NU Player of the Week [Week 10 - soulgazer]

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volition immanent
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnus

Favourite Pokemon: BW2 NU Alomomola
Most used Pokemon: Garbodor
Most known for: Current best SPL NU player and used to mod forums and the room for a bit

Shadestep: Hey there, sg. How are you today?
Soulgazer: Sleepy.

How did you find out about Smogon and PS? What inspired your username?
Soulgazer: Started on PO; from there, learned that Smogon was a thing too and since I disliked PO forums as a lurker I switched to reading threads on Smogon. Later on I found out about Pokemon Showdown! and made the switch. As for my username, Soulgazer is a monster cpu from the game runescape, which I used to play a ton (actually started playing the older version again this summer, not as much as I used to in highschool thankfully). Feel free to google it I guess.

How did you get into NU? Did you start off with it or find out about it later?
Soulgazer: Started in OU with the best core ever: SkarmBliss. Unfortunately, it didn't do well so I tried stuff below. I remember making top10 on the UU ladder before trying out NU. I felt in love with NU back then, mostly for the fact that anything could work. As someone who liked to build teams, it was heaven. Took a while before making any progress since I was still in school and addicted to runescape back then, but I made it a little bit far on the ladder early 2013.

What was your favourite part of the Forums? Why did you stop contributing?
Soulgazer: Tournaments, RMT, any threads about Pokemon sets; I made lots of teams back then (still do, not at the same rate though) and finding out new good stuff and sharing with others was cool. Tournaments because it's why you come to Smogon. Hard to explain honestly. Back when I posted a bit in the subforum and c&c, I had the time for it and was quite passionate about helping others improving in NU, but after XY came out and as it went on, the fire started running out and the color of my badges are the results. I do still enjoy playing NU and talking about the tier from time to time, despite all the complaining that I sometimes do in private.

Who are you think are candidates with potential to win the NU open, and make it to playoffs?
Soulgazer: Playoffs? From the NU Open, Omfuga , Advantage , Ice Tea and Level 56 .
To win it? I think Omfuga is the best out of the 4, especially since Soulwind just got knocked out (i'm sad about that). He just needs to get through God HJAD first.

You have been a tournament player for a long time now. How do you go about prepping / making a team for a Tournament battle such as SPL?
Soulgazer: In my first year of tournaments, I was so paranoid that sometimes I would stress a bit before important games (like, a lot) and doubt myself. Funnily enough, I still acted that way the next year in SPL; going in my games thinking I was going to lose. Since then, I have become more relax about this (SPL7 Classiest and Evan. might think I am lying, but unfortunately for them it really was my more relax year in SPL lmao). Just don't overthink it and test your teams; Look at them on paper and make sure everything does what it's supposed to. More importantly, in my opinion, is to be able to read the opponent's team. A bit offtopic, but that's kinda why I think Monotype can easily throw people off (including me), since who fucking knows which one will do what. I could go on and on answering this, so feel free to ask questions in this thread about the topic and I will be happy to reply.

What’s your favourite NU metagame? (ORAS, XY, BW, etc)
Soulgazer: BW2 > Early XY = BW1 > Current NU > End of XY > Early ORAS.

Can you tell us a bit about your SPL experience this year? Any upsets or things that caught your attention in the tour? How was the team? Are you happy with your team performance and your personal performance?
Soulgazer: Oh god. I loved it the most out of the 3 SPLs I have joined; everybody on the team were legends. Lovely captains too. Only upset I can think of is Cased doing so poorly until he decided to bring monotype teams. [thread=smogon-premier-league-neverused-discussion.3559318/page-5#post-6715008]semi-finals predix[/thread]. Words can't show how much I loved SPL7 Classiest (love you -Tsunami- for drafting all of us). We performed great until the finals, where most of us pretty much played subpar and lost games that could've easily been won. That includes me, obviously. Still sorry about that and won't go in detail about what the fuck happened that week; you had to be there, sorry. This brings me to the most important way to improve as a player: learn from your mistakes. If you got haxed and lost a game, shut up and think about how you could've won it and limit your opponent's chance to luck his way. I've seen a lot of games that weren't played optimal at the end, where the luck from one side just changed the whole game. Learn from it so that you won't repeat that same mistake again. Anyway for my performance, I did okay.

Who do you think will be the starting NU players be next SPL?
Soulgazer: Can't say off the top of my head. First of all we might not even have NU next SPL due to SuMo's release. If we do, I can see Blast (if he takes it seriously and interact with his teammates), Evan., Kiyo and Tennis, Teddeh and some others. Oh and Realistic Waters ;D

Shadestep: Any promising, up-and-coming NU players that you can see making it to the top cut sometime?
Soulgazer: Evan. He's a bit cocky during battles sometimes, but I like the way he builds (ence why he's the one I chose to help me the most last SPL alongside FLCL). He knows what's cool to use and use it well. Also smacks me in tests somehow, I don't know how he does it. He's been improving a ton since I first met him early early XY.

Shadestep: Can you tell us a bit more about yourself as a person? What do you do in your free time, what are your hobbies and interests?
Soulgazer: I am 19 years old (about to be 20) and studying social sciences in college. I am french canadian too, so if you spotted grammatical errors that's most likely why. Would love to become a teacher, but I still can't figure out exactly what I want to teach, as I have plenty of options to consider. As for my free time, It's mostly Anime & Manga, a bit of Super Smash Bros Melee (watching) and Sm4sh (playing & watching), Oldschool Runescape, and Pokemon.

What are your favourite anime’s?
Soulgazer: Hunter x Hunter, Great Teacher Onizuka, and JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken. Can talk about some others I enjoy a lot from different genres in this thread / discord / forum VM.

aight, that's it! Thanks for your time soulgazer, and if you have any more questions for him feel free to do so in this thread!
what is your favorite NU metagame and why?

e: sg answered the waifu question on discord

could you provide us a team with underrated mons?

speaking of which, what pokemon in the nu tier are underrated in your opinion?

what was your favorite nu spl battle of all time?
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favourite tour moment not from spl

best cb lix checks?

momoko or shimizu?

would you ever consider becoming a manager or an assman in future spls?

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what does the current metagame lack in terms of mons and playing aspects compared to the one you claimed your favorite, bw2?
have you seen Kaiji and if so how would you rate it? :3 also favorite JoJo season( really love series its my first anime i've ever watched)?
What type of music do you like listening to most?

I usually just have some of my favorite anime soundtracks from one of my playlists in the background while I play games, do homework, or at school (with headphones obviously lol). I do listen to some english songs like stuff from The Weeknds and others, but I legit cannot tell you which songs off the top of my head.

what is your favorite NU metagame and why?

BW2, mostly because I grew as a player while playing it and enjoy how the tier is, really. Might be bias I guess and some seem to think ORAS NU is similar to it, but back then we didn't have Mega-Audino, Dark-types were common and amazing without having that 97.5BP Knock Off, no Xatu, etc. It did have its problems, like the lack of GOOD hazard control, but that promoted good plays and players that pressured their opponents to limit hazards.

could you provide us a team with underrated mons?

I will post teams if I ever get eliminated from NU Open.

speaking of which, what pokemon in the nu tier are underrated in your opinion?

Early summer when I played NU for the first time after last SPL, I found Bronzor to be quite great... but then you nerds hyped it a ton and now I have to deal with it every now and then =/.

Specs Xatu is neat.

what was your favorite nu spl battle of all time?

Who do you main in super smash bros. melee and sm4sh??

Melee I sadly haven't played in years, but my favorite character to watch is Marth (from my favorite players, M2K and PPMD) so I would probably main him if I could. As for Sm4sh, Diddy Kong / Captain Falcon.

favourite tour moment not from spl

best cb lix checks?

momoko or shimizu?

would you ever consider becoming a manager or an assman in future spls?


Ainsleys' reign of terror during NUPL


Shimizu by far.

I considered it last year, but didn't really take the idea seriously so it couldn't happen. Would love to for SPL8 to be honest.

lol rui is dogshit at quests

what does the current metagame lack in terms of mons and playing aspects compared to the one you claimed your favorite, bw2?

I believe I also replied to that by answering Earth's first question, but if you want me to go further into it I wouldn't mind.

have you seen Kaiji and if so how would you rate it? :3 also favorite JoJo season( really love series its my first anime i've ever watched)?

Kaiji: Not yet, plan to in the upcoming weeks. Heard a lot of good things about it.

Jojo: UGH such a hard question... but I am gonna go with Joseph's arc.
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