Theorymon's World of Free, 100% Redistributable VGC Ubers (and a bit more)!

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Thank you for the Kyogre/Mewtwo trade, some more requests from me :)

IGN: Silver
Deposit: Absol male lvl 27
Request: Rayquaza Naive (lock lvl 71-80)
GTS mess: smogon

IGN: Silver
Deposit: Absol male lvl 15
Request: Rayquaza Hasty (lock lvl 71-80)
GTS mess: smogon

(edit because I mess-up the post format...)

Both Rayquaza is received, thank you :D
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IGN: Kaaz
Deposit: Bulbasaur, Female, Lvl 2
Request: Adamant Groudon (Jibaku's)
GTS Message: #smogonvgc

Thanks Theorymon!
Not to be a pest, since I get why you're behind on trades, but my lvl 19 male Sandshrew is still in the GTS. If I could get Jibaku's Adamant Groudon that'd be great. I actually spent a while SR for a good Adamant Groudon, but mine doesn't have 31 SpD. Not sure if it's ok to ask, but what's the point of going Modest on Groudon? I get that it's good at special attacking, but why forsake that amazing atk stat?

Also, my IGN is Cowless and the message is Theorymon.
IGN: Luffy
Deposit: Eevee, Male, Lvl 1
Request: Naive Salamence
GTS Message: Theorymon

IGN: Jophie
Deposit: Caterpie, Male, Lvl 1
Request: Timid Gengar
GTS Message: Theorymon

Thanks Theorymon!
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Thanks for the Kyogre! Next, may I have the Timid Tornadus please?
Deposited: Female Lvl 1 Ralts
IGN: Green
Message Theorymon
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Thanks for the Groudon. I'd like just one more pokemon.

Deposited: Level 1 Female Ralts
IGN: Alex
Request: Timid Tornadus
Message: Theorymon

Thanks for the Tornadus!
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Man, thanks for the awesome trade :)
I would like to request the Modest HP Ground Xerneas
Deposited : Dustox lvl 14 (F)
IGN : Rei
Message : theorymon

Thanks alot :)
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Pokemon Wanted: Brave Groudon
Deposited a level 4 male Fletchling
IGN: Xemnas
Message: Theorymon

Pokemon Wanted: Modest Kyurem
Deposited a level 1 female Ralts
IGN: Sigma
Message: Theorymon

Thanks a Septillion! Wow I didn't even know that was a number until just now! :O
Other Stuff

Non VGC Legendary Pokemon

Hey, there are other cart metagames out there besides VGC! As usual, all of these are Free and redisturtable as well!


IVs: 31/xx/31/29/31/31
EVs: 252 HP / 236 SpD / 20 Spe
Nature: Calm Ability: Pressure
Level: 78

-Sheer Cold
OT: Theorymon ID: 00635
Yeah I know, Articuno... usually considered one of the most pathetic legendaries out there. However, believe it or not, this thing is actually really good in Battle Spot Singles, mostly because its really good at spamming Sheer Cold! In fact, someone used a similar set to this last season with Protect over Freeze-Dry, and got over 2200 points, which is no joke!

Also, I made this Articuno win all the contests, so that shiny ribbion animation can chip away a bit at the timer!


IVs: 31/31/31/31/30/31
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 248 SpD / 4 Spe
Nature: Careful Ability: Slow Start
Level: 50

-Wide Guard
-Knock Off
-Thunder Wave
OT: Theorymon ID: 64264
Man why couldn't the SpA switch with SpD... well anyways, Regigigas is usually even more pathetic than Articuno, but as it turns out, Regigigas was an incredible Wide Guarder in Festive Feud. This baby has been in a give away before, and it got me #1 in the US for Festive Feud, and #24 Internationally!


IVs: 29/31/28/31/31/31
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid Ability: Prankster
Level: 51

-Role Play
OT: Theorymon ID: 64264
I've seen a few Tornadus in VGC using Role Play and Tailwind, seemed decent enough. This thing is pretty neat in Triples as well thanks to priority Rain Dance and Hurricane ignoring posistioning. the combination of priority Rain Dance and Tailwind also comes in handy for Rotations rain teams! The Attack stat annoys me, but I've heard from some folks that apprently, that's good for Tornadus-T in OU, if you're into OU Wifi Battles I guess!
I caught this on my first Master Ball while watching Beavis and Butt-Head. I swear that show must be some sort of soft reseting good luck charm...


IVs: 31/4/28/31/31/31
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid Ability: Prankster
Level: 54

-Nasty Plot
-Hidden Power Ice
-Grass Knot
OT: Michael ID: 27797
This is a nice Timid Hidden Power Ice Thundurus that user kamikaze17 was kind enough to donate! In addition to being viable in VGC, Thundurus also happens to be one of Battle Spot's super stars, being a major force in Battle Spot Singles, Doubles, and Rotations (It has problems in Triples believe it or not). Heck, in Rotations, even Thundurus-T is really common, since in that crazy and fast paced metagame, the free turn Volt Absorb can give you can make or break a game!


IVs: 30/24/30/31/31/31
Nature: Bold Ability: Prankster
Level: 50

-Hidden Power Ice
-Thunder Wave
OT: Penguin ID: 24362
kamikaze17 donated this awesome Hidden Power Ice Bold Thundurus, which was soft reseted by Nugget Bridge user 117jokes! This is not EVed, since Bold Thundurus isn also viable in multiple metagames, and tends to use different EV spreads in all of them!


IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Nature: Calm Ability: Prankster
Level: 50

-Thunder Wave
OT: Most ID: 50595
This is that cool German Thundurus that Smogon user Most was giving away! I sorta wonder if Calm is good in VGC or not... I can't tell since I haven't seen as many Thundurus as I was expecting. Still, it is apparently the most common nature for Thundurus in Triples, and while Thundurus itself is niche there, its still totally usable! Like the Bold Thundurus, this is un EVed because I'm not quite sure what spreads are interesting for Calm Thundurus...


IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Nature: Adamant Ability: Aura Break
Level: 100

-Land's Wrath
-Rock Slide
OT: Theorymon ID: 00635
Yeah seriously, quint 31s, why the heck did I get this while randomly throwing Master Balls at Zygarde while watching Netflix, and not on like... Mewtwo or something ;_; Let's hope Pokemon Z makes Zygarde useful!

Non Legendary Pokemon

I'm not gonna offer too many breedable stuff mostly because I'll run out of box space if I do (though if I ever find a good solution who knows). So what I'm gonna do is offer Breedable Pokemon that are especially tricky to get!


IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Naive Ability: Intimidate
Level: 65

-Draco Meteor
-Hyper Voice
-Fire Blast
Egg Moves: Dragon Dance / Thrash / Hydro Pump / Dragon Pulse
Theorymon ID: 64264
This completely flawless mixed Salamence was an absoloute CHORE to breed! Breeding may be much more reasonable this gen, but good lord getting 31s in all stats is still quite a task. I still have leftover Bagons from it ;_;


IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid Ability: Levitate
Level: 51

-Destiny Bond
-Shadow Ball
-Focus Blast
Egg Moves: Perish Song / Disable
Victor ID: 26084
WOAH, A SHINY GENGAR! Now don't be fooled: This is NOT the event Gengar with Sludge Wave, this is a Gengar that user vzxt hatched for me since he/she had the right shiny value! But I do want the opponent to think its the event Gengar, since a lot of people assumed that I was running Sludge Wave. This led to a lot of KOed Tyranitars and unexpected Perish Songs! Anyways, you probably will want to add Sludge Bomb if you plan on using this in VGC.
Hey there , would you happen to have a palkia ? If so ill deposit a ferroseed lvl 1
Alright I'm back (because my sleep schedule is even more screwed up from this nap). I'll try to catch up soon, but in the meantime, I've added more Pokemon! They are:

Legofigure11 's Timid Lugia
Nugget Bridge user Whale's Adamant Giratina
the Jolly Zygarde *Trev* gave away last year
And my two Wobbuffets and Naive Greninja
Didn't notice a Timid Kyogre. |D
I deposited level 3 male Surskit.
Message: Theorymon
And thanks for Quite one too. Now I can choose between regular team and Trick Room. :D
Deposited: Lv 2 Female Wurmple
Requested: Ho-Oh Lv 41-50 (I can dig the nickname lol)
IGN: Will
Message: Theorymon

Theorymon, you are amazing. I can't thank you enough. I wanted to try out a Groudon-Ho-Oh core for VGC (even though I'm terrible) but I have AlphaSapphire and I don't have the money to afford the other game for those mons.
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Thank you for the Double Rayquaza trade, some more requests from me :)

IGN: Silver
Deposit: Absol female lvl 27
Request: Palkia Timid (lock lvl 41-50)
GTS mess: smogon
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Deposited level 1 Male Swablu for YOUR Tornadus. IGN is Jonathan and message is Theorymon. Thanks.
Edit: Deleted previous post because no longer interested in Groudon.
Could I please get Xerneas?
IGN: Stefano
Deposited: lvl 3 female Wurmple
Message: Theorymon

Thanks in advance!

I think this is still up, in case you missed it!
When i posted the first time there was only one Xerneas, now there are four of them.
I'd like the one in the UltraBall if possible.

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Deposited a level 1 Marill on my X (IGN: Perona) for the Giratina.

Also deposited a level 13 male Marill for the Aqua Tail Mewtwo on my OR (IGN: Rakean).
Almost caught up, but just wanna mention: I made an error on the Giratina, it actually has a 28 in Attack, not 29. Sorry about that!
Thanks for the Tornadus! Awesome additions! May I have the Timid Lugia please?
Deposited: Female Lvl 1 Froakie
IGN: Green
Message Theorymon
Pokemon Wanted: Timid Lugia
Deposited a level 42 male SPA Mamoswine
IGN: Xemnas
Message: Theorymon

Pokemon Wanted: Jolly Rayquaza
Deposited a level 32 male Lucario
IGN: Sigma
Message: Theorymon

Thanks a Octillion! :3
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