Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 47 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Oops, yes. Oblivious is definitely what I meant, lol.
I might have a spare Modest Oblivious HP Grass Feebas in my PC. If not you can clone my 6IV HP Grass egg if you want?

You can have it for free, its the least I can do after that time you helped breed me that Oddish/Hoothoot :]

Both Feebas have 4 non-tutor Lv Up Moves and are in a Dream Ball.

I cannot trade till tomorrow afternoon though if you can hold off til then?
Is this Competitive worthy?

Nature: Modest
IVs: 31/31/29/31/31/31
HP 195/195
Attack 81/81
Defense 139/140
Sp. Attack 104/104
Speed 105/105
Is this Competitive worthy?

Nature: Modest
IVs: 31/31/29/31/31/31
HP 195/195
Attack 81/81
Defense 139/140
Sp. Attack 104/104
Speed 105/105
Keep for personal use, if you don't care too much. But Cress is mostly a bulky tank, so its defenses matter a lot. It's like physical Ray missing some IVs in the Attack stat.

I'd toss.
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Is this Competitive worthy?

Nature: Modest
IVs: 31/31/29/31/31/31
HP 195/195
Attack 81/81
Defense 139/140
Sp. Attack 104/104
Speed 105/105

Toss. If it was just the IVs, it would be passable but the nature is not something most people would use.
I am looking for someone who can hold a few eggs for me, tomorrow around this time! Let me know if you're able to help. :)
If only you could store Eggs in Bank. I wouldn't have boxes of leftover eggs in Y if I could :/

I want to breed a Chesnaught, but can't decide on a nickname. I'm thinking Knights of the Round Table, but I'm torn between Gawain and Galahad. Pronouncing the former as GAH-win, it's only so-so, but idk. There's something really... cheesy about Galahad. It sounds like a LoTR stock character.
I might have a spare Modest Oblivious HP Grass Feebas in my PC. If not you can clone my 6IV HP Grass egg if you want?

You can have it for free, its the least I can do after that time you helped breed me that Oddish/Hoothoot :]

Both Feebas have 4 non-tutor Lv Up Moves and are in a Dream Ball.

I cannot trade till tomorrow afternoon though if you can hold off til then?
A spitback of it is fine since it's going to be without a Hidden Power for sure and as long as it's female it doesn't matter. Any time is fine and I'll trade you something for it anyway. :)
Does anyone have a female Adaptability Feebas in a matching ball (if possible)? I don't know much about where you can obtain one but I just need it to help a friend with VGC team. IVs and nature do not matter. You can take whatever you want from my trade thread.
ive got a couple nice shiny feebas in my thread, let me know if any of them work for you
Looking for adamant ORAS Landorus with 31/31/30+/x/30+/31. I don't know what to trade for it but maybe you can find something you'd like on my old trade thread or just pm me if you're looking for something and I might have it. I prefer non-redis for both our pokemon as I'm not a fan of redistributing my pokemon nor other's.
Thanks for the replies on Cresselia. :) Gonna keep SRing for a better one. Didn't know it was supposed to be tanky so I'll probably do Bold or Calm nature.
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