Multi Gen Simple Questions, Simple Answers Mk. II (Read Before Making a Thread)

A few moments ago I looked up Kyogre's smogon overview and found out its signature choice scarf set was removed... anyone like to fill that out for me?
It's as simple as Choice Scarf Kyogre is no longer viable in ORAS. The analyses are meant to offer the most effective and viable sets, and Choice Scarf Kyogre is not a viable Kyogre set.
Ok thanks. Its just I remember sometime between early ORAS making a really fun Choice Scarf Kyogre team and its honestly a really fun thing to build around.
Bunch of questions again.

1. In all my years of playing ORAS Ubers I have never seen or made a single good team with Dialga, how come I never see it anymore?
2. Why do people compare Mega Charizard X to Blaziken? I thought its better to compare it to Ray.
3. What would be a good set for Mewtwo?
4. I know its impossible to make a good team without Primal Groudon but is it possible to make a good team without Arceus? I see him on just about every good team.
5. What's this thing called Ho-oh weak?
6. Why is Special Arceus-Ground considered a quote on quote unbelievably bad set?
7. What makes genesect D Rank (and hence useless in everyway) in ORAS?
8. Why do people run Sucker Punch on physical defence Yveltal?
9. When are Primal Groudon and Mega Salamence gonna get banned?
10. Did Blaziken ever get Ice Punch are was that a mistake on Japans part?

If these could be answered by the same person again that would be slick but as long as they get answered.
Bunch of questions again.

1. In all my years of playing ORAS Ubers I have never seen or made a single good team with Dialga, how come I never see it anymore?
2. Why do people compare Mega Charizard X to Blaziken? I thought its better to compare it to Ray.
3. What would be a good set for Mewtwo?
4. I know its impossible to make a good team without Primal Groudon but is it possible to make a good team without Arceus? I see him on just about every good team.
5. What's this thing called Ho-oh weak?
6. Why is Special Arceus-Ground considered a quote on quote unbelievably bad set?
7. What makes genesect D Rank (and hence useless in everyway) in ORAS?
8. Why do people run Sucker Punch on physical defence Yveltal?
9. When are Primal Groudon and Mega Salamence gonna get banned?
10. Did Blaziken ever get Ice Punch are was that a mistake on Japans part?

If these could be answered by the same person again that would be slick but as long as they get answered.

1: Dialga is decent, used normally with a shuca berry so that it can check Mega Salamence while also freeing up the Groudon on your team to be something other than Stealth Rock itself.

2: Physical attacking fire type starter pokemon that set up their speed and attack to try and sweep teams. Mega Charizard X is basically unused in ORAS though, because of Mega Mence being better at its niche in pretty much every way.

3: Life orb 3 attacks + taunt is the standard set.

4: Probably. But it would also probably require that you're actively trying to not use one, because they fulfill so many roles that one of them is likely to be picked.

5: Its when teams are weak to Ho-oh. This means that it has several members who let ho-oh in for pretty much free, and that let it just fire off attack after attack, with no proper way to punish Ho-oh or, in extreme cases, without a proper Ho-oh check, so every time it comes in it gets a kill. Ho-oh is most unique in this regard due to the frequency that it can burn its way past its checks as well as the recovery it gets by switching out making it hard to properly check. This term can also be used to describe teams that do not have a solid way of getting and keeping up Stealth Rocks, due to Ho-oh not being punished upon switch in.

6: ho-oh, kyogre, latias, latios, giratina, bronzong yveltal, other birds like skymin, no worthwhile resistances (rock and poison are not the most relevant of attacks, and electric is even less so outside of thunder wave), inability to cover even half of those threats on the same set and leaves a gaping hole in the defensive backbone of any team because it's really ho-oh weak, with no way to punish it for switching in and doing pitiful damage with even +6 ice beam (+6 0 SpA Arceus-Ground Ice Beam vs. 248 HP / 52 SpD Ho-Oh: 199-235 (47.9 - 56.6%) -- 89.1% chance to 2HKO) while also not resisting attacks from Groudon like Lava Plume meaning it is more prone to being worn down on the switch in with a potential burn than other Arceus formes, as well as other Arceus formes being much more threatening from the Special side, such as Arceus Ice. Its not as bad a set as something like Calm Mind Arceus-Bug or something, however given how good the SD set is, seeing the special set is very frustrating because its just a waste of an otherwise good Arceus-Ground.

7: !dt Primal Groudon. Genesect finds itself only ever being able to click Uturn because every other move is very exploitable by Primal Groudon, and there are a decent number of good switch ins to a Uturn (including things like Ho-oh, Arceus-Water, SD Groundceus and Mega Mence) that can easily take it and almost every other potential attack Genesect wants to go for and can therefore take advantage of it. It is also a scarfer who cannot switch in to Darkrai, which is at least somewhat the point of a scarfer in ORAS (Lando-T the exception), and being Choice Locked in this metagame is not a good thing just due to the sheer number of potential pokemon that can take advantage of you for it. Also Xerneas still runs enough speed to outspeed Genesect at +2, so it cant revenge kill things like Xerneas.

8: To hit faster things. Most notably the Mewtwo formes, Deoxys (although extremespeed mindgames), Latios, Latias, Gengar, Setup sweepers who are close to dying (Primal Groudon, Xerneas), and also to just get damage off on something before Yveltal dies if its in vs a faster threat.

9: They're not.

10: Nope.
Just wanted to point out 9 and 10 were joke questions so you didn't need to answer them but thank you very much for the rest.
Apparently someone told me PH Gliscor, Wish Sylveon, Prankster Thundurus, AV Victini, SR Terrakion, SW Shuckle, Quagod, Hippowdon and Gastrodon were all usable is Ubers, Know of course my friend is well known for talking some real bullshit but you guys have been known to use some real questionable stuff so if someone could fill that out for me that'd be great, most of my experience in Ubers comes from ORAS and the old VR rankings thread.
Gliscor and Gastrodon are like ultra gimmicky mons that basically only check one thing (some pdon and pogre repsectively).

Prankster twave is done better by keys than thundy and keys has the added bonus of tons of more utility moves.

Webs arent great since so many teams run a defogger and shuckle takes up an incredibly valuable team slot just for the sake of setting them without checking much of anything.

AV victini sounds like literal trash and so does victini in general idk why you would ever want to run this.

Not sure on quag, rocks terrakion, or hippo though so maybe someone else could comment on those. (tbf i would be suprised if hippo had a niche though)
Ok thanks, I just I was told that all those things were usable in Ubers since they were used back in XY so I guess someone put the thought in my head thanks for answering though.
2 quick questions.

1. Is it true Mega Gengar is guarantee a kill every game or is that an exaggeration?

2. Is there such thing as an Uber that has no Counters or are all of them just that dam OP?
2 quick questions.

1. Is it true Mega Gengar is guarantee a kill every game or is that an exaggeration?

2. Is there such thing as an Uber that has no Counters or are all of them just that dam OP?
1. Kind of an exaggeration but it's still a great mon. On average you probably will get at least one kill with it but nothing is ever really garunteed.

2. Pdon has no 100% counters as far as I'm aware. Most ubers have ways past their standard checks. Arc formes have a lot of potential to lure their checks with that insane movepool for example.
Gen 6

I've been tinkering around with some of the mons that haven't been explored yet and I came across Magnezone. While olit doesn't d o much on its own in theory it can accompany stuff like offensive Xerneas sets, Mono attacking MegaMence, BandQuaza, SD Rockseus and pave a way for them to break lose. I'd suspect specs/life orb would be the best way to go. Do you think it can actually work or is it a huge gimmick


What are good resources to learn the meta outside of analysis on vr
Take Azelfie:

I have been thinking of Magnezone and its role in this current metagame myself. Primal-Groudon is of course the biggest issue that shuts down Magnezone but Primal-Groudon checking so much in the tier doesn't mean Magnezone is useless. You have to be aware of other thing that threaten Magnezone and your team but with the right team support and with the right team members to take advantage of its potential to remove physically defensive threats you can definitely make Magnezone work. There are definitely better 'mons to use, we can't deny that obvious fact.

Since the current metagame has a lot of mono-attacking 'mons as you mentioned (non Focus Blast Xerneas, Facade Salamence etc.), it definitely has a niche to remove stuff. As the item I would definitely not use specs or scarf because locking yourself into one move in this metagame is unhealthy (except scarf Xerneas and Landorus-Therian) and many threats will take advantage of it. Life orb sounds cool but I would use leftovers for longevity.

About the moveset. Since Magnezone can trap Klefki and other specially defensive steels (for Xerneas for example), Ferrothorn and Skarmory for physical threats that appreciate those 'mons gone I would use the moveset Substitute/Charge Beam/Thunderbolt/Flash Cannon or Hidden Power Ice/Thunder Wave. Substitute means that you can set up freely with Charge Beam and get rid of a specific target and be behind a Substitute after you get your kill. Thunderbolt is your main stab that destroys Yveltal, Primal-Kyogre, Salamence at +6 for example. You can choose two of the last moves between Flash Cannon, Hidden Power Ice and Thunder Wave. I guess you can drop Thunderbolt for one of the moves mentioned earlier. Flash Cannon destroys Xerneas for instance, Hidden Power Ice OHKOes Salamence, Rayquaza and does decent damage to Primal-Groudon at +6. Thunder Wave is the best move in the game.

This game is a prime example of how this set works. Even though I am a pretty horrible team builder myself, I like to think of cool stuff even though they might be gimmicks rather than having a niche.

For BW I would click this to learn more of this meta. It has pretty much of everything of the last generation ubers. Also watching old games and teams might help you understanding what the 'mons do, check etc. You can always join the Ubers room on the main server to ask any questions about BW you might have. We have a lot of great players who are great in this metagame and are willing to help anyone who wants to learn something new.
Best pokemon(s) to stop standard Deo / PDon / Mence / Xern / Ekiller / Darkrai HO?

Why is Bronzong not in the viability rankings?
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directions to Smogon Usage-Based Tier Update: but for Ubers?
We don't use the usage based system. We just use whatever is viable at the moment in an environment where everything that doesn't overly break the game (think Mega Rayquaza) and other things luck based elements like swagger, ohko moves, evasion etc are removed.
Thank you. Do you know what the difference is between Ubers "1500/1630/1760" links or what they are suppose to mean?

Those are different weights to the usage stats, the higher the number the more the stats are weighted. Weight in this context means that if you have a higher elo then your usage of a mon is more important - has more weight - than a person with lower elo.

The 0 means that every person on the ladder's usage is held equally. Inversely the 1760 stats hold the very top of the ladder as the main bearing for usage, it reflects the top of the ladder better than the others, but at the same time has the downside of relying on fewer players for usage stats.