np: ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 6 - Purple Haze - Hoopa-U is now banned

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Hoopa has does have to hit 2 focus blasts, and while it does get wrecked by thunderbolt a choice locked move does require prediction. While prediction does go both ways this can be an argument for the choice locked pokemon. Also mandibuzz tanks any physical variant of hoopa.

If keldeo comes in for free it out speeds and kills it off with secret sword, it can also take a dark type move and KO it back.

Talonflame can revenge kill hoopa and OHKO's it back. Revenge killing something is considered a check.

Can come in on a locked dark move and scare if off with moon blast.

klefki can take a hit and priority status it and not that many people run fire punch anymore.

No, because the best play isn't always the most rewarding play. Not everyone will make the best play and play the way you'd expect.

No on here is arguing that it can't be revenge killed easily enough. The issue (to beat a horse that's gotta be getting mushy at this point) is that on the turn before these matchups you've outlined HoopaU is getting a *basically* free kill because it has switched into a favorable matchup. To get to one of your scenarios, the non-Hoopa player has to either A. sack their mon on the field or B. do a hard switch and risk a KO (or at least ~80%) from a coverage move. This is not cool. This is not fun.

EDIT: moose got to it first
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You can put as many checks to Hoopa on your team as you want, but you won't be able to switch in ANYTHING even remotely safely. If you run a single Pokemon that allows Hoopa to switch in and attack, then Hoopa will get a kill most of the time. However, that's not what restricting teambuilding means. Stall cannot exist in a relevant manner while Hoopa exists. Stall is forced to build in a semi-stall-like manner in order to have any chance (and even then it generally loses).
Basically, you're saying that Stall must be saved and checks will ever be obligated to come in on attacks? The first is understandable, but the latter is bullcrap. I already debunked that whole "no counter" thing, but yet you persist. Must I go further?

While I agree that the argument itself is relatively weak, you chose some really poor examples of Pokemon. Band Azumarill is the only Pokemon of the 4 with any relevance. The better example is more likely BW Kyurem-B or BW Hydreigon. Both had no true counters and nothing could switch in, but were deemed fine in competitive play.
Those aren't poor examples. Even the most pathethic (let alone irrelevant) pokemon can do what Hoopa-U can. But are they broken? It means nothing. You missed the point.

If a Pokemon is creating a poor experience for the people on the site, then that's reason enough.
That just destroyed your credibility. Personal opinions? Really? I'll stick with objective facts, thank you, or else I'll believe this site will suspect test Scald, Talonflame, and anything else that gives people a "poor experience"! XD

I don't mean to call you out, I just wanted to make sure that everyone at least understands the purpose of the ban.
As do I.
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meh, no ban

Awful speed tie, honestly when you are < 110 in this meta you may pack all the power you want but you'll underperform against the average offensive team unless you are resilient to status and/or have excellent bulk (like manaphy).
Hoopa has godly special bulk but shitty physical bulk which hinders it in a reasonable way.

On the other hand against the all-common, super annoying para spam bulky af team archetypes hoopa fares amazingly well, as it is very difficult to switch into its attacks. This is Hoopa's niche in the meta and i think it's an healthy one.
And even in these matchups there's some room for outplay with proper prediction (altough not much) especially if Hoopa is choiced, plus iirc Mandibuzz is a solid answer to it if you're desperate for a switchin!

Could go on arguing but I'm lazy

pls no hate on Kali

P.S. Can you please like this post? My current like count is 69 and as a catholic I find it uncomfortable
We've had our fun, but it's time for Hoopa-U to go. We can certainly adapt around it, but its negative effect on teambuilding is outright palpable.

I don't regret ever testing this Pokemon and it's unfortunate it ended up being broken, but that's just how things shake out sometimes.
Also mandibuzz tanks any physical variant of hoopa.

252 Atk Choice Band Hoopa Unbound Gunk Shot vs. 248 HP / 136+ Def Mandibuzz: 175-207 (41.3 - 48.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Any physical variant?

Also, Gunk Shot has better accuracy than Focus Blast, so it's much more plausible to hit it twice.
meh, no ban

Awful speed tie, honestly when you are < 110 in this meta you may pack all the power you want but you'll underperform against the average offensive team unless you are resilient to status and/or have excellent bulk (like manaphy).
Hoopa has godly special bulk but shitty physical bulk which hinders it in a reasonable way.

On the other hand against the all-common, super annoying para spam bulky af team archetypes hoopa fares amazingly well, as it is very difficult to switch into its attacks. This is Hoopa's niche in the meta and i think it's an healthy one.
And even in these matchups there's some room for outplay with proper prediction (altough not much) especially if Hoopa is choiced, plus iirc Mandibuzz is a solid answer to it if you're desperate for a switchin!

Could go on arguing but I'm lazy

pls no hate on Kali

P.S. Can you please like this post? My current like count is 69 and as a catholic I find it uncomfortable

I think you really underestimate where 80 speed gets you. Hoopas job isnt to sweep its to come in on something that cant beat it and then murder the switchin. Hoopas bulk physically is poor but that does not negate the amazing power, decent special bulk, and sheer versatility it brings to the table.
While hoopa greatly appreciates paralysis support, its by no means a necessity and if you play around with it a little you should see that. the typical countermeasure a team takes against hoopa is to sack a mon and then pursuit trap it because thats honestly the only way to semi reliably deal with its insane offenses.
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You will see for yourself the answer that you seek if you only looked back, just a peek. The arrow in my quotes will lead you to the page. Look for my name, and enter the stage.

Ah ok I looked. I don't really see how you can compare those other mons to HoopaU. Having a comparable attacking power is just one of many factors. This mindset ignores all the points that have been made in this thread in favor of ban, most notably that other seemingly OP pokemon have flaws which can be exploited by a myriad of pokemon, and don't require ppl to waste a team slot JUST to handle Hoopa-U. Yes, U-Turn beats it, but guess what? Not everyone wants to play an offensive team or pack a lando. And the ability to not do so is what defines a de-centralized meta.

To the point of the pathetic and/or irrelevant mons, here's just some examples with very common pokemon, there are multiple other answers to each of these though:

Ramparados - Hippo can eat 2 banded superpowers or rock slides and OHKO with EQ
Chandelure - Chansey
Haxo - Metagross can come in on the outrage plus he's locked and will get confused, flyers can avoid the EQ, basically there are options for each of his moves and all that's required is prediction.
Azumaril - Scolipede can come in on the superpower and OHKO with poison jab
Hoopa-U - [insert pokemon here] eats > 50% on the switch. Unless you can OHKO in return, you're dead.

It seems (and I'm not saying this is you, the person I quoted, and also this paragraph is v much opinion and personal experience to be taken anecdotally) that the same people who don't want a ban on hoopa-u do want a ban on scald (ridiculous, but that's another thread...). Which suggests the vote is being cast not for the good of a diverse, healthy metagame as a whole, but to benefit a specific playstyle (HO), and possibly in fear/hate of another (stall) which is challenging enough to play in the current meta without HoopaU. This manifests itself on the ladder in that half the HO teams I play forfeit if they take a burn or lose a mon in the first 2-3 turns. Pokemon, like most things, is more fun when there's more options in both playstyles and pokemon. I get excited when I see a team preview with one or two mons that I very rarely come up against. What will they do? Did the player find some cool moveset and strategy I'm gonna have to work around? I have no hate for HO, or any playstyle. If I have to find a way to get around stall with my balanced squad, I will. Or I'll lose. That's how the game goes. And there are ways to work around stall, or HO, or any playstyle, with any playstyle.

Perhaps this is where I differ from players like lolnopound. While I do play pokemon with the intention of winning, the actual reason I play is to have fun. To come up against combos and stuff I haven't faced before. To be required to strategize. Not to get in there and mindlessly spam stabs off an unboosted 439 SpAtk for easy kills, with the goal of ending every game by turn 12.
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i mean, stall is pretty stupid and annoying to face, but lets not put opinions ahead of us, right?
hoopa is probably the only mon in this meta that instawins against stall. I mean, its specs set just shits on everything tbh
whats worse is that it kinda parallels to greninja and lando i in the fact that its switchins are very low, and its very few amount of switchins can be beaten by coverage moves from hoopas large movepool
i just dont like the fact that hoopa shits on a meta so hard. kyurem black, manaphy, some other goddamn stallbreakers, etc. all are threatening to stall, but every meta has its counters. Charizard Y shits on balance, Weavile does a number to HO, etc. but they all have answers like Latias and Keldeo/Azumarill, respectively. Hoopa has zero answers. and its almost worse than lando i because it doesnt suffer from 4mss as badly as he did. There are stall players out there that have no option but to click X the moment they see a hoopa u because they are hopeless. this thing is just cancer tbh

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This is not cool. This is not fun.

To each his own, I guess. But playing the "keep switching into each other counters until you eventually wittle your opponents team"gets boring after a while. While playing the much more reckless or risky" sac something or get something weakened to revenge kill or get momentum can be much more fun and arguably more skillful. This isn't DPP anymore.
People always try to mkae it out as if big bad uncle Smogon is here to force the metagame in to a defensive form, but if that was true then maybe Stall wouldn't suck so bad even if Hoopa-U was banned. There are a variety of things that still,will dunk on stall's life; so I don't know what this whole Hoopa-U is what's keeping this metagame from being full of stall consensus is coming from.
To each his own, I guess. But playing the "keep switching into each other counters until you eventually wittle your opponents team"gets boring after a while. While playing the much more reckless or risky" sac something or get something weakened to revenge kill or get momentum can be much more fun and arguably more skillful. This isn't DPP anymore.

But there's a whole wide spectrum of playstyle in between those two. Since fun is objective I won't get into what's more fun, but spaming powerful stabs off very high base attacking stats is not skillful. Removing HoopaU won't unevenly shift the meta in favor of stall or slower pokemon either; it was a fast offensive meta before HoopaU, and it will continue to be so. Removing him will only open up more options for players, in turn creating a more diverse, challenging and (oops) fun meta.

edit: maybe when volcanion is out bring hoopa back..
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Ok. We get it. With the correct prediction, some pokemon can either tank a resisted hit or come in when Hoopa-U has killed something and threaten it in return. Hoopa-U killing 1 pokemon is so 'safe'.
How else can you objectively decide on how good a pokemon is except by looking at usage stats? The best pokemon will be used the most. If a pokemon is good it will be used, if it underperforms it will be dropped from teams. Over time this will lead to the best pokemon shifting to the top and getting used the most. Power wise Hoopa is unmatched, but power isn't all there is to pokemon. Its defense and speed balance it, this is reflected in it not cracking the top 20 in usage statistics. As good as Hoopa is at what it does, I can't say that it is broken when so many pokemon see more play. I think most people are dismissing its flaws and we shouldn't be so ban happy. If it becomes more prevalent in the meta then I'll consider the ban, but how this was suspected before something like Landorus is beyond me. There was a time people called for Mega Pinsir and Mega Metagross to be banned, but the meta adjusted. Let's give it more time and see if we adjust to Hoopa.

Roles required will vary from team to team. For most teams, Stealth Rock is necessary and for offensive teams, pivots are important too. Landorus-T provides a multitude of roles; even being able to act as revenge killer or sweeper, making easy to fit him onto teams. Hence why he has the highest usage. Hoopa-U is obviously a wallbreaker. Not only is a wallbreaker not always a necessity on teams, Hoopa-U faces competition as a wallbreaker (outclassing the majority though). So not only is Hoppa-U not a necessity, you could put another pokemon like Kyurem-B in its place; lowering its usage.

I'm not too sure about my opinion on the suspect. As much as I love having a pokemon which I can use to success climbing up the ladder, deep down in my heart, I know it is too strong. All I need to do is spam Dark Pulse and launch the occasional focus blast and psyshock when I predict the switch. It is pretty unhealthy to climb that easily.
Huh what, are in you in some implying that brainlessly clicking a spammable STAB and watching things drop is in some way more skillful, than actually being able to outplay your opponent over a long period of time to secure a win? DPP itself was a pretty offensively orientated metagame, so i don't know where the "this isn't DPP anymore" comment comes from.
bludz edit: took out this part

Also, I am seeing too many arguments that are bordering between "x has no defensive counters" and "x Pokemon automatically makes y team suck". We have had quite of handful Pokemon throughout the generations that had no safe defensive counters but did not render stall utterly unviable. The biggest difference between Hoopa-U and something like BW2 Hydreigon is how Hoopa-U's consistency in forcing KOs is considerably more consistent and extreme than most of these other instances of mons with no defensive counters.
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Hoopa has does have to hit 2 focus blasts, and while it does get wrecked by thunderbolt a choice locked move does require prediction. While prediction does go both ways this can be an argument for the choice locked pokemon.

Also mandibuzz tanks any physical variant of hoopa.

Talonflame can revenge kill hoopa and OHKO's it back. Revenge killing something is considered a check.

klefki can take a hit and priority status it and not that many people run fire punch anymore.

No, because the best play isn't always the most rewarding play. Not everyone will make the best play and play the way you'd expect.

Mandibuzz is 2HKO'd by banded gunkshot running a max hp, max def spread.

LMAO. If rkilling was a check I want MMence back.

klef doesn't take fighting coverage well actually, its not the bulkiest, it generally t-waves and dies
honestly is there any reason to not ban this thing
most anti ban people talk about u turn and how frail hoopa is
hoopa switches in on its prey (such as things like skarm) and nukes anything that dares to switch in
when a u turner comes out, he simply switches out. its literally greninja but slower
I know a lot of this has already been said but reading some of the other arguments I think it should be said again. Hoopa-U makes defensive cores a liability. This is because Hoopa can switch in on all walls that rely on special attacks to do damage. (except for a few like clef) This is done with relatively low cost to the hoopa user. It puts all the pressure on you to make a play to prevent giving hoopa a free switch. And once hoopa comes in, because with volt-turn and bulky offense dominating the meta it is guaranteed to come in, it gets a kill. So you have to sack an important mon in your defensive core which balance/stall cannot afford to lose. Plus, if you have no pursuit trapper, Hoopa can just switch out vs your revenge killer and come in again later to destroy the rest of your team. Because of this, balance is forced to run a pursuit trapper on every single team just for Hoopa-U. This is the definition of overcentralizing.

There are literally no safe switch ins to Hoopa.
It 2hkos the entire metagame with one moveset. Thats all that needs to be said here.

A common argument to not ban hoopa is that Hoopa is dead weight vs offense. Now this is true to an extent. Hoopa has trash defense that is easily exploited by faster mons on offense. However lets think about some common mons on offense.... Latios, Thundurus, Keldeo, and Alakazam. Hoopa-U checks all of these mons. It lives Latios draco meteor and specs Keldeo hydro pump and can OHKO both back. It has a good chance to straight up ohko thundurus with dark pulse and switches into alakazam. So even in a matchup where Hoopa-U is supposed be awful it can still pick up at least one kill.

Hoopa-U is simply too powerful of a wallbreaker and restricts teambuilding.

Ah ok I looked. I don't really see how you can compare those other mons to HoopaU. Having a comparable attacking power is just one of many factors. This mindset ignores all the points that have been made in this thread in favor of ban, most notably that other seemingly OP pokemon have flaws which can be exploited by a myriad of pokemon, and don't require ppl to waste a team slot JUST to handle Hoopa-U. Yes, U-Turn beats it, but guess what? Not everyone wants to play an offensive team or pack a lando. And the ability to not do so is what defines a de-centralized meta.

To the point of the pathetic and/or irrelevant mons, here's just some examples with very common pokemon, there are multiple other answers to each of these though:

Ramparados - Hippo can eat 2 banded superpowers or rock slides and OHKO with EQ
Chandelure - Chansey
Haxo - Metagross can come in on the outrage plus he's locked and will get confused, flyers can avoid the EQ, basically there are options for each of his moves and all that's required is prediction.
Azumaril - Scolipede can come in on the superpower and OHKO with poison jab
Hoopa-U - [insert pokemon here] eats > 50% on the switch. Unless you can OHKO in return, you're dead.

It seems (and I'm not saying this is you, the person I quoted, and also this paragraph is v much opinion and personal experience to be taken anecdotally) that the same people who don't want a ban on hoopa-u do want a ban on scald (ridiculous, but that's another thread...). Which suggests the vote is being cast not for the good of a diverse, healthy metagame as a whole, but to benefit a specific playstyle (HO), and possibly in fear/hate of another (stall) which is challenging enough to play in the current meta without HoopaU. This manifests itself on the ladder in that half the HO teams I play forfeit if they take a burn or lose a mon in the first 2-3 turns. Pokemon, like most things, is more fun when there's more options in both playstyles and pokemon. I get excited when I see a team preview with one or two mons that I very rarely come up against. What will they do? Did the player find some cool moveset and strategy I'm gonna have to work around? I have no hate for HO, or any playstyle. If I have to find a way to get around stall with my balanced squad, I will. Or I'll lose. That's how the game goes. And there are ways to work around stall, or HO, or any playstyle, with any playstyle.

Perhaps this is where I differ from players like lolnopound. While I do play pokemon with the intention of winning, the actual reason I play is to have fun. To come up against combos and stuff I haven't faced before. To be required to strategize. Not to get in there and mindlessly spam stabs off an unboosted 439 SpAtk for easy kills, with the goal of ending every game by turn 12.
Thats the thing about people who just want to beat players or more accurately heavy stall users the easy way ( even tho hoopa can be a pain to all the pokes), they dont come up with an original set to counter or manage to beat certain playstyles, with the difference that breaking your mind is rewarding unlike locking a Hoopa-U for all. If hoopa-u gets baned we could see some stallbreakers rise, like i hardly see a M chompy in OU, and i think with just a tyranitar can sweep, but i havent seen him too much.
Thats the thing about people who just want to beat players or more accurately heavy stall users the easy way ( even tho hoopa can be a pain to all the pokes), they dont come up with an original set to counter or manage to beat certain playstyles, with the difference that breaking your mind is rewarding unlike locking a Hoopa-U for all. If hoopa-u gets baned we could see some stallbreakers rise, like i hardly see a M chompy in OU, and i think with just a tyranitar can sweep, but i havent seen him too much.
i dont ever think mchomp will rise to usage due to the popularity of the tankchomp set and garchomp itself
and to be fair we already have a decent amount of stallbreakers, defensive heatran, stallbreaker tflame, kyurem black, manaphy, suicune, char y, etc. to name a few. most of the rest are too unviable to be used in the meta even if hoopa u is banned. people will just use viable stallbreakers not named hoopa u. simple as that.
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i dont ever think mchomp will rise to usage due to the popularity of the tankchomp set and garchomp itself
and to be fair we already have a decent amount of stallbreakers, defensive heatran, stallbreaker tflame, kyurem black, manaphy, suicune, char y, etc. to name a few. most of the rest are too unviable to be used in the meta even if hoopa u is banned. people will just use viable stallbreakers not named hoopa u. simple as that.

We have 40 viable ones check UBERPYRO 's guide.

SD Gliscor is amazing.

I'll add to this later, on mobile.
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Do to popular demand, I will list all the OU pokemon (that I use) that check non-scarfed Hoopa-U and forces it out. I never really used pursuit on showdown, and yet it's still effortless for me to put that genie back in its place. Observe:

Infernape (OU All-Out-Attacker)Close Combat 95 - 112.6% 68.8% chance to OHKO

Hoopa Unbound (OU Choice Scarf)Hyperspace Fury 95.6 - 112.6% 75% chance to OHKO

Landorus-T (OU Double Dance)Earthquake 95.6 - 112.6% 75% chance to OHKO

Mega Diancie (OU Calm Mind)Moonblast 95.6 - 113.6% 75% chance to OHKO

Mega Diancie (OU Offensive)Moonblast 95.6 - 112.2% 68.8% chance to OHKO

Mega Tyranitar (OU Dragon Dance)Stone Edge 97 - 114.6% 81.3% chance to OHKO

Weavile (OU All-out Attacker)Knock Off 97 - 114.2% 81.3% chance to OHKO

Breloom (OU Poison Heal Attacker)Superpower 97.6 - 114.9% 81.3% chance to OHKO

Terrakion (OU Choice Scarf)Close Combat 97.6 - 114.9% 81.3% chance to OHKO

Terrakion (OU Stealth Rock)Close Combat 97.6 - 114.9% 81.3% chance to OHKO

Garchomp (OU Choice Scarf)Outrage 98 - 115.6% 87.5% chance to OHKO

Mega Charizard X (OU Dragon Dance)Flare Blitz 98 - 115.6% 87.5% chance to OHKO

Mega Garchomp (OU Mega Swords Dance)Earthquake 99.6 - 117.6% 93.8% chance to OHKO

Mega Swampert (OU Rain Sweeper)Earthquake 99.6 - 117.6% 93.8% chance to OHKO

Bisharp (OU Swords Dance)Knock Off 100.3 - 118.2% guaranteed OHKO

Tornadus-T (OU Assault Vest Pivot)U-turn 100.9 - 119.6%guaranteed OHKO

Bisharp (OU Pursuit Trapper)Knock Off 101.6 - 119.9% guaranteed OHKO

Keldeo (OU All-Out Attacker)Secret Sword 103.6 - 121.9% guaranteed OHKO

Mega Diancie (OU Rock Polish)Moonblast 106.3 - 125.5% guaranteed OHKO

Mega Charizard X (OU Swords Dance)Flare Blitz 106.9 - 126.5% guaranteed OHKO

Azelf (OU Lead)Explosion 108.3 - 127.5% guaranteed OHKO

Dragonite (OU Dragon Dance)Outrage 109.9 - 129.5% guaranteed OHKO

Mega Lopunny (OU Substitute)High Jump Kick 109.9 - 129.5% guaranteed OHKO

Toxicroak (OU Offensive)Gunk Shot 109.9 - 129.9% guaranteed OHKO

Victini (OU Stallbreaker)V-create 109.9 - 129.9% guaranteed OHKO

Mamoswine (OU Wallbreaker)Earthquake 116.6 - 137.2% guaranteed OHKO

Zygarde (OU Dragon Dance)Outrage 116.6 - 137.2% guaranteed OHKO

Haxorus (OU Stallbreaker)Outrage 117.9 - 138.8% guaranteed OHKO

Excadrill (OU Sand Rush Sweeper)Earthquake 119.6 - 141.1% guaranteed OHKO

Kyurem-B (OU Choice Scarf)Outrage 119.6 - 140.8% guaranteed OHKO

Breloom (OU Technician Attacker)Bullet Seed 120.5 - 141.5% guaranteed OHKO

Entei (OU All-Out Attacker)Sacred Fire 122.9 - 144.8% guaranteed OHKO

Lucario (OU Life Orb Attacker)Close Combat 124.2 - 146.5% guaranteed OHKO

Terrakion (OU Life Orb Attacker)Close Combat 126.9 - 149.5% guaranteed OHKO

Jirachi (OU Choice Scarf)U-turn 127.5 - 150.1% guaranteed OHKO

Medicham (OU All-Out Attacker)High Jump Kick 129.5 - 152.4% guaranteed OHKO

Victini (OU Substitute)V-create 133.8 - 157.8% guaranteed OHKO

Tyranitar (OU Choice Band)Stone Edge 137.5 - 161.7% guaranteed OHKO

Landorus-T (OU Defensive)U-turn 139.5 - 164.7% guaranteed OHKO

Victini (OU Choice Scarf)U-turn 139.5 - 164.7% guaranteed OHKO

Tornadus-T (OU Life Orb Attacker)U-turn 141.5 - 167.4% guaranteed OHKO

Hoopa Unbound (OU Choice Band)Hyperspace Fury 142.8 - 168.4% guaranteed OHKO

Staraptor (OU Choice Scarf)U-turn 143.5 - 170% guaranteed OHKO

Haxorus (OU Dragon Dance)Outrage 153.1 - 180.3% guaranteed OHKO

Volcarona (OU Offensive Quiver Dance)Bug Buzz 160.7 - 191.3% guaranteed OHKO

Dragonite (OU Choice Band)Outrage 164.4 - 193.6% guaranteed OHKO

Landorus-T (OU Choice Scarf)U-turn 164.7 - 195.3% guaranteed OHKO

Talonflame (OU Revenge Killer)U-turn 166.1 - 196.6% guaranteed OHKO

Mega Medicham (OU All-Out Attacker)High Jump Kick 176.4 - 207.6% guaranteed OHKO

Azumarill (Choice Band)Aqua Jet 59.6 - 70% guaranteed 2HKO

Beedrill (OU U-turn)U-turn 179.4 - 211.2% guaranteed OHKO

Diggersby (OU Choice Scarf)U-turn 180.7 - 212.6% guaranteed OHKO

Landorus-T (OU Offensive)U-turn 180.7 - 213.9% guaranteed OHKO

Scizor (Choice Band)Bullet Punch 80.7 - 95.3% guaranteed 2HKO

Victini (OU Choice Band)U-turn 209.9 - 247.1% guaranteed OHKO

Mega Scizor (OU Defog)U-turn 212.6 - 252.4% guaranteed OHKO

Staraptor (OU Choice Band)U-turn 236.5 - 279% guaranteed OHKO

Mega Beedrill (OU U-turn)U-turn 255.1 - 300.3% guaranteed OHKO

Azumarill (OU Choice Band)Play Rough 267.1 - 314.9% guaranteed OHKO

Mega Heracross (OU Offensive)Pin Missile 322.9 - 382.7% guaranteed OHKO

Scolipede (OU Spiker Lead)Megahorn 326.9 - 384% guaranteed OHKO

Scizor (OU Choice Band)U-turn 376 - 443.8% guaranteed OHKO

Scolipede (OU Offensive)Megahorn 466.4 - 549.1%guaranteed OHKO
As you can see, there is no shortage of viable answers to this pokemon. You just got to prepare for it, like any other A+ pokemon. The only reason Hoopa-U might be considered broken is because, like many wallbreakers, it has almost no true counters, but since it can go both physical and special, it especially annihates stall like a predator. Stall is an endangered species, and after Mega Sableye was on trial for singlehandedly saving it, Hoopa-U is on trial for singlehandedly destroying it. It is up to the voters if stall has a right to live, but there is no question that Hoopa-U can be "handled" by non-stall teams.
All you have shown is that it can be revenge killed. That's not the question, the question is defensively what answers can exist to it, otherwise it is over centralising the metagame by forcing you to run offense, because one single way to kill it is not "handling" it and you start to need to use 6 mons that can ohko it or it gets a kill every time it comes in, and can just switch out, rinse and repeat.
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