Project OU Laddering Achievements Mark III

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Okay thread's updated and time to answer some questions + other shit. It's my thread so I can double post, shut up.

Technically Quick Finisher requires finishing in under 15 turns, but I don't feel like being an asshole some I'm giving it to you and changing the wording.

In the old thread I won in a game in 9 turns, but not under 9 turns, so I failed to qualify for Blitzkreig. Since you're changing the rule, can I qualify for blitzkreig?


Dragons Are A Type Of Terrain

I Like Swords

This should qualify me for Gold God and Platinum God
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If you can find that replay and post it here, sure.

I actually had gotten this in under 8 turns in which I forgot about (i had previously attempted this and only gotten the win in 9 turns), but for some reason it wasn't added.

Also, when you add the other achievements I just posted, I think you should move the "____ God" outside of the hide tags since there are so few and that way people can see my irrelevant accomplishments who has achieved these things without having to look inside the hide tags, as I feel they are a kind of "hall of fame" on their own, but the upper level ones are harder to achieve. Something like this would make me happy ^_^
Okay thread's updated and time to answer some questions + other shit. It's my thread so I can double post, shut up.

I the screenshot you provided for Close Call is so small I cannot tell what the fuck Kyurem-B's HP is. I'll give it to you this time but I will reject any screenshots that I cannot read in the future.

Just something to note, if you look at his attached file you can clearly see the kyurem has 1 hp o_o
"Mew and Friends
Use a team comprised of 6 of the following Pokémon: Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Manaphy, Shaymin, Victini, Diancie."

Give me the achievement, change the wording, and add my other achievements please :3
"Mew and Friends
Use a team comprised of 6 of the following Pokémon: Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Manaphy, Shaymin, Victini, Diancie."

Give me the achievement, change the wording, and add my other achievements please :3
OP said:
  • You may count battles that end in forfeits if the opponent has 2/1 Pokémon left. You may not count battles that end in forfeits for achievements that say "no forfeits".
God I hate playing lawyer. Makes me feel like more of an asshole.

Gonna wait until tomorrow to update the achievements to ensure you've see I didn't Orwellian Retcon that shit.
1.) It is assumed at all times that you have won the game in question; it's listed in the OP like the forfeits thing. I left the winning part in the description of some of the achievements because I was lazy + in some cases the writing looked better.
2.) Stop making me play lawyer. It is very irritating and forces me to be an asshole by saying no, which I do not like to do. If you continue to argue this I will reject any further submissions from you, because quite frankly I'm getting really annoyed.
It's odd that there's no achievement for winning a battle that takes over 100 turns unless you managed to keep all 6 pokemon alive. I have a really weird 182 turn battle I just finished, but I can't find an achievement to match it.
ok here we go
if i have done everything right i should have also taste the rainbow and monotype master
also, you probably forgot to update my hot turkey achievement, see my post on top of the page :)
This was pretty fun but fire, grass and ice were really boring and annoying.
Karxrida let me know if you think any of these need to be redone because some were pretty early forfeits but imo guaranteed wins for me.
Technically Monotype
Already Done

Already Done

Talk to the Fist
Already Done

Blow You Away
Already Done

Combat Pragmatist
Already Done

Poisonous Person

Dishing Out Dirt

Poor Predictable Rock

Big Creepy Crawlies

Soul Power

Extra Ore Dinary

Playing With Fire
this was terrible

Making a Splash

Green Thumb

Shock and Awe

Mind Over Matter

An Ice Person
Please accept this one ;_; Scarf Kyu-B could just click Fusion Bolt to win and sick of mono ice.

Our Dragons are Really Weird

Clap Your Hands If You Believe

Also did:
Taste the Rainbow
Monotype Master

Hot Turkey (won 11 in a row)
Thread will be updated in a couple hours. Been busy and I need to eat.

Also SketchUp if you don't already have them, see if you qualified for the lower-tier Pokemon achievements with those replays. I saw that you were using a lot of hipster shit.
FlamingVictini I did the thing you asked for with the God achievements.

silver97 you didn't get Clap Your Hands If You Believe (and thus Monotype Master) because your opponent forfeited with 3 mons left.

SketchUp same deal with Extra Ore Dinary, Mind Over Matter, and An Ice Person. I nearly didn't give you Shock and Awe but then I noticed he timed out.
FlamingVictini I did the thing you asked for with the God achievements.

silver97 you didn't get Clap Your Hands If You Believe (and thus Monotype Master) because your opponent forfeited with 3 mons left.

SketchUp same deal with Extra Ore Dinary, Mind Over Matter, and An Ice Person. I nearly didn't give you Shock and Awe but then I noticed he timed out.



Mostly Anarchic, Sometimes Democratic

I Like Swords

Mew and Friends
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