Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Discussion MKII

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Something to note is actually for the official image for pokemon riding.

from what I can tell, you use the device in the trainer's hand to 'pick' a pokemon to ride and then take a weird pokeball out of the device and let out the pokemon (look at the female trainer, it looks like theres an orb shape in the place where there's a hole for the male trainer's device) so maybe it's a sort of portable storage system of some sort? It'll probably be explained in the game, but either way, it's a cool detail you don't see in the trailer.
The site already confirmes you can use this device anytime. I think its the death of HMs, my friends.
Something to note is actually for the official image for pokemon riding.

from what I can tell, you use the device in the trainer's hand to 'pick' a pokemon to ride and then take a weird pokeball out of the device and let out the pokemon (look at the female trainer, it looks like theres an orb shape in the place where there's a hole for the male trainer's device) so maybe it's a sort of portable storage system of some sort? It'll probably be explained in the game, but either way, it's a cool detail you don't see in the trailer.
Unless for some reason they just really like focusing on Sharpedo, Mudsdale and Charizard that much for riding; those guys as well as Tauros and Stoutland are the only ones we've seen advertised for riding - most poignant for Charizard and Sharpedo as we haven't seen anything else being ridden in the sky or on the water. I hope if it is this limited, then they don't take up a slot in your team which seems to be implied by that very strange Poké Ball in that device. Maybe the device summons one of these Pokémon in said Poké Ball for riding? I don't think that's too out there.
I'd agree with the assumption this means the removal of, or at least reduced reliance on HMs. Pokémon for the last few gens has made so many steps to be more accessible and convenient so dropping something as arbitrary, tedious and momentum-halting as HMs would make a lot of sense and would fit into that.
Unless for some reason they just really like focusing on Sharpedo, Mudsdale and Charizard that much for riding; those guys as well as Tauros and Stoutland are the only ones we've seen advertised for riding - most poignant for Charizard and Sharpedo as we haven't seen anything else being ridden in the sky or on the water. I hope if it is this limited, then they don't take up a slot in your team which seems to be implied by that very strange Poké Ball in that device. Maybe the device summons one of these Pokémon in said Poké Ball for riding? I don't think that's too out there.
I'd agree with the assumption this means the removal of, or at least reduced reliance on HMs. Pokémon for the last few gens has made so many steps to be more accessible and convenient so dropping something as arbitrary, tedious and momentum-halting as HMs would make a lot of sense and would fit into that.
Well, they say they aren't part of the team so I assume that means we won't have to dedicate a slot of them. Also, something tells me all the standard HM traps we're used to seeing will now be one of these and that each Pokemon serves a different purpose and we'd need to get its permission in-game to ride it (in effect still the same "item gate" we're used to seeing but now it's befriending PokeRide Pokemon rather than getting HMs)
Well, they say they aren't part of the team so I assume that means we won't have to dedicate a slot of them. Also, something tells me all the standard HM traps we're used to seeing will now be one of these and that each Pokemon serves a different purpose and we'd need to get its permission in-game to ride it (in effect still the same "item gate" we're used to seeing but now it's befriending PokeRide Pokemon rather than getting HMs)

And that's waaaaay more fun and less frustrating. It's like they "tested it" in 6th gen and now are fully exploring the mechanic. I imagine Charizard for flying, Tauros for riding fast, Stoutland for searching items/pokémons while riding, Sharpedo to swim fast and smashing rocks, Lapras maybe to rise up waterfalls, Wailmer for immersions (hope there'll be beautiful underwater areas, giving the locality), Mamoswine to get through thick snow, Mudsdale/Rhyhorn to ride on bumpy terrains etc etc...
Well, they say they aren't part of the team so I assume that means we won't have to dedicate a slot of them. Also, something tells me all the standard HM traps we're used to seeing will now be one of these and that each Pokemon serves a different purpose and we'd need to get its permission in-game to ride it (in effect still the same "item gate" we're used to seeing but now it's befriending PokeRide Pokemon rather than getting HMs)

... but without requiring you to use an HM slave.

The new Alola formes are great. While pokemon such as Sandslash, Nintales, and Exeggutor were pretty cool and likable Pokemon before, I honestly felt little inclination to use them outside of RBY and FRLG due to far better Pokemon of their typing existing in later generations. However, with their new alola forms and their completely unique typing (if Megas are discounted), I feel my interest in using them has been rejuvenated. Only disappointing part about these Pokemon is that their abilities suck. Hopefully the devs give them good HA to compensate for this.

Perhaps the best part about these new forms is that they are completely believable in the Pokemon continuity, unlike Mega Evolutions. We've seen plenty of times in the anime (particularly in the Orange Islands season) that certain Pokemon change color or form to match their new environment, so its completely believable that these alola Pokemon did the same in order to fit the region's more tropical environments.

Something key to note is that at 0:56, a unique tauros is shown in the artwork (which clearly isn't a shiny due to having a more yellow-whitish mane. This could be another alola form.
Something key to note is that at 0:56, a unique tauros is shown in the artwork (which clearly isn't a shiny due to having a more yellow-whitish mane. This could be another alola form.

That's some really good eyesight. I really do hope Alola forms are not just Gen I exclusive tho (as all the currently revealed ones have).
MY SPECULATION WAS CONFIRMED WITH THE NEW TRAILER <Link here. So the new Captains for the trials are Lana who uses Water types, Mallow who uses Grass types, Sophocles who uses Electric types and Kiawe who uses Fire Types. Then there are GRAND TRIALS. Which each have their own Kahuna. One of the Kahuna's we know is Hala who has a strong connection with TAPU-KOKO. Hala may even use Tapu-Koko itself. Hala is most likely the Grand Trial Kahuna for Melemele Island where Sophocles is the regular trial captain. So the other islands each have their own Trials, Kahunas and without a doubt their own guardian pokemon. These Guardian pokemon are now at least for me 100% going to be based off of Kane, Ku, Lono and Kanaloa. With the corresponding types of Electric/Fairy based off of Kane which is Tapu-Koko. Fire/Fairy based off of Ku for the island which Kiawe is the trial captain for. Grass/Fairy based off of Lono for the island which Mallow is the trial captain for and Water/Fairy based off of Kanaloa for the island which Lana is the trial captain for,
Guys, this was mentioned earlier, but after today's reveals, I think it would be wise to treat the Chinese leak and the Reddit leak as accurate.

with the only error being Ninetails (fire/fairy instead of ice / fairy), everything else that wasnt revealed on the list has been marked true.

This includes FIghting Abra lines, Ash-greninja, multiple Rockruff evos, A snowman ice/ghost, and returning NPCs
Yiiiiikes I'm late. Well, out of all the things I expected out of the new games, this (as in, everything in the video), was not on the list. This is surprising, but not in a bad way. At least, not to me. It's different for pokemon, but I'm interested in seeing how everything turns out. I'm usually always welcoming of change.

So old pokemon are coming back in new ways. It seems they've adapted to the Alola region, and you know what? I actually think that's really cool. It's what animals do in real life, and I love seeing it on pokemon. I've seen people on Tumblr draw ideas for pokemon adapted to different environments, or crossbred with other pokemon. I'm really liking vulpix and ninetales. Exeggutor looks funny as hell, I love it. Considering they have new typing and abilities, I'm wondering if they're have new stats too. I assume and hope so, because it'd be interesting to see these new forms' competitive use.

Remember when some of us thought they wouldn't take away gym leaders because they're a staple of the franchise? So with the island challenges, I assume this means that there's no gym leaders? I guess there's no proof until stated otherwise, but that's definitely what it seems like. I'm a little upset, but oh well. I'll reserve judgement until I actually experience it.

We've finally got some clarity on the special move, in that it can only be used once per battle. So it shouldn't be too broken. I don't really have anything to say about it other than that I'm glad we know now.

The bird pokemon is neat, I guess. I like the blue one best. Though it's ability is pretty situational.

Minior reminds me of solrock. It's ability just looks like mimikyu's "disguise" at the moment though.

I have nothing to say about formantis and lurantis, other than I like the design. Also, solar blade looks neat. I'm assuming it's gonna be a stronger leaf blade.

I hope we can ride more pokemon than the ones shown.

Also, Mallow is adorable. That is all.
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That's some really good eyesight. I really do hope Alola forms are not just Gen I exclusive tho (as all the currently revealed ones have).
Idk I like the fact that they are only for Gen 1 Pokemon. They bring a new twist to the pokemon that have lost their way for the most fans most likely as they definitely dont have the spotlight anymore all the pokemon aforementioned with the new forms are low tier pokemon so them being revitalized in the new meta I think is a wonderful thing
So many new things they're adding! At first, the new forms look weird like, why would they add an ice form to the sandshrew and vulpix lines when Alola is based off of Hawaii and those s move dances look really lame! I laughted when I saw the trailer and asked 'what has Pokemon become?' All the new Pokemon are certainly very odd looking! Those new abilities look interesting though!
Quick notes based on the newest video (haven't looked at others' reactions yet, and literally first comment on here in YEARS):

The Z-moves transformation actually looks interesting overall, interested in seeing how it's similar/different from Mega Evolution.

Alola forms of Vulpix/Ninetales look great, as well as Sandslash. Sandshrew's is my favorite, though. Seriously, if there was ever a winter form of Sandshrew instead of its "desert" look, that's what it would look like.

Alola form of Exeggutor, though...honestly, that's absolutely terrifying, and not in the good way. Giraffe-like neck + trio of dopy looking heads on palm tree body=terrifying combination. Grass/Dragon typing is cool, though.

Oricorio is very interesting overall, particularly the Sensu (Ghost/Flying) style. Also further suggests that Tapu Koko won't be the only guardian deity Pokémon out there. The Dancer ability is especially interesting, and I can see this being particularly effective in competitive battling depending on the orientation of its stats and the tier placements of Pokémon with those kinds of moves.

I'm not sure what to make of Luma as a Pokémon Minior. Obviously the name is based on "mini meteor", and the meteor part kinda explains the Flying-typing...Okay, not really, in all honesty. Still, Shields Down is certainly an unusual ability. Since the ability shifts it to a more offensive form under 1/2 HP, the obvious first thought in regards to competitive battling is how well it'll work with something like a Salac Berry. Rock/Flying isn't the most sturdy of defensive-types, though, so it'll be interesting how to work around that to use its ability properly.

Gumshoos definitely looks...interesting. Looks a decent bit strong, and if looks do indeed end up translating into stats, this could be quite the Pokémon to keep an eye on. Not sure how I feel about it as a "Totem Pokémon" though...

Hey, Fomantis and Lurantis are actually Grass-types this time instead of Fairy-types that look like Grass-types! Also, Solar Blade reminds me of Mugetsu from Bleach. Other than that, not much else to note.

Mudbray actually looks pretty cute overall. Glad to see Stamina is still on it, sure to make its presence known in LC. Definitely glad that it means Mudsdale isn't a Pokémon without an evolution line, as it means you might be able to get that line a bit early (and I really would love to have Mudsdale on my team).

More "riding Pokémon" coverage. Yay. Paid more attention to the art than the gameplay, and I'm very bothered by how the guy riding the Mudsdale looks. Seriously, that drawing of him looks very unflattering.

As for the Island Challenge...It looks like an interesting change of pace. So the Trial Captains+Totem Pokémon+Big Kahuna overall challenge basically amounts to the Gym Leader challenge. I'm very interested in seeing what the other three Totem Pokémon are, since they don't appear to be tied to the type that the Trial Captains specialize in. Also, I am loving the new battle mechanics where they can call in additional support, especially since it makes the battle a bit more realistic in a way (as much as ANYTHING in the Pokémon universe can be "realistic").
Does anybody else think HA Ninetales will become Snow Warning?

Flash Fire: Snow Cloak
Drought: Snow Warning?

For Sandslash it has Sand Veil which becomes Snow Cloak. So. Maybe we can see a snow version of Sand Rush?

Since stats will be different (based on A-Sandshrew's description), it'll be interesting to see how that plays. I wonder if the forme change will be automatic or triggered?

Can i be frozen and someone wake me up when November arrives?

You can be frozen. No guarantee that we can wake you up though. This planet hasn't mastered the art of suspended animation. Is inducing a coma good enough for you?

As for the new forms: trouble is that the original forms are still superior to the new ones. Exeggutor likes Harvest, Ninetales likes Drought, and Ice/Steel is terrible on anything. I think Sandslash likes sand better than ice.
Does anybody else think HA Ninetales will become Snow Warning?

Flash Fire: Snow Cloak
Drought: Snow Warning?

For Sandslash it has Sand Veil which becomes Snow Cloak. So. Maybe we can see a snow version of Sand Rush?

Since stats will be different (based on A-Sandshrew's description), it'll be interesting to see how that plays. I wonder if the forme change will be automatic or triggered?

The description for Alolan Sandshrew and Sandslash also seems to imply a hail version of Sand Rush:

"The weight of the ice that covers its body makes these Alolan Sandslash heavier than normal Sandslash, and this causes them to be slower. Yet in snow fields and on ice, they move by creating a path with their claws, and so they’re able to move with swiftness."
You can be frozen. No guarantee that we can wake you up though. This planet hasn't mastered the art of suspended animation. Is inducing a coma good enough for you?

As for the new forms: trouble is that the original forms are still superior to the new ones. Exeggutor likes Harvest, Ninetales likes Drought, and Ice/Steel is terrible on anything. I think Sandslash likes sand better than ice.

It's still called Sandslash as an Ice/Steel type and it is going to really throw me off I can tell.
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