[Balanced Hackmons] Yveltal [QC 3/3] [GP 2/2]

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One of the more underrated defensive choices the Balanced Hackmons metagame has to offer, Yveltal stands out as one of the best checks to Mega Gengar and other Ghost-type Judgment users in the metagame due to its unique typing. Yveltal also functions as an excellent stallbreaker thanks to its great Speed tier, allowing it to outspeed common uninvested base 90 and 95 Speed Pokemon in the metagame and Taunt them. In addition, Yveltal's relatively high offensive stats for a wall mean it isn't as passive as most other walls, and its Dark STAB type makes Yveltal one of the few walls that can take advantage of Knock Off as both a primary attack and a utility move in addition to being able to absorb it as well. However, while Yveltal's bulk is not terrible, it isn't exceptional either, meaning Yveltal must more often than not rely on its typing in order to wall foes. Due to this downside, which means that it can only wall specific Pokemon, Yveltal isn't an ideal choice on most offensive teams as a wall, and it is better used with a defensive core on more defensively oriented teams. In addition, a weakness to Rock-type moves means Yveltal cannot perform as well when Stealth Rock is on the field, and weaknesses to Electric, Ice, and Fairy-type moves mean it cannot stand up to most Protean, Refrigerate, and Pixilate users.

name: Poison Heal
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Spiky Shield / King's Shield / Recover
move 4: Taunt / Leech Seed / Swords Dance
item: Toxic Orb
ability: Poison Heal
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD


Knock Off is Yveltal's STAB move of choice, simultaneously giving Yveltal an offensive presence and the utility of item removal. Will-O-Wisp allows Yveltal to cripple physical attackers and burden Pokemon without Magic Bounce or Poison Heal with passive damage. Spiky Shield and King's Shield accomplish the same purpose of shielding Yveltal so that it can rack up Poison Heal recovery, but the choice comes down to which of the moves' effects is preferred. Spiky Shield is generally the superior choice, as it also shields Yveltal from status moves that Poison Heal does not block, such as Leech Seed and Entrainment, but King's Shield's secondary effect of halving the foe's Attack stat is arguably more useful than dealing chip damage. Should a more reliable method of recovery be desired, Recover is also an option in this slot; however, because Yveltal is usually fine without direct recovery, this isn't usually needed. Taunt is the move of choice in the last slot to allow Yveltal to also perform the role of a stallbreaker and turns Yveltal into a gigantic pain for defensive teams to handle. In tandem with King's Shield, it also allows Yveltal to stall out physical Poison Heal users to an extent. Leech Seed is another option in the last slot to better take on opposing attackers and defeat Shedinja more reliably, though it leaves Yveltal unable to do much to Magic Bounce and Poison Heal Pokemon. It also allows Yveltal to defeat Imposter users more easily. If Leech Seed is chosen, it is recommended not to use Recover in the third slot, as Leech Seed offers Yveltal more than enough recovery. Swords Dance may seem like a strange choice for a defensive Pokemon, especially because Yveltal has only one attacking move, but it allows Yveltal to better punish opposing Magic Bounce and Poison Heal users, which will usually switch into Yveltal in order to block Will-O-Wisp.

Set Details

Yveltal's EVs and nature allow it to always survive Timid Mega Gengar's Sludge Wave after a Tail Glow and KO it in return with Knock Off while simultaneously giving Yveltal a usable Defense stat in order to both stand up to physical attackers and burn them with Will-O-Wisp and take Secret Sword with ease. Poison Heal gives Yveltal both an immunity to status and substantial recovery after its Toxic Orb activates, considerably prolonging its longevity on the battlefield and allowing it to function as a great status absorber.

Usage Tips

Yveltal should mainly be used to combat Ghost-types that run Spooky Plate Judgment, which often give defensive teams trouble due to their resiliency to Imposter users. It is crucial not to let Yveltal's Toxic Orb be removed before it is activated, as without being poisoned Yveltal becomes nearly useless, especially if it is not using Recover. Using Spiky Shield and slow pivots to get Yveltal into play are the best ways of activating its Toxic Orb safely. King's Shield also works, but you must watch out for Trick and status moves such as Will-O-Wisp. In addition, if you plan to use Aromatherapy later on in the match, it's advisable not to let Yveltal's Toxic Orb get removed at all, as Yveltal will otherwise not be able to restore its poison. If Aromatherapy is not used on your team, however, it is encouraged to switch Yveltal into Knock Off users, as it functions as a great Knock Off absorber. For the same reasons Yveltal fears having its own Toxic Orb removed by Knock Off, Knock Off should be used against opposing Poison Heal users if you know the enemy team uses Aromatherapy, as this will greatly increase the effect of Will-O-Wisp on the opponent's Pokemon by discouraging Aromatherapy support. Yveltal can defeat Imposter users courtesy of their vulnerability to burns and remove their Eviolites as well, but it should be noted that they're able to Knock Off Yveltal's Toxic Orb despite crippling themselves in the process. Don't be afraid to use Spiky Shield or King's Shield liberally, as Yveltal needs to be at high health to function at its best. Both of these moves can also be used to scout the opposing team for dangerous moves and thus give you an idea of what teammate is best suited to handle your foe. Try not to let Stealth Rock reside on your side of the field for too long, as it diminishes Yveltal's ability to heal off damage due to the damage it takes when switching in. Taunt should be used against the opponent's walls in order to prevent them from accomplishing most of their intended tasks and allows Yveltal to function as a great stallbreaker. Finally, use Swords Dance if you expect a Magic Bounce or Poison Heal user to switch in, as most of them do not appreciate a Swords Dance-boosted Knock Off.

Team Options

Users of Defog are highly recommended alongside Yveltal to increase its overall performance. Because Yveltal forces many switches, entry hazards in the form of Stealth Rock and possibly Spikes greatly aid Yveltal. Registeel and Aegislash are examples of Pokemon that can both utilize Defog and set up hazards effectively. Physically bulky Fur Coat users such as Giratina and Mega Audino work very well alongside Yveltal to absorb the stronger physical hits thrown its way. Both of these Pokemon are also notable in that they can absorb Knock Off for Yveltal on teams using Aromatherapy courtesy of Griseous Orb and Audinite, respectively. -Ate ability switch-ins, such as Aegislash, Registeel, and Fur Coat Chansey, pair very well with Yveltal due to its vulnerability to Refrigerate and Pixilate users. Non-Imposter Chansey also makes for a great partner to take the special attacks that Yveltal cannot, courtesy of its gargantuan special bulk. Finally, Entrainment users are highly useful alongside Yveltal due to their ability to handle Poison Heal users. While any defensive Pokemon without Poison Heal itself can make use of the move, Mega Audino and Giratina are notable due to their excellent mixed bulk.

Other Options

Aerilate and Gale Wings are options on Yveltal for both physically and specially offensive sets considering its Flying STAB type and decent attacking stats, but Mega Rayquaza often does this a lot better than Yveltal thanks to its considerably higher damage output, despite lacking STAB on Knock Off. RegenVest may seem like a better alternative to Poison Heal to allow Yveltal to take on special attackers even better than it already can, but the inability to use status moves and Yveltal's newly acquired weakness to sleep-inducing moves without Poison Heal usually make it an inferior option. Other status moves, namely Spore and Nuzzle, can be used over Will-O-Wisp, but these moves are not as effective on Yveltal as Will-O-Wisp is due to the move's ability to cripple physical attackers and cause passive damage. Foul Play can be used to heavily dent physical attackers, Sucker Punch is an option to outprioritize and heavily damage Mega Mewtwo Y and defeat Mega Gengar without taking damage, and Pursuit can be used to trap and KO Mega Gengar, but all of these Dark-type moves are rather redundant with Knock Off, which is too valuable for Yveltal to pass up on. Shift Gear and Coil can both be used over Swords Dance, with Coil having the useful side effect of increasing Will-O-Wisp's accuracy, but the direct power boost from Swords Dance is generally more useful than the Speed and Defense boosts. Oblivion Wing can be used due to its ability to simultaneously pose an offensive threat and heal Yveltal, but the additional coverage doesn't allow Yveltal to beat any additional notable Pokemon. Finally, various other support options such as Stealth Rock, Topsy-Turvy, Defog, U-turn, Circle Throw, Thousand Waves, Sacred Fire, and Worry Seed are all plausible choices in the final slot, but their utility is usually inferior to the utility granted by the moves listed on the main set.

Checks and Counters

**Poison Heal Users**: The threat of a Swords Dance-boosted Knock Off does scare away some Poison Heal users, but the ones that don't mind taking a Knock Off, such as Mega Tyranitar, Mega Gyarados, Arceus, and Regigigas, have very little to fear from Yveltal thanks to their immunity to Will-O-Wisp and lack of use for their item after being poisoned. In return, they can overwhelm Yveltal with their STAB attacks and coverage moves.

**Magic Bounce Users**: While the loss of their item can be annoying, Magic Bounce users such as Registeel and Mega Audino completely wall Leech Seed and Taunt variants of Yveltal, and with moves such as Topsy-Turvy and Haze, they can take on Swords Dance variants as well. Alternatively, they can use a slow Baton Pass or U-turn to safely pivot in a strong attacker to pummel Yveltal, gaining momentum for their team and putting them in a favorable situation.

**Fire-types**: Due to their immunity to burns, Fire-types such as Ho-Oh, Reshiram, and Mega Blaziken can come in on Will-O-Wisp and threaten Yveltal with their Fire-type moves, though losing their item to Knock Off may be unideal. With Contrary, they can also smack Yveltal without fearing King's Shield and use it as setup fodder.

**-Ate Ability Users**: While they don't appreciate switching into Knock Off or Will-O-Wisp, when brought it via a bulky teammate with Baton Pass or U-turn or after a teammate has fainted, -ate ability users such as Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie can force out Yveltal under the threat of their powerful Boomburst.

**Protean Users**: In a similar manner to -ate users, Protean users don't like to directly switch in, but Bolt Strike from physically oriented Protean users and Moonblast from specially oriented Protean users can easily put Yveltal out of commission. Physically based Protean users must watch out for Yveltal's King's Shield, however.
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Overview: Mention Mega Gengar specifically. Mention that it can only outspeed those base 90s and 95s when they aren't invested enough to outspeed it, or something like that. End the Overview on a positive note.

Moves: Switch the order of Leech Seed and Swords Dance. Also note that Leech Seed helps Yveltal beat Imposters.

Set Details: Sludge Wave from Mega Gengar could still be a problem. Either mention that here or change the EV spread to beat it.

Usage Tips: Mention that safe switches and Spiky Shield are the best way to get the Orb activated.

  • Knock Off should be used against opposing Poison Heal users if given the opportunity, as this will greatly increase the efficiency of Will-O-Wisp's on the opponent's Pokemon by denying them Aromatherapy support.
Clarify this line a little bit, maybe use the word "discouraging." It's pretty unclear.

Other Options: Be a little bit more specific about why Will-o-Wisp is better than Spore and Glare. Add a mention of Sucker Punch to surprise Mega Mewtwo Y and already-boosted Mega Gengar.

Extremely good analysis.

QC 1/3
Implemented everything except for one thing:

End the Overview on a positive note.

I've tried this twice for my STABmons analyses and I wish I could do this, but both times GP told me to remove my ending phrase due to the policy that conclusions aren't allowed, and without a conclusion it's almost impossible to do this. I checked quite a few analyses on-site to try and get an idea how people ended their overviews, and the overviews without conclusions were pretty much like what I have now. I don't know why some analyses actually have conclusions, but I guess they changed the rules midway through the generation or something.

This should be ready for 2nd QC E4 Flint Piccolo Daimao
Figures a nub would post a nub mon with a nub set. But let's see what I can do to fix it.

  • (Expand) Its Dark type and good stats allow it to use Knock Off, as well as become a good (and rare) Knock Off absorber as most sets are unaffected by it
  • Add a point that its weakness to Fairy and Ice make it vulnerable to -ate users. (Optional)its neutral effectiveness to Flying makes it vulnerable to all of them

Set Poison Heal

  • (Add)Leech Seed lets it defeat Shedinja

Set Details:
  • Since you have mentioned how it does vs Sludge Wave, explicitly mention how it fares against Gengar's Secret Sword as well
  • After activating, Yveltal becomes a powerful switch in status absorber to many sets such as RegenVest defensive pivots and Prankster Pokemon
  • Also lets it become a great stray Knock Off absorber as once activated, Toxic Orb is generally not needed unless Aroma is run on the team

Usage Tips:
  • Yveltal can also get rid of Imposter users' items making them more vulnerable for later if they decide to come in for a heal
  • (Add)Liberally use Shields to maintain health (and scouting, as seeing unknown dangers goes a long way in knowing when to switch it out keeping its health intact)
Team Options:
  • Highly recommend something for opponents with Pixilate/Fairy moves
  • Similarly, a soft check for Refrigerate users. You may choose to collapse this and the previous point together

Other Options:
  • (Add/Rephrase)Yveltal's niche over Raymega with Aerilate is Stab on Flying moves as well as Knock Off
  • Pursuit can be used to finish off Gengar-Mega's for good
  • Sucker Punch can add priority to finish off faster foes such as the MewtwoMegas, and also defeat Gengar-Mega's without taking damage
  • The downside of Pursuit/Sucker Punch is redundant coverage with Knock Off, which is mandatory, so the three together should be run rarely
  • (Add)Thousand Waves in list of offensive support moves for trapping and coverage, as well as boosting the power of the setup set
  • (Add)Oblivion Wing in this list, as a somewhat viable healing option while dealing damage that can be more helpfulthan Leech vs Magic Bounce/Grass mons (though rare)
  • (Add)Sacred Fire in this list, to spread burns while dealing damage, and get around Magic Bounce

Checks and Counters:
  • (Add)Yveltal itself in list of PH users that can come in, although it cannot overwhelm it. Non-SD variants of this pokemon especially, can do almost nothing to opposing PH users
  • (Rephrase)The bit about King's Shield should be "from Yveltal's point of view" so to speak, since he is what the analysis is about, not Protean users

Overall good QC for a shitty stallmon.

E: Also I'm not sure you'll be allowed to keep the picture since it does not initially seem relevant, unless you photoshop bacon strips onto the actual sprite. Center align it too imo.
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Can we consider a spread of 220 HP / 160 Def / 128 SpDef Careful? 220 HP gives it optimal HP for Poison Heal recovery, and since Yveltal's highest defensive stat is HP, it is actually more optimal for an all-around bulky set to invest slightly more in Def / SpDef. I put the 32 HP EVs lost into Def because 128+ SpDef is enough for what Yveltal needs to do on the special side; 160 Def gives it a better chance of surviving the 2HKO from +1 Secret Sword MMY. It also lets Yveltal shrug off whatever small chip damage bulky walls will be trying to do to it. You could run 160 SpDef to get an edge on LO 252 SpA Gale Wings RayMega, but if it just sets up in your face you're dead anyway.
Great job with this Kl4ng! This is mostly nitpicky because you did a very good job with this.
  • Can you elaborate on how Yveltal's speed allows it to break stall? I can't see this really doing very much to PHeal Audino/Giratina/Xerneas that have at least one non status move, or things like Magic Bounce Registeel, which are all sometimes used on stall.
  • Is SD really notable? I've never seen it used and it seems to be an odd choice. (Note: not saying to remove it, just asking)
  • I really think that a phazing move like Whirlwind/Dragon Tail/Circle Throw is notable enough to add to this set
Team Options:
  • "Non-Imposter, notably Fur Coat, Chansey" maybe?
  • I'm not sure how effective Audino-Mega is with Yveltal as they both function as Gengar walls, you might mention another defensive Pokemon such as Registeel in place of it. This is up to you though.
Other Options:
  • I'd recommend using Nuzzle as an example rather than Glare because it's generally better and is Taunt-proof. However, Glare does have more PP, so this is up to you.
Checks and Counters:
  • poison heal users: "with their STAB and coverage moves"
Terrific analysis. QC 3/3
Implemented, with the exception of some points:
  • Is SD really notable? I've never seen it used and it seems to be an odd choice. (Note: not saying to remove it, just asking)
  • I really think that a phazing move like Whirlwind/Dragon Tail/Circle Throw is notable enough to add to this set
Team Options:
  • "Non-Imposter, notably Fur Coat, Chansey" maybe?
While I have not personally tested SD, Flint has used it to pretty good success. It allows you to effectively break Magic Bounce users like Registeel and Giratina which is why it works on this set. As for phazing, I actually used Circle Throw a lot before changing it, and I have to say it isn't as useful as it seems, the same Pokemon still wall you, and most set-up Pokemon are already deterred enough by Will-O-Wisp and Knock Off. As for Fur Coat Chans, given the intended teammate role is as a special sponge I don't think Fur Coat needs a special mention since it doesn't help with the role.

This should be ready for GP now!
oh yeah sure

remove add (Capitalize / Fix) (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 1/2

One of the more underrated defensive choices the Balanced Hackmons metagame has to offer, Yveltal stands out as one of the best checks to Mega Gengar and other Ghost-type Judgment users in the metagame due to its unique typing. Yveltal also functions as an excellent stallbreaker thanks to its great Speed tier, allowing it to outspeed common uninvested base 90 and 95 Speed Pokemon in the metagame and Taunt them. In addition, Yveltal's relatively high offensive stats for a wall mean it isn't as passive as most other walls, (AC) and because of its Dark STAB (RC) makes Yveltal is one of the few walls that can abuse take advantage of Knock Off as both a primary attack and a utility move in addition to being able to absorb it as well. However, while Yveltal's bulk is not terrible, Yveltal it isn't exceptionally bulky either, meaning it Yveltal must more often than not rely on its typing in order to wall opponents. Due to this downside, Yveltal isn't an ideal choice on most offensive teams as a wall due to the fact that it only walls specific Pokemon, and it is better used with a defensive core on more defensively oriented teams. In addition, a weakness to Rock-type moves means Yveltal cannot perform as well when Stealth Rock is on the field, and weaknesses to Electric-type, Ice-type, and Fairy-type moves mean it cannot stand up to most Protean, Refrigerate, and Pixilate users.

name: Poison Heal
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Spiky Shield / King's Shield / Recover
move 4: Taunt / Leech Seed / Swords Dance
item: Toxic Orb
ability: Poison Heal
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD


Knock Off is Yveltal's STAB move of choice, simultaneously giving Yveltal an offensive presence and the utility of item removal. Will-O-Wisp allows Yveltal to cripple physical attackers and burden Pokemon without Magic Bounce or Poison Heal with passive damage. Spiky Shield and King's Shield both accomplish the same purpose of shielding Yveltal so it can heal off damage with rack up Poison Heal recovery, but the choice comes down to which of the moves' effects are preferred. Spiky Shield is the generally superior choice, (AC) as it also shields Yveltal from status moves that Poison Heal does not prevent, (AC) such as Leech Seed and Entrainment, but King's Shield's secondary effect of halving the foe's attack stat is arguably more useful than dealing chip damage. Should a more reliable method of recovery be desired, (AC) Recover is also an option in this slot; (SC) but however, because Yveltal is usually fine without direct recovery, (AC) so this isn't usually needed. Taunt is the move of choice in the last slot to allow Yveltal to also perform the role of a stallbreaker (RC) and turns Yveltal into a gigantic pain for defensive teams to handle. In tandem with King's Shield, (AC) it also allows Yveltal to stall out physical Poison Heal users to an extent. Leech Seed is another option in the last slot to better take on opposing attackers and defeat Shedinja more reliably, though it leaves Yveltal unable to do much to Magic Bounce and Poison Heal Pokemon. It also allows Yveltal to defeat Imposter users more easily. If Leech Seed is chosen, (AC) it is recommended not to use Recover in the third slot, as Leech Seed offers Yveltal more than enough recovery. Swords Dance may seem like a strange choice for a defensive Pokemon, especially since because Yveltal has only one attacking move, but it allows Yveltal to better punish opposing Magic Bounce and Poison Heal users, (AC) which will usually switch into Yveltal in order to block Will-O-Wisp.

Set Details

Yveltal's EVs and nature allow it to always live survive Timid Mega Gengar's Sludge Wave after a Tail Glow and kill KO it in return with Knock Off (RC) while simultaneously giving it a usable Defense stat in order to both stand up to physical attackers and burn them with Will-O-Wisp and take Secret Sword with ease. Poison Heal gives Yveltal both an immunity to status and considerable substantial (less repetitive) recovery after its Toxic Orb activates, considerably prolonging its longevity on the battlefield and allowing it to function as a great status absorber.

Usage Tips

Yveltal should mainly be used to combat Ghost-types with Spooky Plate Judgment, which often give defensive teams trouble due to their immunity (even though they won't function fully, Imposter users can still copy them though, can't they? Use "resiliency" or something like that imo) to Imposter users. It is crucial not to let Yveltal's Toxic Orb be Knocked Off before it is activated, as without being poisoned Yveltal becomes nearly useless, especially if it is not using Recover. Using Spiky Shield or slow pivots to get Yveltal into play are the best ways of activating its Toxic Orb safely. King's Shield also works, but you must watch out for Trick and status moves such as Will-O-Wisp. In addition, if you plan to use Aromatherapy later on in the match, (AC) it's advisable not to let Yveltal's Toxic Orb get Knocked Off at all, as if Aromatherapy is used after Yveltal has lost its Orb it will not be able to restore its poison. If Aromatherapy is however not used on your team, however, (AC) it is encouraged to switch Yveltal into users of the move, as it functions as a great Knock Off absorber. For the same reasons Yveltal fears having its own Orb Knocked Off, Knock Off should be used against opposing Poison Heal users if you know the enemy team uses Aromatherapy, as this will greatly increase the effect of Will-O-Wisp's on the opponent's Pokemon by discouraging Aromatherapy support. Yveltal can defeat Imposter users courtesy of their vulnerability to burns and remove their Eviolites as well, but it should be noted that they're able to Knock Off Yveltal's Orb despite crippling themselves in the process. Don't be afraid to use Spiky Shield or King's Shield liberally, as Yveltal needs to be at full ("high" would be more... realistic imo) health to function at its best. Both of these moves can also be used to scout the opponent opposing team for dangerous moves (RC) and thus give you an idea of what teammate is best suited to handle your foe. Try not to let Stealth Rock reside on your side of the field for too long, as it diminishes Yveltal's ability to heal off damage due to the damage it takes when switching in. Taunt should be used against the opponent's walls in order to prevent them from accomplishing most of their intended tasks (RC) and allows Yveltal to function as a great stallbreaker. Finally, use Swords Dance if you expect a Magic Bounce or Poison Heal user to switch in, (remove hyphen) as most of them do not appreciate a Swords Dance-boosted (add hyphen) Knock Off.

Team Options

Users of Defog are highly recommended alongside Yveltal to increase its overall performance. Since Because Yveltal forces many switches, entry hazards in the form of Stealth Rock and possibly Spikes greatly aid Yveltal. Registeel and Aegislash are both examples of Pokemon that can both utilize Defog and set up hazards effectively. Physically bulky Fur Coat users such as Giratina and Mega Audino work very well alongside Yveltal to absorb the stronger physical hits thrown its way. Both of these Pokemon are also notable in that they can absorb Knock Off for Yveltal on teams using Aromatherapy courtesy of Griseous Orb and Audinite respectively. -Ate ability switch-ins, such as Aegislash, Registeel, and Fur Coat Chansey, pair very well with Yveltal due to its vulnerability to Refrigerate and Pixilate users. Non-Imposter Chansey also makes a great partner to take the special attacks that Yveltal cannot take courtesy of its gargantuan special bulk. Finally, Entrainment users are highly useful alongside Yveltal due to their ability to handle Poison Heal users. While any defensive Pokemon without Poison Heal itself can make use of the move, Mega Audino and Giratina are notable due to their excellent mixed bulk.

Other Options

Aerilate and Gale Wings are both options on Yveltal for both physically and specially offensive sets considering its Flying-type STAB and decent attacking stats, but Mega Rayquaza often does this a lot better than Yveltal thanks to its considerably higher damage output, despite lacking STAB on Knock Off. RegenVest may seem like a better alternative to Poison Heal to allow Yveltal to take on special attackers even better than it already can, but the inability to use status moves and Yveltal's newly acquired weakness to sleep-inducing moves without Poison Heal usually make it an inferior option. Other status moves, namely Spore and Nuzzle, (AC) can be used over Will-O-Wisp, but these moves are not as effective on Yveltal as Will-O-Wisp is due to the move's ability to cripple physical attackers and cause passive damage. Foul Play can be used to heavily dent physical attackers, Sucker Punch is an option to outprioritize and heavily damage Mega Mewtwo Y and defeat Mega Gengar without taking damage, and Pursuit can be used to trap and kill KO Mega Gengar, but all of these Dark-type moves are rather redundant with Knock Off, which is too valuable for Yveltal to pass up on. Shift Gear or and Coil can both be used over Swords Dance, with Coil having the useful side effect of increasing Will-O-Wisp's accuracy, but the direct power boost from Swords Dance is generally more useful than the Speed and Defense boosts respectively. Oblivion Wing can be used due to its ability to both simultaneously pose an offensive threat and heal Yveltal, but the additional offensive coverage doesn't allow Yveltal to beat any additional notable Pokemon. Finally, various other support options such as Stealth Rock, Topsy-Turvy, Defog, U-turn, Circle Throw, Thousand Waves, Sacred Fire, and Worry Seed are all plausible choices in the final slot, but their utility is usually inferior to the utility granted by the moves listed on the main set.

Checks and Counters

**Poison Heal Users**: The threat of a Swords Dance-boosted (add hyphen) Knock Off does scare away some Poison Heal users, but the ones that don't mind taking a Knock Off, such as Mega Tyranitar, Mega Gyarados, Arceus, and Regigigas, (AC) have very little to fear from Yveltal thanks to their immunity to Will-O-Wisp and lack of use for their item after being poisoned. In return, they can overwhelm Yveltal with their STAB attacks and coverage moves.

**Magic Bounce Users**: While the loss of their item can be annoying, Magic Bounce users such as Registeel and Mega Audino completely wall Leech Seed and Taunt variants of Yveltal, and with moves such as Topsy-Turvy or and Haze, (AC) they can take on Swords Dance variants as well. In return, they can use a slow Baton Pass or U-Turn to safely pivot in a strong attacker to pummel Yveltal, gaining momentum for your team and putting you in a favorable situation.

**Fire-types**: Due to their immunity to Will-O-Wisp burns, Fire-types such as Ho-Oh, Reshiram, and Mega Blaziken can come in on Will-O-Wisp and threaten Yveltal with their Fire-type moves, though losing their item to Knock Off may be unideal. With Contrary, (AC) they can also smack Yveltal without fearing King's Shield (RC) and use it as set-up setup fodder.

**-ate Ability Users**: While they don't appreciate switching into Knock Off or Will-O-Wisp, when brought it via a bulky teammate with Baton Pass or U-turn or after a teammate has fainted, they -ate ability users such as X and Y can force out Yveltal under the threat of their powerful Boomburst.

**Protean Users**: In a similar manner to -ate users, Protean users don't like to directly switch in, (remove hyphen) but Bolt Strike from physically oriented Protean users and Moonblast from specially oriented Protean users can easily put Yveltal out of commission. Physically based Protean users must watch out for Yveltal's King's Shield, however.
also unbold all headings please
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One of the more underrated defensive choices the Balanced Hackmons metagame has to offer, Yveltal stands out as one of the best checks to Mega Gengar and other Ghost-type Judgment users in the metagame due to its unique typing. Yveltal also functions as an excellent stallbreaker thanks to its great Speed tier, allowing it to outspeed common uninvested base 90 and 95 Speed Pokemon in the metagame and Taunt them. In addition, Yveltal's relatively high offensive stats for a wall mean it isn't as passive as most other walls, and its Dark STAB type makes Yveltal one of the few walls that can take advantage of Knock Off as both a primary attack and a utility move in addition to being able to absorb it as well. However, while Yveltal's bulk is not terrible, it isn't exceptional either, meaning Yveltal must more often than not rely on its typing in order to wall opponents foes. Due to this downside, which means that it can only wall specific Pokemon, Yveltal isn't an ideal choice on most offensive teams as a wall due to the fact that it only walls specific Pokemon, and it is better used with a defensive core on more defensively oriented teams. In addition, a weakness to Rock-type moves means Yveltal cannot perform as well when Stealth Rock is on the field, and weaknesses to Electric-type, Ice-type, and Fairy-type moves mean it cannot stand up to most Protean, Refrigerate, and Pixilate users.

name: Poison Heal
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Spiky Shield / King's Shield / Recover
move 4: Taunt / Leech Seed / Swords Dance
item: Toxic Orb
ability: Poison Heal
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD


Knock Off is Yveltal's STAB move of choice, simultaneously giving Yveltal an offensive presence and the utility of item removal. Will-O-Wisp allows Yveltal to cripple physical attackers and burden Pokemon without Magic Bounce or Poison Heal with passive damage. Spiky Shield and King's Shield both accomplish the same purpose of shielding Yveltal so that it can rack up Poison Heal recovery, but the choice comes down to which of the moves' effects are is preferred. Spiky Shield is the generally the superior choice, as it also shields Yveltal from status moves that Poison Heal does not block prevent, such as Leech Seed and Entrainment, but King's Shield's secondary effect of halving the foe's Attack stat is arguably more useful than dealing chip damage. Should a more reliable method of recovery be desired, Recover is also an option in this slot; however, because Yveltal is usually fine without direct recovery, this isn't usually needed. Taunt is the move of choice in the last slot to allow Yveltal to also perform the role of a stallbreaker and turns Yveltal into a gigantic pain for defensive teams to handle. In tandem with King's Shield, it also allows Yveltal to stall out physical Poison Heal users to an extent. Leech Seed is another option in the last slot to better take on opposing attackers and defeat Shedinja more reliably, though it leaves Yveltal unable to do much to Magic Bounce and Poison Heal Pokemon. It also allows Yveltal to defeat Imposter users more easily. If Leech Seed is chosen, it is recommended not to use Recover in the third slot, as Leech Seed offers Yveltal more than enough recovery. Swords Dance may seem like a strange choice for a defensive Pokemon, especially because Yveltal has only one attacking move, but it allows Yveltal to better punish opposing Magic Bounce and Poison Heal users, which will usually switch into Yveltal in order to block Will-O-Wisp.

Set Details

Yveltal's EVs and nature allow it to always survive Timid Mega Gengar's Sludge Wave after a Tail Glow and KO it in return with Knock Off while simultaneously giving it Yveltal a usable Defense stat in order to both stand up to physical attackers and burn them with Will-O-Wisp and take Secret Sword with ease. Poison Heal gives Yveltal both an immunity to status and substantial recovery after its Toxic Orb activates, considerably prolonging its longevity on the battlefield and allowing it to function as a great status absorber.

Usage Tips

Yveltal should mainly be used to combat Ghost-types that run with Spooky Plate Judgment, which often give defensive teams trouble due to their resiliency to Imposter users. It is crucial not to let Yveltal's Toxic Orb be Knocked Off removed before it is activated, as without being poisoned Yveltal becomes nearly useless, especially if it is not using Recover. Using Spiky Shield or and slow pivots to get Yveltal into play are the best ways of activating its Toxic Orb safely. King's Shield also works, but you must watch out for Trick and status moves such as Will-O-Wisp. In addition, if you plan to use Aromatherapy later on in the match, it's advisable not to let Yveltal's Toxic Orb get Knocked Off removed at all, as Yveltal will otherwise not be able to restore its poison. If Aromatherapy is not used on your team, however, it is encouraged to switch Yveltal into Knock Off users of the move, as it functions as a great Knock Off absorber. For the same reasons Yveltal fears having its own Toxic Orb removed by Knocked Off, Knock Off should be used against opposing Poison Heal users if you know the enemy team uses Aromatherapy, as this will greatly increase the effect of Will-O-Wisp's on the opponent's Pokemon by discouraging Aromatherapy support. Yveltal can defeat Imposter users courtesy of their vulnerability to burns and remove their Eviolites as well, but it should be noted that they're able to Knock Off Yveltal's Toxic Orb despite crippling themselves in the process. Don't be afraid to use Spiky Shield or King's Shield liberally, as Yveltal needs to be at high health to function at its best. Both of these moves can also be used to scout the opposing team for dangerous moves and thus give you an idea of what teammate is best suited to handle your foe. Try not to let Stealth Rock reside on your side of the field for too long, as it diminishes Yveltal's ability to heal off damage due to the damage it takes when switching in. Taunt should be used against the opponent's walls in order to prevent them from accomplishing most of their intended tasks and allows Yveltal to function as a great stallbreaker. Finally, use Swords Dance if you expect a Magic Bounce or Poison Heal user to switch in, as most of them do not appreciate a Swords Dance-boosted Knock Off.

Team Options

Users of Defog are highly recommended alongside Yveltal to increase its overall performance. Because Yveltal forces many switches, entry hazards in the form of Stealth Rock and possibly Spikes greatly aid Yveltal. Registeel and Aegislash are both examples of Pokemon that can both utilize Defog and set up hazards effectively. Physically bulky Fur Coat users such as Giratina and Mega Audino work very well alongside Yveltal to absorb the stronger physical hits thrown its way. Both of these Pokemon are also notable in that they can absorb Knock Off for Yveltal on teams using Aromatherapy courtesy of Griseous Orb and Audinite, (AC) respectively. -Ate ability switch-ins, such as Aegislash, Registeel, and Fur Coat Chansey, pair very well with Yveltal due to its vulnerability to Refrigerate and Pixilate users. Non-Imposter Chansey also makes for a great partner to take the special attacks that Yveltal cannot take, (AC) courtesy of its gargantuan special bulk. Finally, Entrainment users are highly useful alongside Yveltal due to their ability to handle Poison Heal users. While any defensive Pokemon without Poison Heal itself can make use of the move, Mega Audino and Giratina are notable due to their excellent mixed bulk.

Other Options

Aerilate and Gale Wings are options on Yveltal for both physically and specially offensive sets considering its Flying-type STAB type and decent attacking stats, but Mega Rayquaza often does this a lot better than Yveltal thanks to its considerably higher damage output, despite lacking STAB on Knock Off. RegenVest may seem like a better alternative to Poison Heal to allow Yveltal to take on special attackers even better than it already can, but the inability to use status moves and Yveltal's newly acquired weakness to sleep-inducing moves without Poison Heal usually make it an inferior option. Other status moves, namely Spore and Nuzzle, can be used over Will-O-Wisp, but these moves are not as effective on Yveltal as Will-O-Wisp is due to the move's ability to cripple physical attackers and cause passive damage. Foul Play can be used to heavily dent physical attackers, Sucker Punch is an option to outprioritize and heavily damage Mega Mewtwo Y and defeat Mega Gengar without taking damage, and Pursuit can be used to trap and KO Mega Gengar, but all of these Dark-type moves are rather redundant with Knock Off, which is too valuable for Yveltal to pass up on. Shift Gear and Coil can both be used over Swords Dance, with Coil having the useful side effect of increasing Will-O-Wisp's accuracy, but the direct power boost from Swords Dance is generally more useful than the Speed and Defense boosts. Oblivion Wing can be used due to its ability to simultaneously pose an offensive threat and heal Yveltal, but the additional coverage doesn't allow Yveltal to beat any additional notable Pokemon. Finally, various other support options such as Stealth Rock, Topsy-Turvy, Defog, U-turn, Circle Throw, Thousand Waves, Sacred Fire, and Worry Seed are all plausible choices in the final slot, but their utility is usually inferior to the utility granted by the moves listed on the main set.

Checks and Counters

**Poison Heal Users**: The threat of a Swords Dance-boosted Knock Off does scare away some Poison Heal users, but the ones that don't mind taking a Knock Off, such as Mega Tyranitar, Mega Gyarados, Arceus, and Regigigas, have very little to fear from Yveltal thanks to their immunity to Will-O-Wisp and lack of use for their item after being poisoned. In return, they can overwhelm Yveltal with their STAB attacks and coverage moves.

**Magic Bounce Users**: While the loss of their item can be annoying, Magic Bounce users such as Registeel and Mega Audino completely wall Leech Seed and Taunt variants of Yveltal, and with moves such as Topsy-Turvy and Haze, they can take on Swords Dance variants as well. In return, Alternatively, they can use a slow Baton Pass or U-turn to safely pivot in a strong attacker to pummel Yveltal, gaining momentum for their your team and putting you them in a favorable situation.

**Fire-types**: Due to their immunity to burns, Fire-types such as Ho-Oh, Reshiram, and Mega Blaziken can come in on Will-O-Wisp and threaten Yveltal with their Fire-type moves, though losing their item to Knock Off may be unideal. With Contrary, they can also smack Yveltal without fearing King's Shield and use it as setup fodder.

**-Ate Ability Users**: While they don't appreciate switching into Knock Off or Will-O-Wisp, when brought it via a bulky teammate with Baton Pass or U-turn or after a teammate has fainted, -ate ability users such as Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie can force out Yveltal under the threat of their powerful Boomburst.

**Protean Users**: In a similar manner to -ate users, Protean users don't like to directly switch in, but Bolt Strike from physically oriented Protean users and Moonblast from specially oriented Protean users can easily put Yveltal out of commission. Physically based Protean users must watch out for Yveltal's King's Shield, however.

One of the more underrated defensive choices the Balanced Hackmons metagame has to offer, Yveltal stands out as one of the best checks to Mega Gengar and other Ghost-type Judgment users in the metagame due to its unique typing. Yveltal also functions as an excellent stallbreaker thanks to its great Speed tier, allowing it to outspeed common uninvested base 90 and 95 Speed Pokemon in the metagame and Taunt them. In addition, Yveltal's relatively high offensive stats for a wall mean it isn't as passive as most other walls, and its Dark STAB type makes Yveltal one of the few walls that can take advantage of Knock Off as both a primary attack and a utility move in addition to being able to absorb it as well. However, while Yveltal's bulk is not terrible, it isn't exceptional either, meaning Yveltal must more often than not rely on its typing in order to wall opponents foes. Due to this downside, which means that it can only wall specific Pokemon, Yveltal isn't an ideal choice on most offensive teams as a wall due to the fact that it only walls specific Pokemon, and it is better used with a defensive core on more defensively oriented teams. In addition, a weakness to Rock-type moves means Yveltal cannot perform as well when Stealth Rock is on the field, and weaknesses to Electric-type, Ice-type, and Fairy-type moves mean it cannot stand up to most Protean, Refrigerate, and Pixilate users.

name: Poison Heal
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Spiky Shield / King's Shield / Recover
move 4: Taunt / Leech Seed / Swords Dance
item: Toxic Orb
ability: Poison Heal
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD


Knock Off is Yveltal's STAB move of choice, simultaneously giving Yveltal an offensive presence and the utility of item removal. Will-O-Wisp allows Yveltal to cripple physical attackers and burden Pokemon without Magic Bounce or Poison Heal with passive damage. Spiky Shield and King's Shield both accomplish the same purpose of shielding Yveltal so that it can rack up Poison Heal recovery, but the choice comes down to which of the moves' effects are is preferred. Spiky Shield is the generally the superior choice, as it also shields Yveltal from status moves that Poison Heal does not block prevent, such as Leech Seed and Entrainment, but King's Shield's secondary effect of halving the foe's Attack stat is arguably more useful than dealing chip damage. Should a more reliable method of recovery be desired, Recover is also an option in this slot; however, because Yveltal is usually fine without direct recovery, this isn't usually needed. Taunt is the move of choice in the last slot to allow Yveltal to also perform the role of a stallbreaker and turns Yveltal into a gigantic pain for defensive teams to handle. In tandem with King's Shield, it also allows Yveltal to stall out physical Poison Heal users to an extent. Leech Seed is another option in the last slot to better take on opposing attackers and defeat Shedinja more reliably, though it leaves Yveltal unable to do much to Magic Bounce and Poison Heal Pokemon. It also allows Yveltal to defeat Imposter users more easily. If Leech Seed is chosen, it is recommended not to use Recover in the third slot, as Leech Seed offers Yveltal more than enough recovery. Swords Dance may seem like a strange choice for a defensive Pokemon, especially because Yveltal has only one attacking move, but it allows Yveltal to better punish opposing Magic Bounce and Poison Heal users, which will usually switch into Yveltal in order to block Will-O-Wisp.

Set Details

Yveltal's EVs and nature allow it to always survive Timid Mega Gengar's Sludge Wave after a Tail Glow and KO it in return with Knock Off while simultaneously giving it Yveltal a usable Defense stat in order to both stand up to physical attackers and burn them with Will-O-Wisp and take Secret Sword with ease. Poison Heal gives Yveltal both an immunity to status and substantial recovery after its Toxic Orb activates, considerably prolonging its longevity on the battlefield and allowing it to function as a great status absorber.

Usage Tips

Yveltal should mainly be used to combat Ghost-types that run with Spooky Plate Judgment, which often give defensive teams trouble due to their resiliency to Imposter users. It is crucial not to let Yveltal's Toxic Orb be Knocked Off removed before it is activated, as without being poisoned Yveltal becomes nearly useless, especially if it is not using Recover. Using Spiky Shield or and slow pivots to get Yveltal into play are the best ways of activating its Toxic Orb safely. King's Shield also works, but you must watch out for Trick and status moves such as Will-O-Wisp. In addition, if you plan to use Aromatherapy later on in the match, it's advisable not to let Yveltal's Toxic Orb get Knocked Off removed at all, as Yveltal will otherwise not be able to restore its poison. If Aromatherapy is not used on your team, however, it is encouraged to switch Yveltal into Knock Off users of the move, as it functions as a great Knock Off absorber. For the same reasons Yveltal fears having its own Toxic Orb removed by Knocked Off, Knock Off should be used against opposing Poison Heal users if you know the enemy team uses Aromatherapy, as this will greatly increase the effect of Will-O-Wisp's on the opponent's Pokemon by discouraging Aromatherapy support. Yveltal can defeat Imposter users courtesy of their vulnerability to burns and remove their Eviolites as well, but it should be noted that they're able to Knock Off Yveltal's Toxic Orb despite crippling themselves in the process. Don't be afraid to use Spiky Shield or King's Shield liberally, as Yveltal needs to be at high health to function at its best. Both of these moves can also be used to scout the opposing team for dangerous moves and thus give you an idea of what teammate is best suited to handle your foe. Try not to let Stealth Rock reside on your side of the field for too long, as it diminishes Yveltal's ability to heal off damage due to the damage it takes when switching in. Taunt should be used against the opponent's walls in order to prevent them from accomplishing most of their intended tasks and allows Yveltal to function as a great stallbreaker. Finally, use Swords Dance if you expect a Magic Bounce or Poison Heal user to switch in, as most of them do not appreciate a Swords Dance-boosted Knock Off.

Team Options

Users of Defog are highly recommended alongside Yveltal to increase its overall performance. Because Yveltal forces many switches, entry hazards in the form of Stealth Rock and possibly Spikes greatly aid Yveltal. Registeel and Aegislash are both examples of Pokemon that can both utilize Defog and set up hazards effectively. Physically bulky Fur Coat users such as Giratina and Mega Audino work very well alongside Yveltal to absorb the stronger physical hits thrown its way. Both of these Pokemon are also notable in that they can absorb Knock Off for Yveltal on teams using Aromatherapy courtesy of Griseous Orb and Audinite, (AC) respectively. -Ate ability switch-ins, such as Aegislash, Registeel, and Fur Coat Chansey, pair very well with Yveltal due to its vulnerability to Refrigerate and Pixilate users. Non-Imposter Chansey also makes for a great partner to take the special attacks that Yveltal cannot take, (AC) courtesy of its gargantuan special bulk. Finally, Entrainment users are highly useful alongside Yveltal due to their ability to handle Poison Heal users. While any defensive Pokemon without Poison Heal itself can make use of the move, Mega Audino and Giratina are notable due to their excellent mixed bulk.

Other Options

Aerilate and Gale Wings are options on Yveltal for both physically and specially offensive sets considering its Flying-type STAB type and decent attacking stats, but Mega Rayquaza often does this a lot better than Yveltal thanks to its considerably higher damage output, despite lacking STAB on Knock Off. RegenVest may seem like a better alternative to Poison Heal to allow Yveltal to take on special attackers even better than it already can, but the inability to use status moves and Yveltal's newly acquired weakness to sleep-inducing moves without Poison Heal usually make it an inferior option. Other status moves, namely Spore and Nuzzle, can be used over Will-O-Wisp, but these moves are not as effective on Yveltal as Will-O-Wisp is due to the move's ability to cripple physical attackers and cause passive damage. Foul Play can be used to heavily dent physical attackers, Sucker Punch is an option to outprioritize and heavily damage Mega Mewtwo Y and defeat Mega Gengar without taking damage, and Pursuit can be used to trap and KO Mega Gengar, but all of these Dark-type moves are rather redundant with Knock Off, which is too valuable for Yveltal to pass up on. Shift Gear and Coil can both be used over Swords Dance, with Coil having the useful side effect of increasing Will-O-Wisp's accuracy, but the direct power boost from Swords Dance is generally more useful than the Speed and Defense boosts. Oblivion Wing can be used due to its ability to simultaneously pose an offensive threat and heal Yveltal, but the additional coverage doesn't allow Yveltal to beat any additional notable Pokemon. Finally, various other support options such as Stealth Rock, Topsy-Turvy, Defog, U-turn, Circle Throw, Thousand Waves, Sacred Fire, and Worry Seed are all plausible choices in the final slot, but their utility is usually inferior to the utility granted by the moves listed on the main set.

Checks and Counters

**Poison Heal Users**: The threat of a Swords Dance-boosted Knock Off does scare away some Poison Heal users, but the ones that don't mind taking a Knock Off, such as Mega Tyranitar, Mega Gyarados, Arceus, and Regigigas, have very little to fear from Yveltal thanks to their immunity to Will-O-Wisp and lack of use for their item after being poisoned. In return, they can overwhelm Yveltal with their STAB attacks and coverage moves.

**Magic Bounce Users**: While the loss of their item can be annoying, Magic Bounce users such as Registeel and Mega Audino completely wall Leech Seed and Taunt variants of Yveltal, and with moves such as Topsy-Turvy and Haze, they can take on Swords Dance variants as well. In return, Alternatively, they can use a slow Baton Pass or U-turn to safely pivot in a strong attacker to pummel Yveltal, gaining momentum for their your team and putting you them in a favorable situation.

**Fire-types**: Due to their immunity to burns, Fire-types such as Ho-Oh, Reshiram, and Mega Blaziken can come in on Will-O-Wisp and threaten Yveltal with their Fire-type moves, though losing their item to Knock Off may be unideal. With Contrary, they can also smack Yveltal without fearing King's Shield and use it as setup fodder.

**-Ate Ability Users**: While they don't appreciate switching into Knock Off or Will-O-Wisp, when brought it via a bulky teammate with Baton Pass or U-turn or after a teammate has fainted, -ate ability users such as Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie can force out Yveltal under the threat of their powerful Boomburst.

**Protean Users**: In a similar manner to -ate users, Protean users don't like to directly switch in, but Bolt Strike from physically oriented Protean users and Moonblast from specially oriented Protean users can easily put Yveltal out of commission. Physically based Protean users must watch out for Yveltal's King's Shield, however.

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