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How good I need to be to make it to high ladder in OU ? I am always stuck in like 1550 to 1600+ Elo. That frustrates me quite a bit so I wanted to ask you if you could give me any tips to ladder better.
How good I need to be to make it to high ladder in OU ? I am always stuck in like 1550 to 1600+ Elo. That frustrates me quite a bit so I wanted to ask you if you could give me any tips to ladder better.

Most games with a ranked ladder really just become a grind-fest after a certain rating. Maybe you simply don't play enough?
Most games with a ranked ladder really just become a grind-fest after a certain rating. Maybe you simply don't play enough?

Yeah but doesn't it take skill to be really high ? That is why I'm asking for tips. Also I play OU alot maybe 50 - 100 games a day. But what I idiot usually do is this: If an alt has reached like 1600 or even close to 1600 ELO I get so terrified at tilting so once I hit that I make a new alt. But if anyone has tips how to make it to high ladder I would highly appreciate those tips :) thanks in advance.
There will always be single individuals who stand out even amongst the top, but usually you can only be so good mechanically at a game. Imagine it like stairs, you need an increasing amount of "skill", to reach rating X, than it stays rather flat or has only slight ups/downs for a while, when most (!) games are decided by comps, RNG, etc. and then the graph does an insanely steep jump up again when it's about being the absolute Elite.

About ladder anxiety, the only tip I can give you is to stop caring. As stupid as that sounds. There is no "elo hell", there are no benefits, nothing. You know, and the game files have saved, what your max rating was, so even if you drop down to 1k, what does it matter? You made it up once, you can simply play it up again. And if losing doesn't matter, all you can do, is win.
There will always be single individuals who stand out even amongst the top, but usually you can only be so good mechanically at a game. Imagine it like stairs, you need an increasing amount of "skill", to reach rating X, than it stays rather flat or has only slight ups/downs for a while, when most (!) games are decided by comps, RNG, etc. and then the graph does an insanely steep jump up again when it's about being the absolute Elite.

About ladder anxiety, the only tip I can give you is to stop caring. As stupid as that sounds. There is no "elo hell", there are no benefits, nothing. You know, and the game files have saved, what your max rating was, so even if you drop down to 1k, what does it matter? You made it up once, you can simply play it up again. And if losing doesn't matter, all you can do, is win.

Thanks for the words dude. I hustled myself because I was thinking ELO = Skill but in Pokemon there are some factors like hax that you cannot simply control. I'mma start no to care much about that.
Thanks for the words dude. I hustled myself because I was thinking ELO = Skill but in Pokemon there are some factors like hax that you cannot simply control. I'mma start no to care much about that.

Haha, don't worry, it's the same in every game tbh. I work in Blizzard eSports, and you can see it amongst the top 8 teams all the time. MECHANICALLY they're all roughly the same (like I said, some single individuals stand out, but overall there's not MUCH of a difference), the rest is just reading the metagame, being lucky with counterpicks (or checks in Pokemon), and sometimes also (sadly) RNG
Thanks for the words dude. I hustled myself because I was thinking ELO = Skill but in Pokemon there are some factors like hax that you cannot simply control. I'mma start no to care much about that.
If you want a more accurate measure of skill, you should take a look at GXE rather than Elo. Elo can be affected by lots of factors, and especially right at the very top you have to keep winning every game to retain your ELO due to a single loss pushing you down into the 1900s again. In a world where every competitive player played on the ladder (this doesn't happen) you would notice that the best players at the ladder meta (which is different to the tour meta due to various factors such as counter-styling not being present on the ladder and, as such, more well-rounded teams being rewarded more than good counter-styles that would fall flat vs. a random opponent are) would be the players with the highest GXE rating rather than the highest ELO rating, because ELO can be artificially inflated by playing a lot as well as being affected by decay whereas GXE can't be artificially inflated and is not susceptible to decaying.
So I know that the Mega Pinsir+Dragonite birdspam team that's been going around runs Choice Band on Talonflame, but on other teams, what's the Talonflame set(s) du jour? I suspect that that one team is skewing the usage stats, which I would otherwise just look at.
So I know that the Mega Pinsir+Dragonite birdspam team that's been going around runs Choice Band on Talonflame, but on other teams, what's the Talonflame set(s) du jour? I suspect that that one team is skewing the usage stats, which I would otherwise just look at.
generally speaking spdef sd (sometimes bu) is the most common/viable set.
there was a stall team with no megas that actually peaked pretty high, known as hardpuzzle stall since thats the guy that made it. this was almost 2 years ago though and ive never seen him on the ladder since. all replays are of people beating him since he never saved replays either. as for tours success, idt there is anything at all. he was also the guy that always said "fuck the critics" whenever anything got crit which might ring a bell.

team is amoonguss / ttar / slowbro / skarmory / chansey / clefable
Should special attackers that run U-turn solely for pivoting purposes (i.e; Mega Pidgeot, AV Tornadus-T w/o Superpower) run 0 or 31 Atk IVs?
There really aren't a lot of foul play users in OU, more often than not you'll just be better off getting as much damage as you can from u-turn. The chip damage will come in handy far more often than the ability to switch in to or stay in on a foul play user.
Hey guys,

So I'm new to team building and would really love some help.

Right now I'm building a team around Mega Medicham and Chandelure with my friend since these are our two favorite pokemon.

The sets we used are the Fake Out, non-bulk up Medicham, and specs Chandelure, any idea how we should go about building this team?

I believe we want the team to either be categorized as full HO or bulky offense.

I've been trying to use mons not normally used in OU, but any suggestions are helpful since recommending OU mons can also spark ideas for other mons as well.
Hey guys,

So I'm new to team building and would really love some help.

Right now I'm building a team around Mega Medicham and Chandelure with my friend since these are our two favorite pokemon.

The sets we used are the Fake Out, non-bulk up Medicham, and specs Chandelure, any idea how we should go about building this team?

I believe we want the team to either be categorized as full HO or bulky offense.

I've been trying to use mons not normally used in OU, but any suggestions are helpful since recommending OU mons can also spark ideas for other mons as well.
Hello and welcome to Smogon!

Mega Medicham and Specs Chandelure, while very powerful, are both pretty slow: Medicham, the faster of the two, caps out at 328 Speed, much less than other prominent threats like Tornadus-T and Mega Lopunny. This means that these two Pokémon will struggle against opposing offense.

To fix this, the optimal solution would be to add a faster Pokémon. Scarf Tyranitar comes to mind because it stops Lati@s and Talonflame (and Gengar, which singlehandedly beats these two Pokémon) from doing what they want, but of course you can experiment with Pursuit trappers in lower tiers.

You might also want a hazard remover due to Chandelure's weakness to SR. I'd say that you should consider it more if you plan on using a more bulky team. A Dragon-type such as Latios or the uncommon Salamence might do the job well.

Against stall, you'll want to find a slot for Trick on Chandelure if you haven't already. Stall will always switch in Chansey against Chandelure, and Tricking it a Choice item basically makes it deadweight.

Chandelure is vulnerable to Pursuit trapping (although it avoids Arena Trap by virtue of its Ghost typing), so you might want to use a Pokémon that can set up on Choice locked Pursuit. There are some anti-meta Pokémon that do this job and are pretty good. An example is SD Lucario:

Lucario @ Life Orb
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
-Swords Dance
-Close Combat
-Extreme Speed

The idea is to come in on a Tyranitar after it traps Chandelure, set up, and win. Crunch is to beat Slowbro, one of the biggest obstacles in Mega Medicham's way. Extreme Speed allows Lucario to beat some offensive Pokémon after a bit of prior damage.

I hope I was helpful!
Which is the Better Set Banded Talonflame or Bulky Talonflame

So this guy on the Amino app says that Banded Flame Is better than Bulky Flame.

I say they preform the same roles but Banded has immediate power.

Bulky has more survivability in roost and no recoil, support in will o wisp, and sweeps/revenge kills with gale wings + Swords Dance or Bulk Up
Welcome to Smogon!
How do I gain the ability to make a thread here?
Tbh it's less about "gaining the ability" to post a thread than having a good resource/thread idea. If you have a good idea for a thread, ask a mod if you can post it. (Seeing as SM is coming soon, now might not be the best time.)
Which is the Better Set Banded Talonflame or Bulky Talonflame

So this guy on the Amino app says that Banded Flame Is better than Bulky Flame.

I say they preform the same roles but Banded has immediate power.

Bulky has more survivability in roost and no recoil, support in will o wisp, and sweeps/revenge kills with gale wings + Swords Dance or Bulk Up
First of all, they don't perform the same roles. Bulky Talonflame is a bad revenge killer unless it's facing something either weak to Flying or weakened. Its niche is in breaking defensive teams with Bulk Up/Taunt or offensive teams with SD. CB Talonflame, on the other hand, is a revenge killer, but it's pretty lackluster outside of that (although it does hit hard, it gives free turns to most resists).

Also, don't double post. Please use the Edit button.
Welcome to Smogon!

Tbh it's less about "gaining the ability" to post a thread than having a good resource/thread idea. If you have a good idea for a thread, ask a mod if you can post it. (Seeing as SM is coming soon, now might not be the best time.)

First of all, they don't perform the same roles. Bulky Talonflame is a bad revenge killer unless it's facing something either weak to Flying or weakened. Its niche is in breaking defensive teams with Bulk Up/Taunt or offensive teams with SD. CB Talonflame, on the other hand, is a revenge killer, but it's pretty lackluster outside of that (although it does hit hard, it gives free turns to most resists).

Also, don't double post. Please use the Edit button.
Ok thanks
so I understand the basics of competetive pokemon, I think... But how do you git gud? (without having to join the tutoring program since, I don't have time and only play in weekends.