[STABmons] Pidgeot

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is a Team Rater Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
Mega Pidgeot is a very threatening Pokemon by virtue of its high Speed and Special Attack as well as its strong STAB moves. This is complemented by recovery in Oblivion Wing, which is excellent for maintaining momentum, and a very fast Sing. However, Mega Pidgeot is walled by common threats such as Heatran and Mega Tyranitar. It is very frail and thus vulnerable to priority moves, and it has a poor defensive typing that leaves it weak to common offensive moves and resistant to only two uncommon types. Mega Pidgeot has limited coverage options, although the few it does have are good, as they provide coverage against every type besides Rock. Furthermore, the cost of using a Mega Evolution in STABmons is extremely high due to the overwhelming competition for a Mega slot, so Mega Pidgeot is a very team-specific Pokemon.

name: All-Out Attacker
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: Hurricane
move 3: Heat Wave
move 4: U-turn
item: Pidgeotite
ability: Keen Eye
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Boomburst is a very spammable STAB move that will 2HKO nearly anything neutral to it and even some frailer Pokemon that resist it. Hurricane is another very powerful STAB move that also has a chance to confuse the foe. Heat Wave is an essential coverage move that allows Mega Pidgeot to hit the Steel-types that would otherwise wall it, besides Heatran. Sing gives Mega Pidgeot free turns and allows it to do something even against Pokemon that would counter it. Hidden Power Ground is an option over Sing in order to KO Heatran after luring it.

Set Details

The EVs and a Timid nature maximize Mega Pidgeot's Speed and Special Attack for the most offensive pressure possible. Putting 4 EVs in Defense instead of HP allows Mega Pidgeot to switch into Stealth Rock four times.

Usage Tips

Boomburst is very spammable because of its sheer power and thus should be used freely if you are unsure of what to do. Don't let Mega Pidgeot get paralyzed, as its Speed is one of its biggest selling points and prevents it from being outclassed. Mega Pidgeot should not be brought in against anything with a priority move, as it will often get KOed due to its frailty; in this regard, switching it in directly is generally a bad idea. It is better to bring Mega Pidgeot in to revenge kill or off of a teammate's slow U-turn or Volt Switch. Avoid facing Fake Out + Extreme Speed users, as the combination of these two moves completely demolishes Mega Pidgeot.

Team Options

Terrakion beats most of Mega Pidgeot's checks and counters with its powerful STAB moves, such as Chansey, Zapdos, Tyranitar, and Heatran. Porygon-Z and Mega Pidgeot can wear down each other's checks and counters and allow one or the other to win, with Porygon-Z and Mega Pidgeot overwhelming Rock-types. Users of Volt Switch, U-turn, and Parting Shot such as Raikou, Jolteon, Meloetta, and Sableye give Mega Pidgeot opportunities to get in unharmed and consequently spread more damage. Sylveon is also a good partner to pivot into so that it can wear down foes with its own Boomburst. Mega Pidgeot is worn down pretty quickly by Stealth Rock, so Pokemon that can remove the hazard such as Excadrill, Latias, and Starmie are great team options. Starmie can also remove bulky Rock-types if Mega Pidgeot is not running Hidden Power Ground. Weavile can weaken foes with Knock Off and soft check Thundurus with Icicle Crash.

Other Options

Hidden Power Fighting is an option to let Mega Pidgeot take on Tyranitar and to provide general coverage for Pokemon like Heatran. Tailwind is an option to provide general team support, but Mega Pidgeot is generally outclassed as a Tailwind setter by other setters such as Thundurus. Encore is a decent option due to Mega Pidgeot's very high Speed; however, it is often hard to find room for the move. Super Fang is a great way to weaken Mega Pidgeot's checks, dropping their HP to 50% or lower every time; however, it is unable to finish foes off and is hard to fit into Mega Pidgeot's moveset.

Checks and Counters

**Rock-types**: Rock-types such as Mega Diancie and Tyranitar resist every move that Mega Pidgeot commonly runs and thus are very annoying for it to deal with. Unless Mega Pidgeot is running Hidden Power Ground or Fighting, it often finds itself forced to switch out against them. Mega Diancie in particular is a very consistent counter, as it bounces back Sing with Magic Bounce, resists Mega Pidgeot's STAB and coverage moves, and can easily OHKO it with Diamond Storm.

**Priority**: Mega Pidgeot is relatively frail, so it is very prone to being revenge killed by priority moves. It is especially weak to Fake Out + Extreme Speed users such as Braviary and Ursaring, which can 2HKO it before it can do anything, as well as Kyurem-B's Ice Shard.

**Heatran**: Heatran can easily take any move that Mega Pidgeot has and hit it back hard. It does need to be wary of the occasional Hidden Power Ground, though.

**Faster Pokemon**: Mega Pidgeot's main niche lies in its excellent Speed tier, so faster Pokemon such as Weavile and Choice Scarf Terrakion really hamper its effectiveness.

**Speed Control**: Paralysis, Trick Room, and opposing weather remove most of Mega Pidgeot's effectiveness, as it is only viable because of its high Speed. Thundurus is particularly threatening because it has priority Thunder Wave as well as super effective STAB moves. Cresselia and Politoed can also remove Mega Pidgeot's speed advantage, with Cresselia being able to set up Trick Room and Politoed bringing rain for teammates like Kingdra to take advantage of.

**Mega Metagross**: Mega Metagross avoids the 2HKO from Heat Wave and OHKOes Mega Pidgeot with Heavy Slam in return. Mega Pidgeot can threaten Mega Metagross with Sing, but it loses if Mega Metagross's Speed has been boosted.
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  • Don't try to cover so much right off the bat. Pick its biggest selling point and open on that.
  • (i.e. move non-passive recovery to another line.)
  • I'd be more specific and say it has high BP STAB moves with no drawbacks.
  • Also mention its STABs are resisted/walled by common threats.
Set - Setup Sweeper
  • Change name to that^.
  • Definitely should not have 252 Atk EVs.
  • Shell Smash boosts what.
  • Sing also bypasses Subs.
Usage Tips
  • Be selective with Sing imo. Your opponent will probably try to fodder something so Heatran can come in and Roar/attack Pidgeot, so don't just throw Sing around when the target isn't as threatening.
Team Options
  • Landorus-T is also a good check to Rock-types besides just clearing hazards plus it does a better job at removing Tyranitar than Dugtrio.
  • How about clearing out Chansey?
Set - Wallbreaker

  • Hurricane can still be slashed for Flying STAB. Wallbreakers should hit hard with good coverage; otherwise consider changing to 'All-Out Attacker.'
Set Details
  • No Guard is also relevant for Hurricane (when it's added.)
Checks & Counters
  • Terrakion takes neutral damage from Flying and probably gets 2HKO'd by Hurricane, so I wouldn't count it as a Rock-type counter.
  • Add Kyurem-B's Ice Shard under priority.
  • Heatran can Roar away boosts as well and potentially rack up more SR damage.
  • I'm confused about the Speed Control bullet. Politoed? Also add paralysis.
Implementerino and QC 1 of 3.
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Seeing as you implemented Eevee's check from my reading, I *guess* I'll give this nerd a second check...

  • Can you be specific on the things here? I assume you will in write-up, but just a note. Like "Oblivion Wing is a non passive recovery move" you know? But yeah, you'll probably get this anyways. Don't forget!
  • Which common threats resist it? Specifics.
  • "Lacks good coverage options" isn't true – it's coverage options ARE good; however, they are limited. The coverage that Flying / Normal / Fire provides coverage against every Pokemon that isn't Rock-type, and the most common Rock-type is Terrakion which is neutral to Flying mind you. It's just poor wording in my opinion, as the coverage options are easy to spot from a mile away.
Setup Sweeper:
  • Moves: Everything looks good. I just dislike Sing + Shell Smash, but meh, that's my personal preference and I know how deadly it can be from first hand experience...
  • Set Details: You could mention how it outspeeds everything unboosted, as 121+2 is higher than really everything. Do you feel that Modest is a viable option to mention here? Can you check what you miss out by running Modest > Timid in terms of Speed, and if the power actually matters? Pick which one is best and explain it here.
  • Usage Tips: No mention of priority? For shame! All priority will pick off a -1 Mega Pidgeot, so it can't set up until most priority is removed. I guess weak ones might be livable, like a Bullet Punch or something, but things like FakeSpeed / Ice Shard will probably not be lived.
  • Team Options: Change the Landorus-T into Ground-type bullet. Since Mega Pidgeot still hates Heatran and Rock-types, things like Dugtrio especially make for good partners. Hippowdon makes for a good partner to spread Spikes. I like Dugtrio / Hippowdon > Landorus-T, but still mention it. And mention Garchomp, since it sorta checks Thundurus. Oh speaking of Thundurus, pack like... a Weavile. With Ice Shard. Weavile is a good partner anyways since it can weaken things with Knock Off and semi-check Thundurus with Ice Shard. Good partner.
All-Out Attacker:
  • Moves: Put Hurricane before Oblivion Wing. The raw power is needed, and it's what really makes Mega Pidgeot shine. Oblivion Wing is super useful though. Also, mention Roost in Moves since it can be used I guess, to make a Roost + 3 Attacks set, but it's really not the best. Could be useful over Oblivion Wing though!
  • Set Details: Yep! Not much else to say really, lol.
  • Usage Tips: Eh, I feel this could be beefed more. As I don't have all that much experience with this specific set, I'll leave it to you, but it really leaves me wondering more about how Mega Pidgeot functions. Can you explain the Pokemon to me more?
  • Team Options: Mention Weavile again
Other Options:
  • Yeah, remove Defog. Pointless move on Mega Pidgeot. I was gonna say Judgment, but then I realized...
  • Move Mega Diancie to the number one spot. Easily OHKOes with Diamond Storm, reflects Sing, lives Boomburst / Hurricane, resists other moves. Best counter indeed. The only thing it watches out for is +2 Hurricane, which it should prevent Mega Pidgeot from getting to anyways. Thundurus is really a bitch for Mega Pidgeot, not just because of speed control. Mention that Mach Punch from Terrakion does over 50% to -1 Mega Pidgeot, so it can be revenge killed by that late in the match.
Otherwise looks good! I trust you'll implement this all correctly. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Seeing as you implemented Eevee's check from my reading, I *guess* I'll give this nerd a second check...

  • Can you be specific on the things here? I assume you will in write-up, but just a note. Like "Oblivion Wing is a non passive recovery move" you know? But yeah, you'll probably get this anyways. Don't forget!
  • Which common threats resist it? Specifics.
  • "Lacks good coverage options" isn't true – it's coverage options ARE good; however, they are limited. The coverage that Flying / Normal / Fire provides coverage against every Pokemon that isn't Rock-type, and the most common Rock-type is Terrakion which is neutral to Flying mind you. It's just poor wording in my opinion, as the coverage options are easy to spot from a mile away.
Setup Sweeper:
  • Moves: Everything looks good. I just dislike Sing + Shell Smash, but meh, that's my personal preference and I know how deadly it can be from first hand experience...
  • Set Details: You could mention how it outspeeds everything unboosted, as 121+2 is higher than really everything. Do you feel that Modest is a viable option to mention here? Can you check what you miss out by running Modest > Timid in terms of Speed, and if the power actually matters? Pick which one is best and explain it here.
  • Usage Tips: No mention of priority? For shame! All priority will pick off a -1 Mega Pidgeot, so it can't set up until most priority is removed. I guess weak ones might be livable, like a Bullet Punch or something, but things like FakeSpeed / Ice Shard will probably not be lived.
  • Team Options: Change the Landorus-T into Ground-type bullet. Since Mega Pidgeot still hates Heatran and Rock-types, things like Dugtrio especially make for good partners. Hippowdon makes for a good partner to spread Spikes. I like Dugtrio / Hippowdon > Landorus-T, but still mention it. And mention Garchomp, since it sorta checks Thundurus. Oh speaking of Thundurus, pack like... a Weavile. With Ice Shard. Weavile is a good partner anyways since it can weaken things with Knock Off and semi-check Thundurus with Ice Shard. Good partner.
All-Out Attacker:
  • Moves: Put Hurricane before Oblivion Wing. The raw power is needed, and it's what really makes Mega Pidgeot shine. Oblivion Wing is super useful though. Also, mention Roost in Moves since it can be used I guess, to make a Roost + 3 Attacks set, but it's really not the best. Could be useful over Oblivion Wing though!
  • Set Details: Yep! Not much else to say really, lol.
  • Usage Tips: Eh, I feel this could be beefed more. As I don't have all that much experience with this specific set, I'll leave it to you, but it really leaves me wondering more about how Mega Pidgeot functions. Can you explain the Pokemon to me more?
  • Team Options: Mention Weavile again
Other Options:
  • Yeah, remove Defog. Pointless move on Mega Pidgeot. I was gonna say Judgment, but then I realized...
  • Move Mega Diancie to the number one spot. Easily OHKOes with Diamond Storm, reflects Sing, lives Boomburst / Hurricane, resists other moves. Best counter indeed. The only thing it watches out for is +2 Hurricane, which it should prevent Mega Pidgeot from getting to anyways. Thundurus is really a bitch for Mega Pidgeot, not just because of speed control. Mention that Mach Punch from Terrakion does over 50% to -1 Mega Pidgeot, so it can be revenge killed by that late in the match.
Otherwise looks good! I trust you'll implement this all correctly. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

implemented and written. yeah, i did implement eevees, i just havent been posting as much because im close to my .5k and still not sure what im going to rmt and i need to watch my post/like ratio.
  • I wouldn't say Pidgeot is "very frail". It's bulk isn't spectacular sure, but 83 / 80 / 80 is still respectable. Just "frail" is more accurate imo.
  • I don't think Pidgeot's poor defensive typing is really worth mentioning - it's already frail so this doesn't really matter too much.
  • I would mention that it's unable to utilize Boomburst alongside Sing or Shell Smash here, since the need to choose between very powerful Normal-type STAB and strong support options is a pretty major choice when using Pidgeot.
  • Mention that Pidgeot is weak to Stealth Rock.
Setup Sweeper
  • Change the 4 Def EVs to 4 SpD EVs to give Download Porygon2 an attack boost.
Set Details
  • You don't need to explain Pidgeotite - Set Details is here to explain the rationale behind the choices made in the set, and there's nothing that requires explanation about Pidgeotite since it's mandatory.
  • Likewise, you don't need to explain No Guard.
Usage Tips
  • Meantion that Pidgeot should watch out for Mega Sableye and Mega Diancie when using Sing for obvious reasons.
Team Options
  • Mention hazard setters such as Ferrothorn and Garchomp for more 2HKO's and OHKO's

All-Out Attacker
  • Change the 4 Def EVs to 4 SpD EVs to give Download Porygon2 an attack boost.
  • "essential coverage option" is pretty paradoxical in a way, since something can't be essential yet only an option. Change to "essential coverage move"
Set Details
  • Same stuff from previous set applies here.
Team Options
  • Mention hazard setters such as Ferrothorn and Garchomp for more 2HKO's and OHKO's

Strategy Comments
Other Options
  • Mention Encore here as something Pidgeot can abuse thanks to its great speed stat.
  • Super Fang is a great option to weaken some of Pidgeot's checks, often bringing them to the 2HKO range.
Checks and Counters
  • How did you forget the mighty soundproof mr mime you scrub Looks good!

QC 3/3
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There are some areas that need clarification.

As one of the fastest Pokemon in STABmons, with high power STABs and a lot of power Pidgeot is a very threatening Pokemon. Pidgeot has non passive recovery in Oblivion Wing, which is excellent for maintaining momentum. As a Pokemon that outpaces almost every Pokemon in the tier, having Sing to give Pidgeot free setup is amazing. Pidgeot's high power and near-incomparable Speed make it a very threatening Pokémon in STABmons. With reliable recovery in Oblivion Wing and an insanely fast and perfectly accurate Sing, Pidgeot can set up with Shell Smash and maintain momentum with ease. However, Pidgeot is walled by common threats, such as Heatran and Mega Tyranitar. It is, is very frail and weak to priority, and has a poor defensive typing leaving it weak to common offensive moves and resisting only two types which are both uncommon (THIS IS REDUNDANT); this makes it hard to keep Pidgeot on the field without ample support(YOU NEEDED AN INDEPENDENT CLAUSE TO JUSTIFY USING HOWEVER). Pidgeot has limited coverage options, but the few it does have are gooduseful, as they provide coverage against every type besides Rock.

name: Setup Sweeper
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Sing
move 3: Hurricane
move 4: Heat Wave
item: Pidgeotite
ability: No Guard
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Shell Smash lets Pidgeot become an extremely fast and formidable sweeper by boosting both its Speed and Special Attack. Sing is useful to put your foes to sleep, and when coupled with No Guard cannot miss. It givesNo Guard makes it so Sing cannot miss, making it a reliable sleep-inducing move that can give Pidgeot free set-up turns and/oror(AND/OR is equivalent to OR) free momentum, and it means nothing can safely switch in on Pidgeot. also makes it hard for Pokémon lacking Soundproof to check Pidgeot. Sing also bypasses Substitute, allowing Pidgeot to take on foes behind Substitutes more efficientlyeffectively.(ADD SPACE HERE)Hurricane is a STAB move, that is extremely spammable with 110 base power and a 30% chance to confuse that is extremely spammable, thanks to No Guard negating its poor accuracy. Heat Wave is almost necessary coverage because otherwise Pidgeot would be countered by most Steel-type Pokemon.is required for Pidgeot to deal with most Steel-type Pokémon that would otherwise counter it.

Set Details

Pidgeot is only viable when it is Mega, so Pidgeotite is the only viable choice for item. No Guard is an extremely useful ability that lets Pidgeot abuse moves such as Sing and Hurricane without feerfear of missing. Although the EVs and a Timid nature allow Pidgeot [/s]to have as much Speed and Power as possible[/s]to out speed more threats before boosting and function as an effective revenge killer., a Modest nature is also an option because at +2 Speed Pidgeot will outpace just about anything, including Choice Scarf users, however Timid is useful because it is faster before it gets a chance to set up allowing Pidgeot to use Sing or to clean up a kill. Investing 4four EVs into Defense rather than HP gives Pidgeot an odd HP number, making it take slightly less damage from Stealth Rock, letting it come in 4four times on Stealth Rock rather than 3three.

Usage Tips

Sing can be used to give Pidgeot safer opportunities to set up. Be selective when you use Sing, however, because; however opponents will often fodder a Pokemon to sleep switch in a Pokemon as sleep fodder and then send in a counter such as Heatran to phaze/attack Pidgeot. Don't useIn light of this, it is important to not use Sing when a target isn't threatening. In addition, be wearywary of using Sing if your opponent has Mega Sableye or Mega Diancie due to Magic Bounce. Pidgeot has poor bulk, so be careful about what it sets up Shell Smash on because it can often be outright KO'dsure to only use Shell Smash in situations where Pidgeot is sure to survive until the next turn. Additionally, attempt to remove any priority your opponent has before setting up with Pidgeot, because Pidgeot will be KOed by almost all forms of priority. Make sure Heatran and most Rock-types are KO'd or severely weakened before you attempt to set up with Pidgeot, because of its inability handle them effectively. Don't set up against Foul Play users, because your Attack is also doubled when you use Shell Smash. Pidgeot shouldn't be switched in recklessly, because it lacks recovery and is weak to Stealth Rock. Pidgeot functions more as a late-game sweeper, making itIt is better to bring Pidgeot in late game in order to clean up all of the weakened foes, it functions as more of a late game sweeper.

Team Options

Hazard removers such as Landorus-T are useful because of Pidgeot's weakness to hazards.(REMOVE PARAGRAPH BREAK)
Landorus-T, in particular, also has the benefit of checking Rock-types like Tyranitar or Heatran who threaten Pidgeot. Dugtrio is another option that handles these threats, and it also has Memento, which provides Pidgeot with opportunities to switch in and set up. Pidgeot also appreciates Healing Wish support, which provides similar advantages to Memento—Whimsicott and Latias are great options for this purpose.Pidgeot appreciates Memento and Healing Wish support to give it a much easier time setting up. Whimsicott and Latias are great options. Dugtrio is a very solid team option in order to can trap and kill the Rock-types and Heatran which threaten Pidgeot so much, and it also has Memento which as mentioned can give Pidgeot a much easier time setting up Landorus-T functions extremely well with Pidgeot because it is a good check to Rock-types and handles Tyranitar better than Dugtrio, and can also clear hazards. Hippowdon and Garchomp are two more solid Ground-type team options, and Garchomp has the added advantage of soft checkingalso loosely checks Thundurus , who can otherwise switch into Pidgeot's Hurricane and cripple it with Thunder Wave. Weavile has excellent synergy with Pidgeot, because it can weaken things with Knock-offKnock Off and soft checkthreaten Thundurus with Ice Shard. Chansey walls Pidgeot, so physically offensive Fighting-type Pokemon, such as Terrakion and Lucario, are solid team options as well(THIS IS A LIST OF TEAM OPTIONS, SO USING "AS WELL" SERVES NO PURPOSE). Hazard setters, such as Ferrothorn and Garchomp, have defensive synergy with Pidgeot and are useful for getting setting up hazards that can potentially net Pidgeot more OHKOs and 2HKOs.

name: All-Out Attacker
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: Hurricane / Oblivion Wing
move 3: Heat Wave
move 4: U-turn
item: Pidgeotite
ability: No Guard
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Boomburst is a very spammablean absurdly powerful(THIS FITS BETTER WITH WHAT YOU SAY NEXT) STAB move with great neutral coverage that will 2HKO nearly anything it hits neutrally, as well as some frailer Pokemon that resist it. neutral and will even some frailer resists. Hurricane is a very powerful STABis also a STAB move and is slightly less powerful than Boomburst, but it also has a chance to confuse. Oblivion Wing is another excellent STAB move that not only has a decent base power but also gives Pidgeot solid recovery and removes the need for Roostis an solid alternative to Hurricane that trades a significant amount of power for reliable health absorption.(ROOST IS NOT AN ALTERNATIVE ON THE SET, SO ROOST WAS NEVER NEEDED) however the drop in power from Hurricane can sometimes hurt it as a wallbreaker. Heat Wave is an essential coverage option that allows for Pidgeot to hit all of the Steel-types that would otherwise wall it. U-turn is used to gain momentum on predicted switches, allowing you to control the pace of the battle Putting U-turn on the set lets Pidgeot serve as a means to control the pace of the battle by luring its counters. Hidden Power Ground is an option instead of U-turn in order to lure in bulky Ground-types and Heatran to nab the surprise KO. Roost is also an option if you opt for Hurricane instead of Oblivion Wing to give Pidgeot recovery.(THESE ARE NOT ON THE SET)

Set Details

Pidgeot is only viable when it is Mega, so Pidgeotite is the only viable choice for item. The EVs as well as a Timid nature maximize Pidgeot's Speed and Special Attack for the most offensive pressure possible. The Timid nature makes it so Pidgeot can function as an effective revenge killer by letting Pidgeot out speed many common offensive threats. 4Investing the four remaining EVs in Defense instead of HP allows Pidgeot to switch in to Stealth Rock 4 timesfour times instead of three.

Usage Tips

If your opponent has a Chansey, or you suspect they'llthey might switch for whatever reason, don't be afraid to use U-turn because even if they stay in you can send in your best counter.(I CAN THINK OF PLENTY OF INSTANCES WHERE THIS STATEMENT IS UNTRUE - YOU SHOULD THINK ABOUT CLARIFYING YOUR REASONING) If a foe is weak, finishing them off with Oblivion Wing is optimal because Pidgeot can recover some HP.(I FEEL LIKE SAYING THIS OBVIOUS FACT MIGHT INSULT THE READER A BIT, PLUS THERE ARE PLENTY OF INSTANCES WHERE U-TURN MIGHT BE PREFERABLE) Boomburst is a very easy move to click because of its sheer power and extensive coverage, and should be used freely if you are unsure what to do because of its sheer power. Don't let Pidgeot get paralyzed,Avoiding paralysis is crucial, because its speedPidgeot's Speed is a huge selling point to it and is what prevents it from being outclassed. Pidgeot should not be brought in against anything with priority, as it will often get KOed. Pidgeot is also pretty frail, and switching it in is generally a bad idea.(YOU ARE ESSENTIALLY SAYING 'DON'T USE PIDGEOT') It is better to bring Pidgeot in to revenge kill, as a revenge killer or after a slow U-turn/Volt Switch, because it's so frail.

Team Options

Terrakion is an excellent teammate because it beats most of Pidgeot’s checks and counters, such as Chansey, Zapdos, Tyranitar, and Heatran, with its powerful stab moves, including but not limited to Chansey, Zapdos, tyranitar and Heatran. Pivot Pokemon with Volt Switch, U-turn and, or Parting Shot are great companions for Pidgeot because they give it opportunities to getswitch in unharmed and consequently spread more damage. Some of these Pokemon are Raikou, Meloetta and Sableye. Pidgeot is worn down pretty quickly by hazards, so teammates that can remove hazards, such as Excadrill, Latias, and Starmie, are great team options. Starmie can also work in tandem and remove bulky Rock-types if Pidgeot is not running Hidden Power Ground that threaten Pidgeot. Weavile is a great partner, as it can weaken opponents with Knock Off and soft check Thundurus with Ice Shard.

Other Options

A mixed set with ExtremespeedExtreme Speed is an option to allow Pidgeot to revenge KO Choice Scarf foes as well as foes with priority. Hidden Power Fighting is an option to let Pidgeot take on Tyranitar, as well as general while maintaining coverage for Pokemon such as Heatran. Tailwind is an option for team support, but Pidgeot is generally outclassed as a Tailwind setter. Encore is a decent option due to Pidgeot's very high Speed, however is often hard to find room for. Super Fang is a great way to weaken Pidgeot's checks, putting them at 50% or lower every time,; however it is unable to finish them off so, which makes it is also hard to fit in.(DOES THIS MEAN PIDGEOT LOSES MOMENTUM FOR THE TEAM BY USING SUPER FANG?)

Checks and Counters

**Rock-types**: Rock-type Pokemon resist every standard move Pidgeot runs, and they are very annoying for it to deal with. Unless Pidgeot is running Hidden Power Ground or Hidden Power Fighting, it often finds itself forced to switch against them. SomeTwo of the more relevant Rock-types in STABmons are Mega Diancie and Tyranitar. Mega Diancie in particular is a very consistent hard-counter, as it bounces back Sing, resists Pidgeot's STABs and coverage moves, and can easily OHKO Pidgeot with Diamond Storm.

**Priority**: Pidgeot is relatively frail, —especially after a Defense drop from Shell Smash, —so it is very weak to easily revenge killed by moves with priority revenge killing it. It is especially weak to Fake Out and Extreme speed from Pokemon such as Braviary and Ursaring. Kyurem-B's Ice Shard is also very threatening, since it can switch into Pidgeot's Flying-type STAB and revenge kill it with ease. Mach Punch from Terrakion does over 50% to a -1 Pidgeot, so it should be watched out for as well.Terrakion can switch into Pidgeot's Normal-type STAB and do over 50% to Pidgeot after a Shell Smash, making it another threat to watch out for.

**Heatran**: Heatran takes anything Pidgeot has easily, and hits hard back. It does need to be wary of the occasional Hidden Power Ground, though. Heatran can also Roar boosts away and rack up phaze Pidgeot with Roar, racking up more Stealth Rock damage in the process.

**Faster Pokemon**: Pidgeot's main niche is its excellent speedSpeed tier, so faster Pokemon, such as Weavile and Choice Scarf Terrakion, really hamper its effectiveness.

**Speed Control**: Paralysis, Trick Room and Weather teams remove most of Pidgeot's viability remove Pidgeot's speed advantage, making it useless., because Pidgeot is only viable because ofviability comes from its high speed and power(THE SUBJECT DOES NOT NEGATE PIDGEOT'S POWER). Thundurus is particularly threatening as a paralysis spreader, because it has priority Thunder Wave as well as and super effective STAB. Cresselia and Politoed are two examples of Pokemon that can remove Pidgeot’s speed advantage, because Cresselia can set Trick Room and Politoed can set rain for its teammates with Swift Swim such as Kingdra to abuse.
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Weavile threatens Thundurus with Icicle Crash, not Ice Shard (under Team Options for both sets.)

Pidgeot does not have No Guard. You need to pick a base ability for the 2 sets.
GP 1/2
As one of the fastest Pokemon in STABmons, with high power strong (less repetitive) STAB moves and a lot of power, (AC) Mega Pidgeot is a very threatening Pokemon. Pidgeot has This is complemented by non-passive (add hyphen, but quite frankly idk what you mean by this word and would personally just remove it) recovery in Oblivion Wing, which is excellent for maintaining momentum, (comma) As a Pokemon that outpaces almost every Pokemon in the tier, having and a very fast Sing to give Pidgeot generate free setup opportunities is amazing. However, Mega Pidgeot is walled by common threats such as Heatran and Mega Tyranitar. It is very frail and weak to priority (RC) and has a poor defensive typing leaving that leaves it weak to common offensive moves and resisting resists only two uncommon types which are both uncommon. Pidgeot has limited coverage options, but the few it does have are good, as they provide coverage against every type besides Rock.

name: Setup Sweeper
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Sing
move 3: Hurricane
move 4: Heat Wave
item: Pidgeotite
ability: No Guard
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Shell Smash lets Mega Pidgeot become an extremely fast and formidable sweeper by boosting both its Speed and Special Attack. Sing is useful to put your foes to sleep, and when coupled with No Guard it cannot miss thanks to No Guard. It gives free set-up turns and/ setup turns or free momentum, and it means nothing can safely switch in on Mega Pidgeot.(space)Sing also bypasses Substitute, allowing Mega Pidgeot to take on foes behind Substitutes more efficiently.(space)Hurricane is a STAB move (RC) that is extremely spammable with 110 Base Power and a 30% chance to confuse. Heat Wave is almost necessary coverage because otherwise Pidgeot would be countered by most Steel-type Pokemon.

Set Details

Pidgeot is only viable when it is Mega Evolved, so Pidgeotite is the only viable choice for an item. No Guard is an extremely useful ability that lets Mega Pidgeot abuse take advantage of moves such as Sing and Hurricane without feer of missing. The given EVs and a Timid nature allow Pidgeot to have as much speed and power as possible. A Modest nature is also an option because at +2 Speed Mega Pidgeot will outpace just about anything including Choice Scarf users; (SC) however, (AC) Timid is useful preferred because it is faster its higher Speed before it gets a chance to set up allowing allows Mega Pidgeot to use Sing or to clean up a kill. ("pick off a weakened foe?" Dunno what it's supposed to say rn) Investing 4 EVs into Defense rather than HP gives Pidgeot an odd HP number, making it take slightly less damage from Stealth Rock, letting it lets Mega Pidgeot (explanation is inaccurate bc it's due to its HP becoming divisible by 4, and explanation isn't too required anyways) come in 4 four times on Stealth Rock rather than 3 three.

Usage Tips

Sing can be used to give Pidgeot safer opportunities to set up. Be selective when you use Sing, however, because opponents will often fodder a Pokemon to sleep and then send in a counter such as Heatran to phaze or attack Mega Pidgeot. Don't use Sing when a target isn't threatening. In addition, be weary wary of using Sing if your opponent has Mega Sableye or Mega Diancie due to Magic Bounce. Mega Pidgeot has poor bulk, so be careful about what it sets up Shell Smash on because it can often be outright KO'd KOed while trying to. Additionally, attempt to remove any priority users your opponent has before setting up with Pidgeot, because Mega Pidgeot will be KOed by almost all forms of priority. Make sure Heatran and most Rock-types are KO'd have been KOed or severely weakened before you attempt to set up with Pidgeot, because of its inability to handle them effectively. Don't set up against Foul Play users, because your Mega Pidgeot's Attack is also doubled when you use by Shell Smash. Pidgeot shouldn't be switched in recklessly, because it lacks recovery and is weak to Stealth Rock. It is better to bring Mega Pidgeot in late-game (add hyphen) in order to clean up all of the weakened foes; (SC) it functions as more of a late-game (add hyphen) sweeper.

Team Options

Entry hazard removers such as Landorus-T are useful because of Pidgeot's Stealth Rock weakness to hazards. Mega Pidgeot appreciates Memento and Healing Wish support to give it a much easier time setting up; (SC) Whimsicott and Latias are great options. Dugtrio is a very solid team option in order to trap and kill the KO Rock-types and Heatran, (AC) which threaten Pidgeot so much, and it also has Memento, (AC) which, (AC) as mentioned, (AC) can give Mega Pidgeot a much easier time setting up. Landorus-T functions extremely well with Pidgeot because it is a good check to Rock-types, (AC) and handles Tyranitar better than Dugtrio, and can also clear hazards. Hippowdon and Garchomp are two more solid Ground-type team options, and Garchomp has the added advantage of soft checking Thundurus. Weavile has excellent synergy with Pidgeot, because it can weaken things with Knock-off Knock Off and soft check Thundurus with Icicle Crash. Chansey walls Pidgeot, so physically offensive Fighting-type Pokemon such as Terrakion and Lucario are solid team options as well. Hazard setters such as Ferrothorn and Garchomp are useful for getting more OHKOs and 2HKOs.

name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: Hurricane / Oblivion Wing
move 3: Heat Wave
move 4: U-turn
item: Pidgeotite
ability: No Guard
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Boomburst is a very spammable STAB move that will 2HKO nearly anything neutral and even some frailer resists Pokemon that resist it. Hurricane is a very powerful STAB move (RC) that also has a chance to confuse. Oblivion Wing is another excellent STAB move alternative that not only has a decent Base Power but also gives Mega Pidgeot solid recovery and removes the need for Roost; (SC) however, (AC) the drop in power from Hurricane can sometimes hurt it as a wallbreaker its wallbreaking prowess. Heat Wave is an essential coverage option that allows for Mega Pidgeot to hit all of (Heatran) the Steel-types that would otherwise wall it. U-turn is used to gain momentum on predicted switches, allowing you to control the pace of the battle. Hidden Power Ground is an option instead of over U-turn in order to lure in bulky Ground-types (?) and Heatran to nab the surprise KO. Roost is also an option if you opt for Hurricane instead of Oblivion Wing to give Pidgeot recovery.

Set Details

The EVs as well as and a Timid nature maximize Mega Pidgeot's Speed and Special Attack for the most offensive pressure possible. Putting 4 EVs in Defense instead of HP allows Mega Pidgeot to switch into (remove space) Stealth Rock 4 four times.

Usage Tips

If your opponent has a Chansey (RC) or you suspect they'll switch for whatever reason, don't be afraid to use U-turn, (AC) because even if they stay in, (AC) you can send in your best counter. If a foe is weak, finishing them it off with Oblivion Wing is optimal because Pidgeot can recover some HP. Boomburst is a very easy move to click (RC) and should be used freely if you are unsure what to do because of its sheer power. Don't let Pidgeot get paralyzed, because its Speed is a huge selling point to it and is what prevents it from being outclassed. Mega Pidgeot should not be brought in against anything with priority, as it will often get KOed. Pidgeot is also pretty frail, and switching it in is generally a bad idea. It is better to bring Pidgeot in to revenge kill (RC) or after a slow U-turn or Volt Switch.

Team Options

Terrakion is an excellent teammate because it beats most of Mega Pidgeot's (apostrophe) checks and counters with its powerful STAB moves, including but not limited to Chansey, Zapdos, Tyranitar, (AC) and Heatran. Pivot Pokemon with Volt Switch, U-turn, (AC) and Parting Shot are great companions for Pidgeot because they give it opportunities to get in unharmed and consequently spread more damage. Some of these Pokemon are Raikou, Meloetta, (AC) and Sableye. Pidgeot is worn down pretty quickly by entry hazards, so teammates Pokemon that can remove hazards them such as Excadrill, Latias, and Starmie are great team options. Starmie can also work in tandem and remove bulky Rock-types if Pidgeot is not running Hidden Power Ground. Weavile is a great partner, as it can weaken opponents with Knock Off and soft check Thundurus with Icicle Crash.

Other Options

A mixed set with Extreme(space)Speed is an option to allow Mega Pidgeot to revenge KO kill Choice Scarf foes as well as foes with and priority users. Hidden Power Fighting is an option to let Pidgeot take on Tyranitar, as well as and provides general coverage for Pokemon such as Heatran. Tailwind is an option for team support, but Pidgeot is generally outclassed as a Tailwind setter. Encore is a decent option due to Mega Pidgeot's very high Speed; (SC) however, (AC) is often hard to find room for. Super Fang is a great way to weaken Mega Pidgeot's checks, putting them at 50% or lower every time; (SC) however, (AC) it is unable to finish them off so it is also (probs should just make this "and is" because I'm not really seeing a causal link... otherwise make is ", making it") hard to fit in.

Checks and Counters

**Rock-types**: Rock-type Pokemon resist every standard move Pidgeot commonly runs (RC) and are very annoying for it to deal with. Unless Pidgeot is running Hidden Power Ground or Hidden Power Fighting, (AC) it often finds itself forced to switch out against them. Some of the more relevant Rock-types in STABmons are Mega Diancie and Tyranitar. Mega Diancie in particular is a very consistent counter, as it bounces back Sing, resists Pidgeot's STABs and coverage moves, and can easily OHKO Pidgeot it with Diamond Storm.

**Priority**: Mega Pidgeot is relatively frail, especially after a Defense drop from Shell Smash, so it is very weak to prone to being revenge killed by priority revenge killing it moves. It is especially weak to Fake Out and + Extreme Speed Pokemon such as Braviary and Ursaring. Kyurem-B's Ice Shard is also very threatening. Mach Punch from Terrakion does over 50% to a -1 Mega Pidgeot, so it should be watched out for as well.

**Heatran**: Takes Heatran takes anything Pidgeot has easily (RC) and hits it hard back. It does need to be wary of the occasional Hidden Power Ground though. Heatran can also use Roar boosts away to remove Pidgeot's boosts and rack up more Stealth Rock damage.

**Faster Pokemon**: Pidgeot's main niche is lies in its excellent Speed tier, so faster Pokemon such as Weavile and Choice Scarf Terrakion really hamper its effectiveness.

**Speed Control**: Paralysis, Trick Room, (AC) and Weather teams opposing weather remove most of Mega Pidgeot's viability because Pidgeot it is only viable because of its high speed and power. Thundurus is particularly threatening as a paralysis spreader because it has priority Thunder Wave as well as super effective STAB moves. Cresselia and Politoed are two examples of Pokemon that can remove Mega Pidgeot's (apostrophe) speed advantage, because Cresselia can set Trick Room and Politoed can set rain for its teammates such as Kingdra to abuse take advantage of.
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Weavile threatens Thundurus with Icicle Crash, not Ice Shard (under Team Options for both sets.)

Pidgeot does not have No Guard. You need to pick a base ability for the 2 sets.
I edited the Weavile part. I don't understand what you mean for pick a base ability.

GP 1/2
As one of the fastest Pokemon in STABmons, with high power strong (less repetitive) STAB moves and a lot of power, (AC) Mega Pidgeot is a very threatening Pokemon. Pidgeot has This is complemented by non-passive (add hyphen, but quite frankly idk what you mean by this word and would personally just remove it) recovery in Oblivion Wing, which is excellent for maintaining momentum, (comma) As a Pokemon that outpaces almost every Pokemon in the tier, having and a very fast Sing to give Pidgeot generate free setup opportunities is amazing. However, Mega Pidgeot is walled by common threats such as Heatran and Mega Tyranitar. It is very frail and weak to priority (RC) and has a poor defensive typing leaving that leaves it weak to common offensive moves and resisting resists only two uncommon types which are both uncommon. Pidgeot has limited coverage options, but the few it does have are good, as they provide coverage against every type besides Rock.

name: Setup Sweeper
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Sing
move 3: Hurricane
move 4: Heat Wave
item: Pidgeotite
ability: No Guard
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Shell Smash lets Mega Pidgeot become an extremely fast and formidable sweeper by boosting both its Speed and Special Attack. Sing is useful to put your foes to sleep, and when coupled with No Guard it cannot miss thanks to No Guard. It gives free set-up turns and/ setup turns or free momentum, and it means nothing can safely switch in on Mega Pidgeot.(space)Sing also bypasses Substitute, allowing Mega Pidgeot to take on foes behind Substitutes more efficiently.(space)Hurricane is a STAB move (RC) that is extremely spammable with 110 Base Power and a 30% chance to confuse. Heat Wave is almost necessary coverage because otherwise Pidgeot would be countered by most Steel-type Pokemon.

Set Details

Pidgeot is only viable when it is Mega Evolved, so Pidgeotite is the only viable choice for an item. No Guard is an extremely useful ability that lets Mega Pidgeot abuse take advantage of moves such as Sing and Hurricane without feer of missing. The given EVs and a Timid nature allow Pidgeot to have as much speed and power as possible. A Modest nature is also an option because at +2 Speed Mega Pidgeot will outpace just about anything including Choice Scarf users; (SC) however, (AC) Timid is useful preferred because it is faster its higher Speed before it gets a chance to set up allowing allows Mega Pidgeot to use Sing or to clean up a kill. ("pick off a weakened foe?" Dunno what it's supposed to say rn) Investing 4 EVs into Defense rather than HP gives Pidgeot an odd HP number, making it take slightly less damage from Stealth Rock, letting it lets Mega Pidgeot (explanation is inaccurate bc it's due to its HP becoming divisible by 4, and explanation isn't too required anyways) come in 4 four times on Stealth Rock rather than 3 three.

Usage Tips

Sing can be used to give Pidgeot safer opportunities to set up. Be selective when you use Sing, however, because opponents will often fodder a Pokemon to sleep and then send in a counter such as Heatran to phaze or attack Mega Pidgeot. Don't use Sing when a target isn't threatening. In addition, be weary wary of using Sing if your opponent has Mega Sableye or Mega Diancie due to Magic Bounce. Mega Pidgeot has poor bulk, so be careful about what it sets up Shell Smash on because it can often be outright KO'd KOed while trying to. Additionally, attempt to remove any priority users your opponent has before setting up with Pidgeot, because Mega Pidgeot will be KOed by almost all forms of priority. Make sure Heatran and most Rock-types are KO'd have been KOed or severely weakened before you attempt to set up with Pidgeot, because of its inability to handle them effectively. Don't set up against Foul Play users, because your Mega Pidgeot's Attack is also doubled when you use by Shell Smash. Pidgeot shouldn't be switched in recklessly, because it lacks recovery and is weak to Stealth Rock. It is better to bring Mega Pidgeot in late-game (add hyphen) in order to clean up all of the weakened foes; (SC) it functions as more of a late-game (add hyphen) sweeper.

Team Options

Entry hazard removers such as Landorus-T are useful because of Pidgeot's Stealth Rock weakness to hazards. Mega Pidgeot appreciates Memento and Healing Wish support to give it a much easier time setting up; (SC) Whimsicott and Latias are great options. Dugtrio is a very solid team option in order to trap and kill the KO Rock-types and Heatran, (AC) which threaten Pidgeot so much, and it also has Memento, (AC) which, (AC) as mentioned, (AC) can give Mega Pidgeot a much easier time setting up. Landorus-T functions extremely well with Pidgeot because it is a good check to Rock-types, (AC) and handles Tyranitar better than Dugtrio, and can also clear hazards. Hippowdon and Garchomp are two more solid Ground-type team options, and Garchomp has the added advantage of soft checking Thundurus. Weavile has excellent synergy with Pidgeot, because it can weaken things with Knock-off Knock Off and soft check Thundurus with Icicle Crash. Chansey walls Pidgeot, so physically offensive Fighting-type Pokemon such as Terrakion and Lucario are solid team options as well. Hazard setters such as Ferrothorn and Garchomp are useful for getting more OHKOs and 2HKOs.

name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: Hurricane / Oblivion Wing
move 3: Heat Wave
move 4: U-turn
item: Pidgeotite
ability: No Guard
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Boomburst is a very spammable STAB move that will 2HKO nearly anything neutral and even some frailer resists Pokemon that resist it. Hurricane is a very powerful STAB move (RC) that also has a chance to confuse. Oblivion Wing is another excellent STAB move alternative that not only has a decent Base Power but also gives Mega Pidgeot solid recovery and removes the need for Roost; (SC) however, (AC) the drop in power from Hurricane can sometimes hurt it as a wallbreaker its wallbreaking prowess. Heat Wave is an essential coverage option that allows for Mega Pidgeot to hit all of (Heatran) the Steel-types that would otherwise wall it. U-turn is used to gain momentum on predicted switches, allowing you to control the pace of the battle. Hidden Power Ground is an option instead of over U-turn in order to lure in bulky Ground-types (?) and Heatran to nab the surprise KO. Roost is also an option if you opt for Hurricane instead of Oblivion Wing to give Pidgeot recovery.

Set Details

The EVs as well as and a Timid nature maximize Mega Pidgeot's Speed and Special Attack for the most offensive pressure possible. Putting 4 EVs in Defense instead of HP allows Mega Pidgeot to switch into (remove space) Stealth Rock 4 four times.

Usage Tips

If your opponent has a Chansey (RC) or you suspect they'll switch for whatever reason, don't be afraid to use U-turn, (AC) because even if they stay in, (AC) you can send in your best counter. If a foe is weak, finishing them it off with Oblivion Wing is optimal because Pidgeot can recover some HP. Boomburst is a very easy move to click (RC) and should be used freely if you are unsure what to do because of its sheer power. Don't let Pidgeot get paralyzed, because its Speed is a huge selling point to it and is what prevents it from being outclassed. Mega Pidgeot should not be brought in against anything with priority, as it will often get KOed. Pidgeot is also pretty frail, and switching it in is generally a bad idea. It is better to bring Pidgeot in to revenge kill (RC) or after a slow U-turn or Volt Switch.

Team Options

Terrakion is an excellent teammate because it beats most of Mega Pidgeot's (apostrophe) checks and counters with its powerful STAB moves, including but not limited to Chansey, Zapdos, Tyranitar, (AC) and Heatran. Pivot Pokemon with Volt Switch, U-turn, (AC) and Parting Shot are great companions for Pidgeot because they give it opportunities to get in unharmed and consequently spread more damage. Some of these Pokemon are Raikou, Meloetta, (AC) and Sableye. Pidgeot is worn down pretty quickly by entry hazards, so teammates Pokemon that can remove hazards them such as Excadrill, Latias, and Starmie are great team options. Starmie can also work in tandem and remove bulky Rock-types if Pidgeot is not running Hidden Power Ground. Weavile is a great partner, as it can weaken opponents with Knock Off and soft check Thundurus with Icicle Crash.

Other Options

A mixed set with Extreme(space)Speed is an option to allow Mega Pidgeot to revenge KO kill Choice Scarf foes as well as foes with and priority users. Hidden Power Fighting is an option to let Pidgeot take on Tyranitar, as well as and provides general coverage for Pokemon such as Heatran. Tailwind is an option for team support, but Pidgeot is generally outclassed as a Tailwind setter. Encore is a decent option due to Mega Pidgeot's very high Speed; (SC) however, (AC) is often hard to find room for. Super Fang is a great way to weaken Mega Pidgeot's checks, putting them at 50% or lower every time; (SC) however, (AC) it is unable to finish them off so it is also (probs should just make this "and is" because I'm not really seeing a causal link... otherwise make is ", making it") hard to fit in.

Checks and Counters

**Rock-types**: Rock-type Pokemon resist every standard move Pidgeot commonly runs (RC) and are very annoying for it to deal with. Unless Pidgeot is running Hidden Power Ground or Hidden Power Fighting, (AC) it often finds itself forced to switch out against them. Some of the more relevant Rock-types in STABmons are Mega Diancie and Tyranitar. Mega Diancie in particular is a very consistent counter, as it bounces back Sing, resists Pidgeot's STABs and coverage moves, and can easily OHKO Pidgeot it with Diamond Storm.

**Priority**: Mega Pidgeot is relatively frail, especially after a Defense drop from Shell Smash, so it is very weak to prone to being revenge killed by priority revenge killing it moves. It is especially weak to Fake Out and + Extreme Speed Pokemon such as Braviary and Ursaring. Kyurem-B's Ice Shard is also very threatening. Mach Punch from Terrakion does over 50% to a -1 Mega Pidgeot, so it should be watched out for as well.

**Heatran**: Takes Heatran takes anything Pidgeot has easily (RC) and hits it hard back. It does need to be wary of the occasional Hidden Power Ground though. Heatran can also use Roar boosts away to remove Pidgeot's boosts and rack up more Stealth Rock damage.

**Faster Pokemon**: Pidgeot's main niche is lies in its excellent Speed tier, so faster Pokemon such as Weavile and Choice Scarf Terrakion really hamper its effectiveness.

**Speed Control**: Paralysis, Trick Room, (AC) and Weather teams opposing weather remove most of Mega Pidgeot's viability because Pidgeot it is only viable because of its high speed and power. Thundurus is particularly threatening as a paralysis spreader because it has priority Thunder Wave as well as super effective STAB moves. Cresselia and Politoed are two examples of Pokemon that can remove Mega Pidgeot's (apostrophe) speed advantage, because Cresselia can set Trick Room and Politoed can set rain for its teammates such as Kingdra to abuse take advantage of.
Implemented. Thanks. Sorry for delay.
Add Remove Comment
As one of the fastest Pokemon in STABmons, with strong STAB moves and a lot of power, Mega Pidgeot is a very threatening Pokemon by virtue of its high Speed and Special Attack as well as its strong STAB moves. This is complemented by recovery in Oblivion Wing, which is excellent for maintaining momentum, and a very fast Sing to generate free setup opportunities (not anymore). However, Mega Pidgeot is walled by common threats such as Heatran and Mega Tyranitar. It is very frail and weak thus vulnerable to priority moves, and it has a poor defensive typing that leaves it weak to common offensive moves and resists resistant to only two uncommon types. Mega Pidgeot has limited coverage options, but the few it does have are good, as they provide coverage against every type besides Rock. Also, the cost of using a mega Mega Evolution in STABmons is extremely high due to the overwhelming competition for a Mega slot, so Mega Pidgeot is a very team-specific Pokemon.

name: All-out All-Out Attacker
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: Hurricane / Oblivion Wing (idk if this is actually supposed to be deslashed?)
move 3: Heat Wave
move 4: U-turn
item: Pidgeotite
ability: No Guard (Same as the last set)
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Boomburst is a very spammable STAB move that will 2HKO nearly anything neutral to it and even some frailer Pokemon that resist it. Hurricane is another very powerful STAB move that also has a chance to confuse the foe. Oblivion Wing is an alternative that not only has a decent Base Power but also gives Mega Pidgeot solid recovery and removes the need for Roost (Roost isn't here anymore. Heck, maybe even take everything about Oblivion Wing out depending on what QC says.); however, the drop in power from Hurricane can sometimes hurt its wallbreaking prowess. Heat Wave is an essential coverage option move that allows Mega Pidgeot to hit the Steel-types that would otherwise wall it, besides Heatran. Sing gives Mega Pidgeot free turns, (RC) and allows it to do something even against Pokemon that would counter it. Hidden Power Ground is an option over(space)Sing in order to KO Heatran after luring it lure in Heatran to nab the surprise KO.

Set Details

The EVs and a Timid nature maximize Mega Pidgeot's Speed and Special Attack for the most offensive pressure possible. Putting 4 EVs in Defense instead of HP allows Mega Pidgeot to switch into Stealth Rock four times. (This looks really bare. Perhaps explain what Pidgeotite and No Guard do?)

Usage Tips

If your opponent has a Chansey or you suspect they'll switch Pokemon for whatever reason, don't be afraid to use U-turn, because as even if they foe stays in, you can send in your best counter to it. If a foe is weakened, finishing it off with Oblivion Wing is optimal because Mega Pidgeot can recover some HP in the process. (Again, no more Oblivion Wing...) Boomburst is a very easy move to click spammable because of its sheer power and thus should be used freely if you are unsure of what to do because of its sheer power. Don't let Mega Pidgeot get paralyzed, because as its Speed is a huge one of its biggest selling points to it and is what prevents it from being outclassed. Mega Pidgeot should not be brought in against anything with a priority move, as it will often get (OH?)KOed. Pidgeot is also pretty due to its frailty; in this regard, and switching it in directly is generally a bad idea. It is better to bring Mega Pidgeot in to revenge kill or after off of a teammate's slow U-turn or Volt Switch. Avoid getting hit by facing Fake Out + Extreme Speed users, because as the combination of these two moves completely demolishes Mega Pidgeot is completely demolished by it.

Team Options

Terrakion is an excellent teammate because it beats most of Mega Pidgeot's checks and counters with its powerful STAB moves, including but not limited to such as Chansey, Zapdos, Tyranitar, and Heatran. Porygon-Z is a nice partner because it and Mega Pidgeot can wear down each other's checks and counters such as Rock-type Pokemon and allow one or the other to win, with Porygon-Z beating Rock-types (Actually?) and Mega Pidgeot beating (insert what it beats). Pivot Pokemon with Users of ("pivot" is redundant considering what moves you mention next) Volt Switch, U-turn, and Parting Shot are great companions for Pidgeot because they such as Raikou, Jolteon, Meloetta, and Sableye give it Mega Pidgeot opportunities to get in unharmed and consequently spread more damage. Some of these Pokemon are Raikou, Jolteon Meloetta, and Sableye.Sylveon is also a good partner as well to pivot into and so that it can wear down foes with its own Boomburst spam. Mega Pidgeot is worn down pretty quickly by entry hazards Stealth Rock (it's immune to the other entry hazards), so Pokemon that can remove them such as Excadrill, Latias, and Starmie are great team options. Starmie can also work in tandem and remove bulky Rock-types if Mega Pidgeot is not running Hidden Power Ground. Weavile can weaken opponents foes with Knock Off and soft check Thundurus with Icicle Crash.

Other Options

Hidden Power Fighting is an option to let Mega Pidgeot take on Tyranitar and to provides general coverage for Pokemon such as like (smd Briyella) Heatran. Tailwind is an option for to provide general team support, but Mega Pidgeot is generally outclassed as a Tailwind setter (By what, and why?). Encore is a decent option due to Mega Pidgeot's very high Speed; however, it is often hard to find room for the move. Super Fang is a great way to weaken Mega Pidgeot's checks, putting them at dropping their HP to 50% or lower every time; however, it is unable to finish them foes off and is hard to fit into Mega Pidgeot's moveset.

Checks and Counters

**Rock-types**: Rock-types such as Mega Diancie and Tyranitar Pokemon resist every move that Mega Pidgeot commonly runs and thus are very annoying for it to deal with. Unless Mega Pidgeot is running Hidden Power Ground or Hidden Power Fighting, it often finds itself forced to switch out against them. Some of the more relevant Rock-types in STABmons are Mega Diancie and Tyranitar. Mega Diancie in particular is a very consistent counter, as it bounces back Sing with Magic Bounce, resists Mega Pidgeot's STAB and coverage moves, and can easily OHKO it with Diamond Storm.

**Priority**: Mega Pidgeot is relatively frail, especially after a Defense drop from Shell Smash, so it is very prone to being revenge killed by priority moves. It is especially weak to Fake Out + Extreme Speed Pokemon users such as Braviary and Ursaring, which can 2HKO it before it can do anything, (right?) as well as Kyurem-B's Ice Shard. Kyurem-B's Ice Shard is also very threatening. Mach Punch from Terrakion does over 50% to a -1 Mega Pidgeot, so it should be watched out for as well. (Mega Pidgeot's not gonna be at -1 any time soon without Shell Smash.)

**Heatran**: Heatran can easily takes anything move that Mega Pidgeot has easily and hits it back hard back. It does need to be wary of the occasional Hidden Power Ground, (AC) though. Heatran can also use Roar to remove Pidgeot's boosts and rack up more Stealth Rock damage. (No more Shell Smash.)

**Faster Pokemon**: Mega Pidgeot's main niche lies in its excellent Speed tier, so faster Pokemon such as Weavile and Choice Scarf Terrakion really hamper its effectiveness.

**Speed Control**: Paralysis, Trick Room, and opposing weather remove most of Mega Pidgeot's viability because it is only viable because of its high speed and power Speed. (Its power isn't really relevant here) Thundurus is particularly threatening because it has priority Thunder Wave as well as super effective STAB moves. Cresselia and Politoed that can also remove Mega Pidgeot's speed advantage, because with Cresselia can being able to set up Trick Room and Politoed can set bringing rain for teammates such as like Kingdra to take advantage of.

**Mega Metagross**: Mega Metagross survives a avoids the 2HKO from Heat Wave and in turn OHKOes Mega Pidgeot with Heavy Slam in return. Mega Pidgeot can threaten it Mega Metagross with Sing, however but it loses if Mega Metagross's Speed is has been boosted.
GP 2/2
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Snobalt – Can you wait until I give you the go-ahead to continue that GP check? Since Mega Pidgeot is largely unaffected by the STABmons change, it just needs some slight tweaks here or there until it's ready for that stamp. Thanks!

Joshz – Here are the changes I want made:
  • Mention in Overview that the Mega slot competition is incredibly high, and that using Mega Pidgeot requires a very specific teamslot dedication etc: basically, it's a very team-specific Pokemon.
  • Change the set to Sing / Boomburst / Hurricane / Heat Wave. Boomburst is necessary now, and Shell Smash is banned, so there's that. Heat Wave is 100% mandatory in order to not be deadweight versus Mega Metagross.
  • Mention in Usage Tips to avoid FakeSpeed, as it is absolutely demolished by FakeSpeed from Mega Altaria / Sylveon and it doesn't appreciate taking those hits, especially without Roost.
  • Add that Porygon-Z is a nice partner since they *technically* don't stack weaknesses, and they can wear down Rock-types together to let one or the other win.
  • In Team Options, add Jolteon / Sylveon as special attacking partners. Jolteon wears down Pokemon in general, takes Electric-type attacks, pivots in etc; Sylveon is just a great partner for pivoting / Boomburst spam.
  • Remove Extreme Speed mentions in Other Options; it's not viable.
  • Add Mega Metagross to Checks & Counters: lives a Heat Wave, OHKOes in return with Heavy Slam. Also, add the Extreme Speed you should know (Sylveon, Mega Altaria) into priority, alongside any other new priority you feel would be a good fit!
Please underline these changes to make it easier on our friend Snobalt when he's GP checking. Thanks for the cooperation guys!
unfixable Eevee General can i get another GP please? i feel like with the update snobalt made a lot of changes, all of which are reflected in the OP besides team options because i got confused in that part, so getting another GP is probably safer. thoughts?

e: approved by eevee in pms, contacting gp.
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tentative GP 3/3, address comments
Mega Pidgeot is a very threatening Pokemon by virtue of its high Speed and Special Attack as well as its strong STAB moves. This is complemented by recovery in Oblivion Wing, which is excellent for maintaining momentum, and a very fast Sing
to [generate free setup opportunities] (ok the grey is what was there before Snobalt's check was implemented. why was it removed? if it is no longer correct, then you'll want to remove the "to" in front of it too. if there's nothing incorrect about it, just re-add it.). However, Mega Pidgeot is walled by common threats such as Heatran and Mega Tyranitar. It is very frail and thus vulnerable to priority moves, and it has a poor defensive typing that leaves it weak to common offensive moves and resistant to only two uncommon types. Mega Pidgeot has limited coverage options, but although the few it does have are good, as they provide coverage against every type besides Rock. Also, Furthermore, the cost of using a Mega Evolution in STABmons is extremely high due to the overwhelming competition for a Mega slot, so Mega Pidgeot is a very team-specific Pokemon.

name: All-Out Attacker
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: Hurricane
move 3: Heat Wave
move 4: U-turn
(is this supposed to be Sing?)
item: Pidgeotite
ability: Keen Eye
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Boomburst is a very spammable STAB move that will 2HKO nearly anything neutral to it and even some frailer Pokemon that resist it. Hurricane is another very powerful STAB move that also has a chance to confuse the foe. Heat Wave is an essential coverage move that allows Mega Pidgeot to hit the Steel-types that would otherwise wall it, besides Heatran. Sing gives Mega Pidgeot free turns and allows it to do something even against Pokemon that would counter it. Hidden Power Ground is an option over Sing in order to KO Heatran after luring it.

Set Details

The EVs and a Timid nature maximize Mega Pidgeot's Speed and Special Attack for the most offensive pressure possible. Putting 4 EVs in Defense instead of HP allows Mega Pidgeot to switch into Stealth Rock four times.

Usage Tips

If your opponent has Chansey or you suspect they'll switch Pokemon for whatever reason, don't be afraid to use U-turn, as even if the foe stays in, you can send in your best counter to it.
(assuming that U-turn is supposed to be Sing on the set, this sentence doesn't really belong here) Boomburst is very spammable because of its sheer power and thus should be used freely if you are unsure of what to do. Don't let Mega Pidgeot get paralyzed, as its Speed is one of its biggest selling points and prevents it from being outclassed. Mega Pidgeot should not be brought in against anything with a priority move, as it will often get KOed due to its frailty; in this regard, switching it in directly is generally a bad idea. It is better to bring Mega Pidgeot in to revenge kill or off of a teammate's slow U-turn or Volt Switch. Avoid facing Fake Out + Extreme Speed users, as the combination of these two moves completely demolishes Mega Pidgeot.

Team Options

Terrakion beats most of Mega Pidgeot's checks and counters with its powerful STAB moves, such as Chansey, Zapdos, Tyranitar, and Heatran. Porygon-Z and Mega Pidgeot can wear down each other's checks and counters and allow one or the other to win, with Porygon-Z beating Rock-types and Mega Pidgeot beating
(missing something here). Users of Volt Switch, U-turn, and Parting Shot such as Raikou, Jolteon, Meloetta, and Sableye give Mega Pidgeot opportunities to get in unharmed and consequently spread more damage. Sylveon is also a good partner to pivot into (just checking whether this is still relevant if Pidgeot's running Sing instead of U-turn) so that it can wear down foes with its own Boomburst. Mega Pidgeot is worn down pretty quickly by Stealth Rock, so Pokemon that can remove them the hazard such as Excadrill, Latias, and Starmie are great team options. Starmie can also remove bulky Rock-types if Mega Pidgeot is not running Hidden Power Ground. Weavile can weaken foes with Knock Off and soft check Thundurus with Icicle Crash. Choice Scarf Terrakion really hampers its effectiveness. (what does this have to do with team options?)

Other Options

Hidden Power Fighting is an option to let Mega Pidgeot take on Tyranitar and to provide general coverage for Pokemon like Heatran. Tailwind is an option to provide general team support, but Mega Pidgeot is generally outclassed as a Tailwind setter by other setters such as Thundurus. Encore is a decent option due to Mega Pidgeot's very high Speed; however, it is often hard to find room for the move. Super Fang is a great way to weaken Mega Pidgeot's checks, dropping their HP to 50% or lower every time; however, it is unable to finish foes off and is hard to fit into Mega Pidgeot's moveset.

Checks and Counters

**Rock-types**: Rock-types such as Mega Diancie and Tyranitar resist every move that Mega Pidgeot commonly runs and thus are very annoying for it to deal with. Unless Mega Pidgeot is running Hidden Power Ground or Fighting, it often finds itself forced to switch out against them. Mega Diancie in particular is a very consistent counter, as it bounces back Sing with Magic Bounce, resists Mega Pidgeot's STAB and coverage moves, and can easily OHKO it with Diamond Storm.

**Priority**: Mega Pidgeot is relatively frail, so it is very prone to being revenge killed by priority moves. It is especially weak to Fake Out + Extreme Speed users such as Braviary and Ursaring, which can 2HKO it before it can do anything, as well as Kyurem-B's Ice Shard.

**Heatran**: Heatran can easily take any move that Mega Pidgeot has and hit it back hard. It does need to be wary of the occasional Hidden Power Ground, though.

**Faster Pokemon**: Mega Pidgeot's main niche lies in its excellent Speed tier, so faster Pokemon such as Weavile and Choice Scarf Terrakion really hamper its effectiveness.

**Speed Control**: Paralysis, Trick Room, and opposing weather remove most of Mega Pidgeot's
effectiveness, as viability because (repetitive) it is only viable because of its high Speed. Thundurus is particularly threatening because it has priority Thunder Wave as well as super effective STAB moves. Cresselia and Politoed can also remove Mega Pidgeot's speed advantage, with Cresselia being able to set up Trick Room and Politoed bringing rain for teammates like Kingdra to take advantage of.

**Mega Metagross**: Mega Metagross avoids the 2HKO from Heat Wave and OHKOes Mega Pidgeot with Heavy Slam in return. Mega Pidgeot can threaten Mega Metagross with Sing, but it loses if Mega Metagross's Speed has been boosted.

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