Ask the Admins: Part I


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Oglemi, Joim, and tennisace reply to all your questions in the first part of Ask the Admins!


Ask the Admins: Part I
Written by: skylight
Grammar checked by: The Dutch Plumberjack and P Squared
HTML by: anto and Toast++
Art by: Rocket Grunt
Last edited:

There seems to be a paragraph missing in Joim's section. Pardon if this is the wrong place to put this or if this mistake is in my computer only.

There seems to be a paragraph missing in Joim's section. Pardon if this is the wrong place to put this or if this mistake is in my computer only.
On purpose. I believe he answered two q's in one. The spacing makes it confusing so I'll fix it later.

There seems to be a paragraph missing in Joim's section. Pardon if this is the wrong place to put this or if this mistake is in my computer only.
The answer to truedew's question answers Cretacerus's question too, but yeah it shouldn't show up like that. I've edited the HTML to group both questions together (anto please double check it to tell me if I did this right bc iirc you don't like <br /> ;_;)
The answer to truedew's question answers Cretacerus's question too, but yeah it shouldn't show up like that. I've edited the HTML to group both questions together (anto please double check it to tell me if I did this right bc iirc you don't like <br /> ;_;)

Thanks I was on my phone and I couldn't do it! Though I haven't checked the code, that's correct usage of <br/>, good job :toast: