I'm not going to participate in this tournament because i won't have the time but wouldnt scarf imprison smeargle be an option with Imprison/Dark Void/Entrainment/(tranform?)

TBH Not even sure I'd bother with Scarf Smeargle in this metagame. After the initial shock, people have adapted pretty well to Smeargle. Smeargle is no joke, but its certainly easier to deal with than it is in VGC thanks to Lum and Chesto Berries being easy to slap on several mons, and a lot of priority / fast Pokemon flying around at the moment.

Scarf in particular is really vulnerable to priority and lum berries, so I'd probably try something else if I wanted to screw with Smeargle, like Lum Hitmontop or Feint / Fake Out Pokemon like Weavile.
Thanks ! I will try Rain and maybe the fire mons in the next few days.

[EDIT] Since my team struggles against Trick Room too, I can maybe add Hariyama, in a variant of Hitmonlee. It has Fake Out and Wide Guard too but Thick Fat instead of Intimidate, which can help me against Heat Wave users. Finally, it's slower than Hitmonlee to help against Trick Room.

Have you tried gastrodon? It's slow enough that it's slower than many TR mons, while also savage against fire times.

Also, despite preparing for this competition it looks like I can't get my 3ds hooked up to the wifi at my place for the summer (browser-based authentication system), so I guess I'm not participating.
Have you tried gastrodon? It's slow enough that it's slower than many TR mons, while also savage against fire times.

Also, despite preparing for this competition it looks like I can't get my 3ds hooked up to the wifi at my place for the summer (browser-based authentication system), so I guess I'm not participating.

I'm pretty sure you can use the 3DS Web Browser to authenticate.
Have you tried gastrodon? It's slow enough that it's slower than many TR mons, while also savage against fire times.

I didn't think to try it :/ My team is bred on 3DS now and I can't test it anymore
Is anybody else having problems login in the PGL site? It says my password is wrong but it can't be wrong because I'm using a password manager. I may miss this competition if I don't sign up in time.
Is anybody else having problems login in the PGL site? It says my password is wrong but it can't be wrong because I'm using a password manager. I may miss this competition if I don't sign up in time.
I've been having the same issue. Nothing to do but keep trying at different times, I clicked the "forgot password" option and it redirected me to a page saying that they're getting a lot of traffic with people signing up in anticipation of Sun & Moon (so I couldn't even request to retrieve my pw...)
Looking increasingly unlikely that I'll get my planned team together in time so it's gonna be jokey-ingame-strats. If you come across someone on the ladder with latios/blazekin/azumarill/breloom/gardevoir/mightyena that's me. You're welcome in advance for the win and giggles.

I suppose I can try and EV train them a bit if I reset whatever was done over the course of the playthrough, but there's not a lot I can do about their natures so *shrug*

(I can't log on to PGL at the moment, either. Getting the "down for maintenance" message)
Hi there, I want to participate in this tornament but i don't have ideas for a team. Can anyone suggest one pls( no weather)? I'd really like to use infernape.
I've been having the same issue. Nothing to do but keep trying at different times, I clicked the "forgot password" option and it redirected me to a page saying that they're getting a lot of traffic with people signing up in anticipation of Sun & Moon (so I couldn't even request to retrieve my pw...)

I've been trying all week with no luck, even restoring my "username" and changing "password" and nothing works...
Pokemon Go logins have put a lot of stain on the Pokemon Trainer Club servers.

God yeah. My GO is linked to my PTC account and I can almost never get on the server. My pals using their google logins for it aren't having nearly as many issues. I'd switch, but I don't wanna start again.

Managed to get on the PGL and register around midday GMT (3 hours ago) without any problems so that might be a good time to try for anyone still having issues. Good luck everyone!
Can anyone rate my team? Any advice is appreciated pls :)

If you run discharge on Zapdos you can play it alongside Garchomp (who is immune) and inflict damage on both opposing pokés at once. Similarly, Zapdos is immune to Garchomp's earthquake so the play goes the other way as well. Of course, TBolt is more powerful so that's really personal preference.

I didn't find Mach Punch on my Infernape to be that useful, so swapped it out for Protect. Play about with it on Showdown, though, see if you run into a lot of 'mons Mach Punch is good against and how much you're personally likely to use it with your play style vs how much you want to run protect plays.

ETA: Sludge Bomb is more powerful than Poison Jab for dealing with Ludi
I'm looking to build a team of metagross ludicolo politoed gengar weavile arcanine. any suggestions for sets for arcanine? and do you think band weavile has any use as I'm using an assault vest fake out ludicolo

Edit: or even a life orb weavile. I was trying out a life orb 3 attacks arcanine too but I've rarely needed it
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If you run discharge on Zapdos you can play it alongside Garchomp (who is immune) and inflict damage on both opposing pokés at once. Similarly, Zapdos is immune to Garchomp's earthquake so the play goes the other way as well. Of course, TBolt is more powerful so that's really personal preference.

I didn't find Mach Punch on my Infernape to be that useful, so swapped it out for Protect. Play about with it on Showdown, though, see if you run into a lot of 'mons Mach Punch is good against and how much you're personally likely to use it with your play style vs how much you want to run protect plays.

ETA: Sludge Bomb is more powerful than Poison Jab for dealing with Ludi
I chose poison jab to deal with assault vest ludicolos
I'm planning on a hyper offense utilising Garchomp, Infernape, Weavile, Azelf, Latias (which I could choice or vest, not sure yet) and Togekiss, who I suspect will wall most garchomps (bar Stone Edge, Iron Head and Rock Slide) at least get a free switch in. The Togekiss is the only Pokemon I'm going to use that is defensive, using the standard support set (tailwind as I suspect ground types will be common) follow me, air slash, protect.
Go can fuck itself seriously, I have not been able to log in at all to PGL.
This comp is gonna be fun imo but not if Go maims the servers...

Togekiss is pro in Doubles, just keep a serious eye on Zapdos. And why on Earth would you run AV Latias I don't even
Latias is also awesome in Doubles, but I wouldn't suggest two heavy support mons unless you really know what you're doing. Weavile is the only thing you have that isn't outright walled by and set up on by Cresselia, so you might want Scizor or Yanmega or something.
I'm stuck on a team. I have Scizor, Abomasnow, and Cresselia, but cannot decide on the rest.

Was thinking Rotom-H.

Adding another trick room user might announce trick room.

Thinking Mr Mime for wide guard, quick guard, fake out, and a random attack.

Filter Mr Mime is fun because people still forget he is half fairy type.

Sableye might be a good fit also.
So PGL is saying that my password is wrong, is this a symptom of Pokemon GO annihilating the servers or is this something else?

I ended up changing my password too, hopefully that doesn't screw anything up when I try to log on again...
So PGL is saying that my password is wrong, is this a symptom of Pokemon GO annihilating the servers or is this something else?

I ended up changing my password too, hopefully that doesn't screw anything up when I try to log on again...
I've been having the same issue. Nothing to do but keep trying at different times, I clicked the "forgot password" option and it redirected me to a page saying that they're getting a lot of traffic with people signing up in anticipation of Sun & Moon (so I couldn't even request to retrieve my pw...)
The PGL finally decided to let me reset my password instead of redirecting me to the "sorry the servers are overloaded" page, and yet it's still saying my password is wrong. I'm actually doubting I'll be able to play at all unless they fix it by Thursday...