PU CCAT V4 [final revision stage]


Rotom-Frost @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Substitute
- Will-O-Wisp
- Thunderbolt
- Blizzard

Ground immune
Cripples Shit
Keeps this thread from completely dying

Dodrio @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Early Bird
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return
- Brave Bird
- Knock Off
- Pursuit

A Ground immunity and a revenge killer that appreciates Stealth Rock and Spikes, team has Relicanth, Kingler, and Camerupt for Rock and Steel-types, and the team needed some speed.
So I've actually been playing with this team some and the Dodrio fixes a lot of the larger problems this team has so I'm voting for that
Needs a scarf at this point, so Tone's Dodrio

We also don't have something to switch into Golem's QuakeEdge coverage at this point, so perhaps we could use a pure Grass-type over Roselia (Quilladin) so that we can account for Golem somehow once the team is finished.
Im down for dodrio but if we do that this team needs to be adjusted to handle golem better, maybe give zeb hp grass and give rose more speed.

The clear winner is tone's dodrio
At this point we can start final revisions. Test the team out, see what it needs, discuss, give it a rate... there's always a way to improve. I'm sure people will try suggesting different things, and this won't be on for much longer but revision is always good. For now at least we got a full team out so yay!
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So if we test it and it underperforms can we potentially change mons

EDIT: Also we never posted a finalized version of the team, I'll do it if you want
So if we test it and it underperforms can we potentially change mons

EDIT: Also we never posted a finalized version of the team, I'll do it if you want
yes, and check post 2 for that although I'll make it more convenient there as well
yes, and check post 2 for that although I'll make it more convenient there as well
We should probably remove kingler's slashes lol, also I noticed the team can really struggle with golem and monferno so I'm going to using hp grass > hp ice on Zeb just to help a bit with Golem.

I don't really have a quick fix for the ferno weakness except perhaps using sleep powder on rose, which ferno can set up on (also helps with golem) and/or trying out jolly kingler
Kingler @ Life Orb / Splash Plate
Ability: Hyper Cutter
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant/Jolly Nature
- Agility
- Crabhammer
- Knock Off
- Rock Slide / Super Power / Swords Dance

I think the first order of business it to decide which set of slashes we should be using. Personally after testing 3 or 4 matches I can say I think Swords Dance, Splash Plate and Adamant are the best options. This team by no means struggles with Ninjask and RP Regice, it can fare against Huntail and Gorebyss decently and Rotom-Frost and Mr. Mime aren't too hard to deal with so I think adamant is the better nature.
so are we going to try to end this and do another round of this or is this just gonna be dead again
Considering how we barely made it through the first one I wasn't going to push it. Additionally, tier shifts are in about a week, which would make this a poor time to start. But if people express interest I might start up a new one once shifts are over.