Fluffiator's Sprite Recoloring!


So here, I'm Fluffiator. I like to recolor sprites. When I recolor, I usually makes the edges more bold(But you can request it not be).

I don't have old sample work to put here, as I reset my computer early this year(2016), and forgot to transfer the links. But as requests come(hopefully), you can look over the work!

Here is some stuff I did! Anything here is for anyone!

Thanks, and suggestions are welcome here!
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Usually you need at least 3 sprites before making a thread but I'll give you something to start off with.

Can you make the green parts Silver and the Brown Parts a Black? Also make the Hook n' Sword? I really despise this things shiny
nope I think it looks fine.
You might want to use this website when uploading images. There is an option on the side that says "direct link" after uploading and when you get image urls you should be using that link as it will pop the image up. The image above won't show because it is a website, I hope I helped.