M a r k ~ Trade Shop [Update (07/10): 8 New pokemon]

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(#480 - Uxie)

OT: Terezi | ID: 47974 | @-
Nature: Bold | Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31|x|31|31|31|31
UT: StealthRock, Yawn, FutureSight, Amnesia
(Note: StealthRock is a TutorMove from IV Generation. From Sinnoh)

(#481 - Mesprit)

OT: Terezi | ID: 47974 | @-
Nature: Timid | Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31|x|31|31|31|31
UT: Trick, StealthRock, FutureSight, Charm
(Note: StealthRock is a TutorMove from IV Generation. From Sinnoh)

(#482 - Azelf)

OT: Terezi | ID: 47974 | @-
Nature: Timid | Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31|x|31|31|31|31
UT: Trick, SignalBeam, StealthRock, NastyPlot
(Note: StealthRock is a TutorMove from IV Generation. From Sinnoh)

(#205 - Forretress )
(TSV Method: 2574)

OT: Yvette | ID: 19655 | @-
Nature: Relaxed | Ability: Sturdy
IVs: 31|31|31|31|31|5
UT: Tackle, Protect
EV'd: RapidSpin, StealthRock, VoltSwitch, GyroBall
(252 PS 252 DEF 4 SPD)

(#129 - Magikarp )

OT: Bluemew | ID: 23525 | @ RareCandy
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Rattled
IVs: 31|31|31|10|31|31
Ev'd: Splash, Tackle, Flail, Bounce
(252 ATK, 4 DEF 252 SPE)
(Note: She is at level 99 and a contest star: she has all ORAS ribbons)

(#381 - Latios )

OT: EXIE | ID: 41539 | @-
Nature: Timid | Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31|31|31|31|31|31
Ev'd: Recover, CalmMind, DragonPulse, GrassKnot
(4 DEF, 252 SPA 252 SPE)
(Note: From Hoenn)

(#384 - Rayquaza)

OT: Pokéguy | ID: 63932 | @-
Nature: Jolly | Ability: AirLock
IVs: 31|31|31|24|31|31
EV'd: DragonAscent, EarthQuake, ExtraSpeed, DragonDance
(6 PS 252 ATK 252 SPE)
hi, im not really sure whats your price for the shinys or the redis zone so i dont know what to offer you, maybe you find something in here

i would like to have your UT shiny foretress (is that a pineco then?) and shiny Salamence (thats not available ut right?)

Yes for the ut version of Forretress i have the shiny pineco. Shiny Salamance isn't possibile to obtain the ut version. I really don't understand much with your file because i suppose is German. You can offer without problem 4-5 pokemon (i will pick two of course) possible without the german name. I really appreciate, because with your file i have some problem to understand all ^^'
ahh right i forgot it was completly in german

you want shinys then (UT? IV shinys? trained shinys or shiny legis?) or also events and special ball pokemon?
does a shiny legi count more?

edit: offer:

Garchomp (trained), timburr (UT), joltik (ut), pancham (UT), amaura (UT), bulbasaur (UT)
Groudon (lv100, trained)
jap. shiny yveltal or xerneas (event ut)
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ahh right i forgot it was completly in german

you want shinys then (UT? IV shinys? trained shinys or shiny legis?) or also events and special ball pokemon?
does a shiny legi count more?

edit: offer:

Garchomp (trained), timburr (UT), joltik (ut), pancham (UT), amaura (UT), bulbasaur (UT)
Groudon (lv100, trained)
jap. shiny yveltal or xerneas (event ut)

I'm interest in Joltik and Timburr, can you post the complete description? :)
♀ Compound eyes Florian 53902 UT lv1 Route 7- 10.08.2014 Timid Pokeball IVs are 31 for def and speed

♀ Sheer Force Lucy 42653 UT lv1 Kampfresort - 10.04.2016 Rash Pokeball IVs: x/x/x/31/31/31

both have the pentagon
(hope the description is alright like this)
♀ Compound eyes Florian 53902 UT lv1 Route 7- 10.08.2014 Timid Pokeball IVs are 31 for def and speed

♀ Sheer Force Lucy 42653 UT lv1 Kampfresort - 10.04.2016 Rash Pokeball IVs: x/x/x/31/31/31

both have the pentagon
(hope the description is alright like this)

Yes i need to know only the ability and the ivs and the nature. Unfortunately i looking for pokemon flawless (5 iv in the right place and a good nature). Do you have something like this with the english name?
hmm there arent that many since i cant rng or clone anything myself, currently i have about 6 with 5-6 max ivs and good nature/ability combi
a bold solrock being the only one with an actual english name, a jolly technican meowth with a wierd nickname i cant change,
a timid zorua, adamant chespin with HA, a lax kabuto with HA and a timid infiltrator noibat

except the meowth theres no nickname so if evolved they will switch to english,jap,kor whatever name

i could offer you all six for six of yours but for these ones i have to find a trusted cloner first....which isnt really an easy feat
hmm there arent that many since i cant rng or clone anything myself, currently i have about 6 with 5-6 max ivs and good nature/ability combi
a bold solrock being the only one with an actual english name, a jolly technican meowth with a wierd nickname i cant change,
a timid zorua, adamant chespin with HA, a lax kabuto with HA and a timid infiltrator noibat

except the meowth theres no nickname so if evolved they will switch to english,jap,kor whatever name

i could offer you all six for six of yours but for these ones i have to find a trusted cloner first....which isnt really an easy feat

I just need two of yours for Pineco and Salamance. I like Chespin and Kabuto and i can clone your pokemon and send back in not more of 5 minutes
i guess that would be fine then ^^ when do you have time to trade?

// and i only mentoined that 6 because i actually found some others in your thread that would interest me as well
i guess that would be fine then ^^ when do you have time to trade?

// and i only mentoined that 6 because i actually found some others in your thread that would interest me as well

Unfortunatly i need only the two pokemon that i asked, when you get some other stuff tell me so when can do other trade :)

If for you are ok, also now is a good time to trade, i need your FC
unfortunetly no, is in 1 hour alright for you?

fc: 3926-4978-8044 and ign is Marine

edit: would it be much to ask if you could make 2 copies for me so i can train one?
I try to reset everything too, i will back online soon -.-

Edit: It is stable and sufficiently fast, for this reason i don't understand why this problem .-. It is never happened
I just reset all i can to try to solve this problem, i suggest to try one more time, if it isn't work we can try later if you are available hoping that the problem is solve

Edit: nothing, i will try to trade something with a random person to test this problem

(#118 - Goldeen )

OT: Leona | ID: 01069 | @-
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Lightingrod
IVs: 31|31|31|22|31|31
UT: AquaTail, HydroPump, Psybeam, WaterSport

(#442 - Spiritomb)

OT: Salvatore | ID: 54262 | @Leftowers
Nature: Modest | Ability: Pressure
IVs: 31|2|31|31|31|31
EV'd: Psychic, DarkPulse, ShadowBall, CalmMind
(252 PS 252 SPA 4 SPE)

(#625 - Bisharp (Caesurio) )

OT: Jessica | ID: 33474 | @LifeOrb
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Defiant
IVs: 31|31|31|8|31|31
EV'd: Protect, IronHead, SuckerPunch, KnockOff
(4 PS 252 ATK 252 SPE)

(#700 - Sylveon (Feelinara) )

OT: Royden | ID: 27972 | @ChoiceSpecs
Nature: Modest | Ability: Pixilate
IVs: 31|0|31|30|30|31 - HP GROUND 70
: HyperVoice, HiddenPower, Psyshock, ShadowBall
(190 PS 68 DEF 248 SPA 4 SPE)​
Hey Markus! I'm interested in that shiny Goldeen. Is it TSV hatched? For trade I have:
5IV Modest male HA Goomy in Heal Ball with Counter and Acid Armor
5IV Adamant male HA Kabuto in Nest Ball
Both are nicknameable. I also have the others I've listed before on the thread.
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