M Dragon
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  • hey M Dragon, we have to play for the BW invitational. are you GMT+2? if so, let me know if you'd be able to play later in the night this week (like 11pm / 12am your time). I should be good most days besides Wednesday.
    hey we got paired for rby cup, i can do weekdays after 7 PM EST but i assume thats hard for you. so weekend is probably best, either saturday at 2-5 PM EST or sunday at around 4 PM EST
    Hello user mdragon, when would you like to play adv cup? I am -4 and free all day saturday starting around 1pm (have sets already scheduled at 1 and 3 though) and am only free sunday early afternoon (around 1) and later on 7pm - 12am
    dpp cup, -7, weekend 10am-10pm works
    M Dragon
    M Dragon
    Sunday 21:30 +2?
    yeah, i have a set that starts 30 minutes before so might be a little late depending on that
    Hi, we're paired for GSC Cup. I'm GMT -4, Weds and Thurs best availability.
    M Dragon
    M Dragon
    Thursday at around 22:00 +2 or Friday at the same time could work
    Thursday works. An hour or two sooner would be preferable for me but I can make it if that's the earliest you can play.
    M Dragon
    M Dragon
    Im in smogtours
    Hello, when are you available to battle? I have a pretty flexible schedule. Either 2300 est is good, or we can schedule something during the day.
    M Dragon
    M Dragon
    Im GMT +2 so that time wont work.
    I could play on sunday at around 19:00 +2
    Hi, what is your availability for SPL? I can generally play between 3 pm gmt +2 and 10 pm gmt +2, possibly on the weekend. But I can try accomodating for some different times if you need
    Dragon, debemos jugar la spl, te gustaría jugar el domingo a las 5 pm gtm -4 ? estoy habilitado de sábado a domingo pero por temas del trabajo, preferiría el domingo, en caso de que no puedas, entonces sería el sábado por sobre mis 10 pm gtm -4.
    M Dragon
    M Dragon
    Me viene mejor el domingo sobre las 21:00 GMT +1 (1 hora antes de la que dices)
    Ok entonces el domingo a las 4 pm gtm -4.
    hi we're paired for gsc ubers USA v World, im gmt-5 and can play pretty much any day at a reasonable time after jan 8th
    Hi, when would you like to play scl? Does Sunday around 1pm gmt -4 work?
    M Dragon
    M Dragon
    Thursday at that time or Sunday at 22:00 +1
    Sunday 10pm +1 works
    I'm on stours as Highlord
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