NOC Neighborhood mafia game over, mafia won

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Hi all and welcome to Neighborhood Mafia. All role PMs and team chats are out here are our luck team names:
Praise rufflets
fuck rufflets
the flying pumpking that shoots laser beams out its ass
Blazade sucks

Just remember all standard smogon rules apply, you can send a message to me and blazade if you want to kick someone of the team for the night, and that it is possible for up to 2 scum to be on any given team. So yeah, be careful how much you trust your fellow team members.

now for the mass player list tagging
Dentricos died n1
Gale Wing Srock
Haruno lynched d1
JalmontFormer Hope
OM room
pancake Aubisio
Steven Snype
Texas Cloverleaf died n1

D1 will go for 72 hours so people can ask questions. It is now D1. D1 ends in

Remember to send any questions, and be lenient this is my first time hosting and I am doing it all myself
Also if anyone asks about priority, they will die

Rule clarification: activity will be judged on activity in thread, team chat and scum chat if appropriate.

Very late flavor update:

This was once a peaceful town, free from threats such as the mafia and the disease known as Smogon. But suddenly one day, the body of the well respected monarch known as Dullagamur was found dead in the square.
The town, not sure what to make of this, split into Neighborhoods. The events that followed were known as the Dullagamur chronicles. Unfortunately, due to the work of an Individual Known as Da Letter El, these events were never published, but hopefully some day they will be.
This story starts a few months after the Dullagamur chronicles and start with the body of a tropius being found in the town square. The town is smaller now, and the neighborhoods weakened. What will happen? Read the next 450+ posts to find out.
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Lynch Steven Snype

said he was bad at NOC so he's detrimental to town's success

Also he was supposed to teach me DPPt and I don't remember anything other than infernape is strong
What the fuck are the teams for if you could be village and share a team with scum. It's more of a partial OC game if anything where you only have OC with select members. With 14 players we have at most 5 scum (4 being more likely given previous NOC as a precedent) with 4 teams id be inclined to believe that it's a 2:1 ratio per team of village:scum so that's something to keep in mind. If she wanted to mix it up I guess one team would have no scum while another would have two scum + one town but eh.

So onto more important questions.

1. How do we discuss teams in the thread? Should we publicly say who we're a team with? Since if we don't do this we can't analyze convos later on or call out scum slips.

2. What are we doing day 1? Are we going to wait for a famous D1NOCMYSLYNCH? Or will we actually make a plan for once
I can.
First of all I would like to explain the unique rules and mechanics governing this game. Before the game starts I will RNG all appropriate roles into teams, or neighborhoods, these will be different from your faction and do not influence your win condition. Each neighborhood has a chat thread and that, as well as the scum chat and this thread, form the only methods of allowed communication (I should really call this Restricted outside contact) I will say that it may be possible for a person to be on multiple Neighborhoods, and only one neighborhood can have more than one scum, there are 4 neighborhoods so some might have 1, some might have none, but only one can have more than one. Also each neighborhood can vote during the day to banish someone out of the chat for the night if they choose, a majority vote is needed for this
from the sign up thread :^)

Do we learn neighborhoods on flip or is that CNCND

If scum know the neighborhood set ups (since there's scum in most/all hoods) it might be best for us to claim, but I'll let others decide if that's wise. There could be something in it for maf to know the names of the people in the hood they're not in if people can be in more than 1.

RVS into semantics and wagon forming/reads ez$
What are we doing day 1? Are we going to wait for a famous D1NOCMYSLYNCH? Or will we actually make a plan for once

Day 1 lynch is a horrible idea. No info to go off, and mafia will try influence people through the neighourhoods, giving them a far greater chance of triggering a mislynch. Anyone who suggest a day 1 lynch I am strongly suspicious of, unless we get a horrendously obvious scum slip

I have mixed thoughts on how to work with the neighourhood systems. I think pub claiming who is in each is a good idea as it allows for us to check voting patterns within them and whatnot, and try pinpoint which users could be scum better, as well as to which neighourhoods are relatively clean. On the other hand, the possibility of roles that are reliant on the neighourhood system opens a slew of possibilities, which may make it better to not claim these immediatly until we have more info as to exactly what these roles can do. I'd say hold off on that idea for now, but more input would be grand.

Just a heads up to players to be cautious of anyone trying to persuade your vote through your neighourhood. scrutinize why exactly your being told to vote for a user. mafia will try get your vote to favour them, and it shouldnt have to be said but here i am remidning you anyway.
Day 1 lynch is a horrible idea. No info to go off, and mafia will try influence people through the neighourhoods, giving them a far greater chance of triggering a mislynch. Anyone who suggest a day 1 lynch I am strongly suspicious of, unless we get a horrendously obvious scum slip.
Looks like I really do have to write that 2 page paper on lynching D1.

How do we pressure mafia without lynching. When does the game start.
Hi friends :D first time playing forum mafia but I've done chat mafia.

"Day 1 lynch is a horrible idea. No info to go off, and mafia will try influence people through the neighourhoods, giving them a far greater chance of triggering a mislynch. Anyone who suggest a day 1 lynch I am strongly suspicious of, unless we get a horrendously obvious scum slip" (Asek)

From what I know about mafia I'm all for a day one lynch... unless we have confirmed investigative role? No lynching gives very bad information a lot of the time.

"How do we discuss teams in the thread? Should we publicly say who we're a team with?" (Haruno)

"There may be roles that have something to do with the teams." (Tropiusisbae)

I'm on the fence. On the one hand it seems people were quick to want teams revealed and its possible scum has some way to benifit from knowing teams IE: kill if able to name everyone in the group. Also I dont think we lose the ability to know who is on which team after day 1 since people cant falsely claim to be on the same team?

On the other hand it might just be roles like cant attack people in your own group. Also the only similar game mode to this that Ive played is 6 player os neighborhood mafia where it does benifit town to claim groups.
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I have been told before that no lynching in a NOC is a terrible option because it is usually the village's only manner to eliminate mafia in a NOC setting. Even on Day 1. Idling this tool isn't usually a good idea. Even in settings that are mostly vanilla, there usually isn't much concrete proof. It's just going off of reads of how other players are playing.

I do have an idea as to how best to go about it, but that assumes we'd be allowed to reveal info about neighborhoods in this thread, which I'd like host clarification as to what we're allowed to publicly reveal about neighborhoods.
Eastern time zone checking in. Request from the New guy for y'all to give the long form of an acronym the first time you use it. I'm hesitant about going for the mislynch, I agree with the general strategy about village getting more information as a result but it seems as though there may or may not be role pm abilities that either mitigate that or themselves have uncertainty about their abilities to say nothing of the neighborhood influences. Still probably our best avenue to lynch or mislynch but probably worth a considerable deal more caution than regular NOC, at least until abilities become a bit clearer. Definitely supporting the public reveal of neighborhood teams, the ability to check votes against that of a team is likely to be one of our strongest sources of information in the early game until more information is revealed, currently the only potential avenue for information outside of question asking etc.

Lynch Thetwinmasters

You're mafia mastermind y/n?
Hello friends I am here

About the whole lynch/no lynch thing

Idk I mean 72 hours should give us at least some information on people, unless everyone decides to go afk

I'm on the fence. I understand the argument for no lynch day 1, but lynching is our only way of getting rid of/pressuring mafia. While no lynch day 1 ensures that we don't potentially lose a town member, I'm not sure how much it helps us in the long run. But I haven't been a part of much games so idk

I'm just gonna reserve judgement until more posts come up.
Ima go ahead and
Lynch Haruno

I know its wifom but it seems like empoof randlynched to create discussion where Haruno and OMroom randlynched to get a lynch off and maybe inspire more people to randlynch?
imo everyone should post the neighborhood they are in and who else is a part of their neighborhood.

realistically, i would expect each neighborhood to be village dominated, but you never know if tropius decided to do some weird split where all the mafia are you in 1 or something, which is what I did when i hosted a game like this that had the same idea

ill start - im not in a neighborhood
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