Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 47 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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I can catch you a Woobat from the Safari for free. PM/VM me when you're around again. Feel free to specify a specific Pokeball as well if you care.

Welcome to Smogon btw ^_^
Thank you bro! Yeah I want it in normal poke ball only. Thank you so much. I only need a hidden ability woobat. Preferrably female bro. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! :D
What are competitive natures to reset for for Gen VI Mew and Hoopa?
I heard Mew was kinda limited since it can't Defog/Sucker Punch if Kalosian.

Hasty, Naive for OU Hoopa-U usage, Timid/Modest for UU Hoopa.

Edit: Preferred (Calm, careful) Modest, Timid, Adamant, and Jolly are also acceptable natures for Mew
Looking for Houndour, igglypuff, and pancham spitbacks. 1 of each gender and type of pokemon and good stats for breeding
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LF Gen I-III Legends
FT Multiple Hidden Power pokes from my thread

*Gen 6 or RNG is fine.
*Ball choice is preferred but not required.

Modest (HP Ground or Fighting)

Careful or Calm | Defog

Bold or Timid


Impish or Careful

Modest | Hidden Power Fire | Defog


Bold and Brave

Mild, Relaxed, and Impish

Skipping the actual showing of the mathsy stuff...
Odds of 5IVs (assuming there is a specific IV you don't care about) if 3 IVs are guaranteed to be 31:
330 / 655360.

Odds of 4IVs + 0-1 Speed IV (assuming there is a specific IV you don't care about) if 3 IVs are guaranteed to be 31:
268 / 655360.
If you wanted exactly 0 Speed...
134 / 655360.

That's ignoring nature, but that doesn't change based on the IVs you get, so it's irrelevant for comparison...
But yes, low speed vs 31 speed does make a difference to the odds.

I think my original point started to get lost In the posts (or I didn't explain I properly!), it was in relation to Buckerts SR guide and while 31hp/0spd is rarer to come by than 31hp/31spd once those checks have been done then odds swing in the favour of TRpoke as there's 4 remaining stats with 2 confirmed 31 as opposed to 1....or am I still wrong lol!
I think my original point started to get lost In the posts (or I didn't explain I properly!), it was in relation to Buckerts SR guide and while 31hp/0spd is rarer to come by than 31hp/31spd once those checks have been done then odds swing in the favour of TRpoke as there's 4 remaining stats with 2 confirmed 31 as opposed to 1....or am I still wrong lol!

You're correct but we're saying that in the end, it's easier to SR for 31 speed then for 0 speed
Skipping the actual showing of the mathsy stuff...
Odds of 5IVs (assuming there is a specific IV you don't care about) if 3 IVs are guaranteed to be 31:
330 / 655360.

Odds of 4IVs + 0-1 Speed IV (assuming there is a specific IV you don't care about) if 3 IVs are guaranteed to be 31:
268 / 655360.
If you wanted exactly 0 Speed...
134 / 655360.

That's ignoring nature, but that doesn't change based on the IVs you get, so it's irrelevant for comparison...
But yes, low speed vs 31 speed does make a difference to the odds.
I actually care about the mathsy stuff lol. Could you please explain to me how you got that number? I was trying to figure it out myself but eventhough I like to think I'm good at chance calculations, apparently I'm not. :P
Skipping the actual showing of the mathsy stuff...
Odds of 5IVs (assuming there is a specific IV you don't care about) if 3 IVs are guaranteed to be 31:
330 / 655360.

Odds of 4IVs + 0-1 Speed IV (assuming there is a specific IV you don't care about) if 3 IVs are guaranteed to be 31:
268 / 655360.
If you wanted exactly 0 Speed...
134 / 655360.

That's ignoring nature, but that doesn't change based on the IVs you get, so it's irrelevant for comparison...
But yes, low speed vs 31 speed does make a difference to the odds.
I actually care about the mathsy stuff lol. Could you please explain to me how you got that number? I was trying to figure it out myself but eventhough I like to think I'm good at chance calculations, apparently I'm not. :P

I would like to see it too! Those numbers seem a little off to me.. well truth be told I have only done the first one. Not sure about the rest. Care to explain? :)

EDIT : Was using 1/31 instead of 1/32. Ignore pls
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I would like to see it too! Those numbers seem a little off to me.. well truth be told I have only done the first one. Not sure about the rest. Care to explain? :)
I'm probably wrong on this, but here's what I was thinking:

So, assuming that you don't care about which of the 6 stats is ignored and that the guaranteed IVs are generated first, the first IV would always be 1, since we haven't established which IV will be ignored, yet.

We get: 1 * 4/5 * 3/4 * (1/32 * 2/3) * (1/32 * 1/2) = 1/5120. That's a factor 2,578.. difference! What am I missing? :(

I realise that the ignored stat could also be 31, but as we 'simply' say it's ignored, I doubt it really matters.
I'm probably wrong on this, but here's what I was thinking:

So, assuming that you don't care about which of the 6 stats is ignored and that the guaranteed IVs are generated first, the first IV would always be 1, since we haven't established which IV will be ignored, yet.

We get: 1 * 4/5 * 3/4 * (1/32 * 2/3) * (1/32 * 1/2) = 1/5120. That's a factor 2,578.. difference! What am I missing? :(

I realise that the ignored stat could also be 31, but as we 'simply' say it's ignored, I doubt it really matters.

Alright nvm I am dumb. I used 1/31 instead of 1/32. Herp.

Alright so it goes as follows : Say you are aiming for 31/x/31/31/31/31.

With the 3 guaranteed IVs, there are 20 possible combinations. HP / Atk / Def, HP / Atk / Sp. Atk, HP / Atk / Sp. Def .... you get the idea. It works out that, seeing as you don't want guaranteed IVs to be in Atk, then there are exactly 10 possible combinations of perfect IVs that do not use Atk.

HP / Def / Sp. Atk
HP / Def / Sp. Def
HP / Def / Spe
HP / Sp. Atk / Sp. Def
HP / Sp. Atk / Spe
HP / Sp. Def / Spe
Def / Sp. Atk / Sp. Def
Def / Sp. Atk / Spe
Def / Sp. Def / Spe
Sp. Atk / Sp. Def / Spe

So there is a 50% (1/2) that you will get the guaranteed IVs in the right spot. After that, you need 31 in two more IVs to make a 31/x/31/31/31/31, and the chances of that happening is an easy calculation, 1/32 * 1/32. So : (1/2) * (1/32) * (1/32) = 1 / 2048, or 32 / 65536 (important later).

However, there is also the chance that a guaranteed 31 IV will be in Attack, but then we also happen to luckily get a 31 in our other 3 stats anyway (basically yielding a hexaflawless spread). So the chance of this happening is (1/2) * (1/32) * (1/32) * (1/32) = 1 / 65536.

Add them together and you get 33 / 65536, the same as .com's result.
Alright nvm I am dumb. I used 1/31 instead of 1/32. Herp.

Alright so it goes as follows : Say you are aiming for 31/x/31/31/31/31.

With the 3 guaranteed IVs, there are 20 possible combinations. HP / Atk / Def, HP / Atk / Sp. Atk, HP / Atk / Sp. Def .... you get the idea. It works out that, seeing as you don't want guaranteed IVs to be in Atk, then there are exactly 10 possible combinations of perfect IVs that do not use Atk.

HP / Def / Sp. Atk
HP / Def / Sp. Def
HP / Def / Spe
HP / Sp. Atk / Sp. Def
HP / Sp. Atk / Spe
HP / Sp. Def / Spe
Def / Sp. Atk / Sp. Def
Def / Sp. Atk / Spe
Def / Sp. Def / Spe
Sp. Atk / Sp. Def / Spe

So there is a 50% (1/2) that you will get the guaranteed IVs in the right spot. After that, you need 31 in two more IVs to make a 31/x/31/31/31/31, and the chances of that happening is an easy calculation, 1/32 * 1/32. So : (1/2) * (1/32) * (1/32) = 1 / 2048, or 32 / 65536 (important later).

However, there is also the chance that a guaranteed 31 IV will be in Attack, but then we also happen to luckily get a 31 in our other 3 stats anyway (basically yielding a hexaflawless spread). So the chance of this happening is (1/2) * (1/32) * (1/32) * (1/32) = 1 / 65536.

Add them together and you get 33 / 65536, the same as .com's result.
Oh, that makes a lot of sense actually, thanks! I should've just mapped out the first possibilities to figure out the rest... I knew there had to be a plus in there somewhere, just wasn't sure where.
Skipping the actual showing of the mathsy stuff...
Odds of 5IVs (assuming there is a specific IV you don't care about) if 3 IVs are guaranteed to be 31:
330 / 655360.

Odds of 4IVs + 0-1 Speed IV (assuming there is a specific IV you don't care about) if 3 IVs are guaranteed to be 31:
268 / 655360.
If you wanted exactly 0 Speed...
134 / 655360.

That's ignoring nature, but that doesn't change based on the IVs you get, so it's irrelevant for comparison...
But yes, low speed vs 31 speed does make a difference to the odds.
Alright nvm I am dumb. I used 1/31 instead of 1/32. Herp.

Alright so it goes as follows : Say you are aiming for 31/x/31/31/31/31.

With the 3 guaranteed IVs, there are 20 possible combinations. HP / Atk / Def, HP / Atk / Sp. Atk, HP / Atk / Sp. Def .... you get the idea. It works out that, seeing as you don't want guaranteed IVs to be in Atk, then there are exactly 10 possible combinations of perfect IVs that do not use Atk.

HP / Def / Sp. Atk
HP / Def / Sp. Def
HP / Def / Spe
HP / Sp. Atk / Sp. Def
HP / Sp. Atk / Spe
HP / Sp. Def / Spe
Def / Sp. Atk / Sp. Def
Def / Sp. Atk / Spe
Def / Sp. Def / Spe
Sp. Atk / Sp. Def / Spe

So there is a 50% (1/2) that you will get the guaranteed IVs in the right spot. After that, you need 31 in two more IVs to make a 31/x/31/31/31/31, and the chances of that happening is an easy calculation, 1/32 * 1/32. So : (1/2) * (1/32) * (1/32) = 1 / 2048, or 32 / 65536 (important later).

However, there is also the chance that a guaranteed 31 IV will be in Attack, but then we also happen to luckily get a 31 in our other 3 stats anyway (basically yielding a hexaflawless spread). So the chance of this happening is (1/2) * (1/32) * (1/32) * (1/32) = 1 / 65536.

Add them together and you get 33 / 65536, the same as .com's result.

and yet even with those odds we still do it!!! .....we must be really, really stupid committed!
LF: Calm/Bold softboiled Cleffa/Clefairy (decent IVs). Haven't really found sucess in trade threads, if you can help me, send a PM and hopefully we can arrange a fair trade. Thanks in advance.
I've got a 6IVs Rayquaza, with trained EVs, level 100; but the fact is that I want a shiny Rayquaza, would someone mind to trade it with me?
I've got a 6IVs Rayquaza, with trained EVs, level 100; but the fact is that I want a shiny Rayquaza, would someone mind to trade it with me?
If you want to trade it, you might want to give some more information about it, like;

- From which game
- How did you get it
- Is it hacked

Stuff like that is what people here want to know.
If you want to trade it, you might want to give some more information about it, like;

- From which game
- How did you get it
- Is it hacked

Stuff like that is what people here want to know.
Don't know what is "OT&ID"; but it is from Omega Ruby, it isn't hacked, and I got it by trading with a friend, but the training of level and EVs was made by me.
Don't know what is "OT&ID"; but it is from Omega Ruby, it isn't hacked, and I got it by trading with a friend, but the training of level and EVs was made by me.

OT is the trainer name and ID is the IDnumber of said trainer (with trainer i'm talking about a savefile). You can find that data by looking at the pokemon's information at the top of the upperscreen.

By the way, "I got it from a friend" isn't the best source to get something from. Often they got it from someone who hacked it whitout knowing that themselves or even hacked it themselves. and if it's 6th gen (thus has blue pentagon) and has 6IVs and you got it from a friend, it's probably hacked
Can soul dew be trade through wifi or local ? I need one but I don't want to catch the Lati on the Southern Island yet .
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