UU Simple Questions Thread

the thing is none of the "checks" listed bar defensive (m)swampert and suicune are good switch-ins. hydreigon is super shaky since scary fire + rocks has a high chance to 2HKO, swamp and tenta can't consistently switch-in (esp. tenta) with burn damage + hazards or reliable recovery and chand is good but the threat of stone edge is always there

you're literally restricted to having maybe 1 switch-in and 2 revenge killers when using offense (ex. offensive suicune/tenta + mamo + mega aero) and defensive teams have the upper hand with maintaining checks due to the nature of how teams like that function (ex. wishpass, heal bell) and some can afford to stack multiple switch-in's to it.

edit: diancie is amazing and alomomola is lit
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the thing is none of the "checks" listed bar defensive (m)swampert and suicune are good switch-ins. hydreigon is super shaky since scary fire + rocks has a high chance to 2HKO, swamp and tenta can't consistently switch-in (esp. tenta) with burn damage + hazards or reliable recovery and chand is good but the threat of stone edge is always there

you're literally restricted to having maybe 1 switch-in and 2 revenge killers when using offense (ex. offensive suicune/tenta + mamo + mega aero) and defensive teams have the upper hand with maintaining checks due to the nature of how teams like that function (ex. wishpass, heal bell)

And that right there is why Entei is still sitting at the top of A+ despite the fact that this is Bulky Waters: the Tier. It's a crazy good wallbreaker and Sacred Fire pressures the hell out of most things that should beat it, such as Swampert, thanks to 50% burn silliness. Luckily the fact that it's so hazard-weak and lacks recovery holds it back from being full on outrageous like Hydreigon, but it's still a very difficult 'mon to deal with.
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Chandelure is a 50/50%, Hydreigon has Roost and Offensive Tentacruel is faster and can OHKO Entei with Hydro Pump. Read this article please. The definition of check is "Pokémon A checks Pokémon B if, when Pokémon A is given a free switch into Pokémon B, Pokémon A can win every time, even under the worst case scenario, without factoring in hax." Thus, the tier has a lot of solid Entei Checks, but few Entei solid switches :/
What is a good check for mega sceptile when im using a rain team?

Priority or pretty much any ice move from a faster mon [swift swim] will ohko it 99% of the time. Otherwise andthing that can surive 1 leafstorm/giga drain and ohko it back either because of sash or resists. Pretty sure max speed mpert outspeeds in the rain tho. Just needs like 214 speed to beat it by 1 point.
What is a good check for mega sceptile when im using a rain team?
rain setter tornadus and ice beam mons like ludi / omastar. you're not gonna have many switchins to a leaf storm, but you're not really supposed to have switchins on a rain team
Last we heard from the tier leaders:
Sam said:
Hydreigon has legitimate merits to a potential suspect and I'm not going to speak definitively but there's probably going to be a Hydreigon suspect down the line. I didn't want to immediately rush in to a Hydreigon suspect because I don't think it's as metagame-breaking as the other 2, meaning we have time to wait.

For Celebi, I think the potential is there but at this very moment I don't think Celebi is worthy of being suspected. As for everything else (Sylveon, Mamoswine, Krookodile), I don't think those are anywhere close to suspect worthy. Sylveon's best set is a cleric set, Specs is good but suffers from a few key faults that stop it from being great, much less worthy of a suspect. Mamoswine has recently dropped down in the viability rankings and hasn't been in serious talks of being broken since it dropped over a year ago. It's slow and doesn't offer much defensively besides an electric immunity. It's always been good but has been seriously let down by these flaws, I think Omfuga is the only one who has seriously vied for a Mamoswine suspect any time recently. Krookodile is a very good offensive mon but is hampered far too much by depending on choice-lock for damage and it very very easily checked. That's not to say non-choice Krook sets aren't good (there are some good options like Taunt and SR) but the damage is pretty lacking which makes it even easier to check/counter.
Is their any talk about haluwcha dropping back to UU? It just kinda got forgotten in BL, and I would like to see him back in UU. I would not consider him broken
Is their any talk about haluwcha dropping back to UU? It just kinda got forgotten in BL, and I would like to see him back in UU. I would not consider him broken

Hi. Welcome to Smogon forums. As far as I know there isn't any talk regarding dropping Hawlucha back down to UU. While Pokemon mostly not being used and getting "forgotten" kind of sucks it's honestly better than letting inherently unhealthy Pokemon roam a tier. In Hawlucha's case, while I personally consider it inherently broken, Hawlucha isn't going to positively affect the metagame considering we don't have too many walls that can take it on effectively and the tier is already compounded with offensive threats that pressure defensive teambuilds already and dropping yet another bombshell isn't going to help it, so I assume if the tier leaders / council were to drop a Pokemon from BL to retest it would most likely either not affect the metagame too heavily or provide some positive influence on the state of the metagame, both of which are things I, personally, don't believe Hawlucha possesses.
Hi. Welcome to Smogon forums. As far as I know there isn't any talk regarding dropping Hawlucha back down to UU. While Pokemon mostly not being used and getting "forgotten" kind of sucks it's honestly better than letting inherently unhealthy Pokemon roam a tier. In Hawlucha's case, while I personally consider it inherently broken, Hawlucha isn't going to positively affect the metagame considering we don't have too many walls that can take it on effectively and the tier is already compounded with offensive threats that pressure defensive teambuilds already and dropping yet another bombshell isn't going to help it, so I assume if the tier leaders / council were to drop a Pokemon from BL to retest it would most likely either not affect the metagame too heavily or provide some positive influence on the state of the metagame, both of which are things I, personally, don't believe Hawlucha possesses.

I don't completely agree with your case, with Suicune, Reuniclus, and, (Yes I know it doesn't like acro, but it can take it) Sylv, But thanks for the info :)
A bit of a disclaimer, but if you find yourself new to the tier, please don't answer questions. Not that I discourage you from participating, but Hawlucha should never be discussed in this thread as a response to "what should I replace my fighting type with?"

Thanks, and to all the newcomers, welcome.
Infernape's unpredictability is what makes it especially dangerous to offense, since you can throw away your real check thinking it's another set and not realize it until it's too late. You can run Physical, Special, mixed, Scarf, Band, Specs even, and they're all viable.
What, if any ohkos and 2hkos does sylveon miss out on if it uses moonblast+cute charm vs hypervoice+pixelaite? Since move of the things its getting hit by are physical and touct it i though maybe it could be an interesting gimmick that doesnt have much cost to use depending on what kos it loses.
Don't give up a consistent 20% boost in power for a really bad gimmick. You're definitely going to miss out on OHKOs and 2HKOs with that much of a difference in power.

You're talking about an ability that has a 30% chance of infatuating only 50% of the physical attackers that hit you since they have to be of the opposite gender to begin with. Not to mention that the best you can do with that is force a switch. Definitely not worth it.

King UU edit: 30% power boost, not 20.

Edit: I meant a ~20% boost when compared with Moonblast. My bad, forgot to clarify
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What, if any ohkos and 2hkos does sylveon miss out on if it uses moonblast+cute charm vs hypervoice+pixelaite? Since move of the things its getting hit by are physical and touct it i though maybe it could be an interesting gimmick that doesnt have much cost to use depending on what kos it loses.
Take in account that pixilate doesnt only give you stab but also buffs the damage