Greninja Warrior - UU Edition (Stage 2)

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Whether we get 50 or not I will release stage 1 in a few hours.

I will link names of all participants. You may still sign up during this period
Stage Player Journal #1

Arifeen issued the first challenge against me. Played too aggressively (losing Mega Blastoise in the process, realizing it is the key Pokemon to victory) and lost. GG, though!


Next challenger was Cynthia's Chomp; the pressure brought by Machamp (rip defogger) and Rotom-Heat (rip rest of team) sealed the deal. GG, though!

Oh, and:
fuck rotom-heat
no, fuck Guardian Ceal


LetMeShine- stepped up to the challenge. After a series of mind games with Chandelure + Mega Ampharos vs. Mega Blastoise + Snorlax, the assassin known as Linoone pulled it through. GG, though!
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Spoof be discriminatin against ya boy, I wasn't even tagged.

Anyway, I'm publicly callin out The Asian (broadly I got no clue where you're from) Battle Gurl Allstar Euphonos (it'd be more dramatic if I could tag but I'm on mobile).

You'll feel the power of Mega Beedrill! Let's go! I mean, like a time that works for you, I'm working right now. Anyway, yeah let's play.
Spoof be discriminatin against ya boy, I wasn't even tagged.

Anyway, I'm publicly callin out The Asian (broadly I got no clue where you're from) Battle Gurl Allstar Euphonos (it'd be more dramatic if I could tag but I'm on mobile).

You'll feel the power of Mega Beedrill! Let's go! I mean, like a time that works for you, I'm working right now. Anyway, yeah let's play.
you are at the very top wtf?
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