My balls can be your balls (a thank you giveaway)

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You got sniped! You got sniped! Everybody got sniped!

I'm making myself available for direct trades today.
Can I direct trade for these five?
Rattata (adamant) fast ball: counter, revenge, final gambit, flame wheel
Heatmor (quiet) dream ball: belch, heat wave, pursuit, sucker punch
Pidgey (timid) dream ball: air slash, brave bird, defog, uproar
Carnivine (jolly) friend ball: synthesis, leech seed, giga drain, sleep powder
Exeggcute (modest) nest ball: nature power, ancient power, giga drain, synthesis
Sorry for being so demanding >__> I'll add the FC in your sig and get on in a minute
Can I direct trade for these five?
Rattata (adamant) fast ball: counter, revenge, final gambit, flame wheel
Heatmor (quiet) dream ball: belch, heat wave, pursuit, sucker punch
Pidgey (timid) dream ball: air slash, brave bird, defog, uproar
Carnivine (jolly) friend ball: synthesis, leech seed, giga drain, sleep powder
Exeggcute (modest) nest ball: nature power, ancient power, giga drain, synthesis
Sorry for being so demanding >__> I'll add the FC in your sig and get on in a minute
All yours. :)
sorry man, but your larvitar(if it's possible female) in friend ball dont arrived to me XD so i deposit now a zigzagoon liv.3 called ZIGGY
IGN: ubbu
Message: hey Chill
THx again XD
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Glad to see you're up and running again!

I would like the Dream Ball Illumise!

Do you wanna do a direct trade, or GTS it?
I would like the larvitar (adamant) friend ball: stealth rock, dragon dance, pursuit, iron tail
Desposited Lv. 2 Wurmple
IGN: Moeez
Message: hey Chill

Also if you could get a female that would be great but if you don't have one that's fine
Glad to see you're up and running again!

I would like the Dream Ball Illumise!

Do you wanna do a direct trade, or GTS it?
We can try both. Deposit something or try to catch me online. I'll be around for a bit but I spent a long time online yesterday and only traded with one person so I don't want to do that again.
I would like the larvitar (adamant) friend ball: stealth rock, dragon dance, pursuit, iron tail
Desposited Lv. 2 Wurmple
IGN: Moeez
Message: hey Chill

Also if you could get a female that would be great but if you don't have one that's fine
Sniped. See above.

sorry man, but your larvitar(if it's possible female) in friend ball dont arrived to me XD so i deposit now a zigzagoon liv.3 called ZIGGY
IGN: ubbu
Message: hey Chill
THx again XD
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We can't try both. Deposit something or try to catch me online. I'll be around for a bit but I spent a long time online yesterday and only traded with one person so I don't want to do that again.

Sniped. See above.

Kay, I put up:
Lv. 14 Male Numel
Message: hey chill
IGN: Moeez
Kay, I put up:
Lv. 14 Male Numel
Message: hey chill
IGN: Moeez
Oops! My apologies for the typo. I meant to say we CAN try both. CAn. Haha I was wondering why you GTS'd while I was here. Your Pokemon has been sent!

If you want any others now is a good time to direct trade.
Could I please get the larvitar (adamant) friend ball: stealth rock, dragon dance, pursuit, iron tail?
Deposited a level 30 male Kecleon with the message hey Chill, IGN is May.

Thanks for the giveaway.
can i please have a absol (adamant) moon ball: magic coat, megahorn, play rough, punishment. i deposited a lvl 1 female feebas dream ball with the msg Chill
I'm sorry for the late reply I had forgotten about this thread ... Anyway i'd still like that wooper so I'm depositing a lvl 20 male kabuto named Bubs my IGN is Tyler and the message is hey chill
Could I please get the larvitar (adamant) friend ball: stealth rock, dragon dance, pursuit, iron tail?
Deposited a level 30 male Kecleon with the message hey Chill, IGN is May.

Thanks for the giveaway.
can i please have a absol (adamant) moon ball: magic coat, megahorn, play rough, punishment. i deposited a lvl 1 female feebas dream ball with the msg Chill
I'm sorry for the late reply I had forgotten about this thread ... Anyway i'd still like that wooper so I'm depositing a lvl 20 male kabuto named Bubs my IGN is Tyler and the message is hey chill
I checked all of these yesterday but didn't post. None were found. You can try to direct trade with me.
I checked all of these yesterday but didn't post. None were found. You can try to direct trade with me.
A direct trade would be hard to fit in as we're 11 hours apart. Hope fully it won't get sniped but I'm putting up a lvl 15 Herman Wooper called felino
Hey there, fantastic giveaway! Could I please request the following?
Chansey (bold) love ball: counter, seismic toss, aromatherapy, heal ball
I've deposited a level 21 Golett, IGN Steve, message "hey Chill". Hopefully it won't be sniped! Thank you! :-)
Hi all. Sorry it's been so hard to reach you guys. My timezone is GMT+11 so often your pokes are up for hours before I can get to them and they end up being sniped. I'm offering direct trades when I can. The best time to reach me is after 3pm my time. If you can be available to direct trade or quickly deposit something on the GTS that would be the best way to do it. That's 3pm my time until maybe 10 or so.
I was wondering if you still had a Heavy Ball Skarmory. I'll put up a Lv. 3 male Wurmple with your message and hope for the best.
Hey dude can i have some of that pokemon ? Here's my list :
Wooper (Impish) Heavy ball: ???
aipom (jolly) dream ball: fake out, pursuit, quick guard, switcheroo
venonat (timd) moon ball: agility, giga drain, baton pass, toxic spikes
snover (quiet) dive ball: mist, double edge, seed bomb, leech seed
clamperl (timid) moon ball: muddy water, water pulse, brine, aqua ring
Diglett (jolly) level ball: reversal, endure, memento, pursuit

Thank you :)
I was wondering if the exeggcute had the hidden ability? In addition to that Pokemon I'd like cleffa, feebass, chansey, houndour, and aipom. I won't bother putting anything up just yet, let me know when you're on and I'll be back.
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