CAP 22 CAP 22 - Part 11 - Sprite Submissions

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Let's Keep Fighting
is an Artistis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnus
Now that our concept art is decided, sprite submissions are now open! We anticipate the 3D modeling thread to go up soon as well, but that is being postponed a bit while the active modelers are discussing how to move forward.

Sprite Rules
  • Sprites should be inspired by the winning designs from the Art Poll. It does not need to be an exact rendition of every detail of the designs; "artistic license" is granted to all spriters. However, drastic deviation from the selected art designs is discouraged.
  • All sprites (front and back) can have a maximum size of 96x96.
  • All sprites (front and back) must have a complete, unbroken, distinguishable outline. It does not need to be a black outline, but it must be clearly distinguishable from the adjacent interior colors of the sprite
  • No action effects, move effects, environment effects or additional objects can be rendered on or around the pokemon.
  • Sprites must be in PNG format.
  • Use 8-bit truecolor (aka 8-bit RGB) or less. This does NOT mean 256 color mode.
  • Use transparent backgrounds.
  • All sprites must be scratch sprites that are completely original works by the spriter. Fusions of other sprites or pixel-overs of other artist's lineart (including the main design) are not allowed.
  • Do not alter, fuse, recolor or otherwise modify another spriter's submission unless the original artist explicitly gives permission.
  • All sprites (front and back) must use roughly the same size and pose when compared to each other.

Final Submission Post

All spriters must make a final submission post conforming to the sprite rules (listed above) and the following:
  • The post must have "Final Submission" (in bold) as the first line, with the sprites at the top, and any additional description or comments (if applicable) below them.
  • Final submissions must contain a minimum of 4 sprites - Front Normal, Front Shiny, Back Normal, Back Shiny. If spriters choose to include gender differences (Male and Female versions of each) then 8 sprites must be submitted. Gender differences are NOT required.
  • Only submit ONE PNG that contains all the submitted sprites. Please do not submit separate images for every sprite. One "cutsheet" makes it easier for mods to track submissions and ensure each complete set of sprites stay intact.
  • Only make one (1) final submission post.

All legal final submissions will be included in the sprite poll.

Advice for Spriters

There are 8 possible sprites in a Sprite Set:
  • Front Normal Male
  • Front Normal Female
  • Front Shiny Male
  • Front Shiny Female
  • Back Normal Male
  • Back Normal Female
  • Back Shiny Male
  • Back Shiny Female
In most cases, spriters post a Front Normal sprite first. Once feedback comes in and the poll nears, they make the other sprites. You do not have to make different Male and Female sprites. Typically there are only minute differences between male and female sprites, but some spriters make noticeable changes between genders, which is also fine. Shiny coloring is completely up to the spriter to choose, even if the design artist posted suggested shiny coloring with their art design submission. Please look at your transparent sprites against different colored backgrounds, not just white. In Pokémon Showdown, the sprite will be displayed on multiple background colors in battle.

Art Design:


CAP22 So Far:

Typing: Fairy/Fighting
Abilities: Natural Cure / Aroma Veil
Stats: 84/78/86/115/88/119

Leadership Team:

- Topic Leader
Elite Lord Sigma - Typing Leader
snake_rattler - Abilities Leader
Snobalt - Stats Leader
Deck Knight - Movepool Leader

Name: Last Act of Defiance

General Description: A Pokemon that is defined by its use of the move Parting Shot.

Justification: Parting Shot is another move that's pretty amazing on paper, but its true usage has yet to be fully explored because it's only available to Pangoro. Pangoro is not the most viable Pokemon OU and is nearly unusable in CAP due to its 4x weakness to Fairy. Moreover, when I've used it in RU (prior it to being banned) and UU, I found myself clicking an attacking move more often than not. With the optimal Parting Shot user in the CAP metagame, we may be able to tap into this move's potential and figure out how it is best utilized. Maybe Last Act of Defiance will be a fast Pokemon that aims to keep up offensive momentum. Maybe it'll use the move like it would use Memento to help a teammate use a boosting move. Maybe it'll be a slow, bulky pivot intended to discourage switching. Maybe it'll do something completely different.

This falls under both actualization and archetype in terms of being a concept. In terms of actualization, it will teach us how to use Parting Shot "properly." Clearly, no other Pokemon, not even Pangoro, comes close to it. Well, users of U-turn, Volt Switch, and Memento come somewhat close, but even then, we'll be able to see what makes Parting Shot different from (and possibly better than) them. In terms of archetype, Last Act of Defiance will give not just the CAP metagame, but also the whole game of Pokemon, a utility Pokemon that we've never seen before, as Parting Shot was not (and still isn't) one of Pangoro's most important assets. Because Parting Shot has so many potential uses, a utility Pokemon such as this can be the ultimate team player for offensive and defensive archetypes alike.

Questions To Be Answered:
- Whether it's pivoting, offensive momentum, Memento-esque support, or something else, what is the "ideal" way to use Parting Shot? Why?
- Considering Pangoro rarely finds the time to use the move, how much should a Pokemon be willing to sacrifice another offensive option for Parting Shot?
- What makes Parting Shot different or similar from Volt Switch, U-turn, and Memento?
- Pangoro is definitely not the ideal Parting Shot user, so what does the ideal user look like?
- What strategies, whether they be certain Pokemon, playstyles, or other factors, will rise to prominence to combat a Parting Shot user?
Final Submission


Posted all four sprites: Front, Back, and respective Shiny colors. It's still technically a WIP because the sprites have a white background.

Trivia: Some of my earlier drafts from two days ago used dithering just for pun (It's commonly used alongside pillow shading.) I realized that it would not work, so I dropped it for these BW sprites.

Final Edit: I have added transparency with Paint.NET, allowing me to finish this sprite sheet.
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(Proposed male on left, proposed female on right)

Are gender differences allowable? I can almost imagine the waifu pillow with a skirt a la Street Fighter's Sakura...

Spriting this was surprisingly fun! I especially liked how easy the lineart was due to the simple design.

I'm really only putting this down because I have no where else to save it lol. I went with Alakazam yellow but only half of it since the extremely bright yellow didn't fit what I sought out to be the perfect color palette. The black bar on the side is the height of Excadrill BW sprite which I thought was a decent size since a King Sized Pillow and Excadrill are roughly the same size lol. I also shaded its left leg with Slurpuff's pink at opacity 51 to give a little bit of pink and the little line in between our pillow fighter and the size marker is another color from Slurpuff that I'll be using for the gloves, tongue, and belt. I hope this follows all the rules x.x
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I'm really only putting this down because I have no where else to save it lol. I went with Alakazam yellow but only half of it since the extremely bright yellow didn't fit what I sought out to be the perfect color palette. The black bar on the side is the height of Excadrill BW sprite which I thought was a decent size since a King Sized Pillow and Excadrill are roughly the same size lol. I also shaded its left leg with Slurpuff's pink at opacity 51 to give a little bit of pink and the little line in between our pillow fighter and the size marker is another color from Slurpuff that I'll be using for the gloves, tongue, and belt. I hope this follows all the rules x.x

Take Azelfie, that image attachment did not work. Please use an image host for posting wips and submissions. We'd love to see your work!

Third edit! I added the little heart stitched onto the back because... I thought it would be cute. n_n

This is literally my second sprite ever, so it's not amazing, but I'd love some feedback on it to help make it better. n_n I also have zero understanding of the difference between 8-bit truecolor and 256 color mode, so I'd love it if someone could explain that to me as well (and tell me if my sprite is in accordance with that particular rule).

Made some changes.

As far as I know, there isn't a rule against posting multiple images in this thread (likely because these are such small images), but please let me know if there is and I will gladly conform to the rules.
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Fixed what happened, now that I look at it I'll probably have to downsize it, I'm terrible at making stuff from scratch

Third edit! I added the little heart stitched onto the back because... I thought it would be cute. n_n

This is literally my second sprite ever, so it's not amazing, but I'd love some feedback on it to help make it better. n_n I also have zero understanding of the difference between 8-bit truecolor and 256 color mode, so I'd love it if someone could explain that to me as well (and tell me if my sprite is in accordance with that particular rule).

Made some changes.

As far as I know, there isn't a rule against posting multiple images in this thread (likely because these are such small images), but please let me know if there is and I will gladly conform to the rules.

I think that you've done a really good job for not having a lot of experience. I really like the heart stitching you added but I think it would be really cool if you could add different stitching for each gender so maybe keep the heart for the female and give the male something else. Just an idea but otherwise it looks good!

Third edit! I added the little heart stitched onto the back because... I thought it would be cute. n_n

This is literally my second sprite ever, so it's not amazing, but I'd love some feedback on it to help make it better. n_n I also have zero understanding of the difference between 8-bit truecolor and 256 color mode, so I'd love it if someone could explain that to me as well (and tell me if my sprite is in accordance with that particular rule).

Made some changes.

As far as I know, there isn't a rule against posting multiple images in this thread (likely because these are such small images), but please let me know if there is and I will gladly conform to the rules.
Everything look pretty good! My only criticism is the right hand of the sprite needs to be touched up a bit more, the pillow looks kinda crooked and one of the fingers are on the edge.
Final Submission


Previous versions are here. This will probably be the last time I edit these, as I like them as they are right now and I'm starting classes next week (so I'll have much less free time). If I do make gender differences or any other alterations, I'll probably only do so if I find the time and find it really necessary. I'm very much a beginner in this art, so these are by no means great, but it was so much fun to learn and try my hand, regardless. Possibly of note: the only artistic license I really took with the design was replacing Magistelle with a heart stitched into its back. Thank you so much to those who provided criticism and suggestions on the sprite.

EDIT: Wound up cleaning up a few things I noticed. The right arm on the backsprite still feels a bit off to me though.
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Front sprite is pretty done, back sprite is still very much a work in progress. Also never done a back sprite before they're hard :( Any criticism is welcome :D


Front sprite is pretty done, back sprite is still very much a work in progress. Also never done a back sprite before they're hard :( Any criticism is welcome :D

It looks pretty good! You stayed true to the shapes and proportions of the original artwork, and the colors and shading are mostly accurate too. Just a few things:

1. The outlines in general should be darker
2. The head on the front sprite should have a little bit of shading
3. The left arm on the back sprite should be angled out more so that it is more visible

Those are just my thoughts, you may disagree with some. I'm really liking how yours is looking so far.


I never knew how difficult it was to sprite something flat at an angle :(
still gotta touch up on some anatomy issues


Fixed up the head a little since the previous one was bothering me a great deal. Also, back sprites! Hopefully the shading should be relatively consistent.

I hope this doesn't make the sprites look overdesigned, but I put a flower pattern on the back sprites; since FellFromtheSky had a pattern on their back sprite, I figured making the back look less bland on my own version as well would be nice. It's a reference to both of the abilities, seeing as Sunfished's justification for them essentially boils down to this thing being machine washable (floral print = natural cure, detergent = aroma veil). I may put flower patterns on the backs of the pillow "gloves", too, IDK.

Not sure if the I should make the female's back pattern different from the male's, seeing as the skirt already denotes the dimorphism just fine as it is, but if anyone wants me to do that then I'll consider it.
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Hmm, Just putting it here because if my computer crashes, it wont save ;I
Any Criticism would be nice :)
Sunfished I would suggest not using a gender difference, as this is one of the few CAPs that already seems to be a "female" character, just like Syclant, Kitsunoh, Necturna, and Crucibelle. Both genders of Crucibelle look identical, even considering its vaguely feminine appearance.

If you still want to, I suggest more of the skirt-shaped pillow case for the female design's lower body. Falchion did that already, but it can really work.

DougJustDoug Regarding Syclant and Kitsunoh, I just thought I'd make a subtle reference to Battle CAPacity, as well as the depictions of each CAP more as characters than species. Even if BatCap is technically non-canon, I still enjoyed the way Cartoons depicted the first twelve CAPmons in the fighter.
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...this is one of the few CAPs that already seems to be a "female" character, just like Syclant, Kitsunoh, Necturna, and Crucibelle

I disagree with this assertion for all the pokemon listed, except for Necturna and Crucibelle. Syclant, Kit, and definitely our new Pillow-mon don't look like any particular gender, IMO.
I never actually saw it as any gender, and if I had to choose one, it has more of a male-vibe to me.

Either way, I may or may not end up doing a gender difference because I'm a lazy person and may not find time to actually think of one
fixed some things on the legs, made it look less like it was facing you and more flat... i think ill start doing shiny versions soon...

Final Wip before I final sub. Fixed up more stuff, and tried out a female variant.

May or may not final sub with a form difference though, because it might just be more work for the modelers with no real incentive other than being a contender for creepy camera shots.
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