M Dragon
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  • Hi, what is your availability for SPL? I can generally play between 3 pm gmt +2 and 10 pm gmt +2, possibly on the weekend. But I can try accomodating for some different times if you need
    Dragon, debemos jugar la spl, te gustaría jugar el domingo a las 5 pm gtm -4 ? estoy habilitado de sábado a domingo pero por temas del trabajo, preferiría el domingo, en caso de que no puedas, entonces sería el sábado por sobre mis 10 pm gtm -4.
    M Dragon
    M Dragon
    Me viene mejor el domingo sobre las 21:00 GMT +1 (1 hora antes de la que dices)
    Ok entonces el domingo a las 4 pm gtm -4.
    hi we're paired for gsc ubers USA v World, im gmt-5 and can play pretty much any day at a reasonable time after jan 8th
    Hi, when would you like to play scl? Does Sunday around 1pm gmt -4 work?
    M Dragon
    M Dragon
    Thursday at that time or Sunday at 22:00 +1
    Sunday 10pm +1 works
    I'm on stours as Highlord
    Estoy un hombre Espanol. No broma. Estoy muy Espanol. Si tienes una pregunta sobre Espanol o en Espanol, entonces hablar a me por que estoy muy Espanol. Vivo en Espana. Vives en Espana? Espana is muy buena. Adios desde Espana.
    Hola. Hablo Espanol. Disculpe, Este ordeninador no peudo poner el "~" sobre el "n". Espanol es una idioma muy bien. La "M" en ti nombre es para "MUY". Muy Dragon. Tyranitar no es Dragon. Digo muchos cosas en Espanol.
    When do you want to play for SPL? I'm GMT -3 for reference, and I have preference for weekends - i'm mostly available around: Saturday, 18:00-23:30 (GMT +1) and Sunday, 14:30-23:30 (GMT +1)
    Yo OST. Est/gmt-5 My schedule is a bit rough this week since I’m leaving for vacation Saturday afternoon so will have to play before that. Can you possibly play on Thursday night sometime after 7pm my time?
    M Dragon
    M Dragon
    Im gmt +1 so that time wont work
    I could play on friday at around 10 pm my time
    that should work, see you then
    M Dragon
    M Dragon
    Im in smogtours
    What days are best for you for OST?
    Bad Grief
    I just got back on, and saw that you already played for another tournament, sorry to miss you. I think our time is in 45, will be on Smogon Tournaments.
    M Dragon
    M Dragon
    Ok Im online as Ardorin
    Bad Grief
    Good games! You were better prepared for sure. Good luck in the rest!
    Hey lets play tomorrow evening for no john tour I'm GMT +1
    M Dragon
    M Dragon
    Im also GMT +1
    We could play at around 22:00
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