UU Simple Questions Thread

After reading so so so many help post i have a strange question, why the hell did we go back to 252Hp on any set ever? Even hp is bad on almost everything baring weird berry sets and belly drum. Even [i know is ou] fabel wants odd hp so superfang if ever run doesnt hurt as much, so why did we go back to 252hp spreads?

That's false. In the Clefable example (or Reuniclus since this is UU), Super Fang is incredibly rare, while Recover/Softboiled will heal one more HP per use with 252 HP versus 248 HP.

Even outside of Magic Guard Pokemon, if you expect to click a recovery move more times than you expect to switch into rocks, the even HP is going to be a (very slight) advantage.

(But the difference is so minuscule that it hardly matters either way...)
To add to what Hogg was saying, 248 HP values are only ever effective when a Pokemon is weak to rocks, as this adds an extra opportunity for the mon to switch in.

In any other instance, 252 HP is a perfectly valid option and is malleable across the tier. Many teams sometimes require sets that utilize that HP dominant spread.

There are instances when you are correct; in the Reuniclus example, I typically run 240 HP / 252 Def / 16 Spe on the ladder. It's easy to see the advantage in terms of speed creeping the relevant threats (other Reuniclus's, Snorlax). However, the argument could be made just as easily that 252 HP is more relevant for that extra % point against mons like Band Entei which can get a couple good rolls with Sacred Fire before something comes in to whittle down the Reuniclus.

The above was a little specific, but it's still a fair example of how both sides are valid depending on what you consider to be acceptable risk vs reward. Sometimes it comes down to style, other times it comes down to optimization. By playing with tons of teams and styles across hundreds if not thousands of battles, individuals are able to develop an instinct in determining what roles you need the mons to do. Not suggesting that you're inexperienced, but I'm simply suggesting that generalizing that 252 HP sets are "inferior" is the wrong way to look at it.
Heya, been off of Pokemon for a while. I just got back into it today and made my first UU team. I need somebody to help suggest changes and reinforcements.

Is there anybody I can ask who's willing to review others' teams (senior users, etc) ?
Does anyone have an ev spread for a fatmance with dragon dance?. Im kind of new to UU (competitive in general tbh), and i need a good check for physical fire types and i refuse repeat REFUSE to use suicune.
I was thinking in of DDance, Roost, Dragon claw/Tail, EQ... i already checked the smogon dex and the fatmance they reccomend more of a wall with tox and roar.
Does anyone have an ev spread for a fatmance with dragon dance?. Im kind of new to UU (competitive in general tbh), and i need a good check for physical fire types and i refuse repeat REFUSE to use suicune.
I was thinking in of DDance, Roost, Dragon claw/Tail, EQ... i already checked the smogon dex and the fatmance they reccomend more of a wall with tox and roar.

Salamence is banned from UU, so there's that. Another good check for physical Fire-types that can act as a win condition is Suicune, why don't you try that? :D
Salamence is banned from UU, so there's that. Another good check for physical Fire-types that can act as a win condition is Suicune, why don't you try that? :D
Holly mance is still on the viability list so i thougth... damn makes sence anyway (see what i didi there ?).
I really refuse playing suicune i understand that he really is awesome and that competitive aint always about what you want to play but what you have to....
Another question now how strong is stall on UU, any good stall breaker to pair with krook and sylv?
Haven't played UU properly for like a year and due to OLT being disgusting, I've decided to come back to it. What would people say is the best playstyle atm?
Haven't played UU properly for like a year and due to OLT being disgusting, I've decided to come back to it. What would people say is the best playstyle atm?

I'd say offensive teams are the best personally, although I have seen people using stall to good effect.

I was thinking of writing an article about sets you shouldn't use in UU - so far this is what I had in mind:

Dragon Dance Crawdaunt - doesn't outrun Cobalion at +1, outclassed by Gyarados and Feraligatr

Calm Mind Sylveon - has to use either Wish + Protect which means Toxic cripples it, or Rest + Sleep Talk which is unreliable. Easily forced out by Nidoqueen/King, Mega Beedrill and Mega Aggron.

Belly Drum Chesnaught - Takes 2 turns to set up, lacks coverage, still outrun by Noivern at +1, only gets one chance. Celebi and Virizion are better Grass type sweepers thanks to better Speed and more reliable boosting option in Swords Dance, which gives them the room to run coverage.

Any others you would suggest?
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I'd say offensive teams are the best personally, although I have seen people using stall to good effect.

I was thinking of writing an article about sets you shouldn't use in UU - so far this is what I had in mind:

Dragon Dance Crawdaunt - doesn't outrun Cobalion at +1, outclassed by Gyarados and Feraligatr

Calm Mind Sylveon - has to use either Wish + Protect which means Toxic cripples it, or Rest + Sleep Talk which is unreliable. Easily forced out by Nidoqueen/King, Mega Beedrill and Mega Aggron.

Belly Drum Chesnaught - Takes 2 turns to set up, lacks coverage, still outrun by Noivern at +1, only gets one chance. Celebi and Virizion are better Grass type sweepers thanks to better Speed and more reliable boosting option in Swords Dance, which gives them the room to run coverage.

Any others you would suggest?
BD Chesnaught is semi-legit I'm sure dodmen or teal6 has made a decent team with it

Also Noivern is pretty irrelevant
Hey guys, I've just started coming back to playing UU on showdown lately, I noticed that my team has a bad weakness against psychics right now and not sure which member I should replace and who would be a good alternative to combat psychics and other feedback helps. My team consists of:

Professor X (Espeon) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Psyshock
- Dazzling Gleam
- Morning Sun
Primarily there for bouncing back status and entry hazards which is usually formed with crobat and the 4 HP EV is to survive a knockoff from faster pokemons such as dugtrio and morning sun for recovery since it's frail and the calm mind for sweep and boost to last longer against special attackers with dazzling gleam being used to predict against dark type switch ins Calm Mind is there for Espeon to be a potential special sweeper late game and mid-game once it's checks have been eliminated.

Goku (Infernape) (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Blaze
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 168 Atk / 88 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Fire Blast
- Close Combat
- Grass Knot
- Earthquake
Mixed Attacker used for type coverage and because it's speed is pretty good for the most part and used for revenge kills but frail as hell so I would generally use it on a will-o-wisp read and meant to be used to clean up late game and naive nature since it's already so frail it wouldn't matter to maximize it's speed. Grass Knot is there to predict switch-ins such as Suicune and Slowking which infernape can cripple severely and Earthquake is there for coverage against other fire types like Chandelure and Entei along with other pokemon such as Tentacruel.

RoserAIDS (Roserade) (F) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Natural Cure
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Spikes
- Sleep Powder
- Sludge Bomb
- Giga Drain
Primary Entry Setter and Status Inducer with Sleep Powder on forced switch outs where Roserade covers grass, fairy and water types and used to support both Infernape and Mega-Swampert. I used Giga Drain on this set over energy ball to allow it to stay out longer and spikes to force levitate and flying type users out and also can do well against suicune.

Swamp Thing (Swampert-Mega) (M) @ Swampertite
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Scald
- Earthquake
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
Mega Swampert is used more as a physical tank to combat stall teams and physical attackers and supports Espeon against Dark Types nicely and deals with Blissey, Suicune unless it has HP Grass then different story, and other status and stall pokemons as I gave it rest and sleep talk to allow Swampert to continue it's offense and it can ignore burns and most of my investment went into HP and both defenses because it's attack is already very strong and Relaxed nature to boost it's physical defense since I'm not running a rain team so speed wouldn't matter. Scald is there so I can hope to induce burns and STAB along with EQ cause it hits hard as stab.

Crowbar (Crobat) (M) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Infiltrator
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 248 HP / 48 Def / 212 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- Roost
- U-turn
- Taunt
My Scout and the pokemon I would generally use to lead besides Espeon as taunt can prevent some pokemon from setting up and u-turn to espeon if I do predict sr but Crobat potentially having a weakness against it along with keeping momentum going and turning things over to either florges or swampert-mega to tank hits from special and physical attackers respectively and brave bird is there for stab against fighting types like Mienshao, Conkeldurr and cripple it potentially (Though I usually use Florges to deal with Conkeldurr due to posiibility of stone edge, and elemental punches) and I didn't put max investment to speed as it's base speed is already high enough that it can outspeed most mons outside of opposing crobats and mega aerodactyl

Boutique (Florges-Blue) @ Leftovers
Ability: Flower Veil
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Wish
- Protect
- Moonblast
- Aromatherapy/Toxic
Florges is my main cleric and provides wish support to other pokemons specifically Crobat and Infernape though I am largely considering about replacing florges as most of my pokemon can deal with status quite well. wish is useful for stalling out and keeping the others and switching in to regain health. Aromatherapy is used to heal Pokemons suffering from thunder wave though I interchange it with toxic to spread status sometimes and it's fairy typing is my main answer to dealing with Dragon types such as Hydreigon which usually runs a special attack variant and can OHKO with moonblast and deal with fighting types nicely.

That's my current team, I'm not sure what else it might be weak to as I've only gotten back into UU for about a few days and still fairly fresh to the new meta and I only built this like 3 days ago.
Torterra is my favorite pokemon and I'd love to use it in UU but its weaknesses to fire and ice without a resistance to water makes it tough to switch in and set up (rock polish).

Is there a way to make the tree-bearer useful, or is it forever stuck in NU until it gets a mega-evolution?
Unfortunately tort is outclassed at just about everything in UU. Its only real niche over Chesnaught is the ability to set up stealth rock, and even then swampert outshines it with its better defensive typing. It does have reliable recovery though so that's something. As for a rock polish set, you're better off going with the faster and more powerful Tyrantrum. Its a solid Mon in NU though, and I hear it's viable in RU.
Yea as Falchion said, Torterra has a hard time setting up rock polish though it is possible with volt-turn core that can make it easier for Torterra to get in so something like Crobat but Torterra is better suited in NU/RU in all honesty. At the end of the day any pokemon can do fairly well if surrounded by the right teammates. Sadly, Chesnaught and Mega Swampert can do what Torterra can do well but better.
  • Are sylveon and florgres considered the best switch in vs hydreigon? w/o iron tail.
  • Does this meta have anything bulky enough to take hit from banded head smash coming from tyranturm? (Note:Just a question)
  • Curious and what some knowledge on why is Mega aero is better than mega bee?I know it has a better speed tier, maybe the best?Well, again it's a rock type.So it makes me wonder it aero's move coverage is what makes it so vialable?
  • Sticky web is a popular strategy?Galvantula, the only vialable web setter?
  • As I am new, I thought asking what's exactly is Accelgor's role in a team?Maybe, taking out the dark types?

If I broke any rule, well apologizing.
Thank you n_n
Yes if Hydra lacks Iron Tail, but it runs it quite commonly

Mega Aggron can deal with just about anything Tryrantrum has thanks to that epic defence pure steel typing and filter. Mega Steelix does well too although it fears Superpower more. Chesnaught and defensive Swampert can take Head Smash but are 2hkoed by Outrage.

Aero is higher ranked than Bee due to its superior bulk speed and typing, as well as its versatility. Better is a bit vague as the 2 play different roles on teams.

Sticky Web got a big buff with Salamence's ban so it's quite popular. Galvantula and Shuckle are the only viable setters.

Accelgor is generally a suicide lead. Specs Yanmega is a better wallbreaker thanks to higher SpA and Tinted Lens
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Are sylveon and florgres considered the best switch in vs hydreigon? w/o iron tail.
Yes. Things that can deal with Hydreigon with Steel-type coverage include Blissey, Empoleon, Milotic, Porygon2, Snorlax, Escavalier, Cobalion, AV Conkeldurr, and Mandibuzz. All of these check other Hydra sets as well, but struggle with Taunt or drop to other coverage moves like Fire Blast. They also take a lot more from Dracos or have no reliable recovery (save Blissey), forcing a healing move much more often or being worn down more easily.
Does this meta have anything bulky enough to take hit from banded head smash coming from tyranturm? (Note:Just a question)
Besides what CrystalFalchion mentioned, Cobalion, Krookodile, and Nidoqueen can check Tyrantrum pretty well, although the latter two can only switch into CB Head Smash once.
Curious and what some knowledge on why is Mega aero is better than mega bee?I know it has a better speed tier, maybe the best?Well, again it's a rock type.So it makes me wonder it aero's move coverage is what makes it so vialable?
As CF said they play different roles, but MAero has a lot more utility with being able to Pursuit-trap certain things, be a consistent win condition or wallbreaker with Hone Claws, and harass offensive teams with its speed and coverage.
Sticky web is a popular strategy?Galvantula, the only vialable web setter?
Sticky Webs are much more common on the ladder than tour play. Galv isn't dead weight outside of setting webs (LO Thunders or Bug Buzzes hurt), but Shuckle is the better setter atm:
[12:09] @GrilledClawitzer: Shuckle has been the good webs setter for a while now
[12:09] @GrilledClawitzer: Every webs team that had any kind of success lately featured Shuckle + Torn

As I am new, I thought asking what's exactly is Accelgor's role in a team?Maybe, taking out the dark types?
CF is right, although both Accelgor and Yanmega are mediocre options in the current metagame.
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Hey I'm trying to catch up on this new meta and I just have a few questions.

  • What's the new Cobalion set everyone uses in this meta? I know it has X-scissor and Stabs and what not. I'm curious to see if it runs Volt Switch, Rocks, or SD for that last slot. I doubt people would replace iron head with the popularity of Sylveon.
  • I assumed by the analysis that max speed nasty plot celebi is its best set. If this is true, then why is Krook getting so much love? I did notice a spike in Metagross and Brongzong usage which is probably a result of Celebi and Sylveon. Is that pretty much why it's used? And is it the CB set or Glasses set that is better atm.
  • Are most people using the Offensive Shuca defog Empoleon or the spdef one? Or a new set?
  • It would seem that Gyarados has gotten a lot better with the meta changes although its usage in open seems to be a bit low. Is this a result of high Mega Aero usage or something more that I cant see?
  • What tentacruel are people using? I assume fast tenta with all the krooks, but offensive tenta does seem like a bad sylveon check.
  • Why are people using suicune and why is it S rank? Does nasty Celebi not counter it?I know its one pokemon but its so common.
Please only reply if you are experienced in UU meta. Thanks to whoever answers. I know its a lot.
  • SD + dual STABs is still the most common Cobalion set, with X-Scissor growing in popularity as the last move.
  • Krook partners really well with both Celebi and Sylveon thanks to its ability to break down and Pursuit-trap their counters (bulky Steel and Fire types in particular).
  • A mix of both, although offensive Empoleon is less of a consistent check to Specs Sylveon, and is not quite as essential now that Mence has departed. It's still a really good set, though.
  • Gyarados is still good, but honestly this meta has NOT been super friendly to it. Sylveon can always tank a hit at +1 and does nasty things to Gyara even if it's behind a Sub, Mega-Aero usage has been really high, and the meta in general is so hard-hitting that it doesn't get as many setup opportunities as it used to. It's still a major threat for a lot of teams, though.
  • A mix. Offensive Tenta has gone way up in popularity, especially with Mence gone, but also fast bulky Tenta has been seeing more use (usually with enough Speed to beat Mamoswine, though sometimes it even creeps Entei or Krook).
  • Suicune is still really good at checking half the meta, and hazard removal is very inconsistent at the moment, making the Roar sets in particular very potent. Mence going means that you don't really need Ice Beam any more either, which definitely helps. While I'd agree that Suicune is the worst of the S ranks, I still think it's one of the defining Pokemon of the meta.
Spoof, I actually considering nominating Suicune from S rank down to A+ because of all the dangerous things it lets in, especially Celebi. Here's why I didn't:

1. You need an Entei check, something that can come in on Sacred Fire more than once. If you don't have one, you'll be in trouble in a lot of games.

2. Compared to the other options that deal with Entei (Swampert, Diancie, Milotic, Arcanine), Suicune
provides the most threat and is the least passive.

3. Suicune is better than any other Entei-checking Water type at preventing Celebi from exploiting it, using Roar or even CM Signal Beam.

Water types in general are way more dangerous to spam with Celebi around, but Suicune is still the best of the bunch, and you clearly still need one.