Entei [Singles] (QC 2/2) (GP 2/2)



Entei can make even the mightiest physical attackers cower in fear of Sacred Fire, if that is what you wish. Sacred Fire is the main selling point of Entei, as it deals good damage to most Pokemon that don't resist it and has a 50% chance to burn the target. Since it is not a contact move, it also avoids the Attack drop from King's Shield, which can make Entei a decent check to Aegislash. In addition to this, it doesn't have to worry about Rocky Helmet, unlike other physical attackers. Entei provides a check against many dangerous Pokemon in Battle Spot Singles, such as Volcarona, Rotom-H, Mega Charizard Y, Thundurus, Gengar, and Aegislash. Its lack of a Fighting-type weakness differentiates it from Heatran and complements its overall bulk, and Base 100 Speed allows it to outspeed Pokemon such as Breloom and Heracross with little investment.

Entei's downsides are its incredibly shallow movepool and inability to deal with bulky Water- and Ground-types. The loss of Extreme Speed and Flare Blitz in the Battle Spot Singles metagame limits its movepool further and makes it very predictable. It is weak to many common Pokemon in the metagame, such as Garchomp, Kangaskhan, Landorus-T, and Suicune. However, many of these threats cannot safely switch into Sacred Fire.


name: Assault Vest
move 1: Sacred Fire
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Bulldoze
move 4: Flame Charge
item: Assault Vest
ability: Pressure
nature: Adamant
evs: 132 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Def / 52 SpD / 20 Spe


Sacred Fire is the main STAB attack of this set, dealing solid damage with a 50% chance to burn the target. This can make checks such as Garchomp, Kangaskhan, and Tyranitar think twice before switching in. Sacred Fire can eliminate Pokemon such as Aegislash, Serperior, Weavile, and Mega Mawile. Stone Edge hits Fire-types that resist Sacred Fire, such as Talonflame or Mega Charizard Y. Bulldoze punishes Heatran with heavy damage and a Speed drop. Flame Charge, although weak, can raise Entei's speed to help it sweep, whereas Iron Head deals more damage to Rock- and Fairy-types such as Tyranitar, Clefable, and Mega Altaria.

Set Details

Assault Vest takes advantage of Entei's natural bulk and ability to spread burns with Sacred Fire. This allows it to switch into attacks such as Sylveon's or Gardevoir's Hyper Voice with relative ease. Maximum Attack EVs and an Adamant nature allow Entei to hit as hard as possible, while the HP and Defense EVs give Entei good general bulk. In particular, 132 HP and 52 Defense EVs allow Entei to survive a Double-Edge from Adamant Mega Salamence. 52 Special Defense EVs, coupled with Assault Vest, give Entei a little special bulk to tank some weak hits and allows it to survive a Draco Meteor from Modest Choice Specs Hydreigon. 120 Speed EVs allow neutral nature Entei to outspeed Adamant Bisharp and Breloom, and after one Flame Charge, base 115 Pokemon by one point.

Usage Tips

Spamming Sacred Fire is generally the best way to use Entei, unless you predict a Flash Fire user or Fire-type switch-in. However, if the foe is low on health, KOing it with Flame Charge can help Entei avoid getting revenge killed. Assault Vest allows Entei to switch into resisted attacks fairly easily. Similarly, Entei's immunity to Will-O-Wisp allows it to switch into many Ghost-types, such as Aegislash, Gengar, and Sableye.

Team Options

Bulky Water-types such as Rotom-W and Suicune can cover Entei's Rock- and Ground-type weaknesses and are better able to deal with opposing Fire-types. Garchomp and Landorus are also good partners for this reason. Landorus in particular can come in on Ground-type moves aimed at Entei. Thundurus can help Entei against bulky Water-types, and it can also prevent Pokemon such as Mega Charizard X and Mega Salamence from setting up on Entei by neutralizing them with Prankster Thunder Wave. Grass-types such as Serperior, Mega Venusaur, and Breloom can help cover Entei's Rock-, Ground- and Water-type weaknesses as well.

Gengar is a good teammate for Entei because of its immunity to Ground-type moves and ability to take advantage of burned foes with Hex. Hydreigon has good type synergy with Entei and appreciates Entei's ability to threaten Fairy-types. Cresselia can come in on Garchomp or Landorus-T's Earthquake and threaten it with Ice Beam.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Sacred Fire
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Bulldoze
move 4: Iron Head
item: Choice Band
ability: Pressure
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Sacred Fire is Entei's main move, capable of dealing good damage and inflicting burns. Stone Edge helps against predicted Flash Fire users and Fire-types such as Talonflame switching in. Bulldoze lowers the foe's Speed and is the best move against Heatran. Iron Head is mostly a filler, but can deal a lot of damage against Tyranitar, Clefable, and Mega Altaria.

Set Details

Choice Band, an Adamant nature, and maximum Attack investment allow Entei to hit as hard as possible. A Jolly nature can be used instead to outspeed Lucario and Kangaskhan before they Mega Evolve. Maximum Speed EVs allow Entei to outspeed everything up to positive-natured base 86 Pokemon. If you want more bulk, a spread of 132 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Def / 52 SpD / 20 Spe can be used instead.

Usage Tips

Sacred Fire is the move you will be using the most, as it is Entei's main STAB and can spread burns. Many strong physical attackers like Kangaskhan can OHKO Entei but do not want to switch into Sacred Fire for fear of a burn. Be wary of Flash Fire users and Pokemon that resist Sacred Fire. Pokemon that can use these resistances to their advantage and set up on Entei, such as Dragon Dance Mega Charizard X, are particularly dangerous. Entei is effective at crippling the opponent's team early with burns and damage. It is generally best to bring Entei in after a Pokemon has been KOed or into a resisted attack. Leading with Entei is not a good idea because is has poor matchups against many common leads, like Garchomp. Garchomp often carries Lum Berry, neutering Entei's Sacred Fire even further.

Team Options

Bulky Water-types such as Rotom-W and Suicune can cover Entei's weakness to Ground- and Rock-types and deal with opposing Fire-types. Grass-types, especially the ones that can deal with bulky Water-types, can help round out coverage; Breloom in particular is a good teammate for Entei because it helps get rid of Dark-, Rock-, and Water-types such as Hydreigon, Tyranitar, and Rotom-W and also provides Spore support. However, it should be noted that Breloom's Spore can conflict with Entei's Sacred Fire. Fairy-types such as Sylveon, Togekiss, Gardevoir, Whimsicott, and Azumarill benefit from Entei's ability to deal with Steel-types. Togekiss also helps Entei thanks to its immunity to Ground-types. Porygon2 is a good defensive teammate for Entei and is a good check to Intimidate users if running Trace. Mega Salamence appreciates Entei's ability to deal with Ice-types.

Name: Pressure Stall
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Protect
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Sacred Fire
item: Leftovers
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
evs: 20 HP / 232 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Substitute allows Entei to rack up damage from burns and poison, as well as PP stall with Pressure. It also blocks status moves such as Toxic and Thunder Wave. Protect helps stall longer, while scouting the opponent. Toxic poison deals more residual damage compared to burn, and thus is useful against walls. It shuts down defensive Pokemon such as Cresselia, Zapdos, Porygon2, and Rotom-W. Sacred Fire is Entei's only attacking move and can burn the foe.

Set Details

252 Speed EVs and a Jolly nature allow Entei to get the jump on Mamoswine and more effectively set up Substitute. 20 HP EVs give maximum Leftovers recovery while maintaining as much Attack as possible. Leftovers, along with Protect, helps Entei increase its longevity and recover health lost by Substitute. This set capitalizes on Entei's ability, Pressure, through the use of Substitute and Protect.

Usage Tips

This set is best used after the Pokemon that threaten Entei are gone, as it is easy for Pokemon such as Suicune to set up on it. Once the threat of such boosters is gone, it is particularly effective against stall and defensive teams. This set is somewhat susceptible to Taunt due to its reliance on non-attacking moves. Fast Substitutes and Protect can be used to PP stall with Pressure and rack up damage from Toxic or burn.

Team Options

Bulky Water-, Fairy-, and Grass-types are generally good teammates because they can cover Entei’s weaknesses. Pokemon such as Calm Mind Suicune and Belly Drum Azumarill can take advantage of Entei’s ability to cripple the foe. Pokemon with the ability to check bulky Water-types, such as Rotom-W, Mega-Venusaur, and Thundurus, are useful teammates for Entei.

Strong sweepers such as Mega Kangaskhan appreciate Entei's ability to weaken the foe and give it an opportunity to come in and sweep. Mega Mawile appreciates the synergy and support that Entei offers; Entei can take Will-O-Wisps and Fire-type moves and handle threats such as Ferrothorn and opposing Mega Mawile.


Other Options

Entei has a shallow movepool that is further hindered by the Pentagon rule, so there are few other options when it comes to attacks. Entei can run Snarl to weaken special attackers, although this has low damage output. Return or Frustration are decent options, but Sacred Fire is generally the better move when hitting Pokemon for neutral damage due to its secondary effect. Sleep Talk can be used on the Choice Band set if you need a team member to absorb sleep, although this is situational. Rest is Entei's only means of reliable recovery, but it comes at the cost of sleep turns or running Sleep Talk; both of these options limit Entei's effectiveness and coverage. Iron Tail deals more damage than Iron Head, but its low accuracy can often be detrimental. Will-O-Wisp can burn physical attackers, but Sacred Fire is a much better option because of the additional damage output. As for items, Lum Berry and Choice Scarf are also viable options. Special sets may surprise Entei's usual counters, but a physical set is generally better, as 90 Special Attack isn't very impressive and Entei suffers from a shallow movepool on the special side as well.

Checks and Counters

**Heatran**: Heatran can come in on Sacred Fire and threaten Entei with Earth Power. Heatran must watch out for Bulldoze, though, as it is capable of OHKOing it. Air Balloon Heatran, in particular, is an excellent counter to Entei due to its immunity to Bulldoze.

**Bulky Water-types**: Bulky Water-types such as Rotom-W and Suicune can tank Entei's attacks and threaten it with their STAB Water-type attacks.

**Suicune**: Suicune is especially dangerous among bulky Water-types, as it can switch into any of Entei’s attacks, PP stall with Pressure, and set up with Calm Mind. It can also use Rest to get rid of a burn.

**Rock- and Ground-types**: Rock- and Ground-types such as Garchomp, Landorus-T, Gliscor, and Tyranitar immediately threaten Entei with STAB moves such as Earthquake and Rock Tomb. Landorus-T also has Intimidate, which lessens Entei's offensive presence. These Pokemon must be wary of switching into Sacred Fire, though, for fear of a burn.

**Garchomp**: Lum Berry Garchomp can easily tank a Sacred Fire, outspeed, and OHKO Entei with Earthquake, making it an excellent counter. Other variants cannot freely switch into Sacred Fire but can easily KO Entei if they manage to get on the field.

**Facade Mega Salamence**: Mega Salamence can come in on any of Entei's attacks, and it does not fear a burn if it is running Facade. Even Mega Salamence lacking Facade is a threat to Entei if it manages to get on the field without a burn, although Facade's usage is high enough to be taken into consideration.
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Some quick thoughts

- Entei's ability to check Volcarona, Rotom-H, Mega Charizard Y, Thundurus (somewhat), Gengar (+bonus with Sacred Fire potentially breaking the Sash), and Aegislash (care for weakness policy).
- Lack of Fighting weakness helps separate it from Heatran defensively, as the last 4 mons on the above list may carry Fighting type moves.

- EV spread can use a bit of tweaking because right now you have too much HP that your bulk is inefficient. Not sure on the exact numbers though. 132 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Def / 52 SpD / 20 Spe is what people are running but I haven't mathed out how efficient that is.
- Primary use for Iron Head is to destroy Mega Altaria. It also chunks Clefable and Tyranitar harder than everything else.
- Choice Band set may want a bulkier spread, but max speed is viable
- Pressure stall should be Sub/Protect/Toxic/Sacred Fire. You can't damage Heatran but you can stall it out of Earth Powers.
- Pressure stall wants Jolly + max Speed so you can more easily pressure stall the likes of Mamoswine and Heatran. Speed is also the best stat to use in general for Sub/Protect stalling. Entei is also not going to be spamming Sacred Fire as much as the other two sets.
- Facade Mega Salamence is a pretty strong counter to Entei.
Some quick thoughts

- Entei's ability to check Volcarona, Rotom-H, Mega Charizard Y, Thundurus (somewhat), Gengar (+bonus with Sacred Fire potentially breaking the Sash), and Aegislash (care for weakness policy).
- Lack of Fighting weakness helps separate it from Heatran defensively, as the last 4 mons on the above list may carry Fighting type moves.

- EV spread can use a bit of tweaking because right now you have too much HP that your bulk is inefficient. Not sure on the exact numbers though. 132 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Def / 52 SpD / 20 Spe is what people are running but I haven't mathed out how efficient that is.
- Primary use for Iron Head is to destroy Mega Altaria. It also chunks Clefable and Tyranitar harder than everything else.
- Choice Band set may want a bulkier spread, but max speed is viable
- Pressure stall should be Sub/Protect/Toxic/Sacred Fire. You can't damage Heatran but you can stall it out of Earth Powers.
- Pressure stall wants Jolly + max Speed so you can more easily pressure stall the likes of Mamoswine and Heatran. Speed is also the best stat to use in general for Sub/Protect stalling. Entei is also not going to be spamming Sacred Fire as much as the other two sets.
- Facade Mega Salamence is a pretty strong counter to Entei.
Thank you for the comment! I have implemented those changes.

I've actually been running a spread of 132 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Def / 52 SpD / 20 Spe myself and almost used that instead. I just wasn't sure of the reason for those exact numbers and whether or not that was the most efficient bulky spread. I assumed it just gives it fairly good general bulk; I'll try to do more research and calcs to find out what the numbers are doing there/if there's a more efficient bulky spread.

Thanks for correcting my Pressure Stall set. I've generally used more offensive Entei sets, so I was hoping someone would help me find a way improve that particular set.

Not sure why I didn't think of Facade Salamence countering Entei, as I've run it myself (and probably killed a few Entei with it). Thanks for pointing that out! :)
i love entei's sugimori art
  • + Sacred Fire is the main reason to use Entei
  • + Sacred Fire deals good damage to most Pokemon that don’t resist it, and has a 50% chance to burn
  • + Entei's ability to check Volcarona, Rotom-H, Mega Charizard Y, Thundurus (somewhat), Gengar (+bonus with Sacred Fire potentially breaking the Sash), and Aegislash (care for weakness policy).
  • + Lack of Fighting weakness helps separate it from Heatran defensively, as the last 4 mons on the above list may carry Fighting type moves.
  • + 115 / 85 / 75 is decent bulk and can effectively run an Assault Vest or Leftovers set
  • + base 100 speed allows it to outspeed Pokemon like Breloom and Bisharpeh bisharps not really common enough to be worth mention imo, maybe mention mega heracross instead or something else you can think of with little investment
  • + Sacred Fire, Bulldoze, and Snarl snarl isnt in any of the main sets, it shouldnt be in the overview can support teammates without making Entei susceptible to Taunt.
  • +- Is weak to many popular pokemon in the format, such as Garchomp, Kangaskhan, Landorus-T, and Suicune. However, many of these threats cannot safely switch into Sacred Fire
  • +- Bulldoze and Snarl have pitiful BP but can be worth running due to their secondary effects not really overview worthy, just mention it in set comments
  • - Sacred Fire has low PP and 95% accuracy, which can be detrimental
  • - Flash Fire from pokemon such as? prevents mindless Sacred Fire spam
  • - Shallow move pool, especially without access to previous generation moves
  • - Arcanine is similar and generally outclasses Entei if you are not running Sacred Fire it doesnt and theres literally no reason not to use sacred fire
  • - Completely walled by bulky Water-types
  • - Ground-types are a huge threat
  • - Doesn't like Intimidate idk if this should be kept, the only common intimidators dont like switching into sacred fire and one of them(mawile) just straight up loses. plus two other common intimidators(gyara & lando) are already part of the two bullets above
Name: Assault Vest
move 1: Sacred Fire
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Bulldoze
move 4: Flame Charge / Iron Head
item: Assault Vest
ability: Pressure
nature: Adamant
EVs: 132 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Def / 52 SpD / 20 Spe


  • STAB Sacred Fire is Entei's main attack, with 100 base damage and a 50% chance to burn the opponent. probably just expand a bit that this is a super safe move to use. also maybe mention some fire weak mons it hits
  • Stone Edge is an answer to Flash Fire users and Flying-types. such as?
  • Bulldoze punishes Heatran
  • Flame Charge, although weak, can raise Entei's speed to help it sweep
  • Iron Head is 100% accurate and has a chance to flinch. Primary use for Iron Head is to destroy Mega Altaria. It also chunks Clefable and Tyranitar harder than everything else.
Set Details

  • 20 Speed EVs allow it to outspeed Adamant Bisharp and Breloom, maybe mention after flame charge you outspeed base 115s by one point
  • 252 Attack and Adamant to hit as hard as possible
  • 132 HP / 52 Def / 52 SpD for bulk
  • Assault Vest takes advantage of Entei's natural bulk and ability to spread burns with Sacred Fire while sacrificing the raw power of a Choice Band set
Usage Tips

  • Sacred Fire is usually the move to use unless there are Flash Fire users due to its high BP and burn chance
  • Bulldoze and/or Stone Edge can punish switch-ins such as Heatran and Arcanine that don't fear Sacred Fire
  • Flame Charge can be used to raise Entei's Speed to prepare for a sweep
  • Iron Head should rarely be used, as most Fairies take more damage from other attacks.
  • Unlike Stone Edge and Sacred Fire, Iron Head is 100% accurate, so can sometimes be the better option against Pokemon like Sylveon if the opponent is weakened.
this is sounding a lot like the moves section. you should talk more about what entei is coming in on and what you should avoid doing, how does entei use av to its advantage, when and when not to flame charge, etc.(you dont have to do everything i just listed, just trying to brainstorm) i know it might be a little hard since entei can be pretty simplistic(click sacred fire) but you should expand a bit more at least.

Team Options
  • Entei benefits from pokemon that can deal with bulky Water-types.
  • Grass Types can cover Entei's weakness to Water-, Rock- and Ground-types.
  • Contrary Serperior can take advantage of Intimidate users by boosting its attack it wont use? serp is cool but i'd say its good for dealing with waters and spreading para around which is nice cause entei is relatively slow with the bulky spread. also does pretty well against kanga & garchomp
  • Thunderus can help deal with bulky Water-types and prevent Pokemon from setting up on Entei and spreads para
  • Bulky Water-types are also good partners to Entei, as they are able to deal with most Flash-Fire users.
  • Garchomp and Landorus-T are also good partners against opposing Fire-types and can help with Entei's Rock- and Ground-type weaknesses.
  • Gengar and M-Gengar can take advantage of burned opponents with Hex.
  • Regular Gengar can also help set things up for Entei to sweep with status and Icy Wind.
  • Regular Gengar and Landorus's immunity to Ground-type cover Entei's Ground-type weakness
  • Mega Gengar can trap and KO threats such as?
  • Hydreigon covers Entei's weaknesses and appreciates the secondary effects of Entei's attacks. It also appreciate's Entei's ability to threaten Fairies.
  • M-Mawile appreciates the synergy and support that Entei offers; Entei can take Will-o-Wisps and Fire-type moves and handle threats like Ferrothorn and opposing Mawile.
  • Cresselia can come in on Garchomp or Landorus-T's Earthquake and threaten it with Ice Beam
  • Kangaskhan appreciates Entei's ability to weaken the opponent and give it an opportunity to come in and sweep.
(Not sure which of these recommendations would go best with which sets; suggestions are appreciated)

name: Choice Band
move 1: Sacred Fire
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Bulldoze
move 4: Iron Head
item: Choice Band
ability: Pressure
nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


  • Sacred Fire is Entei’s main STAB, capable of dealing good damage and burning opponents.
  • Stone Edge helps against Flash Fire users who are immune to Sacred Fire and OHKOes non-invested lol it ohkos max def talon while you're intimidated(dont mention this ofc, im js) Talonflame and Charizard Y.
  • Bulldoze lowers speed and provides and answer to Heatran.
  • Iron Head is mostly filler, but provides a 100% accurate move with a chance to flinch. and hits ttar decently
  • It should be noted that against most Fairies, other moves do more damage than Iron Head. (ie. Stone Edge does more to Togekiss, Sacred Fire does more to M-Mawile)
Set Details

  • Adamant nature and 252 Attack EVs ensure that Entei hits as hard as possible. explain why adamant over jolly maybe
  • Maximum Speed EVs allows Entei to outspeed everything up to positive-natured base 86 Pokemon.
  • Can also use a bulkier spread of 132 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Def / 52 SpD / 20 Spe
Usage Tips

  • Sacred Fire is the move you will be using most, as it is Entei’s main STAB and can spread burns.
  • Be wary of Flash Fire users.
  • Entei is particularly effective at crippling the opponent early with burns and damage.
  • Entei is best switched in after a pokemon is KOed or into a resisted attack once its threats are gone. It is usually not the best lead due to its weakness to many common lead pokemon like Garchomp.
  • Many strong physical attackers like Kangaskhan can OHKO Entei but do not want to switch into Sacred Fire for fear of a burn.
this was a much better usage tips thing, nice :)

Team Options

  • Entei benefits from pokemon that can deal with bulky Water-types.
  • Grass Types can cover Entei's weakness to Water-, Rock- and Ground-types.
  • Contrary Serperior can take advantage of Intimidate users
  • Thunderus can help deal with bulky Water-types and prevent Pokemon from setting up on Entei
  • Garchomp and Landorus-T are also good partners to help against opposing Fire-types.
  • Gengar and M-Gengar can take advantage of burned opponents with Hex.
  • Regular Gengar can also help set things up for Entei to sweep with status and Icy Wind.
  • Regular Gengar and Landorus's immunity to Ground-type cover Entei's Ground-type weakness
  • Mega Gengar can trap and KO threats
  • Hydreigon covers Entei's weaknesses and appreciates the secondary effects of Entei's attacks. It also appreciate's Entei's ability to threaten Fairies.
  • M-Mawile appreciates the synergy and support that Entei offers; Entei can take Will-o-Wisps and Fire-type moves and handle threats like Ferrothorn and opposing Mawile.
  • Cresselia can come in on Garchomp or Landorus-T's Earthquake and threaten it with Ice Beam. It can also handle strong physical such as Kangaskhan.
  • Stronger sweepers like Kangaskhan appreciate Entei's ability to weaken the opponent
-same mentions as before-
(Not sure which of these recommendations would go best with which sets; suggestions are appreciated)

Name: Pressure Stall
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Protect
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Sacred Fire
item: Leftovers
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


  • Substitute allows Entei to rack up damage from burns or poison, as well as Pressure stall
  • Toxic deals more residual damage against walls such as than burn
  • Protect, along with Substitute allows for maximum stalling
  • Sacred Fire is Entei's main STAB and can burn the opponent
Set Details

  • 252 Speed EVs and a Jolly nature allow Entei to get the jump on Heatrantran walls you and Mamoswine and more effectively set up Substitutes.
it would probably be worth running a lefties number. 36 evs in HP hits 16n+3. 20 evs hits 16n+1 if you want as much atk as possible, idk what these prefer. You could also go for a bulkier lefties number and forego more attack.
  • Leftovers helps Entei have more longevity and recover health lost by Substitute
Usage Tips

  • Unlike the other sets, Sacred Fire will not be used as much when Pressure stalling
  • Can use Substitute and then Protect to PP stall with Pressure and stall out toxic
  • Best used when Entei's threats are gone, since this set is easy for pokemon like Suicune to set up on
  • Unlike purely offensive variants, this set needs to worry more about Taunt
you could mention that it really shits on stall/ defensive teams.

Team Options

  • Entei benefits from pokemon that can deal with bulky Water-types.
  • Grass Types can cover Entei's weakness to Water-, Rock- and Ground-types.
  • Contrary Serperior can take advantage of Intimidate users
  • Thunderus can help deal with bulky Water-types and prevent Pokemon from setting up on Entei
  • Bulky Water-types are also good partners to Entei, as they are able to deal with most Flash-Fire users.
  • Garchomp and Landorus-T are also good partners to help against opposing Fire-types.
  • Gengar and M-Gengar can take advantage of burned opponents with Hex.
  • Regular Gengar can also help set things up for Entei to sweep with status and Icy Wind.
  • Regular Gengar and Landorus's immunity to Ground-type cover Entei's Ground-type weakness
  • Mega Gengar can trap and KO threats
  • Hydreigon covers Entei's weaknesses and appreciates the secondary effects of Entei's attacks. It also appreciate's Entei's ability to threaten Fairies.
  • M-Mawile appreciates the synergy and support that Entei offers; Entei can take Will-o-Wisps and Fire-type moves and handle threats like Ferrothorn and opposing Mawile.
  • Cresselia can come in on Garchomp or Landorus-T's Earthquake and threaten it with Ice Beam. It can also deal with physical threats such as Kangaskhan.
  • Kangaskhan appreciates Entei's ability to weaken the opponent and give it an opportunity to come in and sweep.
yeah again, same comments as before.
but i suppose in this set the team options can have more emphasis on entei breaking down defensive pokemon helping out its teammates, like mega kanga, scarf chomp, or whatever. stuff that likes cress, p2, etc whittled down.

(Not sure which of these recommendations would go best with which sets; suggestions are appreciated)

Other Options

  • Entei has a horrible movepool that is further hindered by the pentagon rule, so there are few other options.
  • Entei can run Snarl to weaken special attackers, although this is not the best move to be stuck on when running the Choice Band set.
  • Lum Berry and Choice Scarf are also viable options for items
  • Substitute is an option if not using a Choice item or Assault Vest, but Entei’s lack of coverage moves can make it a sitting duck.
  • Entei can run Return or Frustration, although Sacred Fire is generally the better go-to move when hitting Pokemon for neutral damage due to its secondary effect
  • Special sets may surprise counters, but a physical set is generally better; 90 Special Attack isn't very impressive, and Entei suffers from a shallow movepool on the special side as well.
Sleep Talk can be used on choice sets since entei's coverage is so bad, just in case you need to absorb sleep

Checks and Counters

**Flash Fire Users**:
Pokemon with Flash Fire, such as Chandelure and Heatran, can come in on Choice-locked Entei and get a boost from Scared Fire.

**Heatran**: Heatran can come in on Sacred Fire and threaten Entei with Earth Power. Heatran must watch out for Bulldoze, though, as it is capable of OHKOing it. Air Balloon Heatran in particular is an excellent counter to Entei due to its immunity to Bulldoze.

**Bulky Water-types**: Bulky Water-types such as Rotom-W and Suicune can tank Entei’s attacks and threaten with STAB Water-type attacks.

**Suicune**: Suicune is especially dangerous among bulky Water-types, as it can switch into any of Entei's attacks, PP stall with Pressure, and set up with Calm Mind. It can also use Rest to get rid of a burn.

**Rock- and Ground-types**: Rock- and Ground-types such as Garchomp, Landorus-T, Gliscor, and Terrakion immediately threaten Entei with STAB moves such as Earthquake and Rock Tomb. Landorus-T also has Intimidate, which lessens Entei’s offensive presence. These pokemon must be wary of switching into Sacred Fire, though, for fear of a burn.

**Garchomp**: Lum Berry Garchomp can easily tank a Sacred Fire, outspeed, and OHKO Entei with Earthquake, making it an excellent counter. Other variants cannot freely switch in to Sacred Fire, but can easily KO Entei if they manage to get on the field.

**Facade Mega Salamence**: Mega Salamence can come in on any of Entei's attacks, and does not fear a burn if it is running Facade. Even Salamence lacking Facade is a threat to Entei if it manages to get on the field without a burn, although Facade's usage is high enough to take into consideration.
comments in bold. looks good so far man
comments in bold. looks good so far man
Thanks for the reccomendations! Implemented. :)
Team reqs is still a little messy, but I tried to pepper in some of your advise.

Still not sure how Arcanine doesn't outclass Entei in certain roles, though. Sacred Fire aside, it has similar stats, same typing, arguably better abilities and a better movepool. I guess Scared Fire is kind of Entei's niche, though, and Arcanine plays a different role because of that. I cut out the mention of it. ;)

Other than that, I think the changes you recommended are very solid. I have no idea what I was thinking on those usage tips on the first set... I could have sworn I had written something more "usage-y" than just explaining moves again, but I guess I didn't proofread it very well. Thanks for pointing it out.

As for the stall set, yeah, I did intend to do a Leftovers number, but embarrassingly couldn't remember off the top of my head what lefties numbers entailed. So thanks for correcting that.
Still not sure how Arcanine doesn't outclass Entei in certain roles, though. Sacred Fire aside, it has similar stats, same typing, arguably better abilities and a better movepool. I guess Scared Fire is kind of Entei's niche, though, and Arcanine plays a different role because of that. I cut out the mention of it. ;)
Sacred Fire is a really fucking good move lol. That's the main reason. Intimidate is nice but it's not that amazing(judging from your analysis I see you really value intimidate). Especially in arcanine's case cause 5/7 of the physical attackers in top 12 commonly carry EQ. And entei lowers attack even more and permanently with burns.
Sacred Fire is a really fucking good move lol. That's the main reason. Intimidate is nice but it's not that amazing(judging from your analysis I see you really value intimidate). Especially in arcanine's case cause 5/7 of the physical attackers in top 12 commonly carry EQ. And entei lowers attack even more and permanently with burns.
I guess I'm probably mostly just not thinking of BSS when it comes to Intimidate; it's a good ability in Doubles formats like VGC (which I played a bit before I got into BSS), which is probably why I value it more than I should. Good points, though. For BSS, you're right.
  • + Sacred Fire is the main reason to use Entei
  • + Sacred Fire deals good damage to most Pokemon that don’t resist it, and has a 50% chance to burn
  • + Entei's ability to check Volcarona, Rotom-H, Mega Charizard Y, Thundurus (somewhat), Gengar (+bonus with Sacred Fire potentially breaking the Sash), and Aegislash (care for weakness policy).
  • + Lack of Fighting weakness helps separate it from Heatran defensively, as the last 4 mons on the above list may carry Fighting type moves.
  • + 115 / 85 / 75 is decent bulk and can effectively run an Assault Vest or Leftovers set
  • + base 100 speed allows it to outspeed Pokemon like Breloom and Heracross with little investment
  • + Sacred Fire and Bulldoze can support teammates without making Entei susceptible to Taunt.
  • +- Is weak to many popular pokemon in the format, such as Garchomp, Kangaskhan, Landorus-T, and Suicune. However, many of these threats cannot safely switch into Sacred Fire
  • - Sacred Fire has low PP and 95% accuracy, which can be detrimental
  • - Flash Fire from pokemon such as Heatran and Chandelure prevents mindless Sacred Fire spam entei beats both of them thanks to AV and coverage moves, they're not exactly a problem tbh
  • - Shallow move pool, especially without access to previous generation moves
  • - Completely walled by bulky Water-types
  • - Ground-types are a huge threat
Name: Assault Vest
move 1: Sacred Fire
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Bulldoze
move 4: Flame Charge / Iron Head
item: Assault Vest
ability: Pressure
nature: Adamant
EVs: 132 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Def / 52 SpD / 20 Spe


  • STAB Sacred Fire is Entei's main attack, with 100 base damage and a 50% chance to burn the opponent. Generally a fairly safe move to spam if there are no Flash Fire users. OHKOes pokemon that are weak to it, such as Ferrothorn, Abomasnow, and non-Mega Venusaur. put more relevant stuff like serperior and aegislash. it doesnt ohko them usually but they're still valid SE targets more so than abomasnow.
  • Stone Edge is an answer to Flash Fire users and Flying-types such as Talonflame and Charizard-Y.
  • Bulldoze punishes Heatran switch-ins.
  • Flame Charge, although weak, can raise Entei's speed to help it sweep
  • Iron Head is 100% accurate and has a chance to flinch. Primary use for Iron Head is to destroy Mega Altaria. It also chunks Clefable and Tyranitar harder than everything else. i dont think iron head should be on this set, i feel like its generally not going to be that useful.
Set Details

  • 20 Speed EVs allow it to outspeed Adamant Bisharp and Breloom. After one Flame Charge, Entei outspeeds base 115 speed pokemon by one point.
  • 252 Attack and Adamant to hit as hard as possible
  • 132 HP / 52 Def / 52 SpD for bulk
  • Assault Vest takes advantage of Entei's natural bulk and ability to spread burns with Sacred Fire while sacrificing the raw power of a Choice Band set
Usage Tips

  • Sacred Fire is usually the move to use unless there are Flash Fire users(or just other fire types since they resist and cant be burned, but zard/talon are pretty easy to predict coming in, as are flash fire guys) due to its high BP and burn chance
  • Assault Vest and the burn potential of Sacred Fire allow Entei to switch into resisted attacks more easily.
  • Flame Charge can help Entei avoid getting revenge killed after KOing a pokemon
Team Options
  • Entei benefits from pokemon that can deal with bulky Water-types.
  • Grass Types can cover Entei's weakness to Water-, Rock- and Ground-types.
  • Contrary Serperior can take advantage of Intimidate users serperior is not a physical attacker.
  • Thunderus can help deal with bulky Water-types and prevent Pokemon such as zard x and mega mence from setting up on Entei because prankster thunder wave can neutralize them
  • Bulky Water-types such as rotom-w and suicune are also good partners to Entei, as they are able to deal with most Flash-Fire users. flash fire guys arent threatening. but bulky waters can be good since they deal with ground types well
  • Garchomp and Landorus-T are also good partners against opposing Fire-types and can help with Entei's Rock- and Ground-type weaknesses.
  • Gengar and M-Gengar can take advantage of burned opponents with Hex.
  • Regular Gengar can also help set things up for Entei to sweep with status and Icy Wind. super situational i think
  • Regular Gengar and Landorus's immunity to Ground-type cover Entei's Ground-type weakness
  • Mega Gengar can trap and KO threats such as?
  • Hydreigon covers Entei's weaknesses and appreciates the secondary effects of Entei's attacks. It also appreciate's Entei's ability to threaten Fairies.
  • M-Mawile appreciates the synergy and support that Entei offers; Entei can take Will-o-Wisps and Fire-type moves and handle threats like Ferrothorn and opposing Mawile.
  • Cresselia can come in on Garchomp or Landorus-T's Earthquake and threaten it with Ice Beam
  • Kangaskhan appreciates Entei's ability to weaken the opponent and give it an opportunity to come in and sweep.
(Not sure which of these recommendations would go best with which sets; suggestions are appreciated)

name: Choice Band
move 1: Sacred Fire
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Bulldoze
move 4: Iron Head
item: Choice Band
ability: Pressure
nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


  • Sacred Fire is Entei’s main STAB, capable of dealing good damage and burning opponents.
  • Stone Edge helps against Flash Fire users who are immune to Sacred Fire and OHKOes non-invested Talonflame.
  • Bulldoze lowers speed and provides and answer to Heatran.
  • Iron Head is mostly filler, but provides a 100% accurate move with a chance to flinch.
  • It should be noted that against most Fairies, other moves do more damage than Iron Head. (ie. Stone Edge does more to Togekiss, Sacred Fire does more to M-Mawile)
Set Details

  • Adamant nature and 252 Attack EVs ensure that Entei hits as hard as possible.
  • Maximum Speed EVs allows Entei to outspeed everything up to positive-natured base 86 Pokemon.
  • Can also use a bulkier spread of 132 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Def / 52 SpD / 20 Spe
Usage Tips

  • Sacred Fire is the move you will be using most, as it is Entei’s main STAB and can spread burns.
  • Be wary of Flash Fire users.
  • Entei is particularly effective at crippling the opponent early with burns and damage.
  • Entei is best switched in after a pokemon is KOed or into a resisted attack once its threats are gone. It is usually not the best lead due to its weakness to many common lead pokemon like Garchomp.
  • Many strong physical attackers like Kangaskhan can OHKO Entei but do not want to switch into Sacred Fire for fear of a burn.
Team Options

same changes from the team options above

  • Entei benefits from pokemon that can deal with bulky Water-types.
  • Grass Types can cover Entei's weakness to Water-, Rock- and Ground-types.
  • Contrary Serperior can take advantage of Intimidate users
  • Thunderus can help deal with bulky Water-types and prevent Pokemon from setting up on Entei
  • Garchomp and Landorus-T are also good partners to help against opposing Fire-types.
  • Gengar and M-Gengar can take advantage of burned opponents with Hex.
  • Regular Gengar can also help set things up for Entei to sweep with status and Icy Wind.
  • Regular Gengar and Landorus's immunity to Ground-type cover Entei's Ground-type weakness
  • Mega Gengar can trap and KO threats
  • Hydreigon covers Entei's weaknesses and appreciates the secondary effects of Entei's attacks. It also appreciate's Entei's ability to threaten Fairies.
  • M-Mawile appreciates the synergy and support that Entei offers; Entei can take Will-o-Wisps and Fire-type moves and handle threats like Ferrothorn and opposing Mawile.
  • Cresselia can come in on Garchomp or Landorus-T's Earthquake and threaten it with Ice Beam. It can also handle strong physical such as Kangaskhan.
  • Stronger sweepers like Kangaskhan appreciate Entei's ability to weaken the opponent

(Not sure which of these recommendations would go best with which sets; suggestions are appreciated)

Name: Pressure Stall
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Protect
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Sacred Fire
item: Leftovers
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
EVs: 20 HP / 232 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


  • Substitute allows Entei to rack up damage from burns or poison, as well as Pressure stall
  • Toxic deals more residual damage against walls than burn
  • Protect, along with Substitute allows for maximum stalling
  • Sacred Fire is Entei's main STAB and can burn the opponent
Set Details

  • 252 Speed EVs and a Jolly nature allow Entei to get the jump on Mamoswine and more effectively set up Substitutes.
  • 20 HP for maximum Leftover recovery while maintaining as much Attack as possible.
  • Leftovers helps Entei have more longevity and recover health lost by Substitute
  • mention pressure
Usage Tips

  • Unlike the other sets, Sacred Fire will not be used as much when Pressure stalling
  • Can use Substitute and then Protect to PP stall with Pressure and stall out Toxic
  • Best used when Entei's threats are gone, since this set is easy for pokemon like Suicune to set up on
  • Unlike purely offensive variants, this set needs to worry more about Taunt
  • This set is particularly useful against stall/defensive teams
Team Options
  • Strong sweepers such as Kangaskhan appreciate Entei's ability to weaken the opponent and give it an opportunity to come in and sweep.
  • Garchomp and Landorus-T are good partners to help against opposing Fire-types.
  • Gengar and M-Gengar can take advantage of burned/poisoned opponents with Hex.
  • Regular Gengar can also help set things up for Entei to sweep with status and Icy Wind.
  • Regular Gengar and Landorus's immunity to Ground-type cover Entei's Ground-type weakness
  • Mega Gengar can trap and KO threats such as
  • Hydreigon covers Entei's weaknesses and appreciates the secondary effects of Entei's attacks. It also appreciate's Entei's ability to threaten Fairies.
  • M-Mawile appreciates the synergy and support that Entei offers; Entei can take Will-o-Wisps and Fire-type moves and handle threats like Ferrothorn and opposing Mawile.
  • Cresselia can come in on Garchomp or Landorus-T's Earthquake and threaten it with Ice Beam. It can also deal with physical threats such as Kangaskhan.
(Not sure which of these recommendations would go best with which sets; suggestions are appreciated)

Other Options

  • Entei has a horrible movepool that is further hindered by the pentagon rule, so there are few other options.
  • Entei can run Snarl to weaken special attackers, although this is not the best move to be stuck on when running the Choice Band set.
  • Lum Berry and Choice Scarf are also viable options for items
  • Substitute is an option if not using a Choice item or Assault Vest, but Entei’s lack of coverage moves can make it a sitting duck.
  • Entei can run Return or Frustration, although Sacred Fire is generally the better go-to move when hitting Pokemon for neutral damage due to its secondary effect
  • Special sets may surprise counters, but a physical set is generally better; 90 Special Attack isn't very impressive, and Entei suffers from a shallow movepool on the special side as well.
  • Sleep Talk can be used on the Choice Band set if you need a team member to absorb sleep, although this is situational.

Checks and Counters

**Flash Fire Users**:
Pokemon with Flash Fire, such as Chandelure and Heatran, can come in on Choice-locked Entei and get a boost from Scared Fire. mention they lose to AV though

**Heatran**: Heatran can come in on Sacred Fire and threaten Entei with Earth Power. Heatran must watch out for Bulldoze, though, as it is capable of OHKOing it. Air Balloon Heatran in particular is an excellent counter to Entei due to its immunity to Bulldoze.

**Bulky Water-types**: Bulky Water-types such as Rotom-W and Suicune can tank Entei’s attacks and threaten with STAB Water-type attacks.

**Suicune**: Suicune is especially dangerous among bulky Water-types, as it can switch into any of Entei's attacks, PP stall with Pressure, and set up with Calm Mind. It can also use Rest to get rid of a burn.

**Rock- and Ground-types**: Rock- and Ground-types such as Garchomp, Landorus-T, Gliscor, and TerrakionTyranitar immediately threaten Entei with STAB moves such as Earthquake and Rock Tomb. Landorus-T also has Intimidate, which lessens Entei’s offensive presence. These pokemon must be wary of switching into Sacred Fire, though, for fear of a burn.

**Garchomp**: Lum Berry Garchomp can easily tank a Sacred Fire, outspeed, and OHKO Entei with Earthquake, making it an excellent counter. Other variants cannot freely switch in to Sacred Fire, but can easily KO Entei if they manage to get on the field.

**Facade Mega Salamence**: Mega Salamence can come in on any of Entei's attacks, and does not fear a burn if it is running Facade. Even Salamence lacking Facade is a threat to Entei if it manages to get on the field without a burn, although Facade's usage is high enough to take into consideration.
few more comments here then you're 1/2 when it's finished, after you implement this stuff you can start writing this up :)

sorry for the long wait on this!
few more comments here then you're 1/2 when it's finished, after you implement this stuff you can start writing this up :)

sorry for the long wait on this!
Implemented these changes, will start to write up soon. Thanks for the QC. :)

Edit: Still a bit rough, but I've got it mostly written up in paragraph-form now. ;)
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Sacred Fire is the main selling point of Entei, as it deals good damage to most Pokemon that don’t resist it and has a 50% chance to burn the target.
Worth noting: Being a non-contact move, this is particularly useful when avoiding the sharp Attack drop from King's Shield of Aegislash, while other Fire-types such as Talonflame and Blaziken must rely on Flare Blitz.

Usage Tips (AV)

Assault Vest and the burn potential of Sacred Fire allow Entei to switch into resisted attacks fairly easily.
Or you can say: Assault Vest plus immunity to Will-O-Wisp allows Entei to switch into certain Ghost-types well, such as Mega Gengar, Aegislash and Mega Sableye. And can easily soak in powerful Hyper Voice from Sylveon and Mega Gardevoir.

Team Options (AV)

Garchomp and Landorus are also good partners for this reason. Landorus in particular can come in on Ground-type moves aimed at Entei. -> Change Landorus to Landorus-T.

Usage Tips (CB)

Be wary of Flash-Fire users, pokemon that resist Sacred Fire, and Pokemon who do not fear being burned. -> Such as? Mega Charizard X is particularly dangerous (when its in Mega form) as it can take advantage of Entei being choice locked and proceed to set up Dragon Dance.
It is usually not the best lead due to its weakness to many common lead pokemon like Garchomp. -> And the fact that some Garchomp carry Lum Berry (9%) and Entei is locked into one move.

Team Options (CB)

This is an exact copy and paste from your AV Team Options, I've confirmed with cant say and he says you can't do this. Re-word it a bit so it's somewhat different (check my Scizor analysis for examples; I had four sets there, with different members in each Team Options).

Team Options (PS)

Again, this is exactly the same as your other two sets' Team Options, needs editing.

Other Options

As for items, Lum Berry and Choice Scarf are also viable options. -> You could list an example for each item on how they are viable in certain situations.


Main thing which needs changing are the Team Options for the CB and Pressure Stall sets. Usage Tips is rather short at the moment and could use more polishing.
That's all I got for now, I'll take another look when it's fixed!

Sacred Fire is the main selling point of Entei, as it deals good damage to most Pokemon that don’t resist it and has a 50% chance to burn the target.
Worth noting: Being a non-contact move, this is particularly useful when avoiding the sharp Attack drop from King's Shield of Aegislash, while other Fire-types such as Talonflame and Blaziken must rely on Flare Blitz.

Usage Tips (AV)

Assault Vest and the burn potential of Sacred Fire allow Entei to switch into resisted attacks fairly easily.
Or you can say: Assault Vest plus immunity to Will-O-Wisp allows Entei to switch into certain Ghost-types well, such as Mega Gengar, Aegislash and Mega Sableye. And can easily soak in powerful Hyper Voice from Sylveon and Mega Gardevoir.

Team Options (AV)

Garchomp and Landorus are also good partners for this reason. Landorus in particular can come in on Ground-type moves aimed at Entei. -> Change Landorus to Landorus-T.

Usage Tips (CB)

Be wary of Flash-Fire users, pokemon that resist Sacred Fire, and Pokemon who do not fear being burned. -> Such as? Mega Charizard X is particularly dangerous (when its in Mega form) as it can take advantage of Entei being choice locked and proceed to set up Dragon Dance.
It is usually not the best lead due to its weakness to many common lead pokemon like Garchomp. -> And the fact that some Garchomp carry Lum Berry (9%) and Entei is locked into one move.

Team Options (CB)

This is an exact copy and paste from your AV Team Options, I've confirmed with cant say and he says you can't do this. Re-word it a bit so it's somewhat different (check my Scizor analysis for examples; I had four sets there, with different members in each Team Options).

Team Options (PS)

Again, this is exactly the same as your other two sets' Team Options, needs editing.

Other Options

As for items, Lum Berry and Choice Scarf are also viable options. -> You could list an example for each item on how they are viable in certain situations.


Main thing which needs changing are the Team Options for the CB and Pressure Stall sets. Usage Tips is rather short at the moment and could use more polishing.
That's all I got for now, I'll take another look when it's fixed!
Yeah, the Team Options part has been giving me a lot of trouble. I'm not sure which teams options are best for which set.
The C+P was more there as a placeholder; I'm aware that the section needs a lot of work.

Thanks for the suggestions! I'll work on implementing these things. :)
Just thought I'd clarify about the TO stuff..

it's pretty tricky to come up with different stuff for each set, as it's true that a lot of them are the same. I think you should try to at least come up with 1-2 unique partners for each set though. bobochan's scizor analysis is pretty much a perfect example of this, as is NOVED's WIP Mamoswine one. These Pokemon of course share pretty much all the same partners for each set, but they all feature (at least) one example of a partner that likes that set specifically, not just the pokemon because of its typing etc...

each set also has something different that beats it. I don't have a great example for entei specifically, apart from air balloon heatran walling the band set pretty well, but you should get what I mean.

you should also reference the PGL stats, they're basically a cheat sheet and it's really easy to just list the most common teammates when in doubt.

so for example, the AV set partners with azumarill / rotom-w / suicune well as it bodies serperior. and sylveon loves the band set as it mauls aegislash. two different roles ya know
WIP Sleepy atm.

Will get back to this in the morning.


  • I'd mention Rocky Helmet (imo) along with Kings Shield as well because many Pokemon also carry it and physical attackers pretty much dominate this metagame, so you'd be seeing a flood of those and with Sacred Fire, it gives Entei a niche over the others.
  • "its decent bulk of 115 / 85 / 75" The stats can be removed because the reader would see it from the beginning of the analysis looking at their stats. I would instead say, "which is coupled by its overall bulk."
Assault Vest

  • When mentioning Sacred Fire, I'd mention some Pokemon that it can eliminate before you go on about the checks. Some would include Aegislash, Mega Mawile, Weavile, and Serperior.
  • Iron Head is mostly filler, but is the most damaging move against Tyranitar, Clefable, and Mega-Altaria. "Against Rock- and Fairy-types such as Tyranitar, Clefable, and Mega Altaria."
Set Details

  • "Entei's immunity to Will-o-Wisp allows it to switch into many ghosts types, such as Aegislash, Gengar, and Sableye." (Sounds like something that should be put in the Usage Tips bobo recommended.) (Btw Aegislash does not learn Will-O-Wisp lol)
  • 132 HP and 52 Defense EVs allow for Entei to survive Adamant Mega Salamence Double Edge.
  • 52 Special Defense gives Entei a little special bulk in taking hits. This is coupled with Assault Vest. Not only because Entei is running all offensive moves, it's able to take special attacks much better as well as survive Modest Choice Specs Hydreigon's Draco Meteor.
Usage Tips

  • Would mention somewhere about opponents predicting a Sacred Fire. Like, Heatran coming in to get a Flash Fire boost so use Bulldozer if you predict your opponent because 9/10 Entei would be using that against many Pokemon unresisted to it (Just making use of your coverage moves through opponent making predictions through Sacred Fire is all).
EDIT: Still think I'm bad at this. @-@


Continuing on from this...

Choice Band

  • "Speed EVs allow Entei to outspeed everything up to positive-natured base 86 Pokemon." (Such as?)
  • From what NOVED stated earlier, explain why Entei ought to run Adamant over Jolly. This is critical because each have their own disadvantage. One in Entei being faster than other threats or speed tie with Mega Kangaskhan but it'll be dealing less damage compared to Adamant when you'll be dealing more but you'll be outsped.
Pressure Stall


  • For Substitute, I'd mention how it also lets Entei avoid status moves such as Thunder Wave and Toxic from Pokemon such as Thundurus etc.
  • I'd also say how Protect would allow Entei to scout out the opponent's move and locking possibly Choice variant Pokemon into a move. That'll give Entei a chance to switch out.
  • Toxic is able to shut down defensive Pokemon such as Cresselia, Zapdos, Porygon2, and Rotom-W.
Set Details

  • I would talk about a bulky spread for Entei if people want to run a more defensive variant.
  • Leftovers gives Entei passive recovery when used with Protect.
Usage Tips

  • Talk about how Entei can utilize this set against defensive Pokemon.
Other Options

  • Mention Roar so that this gets rid of set up Pokemon but also mention how bad it is for Entei.
  • Iron Tail is a more powerful move over Iron Head; however, its accuracy gives Entei a chance to miss, making it a game changer.
  • Will-O-Wisp in crippling physical attackers but Sacred Fire is a much better option as it has a 50% chance to burn foes.
  • Rest gives Entei reliable recovery. Unfortunately, it'll be wasting sleep turns or waste two slots if Sleep Talk is being used. This'll make Entei lose out on its coverage moves.
Yeah, also make sure to edit the team options for the bottom two as well and not use the same
  • Breloom is a good partner because it helps get rid of Dark-, Rock-, and Water-types such as Hydreigon, Tyranitar, and Rotom-W. Also it provides Spore support.
  • There's Fairy-types such as Sylveon, Togekiss, Gardevoir, and Whimsicott that can protect Entei from being hit by any Dragon-type moves on the switch. Also Togekiss has immunity to Ground-type moves. Entei can deal with Steel-types with Scared Fire for them along with Grass-types for Azumarill.
  • Porygon2 would be a nice switch-in to physical attackers. Especially Intimidate Pokemon if it's running Trace too.
  • Mega Salamence can be a nice partner along with Entei being able to deal with Ice-types for it. (bar Mamoswine).
Just some examples.

I think that's all I have for Entei.
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That's all I have for you cannibal

Tagging you to make sure you see the rest after I edited it. If you have any questions, you can VM me or talk to cant say, bobochan, and noved about it!
Starting to implement those changes. :heart:
Sorry for taking so long to get around to this.

"Speed EVs allow Entei to outspeed everything up to positive-natured base 86 Pokemon." (Such as?)

From what NOVED stated earlier, explain why Entei ought to run Adamant over Jolly. This is critical because each have their own disadvantage. One in Entei being faster than other threats or speed tie with Mega Kangaskhan but it'll be dealing less damage compared to Adamant when you'll be dealing more but you'll be outsped.
My logic was that with Entei's speed tier, there are a lot of things that threaten Entei that you will be tied with at best, even at max speed. Kangaskhan is actually a very good example of this. It's the same speed, so with max speed investment + Jolly nature, it will still come down to a coin flip. Entei cannot OHKO Khan with Sacred Fire, but Khan can OHKO Entei with Double Edge/Earthquake (or a combination of Fake Out + Return or Return + Sucker Punch). Basically, Mega-khan is a huge threat to Entei since it can possibly OHKO, and you probably shouldn't stay in and attack it unless you're ready to sack Entei. Entei is only threatening to Mega-Kangaskhan when Khan is in back, afraid to switch into a Sacred Fire. Once it's in without a burn, Khan is the one on top. It's not worth risking a 50% coin flip to maybe do damage against something (or die trying) when the better option would be to just switch in something else that can deal with Mega-Kagaskhan. In the case of Entei, the extra damage is generally preferable to the occasional win of a coin flip that will probably end badly even if you win the coin flip, imo.

252 Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Entei: 189-225 (99.4 - 118.4%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
252 Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Double-Edge vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Entei: 171-202 (90 - 106.3%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Entei Sacred Fire vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mega Kangaskhan: 129-153 (71.6 - 85%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Not sure if that's a good reason for running Adamant over Jolly or not, but that's my logic with Mega-khan, at least (Mega-Khan being one of the major threats in that speed tier).

That being said, it seems that Rotom formes are the only things that actually have 86 base speed (and Entei doesn't really like facing the most common of them), so I probably should re-think the speed. There are other things near that speed, such as Cresselia and Mamoswine, that are important to outspeed, though, so that's probably where I was coming from.
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Alright time to check this now that health issues are currently in check!

-I'd actually slash Jolly into the Choice Band set, or at least mention it in set details. I agree with your reasoning in other posts that Adamant is usually better, but Jolly does guarantee outspeeding Kangaskhan and Lucairo before mega evolving, which can be very helpful in emergencies.

-I'd probably talk about checking bulky Waters in Entei's teammates (especially for the Substitute set), focusing on Suicune and Rotom-W. You mentioned Serperior in the first set, but I'd also mention Mega Venusaur, Thundurus and Rotom-W for Suicune, etc. Breloom can also work, but note that Sacred Fire's burns can conflict with Breloom's Spore in the long run.

-I think the Flash Fire part in counters is redundant with you have Heatran already mentioned, especially since Chandelure gets hit hard by Stone Edge too.

-Not sure where to mention this (maybe the overview?), but something that's really neat is that Sacred Fire isn't a contact move. This means you don't have to worry about Rocky Helmet or King's Shield!

Once you implement this stuff, I'll give you the final QC stamp!
Alright time to check this now that health issues are currently in check!

-I'd actually slash Jolly into the Choice Band set, or at least mention it in set details. I agree with your reasoning in other posts that Adamant is usually better, but Jolly does guarantee outspeeding Kangaskhan and Lucairo before mega evolving, which can be very helpful in emergencies.

-I'd probably talk about checking bulky Waters in Entei's teammates (especially for the Substitute set), focusing on Suicune and Rotom-W. You mentioned Serperior in the first set, but I'd also mention Mega Venusaur, Thundurus and Rotom-W for Suicune, etc. Breloom can also work, but note that Sacred Fire's burns can conflict with Breloom's Spore in the long run.

-I think the Flash Fire part in counters is redundant with you have Heatran already mentioned, especially since Chandelure gets hit hard by Stone Edge too.

-Not sure where to mention this (maybe the overview?), but something that's really neat is that Sacred Fire isn't a contact move. This means you don't have to worry about Rocky Helmet or King's Shield!

Once you implement this stuff, I'll give you the final QC stamp!
Thanks! Implemented these. :)
I actually had said something about Sacred Fire not being a contact move already in the overview:
Entei can make even the mightiest physical attackers cower in fear of Sacred Fire, if that is what you wish. Sacred Fire is the main selling point of Entei, as it deals good damage to most Pokemon that don’t resist it and has a 50% chance to burn the target. Since it is not a contact move, it also avoids the attack drop of King's Shield, which can make Entei a decent check to Aegislash. Entei provides a check against many dangerous pokemon in Battle Spot Singles, such as Volcarona, Rotom-H, Mega Charizard Y, Thunderus, Gengar, and Aegislash. Since Sacred Fire is not a contact move, Entei worries less about Rocky Helmet and King Shield than other physical attackers. Its lack of fighting weakness differentiates it from Heatran and complements it's overall bulk. Base 100 speed allows it outspeed Pokemon such as Breloom and Heracross with little investment.

Obviously, this still has a long way to go with Grammar/Prose, so hopefully important things like that will stand out better in the end. ^__^;

Thanks for the check! Everyone who took the time to read over this and offered constructive criticism has been a huge help, and I appreciate it. :)
add remove comments
Change all curly apostrophes to straight ones: ' . I think I got them all but in case I missed some please change them !_!

[OVERVIEW] (you can unbold these)
Entei can make even the mightiest physical attackers cower in fear of Sacred Fire, if that is what you wish. Sacred Fire is the main selling point of Entei, as it deals good damage to most Pokemon that don’t don't (use these: ' " , not the curly ones) resist it and has a 50% chance to burn the target. Since it is not a contact move, Entei worries less about Rocky Helmet and King Shield than other physical attackers. It also avoids the attack drop of from King's Shield, which can make Entei a decent check to Aegislash. Entei provides a check against many dangerous Pokemon in Battle Spot Singles, such as Volcarona, Rotom-H, Mega Charizard Y, Thunderus Thundurus, Gengar, and Aegislash. Since Sacred Fire is not a contact move, Entei worries less about Rocky Helmet and King Shield than other physical attackers. Its lack of a Fighting weakness differentiates it from Heatran and complements it's its overall bulk. Base 100 Speed allows it outspeed Pokemon such as Breloom and Heracross with little investment.

Entei’s Entei's downsides are its incredibly shallow movepool and inability to deal with bulky Water- and Ground-types. The loss of Extreme Speed and Flare Blitz in the Battle Spot Singles metagame limits its movepool further and makes it very predictable. It is also weak to many common Pokemon in the metagame, such as Garchomp, Kangaskhan, Landorus-T, and Suicune. However, many of these threats cannot safely switch into Sacred Fire.

Name: Assault Vest
move 1: Sacred Fire
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Bulldoze
move 4: Flame Charge
item: Assault Vest
ability: Pressure
nature: Adamant
evs: 132 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Def / 52 SpD / 20 Spe


Sacred Fire is the main STAB attack of this set, dealing solid damage off of 100 base power with a 50% chance to burn the target. The high burn chance can make checks such as Garchomp, Kangaskhan, and Tyranitar think twice before switching in. Sacred Fire can eliminate Pokemon such as Aegislash, Serperior, Weavile, and Mega Mawile (no hyphen). Use Stone Edge if you predict a switch to a Fire-type such as Talonflame or and Charizard-Y. Bulldoze punishes Heatran switch-ins (this seems like "Pokemon that switch into Heatran, whereas in this case it's Heatran that switches into Entei) Heatran on the switch in with heavy (I mean, it's 4x weak to it) damage and a Speed drop. Flame Charge, although weak, can raise Entei’s Entei's speed to help it sweep. Iron Head is an alternative option over Flame Charge to deal more damage against Rock- and Fairy-types such as Tyranitar, Clefable, and Mega Altaria.

Set Details

Assault Vest takes advantage of Entei's natural bulk and ability to spread burns with Sacred Fire while sacrificing the raw power of a Choice Band set (no cross references). This allows it to switch into attacks such as Sylveon's or Gardevoir's Hyper Voice with relative ease. Maximum Attack EVs and an Adamant nature allows Entei to hit as hard as possible, while the HP and Defense EVs give Entei good general bulk. In particular, 132 HP and 52 Defense EVs allow for Entei to survive Adamant Mega Salamence's Adamant Double Edge. 52 Special Defense EVs, coupled with Assault Vest, gives Entei a little special bulk in taking to tank some weak hits and allows it to survive a Draco Meteor from Modest Choice Specs Hydreigon's Draco Meteor. 120 Speed EVs allows Entei to outspeed Adamant Bisharp and Breloom. After one Flame Charge, Entei outspeeds base 115 Pokemon by one point.

Usage Tips

Clicking Spamming Sacred Fire is generally the best option for using way to use Entei, unless you predict a Flash Fire user or Fire-type switch-in. Assault Vest and the burn potential of Sacred Fire allow Entei to switch into resisted attacks fairly easily (how does the burn chance allow Entei to switch into resisted attacks? If it had only one attack, say Tackle, its switching capabilities would be just the same). Entei's immunity to Will-O-Wisp allows it to switch into many Ghost-types ghosts types, such as Aegislash, Gengar, and Sableye. Flame Charge can help Entei avoid getting revenge killed after KOing a Pokemon.

Team Options
Bulky Water-types such as Rotom-W and Suicune can cover Entei’s Rock- and Ground-type weaknesses and are better able to deal with opposing Fire-types. Garchomp and Landorus are also good partners for this reason. Landorus in particular can come in on Ground-type moves aimed at Entei. Thunderus can help Entei against bulky Water-types, (AC) and it can also prevent Pokemon such as Charizard-X Mega Charizard X and Mega Salamence (no hyphen) from setting up on Entei by neutralizing them with Prankster Thunder Wave. Grass-types such as Surperior, Mega Venusaur (no hyphen), and Breloom can help cover Entei’s Entei's Rock- (add hyphen), Ground- and Water-type weaknesses as well.
Gengar is a good teammate for Entei for its immunity to Ground-type moves and ability to take advantage of burned opponents with Hex. Hydreigon has good type synergy with Entei and appreciates Entei’s Entei's ability to threaten Fairy-types. Cresselia can come in on Garchomp or Landorus-T’s Landorus-T's Earthquake and threaten it with Ice Beam.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Sacred Fire
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Bulldoze
move 4: Iron Head
item: Choice Band
ability: Pressure
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Sacred Fire is Entei’s Entei's main move, capable of dealing good damage and inflicting burns. Stone Edge helps against predicted switch-ins to Flash Fire users and Fire-types such as Talonflame switching in. Bulldoze lowers the opponent’s foe's speed and is the best move against Heatran. Iron Head is mostly filler, but it is the most damaging move against Tyranitar, Clefable, and Mega Altaria (no hyphen).

Set Details

Choice Band with an Adamant nature and maximum Attack investment allows Entei to hit as hard as possible. A Jolly nature can also be used to outspeed Lucario and Kangaskhan before they Mega Evolve (no hyphen). Maximum Speed EVs allow Entei to outspeed everything up to positive-natured base 86 Pokemon. If you want more bulk, a spread of 132 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Def / 52 SpD / 20 Spe can also be used instead.

Usage Tips

Sacred Fire is the move you will be using the most, as it is Entei’s main STAB and can spread burns. Many strong physical attackers like Kangaskhan can OHKO Entei but do not want to switch into Sacred Fire for fear of a burn. Be wary of Flash Fire (no hyphen) users and Pokemon that resist Sacred Fire. Pokemon that can use these resistances and set up on Entei, such as Dragon Dance Mega Charizard-X, are particularly dangerous. Entei is effective at crippling the opponent's team early with burns and damage. It is generally best to bring in Entei after a pokemon is has been KOed of or into a resisted attack once its threats the Pokemon that threaten it are gone. It is usually not the best lead due to its weakness to many common leads, (AC) pokemon like Garchomp. Garchomp often also carries Lum Berry somewhat commonly, neutering Entei's Sacred Fire even further.

Team Options

Bulky Water-types such as Rotom-W and Suicune can cover Entei's weakness to Ground- and Rock-types and deal with opposing Fire-types. Grass-types (add hyphen), especially the ones that can deal with bulky Water-types, can help round out coverage; Breloom in particular is a good teammate for Entei because it helps get rid of Dark-, Rock-, and Water-types such as Hydreigon, Tyranitar, and Rotom-W and also provides Spore support. However, it should be noted that Breloom's Spore can conflict with Entei's Sacred Fire. Fairy-types such as Sylveon, Togekiss, Gardevoir, Whimsicott, and Azumarill benefit from Entei's ability to deal with Steel-types. Togekiss also helps Entei with thanks to its immunity to Ground-type. Porygon2 is a good defensive teammate for Entei and is a good answer to Intimidate users if running Trace. Mega Salamence (no hyphen) appreciates Entei's ability to deal with Ice-types.

Name: Pressure Stall
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Protect
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Sacred Fire
item: Leftovers
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
evs: 20 HP / 232 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Substitute allows Entei to rack up damage from burns or poison as well as Pressure PP stall with Pressure. It also allows Entei to avoid status from moves such as Toxic and Thunder Wave. Protect helps stall longer, (RC) while scouting the opponent. Toxic deals more residual damage against walls than compared to (I think it's a bit more clear in this case) burn. Sacred Fire is Entei’s main STAB attack (to be honest I'd even change it to "only attacking move" because worded like this it's very similar to to previous sets, whereas this one is completely different and has a different purpose as well. Up to you) and can burn the opponent. Toxic shuts down defensive Pokemon such as Cresselia, Zapdos, Proygon2, and Rotom-W.

Set Details

252 Speed EVs and a Jolly nature allow Entei to get the jump on Mamoswine and more effectively set up Substitutes. 20 HP EVs give maximum Leftover recovery while maintaining as much Attack as possible. Leftovers, along with Protect, helps Entei have more longevity and recover health lost by Substitute. This set capitalizes on Entei's Pressure Ability, Pressure, through the use of Substitute and Protect.

Usage Tips

This set is best used after Entei’s the Pokemon that threaten Entei threats are gone, as it is easy for Pokemon such as Suicune to set up on it. Once the threat of set-up setup sweepers (I assume? If not just leave a generic "setup Pokemon" or "Pokemon with boosting/setup moves" or whatever) is gone, it is particularly effective against stall and defensive teams. Unllike all-out-attacking variants, this set does need to watch out for Taunt (Why? Should be mentioned). Fast Substitutes and Protect can be used to PP stall with Pressure and rack up damage from Toxic or burns. Sacred Fire is still Entei’s Entei's best attacking option, but will not be used as much as the other moves on this set as others. (cross reference; feel free to change my conclusion with anything else you want)

Team Options

Bulky Water-types, Fairy-types, and Grass-types are generally good teammates for Entei because they can (insert stuff). Pokemon such as Calm Mind Suicune and Belly Drum Azumarill can take advantage of Entei's ability to cripple the foe opponent. Pokemon with the ability to check bulky Water-types, such as Rotom-W, Mega-Venusaur and Thundurus, are useful teammates for Entei.

Strong sweepers such as Mega Kangaskahn (no hyphen) appreciate Entei’s Entei's ability to weaken the opponent foe and give it an opportunity to come in and sweep. M-Mawile Mega Mawile appreciates the synergy and support that Entei offers; Entei can take Will-O-Wisps and Fire-type moves and handle threats like such as Ferrothorn and opposing Mawile.

Other Options

Entei has a shallow movepool that is further hindered by the Pentagon rule, so there are few other options when it comes to attacks. Entei can run Snarl to weaken special attackers, although this has low damage output. Return or Frustration are decent options, but Sacred Fire is generally the better go-to move when hitting Pokemon for neutral damage due to its secondary effect. Sleep Talk can be used on the Choice Band set if you need a team member to absorb sleep, although this is situational. Rest is Entei's only mean of reliable recovery, but it comes at the cost of sleep turns or running Sleep Talk; both of these options limit Entei's effectiveness and coverage. Iron Tail deals more damage than Iron Head, but its low accuracy can often be detrimental. Will-O-Wisp can burn physical attackers, but Sacred Fire is a much better option. As for items, Lum Berry and Choice Scarf are also viable options. Special sets may surprise Entei's usual counters, but a physical set is generally better, (AC) as 90 Special Attack isn't very impressive, (RC) and Entei suffers from a shallow movepool on the special side as well.

Checks and Counters
(space) (these can be unbolded as well)
Heatran can come in on Sacred Fire and threaten Entei with Earth Power. Heatran must watch out for Bulldoze, though, as it is capable of OHKOing it. Air Balloon Heatran in particular is an excellent counter to Entei due to its immunity to Bulldoze.

**Bulky Water-types**: Bulky Water-types such as Rotom-W and Suicune can tank Entei’s Entei's attacks and threaten it with their STAB Water-type attacks.

**Suicune**: Suicune is especially dangerous among bulky Water-types, as it can switch into any of Entei's attacks, PP stall with Pressure, and set up with Calm Mind. It can also use Rest to get rid of a burn.

**Rock- and Ground-types**: Rock- and Ground-types such as Garchomp, Landorus-T, Gliscor, and Tyranitar immediately threaten Entei with STAB moves such as Earthquake and Rock Tomb. Landorus-T also has Intimidate, which lessens Entei’s offensive presence. These pokemon must be wary of switching into Sacred Fire, though, for fear of a burn.

**Garchomp**: Lum Berry Garchomp can easily tank a Sacred Fire, outspeed, and OHKO Entei with Earthquake, making it an excellent counter. Other variants cannot freely switch into (no space) Sacred Fire, (RC) but can easily KO Entei if they manage to get on the field.

**Facade Mega Salamence**: Mega Salamence can come in on any of Entei's attacks, and it does not fear a burn if it is running Facade. Even (Mega?) Salamence lacking Facade is a threat to Entei if it manages to get on the field without a burn, although Facade's usage is high enough to be taken into consideration.

comments for sobi
Entei can make even the mightiest physical attackers cower in fear ofwith Sacred Fire [by saying "of", you are implying that you are making them cower in fear of the move. By saying "with", you are implying that Entei makes them cower in fear because of its accessibility to Sacred Fire, so depending on what you are trying to choose, pick between "of" and "with"] (I think that's exactly what op was trying to say. It's also more reasonable, to me, that Pokemon are afraid of the actual move rather than the fact itself that Entei has access to it. It could be Entei, Cleffa, whoever you want, but the move is still the same. At least that's how I read it), if that is what you wish. Sacred Fire is the main selling point of Entei, as it deals good damage to most Pokemon that don’t resist it and has a 50% chance to burn the target. Since it is not a contact move, it also avoids the aAttack drop of King's Shield, which can make Entei a decent check to Aegislash. In addition to this, it doesn't have to worry about Rocky Helmet, unlike other physical attackers. Entei provides a check against many dangerous pPokemon [capitalise] in Battle Spot Singles, such as Volcarona, Rotom-H, Mega Charizard Y, Thundeurus [spelling], Gengar, and Aegislash. Since Sacred Fire is not a contact move, Entei worries less about Rocky Helmet and King Shield than other physical attackers. [To make this paragraph more cohesive, I moved this sentence above] (yes this is good) Its lack of fFighting-type weakness differentiates it from Heatran and complements it's [remove '] overall bulk, and Base 100 sSpeed allows it to outspeed Pokemon such as Breloom and Heracross with little investment.

Entei’s downsides are its incredibly shallow movepool and inability to deal with bulky Water- and Ground-types. The loss of Extreme Speed and Flare Blitz in the Battle Spot Singles metagame limits its movepool further and makes it very predictable. It is weak to many common Pokemon in the metagame, such as Garchomp, Kangaskhan, Landorus-T, and Suicune. However, many of these threats cannot safely switch into Sacred Fire.

Name: Assault Vest
move 1: Sacred Fire
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Bulldoze
move 4: Flame Charge
item: Assault Vest
ability: Pressure
nature: Adamant
EVs: 132 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Def / 52 SpD / 20 Spe

Sacred Fire is the main STAB attack of this set, dealing solid damage off of 100 base power[fluff] with a 50% chance to burn the target. The high burn chance can make checks such as Garchomp, Kangaskhan, and Tyranitar think twice before switching in. Sacred Fire can eliminate Pokemon such as Aegislash, Serperior, Weavile, and Mega-Mawile [rh]. Use Stone Edge if you predict athe opponent will switch to a Fire-type such as Talonflame or Mega Charizard- Y. Bulldoze punishes Heatran switch-ins (read check above) with damage and a speed drop. Flame Charge, although weak, can raise Entei’s speed to help it sweep. Iron Head is an alternative option over Flame Charge to whereas Iron Head (op's was fine) deals more damage against to Rock- and Fairy-types such as Tyranitar, Clefable, and Mega Altaria.

Set Details
Assault Vest takes advantage of Entei's natural bulk and ability to spread burns with Sacred Fire while sacrificing the raw power of a Choice Band set. This allows it to switch into attacks such as Sylveon or Gardevoir's Hyper Voice with relative ease. Maximum Attack EVs and Adamant nature allows ["allow" when you mention more than one thing before it, eg: "The people eat a lot of food" compared to "the person eats a lot of food"] Entei to hit as hard as possible, while the HP and Defense EVs give Entei good general bulk (I'd rather keep it). 132 HP and 52 Defense EVs allow for Entei to survive a Double Edge from Adamant Mega Salamence Double Edge. 52 Special Defense EVs, coupled with Assault Vest, gives Entei a little special bulk in taking hits and allows it to survive a Draco Meteor from Modest Choice Specs Hydreigon's Draco Meteor. 120 Speed EVs allows Entei to outspeed Adamant Bisharp and Breloom. After one Flame Charge, Entei outspeeds base 115 pPokemon by one point.

Usage Tips
Clicking Sacred Fire is generally the best option for using Entei, unless you predict a Flash Fire user or Fire-type switch-in. Assault Vest and the burn potential of Sacred Fire allow Entei to switch into resisted attacks fairly easily. Entei's immunity to Will-oO-Wisp allows it to switch into many ghosts Ghost-types, such as Aegislash, Gengar, and Sableye. Flame Charge can help Entei avoid getting revenge killed after KOing a Pokemon.

Team Options
Bulky Water-Ttypes such as Rotom-W and Suicune can cover Entei’s Rock- and Ground-type weaknesses and are better able to deal with opposing Fire-types. Garchomp and Landorus are also good partners for this reason. Landorus in particular can come in on Ground-type moves aimed at Entei. Thundeurus can help Entei against bulky Water-types. It can also prevent Pokemon such as Mega Charizard- X and Mega- Salamence from setting up on Entei by neutralizing them with Prankster Thunder Wave. Grass-Ttypes such as Suerperior, Mega- Venusaur, and Breloom can help cover Entei’s Rock- [ah], Ground- and Water-Ttype weaknesses as well.

Gengar is a good teammate for Entei forbecause of its immunity to Ground-type moves and ability to take advantage of burned opponents with Hex. Hydreigon has good type synergy with Entei and appreciates Entei’s ability to threaten Fairy-types. Cresselia can come in on Garchomp or Landorus-T’s Earthquake and threaten it with Ice Beam.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Sacred Fire
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Bulldoze
move 4: Iron Head
item: Choice Band
ability: Pressure
nature: Adamant / Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

Sacred Fire is Entei’s main move, capable of dealing good damage and inflicting burns. Stone Edge helps against predicted switch-ins to Flash Fire users and Fire-types such as Talonflame. Bulldoze lowers the opponent’s sSpeed and is the best move against Heatran. Iron Head is mostly a filler, but is the mostcan deal a lot of damaging move (op's was fine as well) against Tyranitar, Clefable, and Mega- Altaria.

Set Details
Choice Band with, an Adamant nature, and maximum Attack investment allows Entei to hit as hard as possible. A Jolly nature can also be used to outspeed Lucario and Kangaskhan before they Mega-eEvolve (no hyphen in Mega Evolve, Mega Evolution, Mega anything). Maximum Speed EVs allow Entei to outspeed everything up to positive-natured base 86 Pokemon. If you want more bulk, a spread of 132 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Def / 52 SpD / 20 Spe can also be used instead.

Usage Tips
Sacred Fire is the move you will be using most [You've said this a lot of times now] (He did, but it's also true that this set is basically click Sacred Fire until things faint. I don't particularly like it either, but at least the message will pass for sure !_!), as it is Entei’s main STAB and can spread burns. Many strong physical attackers like Kangaskhan can OHKO Entei but do not want to switch into Sacred Fire for fear of a burn. Be wary of Flash- Fire [rh] users and Pokemon that resist Sacred Fire. Pokemon that can use these resistances to their advantage and set up on Entei, such as Dragon Dance Mega Charizard- X, are particularly dangerous. Entei is effective at crippling the opponent early with burns and damage. It is generally best to bring in Entei after a pPokemon is KOed of into a resisted attack once its threats are gone. Ibecause it is usually not the best lead due to its weakness to many common lead pPokemon likesuch as Garchomp (uhm no? I think they are two different things. Referring ot the "because.." change). Also, Garchomp alsoften carries Lum Berry somewhat commonly, neutering Entei's Sacred Fire even further.

Team Options
Bulky Water-types such as Rotom and Suicune can cover Entei's weakness to Ground- and Rock-types and deal with opposing Fire-types. Grass -types, especially ones that can deal with bulky Water-types, can help round out coverage; Breloom in particular is a good teammate for Entei because it helps get rid of Dark-, Rock-, and Water-types such as Hydreigon, Tyranitar, and Rotom-W and also provides Spore support. However, it should be noted that Breloom's Spore can conflict with Entei's Sacred Fire. Fairy-types such as Sylveon, Togekiss, Gardevoir, Whimsicott, and Azumarill benefit from Entei's ability to deal with Steel-types. Togekiss also helps Entei with its immunity to Ground-types. Porygon2 is a good defensive teammate for Entei and is a good answcounter [not sure if this is what you meant, but change it to something suitable - "answer" doesn't fit well] (I do think that answer is better in this case. It's no guarantee that Porygon2 is a counter to Intimidate users at all, think about a Fighting type with Intimidate for example) to Intimidate users if running Trace. Mega- Salamence appreciates Entei's ability to deal with Ice-types.

Name: Pressure Stall
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Protect
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Sacred Fire
item: Leftovers
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
EVs: 20 HP / 232 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

Substitute allows Entei to rack up damage from burns orand poison as well as Pressure stall. It also allows Entei to avoid status from moves such as Toxic and Thunder Wave. Protect helps stall longer, while scouting the opponent. Toxic deals more residual damage against walls thant that carry moves that burn [original sentence didn't make sense, the current one is a bit dodgy but feel free to change it as you wish ^_^] (You changed the meaning of the sentence. Wording it like you did means that the moves that burn come from these walls, whereas in this case he is highlighting how it is better to go for Toxic against walls rather than fishing for the Sacred Fire burn. Be careful with these things :o). Sacred Fire is Entei’s main STAB [you keep saying this :x] (I agree that in this case it is better not to repeat it, check the check above as well)and can burn the opponent. Toxic shuts down defensive pokemon such as Cresselia, Zapdos, Prorygon2, and Rotom-W.

Set Details
252 Speed EVs and a Jolly nature allow Entei to get the jump on Mamoswine and more effectively set up Substitutes. 20 HP EVs give maximum Leftovers recovery while maintaining as much Attack as possible. Leftovers, along with Protect, helps Entei have moreincrease its (I like it more as well but op's is technically fine too) longevity and recover health lost by Substitute. This set capitalizes on Entei's Pressure Aability through the use of Substitute and Protect.

Usage Tips
This set is best used after Entei’s threats are gone, as it is easy for Pokemon such as Suicune to set up on it. Once the threat of set-up (No, I'd keep this as well, because deleting it means referring to Suicune ans Suicune only, whereas op wants to expand this to other Pokemon with setup moves as well) is gone, it is particularly effective against stall and defensive teams. Unllike all-out-attacking variants, this set does need to watch out for Taunt. Fast Substitutes (In this case fast is necessary indeed) and Protect can be used to PP stall with Pressure and rack up damage from Toxic or burn. Sacred Fire is still Entei’s best attacking option, but will not be used as much on this set as others.

Team Options
Bulky Water-types, Fairy-types, and Grass-types are generally good teammates for Entei. Pokemon such as Calm Mind Suicune and Belly Drum Azumarill can take advantage of Entei's ability to cripple the opponent. Pokemon with the ability to check bulky Water-types, such as Rotom-W, Mega-Venusaur, [ac] and Thundurus, are useful teammates for Entei.

Strong sweepers such as Mega- Kangaskahan appreciate Entei’s ability to weaken the opponent and give it an opportunity to come in and sweep. M-ega Mawile appreciates the synergy and support that Entei offers; Entei can take Will-oO-Wisps and Fire-type moves and handle threats like Ferrothorn and opposing Mawile.

Other Options
Entei has a shallow movepool that is further hindered by the pentagon rule, so there are few other options when it comes to attacks. Entei can run Snarl to weaken special attackers, although this has low damage output. Return or Frustration are decent options, but Sacred Fire is generally the better go-to move when hitting Pokemon for neutral damage due to its secondary effect. Sleep Talk can be used on the Choice Band set if you need a team member to absorb sleep, although this is situational. Rest is Entei's only means of reliable recovery, but comes at the cost of sleep turns or running Sleep Talk; both of these options limit Entei's effectiveness and coverage. Iron Tail deals more damage than Iron Head, but its low accuracy can often be detrimental. Will-oO-Wisp can burn physical attackers, but Sacred Fire is a much better option [might wanna say why to make the sentence longer]. As for items, Lum Berry and Choice Scarf are also viable options. Special sets may surprise counters, but a physical set is generally better; 90 Special Attack isn't very impressive, and Entei suffers from a shallow movepool on the special side as well.

Checks and Counters
**Heatran**: Heatran can come in on Sacred Fire and threaten Entei with Earth Power. Heatran must watch out for Bulldoze, though, as it is capable of OHKOing it. Air Balloon Heatran, [ac] in particular, [ac] is an excellent counter to Entei due to its immunity to Bulldoze.

**Bulky Water-types**: Bulky Water-types such as Rotom-W and Suicune can tank Entei’s attacks and threaten with STAB Water-type attacks.

**Suicune**: Suicune is especially dangerous among bulky Water-types, as it can switch into any of Entei's attacks, PP stall with Pressure, and set up with Calm Mind. It can also use Rest to get rid of a burn.

**Rock- and Ground-types**: Rock- and Ground-types such as Garchomp, Landorus-T, Gliscor, and Tyranitar immediately threaten Entei with STAB moves such as Earthquake and Rock Tomb. Landorus-T also has Intimidate, which lessens Entei’s offensive presence. These pPokemon must be wary of switching into Sacred Fire, though, (Again, this is actually fairly important) for fear of a burn.

**Garchomp**: Lum Berry Garchomp can easily tank a Sacred Fire, outspeed, and OHKO Entei with Earthquake, making it an excellent counter. Other variants cannot freely switch in to Sacred Fire, but can easily KO Entei if they manage to get on the field.

**Facade Mega Salamence**: Mega Salamence can come in on any of Entei's attacks, and does not fear a burn if it is running Facade. Even Salamence lacking Facade is a threat to Entei if it manages to get on the field without a burn, although Facade's usage is high enough to take into consideration.
Last edited:
add remove [comments]
ac = add comma, rc = remove comma, ah = add hyphen, rh = remove hyphen,
rest should be pretty self-explanatory.
Entei can make even the mightiest physical attackers cower in fear ofwith Sacred Fire [by saying "of", you are implying that you are making them cower in fear of the move. By saying "with", you are implying that Entei makes them cower in fear because of its accessibility to Sacred Fire, so depending on what you are trying to choose, pick between "of" and "with"], if that is what you wish. Sacred Fire is the main selling point of Entei, as it deals good damage to most Pokemon that don’t resist it and has a 50% chance to burn the target. Since it is not a contact move, it also avoids the aAttack drop of King's Shield, which can make Entei a decent check to Aegislash. In addition to this, it doesn't have to worry about Rocky Helmet, unlike other physical attackers. Entei provides a check against many dangerous pPokemon [capitalise] in Battle Spot Singles, such as Volcarona, Rotom-H, Mega Charizard Y, Thundeurus [spelling], Gengar, and Aegislash. Since Sacred Fire is not a contact move, Entei worries less about Rocky Helmet and King Shield than other physical attackers. [To make this paragraph more cohesive, I moved this sentence above] Its lack of fFighting-type weakness differentiates it from Heatran and complements it's [remove '] overall bulk, and Base 100 sSpeed allows it to outspeed Pokemon such as Breloom and Heracross with little investment.

Entei’s downsides are its incredibly shallow movepool and inability to deal with bulky Water- and Ground-types. The loss of Extreme Speed and Flare Blitz in the Battle Spot Singles metagame limits its movepool further and makes it very predictable. It is weak to many common Pokemon in the metagame, such as Garchomp, Kangaskhan, Landorus-T, and Suicune. However, many of these threats cannot safely switch into Sacred Fire.

Name: Assault Vest
move 1: Sacred Fire
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Bulldoze
move 4: Flame Charge
item: Assault Vest
ability: Pressure
nature: Adamant
EVs: 132 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Def / 52 SpD / 20 Spe

Sacred Fire is the main STAB attack of this set, dealing solid damage off of 100 base power[fluff] with a 50% chance to burn the target. The high burn chance can make checks such as Garchomp, Kangaskhan, and Tyranitar think twice before switching in. Sacred Fire can eliminate Pokemon such as Aegislash, Serperior, Weavile, and Mega-Mawile [rh]. Use Stone Edge if you predict athe opponent will switch to a Fire-type such as Talonflame or Mega Charizard- Y. Bulldoze punishes Heatran switch-ins with damage and a speed drop. Flame Charge, although weak, can raise Entei’s speed to help it sweep. Iron Head is an alternative option over Flame Charge to whereas Iron Head deals more damage against to Rock- and Fairy-types such as Tyranitar, Clefable, and Mega Altaria.

Set Details
Assault Vest takes advantage of Entei's natural bulk and ability to spread burns with Sacred Fire while sacrificing the raw power of a Choice Band set. This allows it to switch into attacks such as Sylveon or Gardevoir's Hyper Voice with relative ease. Maximum Attack EVs and Adamant nature allows ["allow" when you mention more than one thing before it, eg: "The people eat a lot of food" compared to "the person eats a lot of food"] Entei to hit as hard as possible, while the HP and Defense EVs give Entei good general bulk. 132 HP and 52 Defense EVs allow for Entei to survive a Double Edge from Adamant Mega Salamence Double Edge. 52 Special Defense EVs, coupled with Assault Vest, gives Entei a little special bulk in taking hits and allows it to survive a Draco Meteor from Modest Choice Specs Hydreigon's Draco Meteor. 120 Speed EVs allows Entei to outspeed Adamant Bisharp and Breloom. After one Flame Charge, Entei outspeeds base 115 pPokemon by one point.

Usage Tips
Clicking Sacred Fire is generally the best option for using Entei, unless you predict a Flash Fire user or Fire-type switch-in. Assault Vest and the burn potential of Sacred Fire allow Entei to switch into resisted attacks fairly easily. Entei's immunity to Will-oO-Wisp allows it to switch into many ghosts Ghost-types, such as Aegislash, Gengar, and Sableye. Flame Charge can help Entei avoid getting revenge killed after KOing a Pokemon.

Team Options
Bulky Water-Ttypes such as Rotom-W and Suicune can cover Entei’s Rock- and Ground-type weaknesses and are better able to deal with opposing Fire-types. Garchomp and Landorus are also good partners for this reason. Landorus in particular can come in on Ground-type moves aimed at Entei. Thundeurus can help Entei against bulky Water-types. It can also prevent Pokemon such as Mega Charizard- X and Mega- Salamence from setting up on Entei by neutralizing them with Prankster Thunder Wave. Grass-Ttypes such as Suerperior, Mega- Venusaur, and Breloom can help cover Entei’s Rock- [ah], Ground- and Water-Ttype weaknesses as well.

Gengar is a good teammate for Entei forbecause of its immunity to Ground-type moves and ability to take advantage of burned opponents with Hex. Hydreigon has good type synergy with Entei and appreciates Entei’s ability to threaten Fairy-types. Cresselia can come in on Garchomp or Landorus-T’s Earthquake and threaten it with Ice Beam.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Sacred Fire
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Bulldoze
move 4: Iron Head
item: Choice Band
ability: Pressure
nature: Adamant / Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

Sacred Fire is Entei’s main move, capable of dealing good damage and inflicting burns. Stone Edge helps against predicted switch-ins to Flash Fire users and Fire-types such as Talonflame. Bulldoze lowers the opponent’s sSpeed and is the best move against Heatran. Iron Head is mostly a filler, but is the mostcan deal a lot of damaging move against Tyranitar, Clefable, and Mega- Altaria.

Set Details
Choice Band with, an Adamant nature, and maximum Attack investment allows Entei to hit as hard as possible. A Jolly nature can also be used to outspeed Lucario and Kangaskhan before they Mega-eEvolve. Maximum Speed EVs allow Entei to outspeed everything up to positive-natured base 86 Pokemon. If you want more bulk, a spread of 132 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Def / 52 SpD / 20 Spe can also be used instead.

Usage Tips
Sacred Fire is the move you will be using most [You've said this a lot of times now], as it is Entei’s main STAB and can spread burns. Many strong physical attackers like Kangaskhan can OHKO Entei but do not want to switch into Sacred Fire for fear of a burn. Be wary of Flash- Fire [rh] users and Pokemon that resist Sacred Fire. Pokemon that can use these resistances to their advantage and set up on Entei, such as Dragon Dance Mega Charizard- X, are particularly dangerous. Entei is effective at crippling the opponent early with burns and damage. It is generally best to bring in Entei after a pPokemon is KOed of into a resisted attack once its threats are gone. Ibecause it is usually not the best lead due to its weakness to many common lead pPokemon likesuch as Garchomp. Also, Garchomp alsoften carries Lum Berry somewhat commonly, neutering Entei's Sacred Fire even further.

Team Options
Bulky Water-types such as Rotom and Suicune can cover Entei's weakness to Ground- and Rock-types and deal with opposing Fire-types. Grass -types, especially ones that can deal with bulky Water-types, can help round out coverage; Breloom in particular is a good teammate for Entei because it helps get rid of Dark-, Rock-, and Water-types such as Hydreigon, Tyranitar, and Rotom-W and also provides Spore support. However, it should be noted that Breloom's Spore can conflict with Entei's Sacred Fire. Fairy-types such as Sylveon, Togekiss, Gardevoir, Whimsicott, and Azumarill benefit from Entei's ability to deal with Steel-types. Togekiss also helps Entei with its immunity to Ground-types. Porygon2 is a good defensive teammate for Entei and is a good answcounter [not sure if this is what you meant, but change it to something suitable - "answer" doesn't fit well] to Intimidate users if running Trace. Mega- Salamence appreciates Entei's ability to deal with Ice-types.

Name: Pressure Stall
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Protect
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Sacred Fire
item: Leftovers
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
EVs: 20 HP / 232 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

Substitute allows Entei to rack up damage from burns orand poison as well as Pressure stall. It also allows Entei to avoid status from moves such as Toxic and Thunder Wave. Protect helps stall longer, while scouting the opponent. Toxic deals more residual damage against walls thant that carry moves that burn [original sentence didn't make sense, the current one is a bit dodgy but feel free to change it as you wish ^_^]. Sacred Fire is Entei’s main STAB [you keep saying this :x] and can burn the opponent. Toxic shuts down defensive pokemon such as Cresselia, Zapdos, Prorygon2, and Rotom-W.

Set Details
252 Speed EVs and a Jolly nature allow Entei to get the jump on Mamoswine and more effectively set up Substitutes. 20 HP EVs give maximum Leftovers recovery while maintaining as much Attack as possible. Leftovers, along with Protect, helps Entei have moreincrease its longevity and recover health lost by Substitute. This set capitalizes on Entei's Pressure Aability through the use of Substitute and Protect.

Usage Tips
This set is best used after Entei’s threats are gone, as it is easy for Pokemon such as Suicune to set up on it. Once the threat of set-up is gone, it is particularly effective against stall and defensive teams. Unllike all-out-attacking variants, this set does need to watch out for Taunt. Fast Substitutes and Protect can be used to PP stall with Pressure and rack up damage from Toxic or burn. Sacred Fire is still Entei’s best attacking option, but will not be used as much on this set as others.

Team Options
Bulky Water-types, Fairy-types, and Grass-types are generally good teammates for Entei. Pokemon such as Calm Mind Suicune and Belly Drum Azumarill can take advantage of Entei's ability to cripple the opponent. Pokemon with the ability to check bulky Water-types, such as Rotom-W, Mega-Venusaur, [ac] and Thundurus, are useful teammates for Entei.

Strong sweepers such as Mega- Kangaskahan appreciate Entei’s ability to weaken the opponent and give it an opportunity to come in and sweep. M-ega Mawile appreciates the synergy and support that Entei offers; Entei can take Will-oO-Wisps and Fire-type moves and handle threats like Ferrothorn and opposing Mawile.

Other Options
Entei has a shallow movepool that is further hindered by the pentagon rule, so there are few other options when it comes to attacks. Entei can run Snarl to weaken special attackers, although this has low damage output. Return or Frustration are decent options, but Sacred Fire is generally the better go-to move when hitting Pokemon for neutral damage due to its secondary effect. Sleep Talk can be used on the Choice Band set if you need a team member to absorb sleep, although this is situational. Rest is Entei's only means of reliable recovery, but comes at the cost of sleep turns or running Sleep Talk; both of these options limit Entei's effectiveness and coverage. Iron Tail deals more damage than Iron Head, but its low accuracy can often be detrimental. Will-oO-Wisp can burn physical attackers, but Sacred Fire is a much better option [might wanna say why to make the sentence longer]. As for items, Lum Berry and Choice Scarf are also viable options. Special sets may surprise counters, but a physical set is generally better; 90 Special Attack isn't very impressive, and Entei suffers from a shallow movepool on the special side as well.

Checks and Counters
**Heatran**: Heatran can come in on Sacred Fire and threaten Entei with Earth Power. Heatran must watch out for Bulldoze, though, as it is capable of OHKOing it. Air Balloon Heatran, [ac] in particular, [ac] is an excellent counter to Entei due to its immunity to Bulldoze.

**Bulky Water-types**: Bulky Water-types such as Rotom-W and Suicune can tank Entei’s attacks and threaten with STAB Water-type attacks.

**Suicune**: Suicune is especially dangerous among bulky Water-types, as it can switch into any of Entei's attacks, PP stall with Pressure, and set up with Calm Mind. It can also use Rest to get rid of a burn.

**Rock- and Ground-types**: Rock- and Ground-types such as Garchomp, Landorus-T, Gliscor, and Tyranitar immediately threaten Entei with STAB moves such as Earthquake and Rock Tomb. Landorus-T also has Intimidate, which lessens Entei’s offensive presence. These pPokemon must be wary of switching into Sacred Fire, though, for fear of a burn.

**Garchomp**: Lum Berry Garchomp can easily tank a Sacred Fire, outspeed, and OHKO Entei with Earthquake, making it an excellent counter. Other variants cannot freely switch in to Sacred Fire, but can easily KO Entei if they manage to get on the field.

**Facade Mega Salamence**: Mega Salamence can come in on any of Entei's attacks, and does not fear a burn if it is running Facade. Even Salamence lacking Facade is a threat to Entei if it manages to get on the field without a burn, although Facade's usage is high enough to take into consideration.
Just remember to leave a space after each heading, and not to bold them! If you want, you can implement some of the changes here, but you aren't obliged to.
seems as if I was sniped 0_0
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Thanks for the quick response, GP team! :o

Implemented most of the edits, although I'm still working on replacing all those apostrophes. I'm probably just being stupid, but I can't find the key for the non-curly one on my laptop, so this should be fun. ^__^;
edit: I think I got them all, but head's up to the next GP person to look out for rogue curly apostrophes.

Sorry for all the mess you guys had to wade through (it's really appalling that I didn't notice all those verb mixups. I swear I really do know English...). I should have proofread it a bit before turning it over to Copyediting (in regards to formatting at the very least... -.-), but I just got excited to be moving forward with this analysis after sitting on it for way too long.

Thanks for the tip, I'll try that next time. :)
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will do this
also http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/how-to-change-the-curly-quotes-’-to-regular-ones-in-microsoft-word.3476492/

add remove comments

Entei can make even the mightiest physical attackers cower in fear of Sacred Fire, if that is what you wish. Sacred Fire is the main selling point of Entei, as it deals good damage to most Pokemon that don't resist it and has a 50% chance to burn the target. Since it is not a contact move, it also avoids the Attack drop from King's Shield, which can make Entei a decent check to Aegislash. In addition to this, it doesn't have to worry about Rocky helmet, Helmet, unlike other physical attackers. Entei provides a check against many dangerous Pokemon in Battle Spot Singles, such as Volcarona, Rotom-H, Mega Charizard Y, Thundurus, Gengar, and Aegislash. Its lack of a Fighting-type weakness differentiates it from Heatran and complements its overall bulk, and Base 100 Speed allows it to outspeed Pokemon such as Breloom and Heracross with little investment.

Entei's downsides are its incredibly shallow movepool and inability to deal with bulky Water- and Ground-types. The loss of Extreme Speed and Flare Blitz in the Battle Spot Singles metagame limits its movepool further and makes it very predictable. It is weak to many common Pokemon in the metagame, such as Garchomp, Kangaskhan, Landorus-T, and Suicune. However, many of these threats cannot safely switch into Sacred Fire.

[SET] (Comment: remove the line break)

Name: name: (Comment: lower case) Assault Vest
move 1: Sacred Fire
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Bulldoze
move 4: Flame Charge
item: Assault Vest
ability: Pressure
nature: Adamant
EVs: 132 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Def / 52 SpD / 20 Spe


Sacred Fire is the main STAB attack of this set, dealing solid damage with a 50% chance to burn the target. The high burn chance This can make checks such as Garchomp, Kangaskhan, and Tyranitar think twice before switching in. Sacred Fire can also eliminate Pokemon such as Aegislash, Serperior, Weavile, and Mega Mawile. Use Stone Edge hits Fire-types that resist Sacred Fire, if you predict the opponent will switch to a Fire-type (Comment: the old wording is more Usage Tips, not really that important of a change though ) such as Talonflame or Mega Charizard Y. Bulldoze punishes Heatran with heavy damage and a Speed drop. Flame Charge, although weak, can raise Entei's speed to help it sweep sweep, whereas Iron Head deals more damage to Rock- and Fairy-types such as Tyranitar, Clefable, and Mega Altaria.

Set Details

Assault Vest takes advantage of Entei's natural bulk and ability to spread burns with Sacred Fire. This allows it to switch into attacks such as Sylveon's or Gardevoir's Hyper Voice with relative ease. Maximum Attack EVs and an Adamant nature allow Entei to hit as hard as possible, while the HP and Defense EVs give Entei good bulk. In particular, 132 HP and 52 Defense EVs allow Entei to survive a Double-Edge from Adamant Mega Salamence. 52 Special Defense EVs, coupled with Assault Vest, give Entei a little special bulk to tank some weak hits and allows it to survive a Draco Meteor from Modest Choice Specs Hydreigon. 120 Speed EVs allow Entei to outspeed Adamant Bisharp and Breloom. Breloom, and, after After one Flame Charge, Entei outspeeds base 115 Pokemon by one point. (Comment: is this neutral or positive natured?)

Usage Tips

Spamming Sacred Fire is generally the best way to use Entei, unless you predict a Flash Fire user or Fire-type switch-in. However, if the opponent is low on health, trying to KO it with Flame Charge can help Entei avoid getting revenge Killed. (Comment: moved the last sentence so moves are together, reworded it to make is seem more "usage tip"-y) Assault Vest allows Entei to switch into resisted attacks fairly easily. Similarly, (Comment: transition) Entei's immunity to Will-O-Wisp allows it to switch into many Ghost-types, such as Aegislash, Gengar, and Sableye. Flame Charge can help Entei avoid getting revenge killed after KOing a Pokemon.

Team Options

Bulky Water-types such as Rotom-W and Suicune can cover Entei's Rock- and Ground-type weaknesses and are better able to deal with opposing Fire-types. Garchomp and Landorus are also good partners for this reason. Landorus in particular can come in on Ground-type moves aimed at Entei. Thundurus can help Entei against bulky Water-types, and it can also prevent Pokemon such as Mega Charizard X and Mega Salamence from setting up on Entei by neutralizing them with Prankster Thunder Wave. Grass-types such as Serperior, Mega Venusaur, and Breloom can help cover Entei’s Entei's Rock-, Ground- and Water-type weaknesses as well.

Gengar is a good teammate for Entei because of its immunity to Ground-type moves and ability to take advantage of burned opponents with Hex. Hydreigon has good type synergy with Entei and appreciates Entei’s Entei's ability to threaten Fairy-types. Cresselia can come in on Garchomp or Landorus-T’s Landorus-T's Earthquake and threaten it with Ice Beam.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Sacred Fire
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Bulldoze
move 4: Iron Head
item: Choice Band
ability: Pressure
nature: Adamant / Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Sacred Fire is Entei's main move, capable of dealing good damage and inflicting burns. Stone Edge helps against predicted Flash Fire users and Fire-types such as Talonflame switching in. Bulldoze lowers the foe's Speed and is the best move against Heatran. Iron Head is a mostly filler, but can deal a lot of damage against Tyranitar, Clefable, and Mega Altaria.

Set Details
Choice Band, an Adamant nature, and maximum Attack investment allow Entei to hit as hard as possible. A Jolly nature can also be used instead to outspeed Lucario and Kangaskhan before they Mega Evolve. Maximum Speed EVs allow Entei to outspeed everything up to positive-natured base 86 Pokemon. If you want more bulk, a spread of 132 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Def / 52 SpD / 20 Spe can also be used instead.

Usage Tips

Sacred Fire is the move you will be using the most, as it is Entei's main STAB and can spread burns. Many strong physical attackers like Kangaskhan can OHKO Entei but do not want to switch into Sacred Fire for fear of a burn. Be wary of Flash Fire users and Pokemon that resist Sacred Fire. Pokemon that can use these resistances to their advantage and set up on Entei, such as Dragon Dance Mega Charizard X, are particularly dangerous. Entei is effective at crippling the opponent's team early with burns and damage. It is generally best to bring in Entei after a Pokemon is KOed because it has poor matchups against is usually not the best lead due to its weakness to many common leads, like Garchomp. Also, Garchomp often carries Lum Berry, neutering Entei’s Entei's Sacred Fire even further.

Team Options

Bulky Water-types such as Rotom-W and Suicune can cover Entei's weakness to Ground- and Rock-types and deal with opposing Fire-types. Grass-types, especially the ones that can deal with bulky Water-types, can help round out coverage; Breloom in particular is a good teammate for Entei because it helps get rid of Dark-, Rock-, and Water-types such as Hydreigon, Tyranitar, and Rotom-W and also provides Spore support. However, it should be noted that Breloom's Spore can conflict with Entei's Sacred Fire. Fairy-types such as Sylveon, Togekiss, Gardevoir, Whimsicott, and Azumarill benefit from Entei's ability to deal with Steel-types. Togekiss also helps Entei thanks to its immunity to Ground-types. Porygon2 is a good defensive teammate for Entei and is a good check to Intimidate users if running Trace. Mega Salamence appreciates Entei's ability to deal with Ice-types.

Name: Pressure Stall
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Protect
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Sacred Fire
item: Leftovers
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
EVs: 20 HP / 232 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Substitute allows Entei to rack up damage from burns and poison poison, as well as PP stall with Pressure. It also blocks allows Entei to avoid status from moves such as Toxic and Thunder Wave. Protect helps stall longer, while scouting the opponent. Toxic poison deals more residual damage compared to burn, and thus is useful against walls. It shuts down defensive Pokemon such as Cresselia, Zapdos, Porygon2, and Rotom-W. Sacred Fire is Entei's only attacking move and can burn the opponent. Toxic shuts down defensive Pokemon such as Cresselia, Zapdos, Porygon2, and Rotom-W.

Set Details

252 Speed EVs and a Jolly nature allow Entei to get the jump on Mamoswine and more effectively set up Substitute. 20 HP EVs give maximum Leftovers recovery while maintaining as much Attack as possible. Leftovers, along with Protect, helps Entei increase its longevity and recover health lost by Substitute. This set capitalizes on Entei's ability, Pressure, through the use of Substitute and Protect.

Usage Tips

This set is best used after the Pokemon that threaten Entei are gone, as it is easy for Pokemon such as Suicune to set up on it. Once the threat of set-up sweepers such boosters is gone, it is particularly effective against stall and defensive teams. This set is somewhat susceptible to Taunt do due to its reliance on non-attacking moves. Fast Substitutes and Protect can be used to PP stall with Pressure and rack up damage from Toxic or burn.

Team Options

Bulky Water-, Fairy-, and Grass-types are generally good teammates because they can cover Entei’s weaknesses. Pokemon such as Calm Mind Suicune and Belly Drum Azumarill can take advantage of Entei’s Entei's ability to cripple the foe. Pokemon with the ability to check bulky Water-types, such as Rotom-W, Mega-Venusaur, and Thundurus Thundurus, are useful teammates for Entei.

Strong sweepers such as Mega Kangaskhan appreciate Entei’s ability to weaken the foe and give it an opportunity to come in and sweep. Mega Mawile appreciates the synergy and support that Entei offers; Entei can take Will-O-Wisps and Fire-type moves and handle threats such as Ferrothorn and opposing Mega Mawile.


Other Options

Entei has a shallow movepool that is further hindered by the Pentagon rule, so there are few other options when it comes to attacks. Entei can run Snarl to weaken special attackers, although this has low damage output. Return or Frustration are decent options, but Sacred Fire is generally the better move when hitting Pokemon for neutral damage due to its secondary effect. Sleep Talk can be used on the Choice Band set if you need a team member to absorb sleep, although this is situational. Rest is Entei's only means of reliable recovery, but it comes at the cost of sleep turns or running Sleep Talk; both of these options limit Entei's effectiveness and coverage. Iron Tail deals more damage than Iron Head, but its low accuracy can often be detrimental. Will-O-Wisp can burn physical attackers, but Sacred Fire is a much better option because of the additional damage output. As for items, Lum Berry and Choice Scarf are also viable options. Special sets may surprise Entei's usual counters, but a physical set is generally better, as 90 Special Attack isn’t isn't very impressive and Entei suffers from a shallow movepool on the special side as well.

Checks and Counters

**Heatran**: Heatran can come in on Sacred Fire and threaten Entei with Earth Power. Heatran must watch out for Bulldoze, though, as it is capable of OHKOing it. Air Balloon Heatran, in particular, is an excellent counter to Entei due to its immunity to Bulldoze.

**Bulky Water-types**: Bulky Water-types such as Rotom-W and Suicune can tank Entei's attacks and threaten it with their STAB Water-type attacks.

**Suicune**: Suicune is especially dangerous among bulky Water-types, as it can switch into any of Entei’s attacks, PP stall with Pressure, and set up with Calm Mind. It can also use Rest to get rid of a burn.

**Rock- and Ground-types**: Rock- and Ground-types such as Garchomp, Landorus-T, Gliscor, and Tyranitar immediately threaten Entei with STAB moves such as Earthquake and Rock Tomb. Landorus-T also has Intimidate, which lessens Entei's offensive presence. These Pokemon must be wary of switching into Sacred Fire, though, for fear of a burn.

**Garchomp**: Lum Berry Garchomp can easily tank a Sacred Fire, outspeed, and OHKO Entei with Earthquake, making it an excellent counter. Other variants cannot freely switch into Sacred Fire but can easily KO Entei if they manage to get on the field.

**Facade Mega Salamence**: Mega Salamence can come in on any of Entei's attacks, and it does not fear a burn if it is running Facade. Even Mega Salamence lacking Facade is a threat to Entei if it manages to get on the field without a burn, although Facade's usage is high enough to be taken into consideration.
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