WCoP XI - Administrative Decisions

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Eligibility rules for WCoP XI have been changed in order to remove all forms of eligibility rule abuse and thus ensure the legitimacy of all participating teams.

WCoP Eligibility Rules

1) A player can only play for the region associated with their forum IP, barring the following exception(s):

2) A player may play for the last region they have played for in the past if and only if they played for that region under strong eligibility, meaning that there was at one point in time a forum IP tying them to that region for a length of time.

Allowed: BKC played for US East under strong eligibility in WCoP 2015 and may choose to play for US East even though he has since moved to Europe.
Disallowed: During Summer played for Asia under weakest eligibility in WCoP 2015. He may not play for Asia unless he moves there.​

a) Should they choose to play for their old region, they will be permanently barred from playing on any other team in future WCoPs, even if their region changes again or if they are rejected from the team they selected.

Disallowed: BKC chooses to play for US East for WCoP 2016. In 2017, he is rejected from US East because his skill has deteriorated significantly. He may not play for Europe.​

b) Should they instead choose to play for their current region, they will be barred from playing for any past regions.

Disallowed: BKC chooses to play for Europe for WCoP 2016. In 2017, he is rejected from Europe for significant attitude issues. He may not play for US East.​

c) Should they undergo another region change in the future, the player will once again be given a choice between playing for their new region or the region they previously lived in, but not any regions they previously rejected. This choice will not be available if the player has opted to play for an older region.​

Allowed: BKC chooses to play for Europe for WCoP 2016. He moves to Australia a year later. He may play for either Oceania or Europe.
Disallowed: BKC chooses to play for US East for WCoP 2016. He moves to Australia a year later. He may not play for Oceania.​

Further clarifying details to clear up any questions you may have will be presented in the WCoP player sign-up thread. If you have any, feel free to PM me on Smogon (please not IRC or PS). We appreciate your patience with this decision.
Grandfather clause:
  • IP lock will be enforced for users who are playing WCoP for the first time. Anyone found to be disguising their IP in an effort to get around this rule will receive a lengthy tour ban as well as a permanent WCoP ban.
  • If a user played last year under "strong" eligibility but no longer qualifies for that team under strong then they will be given the choice between their previous team and their new strong eligibility. This will be a one-time choice.
  • All previous "weak" eligibilities will be re-evaluated. If we have any reason to believe that a user might not eligible for their previous team then we will remove them. We will be considerably stricter with this than we were in previous years.
  • Users who played last year under "weakest" eligibility will also be removed from their previous teams. The weakest eligibility was always controversial and was going to be removed regardless of the format we chose this year.
  • Users who have previously played in WCoP but did not participate in the most recent edition (i.e. are not locked) will get to choose between their most recent team and the team that matches their IP. The rules pertaining to strength of eligibility still apply.
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About teams Germany, UK and France.

As you know in the past we have allowed people from outside these countries (McM for team France and Beds for team Germany) to join team France and team Germany using a weakest elegibility.
Since we removed the weakest elegibility this year, those players would not be allowed to play in those teams.
However, we decided to allow players from the german part of Switzerland and Austria to join team Germany (european countries or regions where German is the 1st language). In the same way we have decided to allow players from the french part of Switzerland and Belgium to join team France. Irish players will also be able to play in team UK.

So basically:
McMeghan can play in team France
Beds and Mael can play in team Germany

About new teams.
There will be a new team fighting for a spot in this Wcop: Greece
Greece and LA will play a bo3: 1 ORAS and 1 tier chosen by each team.
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Disenchanted vs TadaRinri

Situation: Tadarinri timed out during his game vs Disenchanted.

A true D/C could not be determined as a result of the timer being too low. The ruling of the match is a timeout.

Result: Disenchanted wins via timeout.
Alastor Law vs Asuka Langley Soryu
Situation: In their ORAS game, they both brought stall teams and went to the turn 320, two hours later. Alastor Law had to leave for an irl commitment, so Asuka Langley Soryu offered a tie, then Alastor Law allowed his timer to run out.
After knowing that a tie would lead to a rematch, Asuka Langley Soryu wants to withdraw his offer and take the win by timeout.

Result: On the cartdridge, two people are able to force a tie if they both agree to. Even if Asuka's offer was unclear towards the tie, suggesting a draw with an unclear formulation could lead to an unintentional forfeit. For this reason, the draw suggestion is considered valid.
Like in most other tournaments, drawing a game leads to a recreation with different teams. There is no difference here, Alastor Law vs Asuka Langley Soryu will be a rematch, with both players being free to pick the ORAS OU team of their convenience.
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