Enchanted Items [Now Multibility]

No Guard Dragonite seems extremely good as well.

Dynamic Punch + Dragon Rush makes a confusion-flinch set with 100 BP.
Iron Tail 2HKOs physically defensive Clefable.
Can also do a special set with Hurricane, Thunder and Focus Blast. Blizzard if you're into that.

Celebi @ Durin Berry
Ability: Natural Cure + Soundproof
EVs: 248 HP / 224 SpD / 36 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Perish Song
- Protect

Posted something about Soundproof before. If you have hazards and manage to kill off Celebi's counter, you're pretty much home free. Can put a stop to slow setup, and ignores Substitutes, Protect and Magic Bounce. Also a nifty win condition on a last-mon scenario (barring Taunt). Ignore the EVs, they're just teambuilder's default.
So, in the OM room we've been discussing Enchanted Items, specifically sets for nearly all OU-viable Pokémon, with a couple of exceptions. Bcadren earlier posted his notes on all the Kanto Pokémon, and afterwards I took over note-taking for Pokémon in Johto right through to towards the end of Unova. Perhaps we'll finish this off one day, but before that happens I'll post what I have so far, I guess. Shoutout Bcadren, Spandan, Hack_Guy, FINITOOOO (lolgroudon) for also theorymonning some of these sets with me. There also was a couple other users but I can't seem to find their forum accounts ;[

Existing Abilities: Overgrow / Leaf Guard
Possible Abilities: Flower Veil / Desolate Land / Thick Fat
Notes: Starting off with the kingpin itself, Meganium. Flower Veil will be a staple on defensive Grass types. Total immunity to status and stat drops are great for switching into and handling all of the Scalds, Toxics, etc. Desolate Land could be used to not only provide immunity to Water (which Meganium doesn't really need) but also activate Leaf Guard immediately. However, one might prefer Flower Veil over Desoland due to it not amplifying Meganium's existing Fire weakness.

Existing Abilities: Blaze / Flash Fire
Possible Abilities: Storm Drain / Sheer Force / Desolate Land / No Guard
Notes: An important thing to keep in mind is that when using a secondary ability, one sacrifices an item slot to do so. Pokémon like Typhlosion might prefer to keep items like Choice Specs or Life Orb as opposed to adopting a new ability. For example, compare the damage output using the calculations below:
- 252 SpA Sheer Force Typhlosion Fire Blast vs. 4 HP / 252 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 106-126 (16.5 - 19.6%)
- 252 SpA Choice Specs Typhlosion Fire Blast vs. 4 HP / 252 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 121-144 (18.8 - 22.4%)
As you can tell, you output less damage under certain conditions. Typhlosion, being a Fire type, naturally benefits and appreciates Desolate Land. Immunity to a weakness and increased damage output rolled into one ability is always welcome. Storm Drain provides a Water immunity as well, but without the benefit of harsh sunlight, instead opting for a Sp. Atk boost. No Guard can be used to help Typhlosion hit dangerous but inaccurate moves such as Fire Blast, Focus Blast and Inferno.

Existing Abilities: Torrent / Sheer Force
Possible Abilities: Tough Claws / Sap Sipper / Protean / Primordial Sea / Mold Breaker / Refrigerate
Notes: Feraligatr already gets Sheer Force, so we're able to pack another good ability over it to help amplify damage output, or help bust through certain threats. Primordial Sea, Protean and Tough Claws are all there to increase damage, with little utility. Primordial Sea will grant you free switch ins into Heatran's Lava Plume without getting burned, which is a plus. Sap Sipper allows you to set up on Grass Pokémon and also potentially beat them 1v1 with Ice Punch and Dragon Dance. Mold Breaker will ensure you won't be hindered by random Water Absorb / Desolate Land users like Heatran or the aforementioned Typhlosion.

Existing Abilities: Inner Focus / Infiltrator
Possible Abilities: Gale Wings / Adaptability / Regenerator / Intimidate / Lightning Rod / Prankster / Aerilate / Delta Stream
Notes: You'll notice that some Pokémon have a natural compatibility with a lot of abilities. Crobat is certainly one of those. As a Flying type, it directly benefits from Gale Wings and Aerilate by default, two very strong abilities. More offensively oriented Crobat might want to opt for abilities like Adaptability, or Tough Claws. However, if you want to play Crobat more defensively, the abilities Regenerator (well appreciated by a Brave Bird user), Intimidate, Volt Absorb and Prankster might be chosen instead. Delta Stream is also a niche option chosen to nullify your Electric, Rock and Ice weakness, leaving you with a mere 1 weakness to the not-so-common Psychic type. A very versatily Pokémon indeed.

Existing Abilities: Volt Absorb / Illuminate / Water Absorb
Potential Abilities: Levitate / Primordial Sea / Regenerator
Notes: With Levitate, you'll possess only 1 weakness, similar to Rotom-Wash. Lanturn is more bulkier than Rotom, but suffers from a mediocre movepool and is also a lot slower, so you'll be making a heavy trade-off if you choose this mon over Rotom. Regenerator might be useful to patch up your lack of recovery, but it sees stiff competition from other similar Pokémon like the aforementioned Rotom-Wash.

Existing Abilities: Synchronize / Early Bird / Magic Bounce
Potential Abilities: Prankster / Regenerator / Magic Guard / Delta Stream
Notes: Xatu has the great benefit of acquiring Magic Bounce naturally, meaning that it does not have to waste an item slot for it. However, it's also a very mediocre Pokémon that sees competition from the likes of Espeon (with superior potential) and Mega Sableye (that fits in perfectly in the OU metagame.) Xatu, being a defensive Flying type, automatically should have Delta Stream as an option for its second ability. However, Gale Wings is not an option for this bird, because Xatu very rarely carries an offensive Flying attack. Under these conditions, Prankster is a superior ability as it will elevate all status moves to +1 priority, including Roost and many other moves commonly used on Xatu.

Existing Abilities: Thick Fat / Huge Power / Sap Sipper
Potential Abilities: Tough Claws / Protean / Tinted Lens / Regenerator / Volt Absorb / Refrigerate / Pixilate
Notes: Azu has a ton of options for secondary abilities. It already has one of the best abilities in the game in Huge Power, anything added to that would be even greater. However, keep in mind that you'll be sacrificing the Choice Band item for these, so it's wise to calculate which ability deal more damage in which scenario. For example...

Tinted Lens deals more damage to NVE targets like Mega Venusaur, but less damage against neutral and SE targets than Choice Band:
252+ Atk Tinted Lens Huge Power Azumarill Play Rough vs. 232 HP / 0 Def Mega Venusaur: (41.7 - 49%)
252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Play Rough vs. 232 HP / 0 Def Mega Venusaur: (31.1 - 36.7%)
Tough Claws does slightly less damage than Choice Band with the added benefit of being able to switch up your moves. Useful for when you desperately need access to your coverage:
252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Waterfall vs. 4 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: (49 - 57.9%)
252+ Atk Tough Claws Huge Power Azumarill Waterfall vs. 4 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: (42.5 - 50.1%)
Protean does the same damage on coverage moves (EG. No Water or Fairy attacks) than the other abilities. The difference here is that you'll switch typings constantly, useful for resisting certain attacks. Your STAB attacks will be weaker, though.
252+ Atk Protean Huge Power Azumarill Superpower vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Skarmory: 178-210 (53.2 - 62.8%)
252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Superpower vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Skarmory: 177-209 (52.9 - 62.5%)

The defensive abilities are more useful for Assault Vest or Belly Drum Azu. Volt Absorb allows for the easy set up on mons like Zapdos or Thundurus, whilst Regenerator allows for continuous switch ins into monsters like Keldeo. One might appreciate a more accurate, stronger Play Rough in Pixilate Return if you're truly worried about missing, but the superior option is Play Rough imo, to open up a slot for another ability.

Existing Abilities: Damp / Water Absorb / Unaware
Potential Abilities: Regenerator / Sap Sipper / Magic Guard / Magic Bounce / Water Absorb / Pressure
Notes: Quagsire, the stall lord himself. Defensive Pokémon get a lot of useful tools in this OM, because unlike offensive Pokémon, they don't miss out on much when it comes to the item department. Losing leftovers as opposed to losing Life Orb is not that big of a deal. Well, Quagsire is one of the few physical walls to not appreciate Intimidate as an ability, thanks to its previous ability Unaware. Sap Sipper is a stellar pick in countering certain Grass sweepers like Serperior or Breloom. Also it is very useful for absorbing Grass coverage aimed specifically for it, such as Thundurus' Grass Knot. Regenerator is great for switching in repeatedly, which Quag needs to be able to do on a stall team. Magic Guard is helpful for almost be untouchable vs opposing stall teams, being immune to Toxic, hazards and the like. You're also able to Toxic the enemy freely without worrying about Magic Bounce reflecting it back. Pressure could be used as a niche pick to PP stall Pokémon like Bisharp or Mega Charizard X that attempt to break through you repeatedly. You really can't go wrong with any of these picks.

Existing Abilities: Synchronize / Inner Focus
Potential Abilities: Regenerator / Magic Bounce / Prankster / Unaware
Notes: Umbreon is one of those Pokémon that just benefits from the generic 'Bulky Pokémon Abilities' like Magic Bounce, Unaware, Prankster and Regenerator. Nothing much to say here, except that if you plan on using Magic Bounce, you will never be able to activate Synchronize, so keep that in mind.

Existing Abilities: Sturdy / Overcoat
Potential Abilities: Mold Breaker / Regenerator / Prankster / Flash Fire / Scrappy
Notes: Forretress' ability to lay down hazards and pivot in and out of fights can be amplified with the use of some new fresh abilities. Mold Breaker beats out any attempts to stop hazards, primarily Magic Bounce. This allows your team to have guaranteed hazards, when coupled with Sturdy. Flash Fire allows you to check most Fire types such as Heatran or Mega Charizard X, but you'll struggle to do much in return, and may fall to the former's Mold Breaker. Prankster can be used if you do not fear Magic Bounce and naturally complements Forry's support movepool. Lastly, Scrappy is a neat niche option if you desperately need to got off a spin against anything, though Defog exists on a multitude of better Pokémon, so maybe that's a better option.

Existing Abilities: Swarm / Technician / Light Metal
Potential Abilities: Protean / Refrigerate / Primordial Sea / Tinted Lens / Tough Claws / Adaptability
Notes: The first thing you might be thinking when thinking about Scizor in any ability-related OM is "Flash Fire!" It's certainly a great ability, it grants you an immunity to Will-O-Wisp, and allows you to duel Fire types comfortably. Primordial Sea might be an inferior choice, because you enhance Water attacks against yourself, which could prove to be lethal:
252 SpA Choice Specs Keldeo Hydro Pump vs. 248 HP / 200 SpD Mega Scizor in Heavy Rain: 331-391 (96.5 - 113.9%)
Refrigirate Quick Attack might be a heat af option to dunk on some dragons, but otherwise falls short in comparison to the other abilities. The standard Tough Claws / Protean etc. abilities are pretty solid on Scizor, so consider them if you opt out of Flash Fire.

Existing Abilities: Sturdy / Gluttony / Contrary
Potential Abilities: Prankster / Mold Breaker
Notes: This thing, IMO, is just an inferior Forretress, and that thing itself is pretty bad. Might be decent as a suicide lead with Mold Breaker, thanks to its titanic defences it won't fall to many attacks quickly. Otherwise, I don't have much to say about this mon.

Existing Abilities: Swarm / Guts / Moxie
Potential Abilities: Speed Boost / Quick Feet / Heracronite
Notes: Speed Boost x Moxie is a pretty cool combo, if you get rolling with a kill you're looking mighty dangerous with a +1 in both Attack and Speed. Otherwise, Heracross would appreciate regular items like Choice Band, Scarf, or even Heracronite as opposed to another ability. You just can't beat 185 Attack. Quick Feet is a niche option which, coupled with Guts, allows you to benefit massively from being status'd. Too bad there isn't a quick way to inflict yourself with a status alongside having 2 abilities.

Existing Abilities: Sturdy / Keen Eye / Weak Armor
Potential Abilities: Flash Fire / Intimidate / Defiant / Gale Wings / Prankster / Volt Absorb / Unaware / Mold Breaker / Delta Stream
Notes: The AAA god itself is back, and it's as good as ever. Skarmory is just compatible with so many different abilities. Gale Wings allows for an SD set that rivals the likes of Talonflame, immunity abilities like Flash Fire and Volt Absorb allows Skamory to counter a lot more Pokémon than previously possible. Intimidate and Unaware are stall picks. They allow Skamory to counter physical sweepers a lot more comfortably. Delta Stream removes the pesky Electric weakness, leaving it with a sole weakness to Fire. It also comes with the added benefit of removing enemy weather, but Skarmory doesn't enjoy switching in on most Water / Fire types anyway, so that won't be so likely. Defiant is a weird option, but coupled with Weak Armor, it gives offensive Skarmory a nice boost in Speed and Attack every time it takes a physical attack (which will be pretty often, seeing as how beefy Skamory is). However, it may find stiff competition vs Gale Wings, so consider that. Mold Breaker is only there to counter Magic Bounce, otherwise it servers little other use. However, if your team struggles to bust through this ability, Mold Breaker might be the choice for you.

Existing Abilities: Own Tempo / Technician / Moody
Potential Abilities: Prankster / Mold Breaker
Notes: See SHUCKLE.

Existing Abilities: Natural Cure / Serene Grace / Healer
Potential Abilities: Regenerator / Unaware / Intimidate / Synchronize
Notes: Blissey, unlike Chansey, has the ability to use secondary abilities and is not restricted to simply Eviolite. However, it is a bit less bulky, so if you're prepared to make that exchange, then you'll be able to benefit from the abilities Regenerator, Unaware, etc. They'll help Blissey tank special hits a lot easier than normal. Intimidate is an option to mitigate it's appaling defense, but Blissey won't be switching in to too many physical Pokémon, so the only likely outcome in which this ability might be useful in is when the enemy is mixed. Synchronize is a niche pick that synergizes pretty well with Natural Cure. It's almost like Psycho Shift, except it doesn't happen in one turn. It might be nice if you get it to work, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Existing Ability: Pressure
Potential Abilities: Primordial Sea / Desolate Land / Refrigerate / Regenerator / Protean / No Guard / Magnet Pull / Mega Launcher
Notes: Raikou has a lot of potential abilities it can use. For example, it benefits from both primary weather in DesoLand and Prim-Sea, thanks to Weather Ball. The choice to make is do you prefer perfect Thunders, but a weaker type on your Weather Ball, or do you want a more desirable type in Fire for Weather Ball in exchange for the benefits rain gives you? The choice is yours. Other than that, if you play Raikou like a semi-bulky pivot with Assault Vest or something, you might want to consider swapping that out for a Regenerator to allow yourself to switch into hazards over and over again. Magnet Pull is a neat idea, especially on dedicated Volt-Turn teams. You can pivot into Raikou and very easily take out the bulky steels like Skarmory for your teammates.

Existing Ability: Pressure
Potential Abilities: Refrigerate / Aerilate / Desolate Land / Magic Guard / Magnet Pull
Notes: Entei and -ate go together like BP & J. Not much I can say there, refrigerate Extreme Speed is very powerful. Aerilate is probably the inferior option, only use that if, for some reason, you really need Flying coverage on your Entei. DesoLand is quite self explanatory. Sacred Fire will be hitting for a ludicrous amount of damage, even against resistances. Magnet Pull is used similarly to Raikou. Pivot in on Entei on the U-Turn / double switch and you can easily duel most steels. The major issue is Flash Fire, which most steel types may carry (Skarmory, Scizor, etc.) so beware!

Existing Ability: Pressure
Potential Abilities: Regenerator / Unaware / Primordial Sea / Magic Guard / Volt Absorb
Notes: Suicune the AAA kingpin returns, but this time it loses out on Poison Heal, which is a big blow. However, it is still able to use other very good abilities like Unaware (for guaranteed CM war wins, and acts as a great check to set up sweepers in general), Volt Absorb (excellent Electric switch-in, because Suicune resists most coverage Electric types likes to run) and Regenerator (for repeated switch-ins. Helps mitigate Suicune's lack of reliable recovery).

Existing Abilities: Sand Stream / Unnerve
Potential Abilities: Sand Rush / Protean / Regenerator / Refrigerate / Sand Force / Filter / Tyranitarite / Regular Items
Notes: Tyranitar is one of those Pokémon that appear to be very compatible with a wide range of abilities, but in practise, if you're planning on using offensive T-Tar, it really appreciates its regular items like Choice Band, Scarf and maybe even Tyranitarite. Defensive Tyranitar can make good use of Regenerator to repeatedly come in and tank things like Draco Meteors. Tyranitar is also one of the few Pokémon that can proc a speed-doubling ability (Swift Swim / Chlorophyll / Sand Rush) by itself, all it needs to do is pick the Sand Rush item and you're good to go. Permanent 442 Speed stat (Fully invested) puts it up there, outspeeding the likes of Mega Aerodactyl and Mega Beedrill.

Existing Ability: Natural Cure
Potential Abilities: Prankster / Synchronize / Filter / Regenerator / Magic Bounce / Magic Guard / Mold Breaker / Flash Fire / Flower Veil
Notes: Versatile Pokémon like Celebi naturally will have a lot of different abilities that match well with it. Being a grass type, it can use Flower Veil to good use. However, you must ask yourself if it is worth it, seeing as how you have Natural Cure already. U-Turn + Regenerator makes a great combination, pivoting in and out of battle, checking threats like Rotom-W and regaining health upon switching out. Celebi's multitude of weaknesses allow Filter to activate a lot of times, depending on how you play the Celebi:
252 Atk Adaptability Mega Beedrill U-turn vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Filter Celebi: 372-438 (92 - 108.4%)
Thanks to Filter, it has a chance to live one of the strongest U-Turns in the game. Magic Guard helps mitigate hazards damage. Although Celebi might not be weak to hazards by definition, it certainly doesn't appreciate them. Being a bulky Pokémon, it automatically can use abilities such as Regenerator, Prankster and Magic Bounce / Guard. You really can't go wrong with these abilities.

Existing Abilities: Effect Spore / Poison Heal / Technician
Potential Abilities: Prankster / Skill Link / Adaptability / Flower Veil / Tinted Lens / Mold Breaker
Notes: Skill Link allows Breloom's Bullet Seed to hit a lot harder than Seed Bomb and become a lot more consistent than usual. However, this won't be solving Breloom's problems anytime. It still has trouble busting through Pokémon like Mega Venusaur and Skarmory. However, now it will consistently crush Clefable nearly everytime. Bullet Seed, even without an item, nearly OHKOs the fairy type on the switch-in.
252 Atk Technician Breloom Bullet Seed (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 172 Def Clefable: 320-380 (81.2 - 96.4%)
252 Atk Life Orb Breloom Seed Bomb vs. 252 HP / 172 Def Clefable: 179-212 (45.4 - 53.8%)
This may prove to be very useful, as Clefable is predicted to be one of Enchanted Item's greats. Unfortunately, Poison Heal isn't that good in this OM because you sacrifice a second ability simply to trigger the ability consistently. Therefore, working around Technician Breloom might prove to be more benefitial for you. This involves abilities like Mold Breaker (crushes Unaware, Magic Bounce for your spore and much more), Adaptability and Tinted Lens (which synergizes pretty well with Grass' poor offensive typing).

Existing Abilities: Keen Eye / Stall / Prankster
Potential Abilities: Magic Bounce / Mold Breaker / Magic Guard / Regenerator / Unaware / Sablenite
Notes: Sableye might prefer its Mega Evolution stone for most scenarios, but in that case you will miss out on a secondary ability which might be huge on a mon like Sableye. Picking Magic Bounce will mean that you're using both Sableye's and Mega Sable's abilities at once, but lose out on crucial stat gains. Mold Breaker allows you to beat pesky abilities that provide huge problems for stall, such as Magic Bounce. Nailing a Wisp on a Magic Bounce sweeper might safe you the game. At the end of the day, evolving into Mega Sableye might be what you want at the end of the day. Those stat boosts it gain are quite substantial.

Existing Abilities: Pure Power / Telepathy
Potential Abilities: Scrappy / Tinted Lens / Medichamite / Tough Claws / Technician / Protean
Notes: Scrappy Medicham can hit ghosts at last. However, you're missing out on a lot of damage losing out on Choice Band. Therefore, attack-enhancing abilities might lose out when compared directly to a CB set.
252 Atk Tinted Lens Pure Power Medicham Zen Headbutt vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Skarmory: (35.3 - 41.9%)
252 Atk Choice Band Pure Power Medicham Zen Headbutt vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Skarmory: (26.6 - 31.4%)
As you can tell, a Tinted Lens item does a bit more damage than the standard CB but only on NVE attacks. Against neutral or SE targets, you will lose out on a lot of damage, so keep that in mind. At the end of the day, similar to Sableye, Medichamite might be a better choice. Regular Medi itself is a pretty poor choice in OU as it is, so this might not be that big of a deal compared to Azumarill

Existing Abilities: Hyper Cutter / Shell Armor / Adaptability
Potential Abilities: Normal Items / Speed Boost / Protean / Tough Claws / Tinted Lens / Mold Breaker
Notes: Crawdaunt could potentially become the best stallbreaker in the entire meta. Nothing much enjoys eating a +2 Adaptability attack boosted further by an ability. For instance:
+2 252 Atk Adaptability Protean Crawdaunt Superpower vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: (84.4 - 99.4%)
+2 252 Atk Adaptability Tough Claws Crawdaunt Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: (88 - 104.1%)
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Adaptability Crawdaunt Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: (88 - 104.1%)
As you can see, lots of abilities provide benefits in lots of different abilities. It's up to you to make the choice which one you'd rather prefer. Otherwise, there's not much point to picking a secondary ability over Choice Band, seeing as you'll lose a lot of damage this way. Damage is why you pick Crawdaunt, after all. Speed Boost is a niche choice to have on SD Daunt and helps its poor speed stat, but you need a few turns of set up to truly make that work and it's quite hard for Crawdaunt to do so.

Existing Abilities: Intimidate / Moxie
Potential Abilities: Aerilate / Speed Boost / Tough Claws / Protean / Download / Adaptability / Magic Guard / Magic Bounce / Delta Stream / Mold Breaker / Multiscale
Notes: Aerilate Salamence is great, but competition from Dragonite is strong. Loses out on Flying Extreme Speed in exchange for Flying Double-Edge that hits a lot harder. In the Ability department, Salamence certainly is the more offensive one of the two with Moxie allowing for near unstoppable sweeps, and Dragonite finds plenty more opportunities to set up with Multiscale. However, both monsters are somewhat bulky, so Delta Stream can turn a lot more Pokémon into set-up fodder (EG mons that rely on Ice coverage to OHKO Mence). Other than Aerilate, lots of generic abilities like Adaptability and Protean works on Mence, fairly self explanatory. Pick Mold Breaker or Magic Bounce if you hate stall with a passion. Most bulky mons won't be able to break through a MBounce Salamence (without the help of Scald burns, that is), and likewise, most bulky mons won't be able to not break to a Mold Breaker Mence busting through defensive abilities like Unaware.

Existing Abilities: Levitate
Potential Abilities: Tinted Lens / Adaptability / Latiasite / Standard Items
Notes: In AAA, Latios and Latias are strong titans with little switch-ins, but in this OM they lack the ability to hold an item alongside having a great ability. This time around, they're not able to simply swap out Levitate for another ability. Sacrificing an item severely hinders their damage output, so choosing standard items might be more advantageous. However, Tinted Lens or Adaptability are the two go-to abilities if you choose to not use items. Latias might benefit more from defensive abilities like Magic Bounce or Regenerator, however. Again, Tinted Lens is weaker when attacking neutral or SE targets, but does a lot more damage against NVE targets. Adaptability enhances your dual STABs and those attacks only, so its advised to use this ability when you're not relying on coverage.

Existing Ability: Serene Grace
Potential Abilities: Prankster / Regenerator / Magic Bounce
Notes: A flaw with Pokémon that often carry Wish is that Protect is almost always needed to effectively use the move. However, with Regenerator, it gives Jirachi another option for recovery. This can potentially free up moveslots for Jirachi, allowing it to use its large movepool a bit better than before. Of course, this doesn't really apply to offensive Jirachi much. Prankster enhances Sp.Def Rachi's ability to cripple its enemies and heal itself up. A Prankster Healing Wish set could see some use to give its team-mate a guaranteed heal.

Existing Abilities: Torrent / Defiant
Potential Abilities: Regenerator / Weak Armor / Volt Absorb / Levitate
Notes: "IF(Pokémon==Bulk AND Pokémon==noRecovery), GIVE Regenerator". This very accurate and totally correct if statement can be applied to the whole Pokedex and it will never be a detrimental ability. Regenerator just works on so many things. Empoleon could really use that recovery as well. Immunity abilities like Volt Absorb and Levitate are pretty good as well, especially when you consider that most Pokémon's option for hitting Empoleon is through EQ, thus being able to check a lot more things. Weak Armor is that niche pick that synergizes with Defiant, but Empoleon might not be the best Pokémon to use this combo on, seeing as how things like Skarmory and Bisharp exist.

Existing Abilities: Blaze / Iron Fist
Potential Abilities: Sheer Force / No Guard / Tough Claws / Protean / Regular Items
Notes: Nothing fits with Infernape perfectly, despite expectations. Tough Claws doesn't boost EQ, Stone Edge or Gunk Shot. Sheer Force only really boosts Flare Blitz and Ice Punch. No Guard helps you hit those inaccurate Focus Blasts and maybe Inferno, if you're really into burning the enemy. You just can't beat LO 'Nape, nothing else comes close.

Existing Abilities: Natural Cure / Poison Point / Technician
Potential Abilities: Flash Fire / Prankster / Regenerator / Mold Breaker / Flower Veil
Notes: Similarly to Celebi, although it can use Flower Veil to a somewhat good level, if it wasn't or Natural Cure also doing a similar job. In which case, we could simply slap Regenerator on this and call it a day. It also could use Flash Fire for a neat Fire immunity, or Prankster for priority hazards if you desperately need to get them up.

Existing Abilities: Super Luck / Insomnia / Moxie
Potential Abilities: Gale Wings / Adaptability / Magic Guard / Tinted Lens / Speed Boost
Notes: Gale Wings is the obvious thing that comes to mind when you place Honchkrow in an environment where its able to have almost any ability. Priority 125 Attack Brave Bird is on a whole different league to our other well known Gale Wings user Talonflame. Roost at +1 is pretty great too, if you decide to use that. Magic Guard is an option if you truly hate recoil and hazards damage, or if your team lacks any hazard control. As for Tinted Lens, this is all I have to say:
252+ Atk Life Orb Tinted Lens Honchkrow Brave Bird vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 153-182 (45.8 - 54.4%)

Existing Abilities: Sand Veil / Rough Skin
Potential Abilities: Tough Claws / Sand Stream / Garchompite / Rocky Helmet
Notes: Garchomp is probably one of the few Pokémon that prefer having regular items over a new ability. Rocky Helmet is strictly superior to Iron Barbs. One can use Sand Stream to proc your own Sand Veil for a niche evasion boost, but you need to be pretty lucky to make that work.

Existing Abilities: Inner Focus / Steadfast / Justified
Potential Abilities: Refrigerate / Tough Claws / Sheer Force / Mega Launcher
Notes: If it isn't already obvious enough, most Pokémon that are good in AAA are going to be good in this as well. However, keep in mind that offensive Pokémon lose more than defensive ones, so some offensive AAA mons might get powercreeped by defensive ones. Lucario might be one of those that won't ever be as good as its AAA reincarnation, but with Sheer Force, it might still be really good. Mega Launcher is an option but it isn't that strong and only works on a handful of Luke's moves. Refrigirate Extreme Speed provides a good type and a great power-up to such a staple attack. This is enhanced by Swords Dance, which benefits from this powered-up Extreme Speed a lot.

Existing Abilities: Sand Stream / Sand Force
Potential Abilities: Intimidate / Sand Force / Regenerator / Prankster / Thick Fat
Notes: Intimidate on a true fat mon like Hippo works wonders, allowing it to check and counter so many things so well. Fits very well in a Stall or a Balanced team that do not appreciate sandstorm now that it brings something else to the table. Then again, you could also opt for Sand Stream and pack something like a Sand Force or Rush ability to check physical threats not as well, but bring a lot stronger EQ or be a lot faster. Thick Fat can switch into MegaZard X a lot more comfortably, although it might appreciate Intimidate for that. The ability also helps mitigate its Ice weakness.

Existing Abilities: Pressure / Pickpocket
Potential Abilities: Adaptability / Protean / Tough Claws / Refrigerate / Moxie
Notes: Weavile is a Pokémon that could do with another ability; its current ones are rather lacklustre. Moxie works great in conjunction with its high Speed stat. One kill may be enough to get the snowball rolling. Attack boosts are very welcome, especially when its so difficult to use SD on Weavile due to its paper-thin defences. Refrigerate offers a stronger Ice-type STAB in Return (over Icicle Crash) and Fake Out, but does nothing else. Adaptability / Protean / Tough Claws are interchangeable and works on nearly every offensive Pokémon out there.

Existing Abilities: Magnet Pull / Sturdy / Analytic
Potential Abilities: Levitate / Protean / Adaptability / Download / Analytic
Notes: Magnezone's good defensive typing can be further enhanced by Levitate, removing its 4x weakness to Ground attacks. This allows it to duel many Pokémon that rely on Ground coverage like Excadrill, Hippowdon and Landorus-T. Analytic may seem weird, but it is usable now in combination with Magnet Pull, giving Magnezone a nice boost in power, but you might appreciate the stronger punch Choice Specs packs. If you appreciate being able to switch your moves about, but still want to hit hard, then Analytic is your pick.

Existing Abilities: Leaf Guard / Chlorophyll / Regenerator
Potential Abilities: Intimidate / Flower Veil / Magic Bounce / Unaware / Prankster / Magic Bounce
Notes: Tangrowth already is sorted in the ability department. Regenerator makes it a great Pokemon at switching in again and again into certain threats without losing much net HP. This is also a great example at how a Pokemon doesn't need to have recovery to act as a great wall. Intimidate can be slapped on Tangrowth to further boost its effectiveness at pivoting in on mons and being a nuisance. Magic Bounce or Flower Veil add some much needed resistances against status, seeing as how vulnerable Tangrowth is to it. Having consistent damage dealt to you is still annoying, despite of Regenerator. The other abilities listed work well with bulky Pokemon in general, so it isn't that hard to imagine that Tangrowth itself can make some good use out of them.

Existing Abilities: Hustle / Super Luck / Serene Grace
Potential Abilities: Gale Wings / Delta Stream
Notes: It's recommended to use abilities that enhance Togekiss' abilities to infuriate the opponent with its Thunder Wave + Air Slash hax, such as Gale Wings. One way to beat out flinching to death was to outspeed and hit hard before it has an opportunity to T-Wave you. Although Gale Wings doesn't totally cover that weakness, it's as close as you can get. Delta Stream allows it to better combat weather-fuelled enemies and also filter out some of its weaknesses. The outcome are weaknesses to the uncommon Steel and Poison typings, allowing Togekiss to switch in to a lot more Pokémon and stand more of a chance.

Existing Abilities: Oblivious / Snow Cloak / Thick Fat
Potential Abilities: Refrigerate / Adaptability / Technician / Speed Boost / Mold Breaker / Filter
Notes: When using Mamoswine, you might find yourself in a bit of a predicament. On one hand, you might appreciate the ability. Mamoswine's current ones are pretty shit, so you might want to have a really good ability to make up. On the other hand, you lose out on some crucial damage in most (if not all) scenarios if you do not pack items like CB or LO. The choice is yours. Speaking of abilities, Mold Breaker is neat to nail levitating mons like Rotom or Gengar. Refrigerate, similarly to Weavile, provides a stronger Ice-Type STAB that is more reliable, in exchange for that juicy 30% flinch rate.

Existing Abilities: Adaptability / Download / Analytic
Potential Abilities: Protean / Tinted Lens
Notes: I feel like in this specific scenario, the Power vs Utility decision you have to make for most Pokémon is most tipped in the 'Power' side, in this case. Specs simply hits harder than any secondary ability. However, if you, for some reason, opt for a set-up set with Nasty Plot or Agility, then an ability is the superior choice to dedicate your item slot to. Recommended ones are Tinted Lens and Protean. Protean's natural synergy with Adaptability shouldn't need to be explained, and Tinted Lens is there for when you want your Tri-Attacks to OHKO Steel-types.

Existing Ability: Levitate
Potential Abilities: Prankster / Regenerator / Sap Sipper / Volt Absorb / Magic Guard
Notes: Regenerator is appreciated on Rotom, thanks to its lack of reliable recovery, for the exact same reason Tangrowth enjoys it too. Missing out on Leftovers isn't so bad in exchange for the ability, and it'll allow you to gain a lot more HP whenever you Volt Switch out, which happens quite often in a game. Prankster Will-O-Wisp is also quite dangerous, so don't sleep on that option. Sap Sipper is a neat ability to patch up its only weakness to Grass, which could prove to be handy for mons like Energy Ball Manaphy, Serperior, or Ferrothorn. Keep in mind the immunity ability will vary depending on which form you use. Heat form will appreciate Storm Drain more than Sap Sipper, for example. Magic Guard stops Rotom from being chipped by passive damage from sources such as Stealth Rock, Toxic and Sandstorm, which could prove catastrophic due to the lack of leftovers.

Existing Abilities: Flash Fire / Flame Body
Potential Abilities: Desolate Land / Levitate / Magnet Pull / Regenerator / Mold Breaker / Speed Boost / Sheer Force
Notes: Desolate Land Heatran deserves a special mention for being able to completely shut down nearly all water types. This includes the likes of Tail Glow Manaphy, Suicune, Rotom, Slowbro, the list goes on. It's Magma Storm can trap and easily outduel the aforementioned Pokémon, and if they switch there's little that switches into a Magma Storm that doesn't then get 1v1'd and killed off. Heatran, being a Pokémon able to adopt both offensive and defensive sets, is able to use both offensive and defensive abilities such as Regenerator and Levitate on the defensive side, and the other abilities on the offensive side. Tran can comfortably switch into most Steel types without many repercussions and easily roast them into a crisp with Magnet Pull, making it a good user of that ability. Lastly, Mold Breaker is there to simply bust through Flash Fire mons that thing they can get away with switching into this behemoth.

Existing Ability: Hydration
Potential Abilities: Primordial Sea / Mold Breaker
Notes: Primordial Sea deserves a special mention because its simply a lot superior than any other ability. Its perfect synergy with Hydration allows Manaphy to recover up to full HP without any consequences, which is near unstoppable VS teams that cannot OHKO it in one hit. It also acts as a great Fire switch in and helps boosts its Scald all in one tidy package. Couldn't ask for a better ability. If, for some reason, you cannot use Primordial Sea or are foolish enough to not use it, Mold Breaker may be the second best option to counter Water-immune abilities.

Existing Ability: Victory Star
Potential Abilities: Desolate Land / Tinted Lens / Mold Breaker / Tough Claws / Sheer Force
Notes: Desolate Land 'Tini is a true force to be reckoned with. A check to this and similar Fire types were almost necessary in AAA but with the most common way of dealing with this being Flash Fire, this makes the Mold Breaker set even more devastating. Tinted Lens is for when you want your other moves to do a lot of damage as well, even against specially prepared counters (Like Flash Fire Grass-Types). Sheer Force doesn't boost V-Create in power, but if you're using a special set for example, you might appreciate the boost in power your Fire Blast receives or something. All in all, a counter for this is nearly a necessity, if we're judging off AAA playrate + viability.

Existing Abilities: Overgrow / Contrary
Potential Abilities: Mold Breaker / Tinted Lens / Flash Fire
Notes: Serperior doesn't get any bonus coverage moves in this OM, so instead it would be wise to invest in abilities that enhance the use of Leaf Storm, being Tinted Lens. Lots of things resist Grass in the OU meta, so this will come in handy for sure. Mold Breaker is used to counter two abilities most hindering to Serperior, being Unaware and Sap Sipper. Normally those two abilities are the go-to for handling Serperior, so although they may not be the most fool-proof method of handling this Pokémon, but they're most likely going to be the most common, so getting an advantage over them could seal victory.

Existing Abilities: Sand Rush / Sand Force / Mold Breaker
Potential Abilities: Sand Stream
Notes: Excadrill is probably the best Pokémon to have access to both Sand Stream and either Sand Rush or Sand Force. Normally it needed team-mates like Tyranitar to get the best use out of Excadrill's Sand affected abilities, but no more. Mold Breaker is a great ability in and of itself, but it doesn't synergize with Sand Stream whatsoever, so other abilities will be necessary, or just pick a regular item like Life Orb.

Existing Abilities: Guts / Sheer Force / Iron Fist
Potential Abilities: Tough Claws / Technician / Regular Items[/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
Notes: Another Pokemon that would rather just take regular items over a shiny new ability. Nothing really works well with Conkeldurr, or its current abilities. Tough Claws activates on all of its moves, but you lose out on crucial stats in Assault Vest and some damage in Guts + Status Orb or a Life Orb.

Existing Abilities: Poison Point / Swarm / Speed Boost
Potential Abilities: Tinted Lens / Adaptability / Mold Breaker / Prankster
Notes: Although you might want to give Scolipede abilities that enhance its ability to stack hazards or pass speed boosts to its team-mates, with Speed Boost it does that job pretty well already. It also has decent stats, unlike something like Smeargle, so it has the ability to survive a couple of attacks before going down. Mold Breaker is most likely the ability of choice if you're using a suicide lead with hazards to ensure Magic Bounce doesn't completely destroy you. Prankster might not seem efficient on a Pokémon that not only is ridiculously fast, but multiplies this speed every turn, but if priority ends up overtaking EI, it might be necessary to ensure those hazards get down before the enemy can retaliate.

Existing Abilities: Moxie / Intimidate / Anger Point
Potential Abilities: Mold Breaker / Thick Fat / Regenerator / Speed Boost
Notes: Although Krookodile might not be the most OU viable Ground-type, it could see some use as a bulky mon that can pivot in on a few attacks like a MegaZard X or a Talonflame with Intimidate. Moxie shouldn't see much use, because there are things in OU that job a lot better, like Bisharp. Thick Fat couples well with Krookodile's defensive set to aid in tanking Ice and Fire attacks, but Regenerator may prove to be the superior ability on defensive Krook. On a Pokémon with no recovery, recovery is near invaluable to have.

Existing Abilities: Sheer Force / Zen Mode
Potential Abilities: Desolate Land / Speed Boost / Tough Claws
Notes: Some may see this as an inferior Victini, but it boasts a higher Attack stat from which you can inflict a whole different world of pain. DesoLand helps it not only deal shitload of damage onto anything that isn't a Volcanion or has Flash Fire, but it also helps it defeat most non-Primordial Sea Water-types 1v1 if they dare switch-in. For example:
252 Atk Sheer Force Darmanitan Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 232+ Def Slowbro in Harsh Sunshine: 138-162 (35 - 41.1%)
It very easily 3HKOs one of the most sturdy physical walls in the whole tier. With a little chip damage, you'll be able to comfortably 2HKO it. Althouhg Victini does a similar amount of damage with the same set, and also has access to Bolt Strike to nail Water-types, so Darm might just be inferior after all.

Existing Abilities: Effect Spore / Regenerator
Potential Abilities: Intimidate / Flower Veil / Magic Bounce / Unaware / Prankster / Magic Bounce
Notes: For this Pokémon, I simply copy-pasted the abilities Tangrowth has, because the two of them are quite similar. However, the mons they check are quite different, thanks to the differing base stats and the added Poison typing this thing has. Flower Veil may seem unnecessary because its already immune to Toxic and doesn't lose much from being paralysed, but being burned is especially annoying. Especially when if you pick this it will most likely be your best Scald / Rotom-Wash switch-in. And we all know Scald secretly has a 99% burn ratio, after all. The other abilities listed allow it to pivot in and be annoying a lot better. Shoutout to Prankster for that hot af +1 Spore.

Existing Abilities: Swarm / Shell Armor / Overcoat
Potential Abilities: Flash Fire
Notes: Flash Fire = Fire immunity. That's really all that needs to be said.

Existing Abilities: Iron Barbs / Anticipation
Potential Abilities: Flash Fire / Prankster / Magic Bounce / Unaware / Regenerator / Primordial Sea / Rocky Helmet
Notes: Flash Fire is a staple pick on Ferrothorn, being able to nullify such a huge weakness. It'll be able to not only absorb the STAB attacks of Fire-types comfortably (and most of the type be able to wall them completely), but also not take damage from random Fire type coverage chosen especially for it. This includes things like HP Fire Latios, Overheat Mega Manectric, etc. Very useful ability. But you must watch out for things like Mold Breaker that will for sure be running a round a lot in this OM. Standard bulky mon abilities are here, including Prankster (helping it somewhat negate its poor speed stat), Magic Bounce (to act as a solid stall answer and also deny hazards from the enemy) and Unaware (to help it handle things like Tail Glow Manaphy and the like). If none of these abilities appeal to you, the you can't really go wrong with the standard Rocky Helmet.

Most common abilities
Regenerator (8.6%)

Is this really a surprise? Regenerator is simply a great ability that enables many Pokémon that previously did not have any recovery to become defensive titans. Gone are the days where your Ferrothorn gets chipped by Choice Specs Scalds and falls. Considering how often Pokémon switch in competitive play, you'll benefit from this ability a lot. This works even better on Pokémon that force switches constantly, like Rotom or Heatran. You can slap it on nearly anything and it'll work wonders. Not much thought is required to use it, as well.
Prankster (6.7%)

Prankster is similar to Regenerator, in the sense that they're both powerful utility abilities, but Prankster doesn't work on as many Pokémon as Regenerator does. Prankster requires a lot of status moves to make the most use out of the ability, whereas Regen doesn't really require anything. Nevertheless, Prankster is quite powerful to ensure strong status moves can land without a hitch. Though you will have to watch out for Magic Bounce shutting you down completely, though. Prankster fits on all playstyles, ranging from Stall to Hyper Offense. As you might know already, both Thundurus and Sableye use Prankster to great effect even though the playstyle they both are used in are vastly different.
Mold Breaker (5.5%)

Note that this also encompasses the sister abilities of Teravolt and Turboblaze, although they don't really have a difference. In an ability-based metagame, naturally lots of Pokémon will want to cover weaknesses and power themselves up with abilities they normally don't have access to. A great way to neutralize these boosts is to use Mold Breaker, obviously. It works very well, at that. Cuts right through immunity abilities like Levitate, Flash Fire and the like. It also stops powerful abilities like Unaware and Magic Bounce right in its tracks, which can be devastating if you rely on those to handle certain threats. All in all, don't sleep on this ability, otherwise you might get destroyed. I've made a post before that discusses ways to handle this ability when using the stall playstyle, but keep in mind that it was 100% theorymonning and no actual experimentation.
Protean (5.5%)

Ah, the banned ability from Balanced Hackmons. This ability is not as powerful in this meta as you might think at first. With the lack of items, Pokémon will not hit as hard as they would in a standard metagame like AAA or OU, for that matter. A Pokémon with Protean will hit harder when using moves that are not of their normal types. For example, a Latios using Surf will receive a power boost relative to a Latios with Life Orb but no Protean. However, when using a move like Draco Meteor or Psychic, you'll be lacking in damage when compared directly to a Latios with another power-enhancing ability like Adaptability. But on a Pokémon with a large movepool, this ability is devastating so don't underestimate it.

Honourable Mentions:
Tough Claws (5.1%)

Boosts the power of contact moves. It isn't as widely used as other abilities that enhance your moves' power, mainly because of the fact that it doesn't work on that many moves. A lot of Pokémon like MegaZard X and most Ground types don't make the best use out of this ability, as some of their coverage (primarily Earthquake) do not make contact.
Adaptability (4.7%)

This ability enhances the power of your STAB attacks more than any other, but it has no other benefits other than that. It's pretty good on Pokémon only reliant on STABs to do well. This could include Pokemon with great STAB coverage (like Keldeo) or simply sky high offenses to the point where coverage makes little difference.
Magic Bounce (4.3%)

Magic Bounce helps tremendously both against and for stall. Having the ability to nullify most status moves is very helpful when it comes to handling Pokémon that rely on it to do the majority of their damage. It has uses on Offense as well. Forcing 50/50 mindgames can be very advantageous, especially if you emerge victorious and manage to use their status move against them.
Tinted Lens (4.3%)

This ability gives you the most power out of any ability that does so, but only on moves that are not super effective against the taret. This makes it great on Pokémon with little good coverage and / or their STAB(s) have poor coverage. Serperior is a great example of a Pokémon that can make great use out of this ability. Just have a look at this:
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Tinted Lens Serperior Leaf Storm vs. 248 HP / 200 SpD Mega Scizor: (46.3 - 54.5%)
Speed Boost (3.5%)

Although this sounds like a devastating ability, for some reason it hasn't flourished in ability OMs. However, Pokémon with high attacking stats but low Speed can naturally make great use of this ability, including things like Tyranitar or Chandelure, for example. It also synergizes pretty well with Moxie, if you can get it to work. One kill could spell disaster for your enemy.
Desolate Land (3.1%)

Desolate Land is at least a strong option for all Fire types out there (with the exception of Volcanion). Helpful immunity to a weakness plus the added benefit of being immune to a type altogether is a great type that helps both offensively and defensively. It's viability is only limited to Fire-types, however. Doesn't make for a great ability overall when only one type can make the most of it.
Sheer Force (3.1%)

Sheer Force only boosts a handful of moves, but if your Pokémon uses those moves there probably isn't a more perfect ability out there for you. Keep in mind that Sheer Force's boost in power is equal to Life Orb's, so if you're not making the most out of that ability then it's not worth using over the item.
Unaware (3.1%)

Unaware is great on defensive Pokémon. If you plan on using a stall team in Enchanted Items, using at least 1 Pokémon using this ability is a necessity. Helps tremendously against boosting Pokémon which otherwise can trouble stall a lot. Keep in mind that a Pokémon with Mold Breaker can very easily be unaware of this ability and bust right on through.
Refrigerate (3.1%)

A neat option if your Pokémon lacks good Ice-Type coverage or STAB. Pokémon that can make good use of this ability consist of Extreme-Speed users (Lucario, Entei), Electric Types (Jolteon, Thundurus) and most physical Ice Types. It doesn't seem to compare much to other offense abilities, though.
Primordial Sea (2.7%)

Similar to Desolate Land, Primordial Sea is a great ability for Water-types. However, having an immunity to a resistance is less valuable than having a resistance to a weakness. Still it does a good job of boosting Water in power, and ensuring moves like Hurricane will never miss. Drizzle should be the option if you plan on having a full rain team, though.
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So, in the OM room we've been discussing Enchanted Items, specifically sets for nearly all OU-viable Pokémon, with a couple of exceptions. Bcadren earlier posted his notes on all the Kanto Pokémon, and afterwards I took over note-taking for Pokémon in Johto right through to towards the end of Unova. Perhaps we'll finish this off one day, but before that happens I'll post what I have so far, I guess. Shoutout Bcadren, Spandan, Hack_Guy, FINITOOOO (lolgroudon) for also theorymonning some of these sets with me. There also was a couple other users but I can't seem to find their forum accounts ;[

I'm guessing you didn't finish unova but here are a few things to add, will edit if needed.

Desolate Land Roserade: Grass/Poison STAB + Fire Weather Ball and Technician boosted HP Ground hits everything that isn't a bulky special wall.

Adaptability Garchomp: Seems better than Tough Claws imo because EQ gets a boost

Bulletproof Ferrothorn/Heatran/other Steels/Pursuit Trappers: Makes them immune to Focus Blast etc. to counter stuff like offensive Psychics and Gengar.
IDK if anyone's brought this up yet, but something rather fun is this badboy:

Azumarill @ Air Balloon
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Return
- Aqua Jet
- Play Rough / Waterfall
- Waterfall / Superpower / Knock Off

With Air Balloon, Azu gains Aerilate for a Flying-type Return to nail switch-ins like Mega Venusaur and Amoonguss for super effective damage. The key advantage over Refrigerate is that you can hit through Thick Fat, which is important for nailing Mega Venusaur in particular but also for any defensive Grass-types which opt to carry Old Amber for their own Thick Fat. This makes Azumarill a much more efficient breaker in some respecs. The key drawback of running this is that you sacrifice Choice Band, which means that your other attacks suffer as a result--so it is very much a trade-off between whether you want to be more powerful or whether you want to be able to lure fat grasses.
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Hi there. First off, LOVE the idea.

Second, you have a few redundant abilities in the list you provided. So, I marked off abilities that are either banned or unusable due to the mechanics of the metagame and made a new list out of them. This should make it easier to scroll down and find legitimate abilities rather than ones that are either illegal or useless.

*DISCLAIMER* I only removed abilities that had no use due to rules and limitations. I also marked the abilities that only affect specific Pokemon in a way that no other Pokemon can attempt to use (like Stance Change etc.) and ones that have no use in competitive single battles. I did NOT remove abilities based on redundancy or their competitive viability/relevance. If you want me to do that, I can look into it later. Let me know if I missed any :)

Aerilate = Air Balloon
Adaptability = Apicot Berry
Anticipation = Black Belt
Arena Trap = Bug Gem Banned
Aroma Veil = Black Glasses
Aura Break = Black Sludge
Bad Dreams = BrightPowder
Battle Armor = Cell Battery
Big Pecks = Charcoal
Blaze = Charti Berry
Bulletproof = Chesto Berry
Cheek Pouch = Chilan Berry Unusable
Chlorophyll = Chople Berry
Clear Body = Coba Berry
Cloud Nine = Colbur Berry
Color Change = Custap Berry
Competitive = Damp Rock
Compound Eyes = Dragon Fang
Contrary = Dark Gem Banned
Cursed Body = Eject Button
Cute Charm = Expert Belt
Damp = Flame Orb
Dark Aura = Focus Band
Defeatist = Full Incense
Defiant = Ganlon Berry
Delta Stream = Grepa Berry
Desolate Land = Grip Claw
Download = Haban Berry
Drizzle = Hard Stone
Drought = Heat Rock
Dry Skin = Iapapa Berry
Early Bird = Icy Rock
Effect Spore = Kasib Berry
Fairy Aura = Kebia Berry
Filter = Kee Berry
Flame Body = Kelpsy Berry
Flare Boost = King's Rock
Flash Fire = Lagging Tail
Flower Gift = Lansat Berry
Flower Veil = Lax Incense
Forecast = Leppa Berry Unusable
Forewarn = Liechi Berry
Friend Guard = Luminous Moss Unusable
Frisk = Magnet
Fur Coat = Dragon Gem Banned
Gale Wings = Maranga Berry
Gluttony = Metal Coat Unusable
Gooey = Metronome
Grass Pelt = Micle Berry
Guts = Miracle Seed
Harvest = Muscle Band
Healer = Mystic Water Unusable
Heatproof = Never-Melt Ice
Heavy Metal = Occa Berry
Honey Gather = Odd Incense Unusable
Huge Power = Electric Gem Banned
Hustle = Passho Berry
Hydration = Payapa Berry
Hyper Cutter = Petaya Berry
Ice Body = Poison Barb
Illuminate = Quick Claw Unusable
Illusion = Razor Claw
Immunity = Razor Fang
Imposter = Fairy Gem Banned
Infiltrator = Rindo Berry
Inner Focus = Rock Incense
Insomnia = Rose Incense
Intimidate = Red Card
Iron Barbs = Roseli Berry
Iron Fist = Safety Goggles
Justified = Salac Berry
Keen Eye = Scope Lens
Klutz = Sea Incense Unusable
Leaf Guard = Sharp Beak
Levitate = Shed Shell
Light Metal = Shell Bell
Lightning Rod = Shuca Berry
Limber = Silk Scarf
Liquid Ooze = SilverPowder
Magic Bounce = Smooth Rock
Magic Guard = Snowball
Magician = Soft Sand Unusable
Magma Armor = Spell Tag
Magnet Pull = Starf Berry
Marvel Scale = Sticky Barb
Mega Launcher = Tanga Berry
Minus = TwistedSpoon
Mold Breaker = Wacan Berry
Moody = Wave Incense Banned
Motor Drive = Weakness Policy
Moxie = White Herb
Multiscale = Wide Lens
Multitype = Wise Glasses Unusable
Mummy = Yache Berry
Natural Cure = Zoom Lens
No Guard = Adamant Orb
Normalize = Burn Drive
Oblivious = Chill Drive
Overcoat = DeepSeaScale
Overgrow = DeepSeaTooth
Own Tempo = Douse Drive
Parental Bond = Fire Gem Banned
Pickpocket = Light Ball Unusable
Pickup = Lucky Punch Unusable
Pixilate = Griseous Orb
Plus = Lustrous Orb
Poison Heal = Metal Powder
Poison Point = Quick Powder
Poison Touch = Shock Drive
Prankster = Soul Dew
Pressure = Stick
Primordial Sea = Thick Club
Protean = Aguav Berry
Pure Power = Ice Gem Banned
Quick Feet = Aspear Berry
Rain Dish = Binding Band
Rattled = Cheri Berry
Reckless = Destiny Knot
Refrigerate = Enigma Berry
Regenerator = Figy Berry
Rivalry = Float Stone
Rock Head = Iron Ball
Rough Skin = Jaboca Berry
Run Away = Macho Brace Unusable
Sand Force = Mago Berry
Sand Rush = Oran Berry
Sand Stream = Pecha Berry
Sand Veil = Persim Berry
Sap Sipper = Rawst Berry
Scrappy = Ring Target
Serene Grace = Rowap Berry
Shadow Tag = Poison Gem Banned
Shed Skin = Wiki Berry
Sheer Force = Armor Fossil
Shell Armor = Belue Berry
Shield Dust = Bluk Berry
Simple = Psychic Gem Banned
Skill Link = Cherish Ball
Slow Start = Claw Fossil
Sniper = Cornn Berry
Snow Cloak = Cover Fossil
Snow Warning = Dive Ball
Solar Power = Dome Fossil
Solid Rock = Dream Ball
Soundproof = Durin Berry
Speed Boost = Dusk Ball
Stall = Electrizer
Stance Change = Energy Powder Unusable
Static = Fast Ball
Steadfast = Freind Ball
Stench = Great Ball
Sticky Hold = Heal Ball Unusable
Storm Drain = Heavy Ball
Strong Jaw = Helix Fossil
Sturdy = Hondew Berry
Suction Cups = Level Ball
Super Luck = Love Ball
Swarm = Lure Ball
Sweet Veil = Luxury Ball
Swift Swim = Magost Berry
Symbiosis = Master Ball Unusable
Synchronize = Moon Ball
Tangled Feet = Nanab Berry
Technician = Nest Ball
Telepathy = Net Ball Unusable
Teravolt = Nomel Berry
Thick Fat = Old Amber
Tinted Lens = Pamtre Berry
Torrent = Park Ball
Tough Claws = Pinap Berry
Toxic Boost = Plume Fossil
Trace = Poke Ball Banned*
Truant = Pomeg Berry
Turboblaze = Premier Ball
Unaware = Qualot Berry
Unburden = Quick Ball Unusable
Unnerve = Rabuta Berry Unusable
Victory Star = Rare Bone
Vital Spirit = Razz Berry
Volt Absorb = Repeat Ball
Water Absorb = Root Fossil
Water Veil = Safari Ball
Weak Armor = Skull Fossil
White Smoke = Spelon Berry
Wonder Guard = Steel Gem Banned
Wonder Skin = Sport Ball
Zen Mode = Tamato Berry Unusable
Aerilate = Air Balloon
Adaptability = Apicot Berry
Anticipation = Black Belt
Aroma Veil = Black Glasses
Aura Break = Black Sludge
Bad Dreams = BrightPowder
Battle Armor = Cell Battery
Big Pecks = Charcoal
Blaze = Charti Berry
Bulletproof = Chesto Berry
Chlorophyll = Chople Berry
Clear Body = Coba Berry
Cloud Nine = Colbur Berry
Color Change = Custap Berry
Competitive = Damp Rock
Compound Eyes = Dragon Fang
Cursed Body = Eject Button
Cute Charm = Expert Belt
Damp = Flame Orb
Dark Aura = Focus Band
Defeatist = Full Incense
Defiant = Ganlon Berry
Delta Stream = Grepa Berry
Desolate Land = Grip Claw
Download = Haban Berry
Drizzle = Hard Stone
Drought = Heat Rock
Dry Skin = Iapapa Berry
Early Bird = Icy Rock
Effect Spore = Kasib Berry
Fairy Aura = Kebia Berry
Filter = Kee Berry
Flame Body = Kelpsy Berry
Flare Boost = King's Rock
Flash Fire = Lagging Tail
Flower Gift = Lansat Berry
Flower Veil = Lax Incense
Forewarn = Liechi Berry
Frisk = Magnet
Gale Wings = Maranga Berry
Gooey = Metronome
Grass Pelt = Micle Berry
Guts = Miracle Seed
Harvest = Muscle Band
Heatproof = Never-Melt Ice
Heavy Metal = Occa Berry
Hustle = Passho Berry
Hydration = Payapa Berry
Hyper Cutter = Petaya Berry
Ice Body = Poison Barb
Illusion = Razor Claw
Immunity = Razor Fang
Infiltrator = Rindo Berry
Inner Focus = Rock Incense
Insomnia = Rose Incense
Intimidate = Red Card
Iron Barbs = Roseli Berry
Iron Fist = Safety Goggles
Justified = Salac Berry
Keen Eye = Scope Lens
Leaf Guard = Sharp Beak
Levitate = Shed Shell
Light Metal = Shell Bell
Lightning Rod = Shuca Berry
Limber = Silk Scarf
Liquid Ooze = SilverPowder
Magic Bounce = Smooth Rock
Magic Guard = Snowball
Magma Armor = Spell Tag
Magnet Pull = Starf Berry
Marvel Scale = Sticky Barb
Mega Launcher = Tanga Berry
Minus = TwistedSpoon
Mold Breaker = Wacan Berry
Motor Drive = Weakness Policy
Moxie = White Herb
Multiscale = Wide Lens
Mummy = Yache Berry
Natural Cure = Zoom Lens
No Guard = Adamant Orb
Normalize = Burn Drive
Oblivious = Chill Drive
Overcoat = DeepSeaScale
Overgrow = DeepSeaTooth
Own Tempo = Douse Drive
Pixilate = Griseous Orb
Plus = Lustrous Orb
Poison Heal = Metal Powder
Poison Point = Quick Powder
Poison Touch = Shock Drive
Prankster = Soul Dew
Pressure = Stick
Primordial Sea = Thick Club
Protean = Aguav Berry
Quick Feet = Aspear Berry
Rain Dish = Binding Band
Rattled = Cheri Berry
Reckless = Destiny Knot
Refrigerate = Enigma Berry
Regenerator = Figy Berry
Rivalry = Float Stone
Rock Head = Iron Ball
Rough Skin = Jaboca Berry
Sand Force = Mago Berry
Sand Rush = Oran Berry
Sand Stream = Pecha Berry
Sand Veil = Persim Berry
Sap Sipper = Rawst Berry
Scrappy = Ring Target
Serene Grace = Rowap Berry
Shed Skin = Wiki Berry
Sheer Force = Armor Fossil
Shell Armor = Belue Berry
Shield Dust = Bluk Berry
Skill Link = Cherish Ball
Slow Start = Claw Fossil
Sniper = Cornn Berry
Snow Cloak = Cover Fossil
Snow Warning = Dive Ball
Solar Power = Dome Fossil
Solid Rock = Dream Ball
Soundproof = Durin Berry
Speed Boost = Dusk Ball
Stall = Electrizer
Static = Fast Ball
Steadfast = Freind Ball
Stench = Great Ball
Storm Drain = Heavy Ball
Strong Jaw = Helix Fossil
Sturdy = Hondew Berry
Suction Cups = Level Ball
Super Luck = Love Ball
Swarm = Lure Ball
Sweet Veil = Luxury Ball
Swift Swim = Magost Berry
Synchronize = Moon Ball
Tangled Feet = Nanab Berry
Technician = Nest Ball
Teravolt = Nomel Berry
Thick Fat = Old Amber
Tinted Lens = Pamtre Berry
Torrent = Park Ball
Tough Claws = Pinap Berry
Toxic Boost = Plume Fossil
Truant = Pomeg Berry
Turboblaze = Premier Ball
Unaware = Qualot Berry
Victory Star = Rare Bone
Vital Spirit = Razz Berry
Volt Absorb = Repeat Ball
Water Absorb = Root Fossil
Water Veil = Safari Ball
Weak Armor = Skull Fossil
White Smoke = Spelon Berry
Wonder Skin = Sport Ball

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Hi there. First off, LOVE the idea.

Second, you have a few redundant abilities in the list you provided. So, I marked off abilities that are either banned or unusable due to the mechanics of the metagame and made a new list out of them. This should make it easier to scroll down and find legitimate abilities rather than ones that are either illegal or useless.

*DISCLAIMER* I only removed abilities that had no use due to rules and limitations. I also marked the abilities that only affect specific Pokemon in a way that no other Pokemon can attempt to use (like Stance Change etc.) and ones that have no use in competitive single battles. I did NOT remove abilities based on redundancy or their competitive viability/relevance. If you want me to do that, I can look into it later. Let me know if I missed any :)

Aerilate = Air Balloon
Adaptability = Apicot Berry
Anticipation = Black Belt
Arena Trap = Bug Gem Banned
Aroma Veil = Black Glasses
Aura Break = Black Sludge
Bad Dreams = BrightPowder
Battle Armor = Cell Battery
Big Pecks = Charcoal
Blaze = Charti Berry
Bulletproof = Chesto Berry
Cheek Pouch = Chilan Berry Unusable
Chlorophyll = Chople Berry
Clear Body = Coba Berry
Cloud Nine = Colbur Berry
Color Change = Custap Berry
Competitive = Damp Rock
Compound Eyes = Dragon Fang
Contrary = Dark Gem Banned
Cursed Body = Eject Button
Cute Charm = Expert Belt
Damp = Flame Orb
Dark Aura = Focus Band
Defeatist = Full Incense
Defiant = Ganlon Berry
Delta Stream = Grepa Berry
Desolate Land = Grip Claw
Download = Haban Berry
Drizzle = Hard Stone
Drought = Heat Rock
Dry Skin = Iapapa Berry
Early Bird = Icy Rock
Effect Spore = Kasib Berry
Fairy Aura = Kebia Berry
Filter = Kee Berry
Flame Body = Kelpsy Berry
Flare Boost = King's Rock
Flash Fire = Lagging Tail
Flower Gift = Lansat Berry
Flower Veil = Lax Incense Unusable
Forecast = Leppa Berry Unusable
Forewarn = Liechi Berry
Friend Guard = Luminous Moss Unusable
Frisk = Magnet
Fur Coat = Dragon Gem Banned
Gale Wings = Maranga Berry
Gluttony = Metal Coat Unusable
Gooey = Metronome
Grass Pelt = Micle Berry
Guts = Miracle Seed
Harvest = Muscle Band
Healer = Mystic Water Unusable
Heatproof = Never-Melt Ice
Heavy Metal = Occa Berry
Honey Gather = Odd Incense Unusable
Huge Power = Electric Gem Banned
Hustle = Passho Berry
Hydration = Payapa Berry
Hyper Cutter = Petaya Berry
Ice Body = Poison Barb
Illuminate = Quick Claw Unusable
Illusion = Razor Claw
Immunity = Razor Fang
Imposter = Fairy Gem Banned
Infiltrator = Rindo Berry
Inner Focus = Rock Incense
Insomnia = Rose Incense
Intimidate = Red Card
Iron Barbs = Roseli Berry
Iron Fist = Safety Goggles
Justified = Salac Berry
Keen Eye = Scope Lens
Klutz = Sea Incense Unusable
Leaf Guard = Sharp Beak
Levitate = Shed Shell
Light Metal = Shell Bell
Lightning Rod = Shuca Berry
Limber = Silk Scarf
Liquid Ooze = SilverPowder
Magic Bounce = Smooth Rock
Magic Guard = Snowball
Magician = Soft Sand Unusable
Magma Armor = Spell Tag
Magnet Pull = Starf Berry
Marvel Scale = Sticky Barb
Mega Launcher = Tanga Berry
Minus = TwistedSpoon
Mold Breaker = Wacan Berry
Moody = Wave Incense Banned
Motor Drive = Weakness Policy
Moxie = White Herb
Multiscale = Wide Lens
Multitype = Wise Glasses Unusable
Mummy = Yache Berry
Natural Cure = Zoom Lens
No Guard = Adamant Orb
Normalize = Burn Drive
Oblivious = Chill Drive
Overcoat = DeepSeaScale
Overgrow = DeepSeaTooth
Own Tempo = Douse Drive
Parental Bond = Fire Gem Banned
Pickpocket = Light Ball Unusable
Pickup = Lucky Punch Unusable
Pixilate = Griseous Orb
Plus = Lustrous Orb
Poison Heal = Metal Powder
Poison Point = Quick Powder
Poison Touch = Shock Drive
Prankster = Soul Dew
Pressure = Stick
Primordial Sea = Thick Club
Protean = Aguav Berry
Pure Power = Ice Gem Banned
Quick Feet = Aspear Berry
Rain Dish = Binding Band
Rattled = Cheri Berry
Reckless = Destiny Knot
Refrigerate = Enigma Berry
Regenerator = Figy Berry
Rivalry = Float Stone
Rock Head = Iron Ball
Rough Skin = Jaboca Berry
Run Away = Macho Brace Unusable
Sand Force = Mago Berry
Sand Rush = Oran Berry
Sand Stream = Pecha Berry
Sand Veil = Persim Berry
Sap Sipper = Rawst Berry
Scrappy = Ring Target
Serene Grace = Rowap Berry
Shadow Tag = Poison Gem Banned
Shed Skin = Wiki Berry
Sheer Force = Armor Fossil
Shell Armor = Belue Berry
Shield Dust = Bluk Berry
Simple = Psychic Gem Banned
Skill Link = Cherish Ball
Slow Start = Claw Fossil
Sniper = Cornn Berry
Snow Cloak = Cover Fossil
Snow Warning = Dive Ball
Solar Power = Dome Fossil
Solid Rock = Dream Ball
Soundproof = Durin Berry
Speed Boost = Dusk Ball
Stall = Electrizer
Stance Change = Energy Powder Unusable
Static = Fast Ball
Steadfast = Freind Ball
Stench = Great Ball
Sticky Hold = Heal Ball Unusable
Storm Drain = Heavy Ball
Strong Jaw = Helix Fossil
Sturdy = Hondew Berry
Suction Cups = Level Ball
Super Luck = Love Ball
Swarm = Lure Ball
Sweet Veil = Luxury Ball
Swift Swim = Magost Berry
Symbiosis = Master Ball Unusable
Synchronize = Moon Ball
Tangled Feet = Nanab Berry
Technician = Nest Ball
Telepathy = Net Ball Unusable
Teravolt = Nomel Berry
Thick Fat = Old Amber
Tinted Lens = Pamtre Berry
Torrent = Park Ball
Tough Claws = Pinap Berry
Toxic Boost = Plume Fossil
Trace = Poke Ball Banned*
Truant = Pomeg Berry
Turboblaze = Premier Ball
Unaware = Qualot Berry
Unburden = Quick Ball Unusable
Unnerve = Rabuta Berry Unusable
Victory Star = Rare Bone
Vital Spirit = Razz Berry
Volt Absorb = Repeat Ball
Water Absorb = Root Fossil
Water Veil = Safari Ball
Weak Armor = Skull Fossil
White Smoke = Spelon Berry
Wonder Guard = Steel Gem Banned
Wonder Skin = Sport Ball
Zen Mode = Tamato Berry Unusable
Aerilate = Air Balloon
Adaptability = Apicot Berry
Anticipation = Black Belt
Aroma Veil = Black Glasses
Aura Break = Black Sludge
Bad Dreams = BrightPowder
Battle Armor = Cell Battery
Big Pecks = Charcoal
Blaze = Charti Berry
Bulletproof = Chesto Berry
Chlorophyll = Chople Berry
Clear Body = Coba Berry
Cloud Nine = Colbur Berry
Color Change = Custap Berry
Competitive = Damp Rock
Compound Eyes = Dragon Fang
Cursed Body = Eject Button
Cute Charm = Expert Belt
Damp = Flame Orb
Dark Aura = Focus Band
Defeatist = Full Incense
Defiant = Ganlon Berry
Delta Stream = Grepa Berry
Desolate Land = Grip Claw
Download = Haban Berry
Drizzle = Hard Stone
Drought = Heat Rock
Dry Skin = Iapapa Berry
Early Bird = Icy Rock
Effect Spore = Kasib Berry
Fairy Aura = Kebia Berry
Filter = Kee Berry
Flame Body = Kelpsy Berry
Flare Boost = King's Rock
Flash Fire = Lagging Tail
Flower Gift = Lansat Berry
Forewarn = Liechi Berry
Frisk = Magnet
Gale Wings = Maranga Berry
Gooey = Metronome
Grass Pelt = Micle Berry
Guts = Miracle Seed
Harvest = Muscle Band
Heatproof = Never-Melt Ice
Heavy Metal = Occa Berry
Hustle = Passho Berry
Hydration = Payapa Berry
Hyper Cutter = Petaya Berry
Ice Body = Poison Barb
Illusion = Razor Claw
Immunity = Razor Fang
Infiltrator = Rindo Berry
Inner Focus = Rock Incense
Insomnia = Rose Incense
Intimidate = Red Card
Iron Barbs = Roseli Berry
Iron Fist = Safety Goggles
Justified = Salac Berry
Keen Eye = Scope Lens
Leaf Guard = Sharp Beak
Levitate = Shed Shell
Light Metal = Shell Bell
Lightning Rod = Shuca Berry
Limber = Silk Scarf
Liquid Ooze = SilverPowder
Magic Bounce = Smooth Rock
Magic Guard = Snowball
Magma Armor = Spell Tag
Magnet Pull = Starf Berry
Marvel Scale = Sticky Barb
Mega Launcher = Tanga Berry
Minus = TwistedSpoon
Mold Breaker = Wacan Berry
Motor Drive = Weakness Policy
Moxie = White Herb
Multiscale = Wide Lens
Mummy = Yache Berry
Natural Cure = Zoom Lens
No Guard = Adamant Orb
Normalize = Burn Drive
Oblivious = Chill Drive
Overcoat = DeepSeaScale
Overgrow = DeepSeaTooth
Own Tempo = Douse Drive
Pixilate = Griseous Orb
Plus = Lustrous Orb
Poison Heal = Metal Powder
Poison Point = Quick Powder
Poison Touch = Shock Drive
Prankster = Soul Dew
Pressure = Stick
Primordial Sea = Thick Club
Protean = Aguav Berry
Quick Feet = Aspear Berry
Rain Dish = Binding Band
Rattled = Cheri Berry
Reckless = Destiny Knot
Refrigerate = Enigma Berry
Regenerator = Figy Berry
Rivalry = Float Stone
Rock Head = Iron Ball
Rough Skin = Jaboca Berry
Sand Force = Mago Berry
Sand Rush = Oran Berry
Sand Stream = Pecha Berry
Sand Veil = Persim Berry
Sap Sipper = Rawst Berry
Scrappy = Ring Target
Serene Grace = Rowap Berry
Shed Skin = Wiki Berry
Sheer Force = Armor Fossil
Shell Armor = Belue Berry
Shield Dust = Bluk Berry
Skill Link = Cherish Ball
Slow Start = Claw Fossil
Sniper = Cornn Berry
Snow Cloak = Cover Fossil
Snow Warning = Dive Ball
Solar Power = Dome Fossil
Solid Rock = Dream Ball
Soundproof = Durin Berry
Speed Boost = Dusk Ball
Stall = Electrizer
Static = Fast Ball
Steadfast = Freind Ball
Stench = Great Ball
Storm Drain = Heavy Ball
Strong Jaw = Helix Fossil
Sturdy = Hondew Berry
Suction Cups = Level Ball
Super Luck = Love Ball
Swarm = Lure Ball
Sweet Veil = Luxury Ball
Swift Swim = Magost Berry
Synchronize = Moon Ball
Tangled Feet = Nanab Berry
Technician = Nest Ball
Teravolt = Nomel Berry
Thick Fat = Old Amber
Tinted Lens = Pamtre Berry
Torrent = Park Ball
Tough Claws = Pinap Berry
Toxic Boost = Plume Fossil
Truant = Pomeg Berry
Turboblaze = Premier Ball
Unaware = Qualot Berry
Victory Star = Rare Bone
Vital Spirit = Razz Berry
Volt Absorb = Repeat Ball
Water Absorb = Root Fossil
Water Veil = Safari Ball
Weak Armor = Skull Fossil
White Smoke = Spelon Berry
Wonder Skin = Sport Ball

its not redundant, because for this meta to be acceptable, ALL abilities need to be implimented as an item, banned, useless, or otherwise. it becomes a pet mod if he doesn't. there is a reason he has them on there, and its not because he intentionally made wonder guard as an item not knowing that would be completely broken.
its not redundant, because for this meta to be acceptable, ALL abilities need to be implimented as an item, banned, useless, or otherwise. it becomes a pet mod if he doesn't. there is a reason he has them on there, and its not because he intentionally made wonder guard as an item not knowing that would be completely broken.

I know all abilities need to be implemented. I never said "don't put these in because they're unusable." I'm just simplifying the search so that the clutter wouldn't be in the way for someone looking for abilities and their respective items for their Pokemon. No player would want to use some of the listed abilities because they are equivalent to having absolutely no ability at all, which is what I meant by saying redundant.

All I'm doing is easing the search for people; I have no intention of changing what's already put in.

Why would Flower Veil be unusable?

Oh shoot. I read that it only affected Grass-type allies and assumed it only worked in doubles. If it doesn't work that way and also affects the user, my mistake. I'll fix that :s
Note that when I implemented this meta on my server I added the standard Item clause, which only allows one of each item, but it shouldn't be too hard to change it to two.
I've now implemented a custom Ability Clause - it limits you to two of each Ability, including Abilities gained from using Enchanted Items. (This means that you can now run 6×Leftovers again.)
Noivern @ Air Balloon
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Boomburst
- Draco Meteor
- Heat Wave
- U-turn

Here's to another meta with flying type stab boomburst noivern
Well, it'll be fun to see what this meta turns into, and tbh I wish it could get two months in a row, but as of right now it looks like this might be the ototm for July, so congrats Grain of Salt!

Edit: It's official! yay! I hope to make a post soon with neat ideas and wot not!
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I was excited to see that you can use Prankster+Pixilate/Refrigerate+Nature Power, which gives the user a more powerful priority Tri Attack. Then you notice that only the Whimsicott and Aurorus that can have this combo. Aurorus with its 99 SpA could use this combo effectively I guess. It could be worse in the opposite way and Slyveon gets Nature Power.

Now, when we get our hands on Sun/Moon, what will happen with the new abilities (if Sun/Moon have more new abilities than new items) in this meta?
One question. How would Normalize + an -ate ability work? Here are some specific questions.

If a Mega Gardevoir used Hyper Voice with the ability Normalize, would it stay normal and gain base power, become fairy and gain base power, or do nothing?
If a Mega Gardevoir used Moonblast, would it become normal or gain base power?
If a Mega Gardevoir used Psychic, would it become normal or fairy?
Does anyone know if Plus and Minus can be used together on the same Pokemon to get the effect? While not the best option, Ampharos and Manetric could potentially abuse it, and maybe even Dedenne or Klinklang
Does anyone know if Plus and Minus can be used together on the same Pokemon to get the effect? While not the best option, Ampharos and Manetric could potentially abuse it, and maybe even Dedenne or Klinklang

Plus and Minus are both useless in Single battles, so no Pokémon can abuse it in this game mode
Hmm okay I had this idea, how does Multiscale Volcarona sound? Even filter could work, letting it set up a quiver dance...
Also AJA change the title of thread and your signature lol

Enchanted items has been chosen for OMOTM July 2016

Welcome to Enchanted items, the first coded metagame where you can have two abilities at once! This post is meant as an easy introduction t to the metagame, further resources can be found in the OP on page one. For now, let me explain the metagame mechanics. So to make two abilities at once working, we had to replace the effects of existing Items to fit that of abilities! An example is Figy berry, Figy berry is useless in standard metagames. It restores 1/8 of max HP when at 1/2 of max HP or less, it may confuse. In Enchanted Items however Figy restores 1/3 of your max HP when switching - just like regenerator. 191 Items have been tailored to fit 191 abilities!

The bot

Abyssal Bot is a bot on the main server, located in the Other Metas room. If you pm it with -ei (ability)" It will give you the appropriate item.
Like this!
Screen Shot 2016-07-01 at 15.14.15.png

Players with exceptional knowledge of the metagame

These people have been active in the community, wether its discussion or helping me with resources. I trust their knowledge of the metagame and I hope they will be able to help you if you ever need it!

Scarf Wynaut
eviolite goomy
- Added Kyurem-Black to ban list
- Added Chatter to ban list
- Added ability/item clause restricting abilities to 2 per team, regardless of native users or item holders
- Changed Prankster to Mail from Soul dew
- Remove a Q&A question that's no longer relevant
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Weather in Enchanted Items
Weather plays an important role in this metagame. With Pokemon getting both a weather ability and another which gains from it at the same time, weather abuse could be seen on almost every EI team. I'll post some notable examples here.
Many Pokemon have abilities which benefit from sandstorm. Sand also increases the special defense of Rock type Pokemon, hurts the other types. This could benefit Pokemon who are looking for some indirect damage along with access to recovery and bulk. Notable Pokemon which Benefit from Sand are:
Having access to both Sand Rush and Sand Force, paired with Sand Stream, this Pokemon can hit hard. Sand Force benefits is attacks, while Sand Rush makes it faster helping it to hit hard with its already high base attack.
This Pokemon has Sand Stream as its Standard Ability, and again it can use Sand Force or Sand Rush as its secondary ability. Sand Force allows it to hit hard, while Sand Rush allows it to outspeed (while being uninvested) some Pokemon in the tier like Bisharp, Dragonite, Heatran, Volcanion, etc.
Although this will be used very less, it is a legit Sand Stream + Sand force user. It has a massive 135 base attack, and a 130 base Defense which makes it usable as a Physical Wall on Sand Teams. Sand Force allows it to hit hard, and moves Like Rock Polish allow it to gain some speed.
Uh oh, another possible Sand Stream + Sand Rush user! With a decent 110 base attack, this thing can hit Pokes as well. Not much to say here.
Although these Pokes can be used, Sandstorms can be easily killed by Desoland/Primsea, so sand teams arent much reliable in Enchanted Items.

Snow doesn't have many abilities that benefit from it, The only ones being Snow Cloak(which is unreliable), Ice Body(could be paired up with Weather Ball), and Forecast(only works with castform). So again here, I dont have much to say.
In Sun, There is a choice of Abilities: Desoland and Drought. Desoland doesn't totally outclass Drought, because Drought could be used to support team mates who are in need of more boosts from sun. The abilities which benefit from sun are: Leaf Guard, Solar Power, Chlorophyll. Other abilities are Forecast(only works with Castform), Flower Gift(Only works with Cherrim) and Harvest(useless). Also it must be noted that Weather Ball, Moonlight, Morning Sun, and Synthesis are boosted as well. Some notable Pokemon which can make use of this are:
Okay, This Pokemon gets Chlorophyll. Synthesis. Growth. Solarbeam. Perfect Desoland/Drought user? Maybe. These abilities also cause it to take 2x damage from Fire, which could hurt. But yes, if that is ignored, this thing could be used used very well, Because of all the boosts it gets.
Hmm, another Grass/Poison type Chlorophyll user, and this one gets sucker punch along with the moves that Venusaur gets. Except, its less bulky.
Yeah, this thing. But it would rather run Regen than Chlorophyll. Or, you could run leaf guard on it. But, doesn't it die to like, Ember?
Aww. This thing is same like the others. Except, its more of a physical attacker. Yeah, This thing dies to fire attacks too. Also, Leaf Guard isn't much of a great ability on it.
Okay, Enough of these Grass types. Charizard is a Pokemon which could use Drought/Desoland very well. With Solar Power, now it can hit harder, and it also has a Water Immunity. Also, it has coverage options like Solarbeam. Do I need to say more?
Solar. Power. Water. Immunity. Not much to say.
Yes, this Pokemon. It is this best thing that could wall dem Primsea Manaphys. It loves Water Immunity, and the boost to its Fire Moves. Anything more to say?
Boosted V-Create! Water Immunity! Boosted Blue Flare! This thing is raw power. I'm surely gonna find this thing on one in ten teams.
Okay so these are the notable mons which benefit from Sun. Note that Drought isnt totally outclassed by Desoland.

Hmm, I like this. Same as sun, this is very useful, and will be seen on many teams. We again have a choice here: Primsea and Drizzle. Again, Drizzle isn't totally outclassed by Primsea, because it can support teammates which would run something other than this.
Now coming to abilities which benefit from this. There are many here, notable ones are Dry Skin, Swift Swim, Hydration. Other abilities include Rain Dish (Outclassed by Dry Skin) and Forecast(Usable only on Castform). Weather Ball has its Power doubled, and turns into water type. Notable Pokemon using Rain are:
Oh yes, this thing. Its a pillar of EI. Having access to Tail Glow, which boosts its Special Attack Drastically, and Rest+Hydration which Gives it Full Recovery in rain, this thing can Sweep teams with ease. Expect this on almost all EI teams you find.
Fire Killer! Swift Swim, which grants it Double Speed, and Access to an Attack Boosting move like Swords Dance. Another Sweeper Found! But yeah, this thing gets walled by Desoland Grass types which switch into it. Possible sweeper? You decide!
Another Swift Swimmer. These things keep coming.
Hmm, This thing can use Hydration+Rest as well. For boosts, Curse is an option. It can be used as a staller, with the set Rest+Toxic+Attract]+Heal Bell+Aqua Ring. Nice bulk.
Okay, This thing can switch into wannabe Fire type Desoland Sweepers. It also loves rain boosted Hydro Pump, and full accuracy Thunder.
Oh yeah, this thing again. Full accuracy Thunder, Rain Boosted Surf, Dry Skin Recovery, etc. Nice Speed, Nice Special Attack. This can be used to kill some Pokemon which are boosted, but cannot outspeed it.
Okay so I found another Interesting set. I used this to kill the Togekisses I faced. Primsea+Hydration, with the moves Rest,Perish Song, Block/Whirlpool,Protect. Can be used to kill multiple Pokemon, and it also benefits from the full recovery with Rest. Try using it.
Scizor, Ferrothorn, and Zapdos can be used too. But I didnt find em much important to post (Altho Zapdos is, Its 12:00 AM here already, so I have to sleep).

Conclusion: Weather is an important part of this metagame. Expect every team to have or or another Pokemon based on weather.
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I really love this meta, and I have a cool combination


(Machamp) @ Passho Berry (Hustle)
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Dynamic Punch
- Stone Edge
- Bullet Punch
- Ice Punch

Hustle gives you extra power while lowering accuracy on your moves. Now, with No Guard, you get the attack boost without having to worry about missing your moves. Now Machamp's attack get crazy strong.
I think there's a glitch with the Abyssal Bot, as it does not respond to my commands for abilities when I PM it, such as "-ie prankster".

The correct command is -ei, not -ie.

Also, If i have the item for Minus, and my pokémon has Plus, do i get the ability boost twice? Like, 1.5x by Plus and 1.5x by Minus.
If i have the item for Minus, and my pokémon has Plus, do i get the ability boost twice? Like, 1.5x by Plus and 1.5x by Minus.
Sorry, that only works with allies, but in EI Doubles, you could use the items to boost both of your special attackers at once.
Emboar @ Iron Ball
Ability: Reckless
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 10 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Superpower
- Head Smash
- Scald

Rock Head to protect the recoil damage and Reckless for boosting the power of Head Smash and Flare Blitz
I'm liking Druddigon a lot as a basic af HO lead. It's the only available mon with prankster, mold breaker taunt and stealth rock. At 77/90/90, it's got just enough bulk to get off a taunt and SR against defensive mons, and it can just SR straight off the bat against offensive leads. Glare is also a nice addition. who doesn't love parahax? I can't decide on a good fourth move. Rn I can't decide between sucker punch and dragon claw.
Here's the set I'm using, could someone help me w EVs? what benchmarks should i try to hit?
Druddigon @ Mail
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Glare
- Dragon Claw