Which web browser do you use, and why?

Which web browser do you use?

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I use Firefox because it doesn't open a new process for every new tab and I'm not hipster enough to use Opera
I use Firefox because it doesn't open a new process for every new tab and I'm not hipster enough to use Opera
To be fair the modern version of Opera do the same now. On the other hand, my friend told me there's a browser being developed by the original Opera people that will be a modern version of the old Opera rather than an Opera-y version of Chrome. Forget what it was called.
It's called Vivaldi!
I gave the first tech preview a shot but uninstalled it because it felt incomplete. They've since updated, so I may download it again... highlights include quick commands akin to the Command Palette in Sublime Text, if you're familiar with that; a built in notes panel that records, tags, and organizes notes and the sites on which you take them; and tab stacks. It also generally looks better than Chrome IMO. On the other hand, I'm not sure if there's capacity for adblocking yet...
It's called Vivaldi!
I gave the first tech preview a shot but uninstalled it because it felt incomplete. They've since updated, so I may download it again... highlights include quick commands akin to the Command Palette in Sublime Text, if you're familiar with that; a built in notes panel that records, tags, and organizes notes and the sites on which you take them; and tab stacks. It also generally looks better than Chrome IMO. On the other hand, I'm not sure if there's capacity for adblocking yet...
Thanks! That's what it was called.

It's still in the tech preview alpha. I'm certain there's no adblocking yet but I'm certain it wouldn't take TOO long for them to get it working once it comes out. Tab stacking was the one thing I really came to enjoy when I FIRST had Opera and I really missed it when I started using it again...
I use Firefox, with Chrome as backup. There's a really annoying issue that's been going on for at least a year in Firefox with regard to rendering large pages (especially dynamically-updating ones, like social media sites) if you use certain common extensions, such as Adblock Plus or NoScript (I happen to use both in my Firefox installations). For example, ABP injects stylesheets into every single iframe (which is a lot of ads, but also just completely benign stuff) loaded on a page. My computer is a little old now and can't really hold up to that so I often have to run these kinds of sites in Chrome (although I really dislike doing it, because I use Firefox for its extensibility across all kinds of tasks and have it configured in a way I can't match in Chrome) or restart Firefox frequently when it's out of virtual memory. For a long while Firefox was running really smoothly, memory leaks etc. seemed to be basically an issue of the past, but now I just have an aging desktop and am unwilling to give up either extension, so...

I used to use Opera but returned to Firefox because I don't just use my browser to, well, browse, and I have very specific preferences for how I browse because I'm also one of those people who has 100 tabs open at any given time (which is definitely another reason I should be using Chrome, since I'm making this situation worse for myself). I'd probably be willing to give Opera another go if I were actually looking for another browser, but I'm not. Dual setup seems to work fine and allow me to go about my business as usual.

I use Firefox for Android on my phone and the stock Safari installation on my iPad. I rarely browse the internet on my phone since the screen is small and I have a tablet I can tether. I don't really experience any benefits from using FF on my phone like I do cross-machine on my desktop and laptop, but none of the other browsers I tried were compelling either. iOS Safari is awful, especially for someone who runs up a lot of tabs (I do a lot of schoolwork on my iPad).
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i have been experiencing a ridiculous issue where if you have multiple users setup on chrome that shit legit eats up like 5 gigs of ram. this is not with 20 or so tabs i'm talking 3 or so and only signed into one user. my boss had this issue too. it's making me want to switch to firefox but i'm super engrossed in the google ecosystem.
I use chrome, just because I've always used it, don't really feel like any one browser has much over the either, so I just stay with chrome
I use Chrome because it's much faster than IE. In addition, I love the whole layout of the browser compared to other browsers like Firefox. Chrome just fits me, I guess.
I work on a mac so I use Safari most of the time because it's easiest, however occasionally I switch over to Chrome if something isn't loading properly.
i personally use chrome even when i am using my pc, internet explorer lags too much and most card game simulators don't support it.
chrome has never had any faults for me apart from some lag issues when i use other programs on my computer (tcgo for example) but that could be due to my laptop being quite outdated. chrome is also on my tablet and phone so i have no real reason using other browsers
I use chrome because it's better than IE, and I don't really have any experience with firefox. Also chrome is what I use now, and I don't feel the need to switch to something different.

btw, is there any big difference between chrome and firefox?
I still predominantly use Chrome.

Firefox keeps being slow, and having script problems on Youtube and Twitter.
It's pretty annoying-- but can it be fixed?
Did I do something wrong?
Use chrome and firefox depending on mood and what I plan on doing while browsing. Firefox runs a lot of anime sites and Netflix smoother than chrome does for me. Chrome is better for web browsing. I use torch browser occasionally for downloading torrents.
I use Chrome because I found Safari just... lacking. I don't like it much on my iPhone or Mac, so I just stick with Chrome on both if I'm able to. The only issues I encounter on iPhone with Chrome is YouTube being incredibly terrible. But hey, I guess it's for the YouTube app advertisements! On Mac, I just like Chrome because it feels nice, I have custom skins for it, and it's just easy to manipulate imo. Very user-friendly and so I like it. Occasionally will switch to Safari just to test if there's a bug or something, but usually I'm just on Chrome.
Chrome ! Even when I venture off to other browsers, it still feels like cleanest and slickest and most functional. Used opera for a while, because horizontal touchpad scroll was broke on chrome, and it was having difficulty playing videos without being choppy, but now that those issues were fixed, back to chrome-y! <3 I'm excited for new internet explorer though. We shall see.
I use waterfox on desktop because I had a UI/addon setup I really didn't want to give up switching to a 64 bit browser, and opera on my phone because it's the default.
I use Firefox Aurora mainly because I like trying out new features before they hit Firefox stable with less of the instability that Nightly has, and find the dev tools much less of a pain in the ass to use than the ones in Chrome. Having better compliance with web standards than Webkit browsers isn't such a bad thing either.
Chromium's my backup if I need any oddly specific plugins not available on Firefox, like the Node debugger.

RIPIP Presto
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i used firefox for years, for like a really really long time, because i felt it was the most convenient to use, while still offering a bunch of options and i like to personalize everything i use. firefox allowed that perfectly. i didn't like chrome, cause it simply didn't seem as functional, lacked a lot of options. opera was slow, i was told. firefox made me happy for a long long time, but it simply stopped working one day. it told me it couldn't load my firefox profile and no matter what i tried, it didn't want to work. (rip my so much loved collection of bookmarks)

then i browsed the internet (using IE, cause it was the only one i had installed) in need for a new browser. that was when i stumbled upon maxthon. i was happy. granted it was a bit slower than firefox and less customizable, but it had a great function, which made my life so much easier. it allowed to to opo out all kinds of videoplayers and pin them so that they would always be on the front of my window, which made it easier for me to watch tennis and youtube videos while writing on skype, playing mons or doing whatever.
like this:

and again for some reason that is beyond my understanding it stopped working, this time only for a few certain pages, but reason enough to change browser. since firefox still didn't work (waterfox and similar browser that required a firefoxprofile all didn't work) i had to keep looking for a new browser. that's when i stumbled upon pale mon. it has been working ok for me, though i really miss the ption of being able to pop out certain flash players (especially my tennis stream).

it's basically firefox with a little bit more freedom
I used Firefox the moment I first heard about it and never went back. I think once they even forced Chrome on me but I'm like fuck that shit, it had all these add ons, turned everything I browsed to Arabic (a cool feature for those who don't read english I'm sure) and the browsing speed wasnt any better. I imported my bookmarks just to see what they'd look like in Chrome and it was a convoluted mess.

So yeah like my colleagues said no new browsers for every tab, great folder/sub folder bookmarking scheme, works great and is accepted everywhere, cool look and corporate message and they finally fixed their synching accounts to make it email login based. If anyone has anything better to suggest I'm welcome to try new ideas.