ORAS UU UU Full Stall Team

Well, this is basically a complete stall team to use in UU. I made this with the idea in mind that many teams in UU are offensively oriented. This is not a team that hits things, nor is it a team that goes down very easily to many things. Even so, there are still a few things that I need to work out and debug from the team. This team works as a unit with synergy between everything. One of the main problems I have in this team is the fact that there is very little momentum in the team. At least 80% of plays to be made on this team are hard switches into walls. Fortunately, the team supports itself as a unit and a whole. Even so, I am posting this because I am unsure of how to improve my team AS A STALL TEAM. I just want to make it very clear that this is strictly a stall team and that I understand Crocune, CM Chandelure, CM Florges, Choice Band Entei, and other pokemon are very strong and objectively better than certain things I have. I have Alomomola; Crocune is better... On Offense. I have Specially Defensive Roserade with toxic spikes; Chesnaught, Shaymin, Offensive Roserade, and Sceptile-Mega is objectively better... On Offense. (Though to be fair, Chesnaught is just as good on defense, but I will cover more about Roserade over Chesnaught when I cover Roserade.) I have no attack investment in Mega Aggron even though it has so much potential as a tank without defense investment. I have Blissey; Snorlax is so much better on offense (Not the Snorlax Variant in this regard.) I have Donphan; Mamoswine overpowers Donphan and has much more value... On offense. I have a Cleric Florges which can be easy to kill and poses no real offensive threats other than to dark and fighting types. I admit, on offense this team is horrible. But that's the whole point of the team. This team was built to outlast a plethora of offensive teams and just wear everything down to death until it rises in victory or honorably admits defeat to a player who battled very well. Let me make this clear, I started laddering in UU today with this team today starting around 1200 Elo with 119 Losses, 144 Wins. Now my Elo is roughly 1352 with 155 Wins and 124 Losses. I have not peaked just yet with this team, and I don't plan to until I get a few flaws worked out. Fully dedicated stall teams are not the easiest thing to use, especially for a player who is much more familiar with offensive playstyle like myself. I have calculated a lot of things for this team and I am very happy with the fact that many common threats are not just walled, but worn down and made almost a deadweight. Even so, a very good amount of prediction is needed to make this team work properly.
User: chooseyourcolor
Format - Elo - GXE - Glicko-1 - COIL -- W - L - T
uu - 1352 - 66 - 1625 ± 27 -- 155 - 124 - 0
battlefactory - 1136 - 62 - 1597 ± 88 -- 9 - 3 - 0
nu - 1236 - 60 - 1574 ± 58 -- 25 - 17 - 0
ou - 1487 - 66 - 1626 ± 29 -- 203 - 177 - 0
ounomega - 1389 - 77 - 1732 ± 68 -- 28 - 9 - 0
randomdoublesbattle - 1094 - 57 - 1557 ± 97 -- 4 - 2 - 0
ru - 1302 - 65 - 1619 ± 41 -- 66 - 49 - 0
cap - 1040 - 49 - 1493 ± 116 (provisional) -- 1 - 1 - 0
doublesuu - 1000 - 45 - 1460 ± 123 (provisional) -- 0 - 1 - 0
ubers - 1386 - 76 - 1717 ± 70 -- 21 -5 - 0
monotype - 1145 - 57 - 1557 ± 84977940
pu - 1097 - 56 - 1547 ± 64 -- 16 - 11 - 0
seasonalsupersquadsmackdown - 1026 - 45 - 1458 ± 112 (provisional) -- 1 - 2 - 0
vgc2015 - 1041 - 50 - 1497 ± 115 (provisional) -- 1 - 1 - 0
pususpecttest - 1122 - 56 - 1544 ± 100786420
rususpecttest - 1132 - 55 - 1538 ± 761490970

What I am looking for, as far as a rating is concerned, is to improve my team and its goal as a unit. Please DO NOT say things like this:
- [insert pokemon] > [team member]
- [team member] is "bad, weak, loses to [pokemon], lacks purpose, etc."
- [insert pokemon and specific set] kills your team
- Your team is bad and would be much better like [insert completely new team that isn't stall]

I am looking for ways to make this team better as it is. I want to make it into a more powerful stall team. I do not want to change the members of this team to a more offensive presence nor do I want to use a different playstyle. This team is dedicated stall team and that is the only way I am going to use this team. It is not easy to rate these teams because nothing outwardly threatens anything in general, however, the whole theory and goal behind a stall team is that by outlasting and wearing down the opponent, a win is attainable because it stops offensive teams from exhibiting their full potential. The way this works is by forcing an offense to slow down. Most pokemon, even with access to reliable recovery, can be worn down by statuses or stalled out of their recovery. Though it is harder to wear down most things with reliable recovery in general. By being forced to slow down an offense, it means that everything the opponent does will ultimately wear itself down via hazards, status, and just damage taken from attacks. Everything eventually adds up. That is the general theory of this stall team.

Before we jump into the team itself, here is how I went about teambuilding it:
1) I need to have a Physically bulky steel type pokemon because Steel types resist 11 other types and are immune to poison.
2) Same as (1) but with a Specially Bulky steel type.
3) Find something that stops fighting types
4) Find something that walls most fire types
5) Find something that creates good synergy with the chosen water type
6) Incorporate Hazard Removal onto the team.
7) Incorporate Hazards onto the team.
8) (after using the original team in practice for the first few times) What things do I have problems with the most and what can I do to stop them as far as movesets?
9) (after doing (8)) Can I run something else that accomplishes the same job as something I already have, but better?
10) Modify anything as needed

The team started out with me choosing Mega-Aggron and looking at what the smogon analysis page for it had to say. I used that main set and barely tweaked it. Vaporeon was a good partner, but I went for something more bulky called Alomomola. This even gave me a bonus thanks to its ability in Regenerator. And I figured that if I wanted to utilize hazards, Aggron was good. Roserade has great synergy with Alomomola, so I threw it in and gave it toxic spikes and that took care of all my hazards and the physical steel and bulky water type. I could have chosen a spike set with Chesnaught, which works perfectly well with this team, I just preferred having toxic spikes for set up sweepers and other mons who don't like being put on a timer. One big difference between Roserade and Chesnaught is that Chesnaught has much more overall bulk, and can act as a very good mixed bulky wall. Roserade is faster though and has a niche in the fact that Forretress is easier dealt with via Roserade's HP Fire and not the non-existent Chesnaught running special attack investment with HP Fire. Still, either set could work, I just prefer Roserade for this team.
Alomomola.png Aggron-Mega.png pokemon_fan_art_roserade___petal_dance_by_sayakatherine-d80fvqt.jpg
From there I decided that I would need a hazard removal. I opted in for an Eviolite Gligar with SR/roost, defog, EQ, and U-turn. It was a fairly standard set...
It made a lot of sense to choose Gligar because of the total synergy between it Roserade, and Alomomola in addition to hazard removal. I felt that after having those four mons, the most important thing to do was to find a specially bulky wall. Other than AV Goodra, which does not exactly benefit the team in its goal to wear everything down and the fact it creates a 3rd weakness to ice moves, there was another great pokemon to choose from: Blissey.
And I chose Florges because I didn't want Blissey to run heal bell and I thought Florges fit very well because it added a lot of synergy and stopped fighting types cold (not Lucario/Cobalion)
And thus my team was originally:
pokemon_fan_art_roserade___petal_dance_by_sayakatherine-d80fvqt.jpg Alomomola.png Aggron-Mega.png Florges.png Blissey.pngGligar.png

After using the team in practice, it became quickly clear and obvious that a major problem was the Gligar. I changed U-turn for another move. Toxicroak and any substitute users started their routine unphased. So I trashed the Gligar because the scouter said its suck level was over 9000. So I thought that if I ran a Forretress with rapid spin and hazards, while I gave the aggron another attacking option, that would be a good idea.Forretress.png Unfortunately, it was not the greatest idea because now Entei, Arcanine, and opposing Forretress were becoming a nuisance to me. So what I did to remedy the forretress issue was to opt for HP fire on Roserade, as I noticed how often Forretress came in on Roserade, especially to clear hazards/set its own hazards. I also had been running T-wave on Meggron at this point in time. I felt that running roar would be a much better option, as I desperately needed a phasing move. I hadn't yet resolved all of my problems with Physical Fire Wallbreakers at this point either. So I dropped the Forretress's SR and gave it EQ and AV. I figured chip damage would be useful. It wasn't, and neither was AV Forretress, though in theory it sounded viable. So I had to scrap the Forretress. I thought about what could fill the hazard removal spot, and the greatest idea of using AV Donphan came to mind. It was the perfect hazard removal for my team because it was a physical sponge and had great power backing its moves even defensively. And now, that is my team.

Anyway, now that I've said all of that, here is my team:


Diababa (Roserade) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Natural Cure
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 244 HP / 4 SpA / 216 SpD / 44 Spe
Calm Nature
- Toxic Spikes
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Hidden Power [Fire]

The name Diababa is taken from Zelda: Twilight Princess with the first boss battle. It fits because both Roserade and that boss are of plant origin. I gave it black sludge for passive recovery and as a way to hurt trick/switcheroo users in rare instances. With a Poison/Grass typing, Diababa has a great typing because it targets most water types and creates a wonderful synergy with its partner, Alomomola, whom I will cover in detail next. Even though the physical bulk on Diababa is pathetic, the special bulk is actually really nice and makes it work for the team. Sadly, this does create a fire weakness which is not fun to have, especially when there is a Blissey and a Mega Aggron on the same team. Physical fire is a huge threat in UU. Darmanitan, Banded Entei/Arcanine, etc. are all there and they all hurt. Mamoswine is indeed a problem, but then again, ever since Mamo ventured down to UU, it has been a problem. Roserade is grass though, and Mamo doesn't like coming in on Giga Drain or getting itself caught in toxic spikes. We have hidden power fire solely for Chesnaught, especially the Belly Drum+Salac Berry Set, and for Forretress, Escavalier, and such. It will virtually always break Chesnaught's substitute unless rain/light screen is up. Sludge Bomb is a good stab move and is good for predicting grass type switch ins to a giga drain, or just doing more neutral damage to something when recovery is unnecessary. Diababa's main job is to set up toxic spikes and put the opponent's team on a timer, especially if there is a Forretress, because Roserade is a good lure for Forretress, which hp fire has a great chance to OHKO given the investment I used just makes it normal uninvested Roserade's base special attack of 286, which is a nice number to have for stall. Breaking certain substitutes or luring certain things in is sometimes important for stall teams. The speed EVs mean I speed tie with uninvested base 95, though I feel like this is virtually unimportant and am better off pouring those EVs into special attack and special defense (or even defense to help deal with weak priority moves) is a better spread. I'll probably make that switch. Just choose how you want the EVs though and keep in mind that this is not offensive Roserade. The EVs in HP hit an even number so I can get the most out of black sludge and are to make Diababa as fat as it can be. The 2nd job of Diababa is to provide a good partner for the Alomomola and Mega Aggron regarding special attacks. It eats up electric and grass type moves, and as a bonus, it doesn't even have to be the obvious switch since Blissey also exists. And that is all there really is for Diababa. It absorbs status as well with natural cure. But it just sets up toxic spikes, and acts as a general annoyance to the opponent. It can also absorb toxic spikes, which for this team is important. One rule for Diababa is not to lose it unless absolutely necessary or there is no reason to keep it anymore.
Moving on.


Morpheel (Alomomola) @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 40 HP / 252 Def / 216 SpD
Impish Nature
- Wish
- Protect
- Knock Off
- Scald

Morpheel is the Twilight Princess' Lakebed Water Temple boss. Unlike the Morpheel from Zelda, this one is much harder to kill because of a very broken ability: Regenerator. Every time it switches out, 33% of its HP comes back. This means it can even act as a toxic status absorber solely because it will recover more than the toxic will do back potentially. In practice, this thought has worked very well, only failing a few times on games I've misplayed or gotten badly outplayed in general. I would like to take a moment here and touch on the fact that today Showdown has had a few issues, especially regarding the ladder updating. If you don't believe me, check out pokeaimMD's youtube channel upload the date of 11/20/15 which came out literally today (yesterday as I type this out). Part of that ladder issue was being unable to share replays. Trust me, this team works out pretty well in general as long as you don't make stupid mistakes, like sitting by passively while a sweeper starts to set up or taking too big of a risk with a wish or something. Anyway, Alomomola has several roles. One is to keep momentum up via Regenerator. Two is to get scald burns where needed or just dish out gradual damage to certain things, wearing them down a little. Three is to knock off items. Be careful of Cobalion and the much rarer SD Virizion, as knock off will give them an unwanted boost. Alomomola does not die to +2 Close Combat from Cobalion, but there really isn't anything that wants to take that hit more than once if we're being honest. At +3, however, Alomomola really feels the heat from it. Scald is important for Morpheel not only for this reason, but for Curselax, DDMence, and [insert other annoying set up sweepers on the physical side]. A burn does not stop Curselax, but it does slow it down quite a bit as it does eventually force rest. This goes doubly if Curselax has immunity, which is what you run over thick fat if you don't like Toxic+Taunt/Encore/Similar combos. Though taunt usually shuts down rest+talk sets in general. Fourth thing that Morpheel is going to do is act as the main physical fire type counter, as Mega Aggron can only take one shot most of the time and hates being burned, while everything else regrets taking the hit. Knock off can easily remedy some of the pressure a choice band gives as well. Just remember Justified users when they are present and what giving them a free boost can mean. Lucario is sometimes a justified user as well. The 5th thing that Morpheel does, is heal. That base 165 HP is very good for cleric duties, as if there is something low on health, approximately 240 HP will be restored by Morpheel's wish. That's a lot of HP for anything in general.
So yeah, Morpheel/Alomomola has 5 very important roles, with the main one being a pivot as well as an annoying pest to the opponent throughout the game. Always make sure that you avoid strong super effective special hits. Alomomola has special defense investment to take neutral attacks from weaker special attackers and resisted attacks. I understand that Suicune can be used for stall, but the reason I chose Alomomola over it is because Alomomola is much better as a pivot thanks to Regenerator, it can provide great cleric support, it has utility in Knock Off. All three of those things are not present on Suicune. Suicune is also suited better to Balanced, Balanced Offense, and Semi-Stall Teams; none of which this team is at all. Suicune also relies solely on leftovers and rest to recover its HP which does not also recover with Regenerator unlike Alomomola. Yes, Roar suicune is a great stall mon, but phazing is not always my biggest issue in practice with this team, though phazing is useful anyway. If someone out there wants to try a roar suicune over Morpheel, be my guest, but know that it isn't the same team as this. Now, onto the EV spread. Impish nature is run so that knock off can hit slightly harder, especially on psychic types. 40 HP, 252 Def, and 216 SpDef EV spread is used to maximize the overall longevity and raw bulk defenses of Morpheel. There are several alternate sets which can be used, however, this is the more standard set to run along with its EV spread, especially since toxic spikes run on the team. Morpheel also survives a critical hit from Jolly LO Mienshao's High Jump Kick even if Mienshao is running Reckless over Regenerator. This is from full health, and most people run either scarfed reckless, or jolly regenerator life orb Mienshao. After SR or 1 Spike layer, HJK from scarfed Adamant Mienshao with Reckless on a critical hit does not kill Morpheel. The Life Orb Variant is a roll to kill after one layer of hazards with 90.2% being the highest output from Adamant Mienshao. And yes, this is at max attack as well. So, yeah, Morpheel is a great physical sponge which has a great niche in the fact that protect enables it to scout the opponent for moves. A more physically defensive set would be taking out some of the special defense (making its special defense hit uninvested base 65 for example) and dropping that into HP. Running the standard set from RU is also viable, but this is more of a standard set for UU according to what I've read on smogon, and, in practice, Morpheel is great with this set.

Donphan v Mamo.png

Moldarach (Donphan) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sturdy
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 200 HP / 252 Atk / 56 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Ice Shard

Donphan for this team is known as Moldarach, the giant scorpion boss from Lanayru Desert in Skyward Sword. It is a huge rival of Mamoswine, and always will be since the two are similar, especially in regard to moveset options. Mamoswine is easily a better wallbreaker and has STAB priority in ice shard as well as a much higher speed than Donphan. However, Donphan is not weak to fighting, fire, and resists rock in addition to a very noticeably higher defense stat than Mamoswine. Don't let the base 120 Attack fool you into thinking Donphan isn't strong either. It still hurts. Not as much as Mamo, but it still hurts. Another huge bonus for Donphan which Mamo lacks, is the coveted rapid spin. Taking all of this into consideration for a stall team, Mamo didn't make much sense because it died too quickly in comparison to Donphan nor could it remove hazards. I also figured that Donphan would be a better AV carrier than Mamo as well, which drastically improves that base 60 special defense into a number that is very reasonable.
Moldarach has max attack investment with an adamant nature to pound away at the adversary as hard as possible. 200 EVs were invested to the HP as a good rule of thumb, while the 56 EVs in special defense are there to further support the affects of Assault Vest for Donphan. Rapid spin is self explanatory. Earthquake is the go-to-STAB move when nothing else looks right. Knock Off does hit for pretty decent damage, but more importantly, it removes items. Moldarach has great physical bulk naturally and is mainly used as a pivot into hits that Alomomola wouldn't care for, such as Banded Arcanine's Wild Charge or Machamp's fighting type STAB moves. It is very ill-advised that Moldarach be sacked early or prematurely. Rapid Spin is vital to the overall success of this team as it removes the hazards which help opposing offense while also keeping our own hazards up. Ice shard is a pretty nice way of using priority when appropriate, even if it isn't stab. Other rules to keep in mind when using Moldarach is that it is not a Mamoswine. It is slower and should not aggressively stay in on things like Empoleon.


Darknut (Aggron-Mega) @ Aggronite
Ability: Sturdy
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 44 Def / 212 SpD
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Roar
- Heavy Slam
- Earthquake

We all remember the Darknuts from Twilight Princess right? They were in the Temple of Time when we first met them. Hard to kill, dangerous, big... Well so is Aggron-Mega even without investment in attack. It acts very similarly to the Landorus-T in OU that runs the physically defensive set, only that Darknut is much harder to kill in general thanks to its wonderful Mega ability in Filter which means ground, fire, and fighting moves are no longer double damage when super effective, but only 1.5x super effective damage. Even so, there are a lot of calculations that I should go over with Darknut just to make several things clear about why his defensive spread is valid.
Here are a few of the calculation differences between different sets:

Aggron-Mega (Adamant max attack, max HP, 4 elsewhere)
Mamoswine with Life Orb (Adamant max attack, max speed, 4 other)
- This Mamoswine's EQ has a 93% chance to 2HKO Aggron-Mega, while Heavy Slam will deal 51.8-60.7% back. This also assumes that hazards are not present. If hazards any hazards are present, Mamo always 2hkos if it's adamant max attack with life orb. If the Mamoswine is Jolly, which is more common, there is an 18.4% chance for a 2hko without any hazards, 76.6% chance to 2hko with rocks up, and will always 2hko after at least 1 layer of spikes.

Mamoswine with Life Orb (Adamant max attack)
- Darknut will be 2HKOed by Adamant max attack life orb Mamoswine's earthquake 7.8% of the time while Darknut is dishing out 38.9-46.7% back to the Mamo, which after Life Orb recoil amounts to a lot; yet, once again, I am not very concerned about the overall damage, as I have roar which will force Mamo out and make it take hazard damage again given hazards are up. If needed, I can always go out to Morpheel who will take 47.8% damage at max from this Mamo's EQ. Adamant Mamo is a bit tricky to deal with because of its overwhelming raw power in general, but this team does have ways of handling it, even if it means something must be sacked. Sometimes a sack is the best way to deal with a big threat like that, especially on stall teams. However, Since Morpheel does have the ability to heal, it walls this mamo as long as there isn't a crit, which gives us scald-burning scenarios, which mamoswine hates.

Feraligatr is only a threat after it hits +2 to this Darknut, which Darknut takes care of with a roar.
+6 Adamant max attack Slurpuff's drainpunch does have an 86.6% chance to 2hko, but Darknut completely checks the Slurpuff with a minimum of 128% coming from Heavy Slam. Adamant Max attack Meggron cannot possibly counter the Slurpuff unlike Darknut, though it is stupid to hard switch anything into +6 Slurpuffs moves unless it is a Doublade or something.
Salamence (without LO fire blast and max special attack) is not a threat to Darknut.
Adamant Toxicroak at +2 does 2HKO Darknut, but Earthquake has a 31.1% chance to OHKO back. Even if Darknut falls, Moldarach will avenge it with a super powerful earthquake that always OHKOs toxicroak.
+6 max attack Belly Drum+Salac Berry Chesnaught's Drain Punch does not OHKO, doing max 93.3% to me and does not OHKO after rocks and has a 43.8% chance to KO after 1 spike layer, 81.3% chance to KO after 1 spike layer and rocks, which means that Darknut has some good chances to hit roar, virtually sending that Chesnaught variant out of play for the remainder of the game.
Choice Banded Entei's Flare Blitz does 2HKO Darknut, but the roar or the 52.9-70% damage Darknut's EQ does back will make Entei cry. Entei's Sacred Fire has a 44.5% chance to 2HKO Darknut, and if it doesn't burn, Darknut smacks it back for a lot of damage before Morpheel comes into play. If I do get burned, the damage output is just halved from normal, which is inconvenient. Though Florges can later remedy the burn with Aromatherapy. Morpheel can effectively stop Entei regardless though, while also providing great cleric support with wish (something Suicune is unable to do).
Crocune is roared out by Darknut.
Curselax will need to rely on paralysis to beat Darknut if it even runs body slam, as frustration is a much stronger move. (Frustration = Return, but Ditto always runs max happiness, so... Return < Frustration in a very technical stance)
The Adamant set will generally take ~10% more damage at least from those same physical attacks listed above in comparison to Darknut. There is enough justification to run either set in all honesty, I just prefer this set because it functions mainly as a stealth rocker and phazer as well as a fairy type check. CM Florges runs in terror of Darknut as well.
Moving onto my own Florges on that note...


Kalle Damos (Florges) @ Leftovers
Ability: Flower Veil
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Aromatherapy
- Wish
- Protect
- Moonblast

Kalle Damos is the 2nd boss you face in Wind Waker with on the Forest Haven Island. I remember this boss being very tricky. Even so, there are ways to put it down. Strong physical attacks or set up sweepers like the fairly common CM Chandelure and CM Reuniclus are fairly big threats to any Florges, even the CM set. Kalle Damos' primary job is to switch into special attackers that neither Darknut nor Diababa appreciate taking a hit from. Its other primary task is to clear team statuses via Aromatherapy. It also acts as a generally good cleric on top of those positive traits. Moonblast is a great move that has a chance to punish some special attackers and does generally good damage to a lot of things considering there is no investment in special attack. Kalle Damos runs max hp and max defense to make up for its natural lack of bulk and below average defenses. I run a calm nature in order to further increase the already high special defense, which betters Kalle Damos' ability to act as a special wall. Bold nature is another completely valid option that I also use on Kalle Damos. I just wanted to have a more specially defensive wall on the team rather than a mixed wall. It helps with certain things, such as Blastoise-Mega and especially Hydreigon. Leftovers is also just a good item to have in general if you are a defensive set not in need of eviolite/Rocky Helmet. Always be careful when you send in Kalle Damos though, as various set up sweepers can come in on it and begin their routine. Also remember to stay vigilant over how many Aromatherapy's are left because that is an important move in general. Kalle Damos has great synergy with Darknut as well as the last pokemon of the team, Blissey.

Fucking Blissey.png

King Dodongo (Blissey) @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Wish
- Protect
- Soft-Boiled
- Seismic Toss
Yes, yes, all Blissey are female. The title "King Dodongo" is unbefitting of a lady; however, NO ONE can stop the wall! I sat this in front of a Venomoth while Florges was asleep from sleep powder. (I switched blissey out before the sleep powder came up so that natural cure would not trigger the sleep mod and mean I could just fall asleep again.) +6 Bug Buzz only has a 59% chance to 2HKO after leftovers. Which for the cleric set, King Dodongo will outlast Venomoth. If the venomoth is modest, its bug buzz is doing at most 63.5% damage to King Dodongo, which means it can still be walled at +6. As one could only imagine, this set is specifically meant to be a cleric that can break substitutes with Seismic Toss given the subs are from pokemon with less than 401 HP total after EV investment or not - which does rule out a hefty majority of pokemon whose subs won't get broken by King Dodongo. The amount of HP Blissey's wish will restore is literally going to be 357, which is essentially always going to fully heal anything receiving that wish to full HP. I run Soft-Boiled just in case I happen to need a more instantaneous way of HP recovery, as Blissey is vital to the team as a special wall and cleric. And I want to take a moment here and say that I run 0 IV in attack for anything on my team that is not going to use physical attacks at all, nor a hidden power move. It's just for good measure, minimizing the damage of foul play and confusion damage whenever those things happen to pop up. That's the only reason for it.

Now, with all of that being said, I have realized what the main threats to my team are. As I said before, this team is finished, but I want to better it as a stall team. Here are the threats in what I think is the main order from most to least threatening:
CM Reuniclus - magic guard stops status and makes hazards worthless
CM Chandelure - if there are no toxic spikes up before it comes in, it has a chance to win
Double Dance Porygon-Z - if it gets its dances off, it is unstoppable for any team
SD Toxicroak - if Moldarach is gone or Toxicroak is at +4 it virtually sweeps then and there, as Darknut will be hit too hard to come back in from a +4 Drain Punch by a Toxicroak.
Successful BD Slurpuff if and only if Aggron is anywhere between 47 and 57% HP after hazards when it comes in to check Slurpuff. Morpheel can barely take a play rough and does virtually nothing in return.
Physical Sweepers after Darknut falls.
Special Sweepers after Blissey falls.
Those are the only real threats I've seen thus far. Teams built to handle stall teams also work against this, as there are pokemon called Stallbreakers for a reason.

Even so, in practice this team is usually a resounding victory against many teams when it is used correctly. So if you have any ideas on how to make this team even better at reaching its overall goal as a unit and improve it as a stall team, then please leave some suggestions. I hope you enjoy the team. It is very difficult to build stall teams, and I seriously do not want to hear anything about my team not being able to kill anything. The team wasn't built to kill stuff. It was built to wear everything down to death. It's a stall team. But anyway, please enjoy the team with 5 Zelda referenced Bosses and 1 mini-boss.
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Hey Complicating, nice stall team and while I hate facing it, I appreciate that it is an effective playstyle. Anyways, onto the rate.
  • I feel like first off you will want 240 HP EVs on Roserade as that hits a Black Sludge number and the extra 4 can be used in Defense or Speed, your choice. I also feel like Synthesis > Hidden Power [Fire] can be a nice option as your team doesn't really struggle with Forry (even though you cannot block its spin) and having reliable recovery on something if it is weakened can help in a pinch.
  • I am not completely sure if you are willing to deviate from full stall, but if you are, a good addition would be Calm Mind Florges > WishTect Florges. This gives your team a solid win condition which is near imperative for almost any team. Calm Mind Florges also appreciates Toxic Spikes support to break down walls that may give it trouble.
Florges @ Leftovers
Ability: Symbiosis
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Aromatherapy
- Synthesis
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
  • I feel like a shift in EVs should happen for Mega Aggron as 56 Defense EVs helps hit a jump point in Defense while the extra 12 EVs from Special Defense doesn't make too much of a difference as more powerful special hits will still 2HKO such as Chandelure's Fire Blast, Nido's Earth Power, and so on. It also makes Mega Aggron tank physical hits better like you want it to.
Other than that, the team looks ok. I feel like there is something to do with Assault Vest Donphan, but I have no idea how to replace without a complete overhaul of the team or typestacking. Anyways, good luck and I hope you enjoy my rate! :)
Hey Complicating, nice stall team and while I hate facing it, I appreciate that it is an effective playstyle. Anyways, onto the rate.
  • I feel like first off you will want 240 HP EVs on Roserade as that hits a Black Sludge number and the extra 4 can be used in Defense or Speed, your choice. I also feel like Synthesis > Hidden Power [Fire] can be a nice option as your team doesn't really struggle with Forry (even though you cannot block its spin) and having reliable recovery on something if it is weakened can help in a pinch.
  • I am not completely sure if you are willing to deviate from full stall, but if you are, a good addition would be Calm Mind Florges > WishTect Florges. This gives your team a solid win condition which is near imperative for almost any team. Calm Mind Florges also appreciates Toxic Spikes support to break down walls that may give it trouble.
Florges @ Leftovers
Ability: Symbiosis
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Aromatherapy
- Synthesis
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
  • I feel like a shift in EVs should happen for Mega Aggron as 56 Defense EVs helps hit a jump point in Defense while the extra 12 EVs from Special Defense doesn't make too much of a difference as more powerful special hits will still 2HKO such as Chandelure's Fire Blast, Nido's Earth Power, and so on. It also makes Mega Aggron tank physical hits better like you want it to.
Other than that, the team looks ok. I feel like there is something to do with Assault Vest Donphan, but I have no idea how to replace without a complete overhaul of the team or typestacking. Anyways, good luck and I hope you enjoy my rate! :)

Thanks a lot for the rate. I've been having a huge debate whether or not I could run CM Florges, since I do realize that would add an easy win condition with one mon that can clean up in style. I didn't realize the extra 12 EVs made such a big difference as I've noticed that the higher the defense goes, the damage taken goes down in rate. Similar to why we don't see physically defensive Avalugg. It's already physically secure without investment and adding investment will only lessen around 10% of damage it takes from physical attacks, while the special attacks gain 30% in power to it without its needed investment in SpD. So thank you very much for that suggestion. Donphan serves as a bulky spinner essentially. It also checks Salamence as an emergency brake to it if Mence manages to get set up from a misplay by me or a good play by my opponent. No other spinners seemed to work because there was either something they lacked in bulk/attack, or they added another unnecessary weakness. I will definitely make the Darknut more defensive and I could opt in to try CM Florges, as that has been a debate I've had over the entire time I have used this team. I still feel like CM Florges is a good stall unit, regardless if it acts like a sweeper or not because it still provides my only team status removal and tanks a lot of special attacks. Anyway, after I get a good chance to test the team out, I'll let you know how it works. And I appreciate the rate very much because the last time I posted a stall team, literally every reply was something along the lines of a complete overhaul, which upset me very much. ^.^ I also will make the EV changes to Roserade since I thought an even number on HP had a higher leftovers/b-sludge recovery. I am still going to keep HP fire because in practice, Forretress walls my entire team and there is literally nothing I could do without it removing my hazards, which to this team are the main way I beat opponents. Though I do know why Synthesis is there and that was actually the original set before I understood why Forretress stopped my team from working and before I realized that BD Chesnaught is a bit more common as you move up the ladder. But regardless, I will definitely look into all of the suggestions and get back to you with how they went. Thank you for that NV
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I don't rly think I'd be able to help more than NV, but this is a Rly nice stall Team.
Also how do u type that much for UR descriptions oml
taunt/Defog/EQ/Roost spdef gligar > AV donphan here, because fighting types and slow setup mon's

CM on florges over wishtect is also pretty free.

Normal spikes over tspikes are also pretty easy to pick up here, the team hates mon's who either get a boost from tspikes or absorb/ignore them outright so the raw damage vastly outshines the residual.
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I don't rly think I'd be able to help more than NV, but this is a Rly nice stall Team.
Also how do u type that much for UR descriptions oml
I usually don't type that much into my descriptions, but when it comes to teams like stall, I do because there is so much justification that needs to be done and explained. Especially concerning my previous stall team rmt where I apparently had not explained enough apparently. But I do give heavy analysis' when I post rmt regardless. It just usually doesn't amount to this much altogether. I guess I just prefer to be thorough. :p
Hey Complicating, cool team! I have a few suggestions that I think will overall make this team more consistent and less weak to common setup sweepers like Reuniclus and Suicune which 6-0 your team. The changes I am planning on making will still follow your initial team concept but with a different combination of mons that fill similar rolls but check a majority of the metagame better.

My first suggestion is Specially Defensive Stallbreaker Mandibuzz > Florges. This is a very solid counter to most Calm Mind Reuniclus as well as being able to check Suicune as long as you are running more speed than it. Another advantage this brings is a check to Calm mind Chandelure which completely demolishes your team. Overall I find this will be a better fit over Florges.

Mandibuzz @ Leftovers
Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 252 HP / 176 SpD / 80 Spe
Careful Nature
- Knock Off
- Taunt
- Toxic
- Roost

My next suggest is Tentacruel > Donphan and Mega Steelix > Mega Aggron. Tentacruel is a more reliable Rapid Spinner( In my opinion) and would offer more utility than an AV Donphan on stall. Tentacruel is a great answer for Cobalion(a big problem to your team as your answer is Scald Burning with Alo) as well as being able to switch into Suicune to Haze it, eventually forcing it to rest. This doubles as your Chandelure check as well since you can Haze it under a Substitute. Since Tentacruel has access to Toxic Spikes you can afford to run Spikes on Roserade. The change to Mega Steelix is solely to block Volt Switch since Donphan was replaced. Both Steelix and Aggron take on identical rolls.

Tentacruel @ Leftovers
Ability: Liquid Ooze
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 SpD
Bold Nature
- Toxic Spikes
- Scald
- Haze
- Rapid Spin

Steelix-Mega @ Steelixite
Ability: Sand Force
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Heavy Slam
- Earthquake
- Roar

My last suggestion is not necessarily mandatory although I highly suggest it. Offensive Roserade > SpDef. I do not find the need for special defensive needed as you have a Blissey, Mandibuzz, and Spdef Mega Steelix. I think the offensive presence will be more handy than having the Special Defense.

Roserade @ Black Sludge
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 SpA / 24 SpD / 232 Spe (Since HP Fire takes away a speed EV there is no need for 305 Speed so I changed it to hit 300 to just outspeed Entei)
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Toxic Spikes
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb

With these changes I think you have yourself a pretty damn good stall team, good luck!
Hey Complicating, cool team! I have a few suggestions that I think will overall make this team more consistent and less weak to common setup sweepers like Reuniclus and Suicune which 6-0 your team. The changes I am planning on making will still follow your initial team concept but with a different combination of mons that fill similar rolls but check a majority of the metagame better.

My first suggestion is Specially Defensive Stallbreaker Mandibuzz > Florges. This is a very solid counter to most Calm Mind Reuniclus as well as being able to check Suicune as long as you are running more speed than it. Another advantage this brings is a check to Calm mind Chandelure which completely demolishes your team. Overall I find this will be a better fit over Florges.

Mandibuzz @ Leftovers
Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 252 HP / 176 SpD / 80 Spe
Careful Nature
- Knock Off
- Taunt
- Toxic
- Roost

My next suggest is Tentacruel > Donphan and Mega Steelix > Mega Aggron. Tentacruel is a more reliable Rapid Spinner( In my opinion) and would offer more utility than an AV Donphan on stall. Tentacruel is a great answer for Cobalion(a big problem to your team as your answer is Scald Burning with Alo) as well as being able to switch into Suicune to Haze it, eventually forcing it to rest. This doubles as your Chandelure check as well since you can Haze it under a Substitute. Since Tentacruel has access to Toxic Spikes you can afford to run Spikes on Roserade. The change to Mega Steelix is solely to block Volt Switch since Donphan was replaced. Both Steelix and Aggron take on identical rolls.

Tentacruel @ Leftovers
Ability: Liquid Ooze
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 SpD
Bold Nature
- Toxic Spikes
- Scald
- Haze
- Rapid Spin

Steelix-Mega @ Steelixite
Ability: Sand Force
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Heavy Slam
- Earthquake
- Roar

My last suggestion is not necessarily mandatory although I highly suggest it. Offensive Roserade > SpDef. I do not find the need for special defensive needed as you have a Blissey, Mandibuzz, and Spdef Mega Steelix. I think the offensive presence will be more handy than having the Special Defense.

Roserade @ Black Sludge
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 SpA / 24 SpD / 232 Spe (Since HP Fire takes away a speed EV there is no need for 305 Speed so I changed it to hit 300 to just outspeed Entei)
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Toxic Spikes
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb

With these changes I think you have yourself a pretty damn good stall team, good luck!
Okay, I do have a few comments about that. But first, I do agree CM Reuniclus, (in the right conditions) CM Chandelure, and a few other set up sweepers, but most stall teams will have trouble with them in general. If I have a problem with Chandelure, Mega-Steelix is even less helpful than Mega-Aggron because I lose the ability filter, add a water weakness, and get even slower with 30 base speed as opposed to 50. Also, Mega-Aggron hits harder than Mega-Steelix minus Steelix's stab EQ. But Steelix will always end up taking more damage than Mega-Aggron because it lacks filter as an ability. So, what does it do for my team if it means that physical moves do more damage to it as well? I have thought about offensive Roserade before, but I have problems with it because even though fast, I am not staying in against any Entei, as a banded E-speed to offensive roserade will dish out over 70%, and I have no chance to OHKO Entei, as even after rocks, sludge bomb does at most 74.9% to Entei. I also start taking so much more damage from everything in general without the bulk. So why does the offensive spread do better? If I take out florges, I lose Aromatherapy, even though I can fairly put heal bell on Blissey, I still prefer having soft-boiled for instant recovery just in case I get in a tight spot. It also means I have to waste a move getting that to work. The reason SpD Roserade is being run is for the florges, Donphan, and Alomomola. I also take so much more damage from Gyro ball as my speed increases, which isn't entirely pleasant, seeing as Forretress generally is saved throughout a majority of the battle if it can be. Losing Florges means I lose a sweeper if I run CM, which I have started doing. Mandibuzz also brings a 2nd electric weakness, and a weakness to rocks. I would prefer rapid on this team over defog since I want to keep my hazards up. Mandi makes it harder to for certain things to set up, but it also brings in a few unwanted things too. Chandelure can still dish out serious damage to Mandi with a fire move, and I think the CM set does run some speed. Donphan for Tentacruel means I lose a way to properly stop Toxicroak, Cobalion, Lucario, and Salamence in a jam. It also adds a ground, electric, and psychic weakness which I seriously don't have time to deal with. It's low physical defense needs to have investment which lessens offensive power. So if I add these pokemon, I end up with 3 electric weaknesses, Potential status problems, 2 psychic and ground weaknesses as opposed to one, an even greater weakness to Entei solely because its sacred fire will tear up mega-Steelix even faster than Mega-Aggron. How is that good tradeback for what I have now? Toxic spikes are actually meant for a few setup sweepers even though it helps put the other team on a timer, so spikes is still a hard pill to swallow. I mean, Mamo potentially obliterates my entire team. And being completely honest, Suicune will always be a thing in UU that is hard to deal with if you can't stop it. Even with taunt, Suicune has scald+burn chance, taunt wastes 2 PP due to pressure, and switching isn't always impossible. I honestly feel like the main problem I face is the CM Reuniclus. Mandi does beat that set; however, I still lose my sweeper and am forced to run heal bell on Blissey. I appreciate the suggestions though. I just feel like taking them has too little pluses in return for what I have. I want to run something for Reuniclus, trust me, but I haven't been able to figure that out yet because I also need it to control hazards, preferably without losing my own. Using stall is very hard though. I do like those mons for semi stall though. I might try those on a separate team than this one because they do work pretty well together. Though I always prefer Mega Aggron to Mega Steelix mainly because of the ability filter. So thank you for the comment. ^.^
Okay, I do have a few comments about that. But first, I do agree CM Reuniclus, (in the right conditions) CM Chandelure, and a few other set up sweepers, but most stall teams will have trouble with them in general. If I have a problem with Chandelure, Mega-Steelix is even less helpful than Mega-Aggron because I lose the ability filter, add a water weakness, and get even slower with 30 base speed as opposed to 50. Also, Mega-Aggron hits harder than Mega-Steelix minus Steelix's stab EQ. But Steelix will always end up taking more damage than Mega-Aggron because it lacks filter as an ability. So, what does it do for my team if it means that physical moves do more damage to it as well? I have thought about offensive Roserade before, but I have problems with it because even though fast, I am not staying in against any Entei, as a banded E-speed to offensive roserade will dish out over 70%, and I have no chance to OHKO Entei, as even after rocks, sludge bomb does at most 74.9% to Entei. I also start taking so much more damage from everything in general without the bulk. So why does the offensive spread do better? If I take out florges, I lose Aromatherapy, even though I can fairly put heal bell on Blissey, I still prefer having soft-boiled for instant recovery just in case I get in a tight spot. It also means I have to waste a move getting that to work. The reason SpD Roserade is being run is for the florges, Donphan, and Alomomola. I also take so much more damage from Gyro ball as my speed increases, which isn't entirely pleasant, seeing as Forretress generally is saved throughout a majority of the battle if it can be. Losing Florges means I lose a sweeper if I run CM, which I have started doing. Mandibuzz also brings a 2nd electric weakness, and a weakness to rocks. I would prefer rapid on this team over defog since I want to keep my hazards up. Mandi makes it harder to for certain things to set up, but it also brings in a few unwanted things too. Chandelure can still dish out serious damage to Mandi with a fire move, and I think the CM set does run some speed. Donphan for Tentacruel means I lose a way to properly stop Toxicroak, Cobalion, Lucario, and Salamence in a jam. It also adds a ground, electric, and psychic weakness which I seriously don't have time to deal with. It's low physical defense needs to have investment which lessens offensive power. So if I add these pokemon, I end up with 3 electric weaknesses, Potential status problems, 2 psychic and ground weaknesses as opposed to one, an even greater weakness to Entei solely because its sacred fire will tear up mega-Steelix even faster than Mega-Aggron. How is that good tradeback for what I have now? Toxic spikes are actually meant for a few setup sweepers even though it helps put the other team on a timer, so spikes is still a hard pill to swallow. I mean, Mamo potentially obliterates my entire team. And being completely honest, Suicune will always be a thing in UU that is hard to deal with if you can't stop it. Even with taunt, Suicune has scald+burn chance, taunt wastes 2 PP due to pressure, and switching isn't always impossible. I honestly feel like the main problem I face is the CM Reuniclus. Mandi does beat that set; however, I still lose my sweeper and am forced to run heal bell on Blissey. I appreciate the suggestions though. I just feel like taking them has too little pluses in return for what I have. I want to run something for Reuniclus, trust me, but I haven't been able to figure that out yet because I also need it to control hazards, preferably without losing my own. Using stall is very hard though. I do like those mons for semi stall though. I might try those on a separate team than this one because they do work pretty well together. Though I always prefer Mega Aggron to Mega Steelix mainly because of the ability filter. So thank you for the comment. ^.^
Mega Aggron is clearly superior to Mega Steelix. I think you are missing the point in why I suggested Mega Steelix. Steelix is there to patch up the obvious Electric weakness as you pointed out since I replaced Donphan. From reading this post you do not seem to see the big picture here. Filter is a great ability but is not making you less weak too Chandelure since both Steelix and Aggron get cooked from Specs or CM Chandelure(Also Entei being more of a threat because Aggron takes less from Sacred Fire is bad reasoning too). Replacing Florges would not give up your Cleric stop since you replace Protect for Heal Bell. I didn't notice you had this here before, Wish/Tect + Softboiled is not needed when Wish +Softboiled suffices 95% of the time. I think you have a poor mindset just excepting that Reuniclus and Suicune 6-0 you. Both of these pokemon are common and UU and just because they are known for beating unprepared stall teams shouldn't mean you should be part of that bunch. Also having reasoning like "Max Speed means I take more from Gyro Ball with Roserade" makes literally no sense since HP fire would 1hko and you obviously outpace Forretress. Tentacruel would not make you weaker to Lucario and Cobalion because those pokemon are checked by Tentacruel, lol. Although a well played Toxicroak can be a huge threat. A potential option could be Brave Bird on Mandibuzz although it would be less favorable. I recommend you do not get all caught up on the type chart and making sure that you have 1000 resists for each typing and rather worrying about checking the common threats in the UU metagame. So overall I would highly suggest you consider my changes because a stall team that loses to pretty much every common bulky setup sweeper is not good in the slightest(Reun, Cune, Snorlax, etc). Good luck, dude.
Mega Aggron is clearly superior to Mega Steelix. I think you are missing the point in why I suggested Mega Steelix. Steelix is there to patch up the obvious Electric weakness as you pointed out since I replaced Donphan. From reading this post you do not seem to see the big picture here. Filter is a great ability but is not making you less weak too Chandelure since both Steelix and Aggron get cooked from Specs or CM Chandelure(Also Entei being more of a threat because Aggron takes less from Sacred Fire is bad reasoning too). Replacing Florges would not give up your Cleric stop since you replace Protect for Heal Bell. I didn't notice you had this here before, Wish/Tect + Softboiled is not needed when Wish +Softboiled suffices 95% of the time. I think you have a poor mindset just excepting that Reuniclus and Suicune 6-0 you. Both of these pokemon are common and UU and just because they are known for beating unprepared stall teams shouldn't mean you should be part of that bunch. Also having reasoning like "Max Speed means I take more from Gyro Ball with Roserade" makes literally no sense since HP fire would 1hko and you obviously outpace Forretress. Tentacruel would not make you weaker to Lucario and Cobalion because those pokemon are checked by Tentacruel, lol. Although a well played Toxicroak can be a huge threat. A potential option could be Brave Bird on Mandibuzz although it would be less favorable. I recommend you do not get all caught up on the type chart and making sure that you have 1000 resists for each typing and rather worrying about checking the common threats in the UU metagame. So overall I would highly suggest you consider my changes because a stall team that loses to pretty much every common bulky setup sweeper is not good in the slightest(Reun, Cune, Snorlax, etc). Good luck, dude.
Okay, thank you for that. See, I'm very unused to playing stall, so I need more things explained to me. Because other than this team, I never use Blissey, I rarely use Florges, I seldom use Tentacruel, and I hardly ever use Mega-Steelix, even in RU. So a lot of things with movesets, I'm very unfamiliar with. My argument with the electric thing was also just saying that I do have a ground type and that adding two more electric weaknesses with one ground type seems a bit double edged, my opinion. Apologies for coming across as rude. I just wanted to better understand your reasoning was all.
I use a somewhat similar stall team that I've had a lot of success with. That dual wish core of Blissey and Alomomola is very good. Here are my thoughts:

  • Rocky helmet and max defense is IMO the way to go with Alomomola. Rocky helmet dramatically shortens the lifespan of some very annoying physical attackers, like Mega Sharpedo and Mega Beedrill, and makes regenerator Mienshao a little less of a huge pain in your ass.
  • I think wish, protect AND softboiled are redundant on Blissey. I think you should drop protect and put toxic in its place, as toxic damage is ESSENTIAL to your team, and there will be lots of occasions where either you don't get a chance to set up tspikes, or they have a poison type or rapid spinner to get rid of them. I don't think you're losing much by getting rid of protect. You can still heal yourself with softboiled and your teammates with wish.
  • I'm not sure if Florges is really necessary. You can put heal bell on Blissey (in lieu of protect or toxic) and replace Florges with something that does a better job of patching up your team's weaknesses. You could use scarf Chandelure for example. It can spinblock, it can cripple annoying set up sweepers and other stall teams with trick, it can serve as a check to Reuniclus, etc. I could also see Hydreigon being useful in that spot, or Mandibuzz as Christo suggested.
  • If you're really struggling with Crocune (do people still call it that?) You could replace Roserade with Clear Smog Amoonguss. You'll lose toxic spikes though, which makes it doubly important to give something on the team toxic
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I use a somewhat similar stall team that I've had a lot of success with. That dual wish core of Blissey and Alomomola is very good. Here are my thoughts:

  • Rocky helmet and max defense is IMO the way to go with Alomomola. Rocky helmet dramatically shortens the lifespan of some very annoying physical attackers, like Mega Sharpedo and Mega Beedrill, and makes regenerator Mienshao a little less of a huge pain in your ass.
  • I think wish, protect AND softboiled are redundant on Blissey. I think you should drop protect and put toxic in its place, as toxic damage is ESSENTIAL to your team, and there will be lots of occasions where either you don't get a chance to set up tspikes, or they have a poison type or rapid spinner to get rid of them. I don't think you're losing much by getting rid of protect. You can still heal yourself with softboiled and your teammates with wish.
  • I'm not sure if Florges is really necessary. You can put heal bell on Blissey (in lieu of protect or toxic) and replace Florges with something that does a better job of patching up your team's weaknesses. You could use scarf Chandelure for example. It can spinblock, it can cripple annoying set up sweepers and other stall teams with trick, it can serve as a check to Reuniclus, etc. I could also see Hydreigon being useful in that spot, or Mandibuzz as Christo suggested.
  • If you're really struggling with Crocune (do people still call it that?) You could replace Roserade with Clear Smog Amoonguss. You'll lose toxic spikes though, which makes it doubly important to give something on the team toxic
I shall definitely look into that idea on Blissey. I've been having slight problems with it. Again, I really don't like running stall teams, though I see how and why they are effective, I just don't know how to use them 100% properly. But thank you very much. I agree and disagree with the Alomomola rocky helmet. I feel like it all comes down to preference, but you are absolutely right about it being annoying to mienshao and stuff. If I change Blissey, then I can use something else in Florges' place, but I need a special wall of some sort that can potentially sweep. Cresselia? Crocune isn't a problem 8 times out of 10. I mean, crocune is crocune. If your opponent plays right, your opponent plays right. If you play wrong, you play wrong. That's the only time it becomes an issue honestly.
I kind of hate you for making such an effective stall team, if I see this on the ladder I may have to click X. But I do like this team a lot so I may utilize it myself, just to bring out the worst of my victims.

Also it appears you wrote an essay, you better have had, or currently have an A+ in English