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  • Wooohoo jij ook weer hier!?
    Het is wel een hoop gedoe inderdaad, van wat ik begrepen heb. Then again, met al die nieuwe tools, is het natuurlijk wel makkelijker geworden (Mints, Bottle caps, etc). Ik heb Scarlet wel laatst 'gevonden' ( ;) ) dus misschien ga ik dat maar een keertje spelen. :P
    Mints en caps vind ik persoonlijk echt verschrikkelijk. Vind het juist een sport om flawless Pokémon te hebben. Maar goed, ook daar zijn voldoende hulpmiddelen voor. Ik heb inmiddels 1 Switch Lite en 2 Switches V1, die ik allebei heb voorzien van CFW. Kan dus mooi breeden en soft resetten automatiseren :P Al duurt het dan nog lang.

    Zo had ik gister eindelijk mijn Jolly Calyrex :D
    Scarlet en Violet vind ik oprecht wel echt heel tof. De verhaallijnen vind ik interessant, de grote open wereld, overal kan je lopen, echt heel gaaf. Alleen de glitches en bugs, tsja xD
    I'm afraid I don't understand the question lol. Do you mean wether you are allowed to do so? Or that I put them in gen 8 and rename them? lol, sorry for the confusion.
    yeah can i nickname them whenever they become available to transfer to Gen 8 cartridge
    Of course you can! I have no reason to say you can't haha. :)
    Hi, when would it be a good time to trade for your shiny vivillon?
    thank you! I got a gen 7 one with rage powder egg move if you want, but gotta transfer from moon
    Thank you for the Vivi trade! It never hurts to spread the Vivi love. <3
    Nah. It's fine.
    As someone who has recently been replaying Emerald for the Battle Frontier, stick with AA on the Mence imo. I regret breeding HP Flying because of all the Evasion ._.".
    Nelson Tangela
    Nelson Tangela
    By the way, I live in South Limburg now and I like it here. =D
    Whoops, sorry for responding so late. That's really cool. =D Welcome to the Netherlands. ;) I'm like all the way in South-Holland though.
    Nelson Tangela
    Nelson Tangela
    No worries dude. I just wanted to say that I really like your beautiful country so far. I also really should work on my Dutch. :P
    Speel je nog? (:
    Ik speel nog steeds Pokémon, maar ik heb niet de behoefte gehad om mijn thread te updaten of te ruilen lol. Misschien dat ik wel weer meer ga spelen als gen 8 gereleased wordt. :P Teveel goede games te weinig tijd... Jij?
    Ik speel sinds een tijdje weer, voornamelijk ter voorbereiding op gen 8 n__n
    Veel breeden dus en af en toe Battle Tree!

    Je hebt nog een aantal pokés waar ik wel interesse in heb, zijn er nog bepaalde dingen die je zoekt? (:
    Vreemd, ik heb geen melding gekregen van je bericht...
    Anyway, waar heb je interesse in? Ik ben niet al te kritisch (vanwege mijn luiheid haha), dus noem maar en dan komen we er vast wel uit. :)
    Hi Thomaz, I'm asking you if you can let me use your TT format, to use in my TT. Saw your format, and i think that it suits threads with a large amount of Pokemon. Let me know ~
    Greetings Thomaz! I just wanted to ask you if you still got that Ribbon Master Milotic and if it's up for trade. I couldn't find it in your new thread and I wanted to ask here before CMTing in your thread. Let me know what you think!
    I still got it, but it's not finished yet honestly. I need to do the Wifi Battle Tower in gen 4 first, then get it to 6 and do the stuff there. I have a save file for the BT so it'll be alright. :)
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    I see, thank you very much for your reply! Well I'm planning on CMTing you for it once you have finished the Gen 4 ribbons. If I ever were to get my hands on the Milotic, I'd get all of the Gen 6 and Gen 7 ribbons for it myself anyway. Maybe I could take care of this for you? Let me know what you think.
    Make the Netherlands great again?
    Nelson Tangela
    Nelson Tangela
    Breast reduction surgery or something less serious?
    She's getting a neuro modulator actually, it's basically a pace maker, but instead of the heart, it stimulates the bladder. I guess the surgery on it's own isn't really that risky, but the emotional effect of it is quite big.
    Nelson Tangela
    Nelson Tangela
    Sure, doesn't sound life-threatening but it would still stink if they'd botch your GF's pee maker.
    Good luck with that. Hopefully it works well enough that she forgets about it in a week.
    Do you/did you use lua scripts for your FRLG RNGs? If so, are these publicly available and could I possibly have a link to them?
    Oops. I use Lua to figure out my the IVs I hit. As for a link, I'd have to look it up.
    He Legofigured it out :]
    Yeah, no need - I found and adapted my own one. Thanks, though!
    What's up Thomaz?! Haven't seen you much :0. How's life and RNG?
    Wow, I'm just terrible. So so sorry. I'm just really terrible lately with responding to stuff haha. I'm good. Really busy with a lot of stuff like looking for houses and whatnot. RNG's still as good as ever. Just did a whole lot of stuff on gen 7 lol. You?
    That's nice to hear ^_^! Good luck with finding houses :). I'm doing great, thanks for asking! I did some 7 gen RNG's myself as well. Anyways, it's good to see you again!
    Hi! I have an egg that matches your TSV. Would you be able to help me out?

    B30 - 5,2 - Yanma (♀) - Modest - Speed Boost - - Dark - [1399]

    IGN: Joe

    Timezone: WIB (+7 GMT)

    Availability: Usually available most of the time during the week, and weekends (i'm on college break)

    Special Instructions: None.

    Thank you so much :)
    Oops, I'm so sorry. Yes, of course, I'll hatch it for you. =) I'll be available whenever you can.
    Thomaz - I just PM'd you that MewTwo code. I got busy and I forgot how close we were to its expiry. I believe you have less than 24 hours. Please use it now, and we can we work out the trade details in the coming days. My apologies for the delay!
    Ik ga Remoraid nu Pokébanken, je FC adden en dan kom ik online!
    Zou je mijn Modest / Ground Eevee kunnen klonen? dat ik die 3 keer in totaal terug krijg?
    Ik doe het even zo want dan kan het in het Nederlands xD
    Die trade vind ik prima! Kan je vanavond rond 19:00 ruilen?

    En kan je klonen? Want dat kan ik niet =/.
    Regulier is prima hoor. Overigens weet ik niet of ik 19.00 red. Ik kan mijn Lux Starly like nergens vinden dus ik denk dat ik m'n file moet restoren. Verder moet ik ook boodschappen doen en koken. Ik laat wel weten wanneer ik beschikbaar ben, ok? Zeker vandaag hoor. ;p
    Zullen we anders 21:30 afspreken?
    Ik ben van plan om zo te gaan schilderen, en dan hoef ik niet tussendoor te gaan checken of je er bent :P
    Haha, is goed. Laten we 21:30 maar doen.
    Hoi Thomaz, je hebt best wel veel Pokémon in specifieke Pokéballs met Hidden Ability waar ik interesse in heb.
    Indien je wilt, kan ik in je thread posten om welke het gaat.
    Ja, doe maar. Ik ben niet zo moeilijk met die DexNav en FS zooi. ;)
    Dude, could you come online in game for a second? I want to catch a Spiritomb in your safari and switching between 3DSs has messed up my unlocked Friend Safaris. xD

    PS: Are you still in Big Apple?
    The plural of "Latios" is "Latios". :p
    Fair enough. :P It's kinda what I figured, but I didn't feel like researching it. Latii is of course for the twins.
    hi thomaz, i know my trade thread is quite bare but is there anything you want for a safari ball female cubone?
    Thank you!!
    Aron only has superpower im affraid as i only use him in the maison as lvl only has superpower by chance as it was a result of dexnav'n but iv's match the nature so hope its useful :)
    Yeah, that's fine. It's a nice way to start of a breed. :)
    Hello, Thomaz! I'll be online all day so let me know if you want to trade the Victini :)
    Anything you need for it?

    I wanted to trade you a copy of my Raikou but I lost it :(

    Thanks for Victini! My team is almost ready :D
    Heh, Raikou would've been cool, but it's ok. You've hatched a ton for me and I really do intend to breed some more genderless stuff whenever I take the time for it. No problem. ^_^
    Ok ok. Let me know when you need help hatching your eggs. I'll be glad to help you.

    Thank you! :)
    Do you have a Weather Ball Bulbasaur by any chance or would you be able to get one?
    Same to you! :D I hope it's not an issue that Bulba has the Korean name. It had the English name when I hatched it, but the name reverted back to Korean when send to gen 6. :/
    Nelson Tangela
    Nelson Tangela
    It should change once I evolve it, so that won't be a problem. :D
    Oh yeah, good point. Forgot about that. :P
    Hey, nog steeds aan het zoeken naar HA bird codes? Ik kan je er wel geven, heb er zo goed als 100 :P
    Beschouw het maar als een cado. Zal je PM sturen, als die niet gaat stuur ik een andere
    Trouwens, UK newsletter van Pokémon site kreeg ook codes, dus heb daar ook nog een zooi codes van gekregen ~
    Haha, nice!
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