Wave, it's actually paralyzing the target via poison instead of electricity. Not sure how it would transfer said poison without contact, though.
Well, when you rub a balloon against your hair, it generates static charge...

And now the image of someone rubbing a Qwilfish on their head (balloon rubbing sounds included) will be stuck in my mind all week. lol

I thought about the paralysis being poison-based, but it still doesn't make sense. Body Slam makes more sense from that perspective, I think (because the spikes can pierce that way).

Edit:...and it doesn't even learn Body Slam. lol
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Thunder Wave has an odd and varied distribution. From Hypno to Drifblim to Aggron, and yes, even Qwilfish; it's weird just how many Pokémon are able to generate enough electricity to cripple an opponent. This can of course be in part owed to it being a TM; and I think a lot of exceptions could be made in this case - there's just so many Pokémon able to get so many odd moves and coverage from TMs and tutors alone, and that could even make it's own topic.

But aside from that, there's four non-electric families able to get it which stick out. Let's get the first two out of the way; Nosepass - easily explained, magnetic poles and all that. Amaura is also explained rather easily through the same sort of thing via it's connection to the aurora borealis.
But then it gets a little... weird. Dratini has been able to learn Thunder Wave as one of it's first level-up moves since Gen 1; not even just a weird move it learns later, this is one of it's natural defence mechanisms it as a species learns at a very young age (level 10). And then perhaps stranger is Remoraid who had it as an egg move in Gen 3 (no longer after that gen; but that of course being because Thunder Wave became a TM - you'll find a lot of cases like this; ie pokemon who used to have flamethrower as an egg move no longer do due to flamethrower TMs now being infinite). Octillery and Remoraid in general are extremely strange for having an insane variety in their movepool, but a lot of those such as signal beam and bullet seed could be explained away with their firearm motif. But what does Thunder Wave have to do with firearms?

I dunno. Just something I thought was discussion worthy after seeing Xen's post; Dratini having Thunder Wave be level-up has weirded me out ever since using it from the Kanto Safari Zone and the Johto Game Corner.
Thunder Wave has an odd and varied distribution. From Hypno to Drifblim to Aggron, and yes, even Qwilfish; it's weird just how many Pokémon are able to generate enough electricity to cripple an opponent. This can of course be in part owed to it being a TM; and I think a lot of exceptions could be made in this case - there's just so many Pokémon able to get so many odd moves and coverage from TMs and tutors alone, and that could even make it's own topic.

But aside from that, there's four non-electric families able to get it which stick out. Let's get the first two out of the way; Nosepass - easily explained, magnetic poles and all that. Amaura is also explained rather easily through the same sort of thing via it's connection to the aurora borealis.
But then it gets a little... weird. Dratini has been able to learn Thunder Wave as one of it's first level-up moves since Gen 1; not even just a weird move it learns later, this is one of it's natural defence mechanisms it as a species learns at a very young age (level 10). And then perhaps stranger is Remoraid who had it as an egg move in Gen 3 (no longer after that gen; but that of course being because Thunder Wave became a TM - you'll find a lot of cases like this; ie pokemon who used to have flamethrower as an egg move no longer do due to flamethrower TMs now being infinite). Octillery and Remoraid in general are extremely strange for having an insane variety in their movepool, but a lot of those such as signal beam and bullet seed could be explained away with their firearm motif. But what does Thunder Wave have to do with firearms?

I dunno. Just something I thought was discussion worthy after seeing Xen's post; Dratini having Thunder Wave be level-up has weirded me out ever since using it from the Kanto Safari Zone and the Johto Game Corner.
Thunder Wave makes them a stun gun? Beats me.

EDIT: Keldeo not getting Ice Beam or Blizzard, only Icy Wind. It's one of the only Water-types denied those moves for no real reason.
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Thunder Wave has an odd and varied distribution. From Hypno to Drifblim to Aggron, and yes, even Qwilfish; it's weird just how many Pokémon are able to generate enough electricity to cripple an opponent. This can of course be in part owed to it being a TM; and I think a lot of exceptions could be made in this case - there's just so many Pokémon able to get so many odd moves and coverage from TMs and tutors alone, and that could even make it's own topic.

But aside from that, there's four non-electric families able to get it which stick out. Let's get the first two out of the way; Nosepass - easily explained, magnetic poles and all that. Amaura is also explained rather easily through the same sort of thing via it's connection to the aurora borealis.
But then it gets a little... weird. Dratini has been able to learn Thunder Wave as one of it's first level-up moves since Gen 1; not even just a weird move it learns later, this is one of it's natural defence mechanisms it as a species learns at a very young age (level 10). And then perhaps stranger is Remoraid who had it as an egg move in Gen 3 (no longer after that gen; but that of course being because Thunder Wave became a TM - you'll find a lot of cases like this; ie pokemon who used to have flamethrower as an egg move no longer do due to flamethrower TMs now being infinite). Octillery and Remoraid in general are extremely strange for having an insane variety in their movepool, but a lot of those such as signal beam and bullet seed could be explained away with their firearm motif. But what does Thunder Wave have to do with firearms?

I dunno. Just something I thought was discussion worthy after seeing Xen's post; Dratini having Thunder Wave be level-up has weirded me out ever since using it from the Kanto Safari Zone and the Johto Game Corner.

Well, some of the Pokedex entries claim that Dragonair can control the weather, and Dragonite gets moves such as Thunder and Hurricane, so perhaps Thunder Wave has a relation to that.

But yeah, Thunder Wave has quite the odd distribution. In fact, it seems like Electric-type moves in general are oddly distributed among Pokemon.
But yeah, Thunder Wave has quite the odd distribution. In fact, it seems like Electric-type moves in general are oddly distributed among Pokemon.

Don't forget Rattatta getting Thunder, eheh. However, the same can be said for other move types. Rattata itself gets Blizzard, for one. How the heck does a common rat summon an arctic storm? Machamp and Slowbro getting Fire-type moves have already been mentioned.

And Snorlax gets Psychic! Can you imagine a psionic Snorlax? Maybe it gets a lot of time to think while it lazies off?
Pure Normal-types in general get really good movepools to emphasize their versatility. Tons of Pokemon would kill for the coverage that shit like Chansey get.
There's another oddity I'd like to address: Manectric getting Overheat and Flamethrower. Now, Overheat sort of makes sense: an electrical short circuit will, indeed, overheat, so it makes sense for Manectric to rapidly redistribute the charge throughout its body to generate heat. As for Flamethrower, though, there's less of an excuse: the name, animations, and flavour descriptions all show it as the Pokemon shooting out literal flames; for that to happen, there has to be some sort of fuel. Fire-types naturally produce highly combustible materials in order to use their attacks, but Manectric?
There's another oddity I'd like to address: Manectric getting Overheat and Flamethrower. Now, Overheat sort of makes sense: an electrical short circuit will, indeed, overheat, so it makes sense for Manectric to rapidly redistribute the charge throughout its body to generate heat. As for Flamethrower, though, there's less of an excuse: the name, animations, and flavour descriptions all show it as the Pokemon shooting out literal flames; for that to happen, there has to be some sort of fuel. Fire-types naturally produce highly combustible materials in order to use their attacks, but Manectric?
Manectric also gets Flame Burst. I think that because Manectric is just based on discharge in general, it's just discharging heat in much the same way it would electricity.

Plus it's based on a yokai which is blue and appears engulfed in lightning and something else. If this is fire, I think it's pretty conclusive. Posting from phone though, I can't check rn.

Edit: To clarify, the yokai appears in lightning or something else (which might be fire), not both at once.
Thundurus, the "Bolt Strike Pokemon". Guess what move it doesn't learn?

Also, Normal-types are, I think, representative of all types combined. Thus you see pure Normals getting every move under the sun (see: Tauros, Chansey, Clefable (yeah yeah it's Fairy but it used to be pure Normal)). Normal/X typings don't exhibit this (as much).
Thundurus, the "Bolt Strike Pokemon". Guess what move it doesn't learn?

Also, Normal-types are, I think, representative of all types combined. Thus you see pure Normals getting every move under the sun (see: Tauros, Chansey, Clefable (yeah yeah it's Fairy but it used to be pure Normal)). Normal/X typings don't exhibit this (as much).
That is an oddly specific name for lacking the move. I wonder if they'd give it to Thundurus the way Entei eventually got Sacred Fire (though the latter case it was connected by lore to the original user).

It also just feels weird to me that Tornadus cannot use Roost despite its obviously Avian Therian form. Even if the Incarnate form is the reason it didn't get it at first, I'm more perplex that the Therian form lacks avian themed moves than I would be at Incarnate having them.

For that matter, how the heck do the Genies use Sludge Wave? The closest I could think of would be oil spewing from the ground for Landorus, but Landorus's role as the "Abundance" Pokemon, with every Pokedex entry stating it brings crops and harvests to soil, would contradict that since I doubt oil is healthy to plants.
A few mons get pretty outsized crazy movepools that you wouldn't think of.

Donphan is a great example. In Crystal it got Water Gun, now it gets Ice Shard.
Oh, it also has Seed Bomb, Play Rough, Bounce, and Gunk Shot. About the only things it doesn't get are Bug and Dragon moves.

Flygon is another. Its trip to maturity has a lot of oddities, and fully evolved it now even gets Bug Buzz and Boomburst. Funny thing is, it gets Gust as a breed move. How Trapinch Gusts? Have no clue.

Absol is really more like a Normal-type in movepool breadth. Somehow it gets Megahorn but Pinsir doesn't.
It also has Will-O-Wisp (one of the few non-fire/ghost types), Hex, and Thunder Wave.

One of the ORAS additions that may have snuck by people is that Lileep and Anorith learn Brine. They are salt-water fossils, so this makes sense. Oddly, Anorith and Armaldo have quite a few Water moves at their disposal, but not Surf.
Machamp and Slowbro, among other things, can learn Fire Blast. Where do they get fire from? Especially Machamp.

If I recall the Slowpoke family are slightly based on salamanders which as we all know has been linked to fire in mythologies.

As for Machamp, maybe from its burning spirit? Fire Blast's Japanese name is "Daimonji" which is a festival where five giant bonfires are lit in Japan (it signifies when deceased family members return to the spirit world after visiting during an earlier festival called "O-ban"). Also the specific symbol called "Daimonji" means large/great, so maybe there's a reason there. *shrugs*

I just want to know why Rampardos doesn't have Rock Head to abuse its Head Smash. I mean, look at it.

Probably the same reason why Aerodactyl doesn't get Head Smash/Double-Edge/Brave Bird, it would maybe make them too overpowered? Personally I'd still would have given it to them, just to watch the (probably temporary) chaos it would cause, but with Mega Aerodactyl being a thing and Rampardos being both slow and have weak defenses it probably wouldn't change that much.

OK, here's a little odd one:

Togepi's moves immediately after hatching. They consist of Growl, which lowers Attack by one stage... and Charm, which lowers Attack by two stages. Was it really necessary for Togepi to learn both? At the same time?

Once again their Japanese names seem to be the reason. Karxrida already pointed out Charm is "Spoiled Pout", but Growl in Japan is called "Cry". So while we see it learning Growl and Charm which is a bit odd, Japan players are seeing it as crying and pouting which makes much more sense for a baby.

I demand to know why it doesn't learn Baby-Doll Eyes as well.

In Japan its called Round Eyes, and do these eyes look round to you:


... wait, they are round(-ish). So yeah, why doesn't it get it? Actually a LOT of Pokemon have round eye, why is this such an exclusive move?

Okay but Mean Look

Also I assume Ice Punch requires an arm but

Maybe Zubat uses its giant ear opening as surrogate eyes? It works for Roggenrola.

Maybe Wooper uses its antenna? Or maybe it uses its tail (who says a punch has to come from arms?) or foot (a kick is just a punch with your foot).

While talking about some team options I realized this.

Excadrill can't learn Stone Edge.

How does this even make sense? Almost all Ground types and most Steel types learn Stone Edge, and it definitely isn't a move alien to Excadrill's flavour. So, what is the reasoning behind this? Can't be balancing, Rock Slide is a much more annoying move in Doubles enviroments.

Stone Edge says you stab the opponent with sharp rocks. But Excadrill has steel blade for fingers, why would it need a sharp rock when it could do stabbing much more effectively with its own hands?

Thunder Wave has an odd and varied distribution. From Hypno to Drifblim to Aggron, and yes, even Qwilfish; it's weird just how many Pokémon are able to generate enough electricity to cripple an opponent. This can of course be in part owed to it being a TM; and I think a lot of exceptions could be made in this case - there's just so many Pokémon able to get so many odd moves and coverage from TMs and tutors alone, and that could even make it's own topic.

Same deal with Toxic. Almost every Pokemon can learn Toxic meaning every Pokemon is able to create a highly poisonous substance within themselves... including Pokemon who are weak to Poison-types.

Manectric also gets Flame Burst. I think that because Manectric is just based on discharge in general, it's just discharging heat in much the same way it would electricity.

Plus it's based on a yokai which is blue and appears engulfed in lightning and something else. If this is fire, I think it's pretty conclusive. Posting from phone though, I can't check rn.

Edit: To clarify, the yokai appears in lightning or something else (which might be fire), not both at once.

I would go with the theory that just in general what is electricity but another form of intense heat? Lightning strikes ignite fires, when an electronic short circuits it can sometimes catch fire, and just in general when is use an electronic gets hot.

Also the yokai you'r thinking of is a Raiju, a lightning beast (and where Raikou gets some of its inspiration from). But from what I read on the Raiju it doesn't really have anything to do with fire, the most is that it jumps from trees to tree during thunderstorms causing lightning to strike them thus causing them it ignite on fire.

Thundurus, the "Bolt Strike Pokemon". Guess what move it doesn't learn?

Also, Normal-types are, I think, representative of all types combined. Thus you see pure Normals getting every move under the sun (see: Tauros, Chansey, Clefable (yeah yeah it's Fairy but it used to be pure Normal)). Normal/X typings don't exhibit this (as much).

Well Bolt Strike is a Signature Move but it is still odd and I would support pika pal idea of making it a Move Reminder move like they did with Entei and Sacred Fire. Though another funny thing about this? In Japanese both the move Bolt Strike and Thundurus' species is also the same as "Lightning Strike". For some reason the translators must have found it important to keep them the same, lol.

I always sort of say Normal-types as being sorts of jack-of-all-trade/masters of none. Yes they can learn all sorts of elemental type moves since they don't align themselves with one element, but that results in their elemental moves mostly coming from TMs/Egg Moves/Tutors and they don't get STAB on moves which can do super effective damage.

It also just feels weird to me that Tornadus cannot use Roost despite its obviously Avian Therian form. Even if the Incarnate form is the reason it didn't get it at first, I'm more perplex that the Therian form lacks avian themed moves than I would be at Incarnate having them.

For that matter, how the heck do the Genies use Sludge Wave? The closest I could think of would be oil spewing from the ground for Landorus, but Landorus's role as the "Abundance" Pokemon, with every Pokedex entry stating it brings crops and harvests to soil, would contradict that since I doubt oil is healthy to plants.

The Incarnate and Therian forms probably should be given different level-up moves since their different body shapes allow for different moves it can learn.

And maybe Landorus is removing the impurities from the soil and using it as the Sludge Wave. Not sure about the other two, maybe its a result of their destructive natures?

I also found an old lit of movepool and Ability oddities I had. For now I'll just post the ones I had mixed in for the Kanto Pokemon:

1. Shouldn't all Pokemon who learn Bubble be able to learn Bubble Beam and vice versa? Even if Bubble Beam is an "advance" technique, surely the Pokemon who can learn it should be able to learn Bubble. For example, the Squirtle family, Masquerain, Froakie family, Skrelp family, and Goomy family can learn Bubble but not Bubble Beam. On the flip side Poliwrath, Tentacool family, Staryu family, Politoed, Remoraid family, Suicune, Ducklett family, and Keldeo can learn Bubble Beam but not Bubble.
2. Shouldn't Caterpie has the Stench Ability?
3. I'm sure the Pidgey family would like the ability to use their beak by learning Peck.
4. Raticate are said to be good swimmer, but they can't learn Surf.

Err.. I have to end this a bit early. My next post I'll have more.
Mawile's movepool is all kinds of strange. It learns a ton of seemingly random special moves (Ice Beam, Solar Beam, Flamethrower, Charge Beam, etc. Did they really expect us to give special moves to something with base 55 Special Attack?), it learns basically no STAB moves (but at least it learns two good ones), and rather unusually for a Steel-type learns no Ground moves at all (except for Mud-slap, which sucks and has to be transferred from older gens anyway).

Also, it learns Sweet Scent for some reason.
A few mons get pretty outsized crazy movepools that you wouldn't think of.

Donphan is a great example. In Crystal it got Water Gun, now it gets Ice Shard.
Oh, it also has Seed Bomb, Play Rough, Bounce, and Gunk Shot. About the only things it doesn't get are Bug and Dragon moves.

All of these make sense to me. Water Gun, Seed Bomb and Gunk Shot are clever references to how it's an elephant - it does these using its trunk. I don't know what's weird about it getting Play Rough and Bounce though, why not? As for Ice Shard, that has already been explained as probably being a reference to mammoths.
All of these make sense to me. Water Gun, Seed Bomb and Gunk Shot are clever references to how it's an elephant - it does these using its trunk. I don't know what's weird about it getting Play Rough and Bounce though, why not? As for Ice Shard, that has already been explained as probably being a reference to mammoths.

Water Gun, Seed Bomb and Gunk Shot make sense as they can be shot from the trunk, and Play Rough isn't weird either, but Bounce makes less sense; real life elephants can not jump, let go bounce. In Donphan's case, though, Bounce may be possible because it can roll up into a ball and move at high speed, causing it to bounce around against things.
Stone Edge says you stab the opponent with sharp rocks. But Excadrill has steel blade for fingers, why would it need a sharp rock when it could do stabbing much more effectively with its own hands?
Plenty of Pokémon have more efficient methods of attacking than cutting boulders sharp and throwing them, but they still learn Stone Edge so I don't get the point. I'd say why would Excadrill limit itself to throw round boulders when it could cut these boulders sharp with his claws and do more damage?
Something that seems odd to me.

"Stealth Rock" is described as Pointed Stones floating around the opponent. Stone Edge should logically be usable by anything with SR since that would just entail throwing or such with the sharp rocks instead of just scattering them around the field.
Water Gun, Seed Bomb and Gunk Shot make sense as they can be shot from the trunk, and Play Rough isn't weird either, but Bounce makes less sense; real life elephants can not jump, let go bounce. In Donphan's case, though, Bounce may be possible because it can roll up into a ball and move at high speed, causing it to bounce around against things.

Yeah that's what I was getting at when I said that I don't find Bounce any weird.
3. I'm sure the Pidgey family would like the ability to use their beak by learning Peck.
That doesn't seem likely just because the difference in Flying STABs is what separates that line from Spearow (who gets Peck as a starting move). Not that it matters that much, since the two moves are functionally identical. (Although in gameplay I've found Spearow to be easier to grind before the second rival battle since you can find them in the same Route 22 grass patch as Mankey, and guess who already has SE STAB on those monkeys?)