Pokemon Sun and Moon Demo Datamine + Full Game Leaks Collection (Read the OP)

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anyone else think we're gonna see some tier drops of klefki because of aurora veil
it might work both ways though so it would also affect your mons
if thats how it works i can only see it being useful for toxic stalls

At this point, it's too much of a coincidence to dismiss it.
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At this point, it's too much of a coincidence to dismiss it.
I really don't see Hala in the 8th one at all. It feels even more a stretch than Faba as the weird bamboo one

I mean, I'm sure most of these are based on characters, if absolutely nothing else UB01 & Beuty prove that, just not based on one we've necessarily seen.

Really curious as to how the story plays out and why they seem to purposely be imitating people. pod people plotline?
Well frankly I'm much more disappointed in the leak than I am enthusiastic. First of all, Alolan Persian might be the single worst Pokemon they've ever created - maybe I'm exaggerating in the moment because I was excited about how it could turn out, but it's just plain awful. I thought maybe Persian would be a bit more sharp and sinister, but nope it just gets an awkward inflated head. It's weird coming from XY where arguably two of the best dark types came to life and coming to Sun and Moon, which seem determined to make every dark type fat, ugly, or an unwanted bipedal luchador (ok well that's 3 Pokemon and I can't bash Muk). Secondly, I really hope there's more to the Alolan dex because it wasn't very large and there's a few peculiarities in regards to the actual Alola Pokemon like Komala not having an evolution. Lastly, if ultra beasts are catchable, it's going to be hugely disappointing to me (though things seem to suggest that fear is nothing to lose sleep over).

On the other hand, Salandit's evolution, Alolan Dugtrio, and Marshadow were entertaining reveals. A worthy evolution for a cool unique new Pokemon, a very unironically funny joke, and a creepy little surprise of a tertiary legendary.
The Anchor Pokemon (Water/Ghost seems likely, but it could be water/steel?) reminds me of a touhou character, meaning I have several new pokemon i am gonna name after Touhous. (Seriously. ICE/FAIRY NINEtales. The name writes itself) and are we positive it is a Diving Bell Spider and not a Japanese Spider Crab Metroid? 'cus a Spider Crab was the first thing i thought of when I saw it.

Also: Does anyone think it is possible that Crabrawler uses the Ice Stone to evolve? If they change it so that eevee evolves into Glaceon with it (and Leafeon with the leaf stone) then that, Yetibrawler and Alolan Ninetales would make 3, which is the amount of etone evolutions they started with.


It's confirmed Ultra beasts are capturable. We have the complete Dex of new Pokemon in our hands. There are no missing Pokemon from what was datamined.
Well, if the guardians follow the Oricorio Typing, we have a psychic type mon that is imune to Sucker Punch and Shadow Sneak. That's neat.

As for the cloudy thing and the... space orb (?), I think it's not a Pre-Evo. Wouldn't make much sense for legendaries to have pre evos, much less shared ones. Perhaps it's a Phione thing or the Stones from B/W. Or a failed clone to the legendaries/Legendaries are a stronger clone. Given how much new stuff they gave us it's probably something entirely new.

As for Ultra Bests' Sprites; correct me if I'm wrong but don't we have Az-Floette's Sprite, even if it's unobtainable?
Can somebody explain what's going on with Alolan Golem? Are the things on its back and the little yellow dots on Golem and Graveler for electricity generation? Does it build static electricity using the newfound hairiness of its face? If it's not electric I have literally no idea what's happening.
Can somebody explain what's going on with Alolan Golem? Are the things on its back and the little yellow dots on Golem and Graveler for electricity generation? Does it build static electricity using the newfound hairiness of its face? If it's not electric I have literally no idea what's happening.
Nobody knows....I would love for it to be Electric/Fighting, but that's probably just a pipe dream.
I don't get why some people are mad that you can catch the Ultra Beasts. These things are probably the coolest, most unsettling, and best-designed creatures of the Gen (and possibly the past few Gens). Being able to use them is kickass.
Because they are eldritch horrors basically. Cosmic entities that should not BE in that plane of existence, yet are. Totally alien, in all manner of speaking, to that reality. It doesn't seem right to be able to capture them, since they should be completely incompatible with anything that the world produces.
I don't get why some people are mad that you can catch the Ultra Beasts. These things are probably the coolest, most unsettling, and best-designed creatures of the Gen (and possibly the past few Gens). Being able to use them is kickass.
Although I love that we can use them, being able to use them makes them feel less mysterious. Catching them with Pokeballs makes them feel like Pokemon. Edlritch Pokemon from another world, but still Pokemon.
man we catch a friggin creator god (Arceus) and embodiments of space and time (Dialga/Palkia) and guardians from other dimensions (Giratina) and somehow eldritch horrors (hell we don't even know if they're from another dimension-which Palkia/Dialga/Arceus/Giratina are, to an extent) is what breaks the setting?
Well, perhaps the Ultra Beasts can't be simply caught by normal means. Perhaps Pokéballs don't work for them and we will get some kind of item at some point to capture them and prevent them from spreading chaos? Or maybe we will get an approach more akin to the classic RPGs in which we can befriend them and later summon and control them? Those two options would make them different from simple "pocket monsters".
Although I love that we can use them, being able to use them makes them feel less mysterious. Catching them with Pokeballs makes them feel like Pokemon. Edlritch Pokemon from another world, but still Pokemon.
That's probably how you're supposed to think of them by the time you can catch them.

Despite their looks, despite their origins, they're still pokemon. I'm sure there will be a feel-good moral to all of this

Can't wait to feed my living wire man beans
Because they are eldritch horrors basically. Cosmic entities that should not BE in that plane of existence, yet are. Totally alien, in all manner of speaking, to that reality. It doesn't seem right to be able to capture them, since they should be completely incompatible with anything that the world produces.
This is a franchise where you can own God, and you already can catch a similar Eldritch-lite horror from another dimension (Giratina).

It's confirmed Ultra beasts are capturable. We have the complete Dex of new Pokemon in our hands. There are no missing Pokemon from what was datamined.

Why should I trust what polygon, a site known for its shitty clickbait articles second only to kotaku, claims, given that they have a reputation for presenting speculation as fact just to get more hits?
If this was true I would've expected every other news site to have posted about it.

I still don't think they are catchable.
I don't get why some people are mad that you can catch the Ultra Beasts. These things are probably the coolest, most unsettling, and best-designed creatures of the Gen (and possibly the past few Gens). Being able to use them is kickass.

Because they really push the boundaries on what a pokemon can look like. Like Pillar Arms and the Evangelion looking one, there's no pokemon that looks remotely like this stuff, they look more like something out of another game. Even without using the classic 'ITS A DIGIMON!' argument I think no one would deny that, 6 months ago, if you posted a picture of these things and told people they were pokemon that they'd have called you a liar. Some people just don't want pokemon to go down that road and would prefer that gamefreak kept pokemon designs more tightly bound to more 'classical' aesthetic tropes of the franchise (ie animals, mythical creatures, humanshapes, cuteblobs, and objectmons)
man we catch a friggin creator god (Arceus) and embodiments of space and time (Dialga/Palkia) and guardians from other dimensions (Giratina) and somehow eldritch horrors (hell we don't even know if they're from another dimension-which Palkia/Dialga/Arceus/Giratina are, to an extent) is what breaks the setting?
Besides, Yamasks are dead human so it's not the first time Humans are catchable (Sort of)
Remember the alternate forms of Solgaleo and Lunaala?
Although minor, these forms weren't included in the demo.
Solgaleo and Lunala temporarily assume these formes when they use their sig moves, then revert back to their regular forme (or at least, in Solgaleo's case). The reason why it's not in the demo is because it's part of an animation, not a separate model

The problem I have most is that they're probably not even pokemon, they're people. UB01 is confirmed to be Lilly, Beauty is basically confirmed to be Lusamine, and Absorption is most likely Gladion. Why would you be able to capture these things? Not to mention, the electic cable guy looks like Guzma. If you capture them, that's like human enslavement. It makes much more sense if you can just summon them in game.
Um No, they are not confirmed to people. That's just speculation at this point.
idk if someone already noted this in this thread, but the demo contained the regional dex and related dex sprites rather than the national dex. There could possibly be cross gen evolutions only indexed in the national dex as there were in D/P.

It's a pretty big stretch since they haven't made a new cross gen evo in 10 years, but not wholly impossible.
The problem I have most is that they're probably not even pokemon, they're people. UB01 is confirmed to be Lilly, Beauty is basically confirmed to be Lusamine, and Absorption is most likely Gladion. Why would you be able to capture these things? Not to mention, the electic cable guy looks like Guzma. If you capture them, that's like human enslavement. It makes much more sense if you can just summon them in game.
Then again, Kadabra's Dex Entry says it is a kid who woke up as a kadabra, Yamasks are dead human, phantump are kids who died in the woods and so on.
idk if someone already noted this in this thread, but the demo contained the regional dex and related dex sprites rather than the national dex. There could possibly be cross gen evolutions only indexed in the national dex as there were in D/P.

It's a pretty big stretch since they haven't made a new cross gen evo in 10 years, but not wholly impossible.
They also clearly recognized it was a mistake to exclude those cross gen evos in the dex since Platinum immediately integrated them into the new pokedex

also man that is such a bummer of a regional dex. ~305 pokemon in it, 8 of them likely post-game ultra beasts (& 2 definitely mythical pokemon). Why would you step back from XY's pokedex. ORAS at least had the (flimsy) excuse of being a RSE remake
This is a franchise where you can own God, and you already can catch a similar Eldritch-lite horror from another dimension (Giratina).
Both are pretty connected to the World of Pokemon though. They have always existed in it (yes, even Giratina) and play by the rules of that dimension.

Ultra Beasts are not. They are completely alien to the world. Pokeballs should not work on them because their biology should be incompatible.

Then again, Kadabra's Dex Entry says it is a kid who woke up as a kadabra, Yamasks are dead human, phantump are kids who died in the woods and so on.
Slight nitpick: the Kadabra is said to be a story, so it may not be true.
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