Ability Unity!

So im having quite a lot of fun in this meta game, currently at #4 and so far i've had no real problems with gale wings / contrary / manaphys or whatever. The real issue im having currently is dealing with cobalion/lucario with adaptability.

These guys hit ridiculously hard with their stabs:

252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Lucario Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 190-224 (56.8 - 67%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Cobalion Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 166-198 (49.7 - 59.2%) -- 74.6% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Even on resists if they dance on the switch they are chunking you for at least 70% of your hp:

+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Cobalion Iron Head vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mew: 387-458 (95.7 - 113.3%) -- 75% chance to OHKO

I dont think its ban-worthy just wondering what people are using to counter these two without using gale-wings? Problem is that all the possible unaware users get bopped either way as they dont need to boost to take you out

Here's a couple of bonus sets that i've been having fun with:


Omastar @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Scald
- Toxic
- Stealth Rock / Spikes
- Knock off / Haze

Walls *most* gale-wings users and can switch out to recover HP or spread statuses/remove items/rocks a ton of utility


Roserade @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 248 Def / 8 Spe
Bold Nature
- Toxic Spikes / Spikes
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Worry Seed / Whatever

I use Roserade in tandem with Omastar to form a hazard/regeneration core. Worry seed is my answer to a lot of things like suicune/snorlax and *some* contrary users. Make sure you have a back-up check for ones you cant wall. Sleep powder is another good option but really you can have whatever you like in the last slot
The reason was landorus and archeops getting priority brave bird. By comparison, AU is far closer to AAA, where it has thus far stayed unbanned despite a massively superior user in skarmory.
Further, GW does have counters, like Heatproof Metagross, any Metagross for non-moltres, Heatran for Moltres, filter registeel for Star/Braviary, av Raikou...
Furthermore, these mons are far from unviable and indeed check much of the rest of the metagame.

Gale wings is good, but its not broken.
Here's a somewhat good check.
Mienshao @ focus sash
Ability: no Guard
(Skipped cuz I don't have time)
-High jump kick
-any other thingies
Here's a somewhat good check.
Mienshao @ focus sash
Ability: no Guard
(Skipped cuz I don't have time)
-High jump kick
-any other thingies
Shame it doesn't work if mienshao has taken any damage, and also it can't switch in. Getting the KO under certain circumstances is a lot different than checking. Have you tested this set?
The reason was landorus and archeops getting priority brave bird. By comparison, AU is far closer to AAA, where it has thus far stayed unbanned despite a massively superior user in skarmory.
Further, GW does have counters, like Heatproof Metagross, any Metagross for non-moltres, Heatran for Moltres, filter registeel for Star/Braviary, av Raikou...
Furthermore, these mons are far from unviable and indeed check much of the rest of the metagame.

Gale wings is good, but its not broken.
252+ SpA Life Orb Moltres Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Heatproof Jirachi: 179-213 (44.3 - 52.7%) -- 20.3% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
Jirachi (which is specially bulkier than Metagross) can only be assured a safe switch-in if it's at full and hazards aren't up.

252+ Atk Choice Band Staraptor Brave Bird vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Mega Metagross: 106-126 (35.2 - 41.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock
Okay, that works. That's still pretty significant damage against something that doesn't have recovery.

252+ Atk Choice Band Staraptor Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Filter Registeel: 165-195 (45.3 - 53.5%) -- 37.1% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Heatran does a fine job of countering Moltres, no argument there. I guess Moltres could theoretically carry HP Ground, but my guess is that they usually don't.

-1 252+ Atk Choice Band Staraptor Brave Bird vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Raikou: 129-152 (40.1 - 47.3%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
I assume we're talking Intimidate Raikou, because that's the set that can avoid a 2HKO from Banded BB. Banking strictly on a Flying resistance is rough when Staraptor plows right through Raikou with its Double-Edge. But you probably meant that it was a Moltres switch-in?

252 SpA Life Orb Moltres Fire Blast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Raikou: 153-181 (47.6 - 56.3%) -- 83.2% chance to 2HKO
Okay, Raikou is definitely a check, since it'll obviously outspeed and KO the next turn and Hurricane doesn't do too much. You can even EV it to avoid the 2HKO here. That's still a lot of damage to take without recovery.
None of these are particularly good counters to their respective Gale Wings users, to be tbh. Good mons in general, perhaps, but I think a team that gives its Gale Wings user(s) decent support (Spikes and/or bulky Ground-types and/or Wish) should be able to get around them without too much trouble.
The real issue im having currently is dealing with cobalion/lucario with adaptability.

These guys hit ridiculously hard with their stabs:

252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Lucario Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 190-224 (56.8 - 67%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Cobalion Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 166-198 (49.7 - 59.2%) -- 74.6% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Even on resists if they dance on the switch they are chunking you for at least 70% of your hp:

+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Cobalion Iron Head vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mew: 387-458 (95.7 - 113.3%) -- 75% chance to OHKO

I dont think its ban-worthy just wondering what people are using to counter these two without using gale-wings? Problem is that all the possible unaware users get bopped either way as they dont need to boost to take you out
I'm running Pdef Prankster Zapdos on stall, which can switch into an unboosted STAB from either and hit them with a Thunder Wave, and either roost-stalling until it gets a free turn or letting something else come in to RK them. Not perfect, but whatever. Prankster Cofagrigus, which I'm running with Haze because bulky setup sweepers are a pain (FUCK Contrary Snorlax), can drop a WoW or take out their stat boosts before they can hit you. Pain Split can be tough to work with, though.
The reason was landorus and archeops getting priority brave bird. By comparison, AU is far closer to AAA, where it has thus far stayed unbanned despite a massively superior user in skarmory.
Further, GW does have counters, like Heatproof Metagross, any Metagross for non-moltres, Heatran for Moltres, filter registeel for Star/Braviary, av Raikou...
Furthermore, these mons are far from unviable and indeed check much of the rest of the metagame.

Gale wings is good, but its not broken.
In AAA, Primordial Sea Skarmory and a slew of flash fire steels such as doublade means that gale wings checks are much easier to find. Please explain to me how Metagross comes in on any gale wings user more than once. If I get one shot to check gale wings for the entire match, and the opponent just fucking switches out, I am stuck sacking something the next time it comes in. That's absurd. AV Raikou is good, but hey, they clicked double-edge. Also once I switch in on that u-turn once, I can't switch in anymore. And I already calced half of these after your previous "gale wings isn't broken" response and you ignored me apparently, and now Akumeoy did it for me. Please explain to me in your infinite wisdom how I can counter all of the gale wings users more than once in one slot. Even running doublade doesn't allow me to hard counter them consistently because after switching in twice, I can't switch in anymore. I'm not going to run doublade on every team. Oh and Doublade still doesn't check moltres. Besides, using Heatproof is just proof of overcentralization.

In Inheritance, Gale Wings was way EASIER to handle. I could run my Primordial Sea Skarmory, Gale Wings Skarmory, Regenerator Doublade or Doublade with reliable recovery, etc. Furthermore, Inheritance Gale Wings had one coverage type - Flare Blitz, which none of the users had stabbed. We both had more reliable methods of dealing with gale wings and it was more predictable to handle. We banned this in Inheritance, and here, it's WAY worse.

252+ Atk Choice Band Braviary Brave Bird vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew: 310-366 (90.9 - 107.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

Priority that OHKOs neutral 100/100 bulk is not conductive for a competitive metagame, hence why I am literally done laddering until this shit gets banned. This metagame is borderline unplayable for any playstyle but Semi/Full-Stall or very luck-based Hyper Offense that often comes down to lucky switch prediction and speed ties. Let's not.

Minimodding is against the rules. In any case, whatever he said applies. In addition, please stop making uninformed posts. Don't post if you haven't read the OP or if you don't know the clauses. I've seen enough Guillotine posts.
At some point this thread will become nothing but shitposts and responses to shitposts. Of course, as seen in the post above me, apparently the only thing that can be done is creating requirements for posting or moderating this. I certainly don't see this getting any better on its own.

Edit: Post above me is gone so apparently this is moderated now. If so, thank god.
Here's a somewhat good check.
Mienshao @ focus sash
Ability: no Guard
(Skipped cuz I don't have time)
-High jump kick
-any other thingies

I wouldn't really define this a check. It seems more a revenge killer than anything. Besides, as Akumeoy mentioned, if the Sash is broken then it is insta-killed by the Gale Wings user.

If all, I think this Pokemon could be very useful to check the Gale Wings spam: Eviolite Rhydon.

Rhydon @ Eviolite
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 252 HP / 16 Atk / 240 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Rock Blast / Stone Edge
- Megahorn / Swords Dance

This Rhydon is ripped straight from NU, but there could be a more optimal spread lying around. Anyway, this dino is incredibly bulky and can pretty much stomach any STAB thrown by the speedy birds, as well as their Fighting and Grass coverage, before knocking them to the ground with its Rock STAB. It is so bulky that it is even capable to tank the occasional HP Grass from Specs Moltres thanks to Solid Rock, which is really impressive. Just to show you what it is capable to handle:

252+ Atk Choice Band Braviary Superpower vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Solid Rock Rhydon: 178-210 (42.9 - 50.7%) -- 2.3% chance to 2HKO
16+ Atk Rhydon Rock Blast (3 hits) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Braviary: 294-348 (86.2 - 102%) -- approx. 6.3% chance to OHKO
16+ Atk Rhydon Stone Edge vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Braviary: 380-450 (111.4 - 131.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Considering the Attack and Defense drop, the bird would end up OHKO'ed even by Rock Blast while failing to 2HKO Rhydon, if I'm not mistaken.

252+ Atk Choice Band Staraptor Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Solid Rock Rhydon: 174-205 (42 - 49.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
16+ Atk Rhydon Rock Blast (3 hits) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Staraptor: 306-366 (98.3 - 117.6%) -- approx. 93.8% chance to OHKO
16+ Atk Rhydon Stone Edge vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Staraptor: 402-474 (129.2 - 152.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Yes, Staraptor has absolutely no way to break through Rhydon and avoid the OHKO.

252 SpA Life Orb Moltres Hidden Power Grass vs. 252 HP / 240 SpD Eviolite Solid Rock Rhydon: 214-253 (51.6 - 61.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
16+ Atk Rhydon Rock Blast (3 hits) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Moltres: 504-588 (157 - 183.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Rhydon may not openly switch in on Moltres, but it can revenge kill it or set up rocks while the latter switches. Even using Roost could be dangerous for Moltres, since it can be OHKO'ed by a predicted Earthquake or by Stone Edge, or lose a huge chunk of damage from Rock Blast.

16+ Atk Rhydon Rock Blast (3 hits) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Moltres: 252-294 (78.5 - 91.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
However, there is no question that Gale Wings is a monstrous Ability which makes it hard for HO teams to break past Gale Wings users. I suppose the best way to handle them would still be by keeping Stealth Rock up and not let the other team blow it away, but considering the abundance of Magic Bouncers and Defoggers, as well as the lack of viable Stealth Rock Mold Breakers, this could be a task hard to accomplish.
The ability sharing thing isn't working. Period. Here you can watch if fail.... and just keep failing.
Levitate on Weezing didn't end up shared by Muk. Malamar's contrary didn't transfer to Hoopa Unbound. Ect.
You don't run the two Pokemon, you just select the new ability in teambuilder. The Pokemon being swapped doesn't even have to be on your team.
I wouldn't really define this a check. It seems more a revenge killer than anything. Besides, as Akumeoy mentioned, if the Sash is broken then it is insta-killed by the Gale Wings user.

If all, I think this Pokemon could be very useful to check the Gale Wings spam: Eviolite Rhydon.

Rhydon @ Eviolite
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 252 HP / 16 Atk / 240 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Rock Blast / Stone Edge
- Megahorn / Swords Dance

This Rhydon is ripped straight from NU, but there could be a more optimal spread lying around. Anyway, this dino is incredibly bulky and can pretty much stomach any STAB thrown by the speedy birds, as well as their Fighting and Grass coverage, before knocking them to the ground with its Rock STAB. It is so bulky that it is even capable to tank the occasional HP Grass from Specs Moltres thanks to Solid Rock, which is really impressive. Just to show you what it is capable to handle:

252+ Atk Choice Band Braviary Superpower vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Solid Rock Rhydon: 178-210 (42.9 - 50.7%) -- 2.3% chance to 2HKO
16+ Atk Rhydon Rock Blast (3 hits) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Braviary: 294-348 (86.2 - 102%) -- approx. 6.3% chance to OHKO
16+ Atk Rhydon Stone Edge vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Braviary: 380-450 (111.4 - 131.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Considering the Attack and Defense drop, the bird would end up OHKO'ed even by Rock Blast while failing to 2HKO Rhydon, if I'm not mistaken.

252+ Atk Choice Band Staraptor Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Solid Rock Rhydon: 174-205 (42 - 49.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
16+ Atk Rhydon Rock Blast (3 hits) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Staraptor: 306-366 (98.3 - 117.6%) -- approx. 93.8% chance to OHKO
16+ Atk Rhydon Stone Edge vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Staraptor: 402-474 (129.2 - 152.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Yes, Staraptor has absolutely no way to break through Rhydon and avoid the OHKO.

252 SpA Life Orb Moltres Hidden Power Grass vs. 252 HP / 240 SpD Eviolite Solid Rock Rhydon: 214-253 (51.6 - 61.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
16+ Atk Rhydon Rock Blast (3 hits) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Moltres: 504-588 (157 - 183.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Rhydon may not openly switch in on Moltres, but it can revenge kill it or set up rocks while the latter switches. Even using Roost could be dangerous for Moltres, since it can be OHKO'ed by a predicted Earthquake or by Stone Edge, or lose a huge chunk of damage from Rock Blast.

16+ Atk Rhydon Rock Blast (3 hits) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Moltres: 252-294 (78.5 - 91.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
However, there is no question that Gale Wings is a monstrous Ability which makes it hard for HO teams to break past Gale Wings users. I suppose the best way to handle them would still be by keeping Stealth Rock up and not let the other team blow it away, but considering the abundance of Magic Bouncers and Defoggers, as well as the lack of viable Stealth Rock Mold Breakers, this could be a task hard to accomplish.
I second the support for Rhydon! I nommed it for a rank in the viability PM Quantum Tesseract and company have going. Great bird check and really benefits from Solid Rock. It forms a fearsome core with Regenerator Chansey (#EvioliteBros), and since I don't need to EV it to check Moltres (see: Chansey), I run full physically defensive. Here's the core I use on my semi-stall team:

Chansey @ Eviolite
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Bold Nature
- Wish
- Soft-Boiled
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave

Rhydon @ Eviolite
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Impish Nature
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Roar

Uninvested Stone Edge still crushes souls, and Fighting moves do even more pathetic damage:
252+ Atk Choice Band Braviary Superpower vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Solid Rock Rhydon: 132-156 (31.9 - 37.7%) -- 91.1% chance to 3HKO

Obviously you lack recovery but that's what Wish passing is for! :]
Guts Rhyperior could be a usable attacker too, since we're discussing the Rocky rhinos.

I just had this battle, great opponent, horrible hax. Please, Chatter must go. It has never been a competitive move and adds nothing to gameplay but frustration, and Gale Wings is now added to it. Basically, it doesn't bring anything to the metagame and only allows players to get kills they otherwise shouldn't. That's not fun or strategic, and isn't that what we want?


You don't have to watch the rest, but you can if you want. I would have had the win if my Snorlax and Umbreon (2 immense special defenders) weren't killed by a measly Chatot from confusion. I attempted to Superpower boost and KO with body Slam, but that didn't work. Nasty Plot secured Umbreons doom, and I was able to end Chatots evil with 2 critical hits. Those first 7 (or whatever) turns were just sad and painful to watch, and if that's what you want in your metagame then fine, but I'm sure many others won't enjoy it as much.
252 SpA Choice Specs Sceptile Leaf Storm vs. 248 HP / 128+ SpD Lickilicky: 229-270 (54.1 - 63.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Life Orb Sceptile Leaf Storm vs. 248 HP / 128+ SpD Lickilicky: 199-235 (47 - 55.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

i have not seen specs sceptile so far, that would be a problem.
if rocks are up, i can go for one protect, so it won't be 2hko, the bigger problem is dragon tail miss.
but generally i try to keep my field free from hazards (magic bounce umbreon, magic bounce/magic guard/prankster + defog mew, ...)

yes, i have tested it out, and it works pretty good.
it checks pretty much all set ups, bare fighting types.

with gale wings, i also don't see a problem, but in combination with chatter it is.

what i just got the idea for, croselia:

Cresselia @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster/Magic Bounce
EVs: 248 HP / 248 Def / 12 SpD
Bold Nature
- Moonblast
- Calm Mind
- Sleep Talk/Psyshock
- Rest/Moonlight

either you go for Prankster for Priority set up, but that doesn't help against gale wings, then i would go for resttalk, cause of toxic.
or you go Magic Bounce, then you don't need to be afraid from toxic (bare mold breakers), so you can take moonlight and psyshock.

i prefer moonblast on resttalk over psyshock cause it can't be walled by dark mons then.

252 SpA Life Orb Moltres Hurricane vs. 248 HP / 12 SpD Cresselia: 179-212 (40.4 - 47.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Life Orb Moltres Hurricane vs. +1 248 HP / 12 SpD Cresselia: 121-142 (27.3 - 32%) -- 45.3% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery after 1 cm
So, I've been playing AU for one day or two. I've found Baton Pass Clause can be bypassed in this metagame. Who would? Contrary Smeargle.


First turns, Fake Out, Spore, it's all good. Then, Contrary V-Create. Of course it's kinda shitty when you look at how it happened (Twice) in the battle, but this thing has possibilities. First, I was discussing Shell Armor Starmie (Slowbro) getting Cosmic Power, but this is even better because it offers also Speed, which is why it gets through BP Clause. Opinions?
So, I've been playing AU for one day or two. I've found Baton Pass Clause can be bypassed in this metagame. Who would? Contrary Smeargle.


First turns, Fake Out, Spore, it's all good. Then, Contrary V-Create. Of course it's kinda shitty when you look at how it happened (Twice) in the battle, but this thing has possibilities. First, I was discussing Shell Armor Starmie (Slowbro) getting Cosmic Power, but this is even better because it offers also Speed, which is why it gets through BP Clause. Opinions?
No. It's a teambuilder ban; you can't have Dragon Dance + Baton Pass, for example. That set is legal according to the Baton Pass clause.
Care to expand on these? A list without any context is not helpful.
Hoopa Unbound Contrary
Item: Assault vest
Hyperspace Hole, dark pulse, drain punch, gunk shot
Delphox Sheer Force
Item: Life orb
Psychic, shadow ball, signal beam, fire blast
Smeargle Contrary
Item: Assault Vest
V-Create, Dragon ascent, Baton pass, Superpower
Hoopa Unbound Contrary
Item: Assault vest
Hyperspace Hole, dark pulse, drain punch, gunk shot
Delphox Sheer Force
Item: Life orb
Psychic, shadow ball, signal beam, fire blast
Smeargle Contrary
Item: Assault Vest
V-Create, Dragon ascent, Baton pass, Superpower

delphox does not get sheer force

and av smeargle can't use baton pass
No, it's not. Will be fixed on the next PS! restart/update.
Ok, then. With that out of the way, there is a part of the op that should be fixed.
op said:
Abilities: Aerilate, Arena Trap, Fur Coat, Huge Power, Imposter, Parental Bond, Pure Power, Shadow Tag, Simple, Speed Boost
(NOTE: Natural users of the above abilities can still use them)
Unbans: None
Since shadow tag is now banned, having it there is needlessly confusing.
right I get that but why was a curse placed on himself? I'm assuming that happened because the ability activated after curse was used so it was treated as a self-inflicting move. seems like a complicated thing to fix
right I get that but why was a curse placed on himself? I'm assuming that happened because the ability activated after curse was used so it was treated as a self-inflicting move. seems like a complicated thing to fix

It's the in-game behavior. Check http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Curse_(move), I doubt gamefreak ever expected the combination of Protean + Curse to come up since no pokemon learn it in-game which explains the weird behavior.
Right now, I don't think Gale Wings is a massive problem to AU, because most teams (high ladder) are Regenerator Stall anyway, it's becoming ridiculous, 4 users of Regenerator on the same team, combine this with Ditto and if you face Stall two things can happen: you win the pp stall war cause all you have to do is switch between your Regenerator mons and Ditto or, if you're opponent is also abusing Ditto Regenerator Stall, you may find yourself on a 1539 turns match. Uniting clause is cool and all, but I think we need a proper ability clause, 2 regenerator mons are already awesome, I don't think you need 4 or 5 of them. People who complain about Gale Wings are probably low-mid ladder players, because high ladder = stall, mostly. I agree that Gale Wings is very threatening to Offense tho.
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As a bit of a goof, I was running a full regenerator team and this happened. Pretty much complete draw.


(Only pokemon on that team I'd actually recommend are the Blissey and Conkeldurr).
Why would you reccomend blissey? Chansey is basically superior in every way.
unaware porygon2 is a monster. its like 350 / 450/ 450 bulk with a diverse af movepool.
It is. Sadly, it has a koff weakness and loses to the everpresent Hoopa-U. If it weren't for Hoopa, it'd likely be ranked higher.