Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 47 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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I personally would toss it. I assume that as you have a thread there is an element of trade value that you need. I'm very certain that there is a perfect Celebi out there.

I've just got mine at last and I had at least two 31/x/31/31/31/31 spreads with either a neutral nature or a special nature. I also had a tempting Impish one 28/31/31/x/31/31 which I tossed.

Your standards are your own. How much patience you have and how much real-life stuff will always play a part.

Yeah think you're right. But honestly, is the first softreset and I've done this in less of 200 reset. Obviously there is in somewhere on this planet a perfect celebi, but as first tentative i think is good enough. Thanks for your opinion, I appreciate it :)
So triggered right now, thought I had a perfect Celebi lol. Keep or toss, would anyone actually use this?

Celebi Naughty: 31/31/31/14/31/31

Thought I had adamant when I first looked haha, at about 200 SRs
I am trying to find a Trick Room Dialga. As it stands I think the Theorymon thread is in a transition right now.

I am looking for something with the blue pentagon and 31/x/31/31/31/0 Quiet nature or something similar.

Please PM me with trade offers. I do have a friend that can clone, so even if it is borrowing a Dialga long enough to let him make a clone.
So triggered right now, thought I had a perfect Celebi lol. Keep or toss, would anyone actually use this?

Celebi Naughty: 31/31/31/14/31/31

Thought I had adamant when I first looked haha, at about 200 SRs

I'd toss. The only reason to go naughty would be if you wanted to run some kind of mix set but Celebi doesn't have the offensive stats to really be an effective mix sweeper, there's way too many mons in OU that do mixed sets better than Celebi. I think most people prefer defensive natures on Celebi so I'm not sure a naughty nature Celebi would have a lot of trade value
I'd toss. The only reason to go naughty would be if you wanted to run some kind of mix set but Celebi doesn't have the offensive stats to really be an effective mix sweeper, there's way too many mons in OU that do mixed sets better than Celebi. I think most people prefer defensive natures on Celebi so I'm not sure a naughty nature Celebi would have a lot of trade value

Yea, I wouldn't mind running offensive Celebi with Modest, Timid, Jolly, Adamant etc, but the negative defensive stat hurts quite a bit. If the Sp. Attack stat had been 30 or 31 I would've kept. Thanks for the advice :D
I do not know how it is possible , I think it was very lucky . I've dropped a Jolly Celebi 31/5/31/31/31/31 and after another 4 resets I found an Impish Celebi 31/28/31/x/31/31 : is the case to stop this time ?

Honestly it depends on you. I'd keep that Impish one, the attack stat matters less than the defensive ones in a defensive celebi of course, and just 3 IV isn't that much of a deal. Ehh.. my best Celebi is only 3 IV away from being a perfect (Bold 31/x/31/28/31/31) It took a LOT of SR and I kept it because well, I got Pokebank and I can just restart the file over again to try again. (It's an alt cart for just SR event pokemon multiple times) I have like 4-5 Celebi now with different natures and all of them are 4 IV and the 5th stat being 28/29/30. Honestly I've got 5 IV only three or four times now but with neutral or badly hindering natures..
Looking for an Ekans or Arbok since I'm starting on completing my Pokedex. I can trade any of the first 30 pokemon (besides these two), so if you need any of the Kanto starters I can set you up.
I've got three Pokemon I need cloned for my wife's team. I'm offering copies, but redistribution will NOT be allowed on these because I spent a TON of time resetting to get these bad boys:

6IV Modest Groudon (yes, it is mine and I legit caught it)
31/x/31/31/31/31 Timid Kyogre (caught on my wife's game)
6iv shiny Jolly Smeargle

All are battle ready. Again, I'm very pokewhore with these... But, I need to clone em.

I can clone these for you as long as they don't have any ORAS exclusive moves. How many copies of each do you need?
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WTB spitback Buneary with hidden ability, and Ice Punch and Fake Out Egg Moves. FT tons of four and five EV spit backs for Larbesta, Venipede, Magikarp, Zubat, Meinfoo, Tyrunt, Bulbasaur, Gastly, Feebas, Lapras, Chansey, Skarmory, and Houndour, nearly all of which with matching pokeballs.
WTB spitback Buneary with hidden ability, and Ice Punch and Fake Out Egg Moves. FT tons of four and five EV spit backs for Larbesta, Venipede, Magikarp, Zubat, Meinfoo, Tyrunt, Bulbasaur, Gastly, Feebas, Lapras, Chansey, Skarmory, and Houndour, nearly all of which with matching pokeballs.
I'm giving away clones of my lopunny with those traits if that interests you. Click on the link of my sig.
Quick question: what Pokeballs would look good with Latios and Latias? Note that I don't have access to HGSS so I have to do with what's available in ORAS.

Hmm, maybe Repeat Ball for Latias and Dive Ball for Latios?
Other than that, Luxury Balls always look really nice.

Best greetings.
Quick question: what Pokeballs would look good with Latios and Latias? Note that I don't have access to HGSS so I have to do with what's available in ORAS.
I like Net for Latios, and Premier is a killer on Latias imo :)

Was it right to toss Calm Mew 31/x/31/31/31/28? The regret is starting to set in the more terrible SRs I get as the hours tick by.
Yes it was, speed is the one most important stat in a lot of cases :) That's a clear toss to me :)
Any 4th gen Pokéball suggestions? HGSS is possibly, not mandatory.

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