Pokemon: The New First Gen (Submissions for new Pokemon Over, Except costumes)

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It has like Basculin's Attack stat, and Basculin's pretty good, I think. But yeah, I did give it more Defense and Sp. Def.
97 attack unboosted can barely take out anything,sometimes even with stab or super effective hits. Now, with another 10 to 15 attack would make it rather powerful.
97 attack unboosted can barely take out anything,sometimes even with stab or super effective hits. Now, with another 10 to 15 attack would make it rather powerful.
If that's what you think, then okay, but I don't want to change that stat. Not that I'm saying you're wrong, but I like the Attack where it is. Does anyone here think that they can make a good strategy for Uarate the way it is?
If that's what you think, then okay, but I don't want to change that stat. Not that I'm saying you're wrong, but I like the Attack where it is. Does anyone here think that they can make a good strategy for Uarate the way it is?
Alright. I'll increase the Movepool so that It can do other things well. I would still reccomend increasing some stat, or giving it some other ability, like unburden or pickup.

Based upon the fact that things in this thread have been slowing down recently, with only 2-4 people posting as opposed to the 7-8 people that used to post here, I think that perhaps you may be running a bit low on ideas. So, I just want to remind people that this is still a competitive discussion thread. What that means is that I would GREATLY appreciate some discussion about team building or potential strategies, or how specific Pokemon Could be used if they got some certain moves or if their stats were a bit different.
Did you find the other secret?
Also, as a side note,
HUGE thank you to everybody who has posted any of their ideas. You are the sole reason why this project exists, to have people put their creative talents to work doing something that they enjoy, creating new and interesting Pokemon.

One Last thing.... VVVVVVV

I'm working on the mod, almost 5% done... WHEEEO
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In that case, I might try to make a team later then

Team I thought quickly, probably not perfect, but who knows:

Spikes + Dragon Tail and Sweepers Team

Dashoo @ Focus Sash
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Endeavor
- Quick Attack/ Smack Down
- Spikes
- Protect

Fungarai @ Life Orb
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Rototiller
- Earthquake
- Giga Drain
- Stone Edge

Pyromoose @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Return / Rock Climb
- Horn Leech
- Swords Dance

Sthyndra @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Gentle Nature
- Dragon Tail
- Recover
- Toxic
- Earth Power

Robeauty @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Toxic
- Moonlight
- Moonblast
- Heal Bell

Zaperal @ Stone Plate / Focus Sash
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt / Laser Beam
- Crystal Blast
- Rapid Spin
- Shell Smash

Dashoo leads off, sets up Spikes and from there, either Fungarai, Zaperal, or Pyromoose can sweep by setting up and not having to worry about Sashes because of Spikes or use Sthyndra to spam Dragon Tail + Toxic and weaken everything. Robeauty forms a Regenerator core with Sthyndra, making them hard to take out.
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In that case, I might try to make a team later then

Team I thought quickly, probably not perfect, but who knows:

Spikes + Dragon Tail and Sweepers Team

Dashoo @ Focus Sash
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Endeavor
- Quick Attack/ Smack Down
- Spikes
- Protect

Fungarai @ Life Orb
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Rototiller
- Earthquake
- Giga Drain
- Stone Edge

Pyromoose @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Return
- Horn Leech
- Swords Dance

Sthyndra @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Gentle Nature
- Dragon Tail
- Recover
- Toxic
- Earth Power

Robeauty @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Toxic
- Moonlight
- Moonblast
- Heal Bell

Zaperal @ Stone Plate / Focus Sash
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt / Laser Beam
- Crystal Blast
- Rapid Spin
- Shell Smash
A few things:
1. I found out that Rototiller is overshadowed by growth in singles,
2. Why not Nemarathon?
3. I'm actually thinking about limiting toddlebot/robeauty/robrutes movepool, just by a bit.
A few things:
1. I found out that Rototiller is overshadowed by growth in singles,
2. Why not Nemarathon?
3. I'm actually thinking about limiting toddlebot/robeauty/robrutes movepool, just by a bit.

1. That is true, but I like Rototiller animation more. Using Growth would mean that opposing Fungarai don't get a free boost.
2. Dashoo is frailer, giving it a higher chance of being knocked down to its Sash.
3. I agree, I think I gave Robeauty too many moves. Probably because of the moves it gets from Toddlebot plus all of the new special moves it gets
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Upsidusa (Upside-down + medusa)
Category: Upside-Down Jellyfish
Type 1: Water
Type 2: Poison
Ability: Chlorophyll
Hidden Ability: Contrary
Start - Poison Sting
6 - Constrict
9 - Water Gun
12 - Acid
15 - Wrap
18 - Bubble Beam
21 - Sunny Day
21 - Rain Dance
24 - Sludge
27 - Algal Bloom*
30 - Rapid Spin
33 - Topsy-Turvy
36 - Synthesis
39 - Scald
42 - Solar Beam
45 - Superpower
48 - Hydro Pump
*Type: Water. Power: 70. Accuracy: 100. PP: 15. Effect: Power is boosted in strong sunlight.
Tutor Moves
Weather Ball
Energy Ball
Acid Armor
Gyro Ball
Toxic Spikes
Aqua Ring
Sludge Wave
Skill Swap

Upsidusa is based off of the upside-down jellyfish, a creature I discovered very recently! They stay very still on the seabed so that algae can grow on them, and when the algae makes food via photosynthesis, the jellyfish feeds on that food too! Upsidusa does the same thing by allowing algae to grow on the protrusion in its middle.
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Upsidusa (Upside-down + medusa)
Category: Upside-Down Jellyfish
Type 1: Water
Type 2: Poison
Ability: Chlorophyll
Hidden Ability: Contrary
Start - Poison Sting
6 - Constrict
9 - Water Gun
12 - Acid
15 - Wrap
18 - Bubble Beam
21 - Sunny Day
21 - Rain Dance
24 - Sludge
27 - Algal Bloom*
30 - Rapid Spin
33 - Topsy-Turvy
36 - Synthesis
39 - Scald
42 - Solar Beam
45 - Superpower
48 - Hydro Pump
*Type: Water. Power: 70. Accuracy: 100. PP: 15. Effect: Power is boosted in strong sunlight.
Tutor Moves
Weather Ball
Energy Ball
Acid Armor
Gyro Ball
Toxic Spikes
Aqua Ring
Sludge Wave

Upsidusa is based off of the upside-down jellyfish, a creature I discovered very recently! They stay very still on the seabed so that algae can grow on them, and when the algae makes food via photosynthesis, the jellyfish feeds on that food too! Upsidusa does the same thing by allowing algae to grow on the protrusion in its middle.
I really Like this, However, it seems Rather similar to Malamar... Eh, Whatever, the Design is too cute to pass up.
(Moveset is a bit lacking, but I can fix that.)

What will that ca-razy ape do this time?

Uarate (Uakari + Karate)
Category: Mad Ape
Type 1: Fire
Type 2: Fighting
Ability: Anger Point
Start - Leer
Start - Pound
5 - Sand Attack
8 - Ember
13 - Rage
17 - Karate Chop
23 - Focus Energy
27 - Hone Claws
30 - Fire Punch
32 - Mach Punch
39 - Taunt
44 - Flare Blitz
48 - Close Combat

Tutor Moves
Thunder Punch
Sucker Punch
Low Kick
Knock Off
Flame Charge
Gunk Shot

TM moves of note: Swagger, Frustration, Bulk Up, Smack Down, Dig, Brick Break, Double Team, Rock Tomb, Aerial Ace, Thief, Low Sweep, Will-O-Wisp, Acrobatics, Shadow Claw, Payback, Retaliate, Stone Edge, Poison Jab, U-Turn, Wild Charge.

Uarate is based on the bald uakari. They’re hotheaded (lol) Pokemon that behave like a human with criminal insanity, making them unpredictable and difficult to train. If an Uarate is ever calm and stops smiling, it’s a sign that they’re ill and need medical attention ASAP. If they act calm but continue to smile, that means they’re trying to lure you into a false sense of security before pummeling you with flaming fists.

Crazy ape is crazy.
Just An Idea for some Signature Moves:

Crazy Punch:
Type: Fighting. Power: 80. Accuracy: 100. PP: 5. Effect: Always Crits. Raises Opponents Crit Chance By two. Makes Contact

Excitement Punch:
Type: Fire. Power 50. Accuracy 90. PP: 8. Effect: Raises Your Crit Chance by 1.
I really Like this, However, it seems Rather similar to Malamar... Eh, Whatever, the Design is too cute to pass up.
(Moveset is a bit lacking, but I can fix that.)

I added Skill Swap as a move it can learn to make use of a supportive Contrary set with Curse. Just in case someone wants to make a set for it.
Just A thought: Solar Power Is a pretty Neat Ability, Giving a Pokemon effectively a better life Orb in Sun. I wonder if there could be any good abusers of that to be made.

I don't have a concept, just spitballing Strats:

Lets say it was given to a pretty speedy Pokemon, like around 115 or higher, (115 happens to be perfect for out speeding Pokemon with 100 and beneficial nature.)
With only 100 SPA, it can still do damn high damage, as with choice specs, it can take down a max health max spd quiet Flamingairy pretty easily with a neutral hit, especially a fire type one with STAB.
Here's something that will further the progress of art for our Pokemon. I'm not the best drawer, but I drew pictures of the Toddlebot line based on designs that I did years ago. From this, we can make at least a decent sprite Tagging Zaph1337 to see if he's interested in spriting these at all


Notes: Thin arms and legs are robot like limbs. The colors in the center of it's chest form a sqare that is half red and half blue

Robrute and Robeauty

Notes: Robrute's left hand has 3 fingers, while it's right hand has 3 claws (which is why it used to have Tough Claws). On top of it's head are in fact spikes.

Robeaty's lower body is supposed to look like a small hoop skirt. The red part at the top is flimsy metal that resembles hair. For the torso, think Eve from Wall-E; it's the same minus the bottom being covered by the "skirt"


I'll edit in something else I have planned later
Here's something that will further the progress of art for our Pokemon. I'm not the best drawer, but I drew pictures of the Toddlebot line based on designs that I did years ago. From this, we can make at least a decent sprite Tagging Zaph1337 to see if he's interested in spriting these at all


Notes: Thin arms and legs are robot like limbs. The colors in the center of it's chest form a sqare that is half red and half blue

Robrute and Robeauty

Notes: Robrute's left hand has 3 fingers, while it's right hand has 3 claws (which is why it used to have Tough Claws). On top of it's head are in fact spikes.

Robeaty's lower body is supposed to look like a small hoop skirt. The red part at the top is flimsy metal that resembles hair. For the torso, think Eve from Wall-E; it's the same minus the bottom being covered by the "skirt"


I'll edit in something else I have planned later

Would a Jessie and James influence be inappropriate here? I kind of see a bit of basis upon the two.
2 things:
1. I have almost every Pokemon with a complete move set that isn't charmster coded. What that means is that we need more Pokemon and more move sets made. It also means that I should start to work on hosting this project, but my computer isn't set up for that at all.
2. I am working on some dope banner art for this thread, so expect that to be coming out sometime next week.
(Double post to get noticed, same reason as before)

Pyrodo, the Dodo Pokemon
Name Justification: Pyro + Dodo
Type 1: Rock
Type 2: Fire
Ability: Levitate
Hidden Ability: Solar Power
Egg Groups: Mineral and Flying
Evoltution Method: Revive from the Feathered Fossil
HP: 56
Atk: 44
Def: 57
SpAtk: 78
SpDef: 57
Speed: 83
BST: 375
Start - Peck
Start - Morning Sun
5 - Ember
8 - Quick Attack
11 - Rock Throw
15 - Sunny Day
18 - Feather Dance
23 - Incinerate
26 - Weather Ball
30 - Ancient Power
32 - Revenge
36 - Yawn
39 - Air Slash
43 - Power Gem
47 - Flamethrower
50 - Stockpile
50 - Spit Up
50 - Swallow
56 - Stone Edge
60 - Belch
63 - Mirror Move
68 - Inferno
72 - Grudge

02 - Dragon Claw
05 - Roar
06 - Toxic
10 - Hidden Power
11 - Sunny Day
12 - Taunt
17 - Protect
19 - Roost
21 - Frustration
22 - Solar Beam
23 - Smack Down
26 - Earthquake
27 - Return
32 - Double Team
35 - Flamethrower
36 - Sludge Bomb
38 - Fire Blast
39 - Rock Tomb
40 - Aerial Ace
42 - Facade
43 - Flame Charge
44 - Rest
45 - Attract
46 - Thief
48 - Round
50 - Overheat
51 - Steel Wing
59 - Incinerate
61 - Will-O-Wisp
62 - Acrobatics
65 - Shadow Claw
66 - Payback
67 - Retaliate
69 - Rock Polish
70 - Flash
71 - Stone Edge
75 - Swords Dance
77 - Psych Up
78 - Bulldoze
80 - Rock Slide
86 - Grass Knot
87 - Swagger
88 - Sleep Talk
89 - U-Turn
90 - Substitute
ORAS94 - Secret Power
96 - Nature Power
100 - Confide
HM02 - Fly

Knock Off
Dragon Pulse
Heat Wave
Last Resort
Earth Power
Stealth Rock

Flare Blitz (Talonflame)
Dragon Breath (Onix, Aerodactyl, Altaria, Archen)
Revenge (Pyrodo, Farfetch'd, Starly)
Pluck (Pidgey, Spearow, Zubat, etc.)
Bone Rush (Mandibuzz)
Wide Guard (Geodude, Nosepass, Roggenrola, Dwebble, Honedge, Aerodactyl, Wingull)
Ominous Wind (Froslass, Yamask, Pidgey, Spearow, Zubat, Farfetch'd, etc.)
Concept/general Design: It's when a Dodo meets FIRE. These Pokemon lived not very long ago, compared to other fossil Pokemon. They loved being out on hot days, often flying high in hopes of catching more heat, which fails since the sun is actually so far away. However, thanks to their delicious meat, they were overhunted and went extinct about 200 years ago. Many fossils salvaged from them are from Pyrodos that lived thousands of years ago. One interesting thing about these fossils is that Pyrodos revived from them CAN fly, but reports from only 200 years ago said that they were flightless, meaning that for whatever reason, Pyrodos lost their ability to fly over time.

Design wise... it's a dodo with flaming wings and probably some markings or something.
Other Notes/Competitive Use: In LC, Pyrodo is a fast and pretty powerful Special Attacker. Pyrodo is gifted with a decent movepool, consisting of Earth Power, Flaemthrower, the rare Power Gem, Grass Knot, and even Air Slash and Dragon Pulse. In LC, Pyrodo hits the coveted 19 Speed Tier, being able to outspeed almost the whole metagame, which is great for hitting stuff hard and fast. However, Pyrodo, is plagued with a terrible typing, even with Levitate, that gives it thousands of weaknesses, and with only decent bulk, won't last long. Even with these shortcomings, Pyrodo can fill a nice niche as a weather based attacker or just a special attacker.

Blazododo, the Sun Dodo Pokemon
Name Justification: Blaze + Dodo
Type 1: Rock
Type 2: Fire
Ability: Levitate
Hidden Ability: Solar Power
Egg Groups: Mineral and Flying
Evoltution Method: Evolves from Pryodo at Level 40
HP: 76
Atk: 64
Def: 77
SpAtk: 100
SpDef: 87
Speed: 116
BST: 520
Start - Peck
Start - Morning Sun
Start - Razor Wind
Start - Brave Bird
Start - Work Up
Start - Flame Burst
5 - Ember
8 - Quick Attack
11 - Rock Throw
15 - Sunny Day
18 - Feather Dance
23 - Incinerate
26 - Weather Ball
30 - Ancient Power
32 - Air Slash
36 - Yawn
39 - Revenge
40 - Payback
43 - Power Gem
47 - Flamethrower
50 - Stockpile
50 - Spit Up
50 - Swallow
56 - Stone Edge
60 - Belch
63 - Mirror Move
68 - Inferno
72 - Grudge
75 - Natural Gift

02 - Dragon Claw
05 - Roar
06 - Toxic
10 - Hidden Power
11 - Sunny Day
12 - Taunt
15 - Hyper Beam
17 - Protect
19 - Roost
21 - Frustration
22 - Solar Beam
23 - Smack Down
26 - Earthquake
27 - Return
30 - Shadow Ball
32 - Double Team
35 - Flamethrower
36 - Sludge Bomb
38 - Fire Blast
39 - Rock Tomb
40 - Aerial Ace
42 - Facade
43 - Flame Charge
44 - Rest
45 - Attract
46 - Thief
48 - Round
50 - Overheat
51 - Steel Wing
59 - Incinerate
61 - Will-O-Wisp
62 - Acrobatics
65 - Shadow Claw
66 - Payback
67 - Retaliate
68 - Giga Impact
69 - Rock Polish
70 - Flash
71 - Stone Edge
75 - Swords Dance
77 - Psych Up
78 - Bulldoze
80 - Rock Slide
86 - Grass Knot
87 - Swagger
88 - Sleep Talk
89 - U-Turn
90 - Substitute
XY94 / ORASHM06 - Rock Smash
ORAS94 - Secret Power
96 - Nature Power
100 - Confide
HM02 - Fly

Knock Off
Dragon Pulse
Heat Wave
Last Resort
Earth Power
Sky Attack
Stealth Rock

Flare Blitz (Talonflame)
Dragon Breath (Onix, Aerodactyl, Altaria, Archen)
Revenge (Pyrodo, Farfetch'd, Starly)
Pluck (Pidgey, Spearow, Zubat, etc.)
Bone Rush (Mandibuzz)
Wide Guard (Geodude, Nosepass, Roggenrola, Dwebble, Honedge, Aerodactyl, Wingull)
Ominous Wind (Froslass, Yamask, Pidgey, Spearow, Zubat, Farfetch'd, etc.)
Concept/general Design: These big birds roamed the skies, watching over the young Pyrodo in large groups up until 200 years ago, where, like Pyrodo, they were overhunted. Reports also note that these Pokemon had battles with Ancient Pokemon like Archeops, however, this hasn't been proven as nobody knows how far back the earliest fossils trace back to.

Design wise, bigger, more regal dodo with flaming wings. These wings are bigger than real dodo wings, enabling flight.
Other Notes/Competitive Use: Despite having one of the worst typings in the game, Blazododo can still function as a fast and powerful Special Attacker. With 100 Special Attack and blazing 116 Speed, Blazododo can outspeed and deal heavy damage to many, many Pokemon, like Serperior and Charizard. Blazododo also sports a nice Special movepool to use it's 100 SpAtk with, like Power Gem, Flamethrower, Earth Power, Air Slash, Shadow Ball, and Dragon Pulse. Blazododo also get two pretty good abilities in Levitate to negate a crippling Ground weakness and Solar Power to boost power in the sun, and is the fastest Pokemon with Solar Power without wasting a Mega slot. However, Blazododo's typing leaves it 4x weak to Scald and Aqua Jet, weak to Stealth Rock, and weak to priority such as Mach Punch. The only good thing, defensively, about Blazododo's typing is that it's a great Talonflame check, especially against Specially Defensive.

Special Attacker:
Blazododo @ Stone Plate
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Power Gem
- Flamethrower
- Earth Power
- Roost / U-Turn / Grass Knot

Solar Powered Nuke
Blazododo @ Heat Rock
Ability: Solar Power
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Power Gem / Solar Beam
- Flamethrower / Weather Ball
- Earth Power
- Sunny Day

(Other Options: Dragon Pulse for Lati@s, Shadow Ball and/or Sludge Bomb if your team needs coverage, Air Slash for Keldeo outside of Sun)

Hyperat - Egg Group: Field

Start - Giga Impact (Move Reminder)
Start - Hyper Beam (Move Remnder)
Start - Scratch
Start - Leer
Start - Growl
Start - Astonish
5 - Focus Energy
9 - Quick Attack
13 - Psych Up
15 - Bite
17 - Hyper Fang
20 - Detect
24 - Work Up
27 - Crunch
30 - Thrash
34 - Switcheroo
37 - Poison Jab
41 - Mimic
45 - Endure
50 - Giga Impact
50 - Hyper Beam
56 - Outrage
59 - Extrasensory

01 - Hone Claws
05 - Roar
06 - Toxic
10 - Hidden Power
11 - Sunny Day
12 - Taunt
13 - Ice Beam
14 - Blizzard
15 - Hyper Beam
17 - Protect
18 - Rain Dance
21 - Frustration
24 - Thunderbolt
27 - Return
28 - Dig
30 - Shadow Ball
32 - Double Team
35 - Flamethrower
36 - Sludge Bomb
39 - Rock Tomb
40 - Aerial Ace
41 - Torment
42 - Facade
44 - Rest
45 - Attract
46 - Thief
48 - Round
49 - Echoed Voice
54 - False Swipe
56 - Fling
57 - Charge Beam
65 - Shadow Claw
67 - Retaliate
68 - Giga Impact
73 - Thunder Wave
75 - Swords Dance
77 - Psych Up
84 - Poison Jab
87 - Swagger
88 - Sleep Talk
89 - U-Turn - Only considering. I think it might be a little broken on it
90 - Substitute
93 - Wild Charge
XY94 / ORASHM06 - Rock Smash
ORAS94 - Secret Power
95 - Snarl
100 - Confide
HM01 - Cut
HMO4 - Strength


Knock Off
Super Fang

Iron Tail
Aqua Tail
Last Resort
Hyper Voice

Foul Play
After You
Helping Hand
Icy Wind

Eerie Impulse (Wooper, Mareep, Electrike, Shinx, Dedenne)
Rock Wrecker (Rhyperior)
Rock Climb (Everything that learns the Gen 4 HM and is in the Field Egg Group)
Feint (Pikachu, Meowth, Sneasel, Houndour, Torchic, Zangoose, etc.)
Me First (Rattata, Sentret, Stantler, Poochyena, Absol, Buizel, Lucario, Blitzle, Krookodile, Miefoo, Pancham)
Poison Fang (Seviper, Ekans, Poochyena, Mawile)
Nightmare (Meowth, Aipom, Espeon, Umbreon, Girafarig, Dunsparce, Sneasel, Houndour, Stantler, Spinda, Absol, Munna)
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I see that this thread has only about 3 different people posting on it. I'd just like to let you know, if you want any Pokémon concepts based on certain abilities or moves I can make a concept for them just not the art for them, I'm not that good at pixel art. I can provide a rough description of them though, for anyone who is good at making sprites. In the meantime I can help out with movesets, and I'm open for any suggestions on how to improve the ones I
submit ;)
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