Fire Emblem Fates

People don't realize that Mozu has working growths even before Aptitude. The problem is she starts at level 1, with shit bases, shit weapon level, and a level designed against her. Funnily enough, what she lacks in combat she makes up in child raising (a task typical for a village girl). If you have a physical child you care about but don't really care about the father, then Mozu's the girl to date.

If you want to use Mozu, you should be leveling her as an Archer, where she can use stronger weapons and avoid counterattacks from most enemies. The issues you stated are only a real problem in Conquest where your resources are limited; in Birthright and Revelations, you can Heart Seal her directly into Archer almost immediately and start leveling her in a re-visitable map. Of course, this might work in non-Lunatic Conquest runs, though she experiences massive competition from Corrin in terms of Heat Sealing, given that the timing of Heart Sealing Mozu is even more important on Conquest.
Mozu can make almost any physical child amazing. The first time I used Hisame was with Mozu!Hinata and he was one of the most consistent characters I had. The same thing happened with Shiro when Mozu was his mother. (Rinkah!Hinata, on the other hand, is awful; don't EVER try it)
Isn't Rinkah a shitty mom in general?
If you want to use Mozu, you should be leveling her as an Archer, where she can use stronger weapons and avoid counterattacks from most enemies. The issues you stated are only a real problem in Conquest where your resources are limited; in Birthright and Revelations, you can Heart Seal her directly into Archer almost immediately and start leveling her in a re-visitable map.
Yup. That's what I did. I turned her into a Kinsei Knight because I found the concept adorable and it helped trivialize Conquest Chapter 24 with Camilla for backup.
Mozu can make almost any physical child amazing. The first time I used Hisame was with Mozu!Hinata and he was one of the most consistent characters I had. The same thing happened with Shiro when Mozu was his mother. (Rinkah!Hinata, on the other hand, is awful; don't EVER try it)
Rinkah!PrettymuchAnything is bad. Ignatius is probably the only child she doesn't screw over.

Isn't Rinkah a shitty mom in general?

Eh, I got ridiculous work out of Rinkah!Velouria. She's a shit mother but somehow everything just worked out and THAT Velouria clearly beat out my Keaton.
Isn't Rinkah a shitty mom in general?
Eh, I got ridiculous work out of Rinkah!Velouria. She's a shit mother but somehow everything just worked out and THAT Velouria clearly beat out my Keaton.
Oh boy, but is Rinkah!Velouria goddamn awful, though. All of her growths ( except skill and mag [lol mag] ) are insanely inferior to Keaton's.

Keaton | Velouria
HP 80% | 35%
Str 80% | 37.5%
Mag 0% | 7.5%
Skl 25% | 45%
Spd 50% | 42.5%
Lck 35% | 35%
Def 60% | 45%
Res 25% | 25%

You must've gotten really, REALLY, lucky if she managed to outclass her Father with that.
Oh boy, but is Rinkah!Velouria goddamn awful, though. All of her growths ( except skill and mag [lol mag] ) are insanely inferior to Keaton's.

Keaton | Velouria
HP 80% | 35%
Str 80% | 37.5%
Mag 0% | 7.5%
Skl 25% | 45%
Spd 50% | 42.5%
Lck 35% | 35%
Def 60% | 45%
Res 25% | 25%

You must've gotten really, REALLY, lucky if she managed to outclass her Father with that.
lol, really lucky indeed I guess. Fuck me. What's with my odd luck and Velouria? Rinkah!Velouria turned out amazing while Camilla!Velouria turned out like trash.
I never have Defender on him because he's always a pairup bot for a nohrian trust abusing wife. Usually I give him Pavise, Aegis, Sol, Rend Heaven, Lethality.
Eh, I switch him, like I said, when I don't have a healer nearby and his wife is in trouble. So, having Defender is ok for that purpose. This is mostly for in-game, of course.
I used all of them for multiple chapters EXCEPT Hinoka iirc. The only nobles that really matter imo are Ryoma and Camilla, otherwise you can get away without any of them in Revelations. I also went Elise > Sakura because the movement was awesome and Sakura sucks.
Of my 1 playthrough of Birthright and 2 of Revelation, I never found Hinoka very useful outside of ferrying since she kept getting Strength screwed.
Of my 1 playthrough of Birthright and 2 of Revelation, I never found Hinoka very useful outside of ferrying since she kept getting Strength screwed.

Have you tried Heart Sealing Hinoka into a Spear Fighter? Spear Fighter has higher base strength and strength growth rates.
I used all of them for multiple chapters EXCEPT Hinoka iirc. The only nobles that really matter imo are Ryoma and Camilla, otherwise you can get away without any of them in Revelations. I also went Elise > Sakura because the movement was awesome and Sakura sucks.
I actually did the opposite. Since we recruit her ealier than Elise, she wound up with a higher rank in staves, and the fact that Elise joins underleveled doesn't help her case, either. As soon as they entered valla I promoted and immeditely heart sealed Sakura into Falcon Knight, which by the way is much better than Strategist in a Revelation run.
I actually did the opposite. Since we recruit her ealier than Elise, she wound up with a higher rank in staves, and the fact that Elise joins underleveled doesn't help her case, either. As soon as they entered valla I promoted and immeditely heart sealed Sakura into Falcon Knight, which by the way is much better than Strategist in a Revelation run.

Falcon Knight Sakura is solid, though she tends to lack the power to one-round enemies without the Bolt Naginata. Personally though I think Sakura fits best as a Falcon Knight or Onmyoji, as a Priestess she suffers greatly from a lack of power and accuracy (the former excluding the Shining Bow); she really wants Archer skills but can only get them through Corrin.
I'm about to finish Conquest, and starting Revelation soon. I'm only going to use Corrin and the kids (once I unlock them). Here are the pairings I'm thinking of going with, and what classes the kids are going to use.

Corrin (Fighter sec class, fe, +Spd -Lck) + Ryoma

Shiro's going to be a Spear Master with the skills Axebreaker (passed from MSd Ryoma), Dragon Fang (passed from Corrin), Quixotic, Lancefaire and Seal Speed (filler)

Haven't decided what to do with Kana yet. I'm torn between Norh Noble with Swordfaire, Hoshidan Unity, Dragon Fang, Draconic Hex and Nohrian Trust and a Master of Arms with Swordfaire, Axefaire, Dragon Fang, Draconic Hex and Life and Death

Xander + Hinoka

She fixes Siegmund's Speed, and gives him Lancefaire to boot. I'm going to make Siegmund a Paladin with Trample (passed from Xander), Lancefaire (passed from Hinoka), Darting Blow, Luna and maybe Armoured Blow

Silas + Hana

Sophie gets great Speed and Swordfaire out of this, although she is quite frail. I'm torn between making her a Hero or a Master of Arms - the former has better stats, while the latter doesn't waste her Lance skill. Either way her skills will be: Swordfaire (Hana), Aegis (Silas), Luna, Duelists's blow, Vantage / Armoured Blow

Takumi + Oboro

Yeah this pairing is hyped, but with good reason. Takumi gets a positive Speed mod, and some extra classes. I'm going to make him a Kinshi Knight. Skills: Bowbreaker (Takumi FSd with Leo), Lancefaire (Oboro), Bowfaire, Darting Blow, Ameterasu

Leo + Sakura

Yep, another marriage to cement the unity between Hoshido and Nohr. Hoshohr! Anyway, Forrest gets decent classes out of this and Tomefaire to both help him heal and do damage. I'm going to keep him as a Strategist with Tomefaire (Sakura), Lifetaker (Leo), Life to Serve, Inspiration and something else

Kaze + Mozu

I've heard good things about this pairing, so I'll give it a shot. I'm going to make her a Master Ninja with the skills Shurikenfaire (Kaze), Life and Death (Mozu), Luna (BSd with Siegbert), Aptitude and Venom Strike (or whatever it's called)

Benny + Rinkah

Yay a kid Rinkah doesn't screw over! I'm going to make him the ultimate tank. He's going to be a General with the skills Death Blow (Rinkah), Pavise (Benny), Strong Riposte, Sol and Wary Fighter
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I gave the pvp a try. I'm now using arthur with galeforce/heartseeker/swordbreaker. This guy essentially 100/100 hit+crits anything. He makes josephine look like a joke lol.

As for my conquest lunatic run: ch 10,26,27+ can all burn in hell. Whos idea was it to not put a damn save point in between that last part :|

On a side note: camilla gave me milk 3 times in a row at my castle.
Im on my nogrind lunatic conquest run and I'm DYING inside on ch 13. Reina is so goshdarn difficult to destroy, and I can never manage to snag the thief before he robs the gold house. not to mention the cav reinforcements that come in RIGHT by Scarlet and her squad, which fucked up my almost successful run.

as a side note im regretting training up nyx, all of her level ups have been 2-3 stats and in every one of them one of those stats was Str. I'm gonna see if i can manage to get odin into the fray after benching him, esp. since I can get horse spirit from Ophelia's paralogue. also I'm honestly just interested in making it to the end, Im just pairing up whatever's convenient, so so far that has ended up being Silas-Effie, Arthur-Camilla, Kamui-Mozu, and i WAS planning on Niles-Nyx but that may have to change.
I used Azura a lot to let Niles either double battalion or use the battalion once and then finish off enemies over the wall. The southwest wall is still hard to defend but with Niles and another unit or two you can hold them off or at least block the choke after they break it. By the time they're really pressuring you there, Camilla and her girls will appear.
Does anyone really do castle defense as a challenge, or is it relevant only for the skills? I'm in the home stretch of my NG Conquest Luna run and for Rev I was planning on making a team for actual challenge but I feel like it would be a waste if no one would play it.

Speaking of which, what are peoples thoughts on a Kana that recovers 100% HP each turn when seated on the throne? She would have Even Better, Better Odds, Renewal, Grisly Wound, and Wary Fighter, and be in a tome wielding class for both Horse Spirit and 1-2 range. EB/BO + Renewal recovers 70%, and the throne the other 30%. GW makes the need for offense irrelevant bc 20% HP reduction upon engagement, and Wary Fighter helps with bulk.
Does anyone really do castle defense as a challenge, or is it relevant only for the skills? I'm in the home stretch of my NG Conquest Luna run and for Rev I was planning on making a team for actual challenge but I feel like it would be a waste if no one would play it.

Speaking of which, what are peoples thoughts on a Kana that recovers 100% HP each turn when seated on the throne? She would have Even Better, Better Odds, Renewal, Grisly Wound, and Wary Fighter, and be in a tome wielding class for both Horse Spirit and 1-2 range. EB/BO + Renewal recovers 70%, and the throne the other 30%. GW makes the need for offense irrelevant bc 20% HP reduction upon engagement, and Wary Fighter helps with bulk.

Tank Kana is very solid, personally I ran Sol / Renewal / Wary Fighter / Good Fortune / Hoshidan Unity in my Birthright file, and she just wouldn't die.

OK, something I copied from Game FAQs during Awakening, let's discuss pairings, starting with Sophie. As one of the 4 kids you can always get, I thought I'd start with her. We are judging these pairings in a vacuum, so how it affects other possible children is irrelevant. Looking at mods, stats and classes. We're ignoring Corrin as (s)he can pass anything.

S Rank - The best pairings, Corrin notwithstanding
A Rank - Excellent pairing, can't go wrong
B Rank - Good pairing, viable but you can do better
C Rank - Not a bad pair, but not especially good either
D Rank - Cripples the kid, or is totally useless

Sophie's base classes

Base Classes: Cavalier, Great Knight, Paladin, Mercenary, Hero, Bow Knight
Base Skills: Elbow Room, Shelter, Luna, Armoured Blow, Defender, Aegis, Good Fortune, Strong Riposte, Sol, Axebreaker, Rally Skill, Shurikenbreaker


Mods: +2 Str, +1 Mag, +4 Skl & Spe, -2 Def
New Classes: Sky Knight, Kinshi Knight, Falcon Knight
New Skills: Darting Blow, Camaraderie, Air Superiority, Amaterasu, Rally Speed, Warding Blow
Special Inheritance: Luck +4, Inspiring Song, Voice of Peace, Foreign Princess

Sophie can jump right into Sky Knight since she's already C Rank in Lances. Very nice skill and speed, and good strength too. Defence takes a hit, but Armoured Blow can mitigate that somewhat. She also gets some useful AoE skills in Voice of Peace and Amaterasu. Oh, and she can also use Dragon Veins. A Rank


Mods: +3 Mag & Skl, +2 Spe, +1 Res
New Classes: Troubadour, Strategist, Butler
New Skills: Resistance +2, Demoiselle, Rally Resistance, Inspiration, Live to Serve, Tomebreaker

Talk about square peg in round hole. Felicia's magic based mods clash badly with Silas's physical ones, and Sophie would rather be attacking than Healing. Having to start from E Rank in Staves, Tomes and Hidden Weapons doesn't help either. The best skill you get from this pairing is Tomebreaker. Pretty medicore pairing tbh. C Rank


Mods: +2 Str & Spe, +1 Mag, Lck & Def, +4 Skl, -2 Def
New Classes: Villager, Master of Arms, Merchant
New Skills: Aptitude, Underdog, Seal Strength, Life and Death, Profiteer, Spendthrift
Special Inheritance: Skill +2, Quick Draw, Certain Blow, Bowfaire, Air Superiority, Amaterasu

Oh yeah, now we're talking! Good mods all round (apart from defence) and some great skills to boot. Sophie's just fine in Villager since she has C Rank in Lances already, and with Aptitude she can quickly become very powerful. Master of Arms is a solid class for her, as she's already C rank in 2 out of the 3 weapons it uses. Seal Strength combos nicely with her unique skill. Life and Death is risky, especially without Vantage, although Armoured Blow can negate it. The Merchant class isn't really worth it. Mozu can even pass Bowfaire, which Sophie can use as a Bow Knight. S Rank easily


Mods: +3 Str, +2 Spe, Skl & Res
New Classes: Sky Knight, Kinshi Knight, Falcon Knight
New Skills: Darting Blow, Camaraderie, Air Superiority, Amaterasu, Rally Speed, Warding Blow
Special Inheritance: Seal Defence, Swap, Seal Speed, Lancefaire, Rend Heaven, Quixotic

No negative mods, although none of them are especially good. She passes Sky Knight like Azura, but the main thing Hinoka has is the Spear Fighter skills. Lancefaire is the best one, she can use it in 4 out of 6 of her final classes. If you don't want to put her in a Lance using class, Quixotic's also a solid option to boost the activation rate of her natural Aegis, Sol and Luna. She can use Dragon Veins as well. S Rank


Mods: +2 Str, Skl & Spe, +3 Mag
New Classes: Shrine Maiden, Priestess, Onmyoji
New Skills: Miracle, Rally Luck, Renewal, Counter Magic, Rally Magic, Tomefaire
Special Inheritance: Darting Blow, Camaraderie, Air Superiority, Amaterasu, Rally Speed, Warding Blow

An odd pairing, but better than you might think. No Negative mods, but no standout ones either. Sophie can make a surprisingly good Priestess, as she can use Bolt Naginata's right off the bat. Miracle could save her life in a pinch, while Renewal's useful to keep her alive longer. She can also inherit Amaterasu to be a great supporter who can still dish out good damage. She also gets Rally Speed, Skill, Luck and Magic, so she can be a Rallybot if you want. This pairing also lets you use Dragon Veins. B Rank.