[STABmons] Stoutland


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QC: baconbagon / unfixable / Eevee General
GP: The Dutch Plumberjack / Snobalt


Stoutland is a good physical attacker in the STABmons metagame thanks to its access to Scrappy Fake Out + Extreme Speed, solid base 110 Attack, and decent 85 / 90 / 90 bulk. It also has the ability to use Scrappy Rapid Spin, which makes it a better entry hazard remover than any Defogger. Because it has amazing coverage moves in its first three moveslots, it can run a utility move in the fourth. While it faces competition from Mega Lopunny and Ursaring, it doesn't take up a Mega slot like Mega Lopunny does, and it can use Scrappy Rapid Spin unlike Ursaring.

name: Revenge Killer
move 1: Fake Out
move 2: Extreme Speed
move 3: Superpower
move 4: Rapid Spin / Baton Pass
item: Silk Scarf
ability: Scrappy
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Fake Out lets Stoutland deal chip damage to faster, frailer attackers that threaten it and its teammates, as well as slower, bulkier attackers that would otherwise survive a hit from it. Extreme Speed, when used in tandem with Fake Out, gives Stoutland a way to reliably revenge kill a plethora of Pokemon and has high priority and overall decent coverage. Superpower hits the Rock- and Steel-types that Fake Out and Extreme Speed can't, such as Terrakion, Tyranitar, and Heatran, super effectively; however, it's risky to use Superpower against Heatran because it commonly runs King's Shield, which can heavily weaken Stoutland. Rapid Spin clears entry hazards so that Stoutland's teammates have an easier time switching in, boosting the team's longevity, and it doesn't remove the entry hazards that Stoutland's teammates set, unlike Defog. Baton Pass is used to let Stoutland switch out of physical walls such as Landorus-T and Steel-types such as Mega Scizor. Fire Fang is an alternative option to Superpower, as it gives Stoutland a way to take care of Ferrothorn, Scizor, Mega Scizor, and Klefki, but it gives Stoutland a harder time dealing with Rock-types and Heatran. Recover can be used to restore lost health so that Stoutland can stay on the field and attack for (subjective) longer.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed EVs and an Adamant nature are used to let Stoutland hit as hard and move as fast as possible so that it can outspeed and KO Pokemon such as Ursaring more easily. An EV spread of 120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 Spe can be used to let Stoutland have more bulk and enough Speed to let its Extreme Speed still hit first when it's facing Jolly Ursaring. Silk Scarf boosts Stoutland's Normal-type STAB moves even further to KO a bigger range of Pokemon. Scrappy lets Stoutland hit Ghost-types such as Gengar and Sableye with Fake Out and Extreme Speed, as well as hit Sableye super effectively with Superpower.

Usage Tips

Try to use Stoutland as a revenge killer, as it easily takes care of threatening foes with Fake Out + Extreme Speed. When Stoutland is facing a King's Shield user, try to use a status move if you're running one on Stoutland, or switch out to prevent Stoutland from being weakened. Don't use Stoutland against Scizor and Ferrothorn if you're running Superpower on it; both will survive two Superpowers, and the latter has Iron Barbs to inflict residual damage. Avoid Rocky Helmet, Rough Skin, and Iron Barbs damage to keep Stoutland healthy for as long as possible. Use Fake Out to deal chip damage to bulkier foes to help Stoutland and its teammates KO them more easily. Try not to switch Stoutland directly into attacks so that you don't risk it getting KOed. Try to use Rapid Spin on free turns generated by forced switches, and use Baton Pass to get away from King's Shield and Iron Barbs easily.

Team Options

Stoutland is a good fit on hyper offense, bulky offense, and balance teams. Landorus-T is a good teammate because it can take care of Fighting-types such as Mega Lopunny and Terrakion. Ghost-types such as Gengar and Sableye can be used instead of Landorus-T, but Mega Lopunny can KO them easily because of Scrappy. Pokemon that like Gengar and Mega Sableye gone, such as Terrakion and Gengar, enjoy Stoutland as a teammate because of its ability to easily KO both. Special attackers and Fire-type absorbers such as Keldeo and Heatran give Stoutland a way to switch out of Will-O-Wisp and Parting Shot. Pokemon that can take care of Steel-types like Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, and Heatran are good teammates; examples are Thundurus, Keldeo, and a Heatran of your own. Volt Switch, U-turn, and Parting Shot users such as Magnezone, Scizor, Mega Scizor, Sableye, and Weavile give Stoutland a way to switch into powerful attackers such as Keldeo and Terrakion. Entry hazard setters such as Garchomp and Klefki are good teammates because the switches that Stoutland forces makes the foes take a lot of residual damage. Klefki can also paralyze and tank hits from Terrakion and Mega Lopunny, which makes it a worthwhile teammate for Stoutland.

Other Options

Glare can be used in the fourth moveslot to ensure that Stoutland outspeeds its foes, specifically Mega Lopunny, to KO them more easily. Don't use Crunch because Scrappy lets Stoutland hit Ghost-types with STAB- and Silk Scarf-boosted Normal-type moves anyway. Pursuit can be used to trap Pokemon that switch out of Fake Out + Extreme Speed, such as Gengar, Latios, Meloetta, and Hoopa. It also gives Stoutland a way to target Ghost- and Psychic-types, which fear Scrappy Fake Out + Extreme Speed, more easily. Lovely Kiss can be used in the fourth moveslot as a utility move to put threatening foes to sleep to give Stoutland an easier time with KOing them. Swords Dance can be run over Fake Out to let Stoutland easily clean up mid- to late-game. Make sure to use Protect or Lovely Kiss in the fourth slot with Swords Dance; the former gives Stoutland a way to avoid taking damage and a way to hurt High Jump Kick users such as Mega Lopunny and Terrakion, and the latter gives it an easier time setting up. A Lum Berry can be run with this set to prevent Stoutland from being burned, paralyzed, badly poisoned, or put to sleep; this set faces tremendous competition with Mega Lopunny, though. Life Orb can be used instead of Silk Scarf for more all-around damage. It lets Stoutland 2HKO Ferrothorn with Superpower, but the residual damage that it applies when used in tandem with Fake Out isn't good; nevertheless, it works well if Recover is used in the fourth moveslot, in the same way that Life Orb + Roost Latios works. Keep in mind that the recoil stacks up annoyingly quickly. Toxic wears down the bulky Ground- and Water-types that Stoutland has a hard time KOing, such as Landorus-T, Hippowdon, Slowbro, and Mega Slowbro.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types:** Steel-types such as Ferrothorn, Heatran, and Scizor have enough bulk to survive multiple hits from Stoutland. Ferrothorn has Iron Barbs to damage Stoutland with any move it makes, Scizor has a lot of strong attacks to KO Stoutland with, and both Ferrothorn and Heatran have enough bulk to survive a Superpower and commonly run King's Shield to weaken physical attackers, making it hard for Stoutland to KO them.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types such as Mega Lopunny, Terrakion, and Keldeo outspeed and easily KO Stoutland with High Jump Kick, Close Combat, and Secret Sword, and Terrakion also resists Normal and therefore doesn't mind Stoutland's Fake Out + Extreme Speed. However, Keldeo is revenge killed by that combination.

**Status**: Status spreaders such as Thunder Wave Klefki and Clefable, Will-O-Wisp Sableye, and Lava Plume Heatran severely cripple Stoutland by either slowing it down or halving its Attack.

**Faster Extreme Speed Users**: Faster Extreme Speed users such as Mega Lopunny and Kangaskhan are stronger than Stoutland and KO it easily with their STAB moves.

**Faster Attackers That Resist Normal-type Moves**: Faster attackers that resist Normal-type moves such as Jirachi, Terrakion, and Aerodactyl all have strong moves that easily KO Stoutland, and Terrakion OHKOes it with Close Combat or High Jump Kick.

**Physical Walls**: Physical walls such as Mega Scizor, Landorus-T, Skarmory, and Mega Slowbro all survive a hit from and can KO Stoutland, and Landorus-T's Intimidate lowers Stoutland's already mediocre Attack; however, Toxic wears Landorus-T and Mega Slowbro down. Mega Scizor and Skarmory are immune to Toxic, resist Fake Out + Extreme Speed, and can deal a lot of damage to Stoutland.
Last edited:

- Solidify this into positives and negatives, because it feels a little conflicted and awkward
- Change the first point to just a general description of its access to Scrappy Fake Out + Extreme Speed, as a whole host of Pokemon (Swellow, Miltank, Exploud) also get it, no matter how unviable they are
- Mention that its bulk is actually pretty decent for an offensive Pokemon. No matter what, most Normal-types are going to be vulnerable to Fighting-types anyway
- 110 Attack is mediocre in general in the hard-hitting metagame, not just in comparison to other Fake Out + Extreme Speed users
- Serious competition with Mega Lopunny should be the main idea in the negatives bit

- Elaborate on Superpower and how it hits Rock- and Steel-types. Stoutland will also rarely be using Superpower versus Will-O-Wisp regular Sableye, so take that out
- Move Fire Fang to the bottom of the set, as it is an alternative option
- Add something about Rapid Spin bolstering the longevity of a team in general, as well as not removing your own hazards unlike Defog
- I'm not sure if Toxic should have its own slash because hazard control and recovery are really amazing, but yeah it can stick around on the set if you like. Either way, describe that it wears down bulky Ground- and Water-types, with the specific examples listed

Set Details
- Elaborate on what Pokemon Stoutland can outspeed
- Your EV spread is a little weird and the Def EVs should probably be in HP for general bulk. Also specifically mention that it hits Jolly Ursaring with its own Extreme Speed first
- Add that Scrappy allows Stoutland to hit Ghost-types with its Normal and Fighting attacks before going into specific examples

Usage Tips
- Mention King's Shield, which is really annoying for Stoutland to deal with
- Er Fake Out really shouldn't be what Stoutland should be hitting bulkier foes with
- Add something about when to use Rapid Spin, Toxic, and Recover. Generally, stuff about the free turns generated by forced switches, using Toxic as foes switch in, and keeping healthy should be alright

Team Options
- I mean Stoutland fits on bulky offense too and tbh you don't really need to talk about what archetypes it fits on
- Take out hazard removal as Stoutland doesn't fear hazards much and often serves the role of a Rapid Spin user itself
- Latios isn't the kind of thing that appreciates having Gengar gone. Change this to something like Terrakion
- Add VoltTurn users to give Stoutland momentum

Other Options
- What does Thunder Wave do? Why would Stoutland use it? You need to elaborate here
- Why shouldn't Stoutland use Crunch? Mention Scrappy
- Mention that frail Psychic- and Ghost-types fear Fake Out + Extreme Speed and so are prime targets for Pursuit trapping
- Make the bullet point about the Swords Dance set a little more understandable

Checks and Counters
- This is kinda bare in general
- Fighting-types feels pretty lacking. Add that Terrakion and Lucario also resist Normal, so they don't fear Stoutland's priority, while Keldeo can be revenge killed by Stoutland
- Ferrothorn and Scizor should be Steel-types, and should include things like bulky King's Shield Heatran. Even though Ferrothorn and Heatran are weak to Superpower, they can weaken Stoutland with King's Shield and have the bulk to take a hit.
- Faster Revenge Killers doesn't really make too much sense when Stoutland has Extreme Speed. Maybe you should change this to something like opposing Extreme Speed users, and then have another separate section called "Faster Attackers that resist Normal" such as Jirachi, Aerodactyl, etc.
- Bulky Attackers sounds more like Physical Walls at this stage. Magnezone also shouldn't be here, as Stoutland does a lot with Superpower while Specs Flash Cannon doesn't OHKO in return. Mention that Toxic can wear down these Pokemon quickly. You could even move Skarmory here, because Physical Walls in general is more solid

QC 1/3
THERE look i did it

- Solidify this into positives and negatives, because it feels a little conflicted and awkward
- Change the first point to just a general description of its access to Scrappy Fake Out + Extreme Speed, as a whole host of Pokemon (Swellow, Miltank, Exploud) also get it, no matter how unviable they are
- Mention that its bulk is actually pretty decent for an offensive Pokemon. No matter what, most Normal-types are going to be vulnerable to Fighting-types anyway
- 110 Attack is mediocre in general in the hard-hitting metagame, not just in comparison to other Fake Out + Extreme Speed users
- Serious competition with Mega Lopunny should be the main idea in the negatives bit

- Elaborate on Superpower and how it hits Rock- and Steel-types. Stoutland will also rarely be using Superpower versus Will-O-Wisp regular Sableye, so take that out
- Move Fire Fang to the bottom of the set, as it is an alternative option
- Add something about Rapid Spin bolstering the longevity of a team in general, as well as not removing your own hazards unlike Defog
- I'm not sure if Toxic should have its own slash because hazard control and recovery are really amazing, but yeah it can stick around on the set if you like. Either way, describe that it wears down bulky Ground- and Water-types, with the specific examples listed

Set Details
- Elaborate on what Pokemon Stoutland can outspeed
- Your EV spread is a little weird and the Def EVs should probably be in HP for general bulk. Also specifically mention that it hits Jolly Ursaring with its own Extreme Speed first
- Add that Scrappy allows Stoutland to hit Ghost-types with its Normal and Fighting attacks before going into specific examples

Usage Tips
- Mention King's Shield, which is really annoying for Stoutland to deal with
- Er Fake Out really shouldn't be what Stoutland should be hitting bulkier foes with
- Add something about when to use Rapid Spin, Toxic, and Recover. Generally, stuff about the free turns generated by forced switches, using Toxic as foes switch in, and keeping healthy should be alright

Team Options
- I mean Stoutland fits on bulky offense too and tbh you don't really need to talk about what archetypes it fits on
- Take out hazard removal as Stoutland doesn't fear hazards much and often serves the role of a Rapid Spin user itself
- Latios isn't the kind of thing that appreciates having Gengar gone. Change this to something like Terrakion
- Add VoltTurn users to give Stoutland momentum

Other Options
- What does Thunder Wave do? Why would Stoutland use it? You need to elaborate here
- Why shouldn't Stoutland use Crunch? Mention Scrappy
- Mention that frail Psychic- and Ghost-types fear Fake Out + Extreme Speed and so are prime targets for Pursuit trapping
- Make the bullet point about the Swords Dance set a little more understandable

Checks and Counters
- This is kinda bare in general
- Fighting-types feels pretty lacking. Add that Terrakion and Lucario also resist Normal, so they don't fear Stoutland's priority, while Keldeo can be revenge killed by Stoutland
- Ferrothorn and Scizor should be Steel-types, and should include things like bulky King's Shield Heatran. Even though Ferrothorn and Heatran are weak to Superpower, they can weaken Stoutland with King's Shield and have the bulk to take a hit.
- Faster Revenge Killers doesn't really make too much sense when Stoutland has Extreme Speed. Maybe you should change this to something like opposing Extreme Speed users, and then have another separate section called "Faster Attackers that resist Normal" such as Jirachi, Aerodactyl, etc.
- Bulky Attackers sounds more like Physical Walls at this stage. Magnezone also shouldn't be here, as Stoutland does a lot with Superpower while Specs Flash Cannon doesn't OHKO in return. Mention that Toxic can wear down these Pokemon quickly. You could even move Skarmory here, because Physical Walls in general is more solid

QC 1/3
THERE look i did it
THERE look i did it

ready for qc 2
  • looks fine
  • mention that superpower suxx versus king's shield :0 in specific i mean since it hits steel-types
  • when you mention partners, list specifics! which fairy-types go well with stout?
other options:
  • lovely kiss!!!!
  • lucario -> keldeo, more relevant and fakespeed doesn't exactly run over + lucario isn't relevant at all
  • ferro and heatran don't run ks specifically for stout, so reword it

qc 2/3

  • looks fine
  • mention that superpower suxx versus king's shield :0 in specific i mean since it hits steel-types
  • when you mention partners, list specifics! which fairy-types go well with stout?
other options:
  • lovely kiss!!!!
  • lucario -> keldeo, more relevant and fakespeed doesn't exactly run over + lucario isn't relevant at all
  • ferro and heatran don't run ks specifically for stout, so reword it

qc 2/3

did :)

will write up sometime in the next 24 hours

I don't like how repetitive this paragraph is. You also undersell Stoutland right off the bat.
Stoutland is shadowed over by Mega Lopunny and Ursaring as good Fake Out + Extreme Speed users, and the competition is faces with Mega Lopunny is, even though it doesn't take up a mega slot, Mega Lopunny is overall a bulkier, stronger, and faster Scrappy Fake Out + Extreme Speed user; however, Stoutland is also a good alternative to Mega Lopunny if you are running a different Mega Evolution on your team.
You already said it's outclassed in the second sentence. And I'd rather see more positives upfront before you mention why it's outclassed, namely it can Scrappy Spin (over Ursaring) and doesn't take up the mega slot (over Lopunny).

I think the overview should flow as follows:
-Used for Scrappy Fake Out + Extreme Speed with a solid 110 Attack
-Can Scrappy Spin
-Coverage in 3 slots gives it room to run utility in 4th
-Decent bulk for an attacker
-Faces heavy competition from other Normal-types, namely Mega Lopunny and Ursaring
-But it has these advantages over them:

There's not a lot that needs saying about Stoutland so I don't expect it to be very long.

Revenge Killer

I don't like Toxic, especially slashed on the set. I'd rather Baton Pass against a wall, considering many of them will be Steel-types. Should be Rapid Spin / Baton Pass. Recover can go down below. Toxic in OO.

Under Usage Tips the first line should be about revenge killing. That's what the set is called after all. Talk about Baton Pass bypassing on King's Shield and Iron Barbs.

Under Team Options, since when was Togekiss a check to Terrakion? Even Mega Diancie won't like taking a Diamond Storm or CC from it. A better check to both is Landorus-T. Also I'm not seeing a mention of teammates to clear out Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, Heatran, etc, the main Pokemon that will switch into Stoutland. How about listing Thundurus, Keldeo, and your own Heatran? I also want to see a section on hazards because FakeSpeeders force a lot of switches. Klefki is a worthwhile addition for tanking most Terrakion and Mega Lop hits, stacking Spikes, and Twaving faster threats.

The Steel checks and counters should be first. I'm not switching any of those Fighting-types into a Stoutland directly. List them second or third.

Nothing about status? Klefki's Twave, Heatran's Lava Plume, Clefable's Twave, and a healthy Sableye's Wisp are gonna ruin Stoutland's day.

Please implement these changes and tag me so I can look it over for the last QC.
Eevee General

I don't like Baton Pass simply because so many Intimidate users, namely Landorus-T, come in on Stoutland with relative ease. By passing the Attack drop, you're putting yourself at a disadvantage. Toxic at least hits the bulky Ground-types that can take advantage of Stoutland. Grabbing momentum is cool and all, but with how common Landorus-T is, I just see it as being a limit on your team. I'm fine with Recover in Moves, though.
Other Options

Thunder Wave can be used in the fourth moveslot to ensure that Stoutland outspeeds its foes, specifically Mega Lopunny, to easier KO them. .

Sorry to butt in, but since I got sniped both times before I could post my qc check, just wanted to point out the one thing I saw that nobody else noticed. Why run Thunder Wave over Glare? This way you can hit Ground-types with it such as Lando who is going to switch into you a bunch.
Eevee General

I don't like Baton Pass simply because so many Intimidate users, namely Landorus-T, come in on Stoutland with relative ease. By passing the Attack drop, you're putting yourself at a disadvantage. Toxic at least hits the bulky Ground-types that can take advantage of Stoutland. Grabbing momentum is cool and all, but with how common Landorus-T is, I just see it as being a limit on your team. I'm fine with Recover in Moves, though.
You don't pass to your physical attacker on a Landorus-T. You go to Keldeo, Mega Blast, Mega Bro, Rotom-W or even Thundurus, and if you have Weavile or Kyurem-B they still KO at -1. Same thing with Gyarados except: go to Rotom-W, Raikou, Thundurus, Kyurem-B, etc.

Those are the two most relevant Intimidate Pokemon and every team has answers to them.

sup Rhythms - mostly subjective changes tbh. good grammers there, m8

Add Remove Comment

Stoutland is a good physical attacker in the STABmons metagame thanks to its access to Scrappy Fake Out + Extreme Speed and solid base 110 Attack. It also has the ability to use Scrappy Rapid Spin, which makes it a better entry hazard remover than any Defogger. Because it has coverage moves in the first three spots, it can run utility in the fourth,(AC). and it also (a few really short sentences in a row, just smooths it out) has 85 / 90 / 90 bulk, which is decent for an attacker. However,(RC) While it faces competition from Mega Lopunny and Ursaring, but it doesn't take up a mega slot like Mega Lopunny does and it can use Scrappy Rapid Spin unlike Ursaring.

name: Revenge Killer
move 1: Fake Out
move 2: Extreme Speed
move 3: Superpower
move 4: Rapid Spin / Baton Pass
item: Silk Scarf
ability: Scrappy
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Fake Out lets Stoutland deal chip damage to faster, frailer attackers that threaten it and its teammates, as well as slower, bulkier attackers that would otherwise live survive a hit from it. Extreme Speed, when used in tandem with Fake Out, gives Stoutland a way to reliably revenge kill a plethora of Pokemon and has high priority and overall decent coverage. Superpower hits the Rock- and Steel-types that Fake Out and Extreme Speed can't, such as Terrakion, Tyranitar, and Heatran, super effectively; however, it's risky to use Superpower against Heatran because it commonly runs King's Shield and can weaken Stoutland a lot if it uses King's Shield the move (repetition) while Stoutland uses Superpower. Rapid Spin clears entry hazards so that Stoutland's teammates have an easier time switching in, it strengthens the team's longevity, and it doesn't remove the entry hazards that Stoutland's teammates set, unlike Defog. Baton Pass is used to let Stoutland switch out of physical walls such as Landorus-T and Steel-types such as Mega Scizor. Fire Fang is an alternative option to Superpower, as it gives Stoutland a way to take care of Ferrothorn, Scizor, Mega Scizor, and Klefki, but it gives Stoutland a harder time dealing with Rock-types and Heatran. Recover can be used to restore lost health so that Stoutland can stay on the field and attack longer.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed EVs and an Adamant nature are used to let Stoutland hit as hard and move as fast as possible so that it can outspeed and KO Pokemon such as Ursaring more easily. An EV spread of 120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 Spe can be used to let Stoutland have more bulk and enough Speed to let its Extreme Speed hit first when facing Jolly Ursaring. Silk Scarf lets Stoutland's Normal-type STAB moves become even stronger to KO a bigger range of Pokemon. Scrappy lets Stoutland hit Ghost-types such as Gengar and Sableye with Fake Out and Extreme Speed, and it lets Stoutland hit Sableye super effectively with Superpower.

Usage Tips

Try to use Stoutland as a revenge killer, as it easily takes care of threatening foes with Fake Out + Extreme Speed. When Stoutland is facing a King's Shield user, try to use a status move if you're running one on Stoutland,(RC) or switch out to prevent Stoutland from being weakened. Don't use Stoutland against Scizor and Ferrothorn if you're running Superpower; the both will live two Superpowers, and the latter has Iron Barbs to inflict residual damage. Avoid Rocky Helmet, Rough Skin, and Iron Barbs damage to keep Stoutland healthy for as long as possible. Use Fake Out to deal chip damage to bulkier foes to help Stoutland and its teammates KO the foe more easily. Try not to switch Stoutland in unless it's a safe switch so that you don't risk it getting KOed. Try to use Rapid Spin on free turns generated by forced switches and Baton Pass to easily get away from avoid (think this makes more sense here) King's Shield and Iron Barbs.

Team Options

Stoutland is a good fit on hyper offense, bulky offense, and balance teams. Landorus-T is a good teammate because it can take care of Fighting-types such as Mega Lopunny and Terrakion. Ghost-types such as Gengar and Sableye can be used instead of a Landorus-T, but Mega Lopunny can KO them easily because of Scrappy. Pokemon that like Gengar and Mega Sableye gone, such as Terrakion and Gengar, like Stoutland as a teammate because of its ability to easily KO both. Special attackers and Fire-type absorbers (this doesn't work, but i'm not sure if you mean "Pokemon with Flash Fire" or "Pokemon that can absorb a Will-O") such as Keldeo and Heatran give Stoutland a way to switch out of Will-O-Wisp and Parting Shot. Pokemon that can take care of Steel-(AH)types like Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, and Heatran,(RC) such as Thundurus, Keldeo, and Heatran, are good teammates;(SC). examples are Thundurus, Keldeo, and a Heatran of your own. (bc mentioning Heatran twice in the same sentence is uber meh) Volt Switch, U-turn, and Parting Shot users such as Magnezone, Scizor, Mega Scizor, Sableye, and Weavile give Stoutland a way to switch into powerful attackers such as Keldeo and Terrakion. Entry hazard setters such as Garchomp,(AC) and Klefki are good teammates because the switches that Stoutland forces makes the foes take a lot of residual damage. Klefki can also paralyze and tank hits from Terrakion and Mega Lopunny, which makes it a worthwhile teammate for Stoutland.

Other Options
Glare can be used in the fourth moveslot to ensure that Stoutland outspeeds its foes, specifically Mega Lopunny, to more easily easier KO them. Don't use Crunch because Scrappy already lets Stoutland hit Ghost-types with STAB- and Silk Scarf-boosted Normal-type moves. Pursuit can be used to trap Pokemon that switch out of Fake Out + Extreme Speed, such as Gengar, Latios, Meloetta, and Hoopa. It also gives Stoutland a way to more easily target Ghost- and Psychic-types,(AC) (added a comma here because what i think what follows classifies as "unnecessary information" concerning what precedes 'because') because they fear Scrappy Fake Out + Extreme Speed. Swords Dance can be run over Fake Out to let Stoutland easily clean up mid- to late-game;(SC) however, this set faces enormous competition from Mega Lopunny. Make sure to use Protect or Lovely Kiss in the fourth slot; the former gives Stoutland a way to avoid taking damage and a way to damage High Jump Kick users such as Mega Lopunny and Terrakion, and the latter gives Stoutland an easier time setting up. A Lum Berry can be run with the Swords Dance set to prevent Stoutland from being burned, paralyzed, badly poisoned, or put to sleep;(remove SC) this set has tremendous competition with Mega Lopunny (doesn't really make sense to stick this here, so I've moved it). Life Orb can be used instead of Silk Scarf for more all-around damage. It lets Stoutland 2HKO Ferrothorn with Superpower, but the recoil it Stoutland gets when it's used in tandem with Fake Out isn't good; however, it works well if Recover is used in the fourth moveslot,(RC) in the same way that Life Orb + Roost Latios works. Keep in mind that the recoil stacks up annoyingly quickly. Lovely Kiss can be used in the fourth moveslot as a utility move to put threatening foes to sleep to give Stoutland an easier time with KOing them. Toxic wears down the bulky Ground- and Water-types that Stoutland has a hard time KOing, such as Landorus-T, Hippowdon, Slowbro, and Mega Slowbro.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types:** Steel-types such as Ferrothorn, Heatran, and Scizor have enough bulk to live survive multiple hits from Stoutland. Ferrothorn has Iron Barbs to damage Stoutland with any move it makes, Scizor has a lot of strong attacks to KO Stoutland with, and both Ferrothorn and Heatran have enough bulk to survive live a Superpower and commonly run King's Shield to weaken physical attackers, making it hard for Stoutland to KO them.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types such as Mega Lopunny, Terrakion, and Keldeo outspeed and easily KO Stoutland with High Jump Kick, Close Combat, and Secret Sword, and Terrakion also resists Normal and therefore doesn't mind Stoutland's Fake Out + Extreme Speed combination. However, Keldeo is can be revenge killed by Fake Out + Extreme Speed.

**Status**: Status setters spreaders such as Thunder Wave Klefki,(RC) Thunder Wave and Clefable, Will-O-Wisp Sableye, and Lava Plume Heatran severely cripple Stoutland by either halving its Speed or Attack. (paralysis=1/4 speed. there's a couple ways to fix it, i'll let you decide)

**Faster Extreme Speed Users**: Faster Extreme Speed users such as Mega Lopunny and Kangaskhan are stronger than Stoutland and KO it easily with their STAB moves.

**Faster Attackers That Resist Normal-Type Attacks**: Faster attackers that resist Normal-type moves such as Jirachi, Terrakion, and Aerodactyl all have strong moves that easily KO Stoutland, and Terrakion OHKOes it with both Close Combat and High Jump Kick.

**Physical Walls**: Physical walls such as Mega Scizor, Landorus-T, Skarmory, and Mega Slowbro all live survive a hit from and can KO Stoutland. Landorus-T's Intimidate lowers Stoutland's already mediocre Attack, but Toxic wears Landorus-T and Mega Slowbro down. Mega Scizor and Skarmory are immune to Toxic, resist Fake Out + Extreme Speed, and can deal a lot of damage to Stoutland.
i got this
almost all changes by threw are ok (couple are suboptimal, but only one unnecessary change + one error as far as i can see), so he must read over my changes etc etc

looks like you (mostly) implemented above so will work directly off the op

remove add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 1/2

Stoutland is a good physical attacker in the STABmons metagame thanks to its access to Scrappy Fake Out + Extreme Speed, (AC) and solid base 110 Attack, (AC) and decent 85 / 90 / 90 bulk. (somewhat clumsily written in OP, and this is the most elegant fix) It also has the ability to use Scrappy Rapid Spin, which makes it a better entry hazard remover than any Defogger. Because it has coverage moves in the first three spots slots, (i kind of don't get what you're saying here; maybe that it's able to net perfect / very solid coverage in just three slots?) it can run utility in the fourth. It also has 85 / 90 / 90 bulk, which is decent for an attacker. However, while it faces competition from Mega Lopunny and Ursaring, it doesn't take up a Mega slot like Mega Lopunny does, (AC) and it can use Scrappy Rapid Spin unlike Ursaring.

name: Revenge Killer
move 1: Fake Out
move 2: Extreme Speed
move 3: Superpower
move 4: Rapid Spin / Baton Pass
item: Silk Scarf
ability: Scrappy
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Fake Out lets Stoutland deal chip damage to faster, frailer attackers that threaten it and its teammates, as well as slower, bulkier attackers that would otherwise survive a hit from it. Extreme Speed, when used in tandem with Fake Out, gives Stoutland a way to reliably revenge kill a plethora of Pokemon and has high priority and overall decent coverage. Superpower hits the Rock- and Steel-types that Fake Out and Extreme Speed can't, such as Terrakion, Tyranitar, and Heatran, super effectively; however, it's risky to use Superpower against Heatran because it commonly runs King's Shield and can heavily weaken Stoutland a lot if it uses King's Shield while Stoutland uses Superpower. Rapid Spin clears entry hazards so that Stoutland's teammates have an easier time switching in, it strengthens boosting ("strenghtening" longevity isn't gonna work) the team's longevity, and it doesn't remove the entry hazards that Stoutland's teammates set, unlike Defog. Baton Pass is used to let Stoutland switch out of physical walls such as Landorus-T and Steel-types such as Mega Scizor. Fire Fang is an alternative option to Superpower, as it gives Stoutland a way to take care of Ferrothorn, Scizor, Mega Scizor, and Klefki, but it gives Stoutland a harder time dealing with Rock-types and Heatran. Recover can be used to restore lost health so that Stoutland can stay on the field and attack longer.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed EVs and an Adamant nature are used to let Stoutland hit as hard and move as fast as possible so that it can outspeed and KO Pokemon such as Ursaring more easily. An EV spread of 120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 Spe can be used to let Stoutland have more bulk and enough Speed to let its Extreme Speed still hit first when it's facing Jolly Ursaring. Silk Scarf lets boosts (repetition) Stoutland's Normal-type STAB moves become even stronger further to KO a bigger range of Pokemon. Scrappy lets Stoutland hit Ghost-types such as Gengar and Sableye with Fake Out and Extreme Speed, and it lets Stoutland hit Sableye super effectively with Superpower.

Usage Tips

Try to use Stoutland as a revenge killer, as it easily takes care of threatening foes with Fake Out + Extreme Speed. When Stoutland is facing a King's Shield user, try to use a status move if you're running one on Stoutland, or switch out to prevent Stoutland from being weakened. Don't use Stoutland against Scizor and Ferrothorn if you're running Superpower; both will live survive two Superpowers, and the latter has Iron Barbs to inflict residual damage. Avoid Rocky Helmet, Rough Skin, and Iron Barbs damage to keep Stoutland healthy for as long as possible. Use Fake Out to deal chip damage to bulkier foes to help Stoutland and its teammates KO the foe them more easily. Try not to switch Stoutland directly into attacks unless it's a safe switch so that you don't risk it getting KOed. Try to use Rapid Spin on free turns generated by forced switches, (AC) and use Baton Pass to easily get away from King's Shield and Iron Barbs.

Team Options

Stoutland is a good fit on hyper offense, bulky offense, and balance teams. Landorus-T is a good teammate because it can take care of Fighting-types such as Mega Lopunny and Terrakion. Ghost-types such as Gengar and Sableye can be used instead of Landorus-T, but Mega Lopunny can KO them easily because of Scrappy. Pokemon that like Gengar and Mega Sableye gone, such as Terrakion and Gengar, like Stoutland as a teammate because of its ability to easily KO both. Special attackers and Fire-type absorbers such as Keldeo and Heatran give Stoutland a way to switch out of Will-O-Wisp and Parting Shot. Pokemon that can take care of Steel-types like Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, and Heatran are good teammates; examples are Thundurus, Keldeo, and a Heatran of your own. Volt Switch, U-turn, and Parting Shot users such as Magnezone, Scizor, Mega Scizor, Sableye, and Weavile give Stoutland a way to switch into powerful attackers such as Keldeo and Terrakion. Entry hazard setters such as Garchomp and Klefki are good teammates because the switches that Stoutland forces makes the foes take a lot of residual damage. Klefki can also paralyze and tank hits from Terrakion and Mega Lopunny, which makes it a worthwhile teammate for Stoutland.

Other Options

Glare can be used in the fourth moveslot to ensure that Stoutland outspeeds its foes, specifically Mega Lopunny, to easier KO them. Don't use Crunch because Scrappy lets Stoutland hit Ghost-types with STAB- and Silk Scarf-boosted Normal-type moves anyway. Pursuit can be used to trap Pokemon that switch out of Fake Out + Extreme Speed, such as Gengar, Latios, Meloetta, and Hoopa. It also gives Stoutland a way to more easily target Ghost- and Psychic-types, (AC) because they which (no real causal link here, and this works for what you're trying to convey. Also this sentence feels redundant with the preceding one, but idk...) fear Scrappy Fake Out + Extreme Speed. Swords Dance can be run over Fake Out to let Stoutland easily clean up mid- to late-game. Make sure to use Protect or Lovely Kiss in the fourth slot with Swords Dance; the former gives Stoutland a way to avoid taking damage and a way to damage High Jump Kick users such as Mega Lopunny and Terrakion, and the latter gives Stoutland it an easier time setting up. A Lum Berry can be run with the Swords Dance set to prevent Stoutland from being burned, paralyzed, badly poisoned, or put to sleep; this set has tremendous competition with Mega Lopunny, (AC) though. Life Orb can be used instead of Silk Scarf for more all-around damage. It lets Stoutland 2HKO Ferrothorn with Superpower, but the residual damage that it applies when used in tandem with Fake Out isn't good; however nevertheless, (works better with preceding "but" rather than having an exchange of contrasts) it works well if Recover is used in the fourth moveslot, in the same way that Life Orb + Roost Latios works. Keep in mind that the recoil stacks up annoyingly quickly. Lovely Kiss can be used in the fourth moveslot as a utility move to put threatening foes to sleep to give Stoutland an easier time with KOing them. (move this somewhere more to the front, in any case before the mention of using it on the SD set) Toxic wears down the bulky Ground- and Water-types that Stoutland has a hard time KOing, such as Landorus-T, Hippowdon, Slowbro, and Mega Slowbro.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types:** Steel-types such as Ferrothorn, Heatran, and Scizor have enough bulk to survive multiple hits from Stoutland. Ferrothorn has Iron Barbs to damage Stoutland with any move it makes, Scizor has a lot of strong attacks to KO Stoutland with, and both Ferrothorn and Heatran have enough bulk to survive a Superpower and commonly run King's Shield to weaken physical attackers, making it hard for Stoutland to KO them.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types such as Mega Lopunny, Terrakion, and Keldeo outspeed and easily KO Stoutland with High Jump Kick, Close Combat, and Secret Sword, and Terrakion also resists Normal and therefore doesn't mind Stoutland's Fake Out + Extreme Speed. However, Keldeo is revenge killed by Fake Out + Extreme Speed.

**Status**: Status setters spreaders (or "status users", but you don't "set" status) such as Thunder Wave Klefki, Thunder Wave and Clefable, Will-O-Wisp Sableye, and Lava Plume Heatran severely cripple Stoutland by either slowing it down or halving its Attack.

**Faster Extreme Speed Users**: Faster Extreme Speed users such as Mega Lopunny and Kangaskhan are stronger than Stoutland and KO it easily with their STAB moves.

**Faster Attackers That Resist Normal-type Moves**: Faster attackers that resist Normal-type moves such as Jirachi, Terrakion, and Aerodactyl all have strong moves that easily KO Stoutland, and Terrakion OHKOes it with both Close Combat and or High Jump Kick.

**Physical Walls**: Physical walls such as Mega Scizor, Landorus-T, Skarmory, and Mega Slowbro all survive a hit from and can KO Stoutland, (comma) and Landorus-T's Intimidate lowers Stoutland's already mediocre Attack; (SC) but however, (AC) (contrast makes more sense if you organise em like this) Toxic wears Landorus-T and Mega Slowbro down. Mega Scizor and Skarmory are immune to Toxic, resist Fake Out + Extreme Speed, and can deal a lot of damage to Stoutland.
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i got this
almost all changes by threw are ok (couple are suboptimal, but only one unnecessary change + one error as far as i can see), so he must read over my changes etc etc

looks like you (mostly) implemented above so will work directly off the op

remove add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 1/2

Stoutland is a good physical attacker in the STABmons metagame thanks to its access to Scrappy Fake Out + Extreme Speed, (AC) and solid base 110 Attack, (AC) and decent 85 / 90 / 90 bulk. (somewhat clumsily written in OP, and this is the most elegant fix) It also has the ability to use Scrappy Rapid Spin, which makes it a better entry hazard remover than any Defogger. Because it has coverage moves in the first three spots slots, (i kind of don't get what you're saying here; maybe that it's able to net perfect / very solid coverage in just three slots?) it can run utility in the fourth. It also has 85 / 90 / 90 bulk, which is decent for an attacker. However, while it faces competition from Mega Lopunny and Ursaring, it doesn't take up a Mega slot like Mega Lopunny does, (AC) and it can use Scrappy Rapid Spin unlike Ursaring.

name: Revenge Killer
move 1: Fake Out
move 2: Extreme Speed
move 3: Superpower
move 4: Rapid Spin / Baton Pass
item: Silk Scarf
ability: Scrappy
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Fake Out lets Stoutland deal chip damage to faster, frailer attackers that threaten it and its teammates, as well as slower, bulkier attackers that would otherwise survive a hit from it. Extreme Speed, when used in tandem with Fake Out, gives Stoutland a way to reliably revenge kill a plethora of Pokemon and has high priority and overall decent coverage. Superpower hits the Rock- and Steel-types that Fake Out and Extreme Speed can't, such as Terrakion, Tyranitar, and Heatran, super effectively; however, it's risky to use Superpower against Heatran because it commonly runs King's Shield and can heavily weaken Stoutland a lot if it uses King's Shield while Stoutland uses Superpower. Rapid Spin clears entry hazards so that Stoutland's teammates have an easier time switching in, it strengthens boosting ("strenghtening" longevity isn't gonna work) the team's longevity, and it doesn't remove the entry hazards that Stoutland's teammates set, unlike Defog. Baton Pass is used to let Stoutland switch out of physical walls such as Landorus-T and Steel-types such as Mega Scizor. Fire Fang is an alternative option to Superpower, as it gives Stoutland a way to take care of Ferrothorn, Scizor, Mega Scizor, and Klefki, but it gives Stoutland a harder time dealing with Rock-types and Heatran. Recover can be used to restore lost health so that Stoutland can stay on the field and attack longer.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed EVs and an Adamant nature are used to let Stoutland hit as hard and move as fast as possible so that it can outspeed and KO Pokemon such as Ursaring more easily. An EV spread of 120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 Spe can be used to let Stoutland have more bulk and enough Speed to let its Extreme Speed still hit first when it's facing Jolly Ursaring. Silk Scarf lets boosts (repetition) Stoutland's Normal-type STAB moves become even stronger further to KO a bigger range of Pokemon. Scrappy lets Stoutland hit Ghost-types such as Gengar and Sableye with Fake Out and Extreme Speed, and it lets Stoutland hit Sableye super effectively with Superpower.

Usage Tips

Try to use Stoutland as a revenge killer, as it easily takes care of threatening foes with Fake Out + Extreme Speed. When Stoutland is facing a King's Shield user, try to use a status move if you're running one on Stoutland, or switch out to prevent Stoutland from being weakened. Don't use Stoutland against Scizor and Ferrothorn if you're running Superpower; both will live survive two Superpowers, and the latter has Iron Barbs to inflict residual damage. Avoid Rocky Helmet, Rough Skin, and Iron Barbs damage to keep Stoutland healthy for as long as possible. Use Fake Out to deal chip damage to bulkier foes to help Stoutland and its teammates KO the foe them more easily. Try not to switch Stoutland directly into attacks unless it's a safe switch so that you don't risk it getting KOed. Try to use Rapid Spin on free turns generated by forced switches, (AC) and use Baton Pass to easily get away from King's Shield and Iron Barbs.

Team Options

Stoutland is a good fit on hyper offense, bulky offense, and balance teams. Landorus-T is a good teammate because it can take care of Fighting-types such as Mega Lopunny and Terrakion. Ghost-types such as Gengar and Sableye can be used instead of Landorus-T, but Mega Lopunny can KO them easily because of Scrappy. Pokemon that like Gengar and Mega Sableye gone, such as Terrakion and Gengar, like Stoutland as a teammate because of its ability to easily KO both. Special attackers and Fire-type absorbers such as Keldeo and Heatran give Stoutland a way to switch out of Will-O-Wisp and Parting Shot. Pokemon that can take care of Steel-types like Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, and Heatran are good teammates; examples are Thundurus, Keldeo, and a Heatran of your own. Volt Switch, U-turn, and Parting Shot users such as Magnezone, Scizor, Mega Scizor, Sableye, and Weavile give Stoutland a way to switch into powerful attackers such as Keldeo and Terrakion. Entry hazard setters such as Garchomp and Klefki are good teammates because the switches that Stoutland forces makes the foes take a lot of residual damage. Klefki can also paralyze and tank hits from Terrakion and Mega Lopunny, which makes it a worthwhile teammate for Stoutland.

Other Options

Glare can be used in the fourth moveslot to ensure that Stoutland outspeeds its foes, specifically Mega Lopunny, to easier KO them. Don't use Crunch because Scrappy lets Stoutland hit Ghost-types with STAB- and Silk Scarf-boosted Normal-type moves anyway. Pursuit can be used to trap Pokemon that switch out of Fake Out + Extreme Speed, such as Gengar, Latios, Meloetta, and Hoopa. It also gives Stoutland a way to more easily target Ghost- and Psychic-types, (AC) because they which (no real causal link here, and this works for what you're trying to convey. Also this sentence feels redundant with the preceding one, but idk...) fear Scrappy Fake Out + Extreme Speed. Swords Dance can be run over Fake Out to let Stoutland easily clean up mid- to late-game. Make sure to use Protect or Lovely Kiss in the fourth slot with Swords Dance; the former gives Stoutland a way to avoid taking damage and a way to damage High Jump Kick users such as Mega Lopunny and Terrakion, and the latter gives Stoutland it an easier time setting up. A Lum Berry can be run with the Swords Dance set to prevent Stoutland from being burned, paralyzed, badly poisoned, or put to sleep; this set has tremendous competition with Mega Lopunny, (AC) though. Life Orb can be used instead of Silk Scarf for more all-around damage. It lets Stoutland 2HKO Ferrothorn with Superpower, but the residual damage that it applies when used in tandem with Fake Out isn't good; however nevertheless, (works better with preceding "but" rather than having an exchange of contrasts) it works well if Recover is used in the fourth moveslot, in the same way that Life Orb + Roost Latios works. Keep in mind that the recoil stacks up annoyingly quickly. Lovely Kiss can be used in the fourth moveslot as a utility move to put threatening foes to sleep to give Stoutland an easier time with KOing them. (move this somewhere more to the front, in any case before the mention of using it on the SD set) Toxic wears down the bulky Ground- and Water-types that Stoutland has a hard time KOing, such as Landorus-T, Hippowdon, Slowbro, and Mega Slowbro.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types:** Steel-types such as Ferrothorn, Heatran, and Scizor have enough bulk to survive multiple hits from Stoutland. Ferrothorn has Iron Barbs to damage Stoutland with any move it makes, Scizor has a lot of strong attacks to KO Stoutland with, and both Ferrothorn and Heatran have enough bulk to survive a Superpower and commonly run King's Shield to weaken physical attackers, making it hard for Stoutland to KO them.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types such as Mega Lopunny, Terrakion, and Keldeo outspeed and easily KO Stoutland with High Jump Kick, Close Combat, and Secret Sword, and Terrakion also resists Normal and therefore doesn't mind Stoutland's Fake Out + Extreme Speed. However, Keldeo is revenge killed by Fake Out + Extreme Speed.

**Status**: Status setters spreaders (or "status users", but you don't "set" status) such as Thunder Wave Klefki, Thunder Wave and Clefable, Will-O-Wisp Sableye, and Lava Plume Heatran severely cripple Stoutland by either slowing it down or halving its Attack.

**Faster Extreme Speed Users**: Faster Extreme Speed users such as Mega Lopunny and Kangaskhan are stronger than Stoutland and KO it easily with their STAB moves.

**Faster Attackers That Resist Normal-type Moves**: Faster attackers that resist Normal-type moves such as Jirachi, Terrakion, and Aerodactyl all have strong moves that easily KO Stoutland, and Terrakion OHKOes it with both Close Combat and or High Jump Kick.

**Physical Walls**: Physical walls such as Mega Scizor, Landorus-T, Skarmory, and Mega Slowbro all survive a hit from and can KO Stoutland, (comma) and Landorus-T's Intimidate lowers Stoutland's already mediocre Attack; (SC) but however, (AC) (contrast makes more sense if you organise em like this) Toxic wears Landorus-T and Mega Slowbro down. Mega Scizor and Skarmory are immune to Toxic, resist Fake Out + Extreme Speed, and can deal a lot of damage to Stoutland.

ready for 2/2
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Stoutland is a good physical attacker in the STABmons metagame thanks to its access to Scrappy Fake Out + Extreme Speed, solid base 110 Attack, and decent 85 / 90 / 90 bulk. It also has the ability to use Scrappy Rapid Spin, which makes it a better entry hazard remover than any Defogger. Because it has amazing coverage moves in the its first three moveslots, it can run a utility move in the fourth. However Moreover, while it faces competition from Mega Lopunny and Ursaring, it doesn't take up a Mega slot like Mega Lopunny does, and it can use Scrappy Rapid Spin unlike Ursaring.

name: Revenge Killer
move 1: Fake Out
move 2: Extreme Speed
move 3: Superpower
move 4: Rapid Spin / Baton Pass
item: Silk Scarf
ability: Scrappy
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Fake Out lets Stoutland deal chip damage to faster, frailer attackers that threaten it and its teammates, as well as slower, bulkier attackers that would otherwise survive a hit from it. Extreme Speed, when used in tandem with Fake Out, gives Stoutland a way to reliably revenge kill a plethora of Pokemon and has high priority and overall decent coverage. Superpower hits the Rock- and Steel-types that Fake Out and Extreme Speed can't, such as Terrakion, Tyranitar, and Heatran, super effectively; however, it's risky to use Superpower against Heatran because it commonly runs King's Shield, which and (It sounds like it's King's Shield that weakens Stoutland. If that's not the case, don't make this change.) can heavily weaken Stoutland. Rapid Spin clears entry hazards so that Stoutland's teammates have an easier time switching in, boosting the team's longevity, and it doesn't remove the entry hazards that Stoutland's teammates set, unlike Defog. Baton Pass is used to let Stoutland switch out of physical walls such as Landorus-T and Steel-types such as Mega Scizor. Fire Fang is an alternative option to Superpower, as it gives Stoutland a way to take care of Ferrothorn, Scizor, Mega Scizor, and Klefki, but it gives Stoutland a harder time dealing with Rock-types and Heatran. Recover can be used to restore lost health so that Stoutland can stay on the field and attack for (subjective) longer.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed EVs and an Adamant nature are used to let Stoutland hit as hard and move as fast as possible so that it can outspeed and KO Pokemon such as Ursaring more easily. An EV spread of 120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 Spe can be used to let Stoutland have more bulk and enough Speed to let its Extreme Speed still hit first when it's facing Jolly Ursaring. Silk Scarf boosts Stoutland's Normal-type STAB moves even further to KO a bigger range of Pokemon. Scrappy lets Stoutland hit Ghost-types such as Gengar and Sableye with Fake Out and Extreme Speed, as well as and it lets Stoutland (repetition) hit Sableye super effectively with Superpower.

Usage Tips

Try to use Stoutland as a revenge killer, as it easily takes care of threatening foes with Fake Out + Extreme Speed. When Stoutland is facing a King's Shield user, try to use a status move if you're running one on Stoutland, or switch out to prevent Stoutland from being weakened. Don't use Stoutland against Scizor and Ferrothorn if you're running Superpower on it; both will survive two Superpowers, and the latter has Iron Barbs to inflict residual damage. Avoid Rocky Helmet, Rough Skin, and Iron Barbs damage to keep Stoutland healthy for as long as possible. Use Fake Out to deal chip damage to bulkier foes to help Stoutland and its teammates KO them more easily. Try not to switch Stoutland directly into attacks so that you don't risk it getting KOed. Try to use Rapid Spin on free turns generated by forced switches, and use Baton Pass to easily get away from King's Shield and Iron Barbs easily. (Watch out with the split infinitives.)

Team Options

Stoutland is a good fit on hyper offense, bulky offense, and balance teams. Landorus-T is a good teammate because it can take care of Fighting-types such as Mega Lopunny and Terrakion. Ghost-types such as Gengar and Sableye can be used instead of Landorus-T, but Mega Lopunny can KO them easily because of Scrappy. Pokemon that like Gengar and Mega Sableye gone, such as Terrakion and Gengar, like enjoy (repetition) Stoutland as a teammate because of its ability to easily KO both. Special attackers and Fire-type absorbers such as Keldeo and Heatran give Stoutland a way to switch out of Will-O-Wisp and Parting Shot (Why?). Pokemon that can take care of Steel-types like Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, and Heatran are good teammates; examples are Thundurus, Keldeo, and a Heatran of your own Heatran. Volt Switch, U-turn, and Parting Shot users such as Magnezone, Scizor, Mega Scizor, Sableye, and Weavile give Stoutland a way to switch into powerful attackers such as Keldeo and Terrakion. Entry hazard setters such as Garchomp and Klefki are good teammates because the switches that Stoutland forces makes the foes take a lot of residual damage. Klefki can also paralyze and tank hits from Terrakion and Mega Lopunny, which makes it a worthwhile teammate for Stoutland.

Other Options

Glare can be used in the fourth moveslot to ensure that Stoutland outspeeds its foes, specifically Mega Lopunny, to easier KO them more easily. Don't use Crunch because Scrappy lets Stoutland hit Ghost-types with STAB- and Silk Scarf-boosted Normal-type moves anyway. Pursuit can be used to trap Pokemon that switch out of Fake Out + Extreme Speed, such as Gengar, Latios, Meloetta, and Hoopa. It also gives Stoutland a way to more easily target Ghost- and Psychic-types, which fear Scrappy Fake Out + Extreme Speed, more easily. Lovely Kiss can be used in the fourth moveslot as a utility move to put threatening foes to sleep to give Stoutland an easier time with KOing them. Swords Dance can be run over Fake Out to let Stoutland easily clean up mid- to or/and (pick one) late-game. Make sure to use Protect or Lovely Kiss in the fourth slot with Swords Dance; the former gives Stoutland a way to avoid taking damage and a way to damage hurt (repetition) High Jump Kick users such as Mega Lopunny and Terrakion, and the latter gives it an easier time setting up. A Lum Berry can be run with the Swords Dance set (there is no listed SD set) to prevent Stoutland from being burned, paralyzed, badly poisoned, or put to sleep; this set has faces tremendous competition with Mega Lopunny, though. Life Orb can be used instead of Silk Scarf for more all-around damage. It lets Stoutland 2HKO Ferrothorn with Superpower, but the residual damage that it applies when used in tandem with Fake Out isn't good; nevertheless, it works well if Recover is used in the fourth moveslot, in the same way that Life Orb + Roost Latios works. Keep in mind that the recoil stacks up annoyingly quickly. Toxic wears down the bulky Ground- and Water-types that Stoutland has a hard time KOing, such as Landorus-T, Hippowdon, Slowbro, and Mega Slowbro.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types:** Steel-types such as Ferrothorn, Heatran, and Scizor have enough bulk to survive multiple hits from Stoutland. Ferrothorn has Iron Barbs to damage Stoutland with any move it makes, Scizor has a lot of strong attacks to KO Stoutland with, and both Ferrothorn and Heatran have enough bulk to survive a Superpower and commonly run King's Shield to weaken physical attackers, making it hard for Stoutland to KO them.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types such as Mega Lopunny, Terrakion, and Keldeo outspeed and easily KO Stoutland with High Jump Kick, Close Combat, and Secret Sword, and Terrakion also resists Normal and therefore doesn't mind Stoutland's Fake Out + Extreme Speed. However, Keldeo is revenge killed by Fake Out + Extreme Speed that combination (or some variation of this; just avoid repetition).

**Status**: Status spreaders such as Thunder Wave Klefki and Clefable, Will-O-Wisp Sableye, and Lava Plume Heatran severely cripple Stoutland by either slowing it down or halving its Attack.

**Faster Extreme Speed Users**: Faster Extreme Speed users such as Mega Lopunny and (Mega? I don't remember if it's banned or not) Kangaskhan are stronger than Stoutland and KO it easily with their STAB moves.

**Faster Attackers That Resist Normal-type Moves**: Faster attackers that resist Normal-type moves such as Jirachi, Terrakion, and Aerodactyl all have strong moves that easily KO Stoutland, and Terrakion OHKOes it with Close Combat or High Jump Kick.

**Physical Walls**: Physical walls such as Mega Scizor, Landorus-T, Skarmory, and Mega Slowbro all survive a hit from and can KO Stoutland, and Landorus-T's Intimidate lowers Stoutland's already mediocre Attack; however, Toxic wears Landorus-T and Mega Slowbro down. Mega Scizor and Skarmory are immune to Toxic, resist Fake Out + Extreme Speed, and can deal a lot of damage to Stoutland.
GP 2/2
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Stoutland is a good physical attacker in the STABmons metagame thanks to its access to Scrappy Fake Out + Extreme Speed, solid base 110 Attack, and decent 85 / 90 / 90 bulk. It also has the ability to use Scrappy Rapid Spin, which makes it a better entry hazard remover than any Defogger. Because it has amazing coverage moves in the its first three moveslots, it can run a utility move in the fourth. However Moreover, while it faces competition from Mega Lopunny and Ursaring, it doesn't take up a Mega slot like Mega Lopunny does, and it can use Scrappy Rapid Spin unlike Ursaring.

name: Revenge Killer
move 1: Fake Out
move 2: Extreme Speed
move 3: Superpower
move 4: Rapid Spin / Baton Pass
item: Silk Scarf
ability: Scrappy
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Fake Out lets Stoutland deal chip damage to faster, frailer attackers that threaten it and its teammates, as well as slower, bulkier attackers that would otherwise survive a hit from it. Extreme Speed, when used in tandem with Fake Out, gives Stoutland a way to reliably revenge kill a plethora of Pokemon and has high priority and overall decent coverage. Superpower hits the Rock- and Steel-types that Fake Out and Extreme Speed can't, such as Terrakion, Tyranitar, and Heatran, super effectively; however, it's risky to use Superpower against Heatran because it commonly runs King's Shield, which and (It sounds like it's King's Shield that weakens Stoutland. If that's not the case, don't make this change.) can heavily weaken Stoutland. Rapid Spin clears entry hazards so that Stoutland's teammates have an easier time switching in, boosting the team's longevity, and it doesn't remove the entry hazards that Stoutland's teammates set, unlike Defog. Baton Pass is used to let Stoutland switch out of physical walls such as Landorus-T and Steel-types such as Mega Scizor. Fire Fang is an alternative option to Superpower, as it gives Stoutland a way to take care of Ferrothorn, Scizor, Mega Scizor, and Klefki, but it gives Stoutland a harder time dealing with Rock-types and Heatran. Recover can be used to restore lost health so that Stoutland can stay on the field and attack for (subjective) longer.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed EVs and an Adamant nature are used to let Stoutland hit as hard and move as fast as possible so that it can outspeed and KO Pokemon such as Ursaring more easily. An EV spread of 120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 Spe can be used to let Stoutland have more bulk and enough Speed to let its Extreme Speed still hit first when it's facing Jolly Ursaring. Silk Scarf boosts Stoutland's Normal-type STAB moves even further to KO a bigger range of Pokemon. Scrappy lets Stoutland hit Ghost-types such as Gengar and Sableye with Fake Out and Extreme Speed, as well as and it lets Stoutland (repetition) hit Sableye super effectively with Superpower.

Usage Tips

Try to use Stoutland as a revenge killer, as it easily takes care of threatening foes with Fake Out + Extreme Speed. When Stoutland is facing a King's Shield user, try to use a status move if you're running one on Stoutland, or switch out to prevent Stoutland from being weakened. Don't use Stoutland against Scizor and Ferrothorn if you're running Superpower on it; both will survive two Superpowers, and the latter has Iron Barbs to inflict residual damage. Avoid Rocky Helmet, Rough Skin, and Iron Barbs damage to keep Stoutland healthy for as long as possible. Use Fake Out to deal chip damage to bulkier foes to help Stoutland and its teammates KO them more easily. Try not to switch Stoutland directly into attacks so that you don't risk it getting KOed. Try to use Rapid Spin on free turns generated by forced switches, and use Baton Pass to easily get away from King's Shield and Iron Barbs easily. (Watch out with the split infinitives.)

Team Options

Stoutland is a good fit on hyper offense, bulky offense, and balance teams. Landorus-T is a good teammate because it can take care of Fighting-types such as Mega Lopunny and Terrakion. Ghost-types such as Gengar and Sableye can be used instead of Landorus-T, but Mega Lopunny can KO them easily because of Scrappy. Pokemon that like Gengar and Mega Sableye gone, such as Terrakion and Gengar, like enjoy (repetition) Stoutland as a teammate because of its ability to easily KO both. Special attackers and Fire-type absorbers such as Keldeo and Heatran give Stoutland a way to switch out of Will-O-Wisp and Parting Shot (Why?). Pokemon that can take care of Steel-types like Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, and Heatran are good teammates; examples are Thundurus, Keldeo, and a Heatran of your own Heatran. Volt Switch, U-turn, and Parting Shot users such as Magnezone, Scizor, Mega Scizor, Sableye, and Weavile give Stoutland a way to switch into powerful attackers such as Keldeo and Terrakion. Entry hazard setters such as Garchomp and Klefki are good teammates because the switches that Stoutland forces makes the foes take a lot of residual damage. Klefki can also paralyze and tank hits from Terrakion and Mega Lopunny, which makes it a worthwhile teammate for Stoutland.

Other Options

Glare can be used in the fourth moveslot to ensure that Stoutland outspeeds its foes, specifically Mega Lopunny, to easier KO them more easily. Don't use Crunch because Scrappy lets Stoutland hit Ghost-types with STAB- and Silk Scarf-boosted Normal-type moves anyway. Pursuit can be used to trap Pokemon that switch out of Fake Out + Extreme Speed, such as Gengar, Latios, Meloetta, and Hoopa. It also gives Stoutland a way to more easily target Ghost- and Psychic-types, which fear Scrappy Fake Out + Extreme Speed, more easily. Lovely Kiss can be used in the fourth moveslot as a utility move to put threatening foes to sleep to give Stoutland an easier time with KOing them. Swords Dance can be run over Fake Out to let Stoutland easily clean up mid- to or/and (pick one) late-game. Make sure to use Protect or Lovely Kiss in the fourth slot with Swords Dance; the former gives Stoutland a way to avoid taking damage and a way to damage hurt (repetition) High Jump Kick users such as Mega Lopunny and Terrakion, and the latter gives it an easier time setting up. A Lum Berry can be run with the Swords Dance set (there is no listed SD set) to prevent Stoutland from being burned, paralyzed, badly poisoned, or put to sleep; this set has faces tremendous competition with Mega Lopunny, though. Life Orb can be used instead of Silk Scarf for more all-around damage. It lets Stoutland 2HKO Ferrothorn with Superpower, but the residual damage that it applies when used in tandem with Fake Out isn't good; nevertheless, it works well if Recover is used in the fourth moveslot, in the same way that Life Orb + Roost Latios works. Keep in mind that the recoil stacks up annoyingly quickly. Toxic wears down the bulky Ground- and Water-types that Stoutland has a hard time KOing, such as Landorus-T, Hippowdon, Slowbro, and Mega Slowbro.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types:** Steel-types such as Ferrothorn, Heatran, and Scizor have enough bulk to survive multiple hits from Stoutland. Ferrothorn has Iron Barbs to damage Stoutland with any move it makes, Scizor has a lot of strong attacks to KO Stoutland with, and both Ferrothorn and Heatran have enough bulk to survive a Superpower and commonly run King's Shield to weaken physical attackers, making it hard for Stoutland to KO them.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types such as Mega Lopunny, Terrakion, and Keldeo outspeed and easily KO Stoutland with High Jump Kick, Close Combat, and Secret Sword, and Terrakion also resists Normal and therefore doesn't mind Stoutland's Fake Out + Extreme Speed. However, Keldeo is revenge killed by Fake Out + Extreme Speed that combination (or some variation of this; just avoid repetition).

**Status**: Status spreaders such as Thunder Wave Klefki and Clefable, Will-O-Wisp Sableye, and Lava Plume Heatran severely cripple Stoutland by either slowing it down or halving its Attack.

**Faster Extreme Speed Users**: Faster Extreme Speed users such as Mega Lopunny and (Mega? I don't remember if it's banned or not) Kangaskhan are stronger than Stoutland and KO it easily with their STAB moves.

**Faster Attackers That Resist Normal-type Moves**: Faster attackers that resist Normal-type moves such as Jirachi, Terrakion, and Aerodactyl all have strong moves that easily KO Stoutland, and Terrakion OHKOes it with Close Combat or High Jump Kick.

**Physical Walls**: Physical walls such as Mega Scizor, Landorus-T, Skarmory, and Mega Slowbro all survive a hit from and can KO Stoutland, and Landorus-T's Intimidate lowers Stoutland's already mediocre Attack; however, Toxic wears Landorus-T and Mega Slowbro down. Mega Scizor and Skarmory are immune to Toxic, resist Fake Out + Extreme Speed, and can deal a lot of damage to Stoutland.
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