Turtwig (QC 3/3) (GP 2/2) Done

Turtwig has a distinct niche in Little Cup with its great defensive stats, pure Grass typing, and access to Stealth Rock. It has a good matchup against a variety of spinners such as Drilbur and Staryu, allowing it to keep entry hazards up against a variety of teams. Turtwig also has access to reliable recovery in Synthesis, which lets it stay healthy enough to switch into threats throughout the match. However, Turtwig has a bad defensive typing with weaknesses to common types such as Fire, Flying, Poison, and Ice. It is also extremely slow, being outsped by most of the metagame, and struggles against common Defoggers such as Vullaby and Stunky, as it has no way to deal sufficient damage to them. A limited offensive movepool makes Turtwig very passive, meaning it struggles against many Pokemon it can't hit for super effective damage and gives them many opportunities to set up. Finally, Turtwig faces competition from other Stealth Rock setters and is hopelessly outclassed at any other roles it could try.

name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Synthesis
move 3: Bullet Seed
move 4: Superpower / Crunch
item: Eviolite
ability: Overgrow
nature: Careful
evs: 244 Def / 236 SpD / 28 Spe


Stealth Rock is an incredibly useful move that punishes the opponent for switching. Synthesis reliably heals Turtwig, letting it stay healthy to switch into threats and set Stealth Rock multiple times if need be. Bullet Seed is a mandatory STAB move and can break through Focus Sashes and Sturdy. Superpower deals with Steel-types that switch in, OHKOing Pawniard and Magnemite after Stealth Rock and dealing a large amount of damage to Ferroseed and Porygon. However, the Attack and Defense drops severely weaken Turtwig afterwards and may force it to switch out. Crunch can also be used as a coverage option to hit Drifloon hard and threaten Gastly on the switch.

Set Details

An Eviolite coupled with the given EVs and a Careful nature gives Turtwig respectable 22 / 24 / 24 bulk, which allows it to switch into resisted hits repeatedly. The Speed EVs let Turtwig hit 10 Speed, which allows it to outspeed Pokemon like Spritzee and bulky Tirtouga and Speed tie with Timburr, defensive Porygon, and Hippopotas. Overgrow can punish the foe with stronger Grass-type attacks if Turtwig is weakened.

Usage Tips

Set up Stealth Rock as quickly as possible, as it is more effective the more the foe switches in on it. Use Synthesis when needed, but be wary of its low PP, as it is your only way of healing Turtwig. Once Turtwig's role is done, it can happily switch into resisted hits from Pokemon like Chinchou and Drilbur. Be wary of using Superpower unnecessarily, as it will significantly weaken Turtwig both offensively and defensively and potentially force it to switch. Also, be wary of switching into Scald, as Turtwig hates getting burned.

Team Options

Vullaby is a very good teammate, as it can switch into and defeat Foongus, which defeats Turtwig. In return, Turtwig can check Electric-types such as Chinchou and Magnemite for Vullaby. Turtwig helps Pokemon that appreciate entry hazards up such as Carvanha and Abra to OHKO certain Pokemon due to Stealth Rock's chip damage. Pokemon that want a good switch-in to Water-types, like Fire-types such as Ponyta, also appreciate Turtwig. Poison-types such as Croagunk and Skrelp are good partners because they can switch into Poison-type moves aimed at Turtwig. In return, Turtwig can take resisted Ground-type moves. Steel-types such as Magnemite also appreciate Turtwig switching into Ground-type attacks and can switch into Flying- and, situationally, Poison-types for Turtwig. Electric-types like Magnemite and Chinchou also beat Flying-types with their Electric-type STAB moves. These also appreciate Turtwig shielding them from Ground-type moves. Water-types can switch into Fire- and Ice-type attacks, although some, like Tirtouga, can't afford to switch into Will-O-Wisp. Chinchou and Shellder are good partners due to them also defeating Flying-types with their other coverage moves. Staryu, Skrelp, Tirtouga, and Omanyte all appreciate Turtwig's defensive typing and bulk, which let it switch into many of their threats. RestTalk Skrelp in particular is a great option, as Turtwig takes out Ground-types for it while Skrelp deals extremely well with Fire-types. Munchlax is another option, as it deals with Drifloon and Ponyta for Turtwig.

Other Options

Toxic can be used to deal with bulky Pokemon such as Vullaby but leaves Turtwig walled by Steel-types. Turtwig can set up with Curse or Swords Dance; however, its typing, Speed, and bad offensive movepool prevent it from excelling at these roles. Leech Seed can also be used to wear down common switch-ins, but it doesn't heal a large enough amount of damage to warrant its use, leaving Turtwig as setup bait. Finally, Turtwig can set dual screens, but this is a mediocre strategy in LC, and Turtwig is outclassed by Snivy at this role.

Checks and Counters

**Taunt**: Almost every Taunt user, such as bulky Mienfoo, outspeeds Turtwig and can prevent it from filling its role.

**Setup Sweepers**: Most setup sweepers not weak to one of Turtwig's coverage moves, such as Bulk Up Timburr, can take advantage of its passivity and use it as setup bait.

**Flying-types**: Drifloon, Vullaby, and Fletching can all 2HKO Turtwig with their Flying STAB moves and also set up on it or use U-turn to grab momentum.

**Fire-types**: Ponyta and Larvesta can OHKO Turtwig with their offensive attacks or cripple it with Will-O-Wisp. Larvesta can also use U-turn to build momentum. These two are particularly threatening because they can cripple whatever you switch in on them with status.

**Poison-types**: Croagunk and Skrelp in particular OHKO Turtwig, while Foongus can defeat it easily. Gastly is also a big offensive threat but dislikes taking a Crunch on the switch. These can all force out Turtwig due to their powerful coverage and the fact that Turtwig won't have a good way to reliably hit them.

**Ice-type Coverage**: Shellder can spin away entry hazards and OHKO Turtwig with Ice-type moves, even without Shell Smash. Other Pokemon that Turtwig would usually switch into, such as Chinchou, may also carry Ice-type moves, which can swiftly KO Turtwig.
Last edited:

-Something with as much bulk as Turtwig has isn't OHKOed by much of anything, remove that bit.
-Mention that Turtwig is passive.
-Reorganize this section so that the positives are first, followed by the negatives.

-Check your spelling on Synthesis.

-Get rid of Seed Bomb, it's completely outclassed by Bullet Seed.
-Mention that Superpower OHKOes Magnemite/Pawniard after rocks and does a lot to Ferroseed and Porygon.
-Mention Drifloon with Crunch (this is way more important than Abra/Gastly).

Set Details:
-Use different examples for what you outspeed/tie with 10 Speed. Darumaka and Omanyte always run max Speed, Skrelp and Croagunk force Turtwig out, and Shellos isn't a relevant threat. Instead, mention that Turtwig outspeeds Spritzee and bulky Tirtouga, and ties with Timburr, bulky Porygon, and Hippopotas (all threats that Turtwig has a decent-to-good matchup against.)
-Don't mention a Jolly nature; there's no point in running one.

Usage tips:
-Again, Shellos isn't relevant. Mention threats such as Chinchou and Drilbur that Turtwig switches into more easily.
-Mention that Turtwig doesn't like getting burned by Scald.

Team Options:

-Get rid of Vulpix (sun teams won't use Turtwig ever since it stacks too many weaknesses).

this is wip

-Something with as much bulk as Turtwig has isn't OHKOed by much of anything, remove that bit.
-Mention that Turtwig is passive.
-Reorganize this section so that the positives are first, followed by the negatives.

-Check your spelling on Synthesis.

-Get rid of Seed Bomb, it's completely outclassed by Bullet Seed.
-Mention that Superpower OHKOes Magnemite/Pawniard after rocks and does a lot to Ferroseed and Porygon.
-Mention Drifloon with Crunch (this is way more important than Abra/Gastly).

Set Details:
-Use different examples for what you outspeed/tie with 10 Speed. Darumaka and Omanyte always run max Speed, Skrelp and Croagunk force Turtwig out, and Shellos isn't a relevant threat. Instead, mention that Turtwig outspeeds Spritzee and bulky Tirtouga, and ties with Timburr, bulky Porygon, and Hippopotas (all threats that Turtwig has a decent-to-good matchup against.)
-Don't mention a Jolly nature; there's no point in running one.

Usage tips:
-Again, Shellos isn't relevant. Mention threats such as Chinchou and Drilbur that Turtwig switches into more easily.
-Mention that Turtwig doesn't like getting burned by Scald.

Team Options:

-Get rid of Vulpix (sun teams won't use Turtwig ever since it stacks too many weaknesses).

this is wip
Done! What do you want me to do before you're willing to QC? Thanks!
I just didn't have time to finish the post


Team Options:
-Reword the section on Steel-types to mention that they beat Flying-types, as well as Poison-types to a lesser degree. (The common Steels have some trouble switching into the most common Poison-types.)
-Mention Vullaby specifically here, as it can switch into Foongus (probably the most common Turtwig counter) reliably and appreciates Turtwig's Electric resistance.
-Mention other Water-types, such as Staryu.

Other Options:
-Remove Return; it adds no valuable coverage.
-Mention Shell Armor along with Turtwig's stat boosting options and list Curse before Swords Dance.
-Mention Leech Seed to help wear down common switch-ins.

Checks and Counters:

This section needs to be completely reworked - you mention some Pokemon that are barely viable while missing out on big threats.
-Remove Natu and Minccino; they aren't relevant enough to warrant a mention.
-Standalone Ice-types aren't very good and don't really warrant a mention. Feel free to have an Ice coverage section with Pokemon like Chinchou and Shellder that Turtwig would normally switch into but often run Ice coverage, but put it towards the bottom of the list.
-In the Flying-types section, only mention Drifloon, Vullaby, and Fletchling; everything else isn't relevant enough to warrant a mention. Talk about how all three of these can grab momentum by setting up or U-Turning out.
-In the Fire-types section, only mention Ponyta and Larvesta for the same reason. Mention how they can cripple Turtwig with Will-O-Wisp or severely damage it with their STAB Flare Blitzes, or in Larvesta's case U-Turn.
-Get rid of the Bug-types section; the only relevant Bug-types are Larvesta (already mentioned) and Surskit (which falls more into the Ice coverage category).
-In the Poison-types section, add Foongus and get rid of Grimer, Bulbasaur, Oddish and Nidorian-M. Mention that they force Turtwig out not only because of their super effective STAB, but because Turtwig lacks a way to reliably hit them. Get rid of the stuff about Speed and mention that Gastly doesn't like Crunch.
-Add a section on setup sweepers; any setup sweeper not weak to Grass, such as Bulk Up Timburr, can take advantage of Turtwig's passivity and use it as setup bait.

This looks like a lot, but you're off to a great start. Keep at it!
I just didn't have time to finish the post


Team Options:
-Reword the section on Steel-types to mention that they beat Flying-types, as well as Poison-types to a lesser degree. (The common Steels have some trouble switching into the most common Poison-types.)
-Mention Vullaby specifically here, as it can switch into Foongus (probably the most common Turtwig counter) reliably and appreciates Turtwig's Electric resistance.
-Mention other Water-types, such as Staryu.

Other Options:
-Remove Return; it adds no valuable coverage.
-Mention Shell Armor along with Turtwig's stat boosting options and list Curse before Swords Dance.
-Mention Leech Seed to help wear down common switch-ins.

Checks and Counters:

This section needs to be completely reworked - you mention some Pokemon that are barely viable while missing out on big threats.
-Remove Natu and Minccino; they aren't relevant enough to warrant a mention.
-Standalone Ice-types aren't very good and don't really warrant a mention. Feel free to have an Ice coverage section with Pokemon like Chinchou and Shellder that Turtwig would normally switch into but often run Ice coverage, but put it towards the bottom of the list.
-In the Flying-types section, only mention Drifloon, Vullaby, and Fletchling; everything else isn't relevant enough to warrant a mention. Talk about how all three of these can grab momentum by setting up or U-Turning out.
-In the Fire-types section, only mention Ponyta and Larvesta for the same reason. Mention how they can cripple Turtwig with Will-O-Wisp or severely damage it with their STAB Flare Blitzes, or in Larvesta's case U-Turn.
-Get rid of the Bug-types section; the only relevant Bug-types are Larvesta (already mentioned) and Surskit (which falls more into the Ice coverage category).
-In the Poison-types section, add Foongus and get rid of Grimer, Bulbasaur, Oddish and Nidorian-M. Mention that they force Turtwig out not only because of their super effective STAB, but because Turtwig lacks a way to reliably hit them. Get rid of the stuff about Speed and mention that Gastly doesn't like Crunch.
-Add a section on setup sweepers; any setup sweeper not weak to Grass, such as Bulk Up Timburr, can take advantage of Turtwig's passivity and use it as setup bait.

This looks like a lot, but you're off to a great start. Keep at it!
Implemented. Sorry bout that, I thought by saying this is WIP, you meant the analysis.
- says it has access to a reliable form of recovery
- mention that it has a good matchup against many common rapid spinners i.e. drilbur, staryu, shellder (it struggles a bit with pineco, but it isn't very common)
- though it suffers from hazards removal from the likes of Vullaby and Stunky, since it can't really pressure them.
- remove the "small movepool but good support moves". Write "limited offensive movepool instead".

when writing this up follow this order:
1) pros (bulky, only grass type w/ sr, good matchup vs common spinners, access to recovery).
2) cons (bad typing, slow, bad matchup vs defoggers, limited offensive movepool, very passive, outclassed in other roles).

- Don't say crunch hits abra, as it gets consistent damage by bullet seed. limit that sentence to drifloon and gastly.

Set Details:
- add something to the first point. explain what turtwig's bulk can allow in a battle.
- fix spelling mistakes (e.g. Spritzer => Spritzee ; Timber => Timburr)

Usage tips:
- Complete the last point since it seems like the sentence isn't finished like this.

Team Options:
- In return, Turtwig can check Electric-types such as Chinchou and Magnemite for Vullaby.
- When talking about Steel- and Poison-type mons, you should give at least a couple of example for both the categories. You can't say 'steel and poison types like magnemite'. Write instead: "Steel-types like Magnemite and Poison-types such as Croagunk, and Skrelp are good partners because they can switch into Poison- and Ice-type moves aimed at Turtwig. In return, Turtwig can take Ground-type moves."
- Remove Minccino. And merge this sentence with the previous one when writing this up.
- Mention that Electric-types find in Turtwig a good shield to Ground-type moves.
- Remove the Ice-type point. They aren't relevant in LC besides Amaura. I merged this point in one of the previous sentences.
- Shellder and Tirtouga can't really afford switching into Will-O-Wisp. The rest is okay. Emphasise RestTalk Skrelp (phys or special) which is one of the best options.

Other Options
- Toxic helps vs Vullaby and bulky mons in general.
- The first point shouldn't be here. It's already said in the overview. Remove that.
- When talking about Curse and Swords Dance, say that its typing, its speed, and its poor offensive movepool prevent it from being effective in these roles.

Reorder these options:
- Toxic
- Curse + SD
- Leech Seed
- Dual Screen

Checks and Counters:
- provide examples of viable taunt users.
- provide examples of setup sweepers (timburr)
- say that ponyta and larvesta are particularly threatening because they can easily cripple the switch-in with status moves (i.e. toxic wow).

QC 2/3 n_n
- says it has access to a reliable form of recovery
- mention that it has a good matchup against many common rapid spinners i.e. drilbur, staryu, shellder (it struggles a bit with pineco, but it isn't very common)
- though it suffers from hazards removal from the likes of Vullaby and Stunky, since it can't really pressure them.
- remove the "small movepool but good support moves". Write "limited offensive movepool instead".

when writing this up follow this order:
1) pros (bulky, only grass type w/ sr, good matchup vs common spinners, access to recovery).
2) cons (bad typing, slow, bad matchup vs defoggers, limited offensive movepool, very passive, outclassed in other roles).

- Don't say crunch hits abra, as it gets consistent damage by bullet seed. limit that sentence to drifloon and gastly.

Set Details:
- add something to the first point. explain what turtwig's bulk can allow in a battle.
- fix spelling mistakes (e.g. Spritzer => Spritzee ; Timber => Timburr)

Usage tips:
- Complete the last point since it seems like the sentence isn't finished like this.

Team Options:
- In return, Turtwig can check Electric-types such as Chinchou and Magnemite for Vullaby.
- When talking about Steel- and Poison-type mons, you should give at least a couple of example for both the categories. You can't say 'steel and poison types like magnemite'. Write instead: "Steel-types like Magnemite and Poison-types such as Croagunk, and Skrelp are good partners because they can switch into Poison- and Ice-type moves aimed at Turtwig. In return, Turtwig can take Ground-type moves."
- Remove Minccino. And merge this sentence with the previous one when writing this up.
- Mention that Electric-types find in Turtwig a good shield to Ground-type moves.
- Remove the Ice-type point. They aren't relevant in LC besides Amaura. I merged this point in one of the previous sentences.
- Shellder and Tirtouga can't really afford switching into Will-O-Wisp. The rest is okay. Emphasise RestTalk Skrelp (phys or special) which is one of the best options.

Other Options
- Toxic helps vs Vullaby and bulky mons in general.
- The first point shouldn't be here. It's already said in the overview. Remove that.
- When talking about Curse and Swords Dance, say that its typing, its speed, and its poor offensive movepool prevent it from being effective in these roles.

Reorder these options:
- Toxic
- Curse + SD
- Leech Seed
- Dual Screen

Checks and Counters:
- provide examples of viable taunt users.
- provide examples of setup sweepers (timburr)
- say that ponyta and larvesta are particularly threatening because they can easily cripple the switch-in with status moves (i.e. toxic wow).

QC 2/3 n_n
Implemented, thanks!

  • "struggles against common Defoggers like Vullaby and Slinky" slinky -> stunky
  • mention how it being passive means it gives a lot of things turns to set up.





Set Details

  • "The speed EVs let Turtwig hit 10 spe, which outspeeds Pokemon like Spritzer and bulky Tirtouga and speed ties with Timber, Bulky Porygon and Hippopotas." Spritzer -> Spritzee, Timber -> Timburr, Bulky -> defensive
  • "Overgrow is the ability of choice...." I think it is apt to mention that neither ability of Turtwig is really helpful.

Usage Tips

For some reason i don't like this, but it's okay. can't think of what to add.

Team Options

Shellder has no secondary stab, reword.
Munchlax is good bc it covers Drif and Ponyta for turtwig.

Other Options

mention the downsides of the moves. ie toxic leaves it walled by steel types, leech seed hardly heals turtwig and lends it to being set up fodder, etc.

Checks and Counters

it's good.


  • "struggles against common Defoggers like Vullaby and Slinky" slinky -> stunky
  • mention how it being passive means it gives a lot of things turns to set up.





Set Details

  • "The speed EVs let Turtwig hit 10 spe, which outspeeds Pokemon like Spritzer and bulky Tirtouga and speed ties with Timber, Bulky Porygon and Hippopotas." Spritzer -> Spritzee, Timber -> Timburr, Bulky -> defensive
  • "Overgrow is the ability of choice...." I think it is apt to mention that neither ability of Turtwig is really helpful.

Usage Tips

For some reason i don't like this, but it's okay. can't think of what to add.

Team Options

Shellder has no secondary stab, reword.
Munchlax is good bc it covers Drif and Ponyta for turtwig.

Other Options

mention the downsides of the moves. ie toxic leaves it walled by steel types, leech seed hardly heals turtwig and lends it to being set up fodder, etc.

Checks and Counters

it's good.

Implemented! Thanks to all of you for the great advice (and sorry about the auto-corrected spellings).
hi friend :) amcheck, implement what you want :heart:

Turtwig has a distinct niche in Little Cup with its great defensive stats and it being the only pure , pure Grass typing, type with and access to Stealth Rock. Turtwig It has a good matchup against a variety of Rapid Spinners spinners such as Drilbur and Staryu, allowing it to keep entry hazards up against a variety of teams. Turtwig also has access to reliable recovery in Synthesis, which lets it stay healthy enough to switch into threats throughout the match. However, Turtwig has a bad defensive typing with weaknesses to common types such as Fire, Flying, Poison, (comma) and Ice. It is also extremely slow, being outsped by most of the metagame and struggles against common Defoggers like such as Vullaby and Stunky, as it has no way to deal sufficient damage to them. A limited offensive movepool makes Turtwig very passive, meaning it struggles against many Pokemon it can't hit for super effective damage and gives them many opportunities to set up. Finally, Turtwig faces competition from other Stealth Rock setters, (comma) and is hopelessly outclassed at any other roles it could try.
(remove extra space)
name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Synthesis
move 3: Bullet Seed
move 4: Superpower / Crunch
item: Eviolite
ability: Overgrow
nature: Careful
evs: 244 Def / 236 SpD / 28 Spe


Stealth Rock is an incredibly useful move which punishes the foe upon switching in opponent switching. Synthesis consistently (i'm not too sure about this but i know consistently shouldn't be used here, idk what to change it to tho :/) heals Turtwig, letting it stay healthy to switch into threats and set Stealth Rock multiple times if need be. Bullet Seed is a mandatory STAB move and can break through Focus Sashes and Sturdy. Superpower deals with Steel-types that switch in, OHKOing Pawniard and Magnemite after Stealth Rock and dealing a large amount of damage to Ferroseed and Porygon. However, the Attack and Defense drops severely weaken Turtwig afterwards and may force it to switch out. Crunch can also be used as a coverage option to hit Drifloon hard and threaten Gastly on the switch.

Set Details

An Eviolite coupled with the EVs and a Careful nature gives Turtwig respectable 22 / 24 / 24 bulk, which allows it to switch into resisted hits repeatedly. (space) The Speed EVs let Turtwig hit 10 Speed, which allows it to outspeeds Pokemon like Spritzee and bulky Tirtouga and Speed ties with Timburr, defensive Porygon, (comma) and Hippopotas. Neither option for Turtwig's ability is that helpful, but (redundant) Overgrow is the ability of choice, as it can punish the opponent foe with stronger Grass-type attacks if Turtwig is weakened.

Usage Tips

Set up Stealth Rock as quickly as possible, as it is more effective the more the opponent foe switches in on it. Use Synthesis when needed, (comma) but be wary of its low PP, (comma) as it is your only way of healing Turtwig (either this or "as it is Turtwig's only way of healing [itself]"). Once Turtwig's function (meh function sounds weird here -- maybe "job" or "role"?) is done, it will can happily switch into resisted hits from Pokemon like Chinchou and Drilbur. Be wary of using Superpower unnecessarily, as it will significantly weaken Turtwig both offensively and defensively and potentially force it to switch. Also (optional) be wary of switching into Scald, as Turtwig hates getting burnt.

Team Options
(remove extra space)
Vullaby is a very good teammate, as it can switch into and defeat Foongus, which otherwise defeats Turtwig. In return, Turtwig can check Electric-types such as Chinchou and Magnemite for Vullaby. Turtwig helps Pokemon that appreciate entry hazards up like such as Carvanha and Abra to OHKO certain Pokemon due to Stealth Rock's chip damage. Turtwig is also appreciated by Pokemon that want a good switch-ins to Water-types such as Fire Types like Ponyta. Pokemon that appreciate this support include Fire-types such as Ponyta. Poison-types such as Croagunk and Skrelp are good partners because they can switch into Poison-type moves aimed at Turtwig. In return, Turtwig can take resisted Ground-type moves. Steel-types such as Magnemite also appreciate Turtwig switching into Ground-type attacks and can switch into Flying- (hyphen) and, situationally, Poison-types for Turtwig. Electric-types like Magnemite and Chinchou also beat Flying-types with their Electric-type STAB moves. These also appreciate Turtwig shielding them from Ground-type moves. Water-types can switch into Fire- and Ice-type attacks, although some, like Tirtouga, can't afford to switch into Will-O-Wisp. Chinchou and Shellder are good partners due to also defeating Flying-types with their other coverage moves. Staryu, Skrelp, Tirtouga, (comma) and Omanyte all appreciate Turtwig's defensive typing and bulk, (comma) which lets it switch into many of their threats. (remove line break) RestTalk Skrelp in particular is a great option, as Turtwig takes out Ground-types for it whilst Skrelp deals extremely well with Fire-types. Munchlax is another option, as it deals with Drifloon and Ponyta for Turtwig.

Other Options
(remove line break)
Toxic can be used to deal with bulky Pokemon such as Vullaby but leaves it Turtwig walled by Steel-types. Turtwig can set up with Curse or Swords Dance; (comma > semicolon) however, (comma) Turtwig's typing, Speed, (comma) and bad offensive movepool prevent it from excelling at these roles. Leech Seed can also be used to wear down common switch-ins, (comma) but it ("leech seed.... but doesn't" doesn't sound really good in terms of flow) doesn't heal a large enough amount of damage to warrant its (or "to warrant using it") use, (comma) leaving Turtwig as setup bait. Finally, Turtwig can set dual screens, but this is a mediocre strategy in LC, (comma) and Turtwig is outclassed by Snivy at this role.

Checks and Counters
(remove line break)
**Taunt**: Almost every Taunt user, like such as bulky Mienfoo, (comma) outspeeds Turtwig and can prevent it from filling its role.

**Setup Sweepers**: Almost every setup sweeper not Most setup sweepers not (change in structure b/c previous point started like this) weak to one of Turtwig's coverage moves, such as Bulk Up Timburr,i (<- remove this) can take advantage of its passiveness passivity and use it as setup bait.

**Flying-types**: Drifloon, Vullaby, (comma) and Fletching can all 2HKO Turtwig with their Flying STAB moves and also set up on it or use U-turn to grab momentum.

**Fire-types**: Ponyta and Larvesta can OHKO Turtwig with their offensive attacks or cripple it with Will-O-Wisp. Larvesta can also use U-turn to build momentum. These Fire-types are also particularly threatening, (comma) as they can cripple whatever you switch in on them with status.

**Poison-types**: Croagunk and Skrelp in particular OHKO Turtwig, whilst Foongus can defeat it easily. Gastly is also a big offensive threat but dislikes taking a Crunch on the switch. These can all (use this change if you're referring to the aforementioned Pokemon [Gastly/Croagunk/Skrelp], but if not, change this to "Poison-types can force...") force out Turtwig due to their powerful coverage and the fact that Turtwig won't have a good way to consistently (see comment earlier on about this, don't remove this though until a member of GP clarifies) hit them.

**Ice-type Coverage**: Shellder can spin away entry hazards and OHKO Turtwig with Ice-type moves, even without Shell Smash. Other Pokemon which that Turtwig would usually switch into, such as Chinchou, may also carry Ice-type moves, which can swiftly KO Turtwig.
nice job. remember the hyphen in "fire-type" / "water-type" and you'll be fine :toast:
Last edited:
hi friend :) amcheck, implement what you want :heart:

Turtwig has a distinct niche in Little Cup with its great defensive stats and it being the only pure , pure Grass typing, type with and access to Stealth Rock. Turtwig It has a good matchup against a variety of Rapid Spinners spinners such as Drilbur and Staryu, allowing it to keep entry hazards up against a variety of teams. Turtwig also has access to reliable recovery in Synthesis, which lets it stay healthy enough to switch into threats throughout the match. However, Turtwig has a bad defensive typing with weaknesses to common types such as Fire, Flying, Poison, (comma) and Ice. It is also extremely slow, being outsped by most of the metagame and struggles against common Defoggers like such as Vullaby and Stunky, as it has no way to deal sufficient damage to them. A limited offensive movepool makes Turtwig very passive, meaning it struggles against many Pokemon it can't hit for super effective damage and gives them many opportunities to set up. Finally, Turtwig faces competition from other Stealth Rock setters, (comma) and is hopelessly outclassed at any other roles it could try.
(remove extra space)
name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Synthesis
move 3: Bullet Seed
move 4: Superpower / Crunch
item: Eviolite
ability: Overgrow
nature: Careful
evs: 244 Def / 236 SpD / 28 Spe


Stealth Rock is an incredibly useful move which punishes the foe upon switching in opponent switching. Synthesis consistently (i'm not too sure about this but i know consistently shouldn't be used here, idk what to change it to tho :/) heals Turtwig, letting it stay healthy to switch into threats and set Stealth Rock multiple times if need be. Bullet Seed is a mandatory STAB move and can break through Focus Sashes and Sturdy. Superpower deals with Steel-types that switch in, OHKOing Pawniard and Magnemite after Stealth Rock and dealing a large amount of damage to Ferroseed and Porygon. However, the Attack and Defense drops severely weaken Turtwig afterwards and may force it to switch out. Crunch can also be used as a coverage option to hit Drifloon hard and threaten Gastly on the switch.

Set Details

An Eviolite coupled with the EVs and a Careful nature gives Turtwig respectable 22 / 24 / 24 bulk, which allows it to switch into resisted hits repeatedly. (space) The Speed EVs let Turtwig hit 10 Speed, which allows it to outspeeds Pokemon like Spritzee and bulky Tirtouga and Speed ties with Timburr, defensive Porygon, (comma) and Hippopotas. Neither option for Turtwig's ability is that helpful, but (redundant) Overgrow is the ability of choice, as it can punish the opponent foe with stronger Grass-type attacks if Turtwig is weakened.

Usage Tips

Set up Stealth Rock as quickly as possible, as it is more effective the more the opponent foe switches in on it. Use Synthesis when needed, (comma) but be wary of its low PP, (comma) as it is your only way of healing Turtwig (either this or "as it is Turtwig's only way of healing [itself]"). Once Turtwig's function (meh function sounds weird here -- maybe "job" or "role"?) is done, it will can happily switch into resisted hits from Pokemon like Chinchou and Drilbur. Be wary of using Superpower unnecessarily, as it will significantly weaken Turtwig both offensively and defensively and potentially force it to switch. Also (optional) be wary of switching into Scald, as Turtwig hates getting burnt.

Team Options
(remove extra space)
Vullaby is a very good teammate, as it can switch into and defeat Foongus, which otherwise defeats Turtwig. In return, Turtwig can check Electric-types such as Chinchou and Magnemite for Vullaby. Turtwig helps Pokemon that appreciate entry hazards up like such as Carvanha and Abra to OHKO certain Pokemon due to Stealth Rock's chip damage. Turtwig is also appreciated by Pokemon that want a good switch-ins to Water-types such as Fire Types like Ponyta. Pokemon that appreciate this support include Fire-types such as Ponyta. Poison-types such as Croagunk and Skrelp are good partners because they can switch into Poison-type moves aimed at Turtwig. In return, Turtwig can take resisted Ground-type moves. Steel-types such as Magnemite also appreciate Turtwig switching into Ground-type attacks and can switch into Flying- (hyphen) and, situationally, Poison-types for Turtwig. Electric-types like Magnemite and Chinchou also beat Flying-types with their Electric-type STAB moves. These also appreciate Turtwig shielding them from Ground-type moves. Water-types can switch into Fire- and Ice-type attacks, although some, like Tirtouga, can't afford to switch into Will-O-Wisp. Chinchou and Shellder are good partners due to also defeating Flying-types with their other coverage moves. Staryu, Skrelp, Tirtouga, (comma) and Omanyte all appreciate Turtwig's defensive typing and bulk, (comma) which lets it switch into many of their threats. (remove line break) RestTalk Skrelp in particular is a great option, as Turtwig takes out Ground-types for it whilst Skrelp deals extremely well with Fire-types. Munchlax is another option, as it deals with Drifloon and Ponyta for Turtwig.

Other Options
(remove line break)
Toxic can be used to deal with bulky Pokemon such as Vullaby but leaves it Turtwig walled by Steel-types. Turtwig can set up with Curse or Swords Dance; (comma > semicolon) however, (comma) Turtwig's typing, Speed, (comma) and bad offensive movepool prevent it from excelling at these roles. Leech Seed can also be used to wear down common switch-ins, (comma) but it ("leech seed.... but doesn't" doesn't sound really good in terms of flow) doesn't heal a large enough amount of damage to warrant its (or "to warrant using it") use, (comma) leaving Turtwig as setup bait. Finally, Turtwig can set dual screens, but this is a mediocre strategy in LC, (comma) and Turtwig is outclassed by Snivy at this role.

Checks and Counters
(remove line break)
**Taunt**: Almost every Taunt user, like such as bulky Mienfoo, (comma) outspeeds Turtwig and can prevent it from filling its role.

**Setup Sweepers**: Almost every setup sweeper not Most setup sweepers not (change in structure b/c previous point started lie this) weak to one of Turtwig's coverage moves, such as Bulk Up Timburr,i (<- remove this) can take advantage of its passiveness passivity and use it as setup bait.

**Flying-types**: Drifloon, Vullaby, (comma) and Fletching can all 2HKO Turtwig with their Flying STAB moves and also set up on it or use U-turn to grab momentum.

**Fire-types**: Ponyta and Larvesta can OHKO Turtwig with their offensive attacks or cripple it with Will-O-Wisp. Larvesta can also use U-turn to build momentum. These Fire-types are also particularly threatening, (comma) as they can cripple whatever you switch in on them with status.

**Poison-types**: Croagunk and Skrelp in particular OHKO Turtwig, whilst Foongus can defeat it easily. Gastly is also a big offensive threat but dislikes taking a Crunch on the switch. These can all (use this change if you're referring to the aforementioned Pokemon [Gastly/Croakung/Skrelp], but if not, change this to "Poison-types can force...") force out Turtwig due to their powerful coverage and the fact that Turtwig won't have a good way to consistently (see comment earlier on about this, don't remove this though until a member of GP clarifies) hit them.

**Ice-type Coverage**: Shellder can spin away entry hazards and OHKO Turtwig with Ice-type moves, even without Shell Smash. Other Pokemon which that Turtwig would usually switch into, such as Chinchou, may also carry Ice-type moves, which can swiftly KO Turtwig.
nice job. remember the hyphen in "fire-type" / "water-type" and you'll be fine :toast:
Thanks! I changed the instances of "consistently" you picked up to "reliably" as I think it works better, though I'll happily change it. Implemented!
GP 1/2

implement this with the Reply button; the amcheck wasn't implemented very well

Turtwig has a distinct niche in Little Cup with its great defensive stats, pure Grass typing, typeand access to Stealth Rock. It has a good matchup against a variety of spinners such as Drilbur and Staryu, allowing it to keep entry hazards up against a variety of teams. Turtwig also has access to reliable recovery in Synthesis, which lets it stay healthy enough to switch into threats throughout the match. However, Turtwig has a bad defensive typing with weaknesses to common types such as Fire, Flying, Poison, and Ice. It is also extremely slow, being outsped by most of the metagame, (AC) and struggles against common Defoggers such as Vullaby and Stunky, as it has no way to deal sufficient damage to them. A limited offensive movepool makes Turtwig very passive, meaning it struggles against many Pokemon it can't hit for super effective damage and gives them many opportunities to set up. Finally, Turtwig faces competition from other Stealth Rock setters, (RC) and is hopelessly outclassed at any other roles it could try.

name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Synthesis
move 3: Bullet Seed
move 4: Superpower / Crunch
item: Eviolite
ability: Overgrow
nature: Careful
evs: 244 Def / 236 SpD / 28 Spe


Stealth Rock is an incredibly useful move that which punishes the opponent for switching. Synthesis reliably heals Turtwig, letting it stay healthy to switch into threats and set Stealth Rock multiple times if need be. Bullet Seed is a mandatory STAB move and can break through Focus Sashes and Sturdy. Superpower deals with Steel-types that switch in, OHKOing Pawniard and Magnemite after Stealth Rock and dealing a large amount of damage to Ferroseed and Porygon. However, the Attack and Defense drops severely weaken Turtwig afterwards and may force it to switch out. Crunch can also be used as a coverage option to hit Drifloon hard and threaten Gastly on the switch.

Set Details

An Eviolite coupled with the EVs and a Careful nature gives Turtwig respectable 22 / 24 / 24 bulk, which allows it to switch into resisted hits repeatedly. The Speed EVs let Turtwig hit 10 Speed, which allows it to outspeeds Pokemon like Spritzee and bulky Tirtouga and Speed ties with Timburr, defensive Porygon, and Hippopotas. Overgrow is the ability of choice, as it can punish the opponent foe with stronger Grass-type attacks if Turtwig is weakened.

Usage Tips

Set up Stealth Rock as quickly as possible, as it is more effective the more the foe switches in on it. Use Synthesis when needed, but be wary of its low PP, as it is your only way of healing Turtwig. Once Turtwig's role is done, it can happily switch into resisted hits from Pokemon like Chinchou and Drilbur. Be wary of using Superpower unnecessarily, as it will significantly weaken Turtwig both offensively and defensively and potentially force it to switch. Also, be wary of switching into Scald, as Turtwig hates getting burnt.

Team Options

Vullaby is a very good teammate, as it can switch into and defeat Foongus, which otherwise defeats Turtwig. In return, Turtwig can check Electric-types such as Chinchou and Magnemite for Vullaby. Turtwig helps Pokemon that appreciate entry hazards up such as Carvanha and Abra to OHKO certain Pokemon due to Stealth Rock's chip damage. Turtwig is also appreciated by Pokemon that want a good switch-in to Water-types. Pokemon that appreciate this support include, like Fire-types such as Ponyta. Poison-types such as Croagunk and Skrelp are good partners because they can switch into Poison-type moves aimed at Turtwig. In return, Turtwig can take resisted Ground-type moves. Steel-types such as Magnemite also appreciate Turtwig switching into Ground-type attacks and can switch into Flying- and, situationally, Poison-types for Turtwig. Electric-types like Magnemite and Chinchou also beat Flying-types with their Electric-type STAB moves. These also appreciate Turtwig shielding them from Ground-type moves. Water-types can switch into Fire- and Ice-type attacks, although some, like Tirtouga, can't afford to switch into Will-O-Wisp. Chinchou and Shellder are good partners due to them also defeating Flying-types with their other coverage moves. Staryu, Skrelp, Tirtouga, and Omanyte all appreciate Turtwig's defensive typing and bulk, which lets it switch into many of their threats. RestTalk Skrelp in particular is a great option, as Turtwig takes out Ground-types for it whilst while Skrelp deals extremely well with Fire-types. Munchlax is another option, as it deals with Drifloon and Ponyta for Turtwig.

Other Options

Toxic can be used to deal with bulky Pokemon such as Vullaby but leaves it Turtwig walled by Steel-types. Turtwig can set up with Curse or Swords Dance; however, its Turtwig's typing, Speed, and bad offensive movepool prevent it from excelling at these roles. Leech Seed can also be used to wear down common switch-ins, but it doesn't heal a large enough amount of damage to warrant its use, leaving Turtwig as setup bait. Finally, Turtwig can set dual screens, but this is a mediocre strategy in LC, and Turtwig is outclassed by Snivy at this role.

Checks and Counters

**Taunt**: Almost every Taunt user, such as bulky Mienfoo, outspeeds Turtwig and can prevent it from filling its role.

**Setup Sweepers**: Most setup sweepers not weak to one of Turtwig's coverage moves, such as Bulk Up Timburr, can take advantage of its passivity and use it as setup bait.

**Flying-types**: Drifloon, Vullaby, and Fletching can all 2HKO Turtwig with their Flying STAB moves and also set up on it or use U-turn to grab momentum.

**Fire-types**: Ponyta and Larvesta can OHKO Turtwig with their offensive attacks or cripple it with Will-O-Wisp. Larvesta can also use U-turn to build momentum. These two Fire-types (unless you mean all Fire-types?) are also particularly threatening, as because they can cripple whatever you switch in on them with status.

**Poison-types**: Croagunk and Skrelp in particular OHKO Turtwig, whilst while Foongus can defeat it easily. Gastly is also a big offensive threat but dislikes taking a Crunch on the switch. These can all force out Turtwig due to their powerful coverage and the fact that Turtwig won't have a good way to reliably hit them.

**Ice-type Coverage**: Shellder can spin away entry hazards and OHKO Turtwig with Ice-type moves, even without Shell Smash. Other Pokemon that Turtwig would usually switch into, such as Chinchou, may also carry Ice-type moves, which can swiftly KO Turtwig.
good job Sobi; idk how i feel about the like --> such as changes but ye

It is also extremely slow, being outsped by most of the metagame and struggles against common Defoggers
the part after the comma isn't parallel (being / struggles); there are two ways to fix this:
It is also extremely slow, being outsped by most of the metagame, (AC) and struggles against common Defoggers
It is also extremely slow, being outsped by most of the metagame and struggles struggling against common Defoggers
Stealth Rock is an incredibly useful move which punishes the foe upon switching in opponent switching.
you fixed which/that errors elsewhere so I know you understand them but here's one you missed! you should have like laser focused hawk eyes for which/that
**Fire-types**: Ponyta and Larvesta can OHKO Turtwig with their offensive attacks or cripple it with Will-O-Wisp. Larvesta can also use U-turn to build momentum. These Fire-types are also particularly threatening, (comma) as they can cripple whatever you switch in on them with status.
the change in the last sentence changes the meaning of the sentence, though bc I don't play LC I'm not sure if it's correct or not. I /think/ the OP was saying that these = Ponyta and Larvesta, and those two specifically are threatening bc they can burn, whereas your changes makes it say that all Fire-types are threatening bc they can burn. idk if all LC Fire-types run a burning move
Last edited:
GP 1/2

implement this with the Reply button; the amcheck wasn't implemented very well

Turtwig has a distinct niche in Little Cup with its great defensive stats, pure Grass typing, typeand access to Stealth Rock. It has a good matchup against a variety of spinners such as Drilbur and Staryu, allowing it to keep entry hazards up against a variety of teams. Turtwig also has access to reliable recovery in Synthesis, which lets it stay healthy enough to switch into threats throughout the match. However, Turtwig has a bad defensive typing with weaknesses to common types such as Fire, Flying, Poison, and Ice. It is also extremely slow, being outsped by most of the metagame, (AC) and struggles against common Defoggers such as Vullaby and Stunky, as it has no way to deal sufficient damage to them. A limited offensive movepool makes Turtwig very passive, meaning it struggles against many Pokemon it can't hit for super effective damage and gives them many opportunities to set up. Finally, Turtwig faces competition from other Stealth Rock setters, (RC) and is hopelessly outclassed at any other roles it could try.

name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Synthesis
move 3: Bullet Seed
move 4: Superpower / Crunch
item: Eviolite
ability: Overgrow
nature: Careful
evs: 244 Def / 236 SpD / 28 Spe


Stealth Rock is an incredibly useful move that which punishes the opponent for switching. Synthesis reliably heals Turtwig, letting it stay healthy to switch into threats and set Stealth Rock multiple times if need be. Bullet Seed is a mandatory STAB move and can break through Focus Sashes and Sturdy. Superpower deals with Steel-types that switch in, OHKOing Pawniard and Magnemite after Stealth Rock and dealing a large amount of damage to Ferroseed and Porygon. However, the Attack and Defense drops severely weaken Turtwig afterwards and may force it to switch out. Crunch can also be used as a coverage option to hit Drifloon hard and threaten Gastly on the switch.

Set Details

An Eviolite coupled with the EVs and a Careful nature gives Turtwig respectable 22 / 24 / 24 bulk, which allows it to switch into resisted hits repeatedly. The Speed EVs let Turtwig hit 10 Speed, which allows it to outspeeds Pokemon like Spritzee and bulky Tirtouga and Speed ties with Timburr, defensive Porygon, and Hippopotas. Overgrow is the ability of choice, as it can punish the opponent foe with stronger Grass-type attacks if Turtwig is weakened.

Usage Tips

Set up Stealth Rock as quickly as possible, as it is more effective the more the foe switches in on it. Use Synthesis when needed, but be wary of its low PP, as it is your only way of healing Turtwig. Once Turtwig's role is done, it can happily switch into resisted hits from Pokemon like Chinchou and Drilbur. Be wary of using Superpower unnecessarily, as it will significantly weaken Turtwig both offensively and defensively and potentially force it to switch. Also, be wary of switching into Scald, as Turtwig hates getting burnt.

Team Options

Vullaby is a very good teammate, as it can switch into and defeat Foongus, which otherwise defeats Turtwig. In return, Turtwig can check Electric-types such as Chinchou and Magnemite for Vullaby. Turtwig helps Pokemon that appreciate entry hazards up such as Carvanha and Abra to OHKO certain Pokemon due to Stealth Rock's chip damage. Turtwig is also appreciated by Pokemon that want a good switch-in to Water-types. Pokemon that appreciate this support include, like Fire-types such as Ponyta. Poison-types such as Croagunk and Skrelp are good partners because they can switch into Poison-type moves aimed at Turtwig. In return, Turtwig can take resisted Ground-type moves. Steel-types such as Magnemite also appreciate Turtwig switching into Ground-type attacks and can switch into Flying- and, situationally, Poison-types for Turtwig. Electric-types like Magnemite and Chinchou also beat Flying-types with their Electric-type STAB moves. These also appreciate Turtwig shielding them from Ground-type moves. Water-types can switch into Fire- and Ice-type attacks, although some, like Tirtouga, can't afford to switch into Will-O-Wisp. Chinchou and Shellder are good partners due to them also defeating Flying-types with their other coverage moves. Staryu, Skrelp, Tirtouga, and Omanyte all appreciate Turtwig's defensive typing and bulk, which lets it switch into many of their threats. RestTalk Skrelp in particular is a great option, as Turtwig takes out Ground-types for it whilst while Skrelp deals extremely well with Fire-types. Munchlax is another option, as it deals with Drifloon and Ponyta for Turtwig.

Other Options

Toxic can be used to deal with bulky Pokemon such as Vullaby but leaves it Turtwig walled by Steel-types. Turtwig can set up with Curse or Swords Dance; however, its Turtwig's typing, Speed, and bad offensive movepool prevent it from excelling at these roles. Leech Seed can also be used to wear down common switch-ins, but it doesn't heal a large enough amount of damage to warrant its use, leaving Turtwig as setup bait. Finally, Turtwig can set dual screens, but this is a mediocre strategy in LC, and Turtwig is outclassed by Snivy at this role.

Checks and Counters

**Taunt**: Almost every Taunt user, such as bulky Mienfoo, outspeeds Turtwig and can prevent it from filling its role.

**Setup Sweepers**: Most setup sweepers not weak to one of Turtwig's coverage moves, such as Bulk Up Timburr, can take advantage of its passivity and use it as setup bait.

**Flying-types**: Drifloon, Vullaby, and Fletching can all 2HKO Turtwig with their Flying STAB moves and also set up on it or use U-turn to grab momentum.

**Fire-types**: Ponyta and Larvesta can OHKO Turtwig with their offensive attacks or cripple it with Will-O-Wisp. Larvesta can also use U-turn to build momentum. These two Fire-types (unless you mean all Fire-types?) are also particularly threatening, as because they can cripple whatever you switch in on them with status.

**Poison-types**: Croagunk and Skrelp in particular OHKO Turtwig, whilst while Foongus can defeat it easily. Gastly is also a big offensive threat but dislikes taking a Crunch on the switch. These can all force out Turtwig due to their powerful coverage and the fact that Turtwig won't have a good way to reliably hit them.

**Ice-type Coverage**: Shellder can spin away entry hazards and OHKO Turtwig with Ice-type moves, even without Shell Smash. Other Pokemon that Turtwig would usually switch into, such as Chinchou, may also carry Ice-type moves, which can swiftly KO Turtwig.
good job Sobi; idk how i feel about the like --> such as changes but ye

the part after the comma isn't parallel (being / struggles); there are two ways to fix this:
It is also extremely slow, being outsped by most of the metagame, (AC) and struggles against common Defoggers
It is also extremely slow, being outsped by most of the metagame and struggles struggling against common Defoggers

you fixed which/that errors elsewhere so I know you understand them but here's one you missed! you should have like laser focused hawk eyes for which/that

the change in the last sentence changes the meaning of the sentence, though bc I don't play LC I'm not sure if it's correct or not. I /think/ the OP was saying that these = Ponyta and Larvesta, and those two specifically are threatening bc they can burn, whereas your changes makes it say that all Fire-types are threatening bc they can burn. idk if all LC Fire-types run a burning move
Wait, you mean you don't have to have two extra Pastebins open, one with the improved analysis and one with the old so youy can compare them to finally implement it? Cool! Implemented.

Turtwig has a distinct niche in Little Cup with its great defensive stats, pure Grass typing, and access to Stealth Rock. It has a good matchup against a variety of spinners such as Drilbur and Staryu, allowing it to keep entry hazards up against a variety of teams. Turtwig also has access to reliable recovery in Synthesis, which lets it stay healthy enough to switch into threats (might be worth mentioning some of these "threats") throughout the match. However, Turtwig has a bad defensive typing with weaknesses to common types such as Fire, Flying, Poison, and Ice. It is also extremely slow, being outsped by most of the metagame, and struggles against common Defoggers such as Vullaby and Stunky, as it has no way to deal sufficient damage to reliably hit (subjective) them. A limited offensive movepool makes Turtwig very passive, meaning that it struggles against many Pokemon that (both "that"s could be subjective but considering these analyses are more formal, i think these are appropriate) it can't hit for super effective damage and gives them many opportunities to set up. Finally, Turtwig faces competition from other Stealth Rock setters and is hopelessly outclassed at any other roles it could try. (feels kinda redundant)

name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Synthesis
move 3: Bullet Seed
move 4: Superpower / Crunch
item: Eviolite
ability: Overgrow
nature: Careful
evs: 244 Def / 236 SpD / 28 Spe


Stealth Rock is an incredibly useful move that punishes the opponent for switching (i get what you're implying here, but someone who is kinda new to competitive Pokemon could misread this as "the trainer for switching" [trainer = opponent], so maybe adding something like "...switching Pokemon" for clarification? it could just be me though). Synthesis reliably heals Turtwig, letting it stay healthy in order (helps with flow imo) to switch into threats and set Stealth Rock multiple times if need be. Bullet Seed is a mandatory STAB move and can break through Focus Sashes and Sturdy. Superpower deals with Steel-types that switch in, OHKOing Pawniard and Magnemite after Stealth Rock and dealing a large amount of damage to Ferroseed and Porygon. However, the Attack and Defense drops severely weaken Turtwig afterwards and may force it to switch out. Crunch can also be used as a coverage option to hit Drifloon hard and threaten Gastly on the switch.

Set Details

An Eviolite coupled with the EVs defensive investment (i feel like "the EVs" is too bland) and a Careful nature gives give Turtwig respectable 22 / 24 / 24 bulk, which allows it to switch into resisted hits repeatedly. The 28 Speed EVs let Turtwig hit 10 Speed, which allows it to outspeeds outspeed Pokemon like Spritzee and bulky Tirtouga and Speed ties tie with Timburr, defensive Porygon, and Hippopotas. Overgrow can punish the foe with stronger Grass-type attacks if Turtwig is weakened.

Usage Tips

Set up Stealth Rock as quickly as possible, as it is more effective the more the foe switches in on it. Use Synthesis when needed, but be wary of its low PP, as it is your only way of healing Turtwig. Once Turtwig's role is done, it can happily switch into resisted hits from Pokemon like Chinchou and Drilbur. Be wary of using Superpower unnecessarily, as it will significantly weaken Turtwig both offensively and defensively and potentially force it to switch. Also, be wary of switching into Scald, as Turtwig hates getting burnt burned.

Team Options

Vullaby is a very good teammate, as it can switch into and defeat Foongus, which otherwise defeats Turtwig. In return, Turtwig can check Electric-types such as Chinchou and Magnemite for Vullaby. Turtwig helps Pokemon that appreciate having (subjective but i feel like it helps with flow) entry hazards up such as Carvanha and Abra to OHKO certain Pokemon due to Stealth Rock's chip damage. Turtwig is also appreciated by Pokemon that want a good switch-in to Water-types, like Fire-types such as Ponyta. Poison-types such as Croagunk and Skrelp are good partners because they can switch into Poison-type moves aimed at Turtwig. In return, Turtwig can take resisted Ground-type moves. Steel-types such as Magnemite also appreciate Turtwig switching into Ground-type attacks and can switch into Flying- and, situationally, Poison-types for Turtwig. Electric-types like Magnemite and Chinchou also beat Flying-types with their Electric-type STAB moves. These also appreciate Turtwig's ability to shielding (idk the other way sounded awkwardly phrased) them from Ground-type moves. Water-types can switch into Fire- and Ice-type attacks, although some, like Tirtouga, can't afford to switch into Will-O-Wisp. Chinchou and Shellder are good partners due to them also defeating their ability to defeat (again, phrasing) Flying-types with their other coverage moves. Staryu, Skrelp, Tirtouga, and Omanyte all appreciate Turtwig's defensive typing and bulk, which lets let (i believe? the typing and bulk are two things, which should make this a plural statement) it switch into many of their threats. RestTalk Skrelp in particular is a great option, as Turtwig takes out Ground-types for it while Skrelp deals extremely well with Fire-types. Munchlax is another option, as it deals with Drifloon and Ponyta for Turtwig.

Other Options

Toxic can be used to deal with bulky Pokemon such as Vullaby but leaves Turtwig walled by Steel-types. Turtwig can set up with Curse or Swords Dance; however, its typing, Speed, and bad offensive movepool prevent it from excelling at these roles. Leech Seed can also be used to wear down common switch-ins, but it doesn't heal a large enough amount of damage health to warrant its use, leaving Turtwig as setup bait. Finally, Turtwig can set dual screens, but this is a mediocre strategy in LC, and Turtwig is outclassed by Snivy at this role.

Checks and Counters

**Taunt**: Almost every Taunt user, such as bulky Mienfoo, outspeeds Turtwig and can prevent it from filling its role.

**Setup Sweepers**: Most setup sweepers not weak to one of Turtwig's coverage moves, such as Bulk Up Timburr, can take advantage of its passivity and use it as setup bait.

**Flying-types**: Drifloon, Vullaby, and Fletching can all 2HKO Turtwig with their Flying-type STAB moves and also set up on it or use U-turn to grab momentum.

**Fire-types**: Ponyta and Larvesta can OHKO Turtwig with their offensive attacks or cripple it with Will-O-Wisp. Larvesta can also use U-turn to build momentum. These two are particularly threatening because they can cripple whatever you switch in on them with status.

**Poison-types**: Croagunk and Skrelp in particular OHKO Turtwig, while Foongus can defeat it easily. Gastly is also a big offensive threat but dislikes taking a Crunch on the switch. These can all force out Turtwig due to their powerful coverage and the fact that Turtwig won't have a good way to reliably hit them.

**Ice-type Coverage**: Shellder can spin away entry hazards and OHKO Turtwig with Ice-type moves, even without Shell Smash. Other Pokemon that Turtwig would usually switch into, such as Chinchou, may also carry Ice-type moves, which can swiftly KO Turtwig

add remove comment

most of the changes could be considered subjective/nitpicky, but idk i just felt like there were issues with flow
most of rhythms's changes that i didn't include are optional, but you can tag along any you like if you are so inclined (except the "having" in team options)


add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 2/2
Turtwig has a distinct niche in Little Cup with its great defensive stats, pure Grass typing, and access to Stealth Rock. It has a good matchup against a variety of spinners such as Drilbur and Staryu, allowing it to keep entry hazards up against a variety of teams. Turtwig also has access to reliable recovery in Synthesis, which lets it stay healthy enough to switch into threats throughout the match. However, Turtwig has a bad defensive typing with weaknesses to common types such as Fire, Flying, Poison, and Ice. It is also extremely slow, being outsped by most of the metagame, and struggles against common Defoggers such as Vullaby and Stunky, as it has no way to deal sufficient damage to them. A limited offensive movepool makes Turtwig very passive, meaning it struggles against many Pokemon it can't hit for super effective damage and gives them many opportunities to set up. Finally, Turtwig faces competition from other Stealth Rock setters and is hopelessly outclassed at any other roles it could try.

name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Synthesis
move 3: Bullet Seed
move 4: Superpower / Crunch
item: Eviolite
ability: Overgrow
nature: Careful
evs: 244 Def / 236 SpD / 28 Spe


Stealth Rock is an incredibly useful move that punishes the opponent (per rhythms's commentfor switching. Synthesis reliably heals Turtwig, letting it stay healthy to switch into threats and set Stealth Rock multiple times if need be. Bullet Seed is a mandatory STAB move and can break through Focus Sashes and Sturdy. Superpower deals with Steel-types that switch in, OHKOing Pawniard and Magnemite after Stealth Rock and dealing a large amount of damage to Ferroseed and Porygon. However, the Attack and Defense drops severely weaken Turtwig afterwards and may force it to switch out. Crunch can also be used as a coverage option to hit Drifloon hard and threaten Gastly on the switch.

Set Details

An Eviolite coupled with the given EVs (or rhythms's change) and a Careful nature gives Turtwig respectable 22 / 24 / 24 bulk, which allows it to switch into resisted hits repeatedly. The Speed EVs let Turtwig hit 10 Speed, which allows it to outspeeds outspeed Pokemon like Spritzee and bulky Tirtouga and Speed ties tie with Timburr, defensive Porygon, and Hippopotas. Overgrow can punish the foe with stronger Grass-type attacks if Turtwig is weakened.

Usage Tips

Set up Stealth Rock as quickly as possible, as it is more effective the more the foe switches in on it. Use Synthesis when needed, but be wary of its low PP, as it is your only way of healing Turtwig. Once Turtwig's role is done, it can happily switch into resisted hits from Pokemon like Chinchou and Drilbur. Be wary of using Superpower unnecessarily, as it will significantly weaken Turtwig both offensively and defensively and potentially force it to switch. Also, be wary of switching into Scald, as Turtwig hates getting burnt burned.

Team Options

Vullaby is a very good teammate, as it can switch into and defeat Foongus, which otherwise defeats Turtwig. In return, Turtwig can check Electric-types such as Chinchou and Magnemite for Vullaby. Turtwig helps Pokemon that appreciate entry hazards up such as Carvanha and Abra to OHKO certain Pokemon due to Stealth Rock's chip damage. Turtwig is also appreciated by Pokemon that want a good switch-in to Water-types, like Fire-types such as Ponyta, (AC) also appreciate Turtwig. (repetitive sentence structure + active voice over passive) Poison-types such as Croagunk and Skrelp are good partners because they can switch into Poison-type moves aimed at Turtwig. In return, Turtwig can take resisted Ground-type moves. Steel-types such as Magnemite also appreciate Turtwig switching into Ground-type attacks and can switch into Flying- and, situationally, Poison-types for Turtwig. Electric-types like Magnemite and Chinchou also beat Flying-types with their Electric-type STAB moves. These also appreciate Turtwig shielding them from Ground-type moves. Water-types can switch into Fire- and Ice-type attacks, although some, like Tirtouga, can't afford to switch into Will-O-Wisp. Chinchou and Shellder are good partners due to them also defeating Flying-types with their other coverage moves. Staryu, Skrelp, Tirtouga, and Omanyte all appreciate Turtwig's defensive typing and bulk, which lets let it switch into many of their threats. RestTalk Skrelp in particular is a great option, as Turtwig takes out Ground-types for it while Skrelp deals extremely well with Fire-types. Munchlax is another option, as it deals with Drifloon and Ponyta for Turtwig.

Other Options

Toxic can be used to deal with bulky Pokemon such as Vullaby but leaves Turtwig walled by Steel-types. Turtwig can set up with Curse or Swords Dance; however, its typing, Speed, and bad offensive movepool prevent it from excelling at these roles. Leech Seed can also be used to wear down common switch-ins, but it doesn't heal a large enough amount of damage to warrant its use, leaving Turtwig as setup bait. Finally, Turtwig can set dual screens, but this is a mediocre strategy in LC, and Turtwig is outclassed by Snivy at this role.

Checks and Counters

**Taunt**: Almost every Taunt user, such as bulky Mienfoo, outspeeds Turtwig and can prevent it from filling its role.

**Setup Sweepers**: Most setup sweepers not weak to one of Turtwig's coverage moves, such as Bulk Up Timburr, can take advantage of its passivity and use it as setup bait.

**Flying-types**: Drifloon, Vullaby, and Fletching can all 2HKO Turtwig with their Flying STAB moves and also set up on it or use U-turn to grab momentum.

**Fire-types**: Ponyta and Larvesta can OHKO Turtwig with their offensive attacks or cripple it with Will-O-Wisp. Larvesta can also use U-turn to build momentum. These two are particularly threatening because they can cripple whatever you switch in on them with status.

**Poison-types**: Croagunk and Skrelp in particular OHKO Turtwig, while Foongus can defeat it easily. Gastly is also a big offensive threat but dislikes taking a Crunch on the switch. These can all force out Turtwig due to their powerful coverage and the fact that Turtwig won't have a good way to reliably hit them.

**Ice-type Coverage**: Shellder can spin away entry hazards and OHKO Turtwig with Ice-type moves, even without Shell Smash. Other Pokemon that Turtwig would usually switch into, such as Chinchou, may also carry Ice-type moves, which can swiftly KO Turtwig
Turtwig has a distinct niche in Little Cup with its great defensive stats, pure Grass typing, and access to Stealth Rock. It has a good matchup against a variety of spinners such as Drilbur and Staryu, allowing it to keep entry hazards up against a variety of teams. Turtwig also has access to reliable recovery in Synthesis, which lets it stay healthy enough to switch into threats throughout the match. However, Turtwig has a bad defensive typing with weaknesses to common types such as Fire, Flying, Poison, and Ice. It is also extremely slow, being outsped by most of the metagame, and struggles against common Defoggers such as Vullaby and Stunky, as it has no way to deal sufficient damage to them. A limited offensive movepool makes Turtwig very passive, meaning it struggles against many Pokemon it can't hit for super effective damage and gives them many opportunities to set up. Finally, Turtwig faces competition from other Stealth Rock setters and is hopelessly outclassed at any other roles it could try.

name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Synthesis
move 3: Bullet Seed
move 4: Superpower / Crunch
item: Eviolite
ability: Overgrow
nature: Careful
evs: 244 Def / 236 SpD / 28 Spe


Stealth Rock is an incredibly useful move that punishes the opponent for switching. Synthesis reliably heals Turtwig, letting it stay healthy to switch into threats and set Stealth Rock multiple times if need be. Bullet Seed is a mandatory STAB move and can break through Focus Sashes and Sturdy. Superpower deals with Steel-types that switch in, OHKOing Pawniard and Magnemite after Stealth Rock and dealing a large amount of damage to Ferroseed and Porygon. However, the Attack and Defense drops severely weaken Turtwig afterwards and may force it to switch out. Crunch can also be used as a coverage option to threaten Gastly and Pumpkaboo-XL on the switch.

Set Details

An Eviolite coupled with the given EVs and a Careful nature gives Turtwig respectable 22 / 24 / 24 bulk, which allows it to switch into resisted hits repeatedly. The Speed EVs let Turtwig hit 10 Speed, which allows it to outspeed Pokemon like Spritzee and bulky Tirtouga and Speed tie with Timburr, defensive Porygon, and Hippopotas. Overgrow can punish the foe with stronger Grass-type attacks if Turtwig is weakened.

Usage Tips

Set up Stealth Rock as quickly as possible, as it is more effective the more the foe switches in on it. Use Synthesis when needed, but be wary of its low PP, as it is your only way of healing Turtwig. Once Turtwig's role is done, it can happily switch into resisted hits from Pokemon like Chinchou and Drilbur. Be wary of using Superpower unnecessarily, as it will significantly weaken Turtwig both offensively and defensively and potentially force it to switch. Also, be wary of switching into Scald, as Turtwig hates getting burned.

Team Options

Vullaby is a very good teammate, as it can switch into and defeat Foongus, which defeats Turtwig. In return, Turtwig can check Electric-types such as Chinchou and Magnemite for Vullaby. Turtwig helps Pokemon that appreciate entry hazards up such as Carvanha and Abra to OHKO certain Pokemon due to Stealth Rock's chip damage. Pokemon that want a good switch-in to Water-types, like Fire-types such as Ponyta, also appreciate Turtwig. Poison-types such as Croagunk and Skrelp are good partners because they can switch into Poison-type moves aimed at Turtwig. In return, Turtwig can take resisted Ground-type moves. Steel-types such as Magnemite also appreciate Turtwig switching into Ground-type attacks and can switch into Flying- and, situationally, Poison-types for Turtwig. Electric-types like Magnemite and Chinchou also beat Flying-types with their Electric-type STAB moves. These also appreciate Turtwig shielding them from Ground-type moves. Water-types can switch into Fire- and Ice-type attacks, although some, like Tirtouga, can't afford to switch into Will-O-Wisp. Chinchou and Shellder are good partners due to them also defeating Flying-types with their other coverage moves. Staryu, Skrelp, Tirtouga, and Omanyte all appreciate Turtwig's defensive typing and bulk, which let it switch into many of their threats. RestTalk Skrelp in particular is a great option, as Turtwig takes out Ground-types for it while Skrelp deals extremely well with Fire-types. Munchlax is another option, as it deals with Ponyta and Gastly for Turtwig.

Other Options

Toxic can be used to deal with bulky Pokemon such as Vullaby but leaves Turtwig walled by Steel-types. Turtwig can set up with Curse or Swords Dance; however, its typing, Speed, and bad offensive movepool prevent it from excelling at these roles. Leech Seed can also be used to wear down common switch-ins, but it doesn't heal a large enough amount of damage to warrant its use, leaving Turtwig as setup bait. Finally, Turtwig can set dual screens, but this is a mediocre strategy in LC, and Turtwig is outclassed by Snivy at this role.

Checks and Counters

**Taunt**: Almost every Taunt user, such as bulky Mienfoo, outspeeds Turtwig and can prevent it from filling its role.

**Setup Sweepers**: Most setup sweepers not weak to one of Turtwig's coverage moves, such as Bulk Up Timburr, can take advantage of its passivity and use it as setup bait.

**Flying-types**: Vullaby and Fletching can all 2HKO Turtwig with their Flying STAB moves and also set up on it or use U-turn to grab momentum, while the latter is also able to boost with Swords Dance in Turtwig's face.

**Fire-types**: Ponyta and Larvesta can OHKO Turtwig with their offensive attacks or cripple it with Will-O-Wisp. Larvesta can also use U-turn to build momentum. These two are particularly threatening because they can cripple whatever you switch in on them with status.

**Poison-types**: Croagunk and Skrelp in particular OHKO Turtwig, while Foongus can defeat it easily. Gastly is also a big offensive threat but dislikes taking a Crunch on the switch. These can all force out Turtwig due to their powerful coverage and the fact that Turtwig won't have a good way to reliably hit them.

**Ice-type Coverage**: Shellder can spin away entry hazards and OHKO Turtwig with Ice-type moves, even without Shell Smash. Other Pokemon that Turtwig would usually switch into, such as Chinchou, may also carry Ice-type moves, which can swiftly KO Turtwig.

since the writer was last seen on July 6th, i've just done it.

tagging Mambo