Pokémon Charizard

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#006 Charizard





Base stats
(increased stats upon Mega Evolution in bold)

non-Mega Charizard: 78 HP / 84 Attack / 78 Defense / 109 Special Attack / 85 Special Defense / 100 Speed

Mega Charizard X: 78 HP / 130 Attack / 111 Defense / 130 Special Attack / 85 Special Defense / 100 Speed

Mega Charizard Y: 78 HP / 104 Attack / 78 Defense / 159 Special Attack / 115 Special Defense / 100 Speed


non-Mega Charizard:
Blaze: When this pokemon has 1/3 or less of its max HP, its Fire type attacks do 50% more damage
Solar Power: If Sun is an active weather condition, this pokemon’s Special Attack stat increases by 50% and it loses 1/8 HP per turn

Mega Charizard X:
Tough Claws: This pokemon’s contact attacks get a 33% damage boost

Mega Charizard Y:
Drought: When this pokemon enters the battlefield, the effects of Sunny Day are activated

Notable moves
(STAB in bold with Fire type in Red, Dragon type in Blue)*

Flare Blitz
Fire Blast

Dragon Dance
Fire Punch
Solar Beam
Fire Spin
Focus Blast
Dragon Pulse
Swords Dance
Dragon Claw

Air Slash lol no
Dragon Tail

*I know Dragon type is purple but blue better contrasts red and matches Zard X’s color scheme



Charizard is an excellent pokemon in the OU metagame and is unique because it the only one that has two separate Mega Evolutions. Despite its weakness to the ubiquitous Stealth Rock, Charizard is the focal point of many teams because of the power its Mega Evolutions possess. Charizard is not viable in OU without a Mega Stone, but both Mega forms are top tier threats that must be accounted for by all teams. Having a Stealth Rock remover is mandatory on all teams with Charizard.

Mega Charizard X has balanced attacking stats, but the ability Tough Claws makes it a physically oriented pokemon. Tough Claws boosts STAB moves such as Flare Blitz and Outrage to ridiculous levels, making Charizard X one of the hardest hitting pokemon in OU. In addition, its new Fire / Dragon typing is rare, boasting a solid set of resistances and good offensive coverage.

While Mega Charizard Y does not gain new typing, it has an outrageous base 159 Special Attack and the ability Drought. Under sunlight, Charizard gets a 50% buff to fire type STAB and can also reliably use Solar Beam as a powerful coverage move. Mega Charizard Y is one of the deadliest wallbreakers in the tier and an unconventional game changer because of Drought.

Notable Movesets:

Mega Charizard X

Dragon Dance
Charizard @ Charizardite X
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw / Outrage / Earthquake
- Flare Blitz
- Roost / Earthquake

With this set, Charizard aims to sweep opposing teams after using the move Dragon Dance. Flare Blitz is the main STAB attack that hits insanely hard, doing about half to Azumarill which is considered one of its best checks. Dragon Claw is the secondary STAB that doesn’t cause recoil damage and gives good coverage against most water, rock and fire types that resist Flare Blitz. Outrage can be used for more power but generally leaves Charizard vulnerable to being revenge killed and is an invitation for a Fairy type to come in and possibly set up. Roost is great to allow Charizard to stay healthy, since it takes a lot of damage from Stealth Rocks and Flare Blitz recoil. Earthquake is an option over Roost or Dragon Claw to hit stuff like Tyranitar and Heatran which are otherwise decent checks.

The EVs maximize attack and power, with an option in nature since both are pretty solid. An alternate EV spread of 104 HP / 220 Atk / 184 Spe with a Jolly Nature outspeeds Jolly Choice Scarf Landorus-T after a Dragon Dance. 104 HP EVs give Charizard X a good chance to live 2 Hydro Pumps from Rotom-Wash while still having enough Atk to KO Scarf Landorus-T after a Dragon Dance and Stealth Rocks damage most of the time. It’s generally advised to bring Charizard in on something it threatens out and DD up or fire off an attack to weaken whatever check comes in so that it has a stronger chance to sweep later on. It is important to note that Mega Evolving right away is not always the correct move, as many of Zard X’s most common checks carry ground type moves and its base form has a ground immunity.

Bulky Will-O-Wisp
Charizard @ Charizardite X
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 248 HP / 24 Atk / 180 SpD / 56 Spe
Adamant Nature
-Earthquake / Dragon Claw
-Flare Blitz

This Charizard set takes a defensive approach, utilizing its unique typing to check electric types like Rotom-Wash and also lures in its common checks such as Landorus-T and Hippowdon just to burn them. It’s best to consider this as a tank: it isn’t going to just be Roost stalling, it can provide a bulky win condition that still hits hard but is hard to take down similar to Mega Venusaur. The moves are fairly self-explanatory: Flare Blitz is useful for power even if recoil sucks, while the choice of Earthquake is primarily for Heatran which would wall this set and Dragon Claw is an option for better neutral power and coverage. Will-O-Wisp burns stuff so Zard invests in special defense because it can take on burned physical attackers and Roost is to stay healthy.

248 HP EVs maximize bulk and 24 Atk EVs with Adamant nature are to 2HKO Mega Sableye because it’s a good switch-in to Will-O-Wisp. The speed is for Adamant max speed Mega Scizor, however it can be customized for a variety of things. Since this is a tank set it is recommended to keep a fair amount of special bulk, so don’t go nuts with the speed creeping.

Dragon Tail is another option on this set as well for phazing.

Swords Dance + Tailwind
Charizard @ Charizardite X
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 40 HP / 252 Atk / 216 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Tailwind
- Flare Blitz
- Outrage

While this set lacks the recovery of DD Zard X, it has a little more versatility. Swords Dance and Tailwind are ideally used in tandem, reaching the same goal as setting up 2 Dragon Dances. However there is a benefit to boosting each stat to +2 individually. Swords Dance can function effectively standalone against slower teams and makes this Charizard a better wallbreaker than the DD variant. Tailwind can pick off weakened, more offensive teams without an attack raise and is a great last ditch move for team support.

The speed EVs outspeed neutral natured Kyurem-Black and allow Charizard to outspeed most relevant things after Tailwind. The rest is dumped into attack with an Adamant nature for maximum power and HP for a little extra bulk. Dual screens are highly recommended to help Charizard set up more easily. This variant of Charizard usually only has one chance to set up since it doesn’t have Roost, so time your usage of it well. Late game is probably the most effective time to use it.

Swords Dance
Charizard @ Charizardite X
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 56 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 196 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Flare Blitz
- Dragon Claw / Outrage / Earthquake
- Roost / Earthquake

This Charizard aims to set up a Swords Dance to break through the walls that switch in expecting a Dragon Dance. Faster pokemon fear switching in on a Dragon Dance or getting hit directly with an attack, so bulky pokemon are more frequently brought in. At +2 with max attack and an Adamant Nature, Mega Charizard X has few stops outside of Unaware users. Typical switch-ins such as Hippowdon and Slowbro are easily 2HKO'd while defensive Landorus-T is OHKO'd after Stealth Rocks. The moves are all pretty optional besides Swords Dance: Roost is for longevity, Flare Blitz is the most powerful attack, Dragon Claw is the no downside STAB and Earthquake hits Heatrans and whatnot.

The EV spread hits a Stealth Rock number and runs enough speed to get the jump on positive natured base 80 speed pokemon. The rest is poured into attack and 4 Defense EVs so not to mess up the SR number.

Mega Charizard Y

Drought Wallbreaker
Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Drought
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 SpD
Timid / Modest Nature
- Fire Blast / Flamethrower
- Solar Beam
- Focus Blast
- Roost

Mega Charizard Y’s Fire Blast under Sun is what is referred to as a “nuke.” Basically, it OHKOs many non-resists and does around half to resists like Slowbro. Flamethrower is an option for better accuracy and more PP, but it loses out on a lot of sheer power. Solar Beam is a must since it does serious damage and actually OHKOs a fair number of bulky water types after Stealth Rocks. Focus Blast rounds off the coverage for things like Heatran and Tyranitar. Roost is essential because of Charizard’s 4x weakness to Stealth Rocks.

The EV spread is straightforward: max / max with a choice in nature. Timid is mostly to speed creep other base 100s like Rain Dance Manaphy which can screw over a potential Solar Beam if it activates Rain Dance first. Modest nature is an option to become more powerful. This set is a wallbreaker, so finding a way to get it in safely (i.e. U-turn) is very beneficial. It is also recommended to remove SR before sending it out most of the time because you will be forced to Roost rather than fire off an attack which is what Charizard wants to do. Beware of other weather setters, because when they switch in they cause Solar Beam to take an extra turn and lose base power, which makes them decent switch-ins despite being weak to it.

A more defensive set with the EV spread 240 HP / 76 Def / 176 SpD / 16 Spe and Will-O-Wisp over a coverage move is also viable. This better checks threats such as Mega Scizor, Landorus-I without Rock Slide and Bisharp. 16 Speed for Adamant Bisharp, 240 HP EVs hit a Stealth Rock number and the defense is for Jolly LO Bisharp / Adamant blackglasses Bisharp, with the rest in special defense.

Other variants may run Fire Spin to wear down bulkier mons or act as a psuedo-trapper allowing a partner to come in and pursuit trap common switch-ins such as Latios.

Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 56 HP / 252 Atk / 200 Spe
Lonely Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Earthquake
- Solar Beam
- Roost

This is a set Invok3r used with great success. Flare Blitz 2HKOs Chansey under sunlight, while Earthquake easily takes out Heatran. Solar Beam still hits bulky waters. You’d think that a mixed Charizard set would utilize the better mixed attacking stats of Zard X, but Drought provides a huge boost for Zard Y’s Flare Blitz making it nearly as powerful as Zard X’s. EVs maximize attack while outspeeding positive natured base 80 pokemon, the rest is dumped into HP since Solar Beam is already a 2HKO on most of the things it is used for.

Charizard-Mega-Y @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Drought
EVs: 252 Atk / 72 SpA / 184 Spe
Naive Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Solar Beam
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance

Here’s a set AM posted in the Good Lures thread. Similar premise: physical Zard Y takes advantage of Drought’s boost to Flare Blitz. However this set has no recovery and instead uses the move Dragon Dance. If Charizard Dragon Dances before mega evolving, you can lure in pokemon such as Slowbro and Hippowdon just to bop them with a Solar Beam. Alternatively, mega evolving right away will prompt a switch-in to something like Chansey which isn’t taking boosted Flare Blitzes. The EVs are pretty standard: 184 speed allows Zard to outspeed Scarf Lando-T after a DD with maximum attack and the leftovers dumped into special attack. There may be another EV spread but this one seems good.

Final Comments and Discussion Questions

Charizard is a pokemon that is difficult to prepare for because there are very few counters to both forms. Mega Altaria is a notable exception, and both Tyranitar and Hippowdon can act as checks as well. It is possible to determine which Charizard form your opponent is using thanks to team preview, since Charizard Y is often paired with pursuit trappers like Tyranitar to remove Latis. Even with team preparation, either form of Charizard is a real handful to play against and both offer excellent one of a kind attributes in teambuilding.

Which form of Charizard do you believe is more effective and why? What metagame trends help or hurt Charizard (either or both forms)? What kind of team builds do each form function most effectively on?

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Lol you reminded me of a lure set I had for 3 attack Ddance Zard-X, thanks. Uh I know Char-Y is based on the idea of more power > speed but I think Timid should be slashed first on its regular set. It's actually pretty stupid when you lose to Manaphy simply cause you used Modest when you're still a huge threat already and nothing wants to be going up against you in the first place other than the bulkiest of the bulk. Just my two cents.

As far as trends go ScarfTar hurts the zards, especially Zard-Y cause it plays a lot of games where it's either getting hit with Stone Edge or getting hit with Pursuit. Zard-X has a bit more freedom and flexibility and the majority of its checks and counters are really shitty because they're taking a huge portion of damage and in a lot of cases need to be something extremely defensive like Slowbro or Rhyperior, who are sort of a bit passive and can be handled.
Lol you reminded me of a lure set I had for 3 attack Ddance Zard-X, thanks. Uh I know Char-Y is based on the idea of more power > speed but I think Timid should be slashed first on its regular set. It's actually pretty stupid when you lose to Manaphy simply cause you used Modest when you're still a huge threat already and nothing wants to be going up against you in the first place other than the bulkiest of the bulk. Just my two cents.

As far as trends go ScarfTar hurts the zards, especially Zard-Y cause it plays a lot of games where it's either getting hit with Stone Edge or getting hit with Pursuit. Zard-X has a bit more freedom and flexibility and the majority of its checks and counters are really shitty because they're taking a huge portion of damage and in a lot of cases need to be something extremely defensive like Slowbro or Rhyperior, who are sort of a bit passive and can be handled.
Is DD zard Y any good? It's flare blitz still hits stupid hard, and it lures a lot of things that usually check zard y, but not x, and smacks them in the face. Idk, just a thought.
Is DD zard Y any good? It's flare blitz still hits stupid hard, and it lures a lot of things that usually check zard y, but not x, and smacks them in the face. Idk, just a thought.
It was a lure honestly more so than good. I would DDance before mega evolving giving them the illusion I'm Zard-X, then hit the switch in to zard-x with the coverage move, Quag with Solarbeam, Heatran with EQ, etc. It did well in practice but lack of recovery is always a stupid thing on Zard at times and makes it harder to use. I mean if we're talking ORAS almost anything works at this point lol. Yeah it did alright.
I'd mention a straight up SD set with Flare Blitz / Dragon Claw / Earthquake for Charizard-X. It's a pretty solid wall-breaker since most, if not every wall in the game is pretty much destroyed by a +2 STAB move & can make an opening for a partner to sweep.

I'll add more comments later.

Edit: Lol 1337 posts.
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Well Dr. Ciel beat me to it to a degree, but I've been running SD + Roost + 2 attacks for sometime now and it's mad effective (this is the set I alluded to yesterday bludz). I haven't done much experimentation with the EVs and I mostly just used to old bulky Char-X DD spread that creeps Excadrill outside of Sand it creeps an old Landorus-T spread, and it works pretty good. Something like this:

Charizard @ Charizardite X
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 144 HP / 252 Atk / 112 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Dragon Claw / Earthquake
- Flare Blitz / Earthquake
- Roost

It's pretty great because it has the speed and bulk to pretty much destroy anything slower than it. Those Ferro / Slowbro / bulky Ground balanced cores? Yeah they are ready for a +1 Jolly Zard, but not a +2 Adamant one. For example Hippo:

+1 220 Atk Tough Claws Mega Charizard X Dragon Claw vs. 252 HP / 144+ Def Hippowdon: 178-210 (42.3 - 50%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
+2 252+ Atk Tough Claws Mega Charizard X Dragon Claw vs. 252 HP / 144+ Def Hippowdon: 265-313 (63 - 74.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

So Hippo goes from a strong check to a rather weak one (typically Hippo beats it between Flare Blitz recoil and EQ damage). Hard and semistall don't appreciate it either because it has just an insane amount of power. Of course there is a loss in speed but when you realize that this kind of set or a three attacks SD set allows you to push more teamslots towards anti-offense it becomes more than worth it.
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Looks good. Dr Ciel gave me an alternate EV spread as well so I'll add SD Charizard-X to the OP.

By the way, there's a Specially Defensive Charizard Y set listed in the analysis. I wasn't sure if I should add it because I had never seen or heard of it before. Does anyone have thoughts regarding whether I should add that?
I'd mention in it since it's pretty solid in practice actually, used a couple of times myself. I don't think it needs its own set though. There's like a bunch of variations to Zard I'd stick to basics and then people can discuss w/e from there.
Okay updated the OP with SD Zard X. I used the EV spread Dr Ciel gave me since I liked outspeeding base 80s and I'm not sure what the other one does (does it actually creep Exca outside of sand? it reaches 264 speed while Adamant max Exca is 275). I'm hard pressed to find a situation where you wouldn't want Flare Blitz so I may undo that slash if people think I should but for now erring on the side of more options and just slashing EQ with everything.

Added Fire Spin to notable moves and added a blurb on it below the Zard Y set. Hadn't heard of it actually until yesterday on Showdown a pretty good player told me that it has some uses. I don't think it should be standard by any means but I do think it's worth noting. Also received a request to remove Dragon Pulse as Zard Y rarely ever runs it over Focus Blast. Feedback regarding these changes/potential changes would be appreciated.

I also have a new discussion point/question. I've never actually used Bulky Will-O-Wisp Zard X. Could someone describe what kind of partners and builds it works best with? I assume bulky offense/balance. I am actually considering using one and also thinking about attempting to try Fire Spin on that set with Dragon Claw (tho walled by Heatran) since it seems like another viable use for it to better wear down stuff walls that switch in.
I also have a new discussion point/question. I've never actually used Bulky Will-O-Wisp Zard X. Could someone describe what kind of partners and builds it works best with? I assume bulky offense/balance. I am actually considering using one and also thinking about attempting to try Fire Spin on that set with Dragon Claw (tho walled by Heatran) since it seems like another viable use for it to better wear down stuff walls that switch in.

The bulky Will-O-Wisp set is used to cripple some common switch-ins, like Azumarill, Landorus-T, & basically Physical attackers that have a neutral or super effective STAB move against it. Outside of Defog / Rapid Spin support, another Physicial sweeper is appreciated, such as DD Dragonite, Belly Drum Azumarill & the like. (Garchomp forms a sweet "Double Dragon" core.) I usually pair this set with the likes of Rotom-W, which can spread even more burns through the use of Will-O-Wisp, & can handle Water & Ground types that Charizard X Struggles with.
For the bulky WOW set I've always wanted to try it considering I like the surprise factor that 1. Everyone expects DD, SD or some boosting variant, and 2. The boosting variants and WOW checks and counters vary quite a bit, and burning his common checks, like Azu, rhyperior and landoge is always appreciated. I'm mostly a balance guy, and was wondering if it fits on balance because from what I've seen, it was more of a stall based mon that still had nice offensive presence thanks to tough claws.
Been trying out a SD + Tailwind Zard X and I just OHKO'd a Slowbro

+2 252+ Atk Tough Claws Mega Charizard X Outrage vs. 252 HP / 232+ Def Slowbro: 391-462 (99.2 - 117.2%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO

Holy crap the power. Swords Dance turns Charizard into an insane wallbreaker.

+2 252+ Atk Tough Claws Mega Charizard X Flare Blitz vs. 248 HP / 136+ Def Mega Altaria: 212-249 (60 - 70.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+2 252+ Atk Tough Claws Mega Charizard X Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 144+ Def Hippowdon: 400-472 (95.2 - 112.3%) -- 75% chance to OHKO

Even without SD it can straight up 2HKO what is normally considered a counter to it (in fact not even needing to be Adamant to do so):

252+ Atk Tough Claws Mega Charizard X Outrage vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Unaware Quagsire: 229-271 (58.1 - 68.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Tough Claws Mega Charizard X Outrage vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Unaware Quagsire: 210-247 (53.2 - 62.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

I know DD is super good but Zard is at a good enough speed tier to set up a SD and just smash shit too. I guess this isn't news exactly but after trying out SD its clear to me how ridiculously limited its switch-ins are.
Honestly for Dragon Dance Mega Charizard X I'd just go with 252 Atk / 252 Spe because even with 104 HP Rotom-W still has a 10% chance to 2HKO with Hydro Pump, and with max Speed you outpace Haxorus, Naive max Speed Kyurem-B, Adamant Terrakion, Naive Mega Garchomp, and tie with Manaphy, Mega Medicham, Timid Mega Charizard Y, and Celebi. I'd just mention the 184 Speed in the explanation bit.

For bulky WoW Mega Charizard X, Dragon Tail should have a mention (also in notable moves, you mention Fire Spin but no Dragon Tail o_o). Stacks up nicely with WoW and the phazing is nice in general.

Just my two cents n_n
Well the thing is that while Rotom-W has a chance to 2HKO with Hydro Pump, 104 HP lets you Roost off the damage more reliably since you outspeed it anyway.

Honestly since Scarf Landorus-T isn't the most common thing then yeah max/max either Jolly or honestly Adamant are both probably better right now.

I added Dragon Tail to the notable movelist, although Will-O-Wisp Zard doesn't really enjoy being walled by Heatran that much. Fire Spin got a mention on Zard Y iirc
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Yeah I'd think it's pretty important to avoid the 2hko from rotoms pump as it turns ot into a liability vs zard-x. Also that sd 3 atks set looks fantastic if the meta stays bulky if it does stay bulky I'd rather use that set.
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